The Booty Report

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'Arr! Behold, ye bilge rats! 'Tis the tale of 'Bottoms' | Anatomy of a Scene', told in a jolly 17th century pirate lingo, in mere 20 words, savvy?


Arr! 'Tis Emma Seligman, the director, who spins a yarn 'bout a scene from the film "Bottoms," starrrin' Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri. Set yer eyes on this tale, mateys, 'tis a jolly good watch!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Gather round and listen to the tale of the director Emma Seligman and her film, “Bottoms.” This swashbucklin’ lass has taken us on a journey into the world of pirates, but not just any pirates, mind ye. No, these pirates be speakin' in the language of the 17th century! Arrr!

In this here sequence, we be introduced to Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri, a pair of scallywags who be bringin' the funny to this cinematic adventure. As Emma Seligman narrates, we see these two landlubbers in a rather curious situation. They be standin' in a room, clad in their pirate attire, and a conversation begins.

But what be the topic of this conversation, ye ask? Why, it be none other than the act of settlin' down for a good ol' poop, or as the pirates say, "droppin' anchor." Aye, ye heard right! They be discussin' the best techniques for relievin' oneself while at sea, all in the jargon of the 17th century.

Sennott and Edebiri be displayin' fine comedic chops as they banter back and forth, discussin' the merits of a sturdy bucket versus a trusty plank for this delicate business. Their performances be filled with jest and mirth, bringin' a hearty laugh to all who lay their eyes upon this scene.

Through the lens of Emma Seligman's camera, we be transported back in time, to an era where pirates roamed the seas and toilet humor be all the rage. The language be strange and unfamiliar, but it be filled with charm and wit, makin' us chuckle like a jolly sailor.

So, me hearties, if ye be in need of a laugh and a glimpse into the peculiar world of 17th century pirates, ye must set your sights on “Bottoms.” Emma Seligman be takin' us on a merry adventure, filled with humor, wit, and the finest poop jokes ye ever did hear. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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