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Arr! Ye see, me hearties, in Venice, Emma Stone be struttin' about like a peculiar Barbie wench in 'Poor Things'!


Arrr, mateys! Behold the uproarious tale spun by Yorgos Lanthimos ('The Favourite')! Stone be portrayin' a lass of curious desires, her mind akin to a wee babe. Prepare to laugh, me hearties, as ye embark on this wild voyage of comedy!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Set yer eyes on the latest spectacle from the esteemed Yorgos Lanthimos, a wild new comedy that'll be sending ye into fits of laughter. And who better to lead this raucous adventure than the delightful Emma Stone, known for her mesmerizing performances in “The Favourite” and many other fine productions?

In this hilarious tale, Stone takes on the role of a woman who be embarking on a most peculiar sexual quest. But here's the twist, me hearties, this bold lass has the mind of an infant! Aye, ye heard me right! Stone's character be having the body of a grown woman, but her thoughts be trapped in the realm of infancy.

Now, me mateys, picture the mayhem that unfolds as this curious soul wanders the treacherous waters of her own desires, with the mind of a child guiding her way. This be a proper recipe for a comedy of epic proportions! Imagine the bewildered faces of her suitors as they try to navigate the choppy seas of her innocence.

But fear not, me hearties! For Stone be a capable actress, known for her impeccable comedic timing and natural charm. Her portrayal of this sexually inquisitive, yet intellectually undeveloped character promises to tickle yer funny bones. And let us not forget the masterful touch of Lanthimos, who be known for his quirky and unconventional storytelling.

So, me hearties, gather yer crew and prepare to set sail on a cinematic escapade like no other! “The Favourite” be but a mere taste of the wonders that await ye in this rollicking adventure. Be sure to batten down the hatches and hold onto yer seats, for this comedy be bound to leave ye in stitches! Arr!

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