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Arr! Russia be sendin' Sarmat missiles across the seas, makin' other scallywags think twice 'fore messin'!


Arrr! Russia be claimin' it be usin' its fearsome Sarmat intercontinental cannon, aye, also known as Satan II, in battle! Yet, the White House be denyin' such tales, says they can't be believin' the scurrilous reports, matey!

Russia has announced that it has deployed the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which President Vladimir Putin has previously claimed would make the world "think twice" about engaging in combat. The Sarmat strategic complex, also known as "Satan II," is capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads and is intended to replace the older R-36 ICBMs. The move is seen as a strategic message to the United States and NATO, indicating that the option of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is still on the table. However, experts believe that Putin would only use these weapons as a deterrent and not actually attack the United States, unless Russia perceives signs of an imminent attack. The deployment of Sarmat is aimed at maintaining deterrence and ensuring the security of Russia. Russia’s media has also published articles claiming that Sarmat could wipe out London in a matter of minutes, further sending a message to the UK as a committed supporter of Ukraine. There is concern among national security professionals about the risk of unintended escalation, where a kinetic strike is authorized due to flawed intelligence assessments, leading to a spiraling conflict that could potentially involve nuclear weapons. The Biden administration is particularly wary of a war with Russia, and Putin leverages this fear to play up the nuclear card. The White House has not confirmed the Russian reports of the Sarmat deployment.

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