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Avast ye landlubbers! Ukraine be clappin' chains on the ol' swindler Ihor Kolomoisky fer his corrupt antics!


Avast ye scallywags! Capturing Ihor Kolomoisky be a jolly good move by Ukraine, as they be crackin' down on corruption and seekin' to woo the European Union. Arrr, me hearties, they be showin' off their clean pirate ship to join the fancy EU crew!

Avast ye landlubbers! Ukraine be clappin' chains on the ol' swindler Ihor Kolomoisky fer his corrupt antics!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for there be news from the land of Ukraine! 'Tis a tale of corruption and punishment, told in the tongue of a 17th-century pirate, for our amusement and merriment.

Ye see, me mateys, this fella named Ihor Kolomoisky, a man of questionable character, has found himself in a spot of trouble. The land of Ukraine, it seems, be cracking down on the scurvy dogs who engage in the vile act of graft. They be wanting to prove themselves to the fine folks of the European Union, hopin' to join their ranks someday.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this graft be all about. Well, me hearties, it be the act of taking what ain't rightfully yours. Ye snatch the treasure from the coffers of the land, fillin' yer own pockets with gold and silver. 'Tis a dastardly deed, indeed!

So, the powers that be in Ukraine, they be thinkin' that this Kolomoisky fella be involved in such mischief. They be detainin' him, makin' it clear that they won't stand for this kind of behavior. They be sayin', "Listen here, ye scallywag, we be settin' an example for all ye other pirates out there."

But, me hearties, let us not forget the humorous side to this tale. Just picture this Kolomoisky, all dressed up like a proper pirate, with an eyepatch and a parrot on his shoulder. Arr, it be a sight to behold! The land of Ukraine be sendin' a message to the European Union, sayin', "Look at us, mates! We be serious about fightin' corruption, but we ain't afraid to have a laugh along the way!"

So, me hearties, let us raise a tankard of rum to the fine people of Ukraine and their efforts to rid the seas of corruption. May they find the treasure they be searchin' for and sail smoothly into the arms of the European Union. Yo ho ho!

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