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Avast ye scurvy dogs! In eastern Burma, a fearsome drone ambush be takin' down 5 souls, includin' a high rankin' navy swashbuckler!


Arrr! Thar be a dastardly tale to tell, mateys! In the faraway land of Burma, a fearsome drone swooped from the sky, takin' the lives of five officials! Aye, even a mighty army leader met his unfortunate end in this treacherous assault!

A drone attack on a police headquarters in eastern Burma has resulted in the deaths of at least five officials, including a senior army officer and a district administrator. The attack, which occurred in two stages on Sunday evening, is believed to be one of the deadliest aerial bombings targeting high-ranking security and administrative officials since the military seized power in February 2021. The takeover sparked nationwide protests, leading to the formation of armed resistance groups, including the People's Defense Force (PDF), which is aligned with major ethnic guerrilla groups seeking greater autonomy. The PDF, along with the ethnic Karen armed groups, claimed responsibility for the attack. The casualties included the battalion commander and a traffic police officer who died in the hospital after the attack, as well as the district administrator, his aide-de-camp, and a clerk who died on the spot. Ten other officials were being treated in various hospitals. The military information office acknowledged injuries but did not mention any deaths. Drones have become crucial for the resistance forces, allowing them to target military locations accurately. The Federal Wings, responsible for the attack, warned civil servants and residents to stay away from government offices and military outposts for their own safety, emphasizing that their targets were solely armed security forces.

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