The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! A scurvy deed be done 'pon the grounds of Albuquerque's baseball arena! An 11-year-old lad be taken to Davy Jones' locker, and a maiden be wounded.


Avast ye, me hearties! The scurvy dogs from the Albuquerque Police Department be tellin' tales of a mighty brawl outside the Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park in Albuquerque. 'Tis a sorrowful tale indeed, for 'twas a wee lad of 11 winters who met his untimely end. Arrr, the sea be a cruel mistress!

A tragic shooting occurred near a minor league baseball stadium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, resulting in the death of an 11-year-old boy and critical injury to an adult. The incident took place on Avenida Cesar Chavez near University Blvd, outside the Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park. The Albuquerque Police Department stated that multiple rounds were fired by a suspect at around 8:44 p.m. during a game played by the Albuquerque Isotopes. Fortunately, several police officers were already at the venue and were able to respond quickly.

Upon arrival at the scene, law enforcement officers discovered the young boy deceased inside a vehicle and a woman in her 20s who had also been shot and was in critical condition. It is unclear whether the two victims are related. The police chief, Harold Medina, referred to the shooter as "brazen" due to the presence of officers and other individuals in the immediate area. The investigation is ongoing, and no suspects or persons of interest have been apprehended yet.

The vicinity of the shooting includes several notable locations such as the University of New Mexico campus, University Stadium, McKinnon Tennis Stadium, Santa Ana Star Field, and the University of New Mexico Track & Field and Soccer Complex. The area was closed off to the public following the incident.

Authorities are urging anyone with information regarding the case to come forward and assist in the investigation. Meanwhile, the Reno Aces, the visiting team, emerged victorious with a 7-5 win in Wednesday night's game. As this story continues to develop, further updates are expected.

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