Avast ye scallywags! Yon lassie, kin of a brave FDNY hero slain on 9/11, reckon her pop be chattin' 'cross the veil with ghostly pennies from above!
Avast ye hearties! Young Tillie Geidel Conklin, ye daughter of the valiant New York City firefighter Gary Geidel, slain on that fateful day o' 9/11, be convinced that her dear ol' pop still communes with her, bequeathin' her with unearthly abundance of pennies. Arrr, aye, 'tis a ghostly treasure indeed!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, it seems that the daughter of a heroic firefighter who lost his life on September 11, 2001, believes that pennies appearing mysteriously are signs from her father's spirit. Tillie Geidel Conklin, now 28 and married, has been documenting these spine-tingling discoveries on her Instagram account. She has garnered attention and inspired faith from strangers and skeptics alike. Conklin recalls her final memory of her father, where he hugged and kissed her and her mother before leaving for work. The grief she has experienced since that moment is evident in her social media posts. Her father, Gary Geidel, was a Marine Corps veteran and a member of the elite Rescue 1 unit in the FDNY. He was among the 343 firefighters who lost their lives while responding to the World Trade Center attacks. Conklin's Instagram is filled with memories of her father, as well as stories of pennies appearing at significant times and places. She believes these pennies are her father's way of communicating with her and letting her know he loves her. Some may dismiss these occurrences as coincidences, but Conklin sees them as signs from her father. She has shared her story through a self-published book and donates the proceeds to support the families of fallen first responders. Conklin also hopes to keep the memory of September 11 alive for future generations, as she feels it is her responsibility to share her story. Despite her grief, her faith in Jesus Christ gives her hope that she will be reunited with her father someday.
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