The Booty Report

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Avast ye, mateys! A scallywag from Florida be sailin' his stolen contraption straight into Walmart, says the law!


Avast ye scallywags! Jesse Charles Smith be caught red-handed for pilferin' an excavator and wreakin' havoc on power poles afore rammin' straight into a Walmart in Gainesville, Florida!

A Florida man, Jesse Charles Smith, was arrested after causing chaos with a stolen excavator and crashing into a Walmart. The incident began when Smith drove the stolen heavy machinery through a storage unit in southwest Gainesville. He then proceeded to take a joyride around the area, knocking down power poles along the way. Finally, Smith smashed the excavator through the wall of a Walmart on SW 42nd Street.

Photos shared by the Gainesville Police Department on social media showcased the extensive damage caused by the excavator during Smith's alleged joyride. Fortunately, no injuries were reported in either the initial rampage or the Walmart crash.

In another bizarre Florida crime story, Smith's arrest comes after he allegedly posed as a high schooler in Tavares. It seems Smith has a penchant for trouble, as he was previously arrested for flaunting a stolen Mercedes online following a spate of car break-ins.

It remains unclear where the excavator was stolen from initially. Smith now faces numerous charges, including grand theft, resisting an officer without violence, trespassing, and criminal mischief for damaging property. He is currently held in Alachua County jail.

This pirate-like escapade adds to the long list of strange and entertaining Florida crime stories. Smith's reckless joyride in a stolen excavator serves as a reminder that truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

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