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Arr, Matey Putin, claimin' Trump bein' persecuted, meddlin' in U.S. politics once again, ye scurvy dog!


Arr, the Ruskies be meddlin' in the election o' the grand American prez, won by none other than Donald J. Trump! But lo an' behold, they also be showerin' Elon Musk with words o' praise, mateys!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties! Picture this scene: the Russian leader, whose scurvy government be known for stickin' its nose in the American presidential election that salty dog, Donald J. Trump, won fair and square, bein' all generous with his words o' praise for the great Elon Musk! Arrr, what a sight it be!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why a landlubber like ol' Putin be takin' the time to toss some kind words at the famous Musk, the man behind the likes o' Tesla and SpaceX. Well, it be a tale of admiration, me mateys! This Musk fella be a real trailblazer in the land o' technology, creatin' fancy electric ships and rockets that can fly up to the heavens. Aye, the Russian leader be lookin' to the stars, dreamin' o' what could be, just like any good pirate would!

But let's not forget the mischief the Russians got up to during that American election! Arrr, they be meddlin' like a scurvy bunch o' sea dogs, tryin' to tip the scales in favor of Trump. Now, whether ye be a fan of that Trump fella or not, that's a different tale! But even with all that monkey business goin' on, the Russian leader still be findin' time to sing praises for Musk. That be somethin' to be rememberin'!

So, there ye have it, me hearties! The Russian leader, known for stirrin' up trouble in the American election, be takin' a likin' to Elon Musk. Aye, it be a strange world we be livin' in, where even the craftiest o' pirates can find somethin' to agree on. So, let's raise a tankard o' grog to the wonders o' technology and the strange alliances it can forge. Yo ho ho!

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