The Booty Report

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Arrr, the FDA declares Phenylephrine a scurvy bilge rat, says it be as useless as a peg leg on a parrot!


Arrr! Me hearties, be ye listenin'? This Sudafed PE and Vicks Sinex, they be nothin' but a scurvy placebo! Aye, they be no more useful than a parrot on me shoulder. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the truth, me mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have some news that be worth more than a chest full of gold doubloons! It seems that the ingredient found in Sudafed PE and Vicks Sinex be no better than a worthless piece of flotsam known as a placebo! Aye, ye heard me right!

This here news comes from the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, who be breakin' it to us like a ship bein' dashed upon the rocks. They be sayin' that the very thing we be trustin' to clear our stuffy noses and help us breathe easy be naught but a trick of the mind. Arr, it be a cruel jest, me hearties!

Now, I don't be knowin' about ye, but I be feelin' as cheated as a landlubber buyin' a barrel of rum filled with nothin' but seawater. We be spendin' our hard-earned pieces of eight on these so-called remedies, thinkin' they be workin' their magic, only to find out they be as useless as a parrot with no tongue! Shiver me timbers!

It be a sad day for us pirates, me hearties, for it seems we've been hoodwinked by the very companies we be trustin' to keep us healthy. But fear not, me mateys, for there be other ways to ease our ailments. We can turn to the natural remedies of the sea, like a hearty dose of grog and a good night's sleep in our hammocks.

So, next time ye be feelin' poorly, me hearties, remember this news and save yer pieces of eight. Don't be fallin' for the tricks of these landlubber pharmaceutical companies. Stick to the tried and true methods of our pirate ancestors, and ye'll be back on yer feet in no time. Yo ho ho!

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