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Arrr! 'Tis a mighty effort to ban masks on the public ship, as another hearty supporter joins the brawl!


Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Air Marshal Association be joinin' Sen. J.D. Vance's noble quest to abolish the wretched mask mandates aboard public transport! They be sendin' a letter o' support to Fox News Digital, ye hear! Shiver me timbers, we be fightin' the good fight, mateys!

The Association of Air Marshals is throwing its support behind a proposed ban on mask mandates on public transportation. The group's president, John Casaretti, sent a letter to Senator J.D. Vance expressing support for the "Freedom to Breathe Act." Casaretti argued that airline crews and transportation workers should not be compelled to enforce masking policies on behalf of the government. He cited his previous testimony before Congress, where he claimed that masking requirements had led to an increase in violence on airplanes and physical attacks on crew members. The Air Marshal Association believes that masking should be a choice, not a requirement, and they support a permanent ban on masking requirements in public transportation. However, they are open to prohibiting masking requirements until December 31, 2024, as a compromise. Casaretti assured Vance that the Association is ready to assist in passing this legislation.

While Senator Vance's effort to pass the bill was ultimately blocked by Senator Ed Markey, who argued that health officials should have the freedom to make decisions regarding mask mandates, Vance's spokesperson vowed to continue pushing for the legislation. If passed, the bill would prevent President Biden and federal agencies from implementing face mask requirements on public transit passengers or students until December 31, 2024. It would also prohibit federal spending from being used to propose mask requirements or enforce face coverings. A House version of the bill has been introduced by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Overall, the Association of Air Marshals is calling for a ban on mask mandates on public transportation, citing concerns about the enforcement of such policies and their impact on airline crews and transportation workers. While Senator Vance's bill was blocked, efforts to pass the legislation will continue.

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