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Avast ye! South Korea be feelin' a mighty despair aft Putin and Kim Jong Un's powwow in Russia, ye scallywags!


Arrr, mark me words, South Korea be sendin' a stern warnin' to Russia! If they be continuin' their talks o' military cooperation with North Korea, the bond 'tween 'em shall suffer greatly. Aye, very negative impacts await!

Avast ye! South Korea be feelin' a mighty despair aft Putin and Kim Jong Un's powwow in Russia, ye scallywags!

South Korea's Foreign Ministry has expressed "deep concern and regret" over the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. The ministry is particularly worried about the discussion of military cooperation, including satellite development, which goes against United Nations' Security Council resolutions. Kim's delegation in Russia also included individuals sanctioned by the Security Council for involvement in North Korean weapons development activities. If Moscow continues talks with Pyongyang, it could have "very negative impacts" on its relations with Seoul. The United States has warned that the meeting between Putin and Kim could result in an arms deal that supplies Russia with ammunition for its war in Ukraine and provides North Korea with advanced weapons technologies. The White House National Security Council has stated that there will be consequences for North Korea if it supplies arms to Russia. South Korea's Unification Minister, Kim Yung-ho, has also cautioned against an arms deal between the two countries, stating that it would elicit stronger responses from South Korea, the United States, and Japan. During the meeting, Kim expressed "full and unconditional" support for Putin's fight against "hegemonic forces" in defense of Russia's sovereign rights. The North Korean leader also invited Putin to visit North Korea, an invitation that Putin reportedly accepted. The two countries are said to have "lots of interesting projects" surrounding transportation and agriculture, with Moscow providing humanitarian aid to North Korea. However, Putin avoided discussing military cooperation and stated that Russia is abiding by sanctions that prohibit weapons from being obtained from Pyongyang.

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