The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye! A young landlubber be standing accused of scurvy deeds, purposefully ramming cyclists three times, sending an old salt to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, ye landlubbers! In California, the constables have apprehended a scurvy bilge rat, a young scallywag, who be accused of purposefully steerin' his vessel into not one, nor two, but three bands o' two-wheeled adventurers! Aye, a poor old salt, aged seventy, met his watery grave in one o' these dire encounters.

A 17th century pirate may express the news story as follows:

"Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of treachery on the high roads of Southern California, where a scurvy dog of a teenager be accused of deliberately runnin' down three brave souls on their bicycles, sendin' one poor soul to Davy Jones' locker. Aye, 'tis a sad tale, indeed.

In the first skirmish, one of the cyclists claimed that a black Toyota ship scraped against him, causin' naught but minor injuries. Not long after, another buccaneer of the road be tellin' the same tale, claimin' to be viciously sideswiped by that same black Toyota. And as if that weren't enough, 15 minutes later, the black Toyota be strikin' down a 70-year-old matey named Steven Gonzales, who sadly met his end at the scene.

Now, the officers of the law be no landlubbers, for they found the suspect's vessel in the very harbor of Huntington Beach, leadin' them to lay the blame on this teenage swindler. The lad, whose name remain a mystery, was seized around nine bells in the evenin'. His age, too, be kept secret from our ears.

The investigators reckon that these collisions were all part of a dastardly plan, but the motive remains a secret, like a buried treasure. The young scallywag be held captive at Orange County Juvenile Hall, where he shall face the consequences of his actions. That much be certain, me hearties."

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