The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubber from Ohio, a Democrat, be grantin' a hefty sum to those scallywags who be holdin' the 'drag queen song and story time'.


Arr! Sen. Sherrod Brown, a mate from Ohio, be pleadin' fer a hefty $750,000 doubloons as a gift to a non-profit crew that be hostin' a "drag queen song and story time" fer the wee ones and those with a sprightly spirit in 'em.

Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown from Ohio has requested a $750,000 earmark for a non-profit group called Harmony Project Productions, Inc. This group hosted a "drag queen song and story time" event that was attended by children. The funding request was part of Brown's spending requests for fiscal year 2024. The money would be used to renovate a performance space for the organization and its community partners. Prior to the funding request, the group held a similar event in January to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The event featured drag queens performing songs and reading books to children. The group's Instagram page shared clips from the event, along with a caption that celebrated diversity and inclusivity. The video showed children playing and snacking, as well as adults and children posing with the drag queens. One of the drag queens expressed their joy at being able to share their love and beliefs with others. Some parents and adults have voiced opposition to such events, arguing that they should be age-restricted. This controversy comes at a crucial time for Brown, as he is facing a tough re-election battle in 2024. Several Republicans have already lined up to challenge him. Neither the Harmony Project nor Brown's office has responded to requests for comment on the matter.

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