The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Spain's lasses, after Rubiales' scurvy Restraining Order, be makin' some mighty demands!


Arrr! On a fateful day when a parchment of restriction be granted 'gainst Luis Rubiales, the former captain o' the federation, who didst recklessly bestow a smooch upon a celestial striker, Jennifer Hermoso, the crew be bombarded by the players' audacious requests.

Arrr, mateys! Listen close, for I have a tale to spin ye in the language of a 17th-century pirate! Aye, on this day, amidst the rolling waves of the soccer field, a band of players did raise their voices and make their demands known. But hold yer horses, for there be more to this tale!
By Blackbeard's beard, a restraining order had just been granted against Luis Rubiales, the former head of the federation. Why, ye ask? Well, it seems this scallywag had the audacity to forcibly plant a smooch upon the lips of a star forward, Jennifer Hermoso! Aye, ye heard it right, me hearties!
Now, me hearties, picture the scene: the pitch, filled with players ready to duel in the name of glory. But amidst the chaos, a fateful encounter occurred. Rubiales, thinking he be a charmer with his fancy title, dared to lay his lips upon the fair maiden's face. Arrr, the audacity!
But fear not, me hearties, for justice was swift! The fair Jennifer Hermoso, bless her soul, managed to obtain a restraining order against this lustful scoundrel. Aye, it be a victory for all the wenches and lads who value personal space and consent!
So there ye have it, me hearties, a tale of soccer, romance, and justice. Let this serve as a warning to all ye landlubbers out there: no matter how lofty yer position, if ye dare to cross the line of respect and decency, ye shall face the wrath of the law. Fair winds, me mateys, fair winds!

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