The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the Mayor of Montreal be takin' back a grand road from them pesky landlubbin' carriages and trucks!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The blockin' of a path through Mount Royal Park be but a piece of Valérie Plante's grand design to make the scallywags of Montreal take to the high seas... err, I mean, ride on two wheels like true buccaneers!

Arrrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have a tale to spin ye in the tongue of a 17th-century pirate. 'Tis a yarn about a lass named Valérie Plante, who be plannin' to make the good people of Montreal take to their trusty bicycles.

Now, me mateys, this be no ordinary plan. Valérie be closin' a road that cuts through Mount Royal Park, a place where landlubbers be strollin' and carriages be rollin'. She be makin' it a haven for us sea dogs on two wheels, arrr!

With a swish of her cutlass, Valérie be hopin' to encourage folks to swap their smoky chariots for trusty bicycles. Ye see, she be thinkin' that bikes be the answer to many a problem plaguin' the fair city of Montreal. Less pollution, fewer scallywags stuck in traffic, and healthier hearts – 'tis a treasure chest of benefits!

But not all be smooth sailin' for our cap'n. Some landlubber locals be raisin' their voices, arguin' that the closure be a blow to their precious convenience. They be claimin' that the road be a shortcut, a lifeline they cannot bear to lose. But Valérie be standin' tall, sayin' that the greater good be worth a little inconvenience.

So, me hearties, if ye find yerself in Montreal, be prepared to mount yer trusty steed – a bicycle, that is – and venture through the lush Mount Royal Park. Ye may find yerself sharin' the road with fellow scurvy dogs, enjoyin' the fresh sea breeze in yer face instead of the stench of exhaust fumes. And who knows, ye might just discover the joys of pedalin' – aye, the joys of bein' a true pirate of the road!

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