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Arr, the scurvy dogs o' the UN Security Council be votin' to end their year-long search fer the wicked affairs o' the Islamic State in Iraq!


Arrr, me hearties! The U.N. Security Council be votin' to wrap up, a year hence, the investigation into the misdeeds o' them scurvy dogs from Islamic State. All this at the behest o' the Iraqis, mind ye!

The Security Council has unanimously voted to end a U.N. probe into the activities of Islamic State extremists in Iraq, a year from now. This decision comes at the request of the Iraqi government. The resolution sponsored by the U.K. also states that Baghdad has asked for U.N. investigators to hand over the evidence they have gathered so far to the government. The Iraqi authorities intend to use this evidence to hold IS members accountable, as well as those who assisted and financed the terrorist organization. The investigative team, which was set up in 2017, has been collecting evidence against members of the Islamic State group for use in trials. They have been compiling evidence on the use of chemical weapons, gender-based violence, and crimes against various religious and ethnic groups. Despite the declaration of defeat in 2017, IS sleeper cells continue to carry out attacks in both Iraq and Syria. The resolution asks the Secretary-General to submit a report on implementing Iraq's request for evidence and also determines how the evidence can be shared with other countries. Britain's U.N. Ambassador has expressed her commitment to continue the team's work with the Iraqi government. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad and human rights lawyer Amal Clooney have expressed their support for the team's mission and the extension of its mandate. They highlight the importance of preserving evidence for future criminal proceedings and building Iraq's capacity in international crimes investigations.

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