The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties be warnin' that these AI robots be plannin' a scurvy attack on the NHS, bringin' disruption worse than the pox!


Arrr! The swift progress of artificial intelligence be a treacherous tide, holdin' the potential to unleash a fearsome assault upon the U.K.'s NHS system, bringin' chaos as vast as the plague they call COVID-19!

In a humorous tone that mimics the language of a 17th-century pirate, a cybersecurity expert warns that robots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to attack the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) on a scale similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ian Hogarth, a member of the UK's AI task force, states that AI technology is rapidly improving and could potentially cripple the NHS or even carry out a "biological attack." Hogarth emphasizes that the growing technology may lower barriers for cybercrime. To combat this threat, Hogarth's AI task force has received £100 million in government funding, focusing on safety research to develop useful tools similar to ChatGPT.

Hogarth emphasizes the importance of international collaboration to mitigate the risks of AI. He specifically mentions the need to include countries like China in these discussions, especially after the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Hogarth highlights that AI poses augmented national security risks that require global cooperation. He notes that the tech industry's increasing focus on AI has led to rapid advancements but also highlighted the dangers associated with it.

Hogarth points to the WannaCry cyberattack on the NHS in 2017 as an example of the potential damage AI-powered attacks could cause. The attack resulted in the cancellation of thousands of patient appointments and cost the NHS millions of pounds. Hogarth warns that the advancement of AI technology, particularly in code-writing capabilities, could make cyber attacks even easier to perpetrate.

Overall, Hogarth's humorous warning draws attention to the potential risks posed by AI-powered robots and the need for international collaboration to address these threats. His pirate-style language adds a fun and engaging touch to a serious topic.

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