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Belay there, ye scallywag teachers! If ye dare be takin' more than 10 days off, ye be walkin' the plank, says the new policy from Houston school district.


Avast ye scallywags of Houston ISD! Them teachers who dare to take more than their measly 10 days off be treading on thin ice! They be warn'd, for they may face the wrath of disciplinary action, or even find themselves without a job, as the district's policy be newly tweaked. Arrr!

Belay there, ye scallywag teachers! If ye dare be takin' more than 10 days off, ye be walkin' the plank, says the new policy from Houston school district.

In a hilarious twist of language, a Texas school district has implemented a new policy that could lead to the termination of teachers who exceed their allotted time off. The Houston Independent School District now grants teachers a total of 10 leave days per school year from both the district and the state. However, this year, all days off must be approved, and there are restrictions on the number of consecutive days that teachers can take off. If teachers run out of leave time and still need more days off, they will be prohibited from taking unpaid leave and may face disciplinary action, including potential job loss. One distraught teacher, who had a pre-approved doctor's visit for a procedure related to her cancer treatment, was denied time off because she wouldn't be paid for it. The Houston Federation of Teachers union president expressed concern about this policy, noting that teachers who work with children are susceptible to getting sick at any time.

However, there are some exceptions to the policy. Teachers who have already used up their 10 days off will not be allowed to take "docked days" or have discretionary use of leave. But they may still qualify for family and medical, military, or temporary disability leave. Division superintendents may grant exceptions for additional days off in certain cases. Additionally, if teachers contract COVID-19, they can receive an extra five days of unpaid leave. The school district justifies the policy by stating that access to high-quality classroom teachers is crucial for improving student outcomes and that frequent or sudden multi-day unplanned absences disrupt campuses and classrooms. They aim to strike a balance between providing flexibility for emergency situations while ensuring the continuity of instruction. It remains to be seen how this policy will be received by teachers and its impact on their well-being and job security.

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