The Booty Report

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Arrr! Yonder Cassidy Hutchinson be a-showin' up again, ready to spin tales of that Trump scallywag!


"Avast ye scurvy scallywags! This sea dog, a former matey from the White House, be proclaimin' to set sail from bein' a hermit! Aye, she be tellin' tales o' her journey down a treacherous political rabbit hole in her memoir, arr! Yo ho ho!"

Arrr, me hearties! This here scallywag, a former matey in the White House crew, be tellin' us a tale about her voyage down a political rabbit hole. She be sayin' she don't wanna be no hermit no more, ye see!

Now picture this, me hearties. This lass be speakin' in the tongue of a 17th century pirate, addin' a bit o' humor to this yarn. Aye, she be makin' us chuckle with her fancy words and jolly tone.

She be claimin' that her adventure started as a bright-eyed shipmate, but as she delved deeper into the murky waters of politics, she found herself in quite the pickle. She be swimmin' in a sea of deception, treachery, and power struggles, aye!

But don't ye fret, me hearties! She be spillin' the beans in her memoir, sharin' all the scandalous tales of her time on the ship. She be tellin' us how she lost her way in the treacherous waves of political intrigue and how she be findin' herself surrounded by a bunch of scurvy dogs.

Oh, me hearties, this be a cautionary tale! She be warnin' us to keep a weather eye on those politicians, for they be as sly as a sea serpent. She be advisin' us to stay clear of the rabbit holes of politics, for they be leadin' to nothing but trouble, arrr!

So, me hearties, let us raise our tankards to this former White House matey who be makin' us laugh with her pirate lingo and makin' us think about the perils of the political sea. May she find her way out of that rabbit hole and sail towards calmer waters, aye!

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