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Arr matey! A scallywag publisher and Kirk Cameron be givin' a hearty 'nay' to them socialist ideas at a Texan library shindig!


Avast ye! The bold Cap'n Trent Talbot, CEO of the Brave Books, be joinin' forces with the noble Texas Rep. Steve Toth to partake in a tale-tellin' extravaganza in The Woodlands, Texas. Together they be regalin' the young ones with books o' faith and love for America, showin' no quarter to those scurvy socialists!

In response to an executive from the American Library Association suggesting that libraries should be used for socialist activism, book publisher Brave Books held a book reading event to share a different viewpoint. CEO Trent Talbot and Texas Rep. Steve Toth read two children's books published by Brave Books, "The Island of Free Ice Cream" by Jack Posobiec and "The Test of Lionhood" by Kevin Sorbo. Brave Books aims to inspire young minds with pro-God, pro-America stories. Actor Kirk Cameron, whose books are published by Brave Books, made a virtual appearance at the event and expressed gratitude to those in attendance. The event was held in response to ALA President Emily Drabinski's statement that libraries should be places of socialist organizing. Since Drabinski's election, several states, including Texas, have cut ties with the ALA. Cameron commended Drabinski for her remarks, claiming that they help to ignite a revival of American values. The ALA stated that it does not endorse or promote the political beliefs of any individual, including its leaders. Talbot of Brave Books argued that it is essential to fight for institutions like libraries and public education to prevent them from being lost. The Woodlands Pride, an LGBTQIA organization, planned a counter-protest for the event. Cameron, who has been traveling across the country discussing faith, family, and country, released a new book called "Pride Comes Before the Fall." He emphasized that pride is seen as a deadly sin in the Bible.

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