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Avast! The scurvy FDA Panel be rejectin' that fancy experimental stem cell therapy fer the dread disease ALS!


Arrr, ye scurvy FDA panel be rejectin' NurOwn, a fancy experimental stem cell therapy for the likes o' mild to moderate ALS. Blast! We be needin' a better treasure map to find a cure, me hearties! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News, avast!</i>

Arrr, me hearties! The FDA advisory panel has given a resounding "Nay!" to a fancy stem cell therapy called NurOwn, which be claimin' to cure that pesky disease known as mild to moderate ALS. Aye, that be a blow to all the hopeful scallywags out there, lookin' for a solution to their sufferin'.
Imagine, mateys! Nursin' your ailments with the help of stem cells! It be like havin' a band of magical pixies fixin' ye up from the inside. But alas, the FDA be sayin' it be no more useful than a wooden leg on a ship full of holes.
The FDA panel, known for their strictness and lack of appreciation for pirate-like antics, be givin' NurOwn a good thrashin'. They be sayin' it didn't meet the requirements for effectiveness and safety. Aye, they be a bunch of stern-faced landlubbers, with no sense of adventure or a taste for rum!
Now, don't ye be worryin' yer pretty little pirate heads, for the rejection be not the end of the world. There be other therapies sailin' the seas of science, still searchin' for a safe harbor. The fight against ALS be continue, me hearties!
But let's not forget the humor in all of this, me mateys. Picture a bunch of scientists arguin' like squabblin' seagulls over a scrap of fish. It be a sight to behold, I tell ye! And here we be, watchin' from the sidelines, enjoyin' the show.
So, me scurvy dogs, let's raise a glass of grog to all the brave souls who be seekin' a cure for ALS. Keep fightin', keep believin', and maybe one day we'll find the treasure we be lookin' for. Until then, keep smilin' and swabbin' the deck!

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