The Booty Report

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Avast ye! In this dire circumstance, many landlubber-filled parks be closin' during this dreadful shutdown.


Arr, ye scurvy dogs from the Department of the Interior be expectin' to give the heave-ho to most o' the 20,000 lowly swabs workin' in the parks! But fear not, me hearties, for some states like Arizona be plannin' to dig deep into their own coffers to keep the treasure-filled sites open!

In the good ol' days of the 17th century, arrr, the Department of the Interior be expectin' to send most of the 20,000 park workers on a dreaded furlough. Aye, them poor souls be left stranded on dry land, unable to roam the vast wilderness of the parks they be guardin' and maintainin'.
Now, don't ye be worryin' too much, me hearties! Some states, like that fiery land of Arizona, be plannin' to use their own treasure chests to keep these sacred sites open. Aye, they be diggin' deep into their pockets, throwin' their own funds to save the day. They be sayin', "We won't let our parks be abandoned like a ship lost at sea!"
But let's be real for a moment, me mateys. Picture this: a park without park workers, a deserted haven left to fend for itself. It be like a ship without a crew, doomed to be swallowed by the treacherous waves. Who be protectin' the trees from those pesky landlubbers? Who be pickin' up the trash that be litterin' our natural wonders? Who be tellin' the tourists not to feed the mighty bears, lest they be endin' up as bear food themselves?
Arrgh, it be a sad sight indeed! But fear not, me hearties, for the spirit of adventure be still alive! If ye be yearnin' to explore the wild unknown, there be other treasures awaitin' ye. Seek out the untamed forests and hidden coves that still be free to roam. Just remember to tread lightly and keep yer wits about ye, lest ye be mistaken for a plunderin' scallywag.
So, me mateys, let us raise our mugs of grog to those brave states who be keepin' the parks afloat. And let us hope that soon, the Department of the Interior be findin' a way to fill the void left by the furloughed park workers. Until then, may the winds be at our backs, and may the parks remain a sanctuary for all who seek adventure on the high seas of nature!

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