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Arr, Horace Ové, a bold black filmmaker matey, be settin' sail to Davy Jones' locker at 86!


Arrr, me hearties! His swashbucklin' flick, "Pressure," charted the plights of Black Britons in a time o' relentless racism. The good Cap'n was dubbed Sir in 2022!

Avast ye, scallywags! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of a swashbuckling filmmaker known as Sir Edgar, whose cinematic masterpiece, "Pressure," be a treasure worth more doubloons than ye can imagine. This here film be tellin' the harrowing tale o' Black Britons in a time when racism be runnin' rampant like a pack o' wild sea dogs. Aye, it be a true spectacle, filled with drama, treachery, and a sprinkle o' wit.

Now, me hearties, let me tell ye that this Sir Edgar be no ordinary filmmaker. His skill with a camera be as sharp as a cutlass, and he be wieldin' it with such finesse that his work be touchin' the very souls o' those who view it. "Pressure" be a voyage into the depths o' human struggle, depictin' the challenges faced by Black Britons in a society where they be treated like landlubbers.

Ah, but the tale be takin' a turn for the better, me mateys! In the year 2022, our gallant filmmaker be honored with a knighthood, makin' him Sir Edgar. Aye, he be granted this esteemed title by the Queen herself, recognizin' his contributions to the world o' cinema and his fight against the scourge o' racism. 'Tis a momentous occasion, indeed!

So, me hearties, let us raise our glasses filled with grog and toast to the legendary Sir Edgar, a true pioneer who be bringin' the struggles o' Black Britons to the silver screen. May his name be remembered as a beacon o' hope and inspiration for generations to come. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum, me hearties!

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