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Arrr, me hearties! Let's chart the treacherous waters o' "What Be Proper and Not for Healers on the Social Ship!"


Arrr, scurvy dogs! Be it not a wonder that rogue-like manners be runnin' rampant on the treacherous grounds of social media, e'en amongst the learned physicians. These noble healers be conversin' about the lines they be drawin' whilst sharin' their thoughts on these various platforms, and providin' tips to keep their content shipshape and professional.

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I've got a tale to tell ye. A tale of bad behavior runnin' rampant on the treacherous seas of social media, even by the likes of those fancy physicians! Aye, ye heard right, the very same doctors who be savin' lives on the high seas be indulgin' in the art of mischief online.

But fear not, me mateys! These honorable doctors be discussin' the boundaries they be maintainin' when postin' on various platforms. They be knowin' the importance of keepin' their content professional, lest they be mistaken for a landlubber. They be dishing out tips, like treasure from the depths, on how to navigate these treacherous waters without causin' a mutiny.

Why, ye might be wonderin', would these learned folks be misbehavin' in the first place? Well, it be a mystery as deep as the Mariana Trench. But fear not, for they be takin' the matter seriously. They be realizin' that their reputation be at stake, and a tarnished reputation on the high seas can be a death sentence.

So, me hearties, if ye be a physician sailin' the vast ocean of social media, take heed! Set sail with caution and mind yer manners, for the world be watchin'. And if ye happen to stumble upon one of these misbehavin' doctors, give 'em a friendly reminder to straighten up and fly right.

And remember, me mateys, the code of the sea applies to the digital world as well. Be respectful, be professional, and never forget that the eyes of the world be upon ye. Now, go forth and conquer the online seas, but do so with honor and integrity!

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