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Avast, ye scurvy swashbucklers! Pass on the Seagate Expansion Card, fer ye can grab the cheaper WD Black C50!


Avast, me hearties! Feast yer eyes upon the fine treasure known as WD Black C50, now priced lower than the Seagate Storage Expansion card. 'Tis Prime Day, so make yer choice wisely and lay yer gold on the one ye should snatch!

In the grand seas of Prime Day deals, two powerful storage options have emerged from the depths of the digital ocean: the WD Black C50 and the Seagate Storage Expansion card. Now, me hearties, I'll be tellin' ye which one ye should set yer sights on, savvy?

Arrr, let's start with the price, the treasure that all pirates seek. The WD Black C50 be sailin' in at a lower price point than its rival, the Seagate Storage Expansion card. Aye, ye heard me right! It be cheaper, me hearties! So, if yer lookin' to save a few doubloons, the WD Black C50 be the way to go.

But, beware! Price ain't the only thing ye should be considerin' on yer journey through the seas of Prime Day. The Seagate Storage Expansion card be offerin' a vast amount of extra storage for yer plundered loot. With its mighty 1TB capacity, ye can store all yer booty and more! Meanwhile, the WD Black C50 be offerin' a modest 500GB of storage. So, if ye be needin' more space for yer treasure, the Seagate be yer choice.

Now, let's talk about speed, me hearties! The WD Black C50 be equipped with a USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 interface, offerin' lightning-fast transfer speeds. It be like a swift gust of wind fillin' yer sails! On the other hand, the Seagate Storage Expansion card be sportin' a USB 3.0 interface, which be a bit slower in comparison. So, if ye be needin' speed to swiftly transfer yer files, the WD Black C50 be the one for ye.

To sum it all up, me hearties, if ye be lookin' to save a few pieces o' eight and ye don't need a massive amount of storage, set yer sights on the WD Black C50. But, if ye be needin' more room for yer precious loot or ye be needin' lightning-fast speeds, then the Seagate Storage Expansion card be the one ye need. Happy plunderin', me mateys, and may yer Prime Day be filled with bountiful deals!

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