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Avast ye! Israel swashbucklers discovered 40 wee lads and lasses, some parted from their noggin, at a Hamas-besieged hamlet!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Israeli hearties be clearin' th' ruins of a village, overrun by a fearsome surprise attack led by Hamas, a band o' scoundrels that rule o'er Gaza. They stumbled upon a sight so ghastly, 'twas dozens o' wee babes, some even lackin' their noggins!

Israel’s military has made a horrifying discovery in an Israeli community that was attacked by Hamas, including dozens of dead babies, some with their heads chopped off, according to Israeli media. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) moved into Kfar Aza, one of the communities invaded by Hamas, and found about 40 dead babies, some decapitated. IDF soldiers are using bones to identify the victims. Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv described the scene as a "massacre."
Hamas-led forces crossed the Israel-Gaza border and carried out a terror attack, killing over 700 Israelis, including men, women, children, and the elderly. The media was allowed into Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were murdered and their bodies left in the streets. Buildings and cars were destroyed, and the devastation was extensive. The community is now unrecognizable.
The visual destruction and smell of death witnessed by the IDF was likened to the Allied forces walking into Nazi-controlled areas during World War II. Soldiers were called up for reserve service and had to console each other after witnessing the unimaginable scenes. Babies with their heads cut off and entire families gunned down in their beds were among the horrors discovered.
Guns, grenades, and knives were used to target innocent civilians in their homes. Soccer nets on lawns and abandoned strollers were reminders of the once peaceful life in the community. Charred houses were evidence of terrorists burning down homes to force civilians to come out. Around 200 victims were found in the city.
IDF soldiers have regained control over Israeli towns and villages but remain vigilant. The sounds of fighting and artillery can still be heard from the streets of Kfar Aza. Israel has amassed tanks and forces near the Gaza border in preparation for a ground invasion, while continuing to launch airstrikes on Gaza.

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