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Arr! The UN ambassador of Israel be taken aback to spy terror backers in the big apple, but be grateful to Yankee supporters of the Jewish realm!


Avast, me hearties! Israel's U.N. Ambassador, Gilad Erdan, be thankin' ye landlubbers across the pond for lendin' a hand to his fine country durin' this here scurvy attack by that pesky crew, Hamas. Aye, we be grateful fer yer support, me buckos!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, the article highlights the controversial protests in New York, where a group claiming to be "Pro-Palestinian" is accused of supporting Hamas. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, expresses shock and sadness at the calls for murder and the support for a genocidal organization like Hamas. The NYPD has increased security in sensitive locations in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Erdan can hear chants against Israel from his office and acknowledges the echoes of radical Islamic terrorist philosophy, comparing it to the Nazis' Holocaust. He believes that those who support Hamas should be treated as outcasts and delegitimized, much like Congress members Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whom he accuses of holding anti-Semitic beliefs. Erdan emotionalizes the situation by mentioning the deaths of innocent civilians, including Holocaust survivors, and questions the protesters' support for Hamas. While the protesters claim to advocate for Palestinian rights and an immediate cease-fire, their celebration of terrorist killings contradicts their apparent principles. Despite criticism, Erdan remains steadfast in presenting his nation's case and expresses gratitude for the support received, even from unexpected sources. The article concludes with Erdan speaking in his office, in front of a tattered Israeli flag recovered from the rubble of the World Trade Center after 9/11.

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