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Arr! Th' Algerian Supreme Court be denyin' pleas o' an imprisoned scribe, aye! Walk the plank, justice!


Avast ye maties! The Algerian Supreme Court be sayin' "No, aye! Ye cannot be settin' foot on freedom's shore!" to Maghreb Emergent and Radio M owner, Ihsane El Kadi. A fine pirate of the pro-democracy seas, denied his appeals, arrr!

A journalist in Algeria, Ihsane El Kadi, has been denied his appeals by the country's Supreme Court and will remain imprisoned. El Kadi, the owner of a media company that operated a news site and radio station, was sentenced to seven years in prison for taking foreign funds and "inciting acts susceptible to threaten state security." He is one of many individuals associated with Algeria's pro-democracy movement who have faced criminal charges and imprisonment. El Kadi's website and radio station played a significant role during the 2019 Hirak protests in Algeria.

The increasing crackdown on journalists reflects the regression of press freedoms in the region. Khaled Drareni, a representative of Reporters Without Borders, expressed shock at the rejection of El Kadi's appeal, highlighting the lack of evidence presented in court. This trend marks a reversal for Algeria, which had previously nurtured an independent press after the civil war in the 1990s.

The Hirak protests, which were among the largest in the post-Arab Spring Middle East, resulted in the resignation of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in 2019. However, the demonstrations subsided during the coronavirus pandemic. President Abdelmajid Tebboune, Bouteflika's successor, initially released some protesters but later resumed imprisoning journalists and opposition figures, dampening the hopes of the Hirak movement.

El Kadi's lawyer expressed hope that President Tebboune may pardon him on the anniversary of Algerian independence next month. The defense team is waiting to see the ruling announced in court before deciding on the next steps. El Kadi's wife expressed devastation at the rejection of his appeal.

Overall, the ongoing imprisonment and crackdown on journalists in Algeria is a concerning development for press freedom in the country. It marks a regression from the progress made in the past and raises questions about the state of democracy and human rights in Algeria.

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