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Arrr! Biden's matey, who be his special envoy, did once advocate fer mixin' wit' the scallywags o' Hamas an' Hezbollah!


Afore his time in the land's rule, Biden's scallywag envoy, Robert Malley, be openly advocatin' fer United States' parley with the scoundrel groups o' Hamas and Hezbollah! Arr, what a jolly tale!

President Biden's former U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, has once again found himself in the spotlight for his previous efforts to normalize relations with the U.S.-designated terrorist group, Hamas. This comes as President Biden recently stated that American citizens were likely taken hostage by Hamas. When Malley was suspended in June for reportedly mishandling classified information, his contacts with Hamas were barely addressed. Malley confirmed that his security clearance was being investigated but expressed confidence in a positive outcome. However, the State Department has given no information on the reasons for Malley's departure or the revocation of his security clearance. Rep. Brian Mast has accused State Department staff of working on Iranian information campaigns.

Malley has a history of engaging with Hamas and has even written an article advocating for dialogue with the group. He has argued that Hamas is not simply a terrorist organization, but also a social and political movement deeply rooted in Palestinian society. These views have raised concerns among critics who question why Malley was chosen for such a sensitive position in the first place.

The allegations against Malley have intensified due to Hamas' coordination with Iran in its attacks against Israel. The Israeli government has accused Iran of aiding Hamas in its acts of terrorism. Critics, such as Dan Diker, have accused Malley of being a supporter of the Iranian regime and defending terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Questions have been sent to Malley regarding the investigation, his past comments, and his contacts with Hamas. The State Department has declined to comment further on the matter.

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