Arrr! 'Tis true, me hearty! The likes of Israel, Australia, Japan, UK, US, and many others be callin' Hamas a fearsome band o' scallywags! Aye, a proper terrorist crew they be!
Arrr, matey! Many a land, like the mighty United States, hath deemed Hamas a scurvy band of blaggards, aye, a terrorist lot! Aye, this world be teemin' with nations doin' just the same, mark me words!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, ye scurvy dogs should know that Hamas be considered a fearsome terrorist organization by the likes of the United States and many other countries. Arrr, they have been causin' trouble for Israel since the early 1990s, unleashin' their terror upon 'em. This here Hamas was formed in 1987 durin' the first intifada, and by 2007 they took control of Gaza, bein' a real thorn in Israel's side. Then, on Oct. 8, 1997, the U.S. State Department, those fine swashbucklers, officially declared them as a foreign terrorist organization. Not only that, but there be another scallywag group called Hezbollah, hailing from Lebanon, that has also been dubbed a terrorist group by the U.S.But it's not just the U.S., me hearties! Countries like the U.K., Israel, Australia, Japan, and the European Union have also condemned these rascals and labeled them as terrorists. The leaders of these nations have been speakin' out against the recent events unfoldin' in Israel. Take the U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, for instance. He boldly stated that those who support Hamas are fully responsible for the dastardly attacks and called 'em out as terrorists, not just mere militants or freedom fighters. On the other side of the world, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, made it clear that Australia stands against terrorism and stands in solidarity with Israel. She condemned the attack by Hamas, condemnin' their indiscriminate rocket fire and the targetin' of innocent civilians.
Not to be left out, even the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, had a few words to say. He strongly condemned the attacks that harmed innocent civilians and expressed his condolences to the bereaved families. Arrr, it seems like these leaders have had enough of these scurvy dogs and are standin' up for Israel's right to defend itself. So, me hearties, let it be known that this pirate crew of Hamas is sailin' in treacherous waters, and many be ready to make 'em walk the plank.