The Booty Report

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Avast, ye scallywags! The scurvy dog behind Ghost of Tsushima be makin' a game with samurai dinos! Arrr!


Arr, ye landlubbers be thinkin' this animator's legacy be not seaworthy? Ha! Methinks ye be missin' the mark, for this animator's legacy be more metal than a pirate's plunder!

Arrr, me hearties! Let me spin ye a tale in the language of a 17th-century pirate, wit' a dash of humor and a hint o' sarcasm. Listen closely, for I shall regale ye with the tale o' an animator whose legacy be as metal as a cutlass forged from the finest steel!

Picture this, me lads and lasses. A notorious animator, known fer his fantastical creations, be struttin' about like a peacock on the poop deck. But lo and behold, as if his artistic prowess weren't enough, fate decided to add a touch of mettle to his legend.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what I be meanin' by "mettle," mateys. I be talkin' 'bout the fact that this animator's legacy became even more badass, as if he donned a shiny metal tricorn hat atop his head. Aye, ye heard me right!

His animations, already so beloved by the masses, took a turn fer the epic. It be as if his characters gained the strength o' a mighty kraken, movin' and dancin' with a power that could shiver the timbers of any scallywag who dared to cross 'em.

Ye see, me hearties, this animator's work be transformed into pure gold, or should I say, pure iron! His creations became so legendary that they could make even the most fearsome pirate quake in their boots. Aye, they be that impressive!

But let me tell ye, this animator did not let his newfound metal status go to his head. Nay, he remained as humble as a sailor scrubbin' the deck. He embraced his legacy, smilin' as if he had discovered a treasure chest filled wit' grog.

So, me mateys, raise yer mugs and toast to this animator! May his legacy be forever remembered as the epitome of metal and may his work continue to inspire storytellers for generations to come. Arrr!

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