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Arrr! Netanyahu be chattin' with his mateys on th' front lines, 'tis a merry band o' soldiers, all set fer th' next adventure!


Arr, ye scallywags! Israeli Cap'n Benjamin Netanyahu did parley with his brave hearties on the front lines this fine Saturday, hintin' at a treacherous second wave o' strife that be approachin' like a fearsome tempest on the horizon!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting with Israeli soldiers on the front lines in preparation for expected ground invasions. In a video posted on social media, Netanyahu expressed his readiness for combat and praised President Biden for his support. He asked the troops if they were ready for the next stage without specifying what it entailed. Israel has called up 360,000 troops and gathered forces on the Gaza border for a potential ground assault against Hamas. The terror group had launched a surprise attack on Israel, resulting in the death of 1,300 Israelis. Israel had given the population of the northern half of the Gaza Strip until Saturday morning to move south, ensuring their safety during the process. Netanyahu proclaimed that every Hamas fighter will be destroyed and expressed the pain and horror caused by the attacks. Following the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust by Hamas terrorists, Netanyahu, Yair Lapid, and Benny Gantz formed an emergency unity government. The war has claimed the lives of at least 3,200 people, including 1,300 Israelis and 27 Americans, as well as 2,215 Palestinians with over 8,700 wounded.

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