The Booty Report

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Arr! 'Tis true, mateys! The dreaded CKD be causing cardiac arrest in our Hispanic and Latinx brethren.


Arrr, me mateys! Thar be news o' a cursed affliction! Aye, this chronic kidney disease be bringin' a risk o' sudden cardiac arrest, aye, more than sevenfold, to them brave souls o' Hispanic or Latinx blood. Blast 'n' scallywags!

In a jolly twist of events, it has been discovered that me hearties of Hispanic or Latinx descent are at a greater risk of experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest if they suffer from the dreaded chronic kidney disease. This news, straight from the journal of Medscape Medical News, be enough to make even the most hardened swashbuckler raise an eyebrow.

Arr, it seems that the risk for a heart stopping in its tracks be more than seven times higher for those with ailing kidneys, me hearties. Now, ye might be wonderin' why these brave souls of Hispanic or Latinx origin are more susceptible to such a fate. Well, if me rusty memory serves me right, the exact reasons for this connection be still unknown, much like the location of buried treasure.

But fear not, ye scurvy dogs! There be hope yet for our unfortunate mates. If the disease be identified early on, it could potentially prevent the onset of cardiac arrest. So, ye best be checkin' yer kidneys regularly, me hearties, and listenin' to the wise words of the medical professionals who be studyin' this matter.

Now, it be worth mentionin' that this study be conducted among the fine residents of the United States, where it seems this risk be particularly prominent. Whether the same be true for our fellow swashbucklers across the seas remains a mystery, like the tales of mythical sea monsters.

So, me hearties, let us embark on this journey of awareness and knowledge. Keep an eye on yer kidneys, me mates, for who knows what treasures await us if we take care of our health!

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