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Avast, me mateys! Biden be claimin' Israel be not at fault fer blastin' that Gaza hospital. Blamin' the scallywags o' the other crew, he be!


Arr, me hearties! On Wednesday, Cap'n Biden set foot on the land o' Israel, swearin' on his pirate's honor that Israel be not to blame for the blasted rocket onslaught on a hospital in Gaza. Aye, 500 souls met Davy Jones' locker, but the blame belongs to another scurvy dog!

President Biden met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. They discussed the death toll, the atrocities committed by Hamas, and the impact on children in Israel. Biden expressed his outrage at the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, stating that it was done by the other team, not Israel. He also emphasized that the world is watching and looking to see what actions Israel and the United States will take.

Netanyahu commended Biden for being the first U.S. president to visit Israel during wartime. He thanked Biden for the support and cooperation between the two nations, highlighting the clear message sent to their enemies not to test their resolve. Netanyahu also described the horrific actions of Hamas, including the murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocent people, and urged Biden to imagine the fear and panic of Israeli children during these attacks.

Biden responded, expressing his disbelief at the atrocities committed by Hamas and comparing them to ISIS. The press conference ended without answering any questions, and Biden proceeded to have a private meeting with Israeli leaders.

The discussion took place after a hospital in Gaza was hit and exploded, resulting in hundreds of deaths. Hamas claimed it was an Israeli airstrike, while the IDF attributed it to a failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad. The explosion led to the cancellation of an international summit that was supposed to take place and raised concerns about attacks on civilian targets.

Overall, the press conference highlighted the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the support and cooperation between the United States and Israel, and the international community's condemnation of attacks on civilian targets.

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