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Arrr! The scurvy FDA be approving Ardelyx's potion for the pox known as kidney disease!


Arrr, me hearties! The US Food and Drug Administration be finally granting approval to Ardelyx's potion to heal them high phosphate levels in scallywags with chronic kidney disease, they be sayin'. Aye, 'tis a long time comin', mateys, more than 2 years after it was first spurned. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

In a stunning turn of events, the US Food and Drug Administration has finally given the nod to Ardelyx's drug, me hearties! This fine concoction be specifically designed to combat high phosphate levels in patients sufferin' from that dreaded chronic kidney disease. Arrr, it be a victory for the lads and lasses at Ardelyx, who have been fightin' tooth and nail for over two long years to get their precious drug approved.

Picture this, me hearties: a crew of dedicated scientists and researchers, battlin' the treacherous waters of bureaucracy, facin' rejection after rejection. But they never lost sight of the prize, aye, and now they can finally celebrate their triumph. It be a tale of perseverance, mates, a tale that gives hope to all those who be strugglin' with chronic ailments.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what exactly be the problem with high phosphate levels in the first place. Well, me hearties, it be a serious matter indeed. Ye see, these scurvy dogs known as chronic kidney disease be messin' with the balance of minerals in the body, and phosphate be one of 'em. Too much of it can wreak havoc on yer bones and even yer heart, so it be a matter that needs attendin' to.

But fear not, for Ardelyx's drug be here to save the day! It be a glimmer of hope for all those poor souls sufferin' from chronic kidney disease. The FDA may have taken its sweet time, but better late than never, says I! So, me hearties, let this be a reminder that even in the face of adversity, with enough grit and determination, we can conquer any obstacle. And who knows, maybe one day we'll find a way to cure the common cold, arrr!

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