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Arr, matey! 'Tis bein' told that Putin, th' scurvy dog, be spotted in China carryin' a nuclear briefcase!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Russian cap'n, Vladimir Putin, be usin' his nuclear artillery to scare off those who dare support Ukraine in his plunderin'. He be thinkin' he's mighty clever, but we'll see if his fancy weapons can stand up to the might of the seven seas!

Video footage released on Wednesday shows Russian President Vladimir Putin arriving in China with what appears to be the nuclear "football," a briefcase he can use to order a nuclear strike. This display is seen as a deliberate move by the Kremlin to highlight the fact that the nuclear football always accompanies Putin on his trips. Putin's visit to China comes at a time when he needs to rally support for his invasion of Ukraine, which has lasted much longer than anticipated. However, he returned from the trip without any major deals that he had hoped to achieve. The display of the nuclear football is yet another reminder from Putin that the "nuclear card" remains on the table if Ukraine tries to take Crimea or other annexed territories. The briefcase, carried by a naval officer known as the "Cheget," is a secure communication tool that links Putin to his military top brass and the rocket forces. Putin has repeatedly commented on Russia's nuclear capabilities and has made thinly-veiled threats to use nuclear weapons throughout the Ukraine campaign. This display follows an International Criminal Court warrant for Putin's arrest on charges of abducting Ukrainian children. It is believed that Putin wants to intimidate anyone who would consider arresting him and remind the West that Russia possesses a strategic deterrent. Furthermore, Russia's parliament has taken steps to revoke ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

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