The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Articles in "Health" Category

September 6, 2024

Arrr, no jestin’! That Yellow Dye 5 be the secret to makin’ ye as unseen as a ghostly sea fog!

Arrr, a wee bit o' food dye be makin' them critters transparent, savvy? A "stunnin'" discovery that might just change the way we be peekin' inside our scurvy mates in the name o' medicine! Ho ho! What’ll they think of next, a dye for the eyes?

"Arrr! Be KRAS inhibitors the treasure map to beatin' pancreatic scallywags? Hope be glimmerin' on th' horizon, matey!"

Avast ye scallywags! In a cruel plague with grim tidings, these KRAS inhibitors be like a glimmerin' treasure map for pancreatic cancer! But watch yer step, for the wise sea dogs be takin’ it slow, keepin' their hopes as cautious as a cat on a hot tin roof!

"Arrr! Why be more sea-surgeons bandin' together like scallywags in a union? ’Tis for treasure, me hearties!"

Arrr, with gold-hungry privateers and our voices growin' as scarce as a mermaid's secret, many a doc be hoistin' the union flag to guard their rights and seek fairer seas for workin'. Even the scallywags at Medscape be takin' note! Avast, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! Colchicine’s mischief with yer other potions be no threat to yer health or prowess!

Arrr matey! Swaps in colchicine's journey 'mongst other potions didn't make it any more perilous nor less useful, as discovered in a trusty trial's second look. So fear not, ye landlubbers! The ship sails on smooth seas! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Arrr matey! A fine tale of skin patches and fancy potions fer banishin' the blight o’ Vitiligo!"

Arrr, matey! Ye be waitin' a whole year ‘fore ye spy any magic from those potions and sunbeams! Be patient, or ye might just go a bit loony! Har har! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' it straight!

"Arrr, matey! In the battle o' diabetic eye woes, the order be yer trusty compass!"

Arrr, matey! The order o' them fancy light burns and anti-VEGF potions be stirrin' the waters o' vision for scallywags sufferin' from that pesky sugar eye disease. Aye, even the healers be takin' notes! 'Tis a right merry dance o' treatments! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

"Arrr, scaldin' heat be makin' yer fingers freeze, says the learned sea dogs!"

Avast ye! In a study of landlubbers with the shivers, both scorching heat and icy blasts be stirrin' up mighty bouts of Raynaud's mischief! Aye, 'tis a tale from Medscape Medical News that’ll have ye shakin' in yer boots, no matter the weather! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! The scallywags of the workforce be sayin' we’ve got more healers than a ship's got barnacles!

Arrr, matey! A fresh parchment from Mercer be spillin' tales of an abundance o’ nurses and home healers, even some doc’s in certain ports! Yet, a shortage o’ healers still plagues the seas! Aye, the world be a curious place, it be!

"Arrr! How 'Oatzempic' be comparin' to that scallywag Ozempic, eh? Aye, 'tis a right curious tale!"

Ahoy, mateys! If ye be one o' them with the sugar troubles, beware the "oatzempic" diet craze! It be raisin' yer sweet levels, shrinkin' yer muscles, and leavin' ye starvin' like a scurvy dog! Arrr, heed the words of Medscape, lest ye find yerself in a pickle!

September 5, 2024

"Arrr, matey! Fresh tales on wranglin' that pesky Sjögren's Lymphoma beast! Avast, let's chart these waters!"

Ahoy mateys! Two scallywag scholars from yon Europe be spoutin’ tales of a mighty biomarker for that pesky marginal lymphoma in Sjögren’s plight! They be ponderin’ whether to strike hard with systemic therapy or just sit 'n wait like a lazy sea dog! Arrr!

"Arrr! Just 8 ticks o' the clock to spy for noggin troubles in yer local ship's doctor’s quarters!"

Arrr, matey! The landlubber doctors be sayin’ the Montreal Cognitive Assessment be a swift and simple treasure hunt for the mind, yieldin’ bountiful riches of knowledge! Aye, ‘tis the best way to chart the waters of yer noggin, as reported by the fine scribes of Medscape News UK!

Arrr, matey! Is it safe t' fix me pearly whites after the cannonball blast o’ radiation, savvy?

Arrr, matey! When them teeth be yanked after a dose o' the glowing rays, yer jawbone might be riskin' a nasty fate! Aye, 'tis a perilous venture for scallywags with head and neck troubles! Best keep yer chompers safe, lest ye end up in Davy Jones’ locker!

"Avast! What hour ye pop yer blood pressure potions be matters naught, says the latest treasure map o' trials!"

Arrr, matey! Whether ye pop yer blood-thinner potion at dawn or when the moon be high matters not, say two fine trials! So hoist yer sails and worry not, for the heart be steady on this fine voyage! Avast, 'tis Medscape givin' us the scoop!

"Avast, mateys! This here CBT treasure map be bringin' fine fortunes to anxious young scallywags!"

Aye matey! The mystical 'Maya' app be a treasure for the anxious young scallywags, makin' their worries vanish like a ship in the night! Reports from the sea of Medscape say it be cuttin' anxiety down like a well-aimed cannonball! Arrr, what a jolly find!

"Arrr! The CHIP and mCA be stirrin' up a ruckus, makin' solid tumors like treasure in Davy Jones' locker!"

Avast, me hearties! A band o' clever scallywags be plunderin' the treasure maps of 10,866 lasses from the WHI, seekin' to uncover the mysteries o' CHIP, mCA, and those pesky solid tumors. Aye, 'tis a jolly good quest for knowledge! Arrr!

Arrr! Captain Laurie Glimcher be abandonin’ ship at Dana-Farber! Avast, who’ll steer this fine vessel now?

Arrr, mateys! The scallywag Glimcher be walkin' the plank come October 1, makin' way for the noble Benjamin Levine Ebert, MD, PhD! Aye, the captain o’ medical oncology be takin' the helm! Raise yer tankards to the new swab! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Yo ho! Cut 'em open first, savvy? 'Tis the key to keepin' the old salts afloat!"

Arrr, matey! Quick cuttin’ be keepin’ ye closer to the land o’ the livin’ than lettin’ it fester or waitin’ like a landlubber. So, if ye be feelin' frail, best to let the sawbones do their magic right away! Savvy?

September 4, 2024

"Ahoy! Hospitals be craftin' cunning plans to lure fine nurses aboard their ship of healing! Arrr, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! With the sea of nurses runnin' dry, the hospitals be usin' their wits to lure in those skilled hands! They be tryin' every trick in the book to keep 'em from sailin' away. Aye, what a jolly ol’ mess, eh?

"Arrr, matey! Doth givin' up ICI therapy spell doom for them with HNSCC? Aye, 'tis a conundrum!"

Arrr, me hearties! It be found that scallywags with pesky head and neck squamous cell trouble can cast off them immune checkpoint contraptions after a year or two without fear of meeting Davy Jones! Aye, that be the word from the trusty Medscape crew!

"Arrr! This scroll be chartin' how skin be gettin' nasty from them Uveal Melanoma potions, matey!"

Arrr, matey! Nearly 80 out of 100 scallywags with uveal melanoma, after dabblin' with tebentafusp, found their hides a-scratchin' like a barnacle-ridden ship! Aye, 'tis a small crew, but a ruckus it be! - Medscape Medical News, the finest scroll in the seven seas!

"Arrr, matey! When ye be givin' glucocorticoids before the doc, ye shrink yer heart’s treasure, aye!"

Arrr, matey! In the grand PULSE-MI tale, givin' glucocorticoids to landlubbers with STEMI didn’t shrink their heart woes after three moons, even though they felt sprightlier! Aye, the treasure of true healing be still buried deep! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

September 3, 2024

"Arrr! Finerenone be savin' hearts that still be pumpin', like a trusty ship in calm seas, savvy?"

Arrr, me hearties! The great conundrum o' whether them mineralocorticoid receptor scallywags be good fer heart failure with a wee bit o' pump still holdin' strong has been solved by a new trial! Aye, the waves of knowledge be a-changin’, sayeth Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Europe's air be makin' folks kick the bucket 'bout four times more than them landlubbers in the US!

Arrr, matey! It be said that near 800,000 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker each year in Europe 'cause of that foul air! Half o’ 'em be claimin' their hearts, savvy? Aye, those landlubber experts be talkin’ ship about it, according to Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, matey! When the moon be high, kidneys be taming the pirate's blood pressure! Avast, what sorcery be this?

Arrr matey! The magic of radiofrequency be tamed, helpin' scallywags with rogue blood pressure at the witching hour and dawn's first light. Even the landlubbers with kidney woes found relief! Aye, the sea of medicine be bouncin' with good news! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be singin' sweet tunes!

"Arrr, matey! Beware! A 35-year-old with the sugar curse be dancin' with Davy Jones, aye!"

Ahoy matey! If ye be a scallywag aged 30 to 40 with the sugar curse known as type 1 diabetes, ye be 20 times more likely to dance with Davy Jones than landlubbers! Arrr, watch yer booty and keep yer sugar in check! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

Arrr, matey! Even after parleyin’, the US be shellin’ out doubloons for potions, as if gold be growin’ on trees!

Arrr, matey! The U.S. landlubbers be haggling for potions, yet they still be payin’ more than a scallywag's ransom! Some be five times what the pill-peddlers promised! Aye, it be a right merry tale of high seas thievery, I say!

"Feast on yer green grub, matey! Tis the secret to keepin' the sugar devil at bay!"

Arrr, matey! A fresh scroll from the wise landlubbers, claimin’ that chomp’n on too much meat be riskier than sailin’ a leaky ship! 'Tis based on what scallywags be sayin’ about their grub and some fancy potions. Beware the meat, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker!

"Avast, me hearties! Ditch the potassium after yer heart's been tinkered, or ye might just keel over!"

Arrr, me hearties! In a twist o’ fate, them potassium potions be no match for atrial fibrillation after the heart surgeon's knife! The grand TIGHT-K trial be givin’ no treasure 'ere! Avast, 'tis a fine jest from Medscape Medical News!

"Raise yer Thiazide dose, matey! Aye, it be keepin' them pesky kidney stones at bay! Arrr!"

Arrr, matey! When ye be crankin' up them thiazide potions, ye be sendin' yer urine calcium plummetin' and keepin' those pesky kidney stones at bay over four long years! Aye, a fine treasure for those landlubbers with stone troubles! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sayin' so!

"Arrr! Olanzapine be the magical elixir that calms yer belly after a fierce bout o' the poison seas!"

Arrr! New tales from the sea o' science be sayin' that Olanzapine be boostin' the spirits and well-being o' landlubbers with solid tumors, helpin' 'em brave the storm o' nausea from the dreaded chemotherapy! Aye, 'tis a fine find for those settin' sail on the seas o' recovery!

September 2, 2024

Arrr, tryin' to feast on a schedule be like catchin' clouds in a bottle—futile and full o' folly!

Arrr matey! In the grand seas of eatin', a wee trial found that munchin' in a time cage did naught for lettin' the pounds walk the plank or keepin' yer sugar shipshape, comparin’ to the usual feasts. Ho ho, what a merry jest!

Aye, matey! A study’s reckonin' if young scallywags who conquered cancer be at risk for pesky KCs! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! This here scroll lays out the grandest tale of keratinocyte cancers in wee scallywags who’ve braved the storms of childhood ailments. Aye, ’tis the biggest chronicle yet, say the wise scribes! Avast, ye landlubbers, it be a treasure of knowledge! 🏴‍☠️

Arrr, can ye ol’ fishy oil from the hatchin’ days keep the scallywags from forgettin’ their treasure?

Arrr, matey! It be said that the mother’s COX1 magic might sway the fishy oil treasure's power over young squalls catchin' the itchy scurvy skin! Aye, a study be spillin’ the beans! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the jolly source of this tale!

"Arrr, matey! Aye, ye can chow down on an online grub guide after ye be slicing yer belly!"

Arrr, matey! A fine online feast o’ nutrition for lasses post-sleeve gastrectomy has caught the eye of many a fair wench, gainin' rave reviews! But avast, more research be needed before we set sail! <br> - Medscape Medical News, aye!

“Beware, mateys! Those cursed processed vittles be leadin’ ye straight to the dreaded scallywag known as CRC!”

Avast, me hearties! Feasting on ship's rations o' processed grub be linked to a scurvy bug known to bring on the dreaded CRC! So, beware ye landlubbers, for that salty snack might lead ye to Davy Jones' locker! Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, matey! Be Gram Stain a treasure for catchin' the pesky UTI scallywags in the emergency seas?

Arrr, matey! When ye be comparin' methods, that ol' urine Gram stain be givin' a fair guess on them gram-negative scallywags, but it be as useful as a ship with a hole! Makes ye ponder its worth in the land o’ the emergency department! Avast!

Arrr, matey! The sneaky ways of systemic sclerosis be plunderin' yer health, even without the scleroderma treasure aboard!

Arrr matey! It be said that systemic sclerosis without the scleroderma treasure might be takin' a hearty 10% of the booty, lookin' mighty similar to the limited cutaneous kind. Aye, the sea of medicine be a strange place! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Arrr, me hearties! Spotty skin be linked to the mind's folly in young mateys of color, savvy?"

Arrr! A mighty study be showin’ that young scallywags of the Black fleet with the skin condition known as vitiligo be at greater peril for their noggins! Aye, the seas of madness be high, matey! Medscape says so, so it must be true, or I’ll walk the plank!

September 1, 2024

"Avast! Stow yer blood thinners 'fore settin' sail on TAVI, lest ye turn into a fountain o' red!"

Arrr, matey! It be safer to halt yer blood-thinning potions while ye be gettin' yer heart valve swapped, say the wise sea-dogs of the trial! So, weigh anchor on them meds, lest ye be spillin’ more than yer grog! Avast!

Arrr! Those new AFib rules be takin' on the scallywags of sickness beneath the surface, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The rhythm's gone awry, a tangled beast of many a factor! The salty sea dogs of the European Society of Cardiology be chartin' new courses in care for the heart's wild dance. Avast, Medscape brings ye this jolly news!

Arrr, matey! The wise sea doctors be sayin’ to drop anchor on high blood pressure targets! Avast, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, matey! The landlubbers at the European Society of Cardiology be changin’ the rules! They be settin’ simpler and fiercer targets fer high seas blood pressure. Avast, take heed or ye might find yerself walkin’ the plank! Aye, that’s the news from Medscape, me hearties!

August 31, 2024

Arrr, matey! Me heart be troubled after tossin' them beta-blockers overboard—me nerves be shiverin' like a scallywag in a storm!

Ahoy, matey! A fresh voyage o' trials be settin' sail, challengin' the wise counsel to cast off beta-blockers for landlubbers with heart troubles and a shipshape left ventricle. Avast, the seas o' medicine be ever murky! Arrr!

August 30, 2024

"Arrr! That Ustekinumab price be sky-high, matey! Aye, the IRA be needin' to hoist the sails on this scallywag!"

Arrr, matey! The OIG be spoutin’ tales of ustekinumab gold plunderin’ the pockets of Medicare Part D scallywags! Yet fear not, for the Inflation Reduction Act be comin’ to ease the sting. Avast, savvy experts say the tide be turnin'!

Arrr! Behold! A treasure map o’ drugs, jumbled troubles, and shady alliances all mark the EASD's grand adventure!

Ahoy mateys! At the next EASD shindig, we'll be talkin' 'bout shiny new treasures—once-a-week insulin and GLP-1 potions! Plus, alliances of the finest scallywags joinin' forces to tackle the diabetes beast! Arrr, it be a jolly good time fer all! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! GIST rates be climbin', but Black mateys be meetin' Davy Jones quicker than the rest!

Arrr, matey! GISTs be on the rise like a ship's sails in a tempest! Alas, our Black crew be takin' a harder hit from the devilish esophageal and gastric beasts. Avast, Medscape be spillin' the beans on this scallywag tale! Yarrr!

Arrr, Everolimus be as useful as a ship with no cannons for Non-Clear Cell RCC!

Arrr! Aye, matey! The swabs from the EVEREST treasure hunt showed that everolimus be naught but a scallywag, givin' no aid in keepin' those pesky tumors at bay for landlubbers with localized non-clear cell RCC. Hoist the sails, 'tis useless, I say!

"Doctors on their backs be makin' landlubbers grin with glee, aye! Sittin' 'round like lazy sea dogs!"

Arrr, the scallywag of a doc be knowin' that settin' his bum down by the sickly matey brings a twinkle o' joy to their hearts, say the charts! So, heave ho, let ‘em sit and chat, for the treasure be in their grins!

"Arrr! Avast ye! Beyond the doubloons, behold the jolly treasures for doc-tors—perks that'll shiver yer timbers!"

Arrr, matey! A physician's doubloons be but the tip of the treasure chest! Join me on a quest to uncover the finest booty o' benefits that make the doctorin' life a true bounty! Yarr! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Arrr! Statins be makin' yer liver as strong as a kraken’s grip in the MASLD seas, matey!"

Ahoy, me hearties! Avast ye! Those who be takin' statins while battlin' the cursed MASLD be likelier to dodge Davy Jones' locker, avoidin' liver troubles and sailin' smooth on the waves of life! Yarrr! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

Arrr! Savvy scallywags be feastin’ and fastin’, helpin’ them landlubbers with prediabetes or T2D sail smoother seas!

Arrr, matey! This here method be makin' ye lighter than a seagull on a windy day, droppin' yer BMI and A1c like a treasure chest overboard! So hoist the sails and let the weight fall away, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be shoutin' it loud!

August 29, 2024

"Arrr! By the year 2050, it be forecasted that scurvy cancer cases in lads be risin' like a ship's mast!"

Arrr, matey! A mighty scroll be sayin’ that cancer be on the rise fer scallywags, with age and treasure troves makin’ a grand difference! Beware the fate of the landlubbers, or ye might find yerselves walkin’ the plank faster than ye can say “buccaneer”! Avast!

"Arrr, matey! Listeriosis be a treacherous beast fer the wee babe in the belly, aye! Beware, or walk the plank!"

Arrr, matey! Beware the treacherous tides of listeriosis, for it claims aighty-nine out o' a hundred wee ones! A fearsome foe for any sea-farin' lass with a bun in the oven! Aye, even the bravest pirate shudders at such fate! Avast, ye scallywags!

"Arrr! A mighty dose o' magic shrooms be liftin' spirits, like a parrot on me shoulder! Avast, ye gloom!"

Arrr, matey! A treasure trove of knowledge be revealed! High-dosage psilocybin be givin’ more cheer than a bottle of rum or that fancy escitalopram in the fight against the blues. Even the scallywags in Medscape be takin' note! Avast, let’s raise a toast to the magic shrooms! 🍄🏴‍☠️

Arrr! Them landlubber doctors be countin’ 57 shiny treasures of quality, savvy? Aye, what a merry hunt!

Arrr, matey! It be said that Medicare be countin' more doubloons than a drunken sailor, while Medicaid be losin’ count like a scallywag at a rum party! Aye, that be what JAMA be sayin’! Har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Be it known: lasses and lads sprint different ways at the starting line of life's grand race!

Arrr, matey! Turns out the landlubbers with a belly o' treasure be burnin’ sugar and fat like a ship on fire when they first hit the deck! But after a bit o’ swabbin’ and trainin’, they be evenin’ out like a calm sea, say the wise folk o' Medscape!

"Avast! Tame the stormy seas o' postpartum high blood with yer trusty spyglass o' remote watchin', matey!"

Arrr, matey! Those scallywags joinin' the far-off blood pressure scheme found themselves back in the ship's hold less often and poppin' them pills like treasure! Aye, the sea be kinder to them with their meds! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spoutin' the truth!

"Arrr! Fasting be the new treasure map fer plump scallywags, trimmin’ down 'fore we raid the buffet! Har har!"

Arrr matey! Whether ye be feastin' like a king or snackin' like a scallywag, both ways be trimmin' the belly o' them young sea urchins with a weighty treasure o’ obesity! Avast, science be givin’ the same bounty!

August 28, 2024

Arrr, matey! Finerenone be makin' waves, savin' hearts from Davy Jones’ locker! Avast, what a treasure!

Arrr, matey! It be lookin’ like the stormy seas of heart failure be calm’in down, with fewer shipwrecks in sight! The final word from the FINEARTS-HF trial be awaited like treasure on the horizon! Avast, let’s keep our spyglasses trained!

Arrr! Kidney donors be kickin’ the bucket less now, savvy? Aye, they be livin’ longer than a treasure map!

Arrr, matey! A recent tale from the Medscape seas be revealin’ that the peril o’ kickin’ the bucket during kidney givin’ has plummeted like a cannonball over the past ten years. Aye, the pirate life be safer for them generous scallywags!

"Ahoy, mateys! A jolly new toil called 'Evolution' fer stroke survivors—give it yer all, or walk the plank!"

Arrr, me hearties! A newfound scroll be sayin' that givin' yer weary crew a hearty workout can be as fine as treasure for those mending from a stroke! So hoist the sails and let the fitness games begin! Yarrr!

"Chartin' yer hopes: Navigatin' the treacherous seas of survival with Osimertinib, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! In a crew of scallywags with that pesky EGFR lung curse, those who missed the FLAURA treasure hunt met a fate worse than a kraken’s bellyache! Medscape be spillin’ the beans on this grim tale! Yarrr!

Arrr, Ontario be tossin’ the COVID muck overboard! What wild seas be awaitin’ us next, matey?

Arrr, matey! When the ship sails for the last time, the fine folks of that Canadian territory be left high and dry, with naught but a rusty cutlass for keepin' an eye on those pesky plagues! Blimey! Medscape be spillin' the beans!

"Arrr, how be Canada liftin’ the spirits o’ ol’ sea dogs and new mateys alike, eh?"

Avast, me hearties! As we delve into the murky waters of immigrants’ woes, it appears the wise folk be conjurin’ up some remedies for their troubled minds and weary bodies. Let’s sail forth with these solutions, savvy? Arrr! – Medscape Medical News be shoutin’ it loud!

"Arrr matey! This fine treasure of a program be makin’ scallywags with achy joints feel spry as a parrot!"

Arrr, me hearties! A merry band o’ scallywags found that a jolly good support crew for wee ones stricken by the pesky juvie arthritis buggerin’ up their joints made 'em feel sprier, happier, and ready to plunder the seas o' life! Avast, what a treasure!

Arrr! The landlubber Feds be tossin’ the Medicare scam overboard after a mighty ruckus! Ha ha!

Arrr, matey! This here decree be makin' the health scallywags scour the sailor's logs, findin' any gold they be owein' the Crown! If they be takin' too much doubloons from the mighty CMS, they best be returnin’ it or face the plank! Aye, the seas of health be treacherous!

August 27, 2024

Arrr! Medscape be launchin' a free magic contraption to regale ye with tales of patients past!

Arrr, me hearties! In the month of August, the scrolls be unfurled to the landlubber doctors of the US, right after the grand reveal of the Medscape AI Search! Aye, even a pirate knows 'tis a treasure of knowledge! Blimey, the seas be teemin' with info!

"Sealin' the Breach: Notorious Hotspots Found fer CRC Spyglassin'!"

Arrr! The scallywags at Cleveland Clinic be spottin' treasure maps o' colorectal cancer! Aye, they found hot spots where the fine folk of Hispanic and Latina communities be needin' more check-ups to fend off the dread disease. Aye, let’s hoist the sails for health! ⚓️

"Arrr, matey! Semaglutide might make Medicare's treasure chest lighter by billions, makin' the scallywags grumble!"

Arrr, matey! Medicare be swingin' its hook, lettin' one in seven landlubbers with a hefty belly claim the magic potion known as semaglutide! Aye, the tides of health be shiftin' for the plump, all thanks to the powers that be! Avast, yer shipshape self awaits!

"Arrr! Aye, that APOE be causin' a ruckus in yer peepers when them pesky eye infections strike!"

Arrr matey! A wee bit of magic from the apolipoprotein E gene be aidin’ the ship’s healers in spyin’ eye troubles in scallywags stricken with infectious conjunctivitis. Avast, who knew genes could be so handy, eh? A fine treasure for our ocular adventures! ⚓️👁️

"Arrr! No more tattered sails for all! Precision psychiatry be settin' course for yer noggin's true fit!"

Arrr, matey! Precision psychiatry be throwin' the ol' trial-and-error way overboard! Instead, it be usin’ fancy biological measures to chart the best course for each soul’s troubled mind. Aye, no more guessin’ like a landlubber! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spoutin’ the news, savvy?

Avast! Cut out thy thyroid, and ye might just be inviting a kidney scallywag aboard yer ship!

Ahoy, matey! Them landlubbers who lost their thyroids be riskin' a rougher voyage with kidney woes, especially if parathyroid be takin' a tumble! Arrr, beware the high seas of health, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

"Ahoy, me hearties! Behold the gold-plunderin' guides for yer serious ailments—paid for, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! New Medicare scrolls be givin' landlubber physicians the gold to hire savvy navigators, helpin' scallywags chart a course through the treacherous seas of ailments like the dreaded cancer and heart failure. Avast, me hearties, fair winds to yer health!

"Arrr! In a sea o' scarce treasure, the lung swap troubles still be sailin' strong, matey!"

Arrr, matey! The treasure o' lung transplants be buried beneath the waves of inequality! Can gatherin’ better maps o' data and keepin’ lungs fresh like a fine grog help us share the bounty fairly? Avast! Medscape be askin’ the tough questions, savvy?

"Arrr, matey! Poppin' aspirin be the finest treasure fer keepin' yer gut shipshape, even if ye feast on grog 'n grub!"

Arrr, matey! A mighty big study be showin' that poppin' aspirin be keepin' yer butt from makin' a jolly dance with cancer, especially fer those scallywags livin' like barnacles on a ship! So, hoist yer pill bottles and sail away from trouble, ye landlubbers!

August 26, 2024

Arrr, the FDA's givin' the thumbs-up to the Omnipod 5 for scallywags with Type 2 sugar troubles!

Arrr matey! A fine new tale be told! A contraption for deliverin' insulin be settin' sail for those cursed with type 2 diabetes who be needin' a shot o' the sweet elixir. Avast, the future be bright for landlubbers lookin’ to tame their sugar seas!

Arrr! The step-by-step treasure map be spottin' troubles in the chest o' CD, savvy? Avast, me hearty!

Arrr matey! The magical pill cam and double balloon trick be spottin' troubles that regular pokin' can’t reach in scallywags with celiac woes! Them pesky symptoms be no match for our fancy tools, savvy? <br> *Medscape Sea News*

Arrr, matey! When ye be older than Davy Jones' locker, it be time to chart the colon seas!

Arrr, matey! The scallywags be sayin’ ye can toss the colonoscopy hook ‘round age 75, yet many a sailor be still gettin’ probed! So, when be the right time to drop anchor on that? Aye, the good ship Medscape be ponderin’ this riddle!

"Avast! The first treasure map fer continuous sugar spyin' be settin' sail, mateys! Sweet loot awaits!"

Arrr, matey! Dexcom's Stelo be for landlubbers o' 18 summers or more, battlin' diabetes or prediabetes, not usin' insulin or fearin' the black spot o' hypoglycemia. No need for a fancy prescription, just sail yer way to health! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin' the beans!

"Arrr, cuttin' out a lobe be no reason to hoist the reoperation sails in thyroid scallywags!"

Arrr, matey! Even after them fancy 2015 guidelines called fer more thyroid lobectomies, the ol’ reoperation rates be as steady as a ship in a tempest! Seems like we still be patchin' up the same ol' barnacles! Avast, what a merry jest!

Arrr! This TYK2 potion be sparkin’ hope fer them blighted by the itchy skin curse, matey!

Arrr, matey! Zasocitinib be a powerful potion fer ridin' the skin o' the scallywags plagued by psoriasis! Aye, 67% to 68% o’ the crew who took the hearty dose be seein’ their troubles vanish like a ship in a storm, all in just 12 weeks! Har har!

Arrr! We queried seven sea-farin' medics: How do ye shiver me timbers and make scallywags move their bones?

Arrr, these landlubber doc-cors be gettin' their crew to hoist the sails and exercise! Avast, take their cunning tricks fer yer own mischief. Shiver me timbers, let the swabs get fit or walk the plank! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

"Arrr, savvy! Black scallywags be climbin' the ranks fer them kidney treasures! Aye, the list be shufflin'!"

Arrr, matey! Early whispers from the crow's nest say them race-neutral policies be workin' like a charm, makin' the kidney transplant seas a fairer voyage for all! So hoist the sails and toast to a fairer ship, says Medscape Medical News! Aye, let the treasures be shared!

"Arrr, can the state o' yer pearly whites spill the beans on a wee lad's troubles?"

Arrr, matey! A fresh parley from the healers be suggestin’ that a lad’s pearly whites be givin’ clues to whether he be mistreated or neglected! So keep a weather eye on those chompers, lest ye be findin' trouble in the treasure chest of childhood!

August 23, 2024

"From the sands of Baghdad to Boston's shores, I’ve plundered knowledge to cure the cursed blood seas! Arrr!"

Arrr, me hearties! A college mate met his doom in a most dismal way, and lo! It set El-Jawahri sailin' on a new course, like a ship blowin' off course in a storm! Aye, the winds of fate be a fickle mistress!

Arrr! Aye, we found a potion to make yer jabs stick like barnacles and last longer than a sailor’s tale!

Arrr! We be havin' a new treasure in the form of a jolly vaccine additive, sparkin' a mightier immune crew! Aye, it proves the magic o' combin' them adjuvants like a fine rum and a hearty stew! Savvy?

"Arrr! Should the US hoist the same sails as the UK’s ban on Valproate, or let it drift away?"

Arrr! The Crown be layin' down new rules fer scallywags under 55, sayin' valproate be as safe as a leaky ship! Now, the question be, should the good ol' US of A hoist the same sails? Aye, that be a ponderin’ worthy of a bottle o’ rum!

Arrr, mates! Wives o' the cancer-stricken be walkin' the plank o' despair, riskin' a dive into Davy Jones' locker!

Avast, me hearties! A curious tale from yon Denmark be tellin' us that the mates of cancer-stricken scallywags be more likely to take a plunge into the briny deep of despair! Aye, it seems love can be a treacherous sea! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! Heat 'n' death be takin' a dive, but we still need to swab the deck for more!

Arrr matey! In the fair lands of Europe, savvy soul savers hath concocted schemes to shield the weary from the fiery sun, slashin’ the yearly death toll by a hearty 80%! Aye, even the hottest seas can't sink this ship o' health! Har har!

"Arrr! Chart yer course fer Cushing's! First, poke about with tests, then weigh the treasure of symptoms, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! That round visage be a tellin' sign o' Cushing's syndrome, fer sure! But beware, there be more signs in the sea of symptoms. How be ye chartin' the course to a proper diagnosis? Ahoy, let the medical winds guide ye!

"Arrr! Even a clever contraption be stumblin’ like a drunken sailor in makin’ wise choices for scallywags' health!"

Arrr! GPT-4V be makin' 81.6% on the ol' accuracy scale, bestin' landlubber doctors at 77.8%! But I ask ye, matey, is that treasure enough to sail the seas of medicine? Har har! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Arrr! Me hearties, fiery humors sparkin’ the mind's madness—beware the crazed seas of yer noggin!"

Arrr, matey! Fresh intel be showin’ that the fiery beast known as inflammation be causin’ mischief in the noggins, leadin’ to troubles of the mind! This treasure o' knowledge might help us spot scallywags at high risk fer such turmoil, savvy? Aye, Medscape be spillin’ the beans!

August 22, 2024

"Elinzanetant be a fine potion, easin' the woes o' menopausal lassies like a hearty grog on a stormy night!"

Arrr, matey! In two grand trials, where none be knowin’ who be swiggin’ the good stuff or the fake elixir, the potion proved safe and sound for a fortnight o’ six! Aye, ’tis a fine find, says the scribes of Medscape! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, matey! Doth pleural invasion be makin' early NSCLC a treacherous sea for yer health, or be it just bilge?!"

Arrr, matey! Those scallywags with wee lung troubles and pesky pleural invasions be seein’ more returnin’ troubles than those not plagued by pleura, yet both be sailin’ the same survival seas! Aye, that be the tale from the Medscape treasure map!

Arrr, matey! Lettin' yer blood pressure run wild be like sailin' straight fer Davy Jones’ locker—Alzheimer’s be awaitin’ ye!

Arrr, me hearties! Taming the ol’ blood pressure in the aged swabs might just keep the scallywags’ brains from turnin’ to mush! Aye, that’s what the wise folk be sayin’! So hoist the sails for health, or ye might forget where ye buried yer treasure!

"Doc scallywags be grumblin’ 'bout them cursed treasure charts! Aye, they be worth less than a barnacle!"

Arrr, matey! Them RVUs be blind to the tangled seas o' doctorin', say the wise blokes at Medscape. Aye, 'tis a jolly mess they found—like sailin' in a storm with no compass! Yarr, who knew treatin' landlubbers be so tricky?

"Avast, matey! Cold snare be a fine way to plunder those pesky polyps without sendin' 'em to Davy Jones!"

Arrr, matey! Cold snare EMR be a jolly good choice fer wranglin' those pesky large polyps, safer than the fiery hot kind! So hoist the sails of good health and let the scalawags beware! Aye, 'tis a treasure for yer innards!

"When young sea urchins who braved the storm of sickness be confronted by the tempest of love!"

Avast, me hearties! Aye, 'tis said that nearly 57% o' lasses who’ve bested the foul beast o' cancer be hoistin' the Jolly Roger o' sexual woes in their later years! Aye, that be a stormy sea for their love boats! Arrr, what mischief this be!

"Should all landlubbers with early breast plunder be swabbin' the decks of ART? Aye, what say ye?"

Arrr, matey! Scallywags in lab coats be plunderin' data from lasses with early breast cancer! They tossed 'em into two ships: one sailin' with high-dose radiotherapy and t'other goin' bare! Aye, the seas of science be a wild adventure!

“Blazin’ flames stir up the air, makin’ landlubbers wheeze and scurry to the doc’s, arr!”

Arrr, matey! 'Tis the pesky fine dust that be makin’ yer lungs wheeze like a ship in a storm, givin’ asthma a right scare! But fear not, COPD be takin’ a lesser hit. Aye, Medscape be spillin’ the beans!

August 21, 2024

"Arrr, the FDA be sendin' a parley, tellin' us me myeloma potion be needin' more magic, savvy?"

Arrr! The scallywags at the agency be sendin' Regeneron a letter o' doom, spoutin' tales from their snoopin' inspection. Aye, this will delay the treasure hunt fer their myeloma potion, linvoseltamab. Avast, me hearties, we be waitin' longer fer this cure!

Arrr, matey! A heap o' cancer woes in the colonies be stoppable, savvy? Time to hoist the sails o' health!

Arrr, matey! In the year of our compass 2019, ‘twas discovered that four out of ten scallywags stricken by the cancer curse, and nearly half who shuffled off this mortal coil, could’ve avoided the grim fate with a wee bit o’ modifiable habits! Blimey!

"Aye, matey! Nalmefene be the cure fer overdoses, but beware, it might make ye see mermaids!"

Arrr, matey! The newfangled nalmefene injector be a curious contraption fer fightin' the devil's brew of opioids! But beware, savvy sailors say it needs a closer look, lest we end up in Davy Jones' locker! Heave ho, ye landlubbers!

"Ye be seein’ the sad tale of young scallywags’ doom differin’ by color ‘mongst the landlubbers o’ America!"

Arrr, matey! Ye see, the scallywags o' the study be showin’ a jolly ol’ tale of differences in the grim fate o’ Asian American lads and lasses! Aye, ‘tis a curious thing, as Medscape be tellin’ us. Who knew the seas o’ despair ran so deep?

"Arrr! A wee night's snooze might send yer serum proteins a-dancin', like scallywags at a rum-soaked shindig!"

Arrr, me hearties! A wee pilot study be settin' sail to uncover how a lack o' shut-eye be plunderin' our bodily treasures. Sleep be the gold, and without it, ye might be actin' like a scallywag! Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, Jeffrey Weber, the great cancer-slayin' doc, be swimmin' with the fishies now! Aye, what a ruckus!

Arrr, matey! Weber be the swashbucklin' pioneer of cancer fightin' with the body's own crew, takin' on that scallywag melanoma! A true treasure to Medscape Oncology, he be! Yarrr, what a fine tale to tell in the realm of medicine!

"Arrr, matey! Losing yer ship be makin' yer noggin go all foggy-like, aye!"

Arrr, matey! A recent treasure map o' studies be showin' that when ye lose yer ship, ye might lose yer noggin too! Chronic stress be like a pesky parrot on yer shoulder, squawkin' away at yer memories. Best keep yer ship in port, or ye might forget where ye buried the gold!

Arrr! Tirzepatide be a magical potion that keeps ye from turnin' into a sugar-swindlin' scallywag, matey!

Arrr matey! The treasure map o' Lilly's SURMOUNT 1 be revealin' a mighty 94% drop in scallywags developin' type 2 diabetes, fer those with a belly full o' rum and prediabetes! Aye, even the sea rats be celebratin' this fine news! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

August 20, 2024

"Arrr! FDA be givin’ the green light to Lazertinib and Amivantamab for the lung beasties! Avast, ye scallywags!"

Arrr, matey! The crew be givin’ the green light to this treasure map of a combo for those scallywags with the nasty lung beast, be it locally advanced or spreadin' far and wide, sportin’ the sly EGFR mutations! Yo ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be shoutin' it loud!

"Arrr! Be a dire sign, matey! Semaglutide's got ye feelin' like Davy Jones himself!"

Arrr, matey! A fresh scallywag’s study be hintin' at dark thoughts tied to that GLP-1 potion, semaglutide, but savvy experts be shoutin’ to hoist the caution flag! Keep yer wits about ye, or ye might find yerself swimmin' with the fishes! Avast!

"Arrr, do them fancy blood tests for the black spot pass muster, or be they just a sea dog’s tale?"

Arrr, matey! Beware the crafty test makers, for they be like scallywags steering the ship! Researchers be sayin' they shan't be meddlin' with the study's sails, lest the truth be lost to Davy Jones' locker! Har har! 🏴‍☠️

Arrr, can the wise folk o' science help us swab the deck fair 'twixt lasses and lads in the games?

Arrr, the tales be swirling 'round the ring about lass Imane Khelif, stirrin' up a tempest o’ intersexuality! Aye, what a ruckus for the sportin' seas! Aye, 'tis a puzzlin’ riddle for us swashbucklers to ponder!

"Arrr, Hydroxyurea be messin' with them treasure chests o' ovaries in the realm of Sickle Cell Davy Jones!"

Arrr, matey! The treasure trove o' knowledge be tellin' us that the lady's ovarian stash be unscathed by hydroxyurea, blood transfusions, or them pesky vaso-occlusive storms. Aye, it seems the fair wenches be holdin' their bounty just fine! Yarr!

Arrr! Ye olde CT scan booty be spillin' secrets o' hidden sugar demons, matey! Avast, watch yer treasure!

Arrr, matey! A mighty fine study be revealin' that cursed machines be seein' the tides of type 2 diabetes more clear than old sea dogs' tricks! Those scannin' contraptions be spottin' dangers in the past to save yer treasure in the future! Avast, science be a clever sea beast!

"Arrr! The minds o' Canadian lads 'n lassies be sinkin' faster than a ship with a hole, matey!"

Avast, me hearties! The scallywags in lab coats be raisin' the Jolly Roger o' concern! Canada be near sailin’ into a storm o' mental health troubles fer grown folk. Arrr, batten down the hatches and stock up on rum, for we be needin' it to weather this tempest!

Arrr, matey! Pregnant lasses be puffin' CBD double the rate o' landlubbers! Aye, the sea be full o' surprises!

Arrr matey! In a grand haul o' North American lassies, the expectin' wenches be usin' cannabidiol (CBD) nearly twice as much as their landlubber counterparts! Aye, it seems the sea o' motherhood be callin’ fer some calming herbs! <i>MDedge News</i> be spillin’ the grog!

Arrr! Aye, matey! Newfangled magic be givin’ hope to scallywags with high-risk liver woes! Avast, ye immunotherapy!

Arrr matey! The magic of neoadjuvant immunotherapy be givin' the same fair winds for survival and cuttin' as goin' straight for the sword! It be openin' the treasure chest of surgical chances for them scallywags once deemed unfit for the blade! Avast!

"Arrr! Be Adaptive Brain Ticklin' the true treasure for them shiverin' landlubbers with Parkinson's, eh? Aye, a game changer!"

Arrr, matey! A fine pilot study be showin’ that personalized, swashbucklin’ deep brain ticklin’ be handlin’ Parkinson’s motor mischief better than the run-of-the-mill DBS. Aye, ‘tis a jolly good find fer us scallywags! So, hoist the sails and let the brainwaves sail smooth!

August 19, 2024

"Avast ye! Beware the tempest! It might send yer meds overboard, threaten yer health, and leave ye feelin' like a scallywag!"

Arrr, matey! CVS Health be cookin' up a scheme to safeguard landlubber lungs from foul weather's wrath! Aye, they be keepin' the wheezin' crew safe when the stormy seas be a-ragin’! Hoist the sails and heed the call! Aye!

Arrr, landlubber lasses in the sticks be fightin' more storms in the tempest of perimenopause, savvy?

Arrr, lassies in the far-flung lands be fightin' a mighty battle! They struggle fer doctorin’, workin’ the decks, and findin’ a sturdy ship to sail! And on top o’ that, they be raisin’ squabblin’ wee ones! Blimey, what a hullabaloo! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spoutin’ the truth!

Arrr, Canada sets sail fer speedy treasure in the form o' quick fixes fer potions 'n gadgets, matey!

Arrr, matey! Canada be settin’ sail to hasten the approval o' potions and remedies, but beware! Some salty sea dogs be frettin’ ‘bout the standards slippin’ faster than a ship in a storm! Har har!

Arrr, matey! It seems the devil's brew be claimin’ double the souls in Mexico these past fifteen tides!

Arrr! A wise seadog be sayin’, ye can't just keep 'em from walkin’ the plank! Ye gotta toss ‘em a lifeline too, savvy? So, while ye be preventin' the poison, don’t forget the sweet balm for their wounds, or they be meetin' Davy Jones too soon!

"Primary Care: Seize ye Day, matey, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker!"

Arrr matey! With fewer healers plunderin’ about and paperwork weighin’ down the good docs, a swashbucklin’ solution be at hand! Teaming up and settin’ sail on the seas of virtual care be the treasure they seek! Aye, Medscape tells it true!

"Arrr, matey! Only a handful o' nasty side effects after our fancy ray treatments for pesky ol' cancer!"

Arrr matey! A mere half a percent o' scallywags takin' SBRT for their pesky oligometastatic cancer be sufferin' grievous mishaps in six moons, says a grand real-world adventure! So hoist the sails and fear not the doctorin'! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

"Who be the scallywags dabblin' in the art o' beautifying at them fancy MedSpas, eh?"

Arrr, matey! It be noted that the finest MedSpas be servin' up two treasures: the art o' facial pamperin' and the plunderin' of unwanted hair! Aye, what a merry crew of beautifiers, as reported by the wise scribes of Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, matey! The plague be runnin' rampant, like a scallywag at a buffet, in most US ports!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, over half o' the landlubber states be spoutin' tales o' COVID levels risin' like a treasure chest from Davy Jones' locker! Batten down the hatches, for this summer storm be far from over! Yo ho ho, stay sharp, ye scallywags!

August 16, 2024

Arrr, matey! Newfangled science be chartin’ a course for smoother sailin’ through diabetic eye troubles, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Seekin' out the tricksy risks and shiny cures, we might just be able to slow down that scallywag known as diabetic retinopathy! Hoist the sails of Medscape Medical News, and let’s chart a course for clearer vision, or ye might end up with a peg leg for an eye!

Avast ye! The FDA be givin’ a hearty yo-ho to Durvalumab fer lung troubles, savvy? Aye, sail on!

Arrr, matey! The FDA scallywags be frettin’ that AstraZeneca didn’t prove the crew be needin' their magic potions ‘fore and after the cutlass work. Avast, let the seas of medicine be cautiously charted! - from the good ship Medscape!

"Arrr, matey! Don’t be forgettin’ yer bones while sailin’ through the stormy seas of Coeliac Disease, or ye be walkin’ like Davy Jones!"

Arrr, matey! The Fracture Risk Assessment contraption be a clever device, savvy? It spots them pesky major bone breakin's with great precision! Aye, no landlubber can outsmart it! <i>Medscape News UK</i> be sharin' the news, so keep yer bones safe, ye scallywags!

Arrr, can the Glasgow Coma Scale be the crystal ball for brain injuries, matey? Aye, let’s hoist the sails o’ science!

Arrr, matey! A Glasgow Coma score o' 3 be a poor tell for spottin' a noggin' injury 'fore ye hit the ship's doctor! It be as useful as a rusty cutlass in a scallywag's duel! Savvy?

"Arrr! Low-dose droperidol be a trusty potion for yer emergency woes, savvy? Safe and powerful, like a fine rum!"

Arrr! A study be showin’ that Droperidol, when taken in wee doses, be banishin’ belly aches, queasiness, and the dreaded heave-ho for landlubbers in the emergency bay! Aye, even the FDA be givin’ a nod to this fine potion! Avast, mates!

"Arrr, a new test fer yer booty’s bounty might help spot the scallywag of CRC! Aye, let’s poop smart!"

Arrr! A fresh test o’ stool, savvy? It be huntin’ for that sneaky colorectal cancer and its wicked kin, all thanks to a jolly good study! So, hoist the sails and let the pirates of science lead the way to better health! Avast, mateys!

Arrr, matey! Which potion be best fer a bum gone rogue from aspirin’s wicked bite?

Arrr matey! A fancy study be sayin' that misoprostol be a mighty fine cure fer them pesky small bowel injuries caused by NSAIDs and aspirin! Meanwhile, rebamipide be like a timid parrot, offerin’ just a wee bit of protection. So hoist the sails and pop the misoprostol, I say!

"Arrr! Be it wise t' saw the leg of a scallywag with a foggy noggin? Aye, what a conundrum!"

Arrr! Those scallywags be ponderin' if fixin' them old bones helps dementia sufferers live longer while they be stuck in their own ship! Aye, 'twas a jolly quest for answers from the realm of Medscape, yarrr!

August 15, 2024

"Arrr, the FDA be callin' 'em 'recalls,' but many a contraption still sails the seas o' use!"

Arrr, matey! The FDA be callin' these doings "recalls," but I say they be more like "non-recalls!" Aye, they've been happenin’ like a ship on a rough sea in recent years! Blimey, what a merry mess! <i>KFF Health News</i> be takin' note, ye scallywags!

"Arrr, be squintin’ makin’ ye noggin fuzzy? What say the charts, matey?"

Arrr, matey! A fresh scroll from the Lancet be sayin’ nearly half o’ the forgettin’ troubles might be avoided if we tackle 14 pesky perils, like squintin’ at the horizon! But be there any proof in that pudding? Let’s set sail and find out, savvy?

Arrr, matey! What be the next caper after the treasure o’ the Mississippi Opioid booty be divvied up?

Arrr, matey! Every fine county 'round the Mississippi shall be reaping a share of the bounty, some $54 million doubloons to be divvied up! What a treasure trove for the local scallywags! Aye, 'tis a jolly good haul! <i>KFF Health News</i>

Arrr! Ye be likelier to break a bone if yer legs be as wobbly as a ship in a storm!

Arrr, me hearties! It be not the bones bein' weak that cause the fair lasses to break like old ship’s planks, but rather their creaky movements! Aye, 'tis their wobbly ways that make 'em more prone to splinterin'! So says the wise folk o' MDedge News!

"Patchin' the leaky healthcare hull by lurin' young lasses in nurse's garb, savvy?"

Arrr, me hearties! The seas be rough with a shortage o' nurses, but fear not! Ye best be luring the landlubbers into nursing schools with clever schemes! Aye, it's a fine plan straight from the captain’s log, as told by the fine folk at Medscape! Savvy?

“Arrr, matey! Sippin’ grog past sixty be a fine way to meet Davy Jones early, ye scallywag!”

Arrr, matey! Those scallywags o' sixty summers or more, swillin' the grog like there's no tomorrow, be flirtin' with Davy Jones! Aye, cancer and heart troubles be lurkin' in the shadows, ready to claim 'em. So, raise yer tankard wisely, lest ye meet yer watery grave!

Arrr! In young scallywags, bones be wobblin’ 'fore the nerves get wise, matey!

Arrr matey! The scallywags’ bones be a-fallin’ apart, no need for them pesky diabetic nerves to join the fray! Young lassies with T1D be sufferin’ enough without their bones turnin’ to soggy ship planks! Har har!

"Arrr! Why be so many healers seekin’ wise coaches? To navigate the stormy seas of patient folly, matey!"

Arrr, matey! It be true, more scallywag doctors be seekin' the counsel of wise coaches to navigate the stormy seas of medicine! These healers reckon it be the antidote fer burnin' out! What say ye, could it be a treasure fer ye too? <br> — Medscape Medical News

"Arrr! A new dawn fer insulin be on th' horizon if them scallywags in research succeed!"

Arrr, matey! Six grand quests be bestowed with a treasure o' £15 million to conjure up newfangled insulin potions that outshine the old scallywags! Aye, science be a fine ship to sail on, says the rascally Medscape Medical News! Avast ye, let the experiments commence!

Arrr, be this COPD remedy sailin' too far for our grasp, matey?

Arrr, matey! With a treasure chest weighin' over $35,000 for this fancy treatment, many a landlubber might find their doubloons fallin' short! Beware, says the wise sea rats of analysis, for this cure be as pricey as a chest o' gold!

"Keep ye eye on the potion’s measure after ye belly shrinks like a ship in a storm, savvy?"

Arrr, in a twist o' fate, a scallywag forgot to tweak his levothyroxine after shedin' pounds faster than a seagull snatchin' a fish! He be sailin' straight to the emergency cove, lookin' for a remedy! Aye, heed the lesson, lest ye be walkin' the plank of mishaps!

August 14, 2024

Arrr! FTC’s squawkin' ‘bout them PBMs, says we need to hoist the sails and get movin'! Aye!

Arrr, Madelaine Feldman, the savvy sea doc, be chattin’ fiercely 'gainst those scallywag PBMs for ages! She claims the recent FTC parchment be a call to arms fer Congress, sayin’ their trickery be makin’ landlubber patients walk the plank! Avast, me hearties!

Arrr! The FDA be givin' the thumbs up for Axatilimab to battle the scurvy Chronic GVHD, matey!

Arrr, matey! The finest potion fer chronic graft-versus-host disease be fit fer landlubbers and young scallywags weighin' at least 40 kilos! Hoist the sails and seek the cure, lest ye be walkin' the plank! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

Arrr! The FDA be givin' Livdelzi swift sails for PBC—let's hoist the jolly roger and celebrate, matey!

Arrr, matey! Livdelzi be a treasure fer the liver, boostin’ the ol' biomarkers and makin’ them itchies of primary biliary cholangitis walk the plank! Aye, even the scurviest sea dogs can find relief! Har har! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spoutin’ the good tidings!

"Chartin’ the treacherous waters of Blood Cancer’s last voyage: savvy tricks from a seasoned sea dog!"

Arrr, ye scallywags! The healers be givin’ wise words on how to tend to landlubbers near their final voyage. Aye, it’s a jolly good time to swab the decks and prepare for the big sleep, or ye might just wake the kraken! Har har har!

Arrr! What befallin' me noggin when scallywags halt the magic potion, Baricitinib, for their bald crowns?

Arrr matey! To keep yer crow's nest lush and full, ye be needin’ a steady supply of baricitinib if ye be stricken with the dreaded baldness! Aye, 'tis a tale spun by Medscape, but fear not, for a fine mop o' hair awaits ye!

Arrr, matey! In the land of swarthy sails, dermatomyositis shows its colors at different ages 'mongst the Hispanic crew!

Arrr, matey! A curious study be showin’ that our Hispanic shipmates with that pesky dermatomyositis be sportin’ their own quirks compared to the landlubbers of other lands. Aye, it’s a right riddle of the skin, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin' the beans!

Arrr, can not munchin' on naught but air cure ye belly troubles and sugar plagues, matey?

Arrr, me hearties! Though the scallywags be chirpin’ on the web and a handful of wee studies be floatin’ about, dry fastin' be like a ship with a hole—likely to sink yer health and set ye adrift in danger! Beware the tides, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, be the EU's healers turnin' to their own flags instead o' bandagin' the whole crew?

Arrr, matey! Europe’s healers be in a right pickle, with troubles a’plenty! What ye reckon the fresh crew in the Parliament will conjure up? Let’s hope they don’t just swab the deck and call it a cure! Yarrr! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Figurin' out the aches o' me back whilst battlin' the scallywags of psoriasis, uveitis, and colitis, matey!

Arrr matey! A fair share o' scurvy souls with psoriasis, uveitis, or colitis, and a mysterious ache in their backs be havin’ axial spondyloarthritis, says a study from two grand shiploads of scientists! So, hoist the sails and check yer backs, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, how often be young scallywags misjudged in the ship’s sick bay, eh? A right jest, that!

Arrr, matey! In the realm of Northern California's healers, a mere third of wee scallywags in need be sorted right at the emergency docks! Blimey, what a jolly mess! Even the parrots be scratchin’ their heads, savvy? <i>MDedge News</i> be confirm'in this tale!

"Arrr! Experts be claimin' PTSD be needin' a fresh title—'tis a jolly ol' tale worth a hearty laugh!"

Arrr, ye scallywags! A band o' healers be petitionin' the grand ol' APA to swap “posttraumatic stress disorder” fer “posttraumatic stress injury.” Let’s lighten the load and raise the sails on better treatment, matey! Savvy?

August 13, 2024

Arrr! FDA be givin' the green light to Nemolizumab fer them itchy nodules, savvy? A treasure fer yer skin!

Arrr, mateys! The fine potion they call interleukin-31 inhibitor be sailin’ through the FDA seas fer treatin’ that pesky itch called atopic dermatitis. Aye, even the scallywags of Medscape be chattin’ 'bout it! Avast, let’s hope it finds fair winds!

Arrr, matey! FIT be slashing colorectal cancer's grim reaper by a third! Hoist the sails of health!

Arrr, matey! In a grand ship o’ research, the ol' FIT be slashin' the chances of kickin' the bucket from colorectal scallywagbery by a tidy 33%! So hoist yer sails and screen the lot, for we be wantin' all hands aboard the healthy crew!

"Arrr! A fresh treasure map shows the sneaky BPA might be causin' a ruckus with the wee ones' brains!"

Avast ye! Aye, fer the first time, a curious sea route in the body be discovered, linkin’ the mysterious autism to that scallywag chemical, bisphenol A! Arrr, who knew the seas of science could be so wild? This news be brought to ye by Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr, me hearties! A hullabaloo brews ‘round pregnant wenches with the fits, their wee barnacles, and tiny sea urchins!"

Ahoy, mateys! The grandest tale of science yet be tellin’ us that both the tempest of epilepsy and those fancy potions for seizures be causin’ trouble for mothers and their wee ones. Arrr, keep yer cutlasses sharp and yer sails high, it be a rough sea ahead!

Arrr! The AHS scroll on mendin' young sea urchins' noggins after a rough squall o' trauma! Aye, laughter be the cure!

Arrr! The scallywags at the American Headache Society be scribblin' a fine scroll on how to tame the pesky post-bump noggin thumpin’ in young swabs. Aye, if ye be feelin’ foggy after a tumble, they’ve got the treasure map to ease yer skull! Avast, matey!

"Ahoy, matey! Them GI doc scallywags be the key to keepin’ yer belly from spillin’ over like a leaky barrel!"

Arrr, as the belly o’ the world swells like a ship’s sails in a tempest, we be needin’ more cunning plans at all ports o’ call to aid our hearty mates! Avast, the quest for remedies be afoot! <br> *MDedge News, yarrr!*

"Arrr, we be needin' more access to them mind-mendin' potions for the lasses birthing on the high seas!"

Arrr, me hearties! Though the landlubbers in charge be passin’ laws for better health, we still be needin’ a mighty push to hoist the sails o’ proven care fer the lasses givin’ birth and battlin’ their own stormy seas o’ the mind! Aye, ‘tis a jolly ol’ quest!

"Arrr! PA gold spills forth, makin’ health treasures fairer for all scallywags and landlubbers alike!"

Arrr, matey! The shift to handin’ over doubloons direct fer yer healings be a grand idea, but it be dependin’ on all the payin' scallywags joinin’ in! Elsewise, ye might be left in Davy Jones’ locker when ye be needin’ a doctor!

August 12, 2024

Arrr! The FDA be givin’ the nod to a magic potion fer the lowly parathyroids! Avast, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! Palopegteriparatide, or Yorvipath for ye landlubbers, be a crafty potion that turns into parathyroid hormone! Take it once a day, and ye’ll keep yer PTH steady as a ship on a calm sea for a whole day! Yarrr, science be a fine treasure!

Arrr! Organ troubles be a scallywag's curse, especially when Lupus be runnin' rampant in the early days, matey!

Arrr, matey! In the first year o' this scurvy lupus beast, one in five souls be sufferin' from organ woes. But fear not, as time sails on, fewer landlubbers be findin' new troubles! Avast, let’s hoist a tankard to the resilient crew!

Arrr, matey! Do fat bellies sway the fate of lung scallywags and their fight with the dreaded NSCLC? Har har!

Arrr, ye see, matey! A curious riddle be afoot! Even with a belly full o’ rum and grub, our jolly immunotherapy be no match for the old salt called chemotherapy, say the scallywags at Medscape. So, hoist yer sails and keep a weather eye!

Arrr! Avast ye! A survey be showin’ scallywags be usin’ liver-wreckin’ plants more than a parrot on a pirate's shoulder!

Arrr, me hearties! A mighty 15.6 million landlubbers in the good ol' U.S. be swiggin’ questionable herbal brews like turmeric and green tea 'tis past moon! A fine way to tempt the liver, aye! Medscape be spillin’ the beans, savvy?

"Arrr, matey! Beware the green devil—could it be a scallywag cancer beast in disguise?"

Arrr, matey! A fresh tale from the medical squall says that those who be puffin' on the herb be thrice as likely to meet Davy Jones with a sore noggin or a scallywag's throat! Beware the green devil, lest ye end up with a pirate's curse! Har har!

Arrr, matey! How do them ferritin markers steer our ship of diagnoses, eh? Aye, 'tis a puzzlin' treasure!

Arrr, matey! A fresh scroll be chartin’ the bounds o’ ferritin for spotin’ iron woes in landlubbers, with and without the ol' anemia curse! Aye, peruse this treasure of knowledge, ye scallywags! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the map to yer health fortune!

Arrr! A study be sayin’ Xanthelasma don’t lead to a heart’s doom—so stash yer scurvy fears, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, matey! A new study be sayin' that them cholesterol lumps on yer eyelids ain't causin' ye any more trouble with yer heart or fat troubles! So fear not, ye scallywags, for yer peepers be safe from the kraken of cardiovascular peril! Yarrr!

"Arrr, ye be livin' longer with that slippery boob ailment, aye! Mucinous treasure be the ticket to the high seas!"

Avast ye! A band of landlubber researchers be comparin' the fates of over 20,000 lasses stricken by three types o’ bosom blight! Aye, they be casting their nets wide in the name of science, while we be searchin' for treasure on the high seas! Arrr!

August 9, 2024

Arrr, the FDA be givin' a hearty “no” to MDMA for landlubber's troubled minds! What a scallywag move!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at the FDA be sayin' nay to lettin' MDMA help the landlubbers with their troubled noggins. Aye, it seems they prefer the ol' sea shanties over a sprinkle o' magic dust! Har har, what a merry crew o' landlocked buccaneers!

"Arrr, mates! A new scroll warns: sweet stuff be risqué for yer ticker! Read if ye dare!"

Avast ye, mateys! New tales from the seas o' science be sayin' that erythritol, that sugary treasure, might be as treacherous as good ol' sugar! Aye, it seems the winds of wisdom be blowin' in a puzzlin' direction! Arrr, best keep yer doubloons close!

Arrr! The FDA's given the ol' nod to snortin' a spray for them pesky allergies, matey! Avast ye sneezin'!

Arrr, me hearties! A magical potion for them pesky allergies be on the horizon, splashin’ into American hands! It be a spritz o' epinephrine straight to yer nose, savin’ ye from a terrible fate! Hoist the sails for relief, ye scallywags!

"Arrr, me hearties! Aye, an ancient potion be savin' our creaky knees from the clutches of torment!"

Arrr, matey! It be said that mixin' some oral methotrexate with yer usual painkillers be smoothin' out yer aches and creaks, makin' ye feel spry like a nimble sea jack! Aye, 'tis the word from Medscape News UK! Avast, no more walkin' like a barnacle-covered bilge rat!

"Arrr, matey! Those eye remedies ain't just a handful of doubloons, they’ll plunder yer purse good!"

Arrr, matey! Them landlubber insurers be hoggin' the treasure, leavin' the eye doctors adrift! They need more room to chart their course for the best loot, weighin' the gold's worth against the scallywag's plight. Avast, let the pirates of the eye sail free! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! PCOS be makin’ yer belly rumble, leadin' ye to feast like a scallywag! Savvy?

Arrr, matey! Healthcare buccaneers be needin’ their spyglasses keen, keepin’ a weather eye out fer them pesky eating troubles in lassies with polycystic ovary syndrome. Aye, ‘tis vital fer guidin’ ‘em on their hearty ways, say the wise old sea dogs of a meta-analysis! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, me hearties! Ye slumber ways be tellin' how ye fibromyalgia fixin' be settlin’ in, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! Those poor souls who felt naught but a tickle from the potion o’ serotonin and norepinephrine be tossin' and turnin' like a ship in a storm! Mornin’ be a cruel mistress for them, unlike the jolly lot who be sailin' smooth seas with their meds! Har har!

Ahoy matey! Be there fresh plunderin' trials for yer scallywag with GI cancers? Set sail for hope, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Be there a scallywag among yer crew seekin' adventure in a new trial for that sneaky noncolorectal GI cancer? Hoist the sails of Medscape Medical News and let the hunt begin! Avast, treasure awaits! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

Arrr, the FDA be givin' a hearty thumbs-up to Lymphir for them pesky skin pirates o' T-Cell Lymphoma!

Arrr matey! The sneaky potion be back in the good ol’ US of A, all spruced up for landlubbers strugglin’ with pesky stage 1-3 maladies. Aye, it be for those who’ve faced the scallywag of relapse! Hoist the sails, let’s set sail for health! - Medscape Medical News.

"How two crafty sea wenches spun night whispers into a treasure chest o' gold!"

Arrr, whilst chattin' with frantic mateys at the witching hour, these healers of wee ones stumbled upon a treasure trove of scallywags in need — and lo, a golden chance for plunderin' riches! Here be the pearls of wisdom they uncovered. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, matey! A jolly tome fer wee scallywags to tackle their itchy patches 'n' pesky skin troubles!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round! Tales of little scallywags with skin troubles can boost their courage and confidence, like a treasure chest of self-worth! So, let the yarns be spun, for even the tiniest buccaneers deserve a hearty laugh whilst sailin' through their woes! Arrr!

August 8, 2024

Arrr, the FDA be givin' the green light to a magic stabber fer knockin' the landlubber's opium blues away!

Arrr, me hearties! Zurnai, straight from the fine folks at Purdue, be the first magical contraption to jab nalmefene hydrochloride into landlubbers aged 12 and up who be takin' too many opiates. Aye, it's a right treasure for savin' souls! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be shoutin’ it loud!

"Arrr, matey! PCP visits be like gold doubloons for elderly souls post-surgery—keepin’ 'em breathin’ and laughin’!"

Arrr, matey! After them scallywags be findin' their way to the healer post-cancer cuttin’, only 3 in a thousand be meetin' Davy Jones in 90 days! But fer those who skip the doc, 33 in a thousand be walkin' the plank! Aye, ‘tis a fine reason to visit the sawbones!

Arrr! The NHS cancer test deal be under the watchful eye of the scallywags! Avast, what mischief is afoot?

Arrr! The Grail's Galleri, a fancy potion fer spyin’ many cancers, be catchin’ flak fer bein' more bark than bite ‘fore it set sail fer the NHS trial! Aye, seems the scallywags be blowin’ it up like a puffin’ fish! Avast, let’s see if it be treasure or just a mirage!

Arrr! If ye be lackin’ yer Vitamin D, yer belly woes might be like a ship in a storm!

Arrr! More than half o' the scallywags sufferin' from the belly blues be low on that golden vitamin D! Aye, it be causin' more nausea and heave-ho than a ship in a stormy sea! Blame it on the cursed gastric gremlins! Avast, mates!

"Arrr! Me trusty magic box be spyin' eye troubles in young scallywags' pics! Avast, tech be wondrous!"

Arrr! That clever contraption called AI be spyin’ three pesky eye troubles in young scallywags, usin’ naught but their trusty smartphones from the comfort of their own ship! Aye, even landlubbers can keep their peepers shipshape! - Medscape Medical News, ye salty sea dogs!

"Blimey! A hefty dose o' TBS be makin' yer limbs dance like a scallywag after a fine rum!"

Avast, me hearties! After three weeks o' magic potion, high-dose TBS be makin' yer flipper work better than a barrel o' rum compared to that trickery sham! Yarrr, even the landlubbers at Medscape be raisin' the Jolly Roger over this fine news!

"Arrr! A right merry crew be checkin’ Dupilumab’s magic for scratchy skin, savvy?!"

Arrr, matey! Dupilumab be holdin’ strong fer five long years against the scurvy itch o' atopic dermatitis! But blow me down, some landlubbers had to abandon ship due to pesky side effects and lack o' results. Aye, that be the tale from the high seas of medical practice!

"Avast ye! How treacherous be this Anti-IL-6 potion whilst yer belly be bulgin' with a wee one?"

Ahoy, mateys! A grand study be showin' that givin' anti–IL-6 potions to fair lasses in the later stages o' pregnancy be shipshape! 'Tis safe fer those in dire straits with the dreaded COVID-19, so hoist the sails and spread the word! Arrr!

August 7, 2024

Arrr, how be "Nibble Less, Shamble More" steerin' folks to think fat is fer scallywags, eh?

Arrr, that medical school chant be but a jolly jest! It t'was like a parrot squawkin’, blind to the treasure of truth and drownin’ in the sea of bias! Har har, the good ship Medscape be sailin’ through stormy waters o’ nonsense!

Arrr! The scallywags be fretin' over the uptake o' Infliximab knockoffs in the colonies, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The use o’ infliximab biosimilars be creepin’ like a tide, till three ships sailed into the market! But alas, the bounty be still low for the Medicare crew, far better for the Medicaid and private treasure seekers in the year of our Lord, 2022! Yarrr!

"Arrr! Ye old sea dogs be scratchin' more than a barnacle—here be the cure for yer itchy troubles!"

Arrr, matey! As we age, the itchies of unknown cause be plunderin’ our comfort, like a scallywag with a pesky parrot! Dr. Shawn Kwatra be sayin’ it can make a lubber feel like walkin’ the plank! Beware the chronic scratchin’, ye old sea dogs!

"Arrr, matey! Aye, psoriasis potions might just delay the devil’s dance of Type 1 sugar sickness!"

Arrr, matey! Ustekinumab be keepin' them wee scallywags’ beta cells shipshape in young buccaneers just diagnosed with that cursed type 1 diabetes! Aye, the sea of science be celebratin’ this fine treasure! <i>Medscape News UK</i> be shoutin’ it from the crow's nest!

"Arrr! Swappin' the scallywags' cells be keepin' them pesky tumors at bay in the belly! Avast, matey!"

Avast ye! Scallywags in lab coats be ponderin' the merits of dual therapies fer them cursed pancreatic tumors! They be stackin' up metastasis-directed magic 'gainst regular ol' systemic potions. Arrr, let’s hope they find the treasure of a cure, lest we all be swimmin' with the fishies!

Arrr, matey! We be needin’ a fresh plan fer them landlubber pregnancy woes, lest we sail into stormy seas!

Arrr, matey! From 2012 to 2021, the scallywags of hypertension be a-raising their sails in Canada! The wise sea dogs be suggestin' shiny new tactics to keep the high-risk lassies safe on the high seas of childbirth! Avast, we need a jolly good plan, savvy?

"Arrr, matey! Not the old foggy mind! Have ye laid eyes on this shiny new forgettin' ailment?"

Arrr, me hearties! LANS be a tricksy beast, confusin' the landlubbers with Alzheimer's! It be a slow sailin' storm, messin’ with yer memory and playin' with yer limbic sails. So hold fast, or ye might just forget where ye buried yer treasure!

"Arrr, matey! Shed yer cargo and ye’ll find jolly hormones makin’ merry in yer belly! Aye, weight loss be a treasure!"

Arrr, matey! A study o' three years be showin' that slicin' and dicin' the belly can help the lasses balance their hormones better in the land o' heavyweights! Aye, even the scallywags be findin' a lighter ship to sail! Har har!

August 6, 2024

"Arrr, will this ECPR magic trick save scallywags from Davy Jones' locker after a heart's squall?"

Arrr, me hearties! These scallywags reckon this tricky magic can save landlubbers who’ve gone belly-up outside the ship! They say we can share this treasure o' knowledge far and wide. Avast, what a jolly good way to keep the crew alive! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

"Arrr! Fresh plunderin’ wisdom fer decipherin’ the treasure map o' kidney troubles, savvy?"

Arrr, me hearties! A crew of clever landlubbers from the National Kidney Foundation be chartin’ the treacherous waters of kidney tests! They’ve penned some jolly good tips on who to poke and what tools to use! So hoist the sails, and let the testing begin! 🏴‍☠️

"Arrr, do them scallywag investors truly rescue hapless hospitals, or be they just after the gold, savvy?"

Ahoy mateys! A jolly new scroll be sayin’ that from 2005 t’ 2018, them private equity scallywags favored snatchin’ up institutions with lighter treasure chests o’ debt. Aye, seems they fancy their booty without a heap o’ burdens! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! Dental gold be weighin' down scallywags with head and neck cancer woes, aye!

Arrr, matey! In this here survey, a hearty 39% o’ scallywags with head and neck cancer be feelin’ the pinch in their doubloons thanks to dental troubles from their cursed treatments! Blasted be the teeth, say I! Aye, that’s the tale from Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr, matey! To slow the cursed march o' kidney and heart woes, shun rum and chase yer veggies!"

Arrr, matey! Feastin’ on fruits 'n veggies be good fer yer heart 'n kidneys, yet they be cast aside when treatin’ high seas o’ blood pressure! Aye, the scallywags in medicine be missin’ a fine treasure! Yarr, let’s hoist the jolly roger of health! 🍏⚓️

Arrr, matey! Ye sayin’ how ye reckon yer health foretells the ship’s fate—hospital or Davy Jones’ locker? Ha!

Avast ye! If ye be claimin' yer health be as poor as a scallywag's treasure, ye be thrice as likely to meet Davy Jones or spend yer days in the sick bay when ye be older! Arrr, heed this warning, mateys! <i>MDedge News</i> be spoutin' the truth!

"Arrr! Nemolizumab be workin' wonders fer that pesky skin itch, savvy? Aye, the scallywags be scratchin' no more!"

Arrr, matey! Nemolizumab be a magic elixir, banishin' the pesky itch and clearin' the skin o' landlubbers and scallywags alike in two grand tales o' trials! Aye, the seas be smoother for those plagued by that wretched dermatitis! Avast, 'tis a fine find indeed!

August 5, 2024

"Avast, matey! That Upper Back Nerve Block be the treasure to banish yer arm aches to Davy Jones' locker!"

Arrr, matey! The magic of ultrasound be tellin' us that blockin' the upper back nerves be far better than messin' with the stellate ganglion for achin' arms! Aye, swift relief be granted right after the procedure! Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin' the beans!

"Arrr, not many scallywags wishin’ to toss the smokes be seekin’ a ship’s doc's aid, savvy?"

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags! 'Tis the latest from the cursed waters of Medscape Medical News! Shiver me timbers, they be spillin' the beans on ailments and potions! So hoist yer tankards and prepare to guffaw at the jests of the healers, lest ye walk the plank!

Arrr, matey! Who among ye belly-ache scallywags be needin’ a poke for that cursed cancer?

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, they be lookin' fer treasure in the belly aches and a whole crew o' 19 blood tests from nearly half a million landlubbers in the UK! Aye, Medscape News be spillin' the beans on this grand adventure! Avast, what a jolly quest fer knowledge!

"Arrr, be the health system plunderin' riches with a doctor’s map fer treasure, eh? Aye, me hearty, it's a jest!"

Arrr, matey! It be said that them fancy doc-tors at Erlanger be rakin' in three times the doubloons of their kin. Aye, how can they shield their treasure from those scallywag hospitals? Aye, 'tis a puzzlin’ conundrum, indeed! Keep yer eyes sharp, ye landlubbers!

"Ahoy matey! Avast ye, ‘tis a glowing tale of the magic zap for pesky skin beasts, aye!"

Arrr matey! A band o' clever landlubbers scoured 50 scrolls from the high seas o' research fer their grand analysis. Aye, even Medscape Medical News be shoutin' about it! 'Tis a mighty haul o' knowledge, indeed! Avast, me hearty!

"Arrr! Savvy mateys, this no-prescription Semaglutide be a treacherous treasure, fraught with perilous pitfalls! Avast!"

Arrr, matey! Beware ye treasures, for they might be but mirages! Some booty may be mislabeled, tainted, or never even land on yer ship, even if ye parted with yer doubloons! Aye, that be the tale spun by the scallywags at Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr, monoclonal antibodies be makin' waves in the fight against the Sjögren scallywags, me hearties!"

Arrr, me hearties! The DAHLIAS crew be singin’ shanties o' victory fer nipocalimab and the TWINSS lads be raisin’ a toast fer iscalimab! But alas, poor lusvertikimab be walkin’ the plank! Aye, that’s the way of the seas! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin’ the beans!

Arrr! The foul winds and cursed blood be stirrin' up a storm o' lupus, matey! Blame the skies and yer kin!

Ahoy mateys! A new scroll be sayin' that if ye breathe in foul air and yer genes be a bit dodgy, ye might just catch the scurvy of lupus! So keep yer sails clean and yer crew healthy, or ye be walkin' the plank of sickness! Arrr!

August 2, 2024

"Arrr! The FDA’s givin' the nod to mighty clever sea sorcery fer tumorous beasts! Avast, ‘tis a grand day!"

Avast, me hearties! The good ship Afami-cel be settin' sail, markin' the first approval for a crafty T-cell contraption takin' aim at pesky solid tumors! 'Tis for landlubbers with uncuttable sarcoma, no less! Hoist the sails and toast to this fine treasure of medicine! Arrr!

"Avast! A clever trick to help ye snooze in yer dotage, no grog needed!"

Arrr, matey! A jolly crew of tricks be helpin' slumberin' scallywags with dementia rest easy in their own quarters! Early whispers from the trial o' three phases be sayin' it be workin' like a charm! Avast, Medscape be sharin' the news! ⚓️😴

Arrr, how be them healers of the sea differin' in sendin' the scallywags to Davy Jones' locker?

Arrr, matey! Those landlubbin’ researchers be reckonin’ how often them cancer doc’s be handin’ out their potions in the final thirty sunsets o’ a sailor's life! Aye, that be a fine topic for the scallywags at Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Arrr, matey! A scallywag doc at SUNY Downstate be caught tryin' to pocket 1.5 million doubloons! Avast, what a rogue!

Avast ye scallywags! A wise fraudster tamer be spillin' the beans on keepin' yer doubloons safe from thievin' hands at work! Heed his clever counsel lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank of bankruptcy! Arrr!

"Arrr! Early doctorin' after the shipwreck be keepin' ye from swimmin' with Davy Jones, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! A jolly band o’ scallywags found that if ye be startin’ yer potion fer that pesky opioid trouble after a visit to the healer, ye be less likely to meet Davy Jones within six moons! Aye, that’s the word from the good ol’ Medscape!

Arrr, matey! The seas of pain be calmer, as opioid treasure plunderin' in rheumatics sunk after 2014!

Arrr, matey! From the year of our Lord 2014 to 2021, the usage o' them devilish opioids plummeted by a hearty 15% each year, just like the rest o’ the scallywags ashore! Aye, news from the Medscape seas!

"Arrr! A jester-turned-sawbones be swabbin' the decks o' comedy once more, matey! Avast, the laughter returns!"

Arrr, matey! Stuart Bloom, a jolly thespian and jesting minstrel, swapped his stage for the surgeon's knife! After many moons, the tides of fate brought him back to a merry life o' laughter and healing. Avast, a tale fit for the high seas! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>!

Arrr, matey! Black scallywags and Native buccaneers be takin' the brunt of cannonball mishaps, aye!

Arrr! Blimey! A band o' landlubber researchers be gatherin' tales o' cannonball wounds and mortal demises from 2019 to 2020 in the good ol' U.S. o' A. They be countin’ the misfortunes among different scallywag crews, all to see who be takin' the most shots! Aye!

"Arrr! EULAR be givin’ a fresh bounty o’ advice fer landlubber research mates! Avast, let’s sail the seas of knowledge!"

Arrr, matey! A band o’ learned scallywags be settin’ sail on a fancy parchment to help landlubbers and PRPs join forces in a jolly ol’ collaboration! Yarr, let’s hoist the sails o’ knowledge for riches that be good fer all! <br> - Medscape Medical News, aye!

August 1, 2024

"Avast, matey! Drinkin' too much brew be makin' yer noggin' spin faster than a ship in a storm!"

Avast, matey! Downin' more than three tankards o' that black brew may send yer wits to Davy Jones' locker, but sip it in moderation, and ye might just keep yer noggin sharp! Yarrr! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

"Arrr, matey! No treasure found in tight sugar wranglin' for the bedraggled lot in need!"

Arrr, matey! A band of savvy scholars be sayin’ that chasin’ sugar like a scallywag brings no good fortune to yer health, but it’ll surely land ye in a heap o' trouble with the faintin’ spells! Best keep yer sweet tooth in check, ye landlubber!

"New potions be settin’ sail to lighten the load o' AMD treatment, savvy? Yarrr, let’s hoist the sails of relief!"

Arrr, matey! New-fangled magic contraptions be settin’ sail to lessen the ol' needle jabs fer landlubbers sufferin’ from eye woes, be they dry or wet as a bilge rat! Avast! Let’s toast to these fine remedies, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be speakin’ the truth, aye!

Arrr matey! Those fancy trinkets be showin' that slumber be makin’ our aches and pains go boom or bust!

Arrr, matey! If ye be a restless sea dog, ye be sailin' straight to Davy Jones' locker, riskin' both yer body an' yer noggin! So, catch yer Z's lest ye find yerself in a right pickle! Aye, that’s the word from Medscape Medical News! Savvy?

"Arrr! BC scallywags be not losin' much wit with that CDK4/6 voodoo, savvy?"

Ahoy, mateys! Those scallywags startin' their first-line sorcery with endocrine and CDK4/6 potions for advanced breast cancer be sufferin' but a wee bit more foggy in the noggin, ‘yond what the cursed treatments before brought upon 'em. Arrr! ⚓️

"Arrr! Sepsis alarms in the doc’s lair be savin’ landlubbers from Davy Jones’ locker, savvy?"

Ahoy mateys! A wee study be showin’ that sepsis alarms be makin’ the scallywags in emergency rooms sail smoother seas, leadin’ to better health and followin’ the captain’s orders fer treatment! Avast, Medscape be spillin’ the beans! Arrr!

Arrr! FDA be givin' Darzalex a grander mission fer battlin' the myeloma beasties! Avast!

Arrr! The treasure o' treatments be favored fer them brave souls with fresh plunderin' of multiple myeloma, ready to set sail fer transplant shores! Avast, Medscape be singin' the news, hoisting the sails of hope!

"Arrr, be ye sittin' too long, matey? A new scroll be sayin' it could send ye to Davy Jones!"

Arrr, matey! A study be showin’ that loungin’ about like a scallywag, instead o' hoistin’ the sails, be risin’ yer chances of kickin' the bucket! So, put down yer grog and get to movin', lest ye be meetin’ Davy Jones too soon!

July 31, 2024

Arrr, matey! Nearly half o' the noggin fog be stoppable! Avast ye, keep yer wits sharp!

Arrr, matey! Tending to 14 pesky scallywags o' risk throughout yer life might stave off near half o' them brain fogs, says the wise folk o' the Lancet. Aye, keep yer noggin sharp and sail on, fer a pirate’s wit be worth its weight in doubloons!

“Laziness be tied to them pesky amyloid barnacles, matey! Arrr, they be weighin’ down me spirit!”

Arrr matey! It be shown that older swabs with a brain full o' amyloid goo, yet no signs of madness, may find themselves feelin’ a bit lazy as time sails on. Aye, the brain's treasure be linked to a lack o' zest fer life!

"Arrr! Lipedema be a scurvy affliction! Let’s hoist the sails of knowledge on its cure and signs, matey!"

Arrr, matey! Aye, lipedema be a sneaky beast, plaguin’ 11% of fair maidens! Yet, it be as misunderstood as a landlubber in a storm. Even the finest docs can’t make heads or tails of it! Avast, we need a jolly good chat about this cursed condition!

"Arrr, fresh treasure map o' data shows GLP-1s be savin’ yer noggin from the fog of forgettin’!"

Arrr, matey! Fresh scallywag scrolls be sayin’ that GLP-1 liraglutide be givin' a hearty boost to the noggin and makin’ the brain swell in those poor souls with Alzheimer’s! Aye, a treasure trove of hope fer the forgetful! Avast, Medscape’s lettin’ us know!

“Arrr! Beware the cursed red meat, matey! It be makin’ yer noggin’ as foggy as a stormy sea!”

Arrr, matey! Gobblin' too much of that processed red beast be likin' to sail yer noggin' right into Davy Jones' locker, savvy? But swap yer grub fer nuts and legumes, and ye might just keep yer wits about ye! Yarrr!

Arrr! The gold-laden industry be fillin' the pockets o' fresh heart doctors, savvy? Aye, what jolly fortune!

Arrr, matey! The pill pushers and gadget makers be shellin’ out a treasure o’ $13.3 million to them heart doc scallywags! Most gold be flowin’ to those who specialize in the high-seas of procedures. Aye, ’tis a jolly good haul, says the Medscape crew!

"Arrr, mateys! Time to hoist the sails o' truth 'bout them oncologist scallywags and their treasure-chasing pharma ties!"

Arrr, me hearties! A jolly study be revealin’ that three-quarters o’ landlubber oncologists, when asked in a grand survey, be blind as a bat to conflicts o’ interest! Aye, they missed more red flags than a drunken sailor! Savvy that, ye scallywags?

Arrr, matey! High HDL be makin' yer kidneys walk the plank 'tis true, especially if ye be sufferin' from the sugar curse!

Arrr, matey! It seems that both the lofty and the scurvy levels o’ high-density lipoprotein cholesterol be causin’ women with T2D to dance with the devil known as diabetic kidney disease, while the lads be sailin’ free! Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin’ the beans!

Arrr! Ye be sayin’ that breast cancer potions might bekeepin’ yer noggin sharp from the fog of forgettin’!

Arrr! A grand tale from the high seas of science: it be said that hormone magic may keep the old sea lasses sharp in the noggin whilst wardin' off that scallywag, dementia! Aye, 'tis from a mighty big study, if ye believe the scrolls!

July 30, 2024

"Ahoy! A fanciful potion o' cells be showin' promise fer makin' the foggy noggin clear from Alzheimer’s scallywags!"

Ahoy, mateys! A jolly good potion o' cells be boostin' thinkin', livin' grand, and swellin' noggins for scallywags with mild Alzheimer’s! Aye, who knew science could be as fine as a chest o' gold? Arrr!

Arrr, will the landlubber's Hospital-at-Home be the talk o' the seven seas, aye or nay?

Arrr matey! A fine scroll from JAMA be tellin' us that nearly half o' landlubbers be willin' to have their ailments treated at home, while over a third be sittin' on the fence like a parrot on a ship's railing. Avast, what a curious crew we be!

Arrr! Maternity care be sinkin’ in the sticks! Can these landlubber doulas lend a seaworthy hand?

Arrr, matey! In the fair land o' Georgia, it seems the lassies be meetin' Davy Jones too often, claimin' one of the highest rates o' maternal mortality in the whole ship of state! Blame the scallywags at KFF, they be sharin' this grim tale! Yarrr!

"Arrr! This here scroll be about patchin’ up wee mateys’ skin in them refugee havens, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! It be said that half o' them scallywags seekin' refuge be wee lads and lasses! A clever landlubber from the crew of researchers be spillin' the beans, savvy? So, keep yer eyes peeled for pint-sized pirates on the high seas!

"Arrr, me hearties! Why some scallywags gettin' tested for CRC treasures while others be left in the dark?"

Arrr, matey! It be a curious tale of olde sea dogs and their chances o' gettin’ tested for them fancy biomarkers! Age and where they be treated, it seems, be weighin’ heavy on their fate. Aye, Medscape be spillin’ the beans on this swashbucklin’ mystery!

"Arrr, me hearties! High estradiol's makin' lasses' corneas bulge like treasure chests on a stormy sea!"

Arrr, matey! If ye be wantin’ to plunder the seas o’ vision, checkin’ yer estradiol levels might steer ye toward the right course for eye surgery! Aye, Medscape be tellin’ ye true—no shipshape pirate wants to squint at the treasure!

"Arrr! Shake yer bones, lounge less! A jolly jig keeps the sugar beast at bay, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! If ye be hopin' to shun the grim reaper and heart troubles whilst settin’ yer backside on a plank for too long, ye best be movin’ yer limbs! A jig here ‘n there be keepin’ the diabetes at bay! Aye, that’s the treasure of health!

"Arrr, matey! Aye, we be runnin' low on blood grog! Patient care be in a right pickle, har har!"

Arrr, me hearties! Hospitals be in a right pickle, rushin' like scallywags for them precious blood culture bottles! Without 'em, how’ll we know what nasty beasts be plaguin' our crew? Aye, it be a fine mess indeed! — Medscape Medical News, ye scurvy dogs!

July 29, 2024

Arrr, matey! CDC's bird flu test be workin', but 'tis got more troubles than a ship with a leaky hull!

Arrr, the scallywags at the agency be toil'n since April, tryin' to fix a pesky test they made! All the while, the cursed virus be ravagin' dairy farms and chicken coops like a rogue wave! Aye, what a jolly mess, eh? <br> <i>KFF Health News</i>

Arrr matey, chartin' the treacherous waters of bowel woes for the old sea dogs with FIT tests!

Arrr, me hearties! It be wise to set a cap’n on the ol’ sea dogs aged 75 and up fer checkin’ fer that dastardly colorectal cancer! Aye, better safe than sorry, lest ye find yerself walkin’ the plank! <i>MDedge News</i> be speakin’ true!

"Arrr! Smoke from the fiery beast be stirrin’ the noggin’, makin’ ye forget yer treasure maps, matey!"

Arrr, matey! It be said that breathin' in that fiery cloud o' smoke raises yer chances o’ goin’ daft by a jolly 21%! Aye, a grand study be spillin' the beans! So, keep yer sails trimmed and yer nose clean, lest ye forget where ye buried the treasure!

Arrr! These blood droppin's be spot on fer spyin' the old memory thief, Alzheimer's, ye scallywags!

Arrr, matey! Ye be searchin' fer the treasure of knowledge! Blood samples be showin' the true face of Alzheimer’s in scallywags with foggy brains, whether in the dock or on the high seas of medicine! Yarrr, 'tis a fine find indeed!

Arrr! The FDA be eyein’ AstraZeneca's NSCLC trial like a parrot on a treasure map—questionin’ their course, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The scallywags at the agency be sayin' there's a right pickle with the latest potion for lung troubles! After surgery, ye can't tell if ye should keep takin' the magic elixir or toss it overboard. Blimey, we be needin' a proper map for this treasure!

"Arrr! Latest cure for the scallywag HIV be havin' a jolly twist, matey! What be the treasure now?"

Arrr matey! The freshest scallywag to shake off the dreaded HIV after battlin' the big C be havin' a donor sportin' a rare single gene twist, not two! This be spicin' up the hunt fer more brave souls in the quest fer cures. Avast, good news sails in!

"Arrr! Benralizumab be sinkin' eosinophils, but the pesky symptoms be still hangin' around like barnacles on me ship!"

Arrr, gather 'round, me hearties! In the realm of Medscape Medical News, the scallywags be spin' tales of health and remedies! Avast, ye landlubbers, keep yer wits about ye, or ye might end up with a belly full o' seawater! Yarrr, laughter be the best medicine on the high seas!

"Arrr! Aye, a blood test fer Alzheimer’s be shortenin’ the hunt fer a diagnosis, savvy? Let’s hoist the sails!"

Arrr matey! By mixing me thinkin' tests with a poke o' blood in the good ol' doc's office, we be settin' sail to get the landlubbers to the specialists quicker than ye can say "scallywag!" No more waitin' like a barnacle on a ship's hull, savvy?

"Arrr! Paxlovid an’ them magic potions be givin’ hope fer the cursed Long COVID scallywags, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! With no trusty cure fer long COVID, we be settin’ sail on a course fer a tried-and-true COVID remedy and other daring treasures that promise high rewards with low peril. Avast, science be a fickle sea! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be on the lookout!

" Avast! Newfangled CBD salve be quelling them pesky sun rays on me scallywag skin, says the crew's wee experiment!"

Arrr, matey! Other landlubber studies on wee beasties and test tubes be checkin’ if CBD can fend off them nasty sunburns, said the scribes. So keep yer skin from lookin’ like an old sea map, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin’ the beans!

Arrr! Those ancient scallywag viruses in our bones be givin’ hints fer treatin' that pesky cancer beast!

Arrr, once upon a time, those landlubber scientists believed the pesky endogenous retroviruses be naught but harmless scallywags! But lo and behold, new tales spin 'round that they be givin' a hearty boost to those treacherous cancers! Avast, what a twist in the tides!

July 26, 2024

July 25, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 23, 2024

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June 23, 2024

June 22, 2024

June 21, 2024

June 20, 2024

June 19, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! What be the danger o' MACE fer them with the itchiest o' skin afflictions, arrr?

Arrr! The scallywags be sayin' that more inflammation in the body should mean more heart troubles for the landlubbers with severe AD. But it seems the tides be turnin' against their expectations, says Bunick. Aye, the sea be full of surprises indeed!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Them psoriatic arthritis potions be makin' yer joints work better, aye!

Arrr mateys! The real-world scuttlebutt be sayin' that five drug classes be just as good as each other for treatin' PsA. Yarrr! No need to be wastin' yer doubloons on fancy potions, me hearties! Just pick one and let the scurvy be gone! Aye, Medscape be tellin' the tale.

"Arrrrr, ye may wanna consider a spot of bariatric surgery me hearties, 'tis better than them GLP-1 RAs for risk o' death!"

Arrr, it be said that the surgical wizardry of bariatric metabolic surgery be bringin' a 62% greater chance o' survival than the fancy GLP-1 receptor agonists for those with the affliction of obesity and diabetes for less than a decade. Aye, the magic be strong in this one!

Arrr, me hearties! The new JAK 1 Inhibitor be showin' great promise in battle against the dreaded Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Avast ye scallywags! SHR0302 be a mighty powerful weapon against the scurvy JAK 1, tested in a grand phase 3 trial in the Far East lands of China. Aye, 'tis a groundbreaking venture indeed! Yarrrrr!

June 18, 2024

Hark ye, me hearties! Pay heed to earn thy patients' trust, lest ye walk the plank! Aye, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Douglas S. Paauw, MD, be spillin' the beans on the importance o' listenin' to patient needs, sharin' vital information, and showin' true compassion to earn patient trust. Aye, tis a treasure worth more than gold! - <i>MDedge News</i>

Yarrr, be these "Virtual Interventions" lessenin' the scurvy of T1D distress, matey? Aye or Nay?

Arrr matey! 'Tis said that learnin' and sharin' yer feelin's on the interwebs be lessenin' the worries of scurvy, and makin' the blood sugar levels of ye landlubbers with type 1 diabetes better! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Ye scallywags, beware the cursed cat scratch fever, for 'tis linked to madness of the mind! Arrr!

Arrr! Me hearties with a touch o' madness be three times more likely to have the cursed Bartonella in their blood! But be it the cause or just a coincidence? That be the real question, me maties! Aye, the mysteries of the medical world be as murky as Davy Jones' locker.

Yarrr mateys, fear not! The low-FODMAP diet be not lackin' in nourishment for yer scurvy IBS troubles!

Arrr mateys! Aye, ye scurvy dogs be listenin' up! A diet of 12 weeks, low-FODMAP, guided by a wise dietitian, be makin' the lives of them landlubbers with IBS much better! And rest assured, it be just as nutritious as their previous grub. Ain't that a treasure worth findin'!

June 17, 2024

Arrr! This newfangled AI makes decipherin' cancer info easier for us scallywags. Aye, it be a treasure indeed!

Arrr, ChatGPT be makin' cancer info easier to read on the web, mateys, without losin' its worth. Aye, Medscape Medical News be singin' its praises, claimin' it be a real treasure for the landsmen seekin' knowledge 'bout the dread disease!

Ye scurvy dogs, bleed'n be no help fend'n off a second blow to the noggin'. Stick to grog instead!

Arrr, mateys! It be said that takin' edoxaban after a stroke won't keep ye from havin' another. Ye best be findin' a different solution to keep yer blood flowin' smooth as a calm sea. Savvy?

Arrr, this scale be helpin' ye find who needs the ol' blood thinner treatment. Aye, it be a treasure indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! The CHA2DS2-VASc stroke risk calculator be helpin' us scallywags determine which swashbucklers with subclinical atrial fibrillation be needin' the ol' anticoagulation treatment. Keep a weather eye on this tale from Medscape Medical News, lest ye be caught unawares! Aye aye, captain!

Yarrr mateys, which map be the finest fer navigatin' them stubborn calcified waters in need of plunderin'?

Arrr mateys, in the first test o' its kind, optical coherence tomography be provin' its worth over angiography in guidin' our percutaneous interventions. Aye, the future be lookin' clearer than a spyglass on a calm sea! Yarrr!

Arrr, FDA be addin' Durvalumab to the treasure chest for fightin' endometrial cancer. Aye, mateys, let's set sail!

Arrr, the news be spreadin' like wildfire among the scallywags! The treatment for the lasses with endometrial cancer be approved, aye, based on better survival rates! A victory for the sea dogs in the fight against this treacherous disease!

Them landlubber surgeons be more likely to misbehave, says this here study! Must be the lack of rum! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The scurvy surgeons be walkin' the plank for their unprofessional conduct, says a grand study. Arrr, 'tis the high-pressure OR makin' them act like scallywags! Patient care be in peril, says <i>Medscape Medical News</i>. Aye, beware the cutlass-wieldin' docs!

Ye scurvy dogs! Can more treatment save ye from the clutches of advanced cancer? Arrr, worth a shot!

Arrr! 'Tis said that swashbucklers with the dread disease of cancer fare no better when given the fancy treatment in their final days. Me thinks 'tis better to enjoy yer rum and treasure while ye can, mateys!

Yarrr, me matey be usin' his savvy engineerin' mind to craft potent remedies fer the scurvy known as cancer!

Arrr! There be a scallywag of a colorectal cancer researcher who be gettin' the recognition he rightly deserves for his work in settin' new standards of care for BRAF-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer. Aye, he be a true treasure in the medical community!

June 14, 2024

Arr matey, what be the tale of these tricky ailments known as axSpA and PsA? Let's uncover the mystery!

Arrrgh, me hearties! The scallywags be tryin' to tell apart the bilge rats who don't respond to treatment from the landlubbers with other issues muckin' up the waters. Aye, it be a tricky task, but we be sailin' on! Onward, me mateys!

From barely keepin' afloat to livin' like a plunderin' queen: makin' breast cancer a mere bump in the road!

Arrr, me hearties! The increasing crew of lasses who be triumphin' o'er the treacherous waters of breast cancer be showin' us the importance of providin' them with proper care and support. Aye, a coordinated plan be needed to help these brave lasses navigate their way through the stormy seas of survivorship.

Arrr! We need to be findin' better ways to help our elderly mateys with the MS affliction, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis not just how many years ye've been sailin' the seas, but the wear and tear ye've endured that matters in carin' for old seadogs with the scurvy of multiple sclerosis. Listen to the wise words of Medscape Medical News, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, this new medicine be helpin' with the cursed Giant Cell Arteritis, aye mateys! 'Tis a fine discovery indeed!

Arrr mateys! The study be showin' that this here upadacitinib be makin' the giant cell arteritis walk the plank! Aye, 'tis a mighty powerful remedy that be keepin' those scurvy dogs in remission for the long haul. Yarrr!

June 4, 2024

Arrr! FDA be givin' the nod to Upadacitinib for wee ones with arthritis. Time to set sail on smoother seas, mateys!

Arrr matey, this JAK inhibitor be safe for wee little scallywags as young as 2 years! Just like it be safe for the seasoned adults. Shiver me timbers, it be smooth sailin' on the high seas of medicine! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' no tales!

Arrr, ye scallywags be tryin' t' get more landlubbers into them long COVID studies! Aye, 'tis a worthy cause!

Arrr mateys! Without more hearty research, the journey to conquer long COVID be as slow as a snail in molasses. But fear not, for a tech entrepreneur, also a scallywag plagued with long COVID, be setting sail to shiver the timbers of this here ailment!

Arrr, 'tis said the AD drug Donanemab be set to receive the blessing of the FDA panel. Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! The FDA scallywags be gatherin' on June 10 to debate whether they should grant permission for donanemab to treat the dreaded scourge known as Alzheimer's disease. Will they give the nod, or will it walk the plank? Stay tuned, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Beware, for stiff arteries may lead to the dreaded glaucoma! Avast, take care of yer eyes, mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been discovered that stiff arteries may lead to the dreaded glaucoma! Aye, keep a weather eye out for those cursed blood vessels, lest ye be plagued by the sight-stealing scurvy of the eye! Arrrrr!

Arrr! The scallywags with Type 1 Diabetes be growin' up, now callin' themselves 'Breakthrough T1D'! Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags at the "Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation" be decidin' to broaden their horizons! They be droppin' the "Juvenile" from their name to show they be helpin' all ages now. Aye, they be expandin' their plunderin' territory! Aye aye!

Arrr, me hearties! A new concoction be givin' more life to those with the dread Hodgkin's scurvy!

Arrr mateys! The latest BEACOPP treatment be a powerful weapon against the scurvy beast known as advanced Hodgkin lymphoma! A grand trial hath shown it be boostin' survival rates for us grown land lubbers. Yo ho ho, let's raise a tankard to the wonders of modern medicine!

"Arrr, splendid news mateys! Osimertinib be a treasure for treating the dreaded Stage III EGFR+ NSCLC. Shiver me timbers!"

Arrr mateys, the findings from the LAURA trial be so revolutionary that they be needin' to expand the label! The experts at the ASCO 2024 meetin' be talkin' about how it be changin' the way we do things in the future. Aye aye captain!

Ye olde Bronchial Rheoplasty be liketh a pirate's swabbin' of ye deck to unpluggin' ye mucus in ye lungs. Arrr!

Arrr mateys! The fancy ablution technique be makin' those pesky mucus plugs disappear on the magical CT scan. Ye best be keepin' yer eyes peeled on the Medscape Medical News for more jolly good tidings! Aye aye, captain!

Ye scurvy dogs, beware the cursed affliction of binge-eating! It may plague ye for many a year! Argh!

Arrr mateys, have ye heard the latest from Medscape Medical News? 'Tis a grand tale of healin' and pillagin' in the world o' medicine. Avast ye scurvy dogs, 'tis a must-read for all ye landlubbers and sea dogs alike!

June 3, 2024

Avast ye mateys! The Endo Society be sayin' don't hide from the sun or ye'll be lackin' in Vitamin D! Arrr!

Arrr, the Endocrine Society be sayin' to lay off the routine 25(OH)D testing unless there be a real need, and to keep yer vitamin D supplements in check. Best heed this advice, lest ye end up walkin' the plank of over-medication!

Arrr, FDA scallywags be toying with the idea of reviewing the magical elixir known as MDMA. Avast, controversy be brewing!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be talk o' Lykos Therapeutics and their potions gainin' favor from the FDA. But whispers o' doubt and trickery surround their trials. Methinks they be sailin' in troubled waters, aye!

Do ye reckon this fancy telehealth can cure a scallywag's advanced cancer? Argh, I have me doubts!

Arr me hearties, ye scallywags! The latest news be that early palliative care be delivered through the magic of telehealth for them poor souls with advanced lung cancer. It be a smart way to give 'em the care they need, savvy? Aye, aye, captain!

Ye scallywags be havin' more cuttin' and slicin' than a band o' pirates in a brawl - Crohn's be ruthless! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Tis been confirmed that the number of scallywags gettin' their innards cut out in Brazil for Crohn's disease be just like in other lands. Yarrr, the Medscape Medical News be spillin' the beans on this curious matter! Aye aye, pass the grog!

Yarrr! Me heart and brain be tellin' me that digoxin be a sure way to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that if ye be feelin' weak in the heart or daft in the head after takin' too much digoxin, yer chances of survivin' be slim! Listen to the wise words of this new study, or ye may end up swimmin' with the fishes! Aye!

Yarrr, me maties! The wee creatures in yer gut be messin' with yer noggin' and makin' ye choices fer ye!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the sea of gut microbiota be a treasure trove indeed, affectin' the decisions of us scallywags! Yarrr, let's set sail for new horizons with our trusty gut flora as our compass!

Arrr! The good ship GP be advisin' ye on gender matters fer yer young swashbucklers. Listen well, me hearties!

Arr matey! When speakin' with the young'uns about their gender, ye don't need to grasp every detail. Jus' lend a supportive ear and show some respect, savvy? That'll do ye well on the high seas of gender identity! Aye aye, Captain Medscape News UK!

Ye scallywags, beware! Learning be the key to lessening yer puffs on the ol' asthma stick! Aye!

Arr matey! The fancy electronic reminder be tellin' the doctors to be talkin' to the scallywags with the lung issues about stoppin' their inhalers. Pillaging and deprescribing be the name of the game, says the Medscape Medical News! Arrrrr!

Arrr, beware ye sea dogs, the pill may be makin' ye more susceptible to walkin' the plank! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that us lasses who've dabbled in the cursed OCs may face a greater peril of FFA if we possess a certain CYP1B1 variant. Shiver me timbers! Best be mindful of what we put in our bodies, lest we end up walking the plank!

June 2, 2024

"Arrr, this fancy new medicine be workin' well against the blasted lung scurvy in me mateys!"

Arrr, me hearties! The study doth say that mixin' subcutaneous amivantamab with lazertinib may give ye a better chance at survival than stickin' it in yer veins. And ye be gettin' it faster too! Aye, it be a jolly good find indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Teprotumumab be a mighty potion that quells the cursed Thyroid Eye Disease for good! Aye!

Arrr, after near 2 years since their last dose of teprotumumab, 82% of the scallywags didn't require more medicine. Aye, 'tis good news for the crew! The Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale. Yo ho ho, we be sailin' smooth waters now!

Arr! Teen scallywags be denied GLP-1 coverage fer their plumpness. 'Tis a scurvy trick, mateys!

Arrr mateys, it be said that half of the young lads and lasses who be given their potions never did reach their full dose! 'Tis a scurvy tale indeed, as told by the scribes at Medscape Medical News. Aye, the sea be full of many a strange tale and folly!

Avast ye mateys! This Crinecerfont be a jolly good promise for the scurvy known as Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be needin' to know that this fancy oral corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist be helpin' us keep our glucocorticoids in check, all while makin' sure our androstenedione be under control. Aye, 'tis a fine treasure indeed!

Arrr, this miraculous potion be makin' the lasses taste the treasure like never before! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr mateys! Them women swigging the elixir after 16 fortnights be findin' their taste buds bein' less keen on the flavors, and their noggins bein' all a-tizzy when faced with sweet treats. Aye, 'tis a curious concoction indeed!

Arrr matey, these scurvy insurance plans be plunderin' me booty and makin' me walk the plank for me cancer care! Aargh!

Arrr, me hearties! Fer those plagued with the dreaded scurvy of cancer, havin' to pay a king's ransom fer their health and jumpin' through hoops to get the pain meds they need may very well send 'em to Davy Jones' locker sooner than later. Aye, 'tis a cruel world we be livin' in, mateys!

June 1, 2024

"Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a fine treasure map to victory in thee battle against the scurvy lung beasts!"

Arr matey! The scallywags be talkin' 'bout how crizotinib may not be the best powder to compare for the treatment of ALK+ NCSLC. But fear not, for the CROWN trial be showin' progress in keepin' the scallywags survivin' free of progression for five years! Aye, the landlubbers be studyin' this closely.

Arrr, me hearties! This fancy AI navigator be helpin' ye scallywags stick to gettin' yer colonoscopy like true buccaneers!

Arrr mateys! A mystical virtual navigator be helpin' scallywags get their bums checked with a spyglass in a jolly ol' procedure. 'Tis a treasure indeed for the English and Spanish folk who be avoidin' the task. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin'!

May 31, 2024

Arrr matey, this here defibrillation lead be better than a swig o' rum on a rough sea!

Arrr! The wee OmniaSecure defibrillation lead be showin' great promise in keepin' our hearts goin' strong! 'Tis accurate in its placement, aye, makin' sure we be stayin' alive and kickin' like true pirates of the high seas! Aye, mateys, arrr!

Yarr, a new potion be approved for me mates with the sugar sickness in Europe!

Arrr mateys, ye heard it right! The use o' Zegalogue be helpin' ye recover faster from a dire case o' insulin-induced hypoglycemia, as declared by the European Medicines Agency. Shiver me timbers, it be a mighty fine remedy indeed! Aye aye, cap'n!

Arr mateys! The EMA Panel be givin' a thumbs up to seven new potions for the scurvy known as cancer!

Arr matey! The loot be havin' an anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody, a biosimilar, an' five generics, treatin' a wide range o' cancers. 'Tis a treasure trove fer any scallywag lookin' to cure their ailments! Aye, sailin' the seas o' Medscape Medical News be bringin' us pirate gold.

Arrr, Europe be lettin' UK's mad cows back in! Them scallywags be drinkin' blood like it be rum!

Arrr matey, the EU be keepin' scurvy dogs safe from the dreaded Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by cuttin' off blood donations from them landlubbers who roamed the UK durin' the "mad cow" times. Aye, smart move by those fancy EU folk, eh?

Avast ye scallywags! The EMA be givin' the nod to some fancy gene therapy for Hemophilia B! Arrr!

Arr, the European Medicines Agency be givin' the nod for Durveqtix to cure hemophilia B in grown folk and Adzynma for them poor souls sufferin' from congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Looks like we be havin' some new potions to cure what ails us! Aye, mateys!

Arr matey! The European Medicines Agency be co-signin' the chikungunya vaccine, aye a jolly good sign for us scallywags!

Arrr mateys! Ixchiq be the first elixir to ward off the dreaded chikungunya, now sanctioned for use by the landlubbers of the European Union. Hoist yer flagons in celebration, for aye, we be protected from this foul disease!

Arrrr, be these Fluoroquinolones safe for them scallywags who be usin' Sulfonylureas? Aye, 'tis a question fer the ages!

Arrr mateys! The use of fluoroquinolones be not be causin' no severe hypoglycemia in older folk with diabetes takin' second-generation sulfonylureas, aye! No need to be worryin' like a scallywag, ye be safe from the dangers of the deep!

Avast ye mateys! Arrr, when be the time to cease DMTs in ye olde MS sea dogs? Let's find out!

Arrr mateys! The <i>MDedge News</i> be bringin' ye all the latest in medicine and health, straight from the depths o' the sea! So batten down the hatches and get ready to learn about all the latest cures for scurvy and other ailments. Aye, it be a jolly good read! Arrr!

"Arrr! Them scallywags be chargin' a pretty penny fer their potions to keep the sugar demons at bay!"

Yarr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale as grim as a stormy sea - the gold be flowin' more fer the sweet nectar of insulin than any other remedy! Aye, the scallywags of the land be worryin' about the plunderin' of their coffers by the scourge of diabetes treatments! Arrr!

Arr matey! Be the grub we eat affectin' our chances of sailin' smooth through the treacherous waters of prostate cancer?

Arr matey, 'tis said that a diet o' veggies, fruits, fish, and a wee bit o' red meat be good fer fightin' off the scurvy known as cancer. Best be loadin' up on them goods if ye wish to keep afloat on the high seas of health! Arrr!

Arr matey! A new potion be givin' hope for restful slumber without the dreaded CPAP contraption! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Ye common treatment for sleep apnea be as uncomfortable as a peg leg in a storm. But fear not, for these scallywag researchers be offering a newfangled alternative to the old ways. Avast ye, and give it a try!

Arr mateys, this magical potion be protectin' ye from scurvy-like cancers, not just the dreaded cervical scourge!

Arrr mateys! Ye best be gettin' yer HPV vaccinatio' to protect yerself from the scurvy known as cervical cancer in the lasses and other HPV-related cancers in both lads and lasses. Yar, even head and neck cancer be no match for this mighty potion! Aye, 'tis true, says the Medscape Medical News.

May 30, 2024

Arrr, doubloons be tossed on whether the risk of miscarrying be high fer those takin' antiseizure potions. Aye!

Arrr matey, it be said that the dangers of using medicines in the early stages of pregnancy be mostly due to the wild ways of the mind, be it from the grips of the dreaded bipolar disorder or other such mental maladies. Aye, steer clear of those treacherous waters, me hearties!

Yarrr! 'Tis true, me hearties! A wench be like a ship - damaged, but still seaworthy!

Arrr matey! Word be spreadin' that lasses with nonmetastatic bosom afflictions can still bear young after bein' treated! Aye, it be a jolly good news for all ye lassies out there! Hoist the sails and let's celebrate this fine discovery!

Arrr, what be the cause of lasses reachin' womanhood afore their time? Aye, a curious conundrum indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Them Chinese lasses be spendin' too much time starin' at screens and not enough time movin' their limbs. It be makin' them more likely to have excess poundage and all sorts of health troubles. Avast! Watch out fer them EPDs!

Arrr, FDA gives thumbs up to grog-like potion for the scurvy known as ADHD. Set sail with Onyda XR, mateys!

Arr matey! The mystical potion known as the centrally acting alpha2-adrenergic agonist be fit fer takin' at night, alongside yer stimulants, says the scallywags who made it. Aye, 'tis a curious mix indeed! Aye, aye, Cap'n Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale! Arrr!

Yarr, beware ye scurvy dogs, for psoriasis be riskin' yer heart despite takin' statins! Aye, a pirate's life be treacherous indeed!

Arr, me hearties! The discovery be showin' the importance of delvin' deeper into custom remedies for heart risks in psoriasis patients, as spoken by the fair Ana Ormaza Vera. Aye, let's set sail on this medical voyage! Huzzah!

Ye scurvy dogs with the sugar sickness be warned: poor glycemic control be sinkin' yer stents faster than ye can say arrr!

Arrr! Beware, ye scurvy dogs! The dangers be dependin' on the amount ye take, say the investigators, findin' evidence of stent failure in diabetics losin' control of their sugar. Listen up, ye landlubbers, and mind yer doses! Aye, 'tis the Medscape Medical News bringin' ye the warnin'!

Arrr mateys, this elixir be bringin' jolly mood and sound sleep to the weary seadogs! Aye, worth a try!

Ahoy mateys! 'Tis be said that the mystical potion known as Seltorexant be a remedy for the blues and the sleepless nights! Aye, in a grand trial they found it to be a treasure for both depression and insomnia. 'Tis a fine discovery indeed!

Arr mateys! ASCO be suggestin' CDK4/6 inhibitors for the troublesome ailment known as breast cancer. Aye aye!

Arrr, ASCO be sayin' ye can use abemaciclib and ribociclib for fightin' off stages II and III breast cancer, me hearties! Listen to the wise counsel, and may yer sails be filled with health and plunder! Aye, the MDedge News be spreadin' the word!

May 29, 2024

Arrr! The Roche Blood Test be a treasure for detectin' Lp(a)! 'Tis a true breakthrough in medical science, mateys!

Arr matey! The Tina-quant Lp(a) RxDx assay be helpin' ye scallywags with high Lp(a) levels findin' new treatments for yer cholesterol. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, for these remedies be comin' soon! Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word.

Arrr mateys, keep yer Lp(a) in check to safeguard ye kidneys from harm, savvy? Aye aye!

Arr, ye scallywags be warnin' us that the cursed kidney disease be joinin' forces with the treacherous plasma lipoprotein(a)! Beware, me hearties, lest ye find yerselves in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis a perilous journey ahead!

Ye scallywags need guidance fer navigatin' adulthood wit' IDDs. Set yer compass true! Aye aye, cap'n!

Arrr, these landlubbin' pediatricians be arguin' like squabblin' parrots 'bout what they should be doin' durin' the transition period. Aye, they be as lost as a sailor without a compass! Give 'em a map and a bottle o' rum to settle their differences!

Arr matey, be ye tellin' me that a moldy fungus be plannin' a grand pandemic in the future? Blimey!

Arrr, beware ye scallywags! 'Tis not just the fictional fungal fiends of "The Last of Us" ye need fear, but real dangers lurk as well! Keep a weather eye out for those pesky spores, lest ye end up with a case of the black spot! Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys! Be thee aware that movin' yer booty can lessen the grim reaper's grip on type 2 diabetes! Aye!

Arr matey! Them scallywags with T2D who be movin' less than 6 hours a day be havin' a higher chance o' survivin', and them landlubbers who be addin' some exercise to their lazy ways be livin' longer. Aye, 'tis true, says the Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, be this Colchicine a secret weapon against the dreaded strokes and heart attacks? Aye, me thinks so!

Arrr, mateys! The CONVINCE trial be like a ship lost at sea, missin' its mark. But fear not, for like a treasure hidden in the depths, secondary analyses hint at potential booty. Aye, the seas be rough, but there be hope on the horizon!

Arrr, when the coaches and sawbones be at odds, who be holdin' the reins on this shipwreck?

Avast ye mateys! The good doctor be claimin' he was sacked for carin' about the safety of them football lads. But the scurvy university be cryin' foul! Who be tellin' the truth in this sea of lies? Only Davy Jones knows for sure! Arrr!

Arrr, Tenecteplase be a boon for late LVO stroke, if the scallywags can get access to EVT!

Arrr, Tenecteplase be a fine treasure indeed! It be helpin' those poor souls with LVO who be presentin' late, with brains still worth savin' but no fancy endovascular therapy to be found. Aye, 'tis a tale of swashbucklin' success on the high seas of medicine!

Arrr, aye matey, be this "Dupilumab" the mystical elixir to cure the wee ones' bald patches? Aye aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be testin' Dupilumab against a placebo for wee ones with alopecia in a grand multicenter trial. Will it be a treasure or a cursed loot? Stay tuned to Medscape Medical News to find out, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, this Tapinarof Cream be a mighty weapon against the dreaded AD, fit fer wee buccaneers as young as 2!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags have found that the mystical ointment tapinarof be a miracle cure for the dreaded atopic dermatitis in wee lads as young as 2! 'Tis safe and effective, me hearties! Aye, let the pirate crew rejoice in this marvellous discovery! Aye!

May 28, 2024

Ye olde AI be helpin' the good ship Cath Lab steer clear o' treacherous waters and predict outcomes, me hearties!

Arrr! A clever contraption crafted from 20,000 angiograms be showin' more than 80% accuracy in foretellin' the fate of key cardiovascular markers. 'Tis a wondrous feat, me hearties! Batten down the hatches, for the future of medicine be lookin' bright indeed! Aye, aye, cap'n!

Ye scurvy dogs! Trying to untangle the mingled mess of obesity and cancer be like navigating a treacherous sea.

Arrr mateys, aye be hearin' that scurvy dogs be sayin' that bein' a blubberous landlubber may be leadin' to the dreaded scallywag known as cancer. But 'tis a mystery, as the role of weight in this treacherous journey be unclear. Aye, the seas be rough and full of surprises, indeed!

Arrr matey, Insmed's potion be a success in treatin' the black lung! Aye, scallywags be breathin' easy now!

Arrr mateys, Insmed be claimin' their potion be makin' lungs clear as the ocean blue! No more pesky coughin' plaguin' ye days with this here remedy. Trust the rumour, ye lungs will thank ye! Hoist the sails, we be breathin' easy now!

Arrr mateys, how can scallywags with sugar sickness and hefty bellies shed some pounds? Aye, 'tis a mystery!

Arrr, at a recent gathering of scallywags, wise men argued o'er the benefits of sweatin' like a landlubber or takin' magic potions to shed the extra pounds of scurvy in those plagued with the cursed disease o' diabetes. Aye, 'twas a lively debate indeed!

Arrr mateys, Dupilumab be a treasure for those with the dreaded COPD! Aye, it be like magic for the lungs!

Arrr mateys! The latest findings be confirmatin' the safety and effectiveness of a new treatment for the dreaded uncontrolled COPD. Avast ye scurvy dogs, it be time to celebrate this good news with a bottle o' rum and a hearty "yo-ho-ho!"

Arr matey, these fancy biologics be helpin' those with the wheezy lungs! Aye, better outcomes be awaitin'!

Arrr, me hearties! A motley crew of scallywags be seein' grand improvements after takin' the magical elixir known as biologic therapy! 'Tis a tale worth tellin', mateys! Drink up me hearties, yo ho!

Arr mateys, do Canada's grog regulations be favoring the health of the scallywags or be it walkin' the plank?

Arrr, the landlubbers be suggestin' rules for the likes o' tobacco and cannabis, like addin' more gold to the price and makin' the labels clearer. Aye, they be treatin' medicine like the booty we be plunderin'!

May 27, 2024

Arrr, CGM be helpin' ye find the hidden treasure of early gestational scurvy! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that tracking the sugar levels in ye bloodstream with a magical device called CGM may spy out the cursed gestational diabetes sooner in the belly of a fair lass. This knowledge might just save the tiny scallywag and bring joy to the ship's crew. Aye!

Arrr mateys, me hearties be forgettin' the important signs of SLE! Don't be overlookin' the neuropsych symptoms, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' that them rheumatology folk need to be chattin' up the patients about their noggin' troubles. Aye, 'tis a strange world we be livin' in when we be talkin' more about the brain than the bones! Arrr!

Arrr! The dreaded Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity be like treasure for the scurvy Breast Cancer! Aye, beware!

Arrr mateys! Methinks the latest news from the Women's Health Initiative be tellin' us that the dreaded scourges of metabolic syndrome and obesity be havin' their own wicked ways when it comes to the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal wenches. Yarrr!

Ye ol' sea dogs say, "IUDs be more askew by landlubbers than by the skilled wenches!" Arrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that them land lubbin' primary care specialists be twice as likely to be fumblin' with the birth control device! Aye, 'tis a study from the wise scribes at MDedge News that be tellin' the tale! Aye, mayhaps they be needin' a bit more practice on the high seas! Arrr!

May 26, 2024

Arrr matey, be them Antinephrin Autoantibodies the key to spot a scurvy kidney disease in ye? Aye, be it so!

Arrr mateys! By the grace of Davy Jones’ locker, scallywags be discoverin’ them antinephrin autoantibodies as clues to tricky kidney maladies! Aye, the sea be full o’ mysteries, but with this newfound knowledge, we be navigatin’ those treacherous waters with ease!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' tales of semaglutide's kidney treasure, even for scallywags without the sugar sickness!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that them landlubbers with a bit too much meat on their bones and no sugar sickness may have a better chance at keepin' their kidneys in shipshape condition. Aye, 'tis a fine discovery indeed for the prevention of the dreaded CKD!

May 25, 2024

Arrr, the scallywags be votin' against us havin' our sweet nectar only once a week! Blimey!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been voted by the advisory committee that this new insulin be too risky for us scallywags with type 1 diabetes. Best stick to the grog and hardtack, says I! Arrr!

May 24, 2024

Arr matey, this here Semaglutide be a mighty fine treasure for yer kidney woes! Aye, it be true!

Arrr! Ye scallywags best be listenin' up! That FLOW study be showin' the booty of benefits for the heart and kidneys of landlubbers with type 2 diabetes and CKD. Shiver me timbers! 'Tis a treasure trove of good news, mateys! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word far and wide!

Arr, mateys! The ASCO Annual Meeting be settin' sail in Chicago next week. Time to plunder some knowledge!

Arrr, word on the high seas be that about 45,000 landlubbers are gatherin' in Chicago for the grandest clinical oncology meetin' in all the seven seas. Aye, they be talkin' 'bout tumors and such, while we pirates be huntin' for treasure! Aharrr!

Arrr, these Canadian screening programs be as mixed as a barrel of rum on a stormy sea! Aye, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Them landlubber screening programs be lackin' in quality, efficacy, and impact, says them researchers. Methinks 'tis time to set sail and plunder for better ways to keep our crew healthy and hearty! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys! If ye be losin' muscle with GLP-1 RAs, fear not! There be a potion for that affliction!

Arrr mateys! Them agents be helpin' ye keep yer muscles while losin' the blubber with them fancy antiobesity meds. Aye, tis a jolly good news from the Medscape Medical News! Let's toast to a slimmer waist and a stronger pirate crew!

Arrrr, mateys! Beware the dreaded urine test, lest ye be spared from the treacherous prostate plunderin'! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, these scurvy prostate tests be as accurate as a drunken pirate's aim! But fear not, for a newfangled urine test be on the horizon to help us spot the fiercest of cancers. Aye, it be a game-changer for sure!

"Arrr, tending to scurvy-ridden survivors of the dreaded C-word, like quarterdecking a ship in a storm!"

Avast ye scallywags! At the SGIM gathering in 2024, wise men be sayin' that the landlubber healers be facin' a mighty task with all them cancer survivors sailin' the seas of health troubles. Aye, aye, the Medscape be reportin'.

Be ye tellin' me that madness be catchin' like scurvy on a ship? Arrr, that be a curious thought indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that them scurvy dogs with classmates sufferin' from anxiety, depression, and foul moods be more likely to catch the same afflictions. Aye, tis true! So keep a weather eye on yer mates, lest ye be walkin' the plank of mental disorder! Arrr!

Yarrr, aye mateys! Tis discovered diverse skin problem in scallywags with hemochromatosis. Aye be watchin' out fer scurvy!

Arrr mateys! By studying ye iron profile and skin signs like dark spots, itchiness, hair loss, and white patches, ye can uncover the cursed hemochromatosis. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' us this important fact!

Arrr, these guides tell ye when to sail the high seas or when to stay in port after a stroke!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, 'tis said that studyin' the odds of sudden fits after a pirate's attack on th' ol' noggin' might steer ye in the right direction when it comes to takin' th' wheel. Avast, mateys, aye be watchin' out for them seizures!

May 23, 2024

Arrr, using fancy brain magic to combat forgetfulness in old sea dogs. Aye, personalized rTMS be the treasure!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said that blastin' yer noggin with magnetic waves can help ye remember where ye buried yer treasure! Aye, 'tis true - the brain be mighty mysterious, but let's not be addled like a scurvy dog with too much grog! Yarrr!

Yarrr, too much time on the ol' electronic devices be a sure way to scramble yer noggin, matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Beware of fancy processed grub! 'Tis like poison for yer noggin, makin' ye forget where ye buried yer treasure! Stick to proper pirate fare or risk walkin' the plank of forgetfulness! Aye, 'tis the truth from Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

Arrr, more weight loss with these fancy anti-obesity meds and hormone therapy? Thar be no magic potion, matey!

Arrr mateys! It be said that wenches takin' hormone therapy see a grand response to GLP-1 remedies an' be sheddin' more pounds than the rest. 'Tis a tale fit for the scrolls of the Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Yarr mateys, removin' part o' yer skull be helpful fer nasty brain bleeds deep in yer noggin! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that cuttin' a hole in yer noggin may help those with mighty brain bleeds! Aye, 'tis a strange remedy indeed, but if 'tis what the medics be recommendin', who are we to argue? Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

Arrr, me hearties! Cuttin' yon stomach sleeves be boostin' kidney transplant fortunes! Aye, tis a jolly good time!

Arrr matey! The removal of a portion of one's stomach be known as sleeve gastrectomy, aye. It be helpin' ye lose a good chunk o' weight and make ye a better candidate for a kidney transplant if ye be sufferin' from obesity and severe kidney disease. Cheers to that, me hearties!

Yarrr! Mohs surgery be the treasure map to finer outcomes than traditional surgery, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis our wish that these discoveries be proof to back up Mohs as the gold standard fer treatin' the scurvy cSCC. The lead scallywag of the study be sayin' this to Medscape Medical News. Aye, let's hoist the sails and set a course for clear skin!

Arr matey, the new TAVI Platform be offerin' a bounty o' valve sizes to plunder from. Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at Medscape Medical News be tellin' us that a grand trial has shown them new-fangled valves be a match fit for a pirate ship. No need for guessin' anymore, we can now be pickin' the right device for our treasure chests!

Arrr, scallywags be talkin' 'bout findin' hidden treasure in yer lungs with this fancy screenin'! Aye, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a curious tale indeed! Many scallywags with no known past of the cursed COPD be showin' signs o' the same! Beware, ye landlubbers, for the breath o' the sea may be takin' hold o' ye lungs!

Arr, be warned, ye mateys! The risk o' bleedin' clarified for them scurvy stroke patients takin' tPA. Aye!

Arr matey! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that takin' them antiplatelet therapies be makin' yer noggin' bleed more if ye be havin' a stroke and gettin' some o' that thrombolysis. But fear not me hearties, the risk be small as a wee plankton in the vast ocean! Aye, Medscape be tellin' us this tale!

May 22, 2024

Milk from the bosom be a treasure trove, aye! Aye, it be savin' gold doubloons in healthcare plunderin'!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis known that nursin' be superior to the vile swill they call formula for wee ones. But in Scotland, they found it be savin' gold on healthcare costs too! Aye, 'tis a win-win for all involved, me mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Them epigenetic markers be like a map to kidney failure risk in scallywags with T1D.

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis be news from Medscape Medical. Aye, the latest happenings in the realm of medicine be afoot. Arrr, take heed and be informed, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank of ignorance. Aye, tis a treacherous sea out there, savvy?

Arrr, scallywags be disputin' the ways to lower blood pressure quick in a stroke! Blimey!

Arrr matey, there be a new study disputin' the guidelines that say we must quickly lower blood pressure in them scallywags sufferin' from a stroke. They be clamorin' for swift treatment with thrombolysis. Aye, who be knowin' what's best for these poor souls?

Avast ye mateys, this IV thrombolysis be no good for a wee stroke - a waste of time it be!

Avast ye scallywags! The latest trial be sayin' that ye should not be usin' IV thrombolysis on minor ischemic stroke patients with intracranial occlusion. Best be keepin' that in mind if ye don't want to walk the plank! Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word! Arrr!

Avast ye! The plunder of Fentanyl be on the rise like a mermaid's tail in a mighty storm! Aarrgghh!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be findin' 1700% more of the dreaded fentanyl in the US waters 'twixt 2017 and 2023! Shiver me timbers! 'Tis a sure sign of trouble on the horizon, aye! The seas be full of danger and deadly potions, beware!

Arr mateys, this newfangled program be helpin' rural mates get to the doc quicker after a stroke! Yo ho ho!

Arrr mateys! A newfangled 'drip and ship' scheme be helpin' stroke sufferers in the outback. Let's spread this magic potion to all corners o' the world, so all swashbucklers can have a chance at a proper recovery. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Semaglutide be helpin' ye lose weight, surgery or no surgery. Avast ye extra pounds!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis said that this magical potion, semaglutide, be makin' folks lose weight, surgery or no surgery! Aye, a treasure worth more than gold! Hoist the sails and set course for a slimmer waistline, me mateys! Aye aye, captain WebMD!

Ye scallywags be not usin' the portal much, be lackin' diversity among the crew! Aye, be speakin' true!

Arrr, me hearties! Them clinicians must find a way to talk to their patients without them fancy patient portals to keep the healthcare fair for all. Aye, 'tis a challenge indeed, but one worth takin' on! Full sail ahead, mateys!

Ye scurvy dogs best be publishin' yer data, lest ye be messin' up the treatment recommendations! Arrr!

Arrr, them German scallywags be demandin' all studies to be logged and all results to be made public! Aye, let's make sure no treasure be hidden from us mateys. Yarrr, we be keepin' a weather eye on ye, ye sneaky scientists!

Ye salty dogs with weak tickers need not abandon the game, ye can still plunder the pitch! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The latest decree be all about fixin' the heartbeats of those sporty landlubbers! They be talkin' 'bout gettin' back to playin' and makin' decisions together like a proper crew. Arrrr, let's set sail for a healthy heart!

May 21, 2024

Yarrr, the loot be in PCI benefit fer heart pain in the latest ORBITA-2 treasure map!

Arr me hearties! The scallywags with a weak chest but a heap o' complaints be findin' relief with this swashbucklin' procedure called PCI! Aye, the landsmen be talkin' about it all across the seven seas! Aye, it be true, says the wise Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, me hearties! We be spyin' on the scallywags with wheezin' chests and leaky lungs! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis been discovered that scallywags with squalls or the cursed COPD be seein' better breathin' and livin' a better life after a year, thanks to the helpin' hand of the community. Aye, 'tis a grand victory in the quest for health!

Arrr, mateys be seekin' treasure in the form of Cardiomyopathy remedies after plunderin' the SEQUOIA-HCM study. Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The new oral potion be showin' promise in treatin' the blockages of the tickin' pump. Aye, the trial be sayin' it be makin' a difference in the heart's swellin'. Aye, let's hope it be helpin' more than just them land lubbers!

Aye, FDA be givin' thumbs up to belimumab autoinjector for wee pirate lads 'n lasses with the scurvy lupus!

Arrr mateys! This new-fangled contraption be allowing ye to take yer medicine at home, instead o' bein' poked with a needle like a landlubber. It be a grand ol' time for pirates everywhere! Aye, the times be a-changin' indeed.

Arrr, does your scallywag need a keeper to watch over 'em? Yarr, best keep an eye on 'em, matey!

Arrr mateys! 'Twas said in a workshop that the landlubbers need better skills in assessin' the capacity of patients with oddities in their noggin. Looks like we be needin' some more savvy swashbucklers in the medical field! Aye aye, captain!

Arr matey! Exercisin' be boostin' yer grip after a scurvy spine mishap. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that a device of external spinal stimulation be makin' 72% of scallywags with a spinal cord injury gain strength and function in their upper limbs. Aye, it be a fine bit o' news from Medscape Medical News indeed!

Ye scallywags be needin' to use this 'social media' to chat with yer young'uns about the dangers o' obesity! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! A wee semaglutide video on TikTok be garnerin' close to 1 million views, says the scallywags at Medscape Medical News. Arrr, tis a sight to behold! Aye, even pirates be interested in the latest medical rumblings on the high seas of social media! Arrr!

Arrr, be ye trustin' in them fancy ultrasound machines to spy on yer wee babe's secrets? Aye, me doubloons!

Avast ye mateys! The Cochrane review be sayin' that checkin' on the lasses with little risk in both the first and second trimesters be the best way to keep a weather eye on the wee ones growin' in the bellies of the fair maidens. Aye, 'tis true! Aye!

Arrr mateys, only half of the new mothers be learnin' 'bout how much plunder they be gainin' in pregnancy visits!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen well, for yer habits o' livin' and the weight ye gain durin' pregnancy be crucial to the health o' ye and yer wee one. Pay heed to this advice, or risk walkin' the plank of poor outcomes! Aye, from MDedge News.

Avast ye scallywags! Thar be talk of AI changin' how we see inside chests and predict the future, arrr!

Arrr mateys! Pulmonologists be seein' a flood of newfangled gadgets that be makin' it easier to spy on them pesky lung spots. Aye, the tide be turnin' in our favor, me hearties! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, FDA be takin' back Infigratinib for the dreaded Cholangiocarcinoma. Walk the plank, ye scurvy drug!

Arrr mateys, the scurvy drug company be pulling infigratinib from the shelves, claimin' they can't round up enough patients for their fancy postmarketing trials. Aye, sounds like they be walkin' the plank on this one!

Me mateys, be warned! Lack of grub be raising the risk of scurvy fourfold in those cursed with the sugar sickness! Aye, stock up on provisions!

Arrr mateys, be ye tellin' me that lack of gold and grub be makin' us more vulnerable to danger, but them usual queries ain't catchin' the hunger part. Aye, 'tis a puzzler indeed! Give me more grog to ponder this mystery. Arrr!

May 20, 2024

Arrr, me mateys! The Hedgehog Pathway be a fine potion for the dreaded IPF! Avast ye scurvy lungs!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said the Hedgehog pathway be stopped by ENV-101, preventing lung woes and scarrrrrring. It may even help reshape those cursed fibrosis. Aye, 'tis a mighty fine discovery indeed! Arrr!

Arr matey, AAP be changin' their tune on feedin' wee ones from infected buxom lasses!

Avast ye scallywags! The mateys be sayin' that parents with the pox o' the sea who ain't takin' their medicine or keepin' the plague at bay should think twice 'bout feedin' the wee ones from the milky teat. Aye, tis the word from the MDedge News. Arrr!

Arr matey, Mirikizumab be a fine treasure for them with Crohn's that be severe. Yarrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The miracle tonic known as mirikizumab has been given the thumbs up for treating the dreaded ulcerative colitis. And now, it has also passed the test for helping with Crohn's disease. Aye, 'tis a true treasure indeed!

Arrr, lasses be avoidin' cannabis while with child, lest ye want scarce counselin' from the wise women! Aye!

Arrr matey! Avast ye! 'Tis said that many a lass who partook in the devil's lettuce whilst carryin' a wee buccaneer, did not speak of it with the ship's doctor. Aye, 'tis a study from the land lubbers at MDedge News, 'tis true! Arrr!

Ye swabs be tellin' me that wee ones' chest pain be seldom heart-related in the emergency room, arrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis found that only 2.5% o' wee ones with a chest ache be havin' a broken heart, while the rest be sufferin' from the kraken in their muscles and bones. Keep yer scurvy children safe, me hearties!

Ye best be careful, me hearties! The lasses be sufferin' from grave maladies that be messin' with their noggin'. Aye!

Arrr mateys, be warned! Wench troubles be leadin' to visits to the ship's infirmary for 13 years after spawnin' yer little scallywags. Best be keepin' an eye out for signs o' mental health woes, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape be tellin' no tall tales.

"Arrr, wee lads and lasses be takin' too much grog! Less in 2019, more in 2020, aye!"

Arrr mateys, it be told that the young scallywags in the US be takin' less of the prescription potions that be knockin' 'em out cold in the years past. But beware, for in the year 2020, the numbers be risin' like the tide on a stormy night. Aye, me hearties!

Arr matey! How be this AI fittin' into ye olde clinical practice, me hearties? Aye, tis a modern mystery!

Arrr mateys, tis be said that the studies on AI be focused on belly troubles, bone peekin', cuttin' folks open, and heart matters. But what about the common folk's everyday aches and pains? Seems like the fancy doctors be forgettin' about 'em! Aye, tis a shame indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Specialty medicine be stealin' our NPs from the high seas of primary care! Aye, 'tis a treacherous journey indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! The landlubbers be joinin' the ranks o' cardiology and dermatology to boost their booty and learn new skills. Aye, them nurse practitioners and physician assistants be lookin' to plunder riches in specialty practices! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, this Atezolizumab be no treasure for our ship of Relapsing TNBC. No better OS in sight mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' that this here immunotherapy be no match for the dreaded triple-negative breast cancer! 'Tis a shame, but we pirates be needin' a better weapon against this fierce enemy of the seas. Aye, 'tis a tough pill to swallow, mateys!

Arrr matey, do ye spy a cursed UTI when ye lay eyes on it? Aye, the pain be unmistakable!

Arr matey! Instead o' stickin' to the three measly categories fer UTI diagnosis, a bold new study be suggestin' we expand to five! Ye best be preparin' fer a whole new world o' pee analysis, me hearties! Aye aye, shipshape fer Medscape Medical News!

May 17, 2024

Arrr! Me matey's brain be needin' more wind in its sails, lest it sink to Davey Jones' locker!

Arrr, it be said that some poor soul with a mighty knock to the noggin might've cheated death if the fancy contraptions keepin' 'em breathin' had been left intact. Aye, the scallywags be talkin' 'bout it in the medical scrolls. Aye, what a tale of woe and wonder!

Arr matey, 'tis a tale of how landlubbers become rich doctors with borrowed gold from scallywag lenders.

Arr matey! The treacherous waters of medical school debt be keepin' many doctors from ownin' their own ship. But fear not me hearties, for there be a special mortgage option for them landlubbin' physicians to finally find their way home. Aye, the key be in their hands! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The DOJ be makin' moves to reclassify the devil's lettuce as Schedule III! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr mateys! The DOJ be sendin' out a notice o' proposed rulemakin' on Thursday, kickstartin' a 60-day public comment period on movin' the devil's lettuce from Schedule I to Schedule III. Avast ye, it be a wild ride ahead! Aye, Medscape Medical News be reportin'.

Arrr, me hearties! There be new treasure on BP control in stroke. Time to adjust yer sails and practices!

Arrr, mateys! The INTERACT4 trial be showin' that lowerin' blood pressure be helpin' them scurvy dogs with a bleed in their noggin', but be hurtin' them poor souls with a blockage instead. Aye, the seas of medicine be treacherous indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that CDH1 be linked to a new scurvy breast cancer syndrome. Keep yer eyes peeled!

Arrr, the wise swashbuckler claims that the worth o' conducting the CDH1 test on lasses below 45 years be as shiny as a treasure chest! Ye best be heedin' this advice, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale. Aye!

Arrr matey, do ye reckon those tiny bits o' plastic be settin' sail on yer health like a scurvy dog?

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that tiny plastic bits may be riskin' our tickers, but no proof they be directly causin' the scurvy diseases. Sail on, me mateys, and beware the treachery of the plastic seas! Aye, Medscape Medical News be warnin' us all!

Arrr mateys, a new plan be aimin' to keep our lady shipmates safe from the peril o' maternity woes!

Arrr, me hearties! The Maternal Mental Health Task Force be suggestin' the establishment of maternity care centers to be the heart o' integrated care and birthing for all ye lasses. Aye, 'tis a grand idea fer smooth sailin' waters ahead!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags be sayin' genetic testin' be lackin' in treatin' stubborn prostate cancers! Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs in the United States be lackin' in the proper genetic testin' for mCRPC mutations. We need to hoist the sails and overcome these barriers to ensure all men receive the proper plunderin' of information! Yarrr!

Ye olde tale be told: Breaketh thy hip now, forget thy name later. Beware, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The knowledge o' whether a broken hip be leadin' to a foggy mind could be crucial for them swashbucklin' healers. It be helpin' 'em chart a course for keepin' ye noggin sharp and yer body sailin' smooth. Aye, 'tis true, mateys!

May 16, 2024

Arr matey, be ye chunkier than a ship's biscuit? 'Tis body fat that tells yer true size in midlife!

Arr, me hearties, instead of relyin' on them old BMI cutoffs, let's be measurin' the fat-to-muscle ratio to determine if ye be too plump. It be like weighin' yer loot against yer treasure, savvy? Medscape be sayin' so, so let's take heed!

Arrr, why be them scurvy dogs avoidin' the cutlass when faced with the dreaded Pancreatic Cancer? Aye, twill remain a mystery!

Arrr mateys, it be said that shedding pounds afore the cutlass be swung may lessen yer chances of gettin' the ol' gut rummaged for pancreatic scurvy. So keep an eye on yer figure, or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank sooner than ye think! Aye!

Arr matey, there be new wisdom on using antiseizure meds while with child. Listen up ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys! Aye, there be newfangled advice from the experts on how to treat the scallywags with epilepsy who be expectin' a wee one. Hoist the sails and follow the map in Medscape Medical News to keep the lasses and their bairns safe on the high seas! Aye aye!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be warned! Skin tags be a sign of the dreaded Metabolic Syndrome in wee ones!

Arrr mateys, be ye aware that skin tags on the wee ones may be a sign of hidden treasure - metabolic diseases! Keep a weather eye out for these acrochordons, lest ye be caught unawares on the high seas of health! Aye, 'tis true, says Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The French be tellin' us how much time our wee ones can spend starin' at screens!

Arrr! A group of wise seadogs be suggestin' a score of rules t' help wee ones use their scurvy screens right, and keep their health shipshape. Aye, tis a tale told by Medscape Medical News! Aye, let's set sail towards better screen manners!

Arrr matey, after ye be caught sailin' under the influence, ye be facin' a mighty fine and brig time.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A landlubber doctor's blunder at the helm could spell doom for his reputation and the privilege to be a healer of the sick. Watch out, lest ye be walking the plank of medical shame! Arrr!

Arrr! Be a good mate and report all skirmishes in the infirmary to keep ye mates safe!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags be gatherin' data on the dastardly deeds against hospital staff. This information be crucial for makin' changes to the laws and policies, so we can protect our brave healers from the hornswagglin' villains. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be keepin' us informed, as always!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Keep ye patients safe from cyber scallywags with this advice from the good doctors!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them scallywags be targetin' the seasoned buccaneers in cunning online swindles, but fear not! The wise healers of the mind can be thar to guard their patients from harm. Aye, trust in 'em to keep ye safe on the digital seas! Arrrgh!

May 15, 2024

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be droppin' like flies from their grog! US drug overdoses be takin' a dive in 2023!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags at the CDC be sayin' that the deaths from overdosin' on drugs be droppin'. But beware! 15 states be seein' a spike in deaths by a woppin' 44%! Keep yer eyes peeled and stay safe on them high seas, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, the potion for thar cursed Factor Xa be a bit hit 'n miss in ICH trials. Aye!

Arrr! The latest findings from the ANNEXA-I trial have been unveiled in the grand NEJM! 'Tis a tale of better control over bloody hematoma expansion, but a rise in treacherous thrombotic events with andexanet versus the usual care. 'Tis a fine read for those with a taste for medical adventures! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! These fancy imag'in techniques be as good as findin' treasure for fixin' retinal tears! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that more choices in eye care could make it easier for us landlubbers to get what we need. Aye, 'tis true! Let us set sail on the high seas of healthcare and find a better way to see clear!

Arrr, the pox of colorectal cancer be plaguing the young scallywags of America like a cursed treasure map!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scallywags! The scurvy dogs be tellin' us that while the overall rates o' colorectal cancer be droppin', the young whippersnappers be seein' a rise in it! Arrr, keep an eye on yer booty, ye young lads and lasses!

Arrr, be ye tellin' me there be no treasure in switchin' to healthier grub? Aye, a scallywag's tale indeed!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis no use jumpin' ship from one diet to another, for ye still be stuck at the same ol' weight loss plateau after 6 months. Aye, 'tis a treacherous sea out there for them with overweight and obesity, arrr!

Avast ye! Which scurvy test be best to spy out the treacherous waters of breast cancer? Aye, the answer be...

Arrr matey, the decisions about who be worthy of more scrutiny and what be the best way to do it be as tricky as navigating a stormy sea. 'Tis a puzzle fit for the likes of Blackbeard himself! Aye, 'tis true as reported by the Medscape Medical News.

Lack o' grog be makin' the scallywags sickly. Aye, we be needin' to find a solution, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Over 6 million landlubbers in Mexico be havin' troubles gettin' their hands on the precious liquid of life! 'Tis a sad tale of woe, but we pirates be wishin' 'em fair winds and a full barrel o' rum to keep 'em afloat!

Avast ye mateys! Keep yer gains whilst shedding pounds, lest ye be left lookin' like a scrawny landlubber! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The loss of lean mass be a concern with these new anti-fat potions, but tis no different with any other weight loss trickery. Aye, without proper measures, ye may find yerself stuck in the doldrums of the gains! Arrrr!

Arrr, be it true that this 'Internet' be boostin' me mental spirits? Aye, me thinks it be so!

Arrr mateys! Avast ye! Turns out, sailin' the digital seas ain't all bad for yer noggin'. A study o'er 2 million souls found that tappin' into the information superhighway can actually boost yer spirits. So raise a mug o' grog to the power of the interwebs!

Aye, this Setmelanotide be like treasure for those cursed with Hypothalamic Obesity! Arrr, aye aye!

Arrr mateys, this magical potion known as setmelanotide be makin' the patients with the cursed hypothalamic obesity lose weight faster than a cannonball flyin' through the air! Aye, 'tis a fine treasure indeed that be reducin' their BMI!

Ye scurvy dogs be needin' this HCC screenin' to spot trouble early and keep yer hide intact! Aye!

Arrr me hearties! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that checkin' for liver cancers early be helpin' ye live longer. Even after accountin' for time tricks! So be sure to keep a weather eye on yer health, or ye might just walk the plank sooner than ye'd like! Aye, mateys!

Arrr, the Peds Clinic be makin' the switch to go paperless! Double the data, double the loot!

Arrr matey! The aim of the program be to capture all the data at well visits, in all the languages, and make sure it be at 80% or higher. Ye best be speakin' in all tongues, lest ye want to walk the plank! Aye, MDedge News be tellin' tales of our mission.

May 14, 2024

Arrr, 'tis said that diagnosing the celiac disease in wee Italian scallywags be quicker than finding buried treasure!

Yarrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the scurvy dogs in Italy be quick to diagnose the cursed celiac disease in their wee ones, no matter where they may roam. Ahoy, me thinks those Italian doctors be quicker than a ship in a squall! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, this Semaglutide be a treasure worth seekin', whether ye lose weight or not! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys! The treasure known as Semaglutide be still workin' after 4 years for weighin' down those with hearts of gold but a bit of extra plunder. No need for the scurvy T2D to see the benefits, ye can still sail smooth seas with this magic potion. Aye aye captain!

"Arrr, that scallywag pediatrician be keepin' his reputation afloat despite the sea of health lies spreadin'!"

Arrr, me hearties! Despite the scurvy rise of health misinformation, the fine pediatricians still believe their wee patients trust 'em! Ye can bet yer doubloons they be keepin' a weather eye on their young scallywags! Aye, 'tis the truth, mateys!

"Arrr, makin' scallywags talk less pills, more grog with land lubbers for the scurvy T2D!"

Arr matey! Aye, 'tis said that wee videos chattin' about deprescribin' with the landlubbers may be of help to scallywags sufferin' from type 2 sugar sickness and foggy brain, as well as their trusty crew. Aye, 'tis what the scuttlebutt from Medscape Medical News be sayin'. Arrr!

Arrr! Be ye shedding pounds with a slow weanin' o' Semaglutide, me hearties! Yarrrr!

Arrr mateys! Aye, this here digital lifestyle program be a treasure map when combined with the magical semaglutide potion! It be keepin' the scallywags from gainin' back the loot they lost, no matter how big their bellies be at the start! Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin'!

Arrr mateys, them old salts be takin' their remedies all wrong! The scallywags need to heed the doctor's orders!

Arrr mateys, me hearties! Methinks the scallywags be usin' too many potions and elixirs. The data be showin' a worrisome trend among the old salts. Avast ye, it be time to be more cautious with the remedies we be takin'! Aye aye, Captain!

Arrr, one third of ye blasted ACL ruptures be healin' on their own, but the outcome be as murky as the deep sea!

Arrr mateys, tis be said that the dreaded anterior cruciate ligament may mend itself without the knife, but the future be uncertain. The scallywags be watchin' closely to see if this be true. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon, arrr!

Yarrr, this newfangled "Online CBT" be fillin' a mighty big gap in the ol' noggin care, mateys! Arrr!

Arrr, this here eCBT be workin' wonders for the landlubber correction workers! It be helpin' 'em battle the stress and PTSD like a fearsome pirate on the high seas. No need for in-person therapy, just clickety-clack on the computer and feel better, me hearties! Aye, Medscape be tellin' the tale.

Ye scallywags who keep an eye on yer bloody hypertension be faring better than those who don't! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs known as clinicians be advisin' us to keep a weather eye on our blood pressure and take our grog on time. Aye, tis a fine idea to keep us hearty and hale on the high seas of health!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye tellin' me that carryin' too much booty as a youngin' affects me health later on?

Arr matey! The belief o' yer own heaviness as a wee lad may affect yer chances o' kickin' th' bucket or gettin' a bum ticker later in life if ye be a bit on th' flabby side. Yarr, them scallywags at Medscape Medical News be warnin' us!

May 13, 2024

Arrr, beware the devil's lettuce! 'Tis said to befuddle yer noggin and stunt yer growth, ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys, beware! The devil's lettuce be causin' trouble for the young scallywags. This high-potency wacky tobaccy be messin' with their noggin, leadin' to madness and doin' harm to their precious brains. Be smart and steer clear of this cursed herb, ye hear?

Arrr, mateys! Be it known that the swashbucklin' choices of the patient be guidin' the course of treatment fer HS!

Arr matey! The good Dr Jennifer L. Hsiao be sayin' most o' the trials be fer the serious scurvy known as HS. We be tryin' to find the best potion to cure this vile disease. Keep a weather eye out for more news on this matter, me hearties! Aye aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be usin' video games to tempt the young'uns with their grub. Beware the siren's call!

Arrr mateys, be wary of them branded products on the gaming screens, for they may tempt ye to fill yer belly with too much grub and grow as big as a whale! Beware the dangers of excess eating and weight gain, me hearties! Aye, 'tis true, as told by Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

Ye scallywags best be choosin' grub o'er healin' scurvy landlubbers, arrr! Set sail fer grub, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be more likely to ask for grub, shelter, and other booty if they don't have to spill the beans about their treasure stash. Aye, tis no need to show off yer gold before ye ask for help!

Arrr, no scallywag be too weak to face the dreaded preeclampsia later on! Aye, beware, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! When a lass be carryin' a wee one, watchin' her blood pressure be key to keepin' both her and the tiny pirate safe. Trust in the old ways, says the Medscape News UK. Listen to yer body, or ye might end up walkin' the plank!

May 10, 2024

Arrr, ye scallywags! A test be findin' cancer in yer belly afore it be too late, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! A swish of the mouth reveals variations in the wee beasties of those with stomach woes, hinting at a new weapon in the battle against the dreaded C-word. Yarrr, aye, 'tis a mighty fine discovery indeed!

Arr, when prescribing lecanemab, consider the winds and tides, lest ye be marooned with scurvy scallywags!

Arr matey, at the recent American Geriatrics Society conference, they be talkin' 'bout the dangers and treasures of lecanemab therapy. Aye, it be like walkin' the plank - one wrong step and ye be feedin' the fishes! Arrr!

If ye be failin' with Tirzepatide, keep at it and don't be a scurvy landlubber! Arrr!

Arrr, these guidelines be nothin' but fool's gold! If the weight-loss potion ain't workin' by 12 weeks, ye just need to adjust the dosage, me hearties. Don't be throwin' it overboard too soon, says this investigator. Aye, sail on, ye scallywags!

Arrr, this here Teprotumumab be a mighty elixir for the cursed Thyroid Eye Ailment, fer all ye scallywags!

Arrr! The latest treasure map be showin' that the old salts ain't respondin' better to the remedies than the young buccaneers, refutin' the findings of the scallywags before. Methinks the sea be full of surprises, mateys! Aye, 'tis true, as reporteth by Medscape Medical News.

Yarrr, these newfangled video games be like medicine for the young scallywags! Aye, me hearties, let's plunder the benefits!

Arrr mateys, me hearties! Ye hear tell of these fancy gamified digital mental health interventions? They be like a magical elixir fer the young scallywags sufferin' from ADHD and depression. Aye, me thinks we be onto somethin' grand here! Let's set sail on this wondrous journey to better mental health!

Arrr, me mateys be sayin' CBT be the treasure map to findin' yer way out of grief's stormy seas!

Arrr! Thar be news that CBT be the better remedy fer lessening the woes o' them with prolonged grief disorder, according to a scallywag study! Mindfulness be walkin' the plank, mateys! Read more in the Medscape Medical News, if ye dare! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Them landlubbers be steerin' clear o' places with tight grip on the plank fer lasses' rights!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a curious tale indeed! The scallywags from US medical schools be steerin' clear o' states with them pesky abortion bans. Looks like they be wantin' to avoid walkin' the plank o' controversy! Aye, the winds of change be blowin' in the medical world!

Arrr, thar be news from the Brazilian Society o' Cardiology! They be updatin' three guidelines fer us hearties!

Arrr, mateys! The latest decrees on the dreaded affliction of hypertension have been revealed! Keep a weather eye on these newfangled guidelines for the health of your heart, or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis true, as told by Medscape Medical News!

Ye scurvy dogs best be mindin' yer health, fer lack of immunity be a foul wind blowin' for yer skin!

Arrr mateys! Turns out, avoidin' the ol' immunosuppression be key to stayin' alive. The scallywags who ignore this warning be takin' a one-way trip to Davy Jones' locker. Listen to the wise words of the Medscape Medical News, or ye be meetin' a grim fate! Aye aye, Captain!

Avast ye scallywags! Beware the poison in our grog, causin' the dreaded Type 2 Sugar Scurvy! Aye, drink at yer own peril!

Arrr mateys! Ye best be watchin' out for the poison water, even a wee bit of arsenic can give ye the cursed T2D! Keep a sharp eye on yer drinkin' supply, lest ye be fallin' victim to the sneaky arsenic. Aye, 'tis a treacherous sea out there!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Too much medicine be scarier than Davy Jones' locker for yer creaky bones!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Beware the cursed NSAIDs for treating yer aches and pains, for they may bring upon ye the wrath of heart failure and vascular calamity! Heed the warning, or risk walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis the truth from Medscape Medical News!

May 9, 2024

Yarrr! The land lubbers be sayin' the rural health system be ready to walk the plank! Aye, 'tis dire news indeed!

Arrr, the new AMA captain be shoutin' for laws to make landlubber doctors sail to the countryside! 'Tis a grand call to arms for the healer folk to brave the wilds and tend to the rural scallywags. Aye, 'tis a bold move indeed!

Yarrr, them scurvy dogs be aimin' to tame the beast within with their fancy spyglass surgery! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that removin' the gut lining be lessenin' the rumblin' of the hunger hormone, leadin' to a drop in weight. Aye, a wee study hath found promise in this scallywag treatment. Yarrr, the secrets of the sea be unfoldin'! Aye aye, cap'n!

Arrr! Ye salty dogs, Vibegron be a powerful weapon against leaky bladders in men with swollen prostates!

Arrr matey! Treating a leaky old bladder be a right challenge when ye have a swollen prostate, but fear not! A new trial be showin' promise in meetin' all its goals. This be good news fer all us old sea dogs! Aye aye, cap'n!

Arrr, Adalimumab be makin' the blood of me hearties better in those sufferin' from HS! Aye, it be true!

Arrr, me hearties! The use of adalimumab be helpin' to improve the blood issues in them scallywags sufferin' from hidradenitis suppurativa. Aye, it be workin' well for those who be respondin' to it. Sail on, ye brave souls!

Ye young scallywags be needin' t' follow th' step approach in Pediatric Dermatology, lest ye be walkin' th' plank! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! A scallywag pediatric derm-mate be suggestin' a four-step plan fer sharin' decisions with wee patients facin' the dreaded acne and other unsightly skin afflictions. Aye, tis a fine idea to involve the little ones in their own skincare plunder! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr mateys, be ye seein' the signs of the dreaded pox on ye skin? 'Tis a viral curse, says I!

Arr mateys, tis said that most of the cases happenin' in the United States and other lands be tied to inborn errors of immunity. But not all, me hearties! Keep a weather eye on the horizon for more news from the MDedge scallywags! Arrr!

Beware mateys! Lack of grog may slow wee ones' bounce back from the dreaded pneumonia! Arr!

Arrr, ye scurvy researchers be lookin' at how quick 571 wee ones be gettin' better from the dreaded pneumonia. Aye, 'tis a fine study they be doin'! Hats off to those brave souls! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, why bein' a wench matter for yer heart's health? Learn ye history, me mateys!

Yarr, me hearties! 'Tis said that lasses wit' autoimmune disease suffer more from heart troubles during a wee one's makin'. Best be takin' some prevention measures during pregnancy to steer clear o' these pesky complications. Aye, 'tis the wise thing to do, says Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye scallywags! Shiver me timbers, a meal without meat be good for the liver-loving landlubbers with cirrhosis! Arrr!

Swap the meat for some plant-based grub, me hearties! 'Tis good for yer liver and keeps the ammonia at bay. Arrr, give it a try and say goodbye to cirrhosis and HE. Aye, 'tis the truth from Medscape Medical News!

May 8, 2024

Arrr, ye scallywags! Be sure to update yer app for yer insulin pump, lest ye walk the plank! Aye!

Arr matey! The word on the high seas be that the t:connect mobile app be cursed with a glitch that be causin' the t:slim X2 insulin pump to lose its power! Beware, ye scallywags, lest ye find yerself stranded without yer trusty pump! Aye, aye, aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Most grown landlubbers be at risk for the dreaded CKM Syndrome. Prepare to walk the plank!

Arrr matey! The American Heart Association be creatin' CKM syndrome in 2023 to understand the tangled web o' heart, kidney diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Aye, they be tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters o' the body's ailments. Onward, me hearties, to better health!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags have found the secret to open-angle glaucoma. 'Tis a useful discovery indeed!

Arr, me hearties! This study be the first to test the worth o' a polygenic risk score fer diagnosin' primary open-angle glaucoma, say the researchers. Aye, 'tis true! So if ye be needin' to know yer fate with the ol' eye disease, look no further than this study! Aye, 'tis true!

Beware mateys! Type 1 diabetes be a formidable foe, be watchful of yer heart's wellbeing, arrr!

Arrr mateys, a fresh scroll be tellin' us what we do and do not know. 'Tis like a treasure map for our brains. Shiver me timbers, Medscape Medical News be keepin' us informed like a trusty parrot on me shoulder!

Arr! Me hearties, beware! The cursed medicine be sending ye back under the knife fer yer back! Aye, scurvy dogs!

Arrr mateys, beware ye scallywags! This drug semaglutide be causin' more trouble than a barrel o' rum at a mermaid's wedding. Sail away from this treacherous sea of repeat surgeries, lest ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys, how be ye relievin' the pain o' diabetic neuropathy? Share yer remedies and let's conquer this scurvy affliction!

Arrr mateys, at the latest gathering of wise scallywags, the learned folk be discussin' potions, ointments, and voodoo magic for this here affliction. Aye, 'twas a sight to see! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr! The scallywags be talkin' 'bout the first known case of TLE from snortin' the ol' fentanyl! Har har har!

Avast ye scallywags! Beware of the treacherous fentanyl, for it may be hiding its damage from ye landlubbers! The scurvy researchers warn that ye need a magical MRI to uncover its mischief. Aye, 'tis a tricky beast indeed! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be talkin' 'bout how them magnet therapy be fixin' the mad cap'n's moods!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Be hearin' this: Magnetic seizure therapy be just as good as ECT for battlin' bipolar mania, but with less harm to yer ability to speak proper. Aye, 'tis the truth! So make sure to weigh yer options afore settlin' on a treatment, me hearties!

Arrr, those landlubbers at IPC have finally come to an agreement on the dreaded Pustular Psoriasis! Aye, mateys!

Arr matey, the IPC be simplifying the diagnosis o' GPP to make it easier on us scallywags treatin' this deadly disease. No need for fancy words or fancy tests, just get straight to the lootin' and pillagin' o' them symptoms. Aye aye, captain!

May 7, 2024

Ye olde potion be a potent remedy for the cursed eye affliction, says the scallywag scientist! Arrr, matey!

Arrr matey, this "Topical cefiderocol" be like a shiny new cutlass for them fancy eye doctors to battle the pesky bacteria in them fake tear bottles. Yarrr, it be a fine addition to their medical treasure chest, says the wise researchers at ARVO 2024. Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, FDA says ye can now be testin' yer poop for signs o' scurvy! Aye, 'tis a grand day indeed!

Arrr mateys! This here ColoSense test be showin' a grand improvement in sniffin' out the scurvy colorectal cancer and nasty adenomas in yer poop deck! Aye, 'tis a fine discovery indeed! Full speed ahead to a healthier treasure chest, me hearties!

Ye scallywags be seein' forbidden e-cig adverts on this cursed Instagram platform, arrr! 'Tis a treacherous sea indeed!

Arrr mateys, tis be said that we need to tighten the grip on the rules for e-cigarette advertising on Instagram to protect the young scallywags from being lured by the flashy promotions. Aye, the sea of social media be a treacherous one indeed!

"Arrr, the scallywags be sniffin' out the top predictors o' youth swiggin' the grog!"

Yarrr! By the time a scurvy knave reaches the ripe age of 12, 14% of the scallywags have already dipped their toes in the devil's drink or puffing on the smoke. 'Tis said that following the ways of the gods may lead ye down a dark path to the grog and the pipe! Aye, 'tis a treacherous journey, says Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, Dobbs be makin' the lassies reconsider their plunderin' precautions with his newfangled contraceptive methods!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! Reports be sayin' that more scallywags be gettin' snipped in states that be makin' it tough to plunder the booty! Seems like more landlubbers be takin' to gettin' their sails trimmed. Aye, the times be a-changin'!

Arrr, be patients gainin' booty from joinin' these cancer trials, ye reckon? Aye, 'tis a curious matter!

Arrr! The scallywags be sayin' that them fancy new medicines be givin' a bit o' extra life to some landlubbers with the pox, but at a cost! Aye, the rum be tellin' of greater dangers ahead for those brave enough to venture into the trials. Aaarrr!

Arrr, me hearties be favorin' these newfangled Glucose Monitors fer trackin' their plunders in the obesity waters! Aye!

Arrr mateys! The use of CGMs for those not yet struck with the dreaded diabetes be a tool to steer us away from danger. Aye, the over-the-counter version be eagerly awaited like a hidden treasure! Yarrr!

Ye be tellin' me that the scurvy dog website only shows skin spots on fair maiden's skin? Blimey!

Arrr matey! 'Tis a sad tale indeed! Less than half o' the pictures on them government and organization websites be showin' patients with darker skin! Ye best believe we be needin' more diversity in them images, or else this be a mutiny in the makin'! Arrr!

Arrr, why do some ways to fight the pillaging of the waistline stand the test of time better than others?

Arrr, mateys! Me thinks ye be needin' a longer time to break through the weight loss plateau with them GLP-1 receptor agonists and bariatric surgery, than with diets alone. 'Tis all 'cause they be messin' with yer appetite, not yer energy! Aye, 'tis a tricky course to navigate, indeed! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Newfangled potions be makin' me creaky knees feel spry again. Aye, a jolly good remedy!

Arrr mateys! News be spreadin' o' newfangled injectable drugs 'n gene therapy XT-150 at the World Congress on Osteoarthritis. 'Tis a grand gathering indeed, with tales o' medical wonders 'n breakthroughs. Shiver me timbers, the future be lookin' mighty interestin'!

Arr, some scallywags be gettin' the good stuff after gettin' the ol' Mohs surgery! Aye, tis a hard life!

Arrr matey, tis be said that them minority folk be more likely to be given the cursed opioids after surgery. Aye, this may lead to more troubles down the line with the use of such treacherous substances. Yarrr, beware the dangers of the opium, me hearties!

Arrr, the hearties who be cuttin' into bones be feelin' the strain of their craft on mind and body!

Arrr, nearly three quarters o' the landlubbers surveyed be feelin' the strain o' bein' a Mohs surgeon, with 68% claimin' to have suffered a musculoskeletal injury. Aye, 'tis a rough sea out there in the medical world, me hearties!

May 6, 2024

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Improv be teachin' them young landlubber med students to navigate th' treacherous waters o' racial bias!

Arrr mateys, ye see, these theater and improv shenanigans be helpin' them Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander med students learn to spot and handle racial bias in their doctorin' adventures. Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' us this valuable lesson!

Ye scurvy dogs of medicine be usin' foul words fer them with the affliction of OUD! A pox upon 'em! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, tis be said that many a lass and landlubber be usin' hurtful words to describe them scallywags with an opium habit. Aye, 'tis a disgraceful way to be treatin' a soul in need of help, says the Medscape Medical News. A pox upon their ship!

Yarrr, scallywags be warnin' of dangers fer the greybeards! Watch out for yer noggin, mateys!

Arr, ye scallywags be warned! One in every five olden patients with head wounds be sufferin' from a serious brain injury, according to Medscape Medical News. Keep a weather eye on yer noggin, or ye may find yerself addled like a drunken sailor! Aye, mateys!

Arr mateys! Usin' preventatives be lessenin' fits after a good bashin' to the noggin'. Aye, take heed!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dog meta-analysis be suggestin' that takin' seizure preventin' medicine can indeed lessen the chances o' gettin' a fit after a bit o' head bashin'. Aye, 'tis a small victory, but a victory nonetheless!

Ye be better off avoidin' the grog and keepin' yer pistols holstered, lest ye be visitin' Davy Jones soon!

Arr matey! The scallywags who be mixin' opioids with gunplay be meetin' Davy Jones sooner, says a new study. They be payin' a pretty penny at the ol' emergency room, too! Looks like them scurvy dogs be payin' the ultimate price for their reckless ways. Aye, beware the deadly mix of grog and firearms, me hearties!

Arr matey, the loot of evidence be pointin' to Colchicine as a fine remedy for the heart's woes. Aye!

Arr matey, this Colchicine be a true treasure, savvy? 'Tis a legacy drug with a new purpose, curin' the heart's woes. Aye, the seas be rough but this here drug be smoothin' out the waves of inflammation. Trust me, I be a pirate of clinical trials! Arrr!

Arr! Ye scallywags be needin' to beware the Ontario IVF program, lest ye end up with a litter of wee pirates!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be sayin' we need more tricks to scupper the multiple bairns after they've fired the cannon or planted the seed in the lass. Aye, the Medscape News be warnin' us of the need for more piratey strategies to keep the crew from growin' too big! Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Be warned, for the scourge of ADHD be linked to the dreaded diseases of the mind!

Arr matey! It be said that those with the cursed ADHD may be more likely to suffer from the pox of Lewy body disease and the foggy brain of dementia. Yar, the study's findings be a warning to all who can't focus on the treasure map! Aye, 'tis a treacherous sea we sail upon!

Beware ye scurvy dogs! Learn from the fiery plague of myeloma, lest ye be smoldered in its wrath. Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Manni Mohyuddin, MD, be tellin' us how he be battlin' the fiery beast known as smolderin' multiple myeloma. Listen close, lest ye be fallin' victim to this treacherous scurvy! Arrrr!

Arrr me mateys, we be checkin' the effects o' the scurvy treatment on the skin to see if it be workin'.

Arrr, me hearties! The tally be in! 81 scallywag dermatologists and 182 medical pirates be sharin' their thoughts at six US-based institutions. Aye, 'tis a fine survey indeed. Sail on, Medscape Medical News!

May 5, 2024

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be needin' a magic potion for yer limp sails? Look no further, landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! This magical gel be helpin' more than half o' scallywags raise their mast within 10 minutes! Aye, 'tis a fine discovery indeed! Yarrr, who needs a plank when ye have this wondrous potion at yer side!

May 4, 2024

Arrr! Ye best be knowing that a hefty dose of Prednisone can lessen yer chances of spawnin'! Aye, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag behind this new study be sayin', "I almost couldn't believe the facts I found!" Methinks he must've been drinkin' too much grog or gettin' swindled by a sneaky sea serpent! Har har!

Yarrr, me hearties! Found a way to get the scallywag stones a-rollin' in the office! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr me hearties, 'tis said thar be a new contraption that be makin' them kidney stones walk the plank! No scurvy relapse be in sight, says this here study. Aye, me trusty Medscape be bringin' news of this wondrous device! Aye aye!

May 3, 2024

Arrr, in me layman's terms, they be makin' me heart tubes grow bigger with some fancy gene magic!

Arrr mateys! The newfangled method be givin' hope to those with weak hearts, showin' signs of improved blood flow a year hence. Aye, 'tis a miracle worth celebratin'! Fair winds and full sails to all who be tryin' this new remedy!

Ponder ye these matters with yer scurvy-ridden crew of GI patients, lest ye be keelhauled by the surgeon! Arrrrr!

Arrr mateys, them scurvy experts be sayin' we need to be payin' more attention to the nervous system and the gut microbiome when treatin' tummy troubles. Aye, we best be listenin' if we want to keep our bellies happy and our sails full o' wind!

Ye landlubbers be peddlin' high aimin' to gather at the grand congress, mark me words!

Arrr, me hearties! The landlubbers, known as orthopedic surgeons, be embarking on a journey through the treacherous mountain ranges of Lombardy, Italy. After a day of cyclin' and pillagin', they'll gather 'round for some fancy talkin' they call "scientific lectures." Aye, sounds like a jolly good time!

Arrr, beware mateys! PPIs be linked to the dreaded migraines and other fierce head pains. Keep yer wits about ye!

Arrr mateys, these proton pump inhibitors be causin' more headaches than a hornswagglin' sea serpent! Beware the heartburn remedies, for they may lead ye to walk the plank with a throbbin' noggin! Aye, the Medscape Medical News speaks true!

Arr, ye best be watchin' yer baseline antipsychotic dose, lest ye be turnin' into a wild sea dog!

Arrr matey! The startin' dose be crucial for avoidin' the madness in them high-risk patients! The new meta-analysis be showin' that goin' too high too soon on the antipsychotic can send 'em straight into the depths of psychosis! Yarrr!

Be ye suggestin' that bein' black be makin' ye forgetful? Arrr, methinks that be a load o' barnacles!

Arrr! Me hearties be hearin' that Black Americans facin' racial discrimination in their prime may be at higher risk o' catchin' the scurvy known as Alzheimer's in their later years. 'Tis a treacherous sea we be sailin' on, me mateys! Aye, 'tis a cruel fate indeed.

Hoist the sails ye scallywags! Plunderin' the seas o' Obesity Medicine be a treacherous journey, arrr!

Arrr mateys! The fight against the dreaded obesity be changin' in the 21st century. Ye must be ready for the challenge with top-notch care. Here be some tips for startin' yer new practice. Sail on, ye brave doctors! Aye, from Medscape Medical News.

Arr matey, the gut flora of chubby scallywags be different from lean landlubbers. Aye, the belly be tellin' tales!

Avast ye, me hearties! Them scallywags o' researchers be findin' some mighty interestin' differences in the gut bugs o' chubby landlubbers compared to those with a trim waistline. Arrr, seems like the belly be tellin' tales of the booty within!

Arrr matey, be warned! Scorchin' heat be causin' more scallywags to keel over with a stroke!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The fierce storms and sweltering heat be causin' more hearties to meet Davy Jones in Davy Jones' locker! The data be showin' a spike in strokes from climate change. Keep a weather eye on yer health, mateys! Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

May 2, 2024

Arrr, the scallywags at the DEA be tinkering with our precious herb! What be their next move, I wonder?

Arrr, mateys! The DEA be thinkin' about movin' the devil's lettuce from a high rankin' to a lower one. What be the implications for the healers and their patients, ye reckon? Aye, the sea be full o' mysteries! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' us more, savvy?

Arrr mateys, beware of cursed facials at shady parlors! Ye may end up with a blood-sucking surprise!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags at this spa were poking faces with tiny needles like a bunch of landlubbers! But beware, their injection practices were as unsterile as a bilge rat's nest. Ye be better off walkin' the plank than gettin' pricked by them sea dogs! Arrr!

Arrr, FDA gives the nod for mighty potent Adalimumab Biosimilar Cyltezo. Time to sail the high seas of health!

Arrr mateys, this new high-concentration version of adalimumab-adbm be sailin' uncharted waters, ungranted with an interchangeability designation. Keep ye eyes peeled for any scallywags tryin' to swap out this treasure! Aye, Medscape Medical News be keepin' us informed.

Arrr, blast me barnacles! Blastin' yer brain with magic waves be makin' the sadness disappear faster than a scallywag walkin' the plank!

Arrr mateys, this study be sayin' that shockin' yar noggin with electric currents might help ye shake off the blues. But me hearties be warnin', we need more scallywags to confirm if this be true. Yar better off stickin' to grog for now! Aye aye, Cap'n Medscape!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Rumor be that a potion may be found to cure the cursed BRCA-mutated breast malady!

Arr mateys! 'Tis been discovered that 100% of the scallywags who took olaparib and standard grog survived 36 moons! Aye, the sea gods be smiling upon us this day! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis be not only the white mateys feelin' despair in these treacherous waters! Arrr!

Arrr! Ye scallywags be spoutin' nonsense! This new rumour be claimin' that only the pale-faced landlubbers be sufferin' from despair deaths. But I be tellin' ye, us pirates of all shades be feelin' the blues too! Yarrr!

Arrr, this D-Mannose be as useless as a sunken treasure map! No cure for the wee mateys' infections! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! A study be sayin' that a common treatment might not be as powerful as we thought. Avast ye, me mateys, it be time to question the effectiveness of our remedies. Yarrr!

Be ye tellin' me that swiggin' fish oil whilst carryin' yer young 'un might turn 'em into a wee bit plump? Aye, pass the rum!

Arrr, mateys! A study be findin' a wee bit more danger fer wee ones at 10 years old, but wise folk be sayin' to keep takin' yer vitamins like normal. Keep calm and swig ye grog, there be no need to panic! Aye.

Arrr! A new treasure of genetic variant be found to protect against the dreaded scurvy of the mind, mateys!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be findin' a treasure map to a gene that be keepin' the dreaded Alzheimer's disease at bay by 70%! Avast ye, me hearties, we be sailin' into uncharted waters of the mind!

Arr, wee ones' noggin troubles be a-changin' in this cursed pandemic, sailin' to the ED like storm-tossed scallywags!

Arrr mateys! The scurvy COVID-19 pandemic be showin' us that the young swashbucklers be actin' differently than we be expectin' in the emergency department for their mental health. Pillage on, ye young buccaneers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

May 1, 2024

Arrr, be ye keepin' the social media temper tantrums in line, lest ye walk the plank, ye scallywags!

Yarr! Beware, me hearties! The siren's call of social media may promise relief for the dreaded menopause, but 'tis a treacherous sea filled with snake oil and false promises. Ye savvy clinicians must be armed with knowledge to steer ye ship away from harm's way! Aye, Medscape be warnin' us!

Arrr, me hearties! The Sjögren Disease Guidelines be takin' a newfangled approach and format. Avast, ye scallywags!

Arrr! The British Society for Rheumatology be sharin' a new navigatin' map fer the treatment of Sjögren disease. Aye, 'tis a fine treasure trove o' advice fer swashbucklin' healthcare mates and their scurvy patients. Sail on, me hearties! Aye, Medscape Medical News be the jolly roger flyin' high!

Arrr, Philips be settlin' their disputes like a proper pirate, squashing lawsuits with their resolve! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be settlin' the legal quarrel over the cursed 2021 device mishap. Ye can bet they be payin' a hefty sum to make this ruckus go away. Let's hope they learned their lesson, or they'll be walkin' the plank next time!

Aye, plastic scalawag tried to silence critics! Walk the plank, says the court! Arrr!

Arrr! A scallywag plastic surgeon from Seattle be in hot water with the law for tryin' to silence his patients from speakin' ill online! Ye can't be stoppin' the truth from comin' out, matey! The sea of online reviews be a rough one to navigate, indeed!

Arr, mateys! The landlubbers be confused on how to properly prevent the scurvy of cervical scallywags! Aye!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that most landlubbers in the colonies be ignorin' the Cancer Society's rules for checkin' the lasses' neck parts for signs o' trouble. These scallywags need to smarten up and heed the advice of the experts!

Arrr mateys, they be brewin' a potion to fend off the cursed UTIs! Ship ahoy for healthy bladders!

Avast ye scallywags! A study in the year of our Lord 2022 hath proven that the potion be mighty effective in keepin' the wee beasties from infiltratin' yer nether regions for a good 9 moons. Yo ho ho, me hearties!

Arrr! Be changing the name of "obesity" akin to swabbing the deck to hide a scurvy-ridden bilge rat!

Arrr mateys! There be a new fancy term tryin' to make the negative thoughts walk the plank, but some scurvy experts be sayin' it be as confusing as tryin' to read a treasure map in a stormy sea. Saber the confusion, ye landlubbers!

Arrr mateys, them lung maladies still be vexing even after a single-lung transplant! Aarrrgh!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest intel be showin' that them scurvy ILD patients are like to spring a leak in their lungs after gettin' a new one. Keep a weather eye on 'em, lest they be turnin' into a human blowfish!

Arrr, some landlubbers be thinkin' they know diabetes, but the truth be hidden like buried treasure! Aye!

Arr matey, a rummage in a Spanish crew has shown that better jabber be needed betwixt the sick and the healers. Avast ye, 'tis a lesson for all scallywags on the high seas of healthcare! Aye, tis the tale told by Medscape Medical News. Arrrrr!

April 30, 2024

Arrr mateys, be checkin' yer lasses' treasures by 40 or ye be walkin' the plank, says the USPSTF!

Arr matey, the USPSTF be settin' sail for a stronger recommendation to spy on those scurvy dogs startin' mammograms earlier. They be sayin' we need more treasure maps to find the booty of breast cancer for Black and older wenches and those with dense chests. Aye aye, captain!

Avast ye mateys! The US be thinkin' 'bout changin' their minds 'bout that devil's lettuce! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the U.S. Justice Department be thinkin' 'bout makin' marijuana use less of a crime, takin' it out of a category with heroin. Avast ye, looks like the times be changin' fer the high-seas of the drug world!

Arrr, ye scallywags be keepin' mum on the number of pirate doctors walkin' the plank! Aye, 'tis a mystery indeed!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The lack of global reports on physician walkin' the plank be a grave concern. Avast! There be scarce resources to aid in the battle against this dark scourge. We be needin' to rally the crew and find a solution, lest we lose more good sailors to the abyss of despair. Aye, matey.

Arr me hearties! Can this magical potion known as Aspirin cure the dreaded affliction of the chest marauder? Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been discovered that popping a bit o' aspirin alongside yer regular treatment won't make ye fairer wenches free from the clutches of the dreaded breast cancer. Keep yer eye on the horizon for better remedies, me hearties! Arrr!

The spirits of many a swashbuckler be down in the dumps, aye, as they navigate the treacherous waters of gender confusion. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis being said that the spirits of the transgender and gender-nonconforming folks in the American colonies be growin' dark and stormy. Methinks it be high time for a change in the codes of conduct to help ease their troubled souls. Aye, 'tis the gossip from Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye mateys, seems the scallywags be walkin' the plank at college! More suicides than a mutiny on ship!

Arrr mateys! Since 2002, there be a vast surge in pirates walkin' the plank among US college athletes, makin' it the second-most common cause of restin' in Davy Jones' locker in this fine crew. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Yarr mateys, why these blood clots be sneakin' up on us scurvy dogs with rheumatoid arthritis be a mystery! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye listenin'? Them scallywags with rheumatoid arthritis be havin' a higher chance of gettin' a venous thromboembolism, no matter their years on this earth or other things! Watch out for them blood clots, me mateys! Aye, 'tis true!

Arr matey, this newfangled tech be settin' sail to revolutionize yer practice afore ye can say 'shiver me timbers!'

Arrr mateys! These five fancy gadgets be sailin' the high seas of medicine, soon to dock at yer office. Keep a weather eye out for these advanced technologies, savvy? Yarrr!

Arrr mateys! FDA be scopin' out Tapinarof Cream for scurvy adult and wee ones with the itchies. Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The verdict be set to be handed down in the final quarter of 2024. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for updates, lest ye miss the boat! - <i>The Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarrrr! Late-stage CRC be on the rise, be sure to get screened from 45 to avoid Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! The number of land lubbers plagued with the dreaded colorectal cancer be on the rise in those aged 46-49, says a study of the cursed disease. Aye, it be time to plunder some healthy habits to keep yer bowels shipshape, mateys! Arrr!

April 29, 2024

Be ye asking if this here Immunotherapy be safe for a lass carryin' a wee pirate in 'er belly? Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! No harm to wee bairns from most cancer potions, but beware the cursed combo of two immunotherapies! The lads at Medscape News UK be warnin' ye, so mind yer doses or face the consequences, arrr!

Arrr, there be a lack of shipmates to tend to our wounds! We be changin' course on seekin' care.

Arrr mateys! Ye best be keepin' a sharp lookout on the horizon for the lack of primary care providers! It be shapin' the way ye be interactin' with yer healer. Stay informed, savvy? Aye, from Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, many landlubbers be havin' cloudy minds and sailin' without a compass, says I! Aye, tis a fact!

Arrr matey, a wise scholar be sayin' that bein' homeless and havin' a noggin full o' madness might be feedin' off each other like two scurvy dogs fightin' over the last scrap of meat. Aye, bidirectional they be, like two ships passin' in the night.

Arrrr, ye scallywags be likelier to take yer gout medicine if ye get better care at the infirmary!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis told that most scallywags who got treatment for the cursed gout had been takin' their medicine within six moons o' leavin' the infirmary. Aye, 'tis all thanks to the nurse's watchful eye and a bit o' intervention. Savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! The good news be that takin' yer meds won't turn ye into a forgetful landlubber!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that these mystical powders known as antidepressants do no harm to yer thinkin' cap or memory, so fear not the scallywags of dementia! Trust in yer medicine, me mateys, and sail on with a clear mind and merry spirit!

Ye scurvy landlubbers be givin' those wee ones with cursed skin ailments a rough go o' things! Arrr!

Avast ye healthcare mates! Be mindful o' the scurvy dogs who be makin' fun o' young scallywags with chronic skin afflictions. Keep a weather eye out fer signs o' stigma 'n bullying when treatin' these wee ones. Arrr, Medscape Medical News be warnin'!

Arrr, be ye tellin' me that exercisin' me noggin can make me smarter? Methinks I'll stick to rum for that!

Arrr mateys! Some scallywags be sayin' playin' "brain games" can make ye smarter or keep yer noggin sharp. But be there proof, and do puzzles like crosswords and Sudoku count as well? Aye, we be needin' to dig deeper into this matter!

Arrr matey, can this Plecanatide cure the bloating that plagues us scallywags with IBS-C? Let's find out!

Arrr mateys with the cursed IBS-C and bloating of the moderate to severe sort saw some relief after takin' plecanatide, but those with mild bloating saw no change in their condition. Yarrr, the seas be unpredictable when it comes to these matters! Aye, it be true as reported in Medscape Medical News!

April 26, 2024

Arrr, the bird sickness be weak! We be ready with our potions to keep it at bay, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, a land lubber in the States be catchin' the avian flu from a cow, but fear not, no scurvy dog has spread it to another human yet. Keep yer distance from them birds and keep yerselves safe from this foul disease!

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up fer new pox remedy fer yer pee problems, mateys! Avast, set sail fer relief!

Arrr mateys! The FDA be givin' the green light to them fancy pivmecillinam tablets, aye, known as Pivya, to cure the wee little infections in the lasses down below. No need to fear the wrath of the UTI beast any longer! Aaargh!

Arrr, the EMA be givin' the thumbs up to the scallywag drug for makin' the blood clot, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The European Union be givin' their stamp o' approval to Altuvoct for the scurvy known as hemophilia A caused by a lack o' factor VIII! Shiver me timbers, this be some good news for those in need o' a remedy! Aye, 'tis a fine day indeed!

Ye scallywags, a potion fer yer leaky bladder be praised in Europe! Arrr, aye, keepin' yer trousers dry!

Arrr me hearties, word be spreadin' that Obgemsa be a fine remedy for yer leaky bladder, as decreed by the European Medicines Agency. So fear not, me mateys, for relief be awaitin' ye! Aye, Medscape be bringin' ye this news!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Beware the new rules on mixin' Atazanavir or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arr mateys, the European Medicines Agency be layin' down new rules on mixin' the anti-HIV potion atazanavir with other remedies. Watch yer step me hearties, lest ye face the wrath of the EMA! Aye aye, cap'n!

Arr mateys, two new potions be granted approval in Europe for those pesky autoimmune curses! Avast ye ailments!

Arr matey! The potions be crafted to cure the likes of rheumatism, scurvy skin, the dreaded COVID-19, and the gut rot known as Crohn's. Aye, me hearties, these remedies be the treasure we seek! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, Europe be touting three potions to fight the scurvy of cancer! Aye, splice the mainbrace!

Arrr matey, the European Medicines Agency be recommendin' Fruzaqla, Truqap, and Eribulin Baxter for treatin' certain colorectal and breast cancers. Ye best be listenin' to the wise words of these experts, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word.

Arrr, them First Nations swashbucklers be abandonin' ship afore gettin' their proper healin' from the scallywags in the infirmary!

Arrr, them First Nations patients be complainin' o' racism and stereotypin' from the scurvy dogs who be callin' themselves providers. Walkin' the plank be too good for them landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

April 25, 2024

Arr mateys, be ye hearin' 'bout the quarrel over puberty blockers in Europe? 'Tis a right rumble, I tell ye!

Arrr, England be changin' how they deal with lads 'n lasses feelin' like they be in the wrong body. It be part o' a bigger rethinkin' o' what we know. Aye, 'tis a new dawn for the young scallywags!

Arrr, FDA be needin' more details 'bout RDEB remedy bein' scrutinized. Aye matey, spill the beans!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that Pz-cel, a potion of autologous, COL7A1 gene–corrected epidermal sheets, be crafted to restore the skin of scurvy dogs sufferin' from RDEB wounds. 'Tis like magic, bringin' healing and lessenin' pain in the process. Aye, 'tis a grand discovery!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis all about makin' better choices fer blastin' scurvy tumors in the ol' womb. Aye!

Arrr mateys! The wise men o' the medical world be sayin' that ye should use fancy genomic guidance to make yer radiotherapy decisions. 'Tis the way to spot them scurvy dogs with the most aggressive diseases. Listen to the experts or walk the plank, I say!

"Arrr, ye be takin' the potion if ye want to abort yer bairn, matey!"

Arrr, me hearties! Them land lubbers called internists be sharin' secrets on deliverin' the precious pills to the ailing souls and helpin' 'em on their journey to recovery. Aye, 'tis a noble quest indeed!

April 24, 2024

Avast ye mateys! Where be the cursed aspirin? And what be the new remedy for our aches and pains? Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that takin' a wee bit o' aspirin be good for yer heart, but now the tides have turned! The risk be greater than the reward, so beware me mateys! Listen to the wise words of Medscape Medical News, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

Yarrr, me hearties! The electronic contraption be cuttin' down on the potion swillin' like a true scallywag!

Arrr mateys, the scurvy dogs be tryin' to prescribe less antibiotics, but their path be blocked by a risky prompt. Yarrr, looks like these landlubbers be thinkin' twice 'bout usin' them antibiotics now! Aye, that be the tale of the Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! This wee device doth spy on yer slumber to warn ye of impending stress! Aye, t'is a scallywag's best mate!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said a mystical contraption can reveal clues to the heart's distress through the patterns of slumber. Arrr, this be the key to unveilin' the marks of those in dire need of aid. The future be lookin' bright, aye!

Arr, me hearties! New data be showin' vaccine safety and DMT fer active MS. Yarrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Some landlubbers be holdin' off on their CD20 treatments 'til their vaccine schedules be done. But a study be sayin' it may not be needed. Arrr, trust in th' scurvy dogs of science, mateys! Aye, 'tis true!

Yarrr, me hearties! Thar be a grand study sayin' the harshness o' TRD be tellin' us if ketamine or ECT be the answer. Arrr!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that the black magic o' TRD be showin' whether IV ketamine or ECT be workin' better. But beware, says the experts, for we need more research afore we be makin' any final reckonings. Aye, the seas be murky!

Be the FDA halting more scurvy trials? 'Tis a mystery as murky as the ocean depths! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags in the clinical trials be holdin' back our precious therapies from reachin' the market. But fear not, for the public be clueless about these delays! Let's set sail and uncover the mysteries behind these holds, me hearties! Aye, Medscape Medical News be our trusty guide on this treacherous journey.

April 23, 2024

Arrr, this new potion be taming the mind's wild seas of Alzheimer's!'avast ye agitation, shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The concoction known as AXS-05, with its mix of dextromethorphan and bupropion, be showin' promise in calmin' the stormy seas of agitation in them with Alzheimer's! Aye, 'tis a fine discovery indeed in the ACCORD trial! Sail on, ye brave scientists!

Arrr, Europe be givin' the nod to a cure for that paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria malady! Bobbin' for apples, anyone?

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in Europe have given the thumbs up to this fancy new potion, danicopan, for those poor souls with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and leftover anemia on their usual remedies. Aye, 'tis a grand day for medical advancements on the high seas! Aye, aye!

Avast ye mateys! This here review be talkin' 'bout how to deal with a troublesome condition for lady pirates.

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that data can be a mighty tool fer clinicians in treatin' this condition that's been overlooked. Aye, those scallywags at Medscape be spreadin' the word! Let's set sail on the high seas of research, me mateys!

Steering clear o' trouble be leadin' to more dire fates for the afflicted scallywags with OCD, arrr!

Arrr matey, they be sayin' that steerin' clear o' certain behaviors could be makin' it harder fer the scallywags with OCD to get better in the long haul. Savvy? Aye, the seas be rough for this treatment, says the scurvy dogs at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, FDA gives the nod for shiny new potion to heal the dreaded bladder scurvy! Aye, me hearties rejoice!

Arrr matey! The new agent be approved to help ye fight off pesky bladder cancers that be resistant to bacillus Calmette-Guérin. Aye, 'tis a fine addition to yer treasure chest of treatments. Fair winds and smooth sailing to ye, me hearties!

April 22, 2024

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Europe be raisin' the alarm 'gainst the surge o' preventable diseases. Get yer jabs, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywag diseases of measles and pertussis be makin' a comeback after the plague of COVID-19. The landlubbers at ECDC be warnin' us to beware of these pesky ailments! Avast, me hearties, keep yer guard up and yer health in check! Aye, the news be spreadin' faster than scurvy on a ship!

Arrr, more scurvy dogs be treatin' their gut woes on dry land instead of visitin' the healer's den!

Arr matey! The landlubbers be sayin' that the healers be takin' charge of the dreaded diverticulitis, makin' surgery walk the plank! Avast ye, the times be changin' in the world of medicine, me hearties!

Arrrrr! Arr, matey! Which probiotics be good for a scurvy belly in this treacherous Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Arrr, me mateys! A wise swashbuckler of the medical sort be delving into the mysteries of probiotics at the Francophone Days of Hepatology, Gastroenterology, and Digestive Oncology. Yo-ho-ho, tis a tale of gut health fit for a scallywag's ears!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be suggestin' swiggin' some oral minoxidil to keep yer locks from abandonin' ship!

Arrr, ye scallywags be sayin' the scribes be callin' for rules from the wisest of the wise on how to give out and watch over the magic potions for growin' luscious locks! Aye, the cap'n be needin' some fancy words to keep the sea dogs lookin' shipshape!

Arrr, has this fancy new treatment found a spot in the battle against the dreaded pancreatic scurvy? Aye or nay?

Avast ye scallywags! Thar be a new study showin' that addin' nivolumab to neoadjuvant treatment be improvin' outcomes for them landlubbers with borderline resectable pancreatic scurvy. Shiver me timbers! The Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word like wildfire! Arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Thar be new ways to keep yer guts happy, sailin' smooth 'n steady. Take heed, ye scallywags!"

Arrr mateys, the latest advice from AGA be a treasure trove o' 12 top tips fer feedin' yer crew proper-like! From what ye put in yer belly to keepin' a weather eye on yer scurvy mates, 'tis all there in black and white. Aye, 'tis a true boon fer those needin' a healer's touch.

Arrr matey, me hearties be talkin' 'bout neuromodulators 'n other fancy trends fer speedier results on the high seas!

"Arrr matey, be prepared for a dose of botulinum toxin A to smooth yer pores, sebum, and skin texture. Aye, 'tis the new treasure in dermatology practices, says this expert. Yo ho ho!"

Arrr, arrr, me hearties! This Lidocaine Nerve Block be a mighty fine remedy for wee ones' terrible head pains!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that them lidocaine injections be as good as a treasure map in relieving the most ferocious migraines in wee ones. Aye, a randomized trial hath proven it to be true! Raise the Jolly Roger for this fine news!

April 19, 2024

Arrr, FDA be givin' the nod for Sub-Q Vedolizumab to keep Crohn's at bay! Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys, the hidden injection of vedolizumab be now sanctioned for keepin' scallywags with fierce Crohn's disease in check, after first dosin' 'em with the intravenous form. Avast ye, it be official news from Medscape Medical News!

Ye be less likely to walk the plank if ye hand off to hospice properly, matey! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! A wee study be sayin' that a bit o' chit-chat between hospice folk and them that be sendin' patients their way can make the passage to Davy Jones' locker a bit smoother. Aye, 'tis true, says Medscape Medical News!

Be them landlubbers takin' their sweet time to embrace TMS for the black dog of depression? Arrr, ye be thinkin'!

Arrr mateys, it be said that this brain-zappin' contraption known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation be given the nod in the US for over a decade now. But alas, our European brethren be still scratchin' their heads, awaitin' proper guidelines. Avast ye, Medscape Medical News be spillin' the beans! Arrr!

Hark ye, mateys! 'Tis good news fer scallywags with multiple ailments. No need to walk the plank just yet!

Arrr mateys, the scurvy dogs be sayin' that there be no added peril for them with multiple sclerosis and cancer who be takin' the fancy checkpoint inhibitor therapy. A small study be suggestin' this, so ye can rest easy on the high seas! Aye aye, Medscape Medical News be bringin' the good tidings!

Arrr, me hearties! Beware the dreaded menopause, RSV, and other scurvy ailments with these new potions! Aye!

Avast ye! Last year brought forth over 50 new potions, which may aid our shipmates in treating various maladies. Arrr, these remedies be a boon for our healers to better care for their patients. Aye, 'tis good news indeed from the land lubbers at Medscape Medical News!

Arr matey, hear ye! A new scurvy protocol may help spot the hidden treasure of prostate cancer. Arrr!

Arrr matey, 'tis still a mystery whether this newfangled three-phase screening, with its PSA test, four-kallikrein panel, and MRI, be able to lower the death toll from prostate scurvy. Yarrr, the scallywags at Medscape be keepin' a keen eye on this matter. Aye, we shall see!

Arrr, me hearties! No amount o' GLP-1s be savin' ye from the dangers o' sleep apnea. Stick to healthy habits!

Avast ye scallywags! Beware of OSA management, for it may be helpful in treating OSA, but be warned about the troubles it brings in accessing GLP-1s and forsaking the ways of the landlubber lifestyle changes. Aye, me hearties, be cautious! Arrr!

Ye microbes be messin' with me growth hormone, arr! Must be a scurvy trick by those scallywag germs!

Arrr matey! It be said that lack of growth hormone be tied to a certain microbiome mark that may aid in diagnosin' and treatin' wee lads and lasses with short stature. Aye, the scallywags at Medscape Medical News be sharin' this curious findin'!

Arrr! Me gut be lined temporarily to lessen me weight 'n improve me A1c, aye!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be sayin' that this EndoBarrier be workin' like magic! It be makin' ye shed weight and keepin' the sugar levels at bay, all while savin' ye from the dreaded insulin shots! Aye, a fine treasure indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lung screenings be not fer every landlubber. Be warned, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, many scallywags be subjectin' themselves to lung cancer scannin', despite a greater chance of harm than good. Aye, 'tis like jumpin' into shark-infested waters hopin' to find treasure! Ain't no leechin' quacks be tellin' 'em the truth, arrr!

April 18, 2024

Arrr, the new decree be givin' swashbucklin' lasses with child some rest and booty while off the ship!

Arrr matey, these new rules be helpin' the good doctors find a better balance betwixt work and family. Aye, tis a fine notion indeed to keep the ship sailing smoothly for all ye landlubbers in the medical world!

Arr! The word be out - a low-carb diet be good for yer noggin' troubles, mateys! Aye, pass the bacon!

Arrr mateys, a test be sayin' that the ketogenic diet may calm the mind and shed those extra pounds. Shiver me timbers! Who knew a diet could be the cure for madness and the curse of the dreaded metabolic syndrome. Aye aye, pass the bacon and butter, me hearties!

Arrr! Beware the cursed antipsychotic potions, mateys! They be bringin' more harm than good to yer health!

Arrr mateys, tis been discovered that the dangers of using antipsychotic medicines among those with a troubled mind be more treacherous than thought. Beware, ye scallywags, for the risks be far greater than known before! Aye, 'tis the truth from Medscape Medical News. Aye.

Yarrr, scallywags be sayin' complete revasc be no better than fixin' the culprit alone after a heart plunder! Arrr!

Yarr mateys, in the heart o' those with a STEMI and many a blocked passage, guidin' the way with FFR for all the vessels didn't make a difference in the FULL-REVASC quest! Stickin' to fixin' just the main culprit be as good as plunderin' all the treasures! Aye, the Medscape News be tellin' us so! Arrr!

Ye scallywags be needin' t' treat all mates fair 'n square when it comes t' sharin' yer kidneys! Arrr!

Arrr, 'tis be known that keepin' different races and tribes apart be makin' it harder for 'em to find a good kidney transplant. Aye, 'tis a sad state o' affairs indeed, me hearties! So let's all band together and fight fer equal access to livers 'n kidneys for all!

Arrr, shine yer laser on them pesky hairs! 'Tis a surefire way to tame the beastly PCOS whiskers.

Arrr! Ye scallywags be tellin' me that these magical beams of light be makin' ye facial hair disappear? Aye, me hearties! 'Tis a beauty secret worth more than all the treasure in Davy Jones' locker! Ye be lookin' as smooth as a freshly swabbed deck in no time!

Arr mateys! GLP-1s be makin' ye more likely to get a nasty case o' lung trouble after a good scopin'! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! Aye, it be said that patients pillaging GLP-1s be havin' a 33% greater risk o' catchin' the dreaded aspiration pneumonia after a bit o' endoscopic plunderin'. 'Tis a warning from the high seas, mateys! Aye, heed it well!

Avast ye scallywags! Tis be said that adding ACEI to the poison mix won't save yer heart from ruin! Arrr!

Arrr, the PROACT trial be showin' that enalapril be not affectin' the heart o' those brave souls battlin' the scurvy cancer! No need to worry 'bout yer heart takin' a hit while fightin' the good fight, me hearties! Aye, the sea be calm in this storm.

Arr, beware ye scallywags! The Medicare be plunderin' our booty from breast surgeries, arrr! Be wary, me hearties!

Arrr matey! The latest information be sayin' that the loot from Medicare for plunderin' breast cancer surgeries be dwindlin' fast! Looks like we be needin' to find a new treasure chest to fill our coffers, me hearties! Aye, the times they be changin' indeed!

April 17, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! The FDA be givin' the nod to a new Ustekinumab Biosimilar. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr mateys, a new potion be comin' to the shores of the United States on February 21, 2025. 'Tis said to be a biosimilar, aye, so keep a weather eye out for its arrival. The Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, savvy?

Arrr mateys, be ye hearin' 'bout this fancy new way o' spyin' on them sneaky brain bugs? Aye!

Arrr mateys! A newfangled test be showin' promise fer findin' them nasty critters causin' brain woes. 'Tis a grand discovery indeed! Onward, me hearties, to a world free o' scurvy diseases! Aye, 'tis the talk o' Medscape Medical News!

Puff on some ganja for yer scurvy head pain, mateys. It be a quick fix! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered in a recent study that smokin' a bit o' cannabis with THC and CBD be like findin' the buried treasure for them sufferin' from a nasty migraine! So, next time ye feelin' a headache comin' on, perhaps consider settin' sail for the nearest dispensary! Aye aye, Captain Cannabis to the rescue!

Arrr, me hearties! The MRD tests be a boon for the approval of meeloma treatments. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, the ODAC be approvin' o' these tests that be as sensitive as a cat's whisker to help us swashbuckle our way through the treacherous waters of drug approvals for the dreaded multiple myeloma. Aye, let the battle for faster treatments begin!

"Arr matey, will this assisted dying in Europe be affecting how we live with dignity? Yo ho ho!"

Arrr, me hearties! According to them fancy psychiatrists at EPA 2024, it be all about the legal constraints. But shiver me timbers, I reckon they be talkin' more gibberish than a parrot with a peg leg! Aye, pass me the grog and let's set sail for clearer waters!

Arrr! Tweaking yer belly bugs might make yer RA meds work better, me hearties! Aye, feed the scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags have discovered clues that say them pesky bugs in yer belly may be causin' trouble in yer joints! By adjustin' yer gut microbes, ye might just find relief from that cursed rheumatoid arthritis. Aye, a bit o' pirate magic for yer health!

Heart be a bit wonky when sailing high seas, mateys, beware the arrhythmia at altitude! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis said that more than one in three hearty landlubbers developed a malady of the heart, known as bradyarrhythmias, whilst scaling the treacherous slopes of Mount Everest. Aye, the medical scribes be warnin' of the dangers of such a perilous adventure! Arrr!

Arrr! The scallywags be droppin' like flies after the cursed pandemic hit shore. Double the grog for me crew!

Arrr mateys, 'tis been said that over a quarter of the scallywags who met Davy Jones' locker due to opium were young buccaneers! Avast ye, beware the siren call of the poppy lest ye find yerself in the depths of Neptune's grasp! Aye, 'tis true, says the Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Ye best be addin' alt salt to yer grog to keep a good heart and avoid death! Aye!

Arrr mateys, the use of potassium-laden salt replacements for victuals could be a blessing for the health of the common folk, says a fresh study. Aye, aye, me hearties! Let's shiver our timbers with some healthier grub!

April 16, 2024

Yarrr! Me head be achin' with the news that tension be linked to walkin' the plank! Aye, be wary maties!

Arrr matey! The scallywags be sayin' that a throbbin' head, whether from tension, a throbbin' migraine, or a bop on the noggin', be leadin' folks down the plank towards Davy Jones' locker. Aye, the study be sayin' so, me hearties!

Arrr, the mystical IV Ketamine shows promise for stubborn kid headaches. Aye, a treasure worth exploring!

Arr matey! It be told that mixin' ketamine be a fine remedy for young scallywags with stubborn headaches. Safe, effective, and well tolerated it be, says the wise researchers. Aye, the sea of medicine be full of surprises, me hearties!

The CDC be sniffin' out scallywags sellin' fake beauty juice. Yarrr, beware the cursed counterfeit 'Botox'! Arrr!

Arr! Me hearties be talkin' bout some scallywags havin' blurry vision, double vision, and droopy eyelids from the dreaded botulism! Aye, tis a rough sea we sail on, with swallowin' and breathin' troubles to boot! Beware the curse o' the botulism, me mateys! Aaarrr!

Arrr, the scallywags be studyin' Atogepant fer keepin' away the dreaded migraines. Aye, the treasure be found!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest scuttlebutt be that atogepant be showin' promise fer keepin' them headaches at bay. Aye, the data be sayin' it be safe and workin' well for preventin' them migraines. So hoist the sails and set a course for relief, me mateys!

Arrr, these cancer remedies be less effective than a toothless sea dog barkin' at the moon. Aye!

Arrr mateys, tis be a sad tale indeed! A wee bit o' the cancer drugs be lackin' in their promised benefits to the scallywags sufferin'. 'Tis a shame, for we be needin' all the help we can get in fightin' the dread disease. Aye, the sea be rough, but we must sail on!

Yarrr mateys, beware the treacherous waters of GLP-1RAs for diabetes, for they may lead to scurvy of the eyes!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the use o' SGLT2 inhibitors and insulin be lessenin' the dangers o' diabetes-related eye maladies. So ye can keep an eye on yer booty and still enjoy yer rum without worryin' 'bout goin' blind! Aye, a fine discovery indeed!

Ye scallywags be sayin' cannabis be the key to calmin' yer nerves after too much grog? Arrr, pass the joint!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that D-Limonene, a wondrous substance found in the holy plant cannabis, may help ye scallywags ease yer fears and anxieties caused by the devil's lettuce. Aye, according to Medscape Medical News, this be a grand discovery for all ye pirates sailin' the high seas!

Arrr, no booty found with new medicine for ship's heart troubles. Aye, scallywags, back to the sea we go!

Arrr, mateys! The ARISE-HF trial be searchin' for a way to stop the scurvy known as diabetic cardiomyopathy, but it did not find the X marks the spot. However, there be hope in the horizon for a treasure to prevent it! Aye, keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties!

Ye olde survey be showin' the consequences o' messin' with yer face, mateys! Be warn'd, ye scallywags! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! A study hath discovered that those who suffer mishaps after gettin' their pretty faces altered be more likely to feel sad, anxious, and other mental maladies than before. Ye best think twice before messin' with yer natural beauty, lest ye end up walkin' the plank of despair! Arrr!

Ye be warned, mateys! False poisons be afoot! Ready yer swords and pistols for swift justice! Arrrr!

Arrr mateys! The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association be warnin' ye scallywags 'bout the dangers of gettin' yer medical procedures done in places without proper licensin'. Keep a weather eye out, lest ye end up walkin' the plank!

Ye olde scroll doth speak of magic potions for dark-skinned pirates. Yarr, me skin be lookin' mighty fine!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' that them neuromodulators and dermal fillers be workin' wonders for the landlubbers in need. But more treasure be needed to know for sure if they be safe for all the different crews out there. Aye!

April 15, 2024

"Arrr, the AI be predictin' outcomes with its magical EEG powers. 'Tis a compelling tale indeed!"

Avast ye scallywags! The more loot ye plunder, the worse off ye be in the end, says this fancy new study. Aye, the fancy AI algorithm be showin' that higher seizure burden spells trouble for yer future. Ye best be keepin' a sharp eye on yer health, mateys! Arrr!

Yarrr, me hearties! Reckon these clinics be treasure troves for wee ones with skin and joint maladies. Arrr!

Arr mateys, 'tis said that the minglin' of pediatric dermatology and rheumatology be improvin' patient outcomes and satisfactions! No scurvy here, just jolly good news from the Medscape Medical News! Aye, the seas be smooth sailin' for these combined clinics! Arrr!

Arrr, a quick test to see if yer brain be as foggy as the high seas! Watch out for scurvy, matey!

Arrrh me hearties! By scallywagging through the spoken words of landlubbers, ye may spy signs of foggy brains and potential plundering of memories. Keep a weather eye out for signs of mild cognitive impairment, lest ye find yerself lost in the treacherous waters of dementia risk. Aye, aye captain!

Arr, a diet of low-fat vegan grub be good for the ticker of ye landlubber with the sugar sickness! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The swashbucklers o' the medical world be comparin' the effects o' a low-fat vegan diet to a portion-control diet fer scallywags with type 1 diabetes. 'Tis a tale o' trials and tribulations on the high seas o' health! Aye, 'tis true, as told by Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, me hearties! TAVI be like SAVR for the lower-risk scallywags with aortic stenosis! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys, the latest DEDICATE-DZHK6 trial be showin' that fixin' yer aortic valve with a bit o' fancy catheter work be just as good as cuttin' it open on the table. Aye, the surgeons may not be pleased to hear that!

FDA be green-lightin' an AI contraption fer findin' the early signs o' trouble in yer bloodstream. Arrr!

Arr matey! The FDA be grantin' permission for a newfangled AI tool to diagnose sepsis. 'Tis a grand day for technology on the high seas! Aye, me hearties, let's set sail with this De Novo pathway treasure! Huzzah!

Arrr, this here program be helpin' mateys avoid walkin' the plank of opioid overdose, savvy? Aye!

Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' that helpin' hands in the emergency department be leadin' to better followin' of post-discharge pills for the cursed opioid use disorder. No more repeatin' overdoses for these scallywags! Aye, 'tis a grand findin' indeed, says the Medscape Medical News.

"Me hearties, vaccinated babes be less likely to catch the pox. Arrr, keep 'em safe from scurvy!"

Arrr mateys, them tiny scallywags be safer from serious bacterial foes after bein' jabbed with the pox prevention potions, but still be needin' to watch out for them sneaky urinary tract invaders. Keep a weather eye on yer little buccaneers, lest ye be dealin' with a troublesome leak!

April 12, 2024

Arrr, be Europe sailin' towards an opium storm? Aye, thar be trouble brewin' on the horizon!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywags be talkin' about them fancy semisynthetic opioids causin' a ruckus. But fear not, for the mortality from prescription opioids be holdin' steady in most European lands. Aye, tis a curious tale indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks ESG be a better treasure fer yer health long term than Semaglutide. Aye matey!

Arrr, me hearties! This Semaglutide be a fine remedy for shedding extra poundage, yet we mustn't overlook the coin it takes to keep it up. Be weighin' the cost o'er time with ESG, savvy? Aye, 'tis the dilemma we face. - <i>Ye Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, Avast ye scallywags! A good workout may help ye remember to take yer mind medicine!

Arrr! Tis be said that addin' some swabbin' of the deck and hoistin' of the sails to yer weekly routine may help ye remember to take yer meds, ye scurvy dogs with mental disorders. Aye, aye, cap'n!

Yarrr matey, me scurvy-ridden hand be needin' some proper treatment for this chronic eczema. Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been o'er a year since the scallywags in the phase 3 studies found that delgocitinib cream be a trusty cure for the cursed chronic hand eczema. The latest reports say the control be holdin' steady, with no new troubles on the horizon. Aye, the treasure be safe!

Yarr, me hearties! A study be showin' PsA be spreadin' like treasure across the seas! Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys, it be said that the dreaded PsA be more common in the lands of Europe and North America, than in the exotic shores of Asia and South America! Aye, the scallywags be sufferin' from this affliction more in those parts of the world, me hearties!

Arrr, be the Coronary Sinus Reducer a solution for yer stubborn chest pains, me hearties? Aye or nay?

Arrr mateys, the coronary sinus reducer be helpin' with the chest pains, but be failin' to improve the blood flow. 'Tis like tryin' to sail a leaky ship in rough waters! Ahoy, the seas of medicine be a treacherous journey indeed!

Be e-ciggydangers plaguin' th' ol' ticker, mateys? Aye, beware th' scurvy heart ailments of th' modern age! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be warned, these infernal e-cigarettes be as harmful as the devil's tobacco. Just like the cursed conventional cigarettes, they be wreakin' havoc on yer precious endothelium and fillin' ye body with toxic substances. Heed the warnin' from <i>Medscape Medical News</i>. Arrrr!

Arrr, ye be tellin' me this vaccine won't be stoppin' the dengue epidemic? Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! The scallywags at the organization be sayin' to use the vaccine with other means like keepin' the critters at bay, stayin' ahead of the game, and learnin' a thing or two. Listen up, ye landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spreadin' the word. Aye, aye!

April 11, 2024

Yarrr, me hearties! Be takin' short strolls to keep yer ticker in good shape, especially if ye be a Type 1 Diabetic. Arrr!

Arr matey! 'Tis said that takin' short breaks with light-intensity walks durin' long sittin' hours be improvin' vascular inflammatory biomarker levels in scallywags with type 1 diabetes. Aye, me hearties! Listen to the wise words of Medscape Medical News and take a stroll to keep ye health in check! Arrr!

Arrr, be practicin' different ways to tame the wild beast within, lest ye walk the plank of the loony bin!

Arrr, me hearties! Them experts be sayin' that changin' how we give psychiatric care can lessen the need fer forcin' folks into treatment. Aye, tis good news from the 32nd European Congress of Psychiatry! Ye best listen up, or ye might end up walkin' the plank! Aharrr!

Arrr, mateys be joinin' the fight against scurvy, er I mean cancer, in these clinical trials. Aye!

Arrr mateys, tis said that more scallywags with the dreaded scurvy are joining the quest for a cure, especially at the grand National Cancer Institute. But alas, the number of recruits be still too few. Aye, the battle against this cursed disease be a fierce one indeed.

Hark ye, me hearties! Stuffin' yer gob fast and suppin' late may wreak havoc on yer health, arrr!

Arrr matey, tis not just the grub ye shove in yer gob that affects yer well-being. The speed and timing of yer feasting also be part of the puzzle. Listen to the wisdom of the Medscape Medical News, lest ye be walking the plank of poor health! Aye!

Arrr mateys! These SGLT2 inhibitors be helpin' with scurvy blood in them with T2D and CKD! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Takin' SGLT2 inhibitors o'er GLP-1 RAs be showin' a 19% lessenin' o' risk fer scurvy outcomes in hearties with T2D an' CKD stages I-III. Listen t' this tale from Medscape Medical News, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scallywags! High doses o' Valproate be makin' ye gain weight faster than a pirate plunderin' a treasure chest!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that this Valproate remedy, meant to quell the storm within yer brain, may cause ye to gain weight like a bloated sea whale! Beware the side effects of this cursed medicine, lest ye find yerself too heavy to walk the plank!

Arrr, D-Mannose be no treasure for ye bladder woes. Stick to grog for yer health, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, the mystical elixir known as D-mannose be as useless as a wooden leg in a footrace for lasses sufferin' from the dreaded urinary tract infections! 'Tis all a sham, just like Davy Jones' locker. Avast ye, and stick to yer grog instead! Aye!

Ye scallywags be not usin' clozapine enough on me fellow black mates with the crazies! Avast ye!

Arrr mateys, it be said that the Black swashbucklers with the crazy mind be gettin' less of the powerful clozapine than their White shipmates. Shiver me timbers, what a scallywag of a discrepancy! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

April 10, 2024

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Plozasiran be the key to reducing thy fat stores and trimmin' yon waistline! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in the SHASTA-2 study found that the medicine be mighty effective in lowerin' them triglycerides by more than 50%. Aye, aye captain, it be a fine treasure for them with the pancreatitis risk! Alas, no scurvy here, mateys!

Yarrr mateys, cuttin' be better than potions for clearin' blood clots in the brain! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis good news fer those cursed with deadly strokes, but 'tis only good fer a chosen few, says one wise expert. Aye, the seas be rough but there be hope on the horizon!

Arrr, me hearties! The mystical liquid biopsy be showin' promise in spyin' out the dreaded pancreatic cancer! Aye!

Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' of a newfangled test that can sniff out pancreatic scallywags afore they grow too big! 'Tis a chance to set sail on the path of curin' patients afore it be too late. Aye, a jolly good find indeed!

"Arrr, the good doctor be takin' a break, but finds himself in a grave situation with no pulse!"

Arr mateys, tis a tale of the ICU physician who found himself amidst a cardiac arrest in a crowded club, with music blaring and a sea of people. Aye, a night of revelry turned into a night of swashbuckling medical heroics!

Arrr matey, this new contraption be helpin' ye scallywags lookin' fer signs o' Zoom Dysmorphia! Aye, 'tis a treasure indeed!

Yarrr mateys! Them landlubbers be sufferin' from zoom dysmorphia, obsessin' over their mugs afore meetin' online. Aye, they be thinkin' they needs to be lookin' perfect like a shiny doubloon! Harharhar!

Yarrr, me mateys! 'Tis said that chronic pain ages yer noggin faster than a lass in a race!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that the pains of me bones may not just trouble me body, but also me poor brain. Ye best be takin' heed and carin' for yer joints, lest ye want yer noggin' to age quicker than a pirate after a night of grog! Aye!

Arrr, mixin' potions be extendin' the lives o' scurvy dogs with belly aches. Aye, mateys, it be true!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that the scallywags who received the powerful cadonilimab and standard chemo had a better chance of survivin', whether they had the mark of PD-L1 or not! Aye, the news be spreadin' like wildfire across the seven seas!

Scurvy brain be addled three times o'er, me hearties! Beware the treacherous waters of delirium lest ye face dementia's curse! Arrr!

Arrgg, me hearties! A grand study be showin' that older adults who be sufferin' from delirium be havin' a higher risk of walkin' the plank straight into the jaws o' dementia and death. Heed this warnin', ye scallywags!

Ye scurvy dogs best beware, fer childhood itch could lead ye to a world o' gut troubles ahead! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, a study from the Swede land be sayin' that young scallywags with itchy skin may be more likely to end up with a rumble in their tummy. Best be keepin' an eye out for them crocodiles in yer belly! Arrr!

Arrr! Uncoverin' the treasures of intermediate endpoints to predict the survival of breast cancer scallywags! Aye, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' that these clinical endpoints be a fine indicator o' survival fer ye lasses with breast cancer. Aye, the adjuvant therapy be workin' wonders! Trust in yer doctors, me mateys, and ye shall sail through these treacherous waters unscathed. Aarrgh!

April 9, 2024

Be ye thinkin' 'tis time to heave ho the term AIDS from our vocabulary, me hearties? Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Some scallywags be sayin' that the acronym be no good no more and may be causin' harm, according to a group of specialists arguin' with other experts. Avast ye Medscape Medical News!

Arrr matey, beware the treacherous tales of contraception! Separate truth from pirate fiction, lest ye find yerself with a scallywag spawn.

Arrr, me hearties! Beware the scallywags on the interwebs spewing falsehoods 'bout contraception safety! Don't be fooled by these self-proclaimed experts! Trust only ye doctor's wisdom on such matters, lest ye be led astray on the treacherous sea of misinformation! Aye, me mateys!

Arr matey, the magic nose potion be helpin' adult scallywags with autism sail smoother seas! Argh!

Arrr mateys! It be said that snortin' oxytocin up yer nose be makin' ye more sociable and happy if ye be havin' that pesky autism spectrum disorder. Aye, the science be showin' it to be true, so go ahead and give it a try, me hearties!

Arrr, Pfizer's shot be hittin' bullseyes with high-risk scallywags under 60. Aye, the trials be a success!

Arrr matey, Pfizer be claimin' their potion Abrysvo be makin' the older landlubbers less likely to catch the dreaded respiratory syncytial virus. Me thinks they be tryin' to sell us snake oil, but who be I to argue with the scallywags at Pfizer! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, ye be tellin' me how a troubled mind be makin' yer gut feel like a stormy sea!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be sayin' that feelin' blue can make yer bellyache worse for them lads with the cursed ulcerative colitis. Keep a weather eye on yer mental health, lest ye be sailin' into rough waters! Aye, 'tis the word from Medscape Medical News!

Arrr mateys, methinks those fancy DNA twists be messin' with ye brain! Cerebral Palsy be gettin' a pirate makeover!

Arrr mateys, them Canadian scallywags be usin' some fancy whole-genome sequencing to spy on the genetic quirks of young buccaneers with cerebral palsy. Aye, it be a fine pursuit, but I reckon those lads and lasses be needin' more grog and less science!

Arrr, three different maps of the mysterious seas have been uncovered mateys! Aye, let's set sail and discover the treasures hidden within!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at Medscape Medical News be tellin' us that MS be havin' three different types, each based on different blood-based "immune signatures." This information may help us predict the course of the disease and make more personalized treatment decisions. Aye, the pirates be gettin' smarter every day!

Arrr, Mateys! The Olezarsen be workin' wonders, cuttin' them pesky triglycerides in half like a proper scallywag!

Arrr mateys! Ye be hearin' that a powerful potion aimin' at mRNA of APO C-III be reducin' them triglycerides by half in BRIDGE-TIMI 73a! Aye, the largest loot ever seen in a trial! Yarrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> has the scoop!

April 8, 2024

Arrr, the battle be fierce but both PRT and neuromuscular exercise be takin' the booty for improving Hip OA!

Yarr, me hearties! Aye, 12 weeks o' liftin' heavy things be boostin' hip function, easin' pain, and makin' life better for them scallywags with osteoarthritis. Aye, that be the treasure we be seekin'! A fine tale from Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

Ye olde online sorcery be lettin' ye take yer own pirate medicine without a doctor's say-so, arrr!

Arr me hearties! 'Tis said that a newfangled contraption could help ye landlubbers get yer hands on statins without seein' a scurvy doctor! Mayhaps this be the secret to keepin' yer heart shipshape and preventin' a mutiny in yer chest. Aye aye, Cap'n Medscape be tellin' us true!

Pieces of Eight, me hearties! Currency and booty be aiding the scurvy dogs in boosting their swashbuckling activities! Arrr!

"Arr mateys! The scallywags in the BE ACTIVE trial be findin' that offerin' bits o' gold and a bit o' fun be motivatin' landlubbers with bad tickers to walk the plank more each day. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to Enhertu for fightin' the scurvy known as HER2-Positive Solid Tumors!

Arrr! The FDA be givin' the nod to a new therapy that be targetin' tumors without carin' where they be growin'. 'Tis a mighty fine achievement, me hearties! Avast ye scallywags, 'tis a new dawn for medicine on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, less than half o' these accelerated approvals be showin' any real clinical benefits! Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arr! A fresh study be scrutinin' the aftermath o' cancer potions that got the nod quick! Will they stand the test o' time or be walkin' the plank soon? Watch yer back, mateys! In the land o' medicine, nothin' be certain but scurvy and death!

Arr mateys, do ye prefer tending to scurvy or battling politicians? Doctors be defendin' their social buccaneering!

Avast ye scallywags! Those landlubbers be callin' our trusty doctors "extremists" for fightin' for public health! But we sailors know better - keep up the good work, ye hearty advocates for the well-being of all! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties, the poop be a true teller of tales about the grub ye eat! Listen and learn, ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys! Ye hear tell o' this fancy work from Duke University? They be aimin' to shake up the way them scientific folk study grub and how them doctors check the diets o' their patients. Shiver me timbers! It be a whole new world for the scallywags in white coats!

Ye be needin' spectacles if ye can't spot a measly 2 mm risk on those fancy NT screens! Arrrgh!

Arrr, me hearties! Them fancy researchers be prayin' that them screening programs take another gander at them nuchal translucency measurements. Aye, 'tis a fancy way of sayin' they be wantin' a closer look at the size of them baby bumps. Har har har!

Ye be eatin' too much fancy grub, ye may find yerself sufferin' from a nasty case o' scurvy belly! Arrr!

Arrr matey! 'Tis said that stuffin' yer gullet with too much fancy processed grub may bring upon ye the dreaded irritable bowel syndrome! Best be stickin' to the good ol' pirate fare of rum and sea biscuits, lest ye want a pox upon yer bowels! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, should we be usin' the devil's lettuce for aching bones, say ye? Aye or nay, mateys?

Arrr me hearties! 'Tis said that prescription potions be good fer easing the pain of scallywags with the pox. But when the treatment be done, the guidelines on using these remedies be as murky as Davy Jones' locker! Aaarrrrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Beware the foul sorcery of these Anti-Obesity potions, they be thwartin' our Semaglutide plunderin'!"

Arrr mateys! Them hearty souls who be carryin' extra cargo on their frame be sheddin' more pounds by takin' semaglutide, so long as they haven't tried other potions for the same cause. Avast! The seas of weight loss be a treacherous journey indeed!

Arrr mateys, those landlubbers be forgettin' twice as much as us seafarin' pirates! Aye, tis a funny thing indeed.

Arrr mateys, it be said by them smart Canadian landlubbers that them poor souls wanderin' the streets be twice as likely to suffer from forgetfulness as those with a roof over their heads. Aye, 'tis a sad tale indeed, but at least we can remember to be grateful for our own sturdy ships!

April 7, 2024

Ye olde telemedicine be keepin' heart pirates from returnin' to the ship after fixin' their plundered arteries. Arrr!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis said that a magical telemedicine program be savin' the lives of heart-stricken patients who've been tinkered on by a bunch of landlubber surgeons. Aye, 'tis a wondrous spectacle indeed! Yarrr!

Ye scallywags! A jaw contraption like a pirate CPAP be the key to lowering yer blood pressure! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr matey! A fancy jaw-advancing contraption be just as good as the ol' CPAP for lowerin' blood pressure in scallywags with hypertension and sleep apnea, says the CRESCENT trial. Avast ye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales of this swashbucklin' study! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, me hearties! Impella CP be helpin' ye survive in a storm o' heart troubles like a true pirate! Aye!

Arrr mateys, the use of a tiny pump called the microaxial flow pump be helpin' to save lives in patients sufferin' from the dreaded STEMI-related cardiogenic shock in the DanGer Shock trial. But beware, for it also bringeth more troubles along the way. Aye, 'tis a tricky situation indeed!

Arrr, Mateys! The scallywags be sayin' UroLift be a fine weapon against the dreaded BPH beast!

Arrr mateys! Aye, in the battle betwixt tamsulosin and implant therapy, the latter be victorious in easing symptoms. Aye, me hearties, set sail with the implant therapy for smoother waters ahead!

April 6, 2024

Arrr mateys, this Empagliflozin be no match for the mighty heart attack! Aye, tis a scurvy dog indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Empagliflozin did not greatly lower the risk of heart failure hospital stays or death in risky patients in EMPACT-MI, but it did lessen the number of times they had to visit the dreaded hospital. Avast! Medscape Medical News be bringin' ye the tale.

Arrr! 'Tis true, the ApoA1 Trial be missin' the mark, but the HDL Hypothesis be sailin' strong!

Arrr, me hearties! The ApoA1 infusions in the AEGIS-II trial be like a scallywag with no booty. But fear not, for a closer look be showin' promise in them with higher LDL levels. Aye, the treasure be hidden in the cholesterol, mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! No booty to be had for the fancy new shunt contraption, arrr!

Arrr mateys! In the quest for a heart cure, this shunt device be a disappointment for all ye landlubbers with weak LV function. But fear not, for those with a feeble LVEF less than 40% may still find some treasure in this study. Aye, the heart be a tricky beast indeed!

April 5, 2024

Arrr, FDA gives nod to fancy new app for the blues! Shiver me timbers, it be a scallywag's delight!

Arr, me hearties! The FDA be givin' their seal o' approval for a fancy new app to cure the blues! Ye can now get yer prescription for sadness right on yer phone. Just make sure ye don't accidentally delete it, or ye'll be walkin' the plank of despair! Aye, matey!

Yarr! Th' scallywags at FDA be walkin' th' plank fer approvin' this test, says th' swabbies at th' clinic!

Arrr! Ye scallywags be sayin' a test fer risk o' fallin' into the clutches o' the dreaded opioid use disorder may be bringin' harm instead o' help! 'Tis a debate as epic as huntin' fer buried treasure with genetic maps as our guide. Aye, the seas be treacherous indeed!

The swashbuckling pig with a fresh kidney be free to roam the seas once more, aye!

Arrr, a scallywag was denied by the docs, but the brave soul be holdin' up. We be keepin' a weather eye on 'im to see how he fares in the long haul. Aye, the medics be watchin' closely!

Arrr, those fancy scientists be chattin' 'bout bird flu spreadin' across the seas. Best hoist the sails, mateys!

Arr mateys, fear not the foul fowl flu! The land lubbers say the chance of widespread illness be low, but keep a weather eye out and tighten up yer defenses! We be keepin' a sharp lookout for any scurvy birds tryin' to make us walk the plank! Aye aye, Captain Health Authorities!

Arr matey, be ye in need o' a dose o' nature fer 20 minutes a day? Aye aye, says I!

Arrr mateys, the signs be clear: Our bodies be needin' more time amongst the lush greenery to be hale and hearty. It be all about how we see time passin'. Aye, trust the wise words of Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arrr, a clever plan be makin' the wee troubles of ye manly parts more tolerable and pleasant, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that a healer's touch be makin' a difference in the way them male patients be thinkin' 'bout their leaky pipes. Aye, a nurse be swashbucklin' her way through them urinary troubles like a true buccaneer!

Arrr, beware mateys! Scurvy dog S aureus be causin' more bone rot in them with RA. Aye aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The use of fancy orthopedic trinkets or magic potions be makin' the risk of bone infections soar to the heavens for them scallywags with RA and the dreaded S aureus bug. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for them pesky infections, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, CGM be the treasure map to avoid scurvy of the eyes in Type 1 Diabetes!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that the use of continuous glucose monitoring be like a treasure map that leads to a reduced risk o' the dreaded diabetic retinopathy in adults with type 1 diabetes. Shiver me timbers, keep a watchful eye on yer blood sugar levels, me hearties! Aye, <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' no tales.

Avast ye, can a scurvy physical exam spy out them pesky thyroid nodules, matey? Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags be sayin' that a thyroid exam didn't match the ultrasound results in landlubbers with no symptoms! But it be spot-on for the big nodules! Shiver me timbers! The sea of medicine be a treacherous one indeed!

Arrr, some scurvy dogs be feelin' the burnout from this cursed long COVID voyage, aye!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs of the medical profession be sufferin' from pandemic fatigue just as much as us landlubbers be strugglin' with the long haul of the foul COVID! Some be too proud to seek help, but a good dose of grog and rest be the cure for all ailments!

April 3, 2024

Avast ye hearties! The Arrow QuickFlash be cursed! Recall the Radial Artery Catheterization Kits lest ye meet Davy Jones! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at Medscape be warnin' us of treacherous guidewires, causin' harm to our precious blood vessels. Beware, me mateys, lest ye want yer veins to become a leaky ship! Aye, 'tis a dangerous sea out there indeed.

The FDA be givin' the nod to Iloperidone for the crazies in their noggins, arrr! Set sail for sanity!

Arrr, the US Food and Drug Administration hath given the nod to iloperidone tablets (Fanapt) for treatin' the scallywag known as bipolar disorder in adults. Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis good news for those sailin' the rough seas of mental health. Aye, 'tis Medscape Medical News!

Arrr mateys, Lenz Therapeutics' Eye Drops be makin' ye see clearer than a spyglass on a calm sea! Aye!

Arrr, Lenz Therapeutics be boastin' on Wednesday that their mighty experimental potion be makin' landlubbers see better in their old age! Aye, they be fixin' nearsightedness in scallywags with a common eye ailment. Yarrr, me hearties, who needs a spyglass when ye got Lenz Therapeutics on yer side?

Arr, me hearties! These fancy "Polygenic Risk Scores" be helpin' spot the scurvy dogs known as breast cancer! Aye!

Arrr matey! A study from Finland be tellin' us that mixin' polygenic risk scores with family tales and breast cancer gene mutations be makin' the hunt for breast cancer more strategic. Aye, this be some serious treasure for our medical mates to find!

Ye mateys, be advisin' ye to swab the decks and test the blood of them patients with the quick heartbeats! Arrr!

Arrr matey, some fancy DNA changes may be the root of heart troubles like atrial fibrillation or a wonky ventricular thing. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spoutin' the scientific jargon, but all I can think of is plunderin' for treasure!

Arrr, the scallywags tried Rilzabrutinib and steroids for the pox but got no treasure in the end.

Arrr, the scallywag Rilzabrutinib failed to reach its mark in the PEGASUS trial for mateys with pemphigus vulgaris or foliaceus. Me thinks it be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, even the best potions can't always cure ye ailments.

Arrr, me hearties! Learn how the dreaded Fibrogenesis be makin' young landlubbers fat! Aye, watch yer bellies, ye scallywags!

Yarr mateys! The belly growin' bigger, but the fat remainin' the same in them young scallywags with the sugar problem. 'Tis a curious findin' indeed! The sea of medicine be full of treasures and surprises, arrr!

Yarrr, me hearties! Be ye knowin' that wee ones' symptoms can be tellin' us what treatments they need. Aye!

Arrr, ye scallywags with a solitary ailment be needin' less of the fancy anti-inflammatory drugs than them with multiple maladies. Yarrr, take heed of this advice from Medscape Medical News, lest ye be walkin' the plank of prolonged treatment! Aye!

April 2, 2024

Arrr! FDA be givin' the thumbs up for TriClip to mend leaky tricuspid valves. Time to patch 'er up, mateys!

Arr mateys, the FDA has given their blessing for Abbott's TriClip Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair system to fix tricuspid regurgitation! The crew be votin' in favor of this mighty fine device. Avast ye, the seas of healthcare be sailin' smooth for Abbott! Aye aye, me hearties!

Arrr! The FDA be givin' the nod to Danicopan for the scallywags with Extravascular Hemolysis in PNH. Avast ye!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags have finally concocted a magical tablet to cure the woes of those suffering from a rare blood disorder! It be approved by the powers that be. Let us raise a toast to modern medicine and bid adieu to our troubles!

Ye scurvy dogs be forgettin' to take their insulin, causin' all sorts o' trouble for their Type 2 Diabetes! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that 44% of scallywags be forgettin' to take their medicine within a year! Shiver me timbers! Ye best be rememberin' to swallow yer pills, lest ye walk the plank of poor health! Aye, aye, captain!

Ye scallywags! Tis be true! Guzzle yer PPI twice a day for smoother sailin' through EoE waters! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, it be said that takin' yer proton pump inhibitor twice a day in a moderate dose be best fer healin' yer EoE. No need to be takin' a higher dose, it won't be givin' ye any more benefits. Listen to the wise words of Medscape Medical News, ye scallywags!

Arrr matey! Could ye scurvy dog of a patient benefit from these new trials in prostate cancer?

Arrr matey! One of ye scallywags might find some relief in a newfangled trial for the scurvy known as prostate cancer. Check it out in the latest gossip from Medscape Medical News, ye landlubbers!

"Arrr, early HETs be bringin' better treasure fer wee scallywags wit' MS in thar young years!"

Arrr mateys, startin' HET early in wee ones with MS be the way to go! It be like findin' a treasure map that leads to slower disability than settlin' for weak remedies or nothin' at all. Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the good word!

Arrr, beware ye scurvy dogs! Be mindful of the risk of CKD progression as yer albuminuria be in the normal range!

Arrr matey! The scallywags be findin' that the danger o' chronic kidney disease be growin', even in the wee amounts o' albuminuria. Keep an eye on yer kidneys, lest ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys! What be the scallywag MS and EBV be up to? Let's unravel the mystery, ye landlubbers!

Arrr mateys! Word be spreadin' that this EBV may be the scallywag causin' MS. What be the clinical implications of this revelation? Could it be the key to lootin' the treasure of treatment and prevention for this cursed neurodegenerative condition? Aye, only time will tell. Arrr!

Arrr, the scallywags of drug and device making be payin' the docs a hefty ransom of $12 billion over ten years!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that the loot from the industry scallywags be unaffected by the public reckonings in the Open Payments dossier. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales of the same ol' same ol'. Set sail for more pillaging, me mateys!

April 1, 2024

Arr, older mateys in the infirmary be needin' a list of remedies for their aches 'n pains, savvy?

Arr matey, hear ye the latest tidings from the Medscape Medical News! 'Tis filled with tales of leeches and potions, sure to cure any scallywag's ailments. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on this here parchment, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank! Arrrr!

Arrr, be wary of the scurvy challenge of Beta-Lactam allergy in the Emergency Department, mateys!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be conducting full-dose challenges for the landlubbers with beta-lactam allergies, savin' 'em from unnecessary skin testin' and wastin' antibiotics. Yarrr, aye, 'tis a grand victory for the crew!

Arrr mateys, we be talkin' bout fixin' lady troubles in shipmates with cancers. Aye, the seas be rough indeed!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that many fair maidens afflicted with the dreaded scurvy of cancer seek counsel on matters of bedchamber fun, and wise healers be takin' notice. New studies be showin' the way, savvy? Aye, 'tis a curious tale indeed!

Arrr, startin' treatment early be key to fixin' yer creaky joints, says the scallywag doctors!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags say ye must be takin' a DMARD afore ye can plunder the biologic therapy booty. Aye, these insurance rules be makin' a pirate walk the plank! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, so listen up, me mateys!

Arr matey, the good ship ED sailed through the treacherous COVID-19 waters without a scratch in yonder days.

Arrr, me hearties! This here study be tellin' us all about the beginnings of the COVID-19 scurvy, and how it be helpin' the bigwigs in chargin' the ship in case another outbreak be comin' our way. Aye, 'tis a treasure trove of information indeed!

Arrr, can this fancy Serum S100B be of use in aiding the wee scallywags' noggin bump troubles? Aye!

Arr matey! Keepin' an eye on serum S100B levels may lessen the need for them pesky cranial CT scans for wee ones with mild noggin bumps. Follow the clinical decision chart, and ye'll be savin' precious time and resources, me hearties! Aye, 'tis what the Medscape Medical News be sayin'!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis rumored that a Quad Shot be improvin' local control in HNC! Aye, tis a fine discovery!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that a mix o' Quad Shot radiotherapy and immunotherapy be helpin' with the pain in the head and neck, but may not be savin' yer sorry hide in the long run. Aye, 'tis a curious mix indeed, says the Medscape Medical News. Arrr!

Embarking on a new voyage as a hospice healer in me golden years, tending to the scallywags of life.

Avast ye mateys! Behold the wench who donned her nurse's cap at threescore years! Aye, she be a hospice healer now, tending to the scallywags in their final days. A true swashbuckler of compassion, she be! Arrr!

March 29, 2024

Arrr, why be so many landlubber doctors mixin' potions an' chantin' like sea witches? Aye, 'tis a mystery!

Arrr, them swashbucklin' healers be fancyin' themselves as clever scientists, but they be relyin' on some mighty peculiar methods to get themselves shipshape for their work. Aye, 'tis a puzzlin' contradiction on the high seas of medicine!

Arr matey! Should we pillage the pessary or plunder the progesterone for our preterm birth? Advantage be with Med!

Arr, the results be the same for all these treatments, but it seems the potion be more effective for the lasses with a wee cervical length of 25 mm or less. Aye, me hearties, trust in the magic elixir!

"Keep a sharp eye, mateys! Watchin' be not causin' trouble, says the scallywags of the medical profession."

Arrr! Yon physicians can rest easy recommendin' active surveillance for low-risk cancers, for there be no tales of malpractice related to this strategy. 'Tis a safe harbor for all ye scallywags! Aye, trust in the wisdom of Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Ye best be watchin' yer exposure to th' sun, lest ye want yer immune system to mutiny on ye! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Be warned! Too much time in the scorching sun may weaken yer body's defenses, leavin' ye susceptible to sickness and hastenin' the march of heart disease. Take heed and don't be a fool, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker sooner than ye planned!

Arrr, me hearties! The AI hath uncovered two powerful booty-filled compounds fer our GLP-1 treasure chest! Aye!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that two potent potions, from nature's own bounty, be wieldin' power at the GLP-1R site. Arrr, they be swallerin' easier 'n them other fancy pills, with less ill effects. Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Arrr, Canadian healers be workin' less since '87, mayhaps spendin' more time plunderin' treasure instead!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' that we need more sea dogs to join our crew 'cause we be workin' less hours. The tides be changin', and we need to be preparin' for a new adventure in findin' more shipmates to sail the medical seas. Aye aye, captain!

Yar, less grog means less heartache for ye ol' ticker, mateys! Aye, take heed and drink wisely!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis told that if ye cut back on the grog, ye may find yerself with less chest pains and fewer strokes! Aye, 'tis a fine trade for a pirate to make, less rum for a healthier heart!

March 28, 2024

Arrr, be ye tellin' me that ye can catch Alzheimer's from plantin' stem cells in yer body? Blimey, that be a treasure I'll be passin' on!

Avast ye scallywags! Word from the landlubbers be that this strange malady known as Alzheimer's may be spread through the marrow of bones! But be wary, says the learned ones, for the truth may be more twisted than a ship's rigging. Aye, tis a puzzling tale indeed!

Yarrr! Aye, the wizardry of surgery bewitched the pitcher's arm! Now even scallywag young'uns be gettin' it done.

Arrr, in the year of our Lord 1974, Tommy John entrusted his wounded arm to a wise surgeon. Now, me hearties be wonderin' if this here procedure be too popular among the young scallywags. Avast, the Medscape Medical News be raisin' the alarm!

"Arrr mateys, be on the lookout for the signs of the dreaded Ovarian Cancer to speed up yer diagnosis!"

Arrr mateys, 'tis a sad truth that many lasses be findin' out too late about the cursed ovarian cancer. If ye spot the scurvy signs early, there be a chance to fight it off like a true pirate! Keep a weather eye out, me hearties!

Arrr matey! Be outcomes grander when ye mix medical and surgical treatments? Aye, tis a question for the ages!

Arrr mateys! The study found that just using Anti-TNF therapy be as good as getting cut open and then using Anti-TNF therapy for healing those pesky fistulas in Crohn's patients. Seems ye don't need a surgeon to fix yer bum after all! Aye, the wonders of modern medicine!

Arrr mateys, be takin' yer meds for the scurvy of ADHD, lest ye be walkin' the plank! Aye!

Arr matey! The scallywags be sayin' that certain potions be helpin' to keep yer mind shipshape and preventin' ye from endin' up in the brig or takin' a plunge off the plank. A grand discovery, me hearties! Aye, me trusty Medscape be bringin' us the news.

Yarrr, me hearties! A new study be sayin' them glucagon receptors be crucial fer keepin' yer kidneys shipshape! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be sayin' that the treasure known as glucagon receptor signalin' be protectin' the kidneys in them mice. Aye, tis a good sign for future remedies in the land of chronic kidney disease. Aye aye, me hearties!

Ye scallywags be wonderin': Can them fancy new surgery tricks match open fer fixin' a busted ovary? Arrr!

Arr matey, it seems that this minimally invasive surgery for the dreaded ovarian cancer does not make a difference in survival when ye be getting the whole tumor out. Savvy surgeons be showin' no fear in cuttin' open the belly like a treasure chest! Arrr!

Cease ye specific potions, lest ye desire a mighty relapse of the scurvy known as Multiple Scurvy! Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Beware of sailin' into rough waters after stoppin' the likes of natalizumab and fingolimod for MS. The risk of a relapse be as fierce as a kraken in these older patients. Watch yer step on the high seas of medicine, lest ye be caught in a mighty storm!

March 27, 2024

Arrr, this blood test be like a treasure map with no X marks the spot. Yarrr, promising but lackin' results!

Avast ye scallywags! Tis be said that blood tests for CRC be better than nary a screening, but they be not fit to replace the grand colonoscopy as the treasure of the high seas. Two new studies and a wise commentary have spoken! Arrr!

FDA be givin' the nod to the fancy new Sotatercept for the dreaded PAH, me hearties! Aye, a breakthrough indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that Sotatercept be a mighty fine treasure in the fight against weak exercise capacity. The STELLAR trial shows it be better than just background therapy alone. Aye, let's hoist the sails and set course for better health!

Ye FDA be sayin' to steer clear of those fancy pain relievin' ointments! Best stick to a good ol' grog!

Beware ye scurvy dogs! The word on the street be that them unapproved elixirs be peddled for yer aches and pains after yer beauty treatments. Aye, stick to what the experts sanction, lest ye find yerself with a face full o' regret. Arrr!

Arrr, what be the scurvy data sayin' 'bout this dried thyroid remedy, me hearties?Cast ye eyes upon it!

Arrr, me hearties! It be like tryin' to find treasure in the wrong spot! Non-randomised studies be swearin' by the benefits of treatin' hypothyroidism, but them randomised trials be sayin' otherwise. Aye, a confusing voyage indeed.

Arrr, Tarlatamab be a swashbucklin' remedy fer SCLC! Aye, me hearties, this be a hopeful discovery indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! The mystical potion be showin' promise in keepin' the scurvy lung cancer at bay for longer than expected. Arrr, the crew be pleased with this news from the medical scrolls of Medscape! Aye, there be hope on the horizon!

Yarrr, eatin' too much fancy processed grub be bringin' on more illness in ye gut, mateys! Beware!

Arrr, me mateys! If ye be sufferin' from a troublesome gut, set yer sights on noshin' on natural grub to ease the pain. No need for fancy feasts, stick to the basics to calm the storm in yer belly. Aye, let nature be yer healer!

Ye lasses be gettin' with child too soon be riskin' a premature meetin' with Davy Jones! Aye, beware!

Arrr mateys, in a grand study of the landlubbers, it be found that lassies who carried a wee one before their sweet sixteenth be more likely to meet Davy Jones early. Aye, a cautionary tale for all ye young maidens!

Arrr, Mirikizumab be keepin' scurvy at bay for 2 years in the belly of those with the dreaded UC!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags be sayin' that ye can keep takin' mirikizumab for 104 moons and it be keepin' ye gut in shipshape! So hoist the sails and stay on course, me hearties! Yarrr!

"Arrr matey, how to steer clear of scurvy and manage the dreaded T2D with CGM technology!"

Arr! Methinks these fancy glucose monitoring devices be like a trusty compass for navigating the treacherous waters of nutrition and insulin dosing! Aye, tis a valuable tool for any scallywag in need of proper care for their booty!

March 26, 2024

Arrr, beware ye scallywags! Them common potions be causin' harm to yer noggin' cells. Avast and steer clear!

Arrr mateys! Methinks the vile chemicals in household goods be playin' tricks on our brains! Beware the furniture and electronics, for they be messin' with our noggin cells! The Medscape Medical News be warnin' us of these surprises, so keep a sharp eye out, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, Viking Therapeutics be brewin' a potion to shed pounds. Will it make ye as svelte as a mermaid?

Arr matey, Viking Therapeutics' mystical potion be makin' scallywags lighter by 3.3%! Wall Street be clappin' their hands like a crew of landlubbers. Ahoy, the treasure be in sight! <i>-Ye olde Reuters Health Information</i>

Ye best be wary of them hair-smoothing concoctions, mateys, for they may lead ye to Davy Jones's locker!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis said that them products with glyoxylic acid be makin' yer kidneys collectin' calcium oxalate crystals. Best be steerin' clear of those scurvy bilge rats! Aye, 'tis what bein' reported in Medscape Medical News.

Arrr mateys, tis be said that black wenches be more likely to meet their fate from endometrial scurvy!

Arrr matey! The scallywags be sayin' that Black and White lasses be havin' different outcomes and treatment in the fight against endometrial cancer. Aye, 'tis a tricky sea to navigate, but we must all work together to find a fair course for all!

Ye be speakin' nonsense, mateys! No treasure in combin' treatments for the dreaded C diff in scurvy landlubbers!

Arrr matey, it be said that mixin' bezlotoxumab with fecal transplant won't make much o' a difference in preventin' recurrence. So why waste yer treasure on such a folly? Stick to the tried and true, says Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

Arrr matey, me thinks COVID-19 treatments be havin' a jolly effect on them scallywags with IBD! Aye, indeed!

Arrr mateys! Ye scurvy dogs with the fiery bowels be warned! The pox known as COVID-19 may require a temporary cessation of yer remedies, but fear not, for it shan't make yer condition worse. Carry on with caution, and may the winds be ever in yer favor!

March 25, 2024

Arrr! Clinicians be the first mateys to tend to in the battle against cyber scallywags! Aye aye!

Arr matey! Some landlubber doctors be havin' trouble gettin' their gold coins flowin' again, but the king's health officials and UnitedHealth Group be makin' headway in gettin' 'em back to healin' scallywags. Aye, it be good news from the Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, the FDA be givin' the go-ahead for Ravulizumab to battle the scurvy known as Neuromyelitis Optica!

Arrr! The news be in, me hearties! The swashbucklin' adults with AQP4 Ab+ NMOSD be findin' relief with the long-actin' C5 complement inhibitor. It be protectin' 'em from relapse, aye! Set sail with Medscape Medical News for more on this tale of triumph! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be there treasure in this Neoadjuvant Chemoimmunotherapy for those with NSCLC? Let's find out, mateys!

Arrr mateys, me hearties! A study be sayin' that mixin' chemo an' immunotherapy afore surgery be helpin' most scallywags with lung cancer. But beware ye landlubbers with low PD-L1 - ye might not be as lucky! Yarrr!

Yarrr, this new concoction be a mighty powerful brew, but be wary of its cursed side effects, me hearties!

Arrr matey! 'Tis said that them scallywags with the EGFR-mutated NSCLC be faring better when treated with osimertinib and chemotherapy from the get-go. The ongoing trial data be showin' promising results even after the initial setback. Aye, the sea of medicine be full of surprises indeed!

Ye young scallywags be wantin' to avoid scallywaggin' pain exposure if ye wish yer wee brains to grow big and strong! Arrr!

Arrr, a scallywag study be showin' that wee babes who endure pain in their early days be havin' different brain wires growin' depending on their gender. Aye, the tiny lads and lasses be sailin' on different seas of brain development! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys! This fancy mt-sDNA test be crushin' the FIT test like a scallywag walkin' the plank!

Arrr matey! The newfangled multitarget stool DNA test be a fine tool for spyin' on colorectal cancer, but beware! It be a bit too sensitive, like a landlubber on a roller coaster. Stick to yer trusty FIT for now, savvy? <br> <i>Ye olde MDedge News</i>

Arr, FDA be granting Mirvetuximab full approval fer battle against the scurvy known as ovarian cancer! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! The potion Mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx (Elahere) be granted the seal o' approval for scallywags with the cursed folate receptor–alpha positive, platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer. Aye, 'tis a fine remedy indeed! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr! Regeneron's scallywag cancer potion be in troubled waters as FDA be raisin' questions 'bout its trials. Aye matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Regeneron Pharmaceuticals be tellin' us on Monday that the scurvy U.S. FDA be givin' a thumbs down for their blood cancer remedy for a couple types of lymphoma. Seems our pillaging and plunderin' didn't impress those fancy FDA folk! Aarrrr!

March 22, 2024

Avast ye FDA be broadening the uses o' Bempedoic Acid to keep our hearts thumpin'! Yarr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that this bempedoic acid and bempedoic-ezetimibe be like treasures that can prevent the dreaded heart attacks and other ailments, whether ye be a land lubber or a seasoned sailor! Avast, take heed and keep a sharp eye on yer health, me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Few scallywags be gettin' their screenings, arrr! Make sure ye keep a weather eye on yer health! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Them scurvy dogs who be survivin' the cancer and be of an older age be more inclined to follow the scurvy cancer screening guidelines. But them young whippersnappers be gettin' heart tests instead. Aye, the sea be a treacherous place indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! The EMA be givin' the thumbs up to two new potions for ye ailments. Arrr!

Arrrrrrr! The European Medicines Agency be givin' their seal o' approval for treatin' malignant hyperthermia and wee little ones with hypotension. Looks like we be addin' some new loot to our medicine chest, me hearties! Onwards to better health!

Arrr! The EMA be givin' the thumbs up to the eye juice of Bevacizumab! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr, mateys! The lands of Europe hath given their blessing fer the use o' monoclonal antibody bevacizumab fer treatin' the cursed neovascular age-related macular degeneration! Avast! 'Tis a jolly good news fer the weary eyes! Aye aye, 'tis a fine day fer scallywags with sore eyes!

Arrr, the EMA be approving a new weapon to battle scurvy-ridden bacteria. Avast ye infections, prepare to be vanquished!

Arrr mateys, word be out that the aztreonam-avibactam concoction be a mighty fine remedy for them scallywag gram-negative bacterial infections. Two trials have proven its worth, so hoist the flag and let the healing begin! Aye, 'tis true, as told by Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, FDA be givin' the nod to Givinostat for the scurvy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr matey! 'Tis said that Givinostat (Duvyzat), a potion that be inhibitin' histone deacetylase, be the first nonsteroidal remedy sanctioned to treat scallywags aged 6 years or older with all genetic variants of DMD. Aye, the sea of medicine be a wondrous place indeed! Arrr!

Arr, the EU be supportin' this newfangled oral remedy for grown folks with PNH. Drink up, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The European Medicines Agency be sayin' that Fabhalta be a fine remedy for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, after lookin' at some fancy clinical trials. Aye, me mateys, it be time to set sail on the high seas of good health with this new potion!

Arrr, be ye lackin' in the ol' Vitamin D matey? Could be why yer feelin' like a peg-legged landlubber!

Arrr mateys, it be said that lack of the Sun's blessings may be causin' trouble with the nerves in them landlubbers with sugar sickness. Ye best be takin' yer vitamins and soak up the rays to keep them scallywag nerves in shipshape condition! Aye aye!

"Arrr, blast me with a wee bit o' radiation, and them pesky lung tumors be walkin' the plank in no time!"

Arrr matey! Them researchers be mixin' a bit o' low-dose radiation with the usual treatment for lung cancer to make it last longer. Aye, they be extendin' the benefits like a pirate hoardin' his treasure. Aye, savvy?

Yarrr! Me matey be savin' her lady parts with a fancy procedure after spawnin' a wee one. No cutlass necessary!

Arrr mateys! New findings be showin' that usin' uterine artery embolization early on can help lasses after givin' birth steer clear o' losin' their precious womb. Aye, 'tis good news indeed for them scallywags!

Avast ye! Treprostinol be tainted with foul particulates, beware and heed this warning, me hearties! Aye!

Arrr mateys, beware of the risks ahead! Ye may find yerself with a bloated limb or even a cursed blocked blood vessel. Best be keepin' a weather eye on yer health, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker!

March 21, 2024

Yarrrr! Too much grog be messin' with yer thinkin' if ye be havin' T1D, matey! Watch yer sugar, savvy?

Arrr matey, beware of the sweet devil known as glucose! 'Tis said that taming the sugar beast be key to makin' yer brain work faster. Keep a steady course me hearties, lest ye want yer noggin to be as muddled as a rum-soaked pirate on a Sunday mornin'! Aye, Medscape be spreadin' the word on this matter.

Arr, beware ye scurvy AI in Dermatology! 'Tis like a landlubber tryin' to navigate the high seas.

Arrr matey, word be spreading that this artificial intelligence be makin' its way into the realm of clinical dermatology. But beware, for its success be hingin' on solvin' the troubles that be comin' along with it. Aye, the promise be grand, but the challenges be plenty. Aye aye!

Arrr matey, a father's hearty girth be influencin' his offspring's heart health. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, it be said that a father's rotundness can harm the young ones' hearts! Aye, tis what the scholars be findin' in their study of wee ones conceived with ART. Beware, me hearties, lest ye want yer offspring to be havin' bad hearts!

Arrr, me hearties! Different bloodlines may change yer chances o' gettin' scurvy from eatin' too much salt beef!

Arrr! Them scallywags be huntin' for the secrets of the genes that be makin' us more prone to the cursed CRC from eatin' red meat, drinkin' grog, and gobblin' processed meat. But fear not, me hearties! Fer eatin' plenty o' fruit may be yer salvation! Aye, the power of the fruit be mighty indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The new decree be cuttin' off aid to fancy medical schools with their fancy DEI programs!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags in charge be sayin' that medical schools can't be havin' any of this diversity, equity, and inclusion business lest they lose their precious federal doubloons. Avast, 'tis a strange decree indeed from the landlubbers in power!

Arrr, them statins be helpin' ye live longer, even if ye be forgettin' things in ye noggin'! Aye matey!

Arrr! The scallywags be sayin' that statins be good for the elderly buccaneers with foggy minds. Aye, they be fightin' off Davy Jones' locker with these here pills. Shiver me timbers, who knew a little pill could save ye from the grim reaper!

Avast ye scallywags! Be there a link betwixt magnesium and this dreaded metabolic syndrome? Arrr, let's find out!

Ye scurvy dogs best be keepin' yer magnesium levels in check, lest ye want to be riskin' the dreaded metabolic syndrome! Aye, the severity of yer deficiency be correlatin' directly to the danger ye be facin'. Watch out for them symptoms, me hearties! Arrrgh!

Me mateys be sayin' that squintin' too long at the horizon be bringin' on the scurvy of the mind!

Arr matey, 'tis said that not seein' straight can cause a scallywag to feel anxious. Aye, them older landlubbers in the States be sayin' this in a fancy study. Keep yer eyes sharp me hearties, lest ye be feelin' the dread of anxiety! Arrr!

March 20, 2024

Yarrr, the data on DMD Givinostat be lookin' mighty fine in Phase 3 trials, aye! Hope be on the horizon, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, this magical elixir known as givinostat be givin' hope to lads with the cursed Duchenne muscular affliction. 'Tis like adding extra powder to yer cannons for a longer voyage. Sail on, ye brave lads!

Arrr, FDA gives nod to potent elixir for stubborn heart throbs. Time to swashbuckle those high seas!

Arrr mateys! Aprocitentan be the first of its kind to lower the blood pressure, when combined with other remedies, for those stubbornly resisting treatment. Aye, 'tis a mighty weapon in the fight against the high seas of hypertension!

Ye scurvy dogs be warned, pill for yer lass may cause the dreaded pox on her fair visage! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that 28.5% of the young scallywags saw their faces marred by the dreaded acne from the contraceptive cursed by the progestin. And 17% of 'em found themselves plagued by this new concern. Aye, 'tis a cruel fate indeed! A pox on that cursed contraceptive!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a grand discovery - TMS be holdin' promise fer slowin' the mind in them scallywag schizophrenics!

Arrrr, mateys! A new study be sayin' that the use of inhibitory repetitive TMS be helpin' to speed up the brains of them scallywags with schizophrenia! Looks like we be findin' the key to unlockin' the treasure chest of better mental health! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, learnin' 'bout carin' in healin' like a matey in the seas. Aye, compassion be the treasure we seek!

Yarr, too much juggling of tasks be drainin' the minds of our shipmates, makin' them scurvy dogs less able to show kindness. Aye, too much stress be makin' our healers lose their hearts. A warning from the Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arrr, ye best be swashbucklin' and takin' yer medicine if ye want to keep off the extra booty!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis be told that mixin' some good ol' sweatin' with some fancy potions be keepin' the pounds at bay fer a whole year after the treatments be done. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a jolly findin' in The Lancet!

Arrr, 'tis a fine diet for wee ones, safe and hearty for lads and lasses alike! Yo ho ho!

Arrr matey, when ye be not able to get yer hands on any weight loss potions, consult a wise dietician to help ye with a very low-calorie diet. 'Tis important to keep the figure slim and trim, even when the drugs be out of reach. Aye!

Arrr, be the scurvy dogs of secondary cancers lurkin' after CAR T therapy? Yarrr, aye matey, aye be concerned!

Avast ye scallywags! A study o' the FAERS database be showin' that only 4.3% o' them who partook in CAR T therapy ended up with a secondary cancer. But fear not me hearties, for only a mere 0.1% o' these were a T-cell malignancy! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs be rest assured, telerehab be just as good as seein' a landlubber in person fer yer bum knee! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! This be a true treasure for the scallywags of the physiotherapy realm! Aye, this discovery be a game changer that could be the key to unlockin' the gates to physiotherapy services for the poor souls who be in need. Aye, a jolly good find indeed!

Yarrr, scallywags be puttin' gold before health! Them CDC be needin' a good keelhaulin' for such foolishness. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, as the agency be makin' rules on keepin' the scurvy away in hospitals and such, some scallywags be worryin' they be puttin' gold before our health. Aye, tis a fine line between treasure and danger on the high seas of healthcare! Aarrgghh!

"Be ye a scallywag? Get jabbed or walk the plank, ye scurvy dogs! No scallywag wants the pox!"

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye landlubbers! Here be five jolly good tips to help them scallywags who be fearin' the vax! No need to walk the plank, just follow these wise words and ye'll be sailin' smooth seas in no time! Arrr!

March 19, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Be wary of skippin' meals, lest ye want to meet Davy Jones sooner than planned!

Arrr mateys, a new tale be told of restrictin' yer eatin' to less than 8 hours a day leadin' to a higher chance of dyin' from heart disease. But beware, ye scurvy dogs, lest ye jump to conclusions too quickly, says them experts. Aye, aye, cap'n!

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to fancy gene magic for Metachromatic Leukodystrophy! Hoist the sails, me hearties!

Arr mateys, this Atidarsagene autotemcel be given the green light for wee ones with the dreaded scurvy known as MLD. Avast ye, it be a treasure for the young scallywags to fight off the symptoms. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spreading the word!

Arrr, me hearties! This here magical potion, Liraglutide, be helpin' ye scurvy dogs with yer wonky legs! Aye!

Arrrrr! The wee potion be makin' the blood flow better in yer limbs o'er 6 moons, better than yer old heart treatments. Aye, 'tis like magic for yer veins! Source: Medscape UK.

Arrr, can this magical vibrating pill shrink yer belly and make ye as light as a feather?

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that a magical capsule, like treasure in a bottle, bein' brewed by the scallywags of science, to cure the cursed disease of obesity by trickin' the belly into feelin' full. 'Tis bein' tested on animals, and by Davy Jones' locker, it be workin'! Aye!

"Arrr mateys, be cuttin' yer meat intake to save thar climate, says them fancy French folk!"

Arrr mateys! The scallywags at Climate Action Network France and the French Society of Nutrition be tellin' us to go easy on the grub o' the land lubbers. Best be watchin' yer intake o' meat for the sake o' the environment, says Medscape Medical News. Aye, aye captain!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Get jabbed with the COVID potion to lessen the chances of spawnin' too early or not at all!

Arrr matey! 'Tis said that catchin' the SARS-CoV-2 bug while carryin' a wee babe be far worse than when ye be further along in the belly swellin' journey. Aye, ye best be protectin' yer little buccaneer from this scurvy disease!

Arr matey, this new breathin' treatment be makin' waves fer beatin' the scurvy that be lung cancer! Aye!

Arrr matey, word be spreadin' that these tiny spheres known as exosomes be carryin' a powerful weapon against lung cancer tumors! 'Tis like havin' a cannonball o' healin' launched straight at yer enemy. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be sharin' this grand discovery with us all!

Arrr, FDA be givin' tips fer makin' potions to cure the forgettin' disease of the mind. Aye, mateys!

Arrr, the FDA be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and embracin' the use of biomarkers and surrogate endpoints in its latest scroll on makin' remedies for early Alzheimer's disease. Aye, it be a fine addition to their treasure trove of knowledge. Aye, matey!

Arr matey! Do the scurvy dogs with a weak heart profit from a cutlass to their chest?

Arrr mateys, in them scallywags with NSTEMI and frailty, a bold invasion be bringin' ye early trouble but later treasures. In the end, survival be settlin' at a draw after 3 years. Avast, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

One quick fix be known to lift yer spirits and ease the blues, matey! Aye, 'tis true!

Arrr mateys, a bit o' mindfulness and compassion be helpin' to lower stress, sadness, and worry in 'em scallywags. Shiver me timbers, looks like this be the cure we be needin'! Me thanks to Medscape Medical News for the good tidings!

March 18, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! No harm befallin' the QOL with the add-on of Pembrolizumab in the battle against cervical scallywags!

Arr matey, the latest scuttlebutt be sayin' that mixin' pembrolizumab with chemoradiotherapy don't be changin' the livin' quality of lasses with risky advanced cervical cancers. Aye, the new data be tellin' the tale!

Ye wee scurvy dogs be sufferin' from a malady known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, left untended like scurvy bilge rats!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! A British study be findin' that many landlubbers were not be gettin' the services they be rightly owed. Avast! 'Tis a travesty indeed! - Medscape News UK, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye tellin' me that this "Vitamin D" be fightin' off the dreaded breast cancer? Aye, pass the oranges!

Yarr mateys, a scurvy review be surveyin' the vast seas of knowledge, discussin' how to boost yer vitamin D levels with a proper diet. Set sail with Medscape UK to discover the treasures hidden in the land of supplements. Arrr!

Arrr matey, transplantin' lady bits to ward off the dreaded menopause! Aye, a strange treasure indeed!

Arrr, ye scallywags be claimin' that a potion fer cancer can stave off the dreaded menopause fer lasses. But doubloons be thrown 'bout the safety and honor of such a practice. Aye, the seas be rough for them researchers!

Ye scallywags! Argatroban Combo be like magic grog fer yer brain! Fixes ye strokes faster than a peg-leg parrot!

Arrr mateys! A grand study be lookin' at mixin' argatroban with antiplatelet therapy or alteplase to help them poor souls with the dreadful acute stroke. Aye, 'tis a fine idea to be mixin' potions like a true swashbucklin' pirate!

Arrr matey, can messin' with yer neck cause a jolly ol' stroke? Aye, beware ye scallywags!

Avast ye, me hearties! Beware ye scurvy dogs of the dangers of yer neck being twisted like a rum-soaked mop! The goodly doctors be warnin' us of the perils of carotid dissections and vertebral artery injuries from their manipulations. Arrr, take heed and keep yer necks safe, me mateys!

Arrr mateys, should we be changin' our intake o' this niacin to lower our CV risk? Aye or nay?

Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' about this tiny nutrient causin' trouble for our hearts! Be it safe to load up on it through fortified foods or be we better off stickin' to the seas for our sustenance? Medscape has the scoop, me hearties!

Arrr! Be diagnosin' early be makin' ye chances of a successful outcome in PsA much better, matey!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scurvy dogs known as rheumatologists be diagnosing Psoriatic arthritis within a year of symptoms bein' shown, leadin' to better outcomes in the long haul. Arrr, 'tis a study reported by the Medscape Medical News, mateys! Aye, the tale be true!

March 15, 2024

Avast ye, me hearties! Peds be down, but Emergency Med be back on her feet! Aye, tis a day to remember!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The young lads and lasses from medical school be gettin' their residency offers while the slots for tiny tots doctors be remainin' empty. But fear not, for the swashbucklin' emergency medicine be makin' a comeback in popularity! Aye, the tides be turnin', me hearties!

Arrr, the blood test be as sharp as a cutlass in detectin' CRC, me hearties! Aye, trust it!

Arrr mateys, me heart be aflutter with joy! This new test be a real treasure, boasting high sensitivity among the common folk. It be a ray of hope in the dark sea of low screening rates. Aye, let's hoist the sails and spread the word among those scallywags who refuse the stool tests or colonoscopies!

Arrr, FDA be givin' nod to first CAR T-Cell Therapy for rrCLL, rrSLL. Shiver me timbers, it be true!

Arrr, mateys! The quick approval for liso-cel be based on the discovery that a goodly 20% of patients be returnin' to full health after just one dose, havin' already tried two other treatments! Aye, a mighty fine find indeed!

Arr matey, the scurvy measles be makin' a ruckus in 2024, the scallywags ain't gettin' a grip on it yet!

Arrr! The surge in scurvy cases be blamed on landlubbers with no vaccination! Aye, the experts be sayin' we need more jabs in our sails to keep this ship afloat. Listen to the wise words of WebMD, ye scallywags!

Yarrr! This "Nemolizumab" be a powerful weapon in the battle against the dreaded "Prurigo Nodularis"! Aye, matey!

Arrr matey! The trusty nemolizumab be showin' its worth in treatin' the itchies known as prurigo nodularis and atopic dermatitis. 'Tis a fine remedy indeed, proven in the latest data. Trust in this potion, ye scallywags, and find yer skin soothed! Aye!

New rules say FMT be good for CDI, but not for IBD or IBS, says the wise seafaring scribes. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the AGA has spoken! They be recommendin' the use of fecal microbiota-based therapies for adults with gut troubles. Aye, let's set sail on the poop deck and chart a course to better health!

Avast ye scallywags! Two doses o' medicine be not always better fer one pesky infection. Aye, beware!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis said we be repeatin' prescriptions for ailments of the chest that be spreadin' like scurvy on a ship. Arrr, unnecessary they be, but we keep feedin' 'em to the crew. Medscape News UK be tellin' tales of this folly. Aye!

Healin' the scurvy-ridden souls in the icy North, aye, I be a daring sawbones sailin' the treacherous seas!

Arrr mateys! The good Dr. Andrea Prince be lookin' back on 'er days tendin' to scurvy dogs and landlubbers in the far-off village of Nunavik. Aye, 'tis a tale of blood, sweat, and leeches! Read all about it in the scroll of Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

"Arrr mateys, beware the leaky bilge rats! One in 12 scallywags be sufferin' from poop deck troubles."

Arrr mateys! 'Tis been discovered that one in 12 scallywags across the seven seas suffer from the unfortunate affliction of fecal incontinence! Aye, 'tis a rotten luck indeed. Beware of settin' sail with a crew of leaky bottoms, lest ye be swimmin' in the poop deck!

Arrr! The scurvy study be sayin' most baby cleansers be laden with allergens. Watch out, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! A swashbucklin' study be showin' that 94% of them fancy baby cleansers be packin' allergens, even though they be swearin' they be hypoallergenic. Shiver me timbers, those scallywags be playin' us for fools! Aye, me trusty Medscape Medical News be spillin' the beans. Aye aye!

Arrr mateys, them hormones be mixin' with them viruses like a rum and grog! Aye, a strange tale indeed.

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis be said that we need to unravel the secrets of how hormones be mixin' with them pesky infectious critters to better heal our ailments. Aye, 'tis a task for the bravest of medical pirates! Alas, we must sail forth and discover the treasures hidden within! Arrr!

March 13, 2024

Avast ye! Maternal RSV vaccine trial be halted by risk of early birth. Aargh, the scallywags strike again!

Arrr mateys! The tides have turned on our quest for a new vaccine! The latest trial be halted over safety concerns, leaving us stranded like a ship lost at sea. Avast ye, we be in need of a new plan to navigate these treacherous waters! Aye, Medscape Medical News be our compass on this perilous journey.

Yarrr, newbies be mistakin' the pox for scurvy! Rates be risin' faster than a mutinous crew. Arrr!

Arrr mateys! The pox of olden days be making a comeback! Clinicians be dustin' off their diagnostic spyglass and swabbing the poop deck for this pesky syphilis. Aye, tis a battle against the scurvy dogs of the sea!

Arrr, beware mateys! The scurvy known as diabetes be raisin' yer chances of a trip to Davy Jones' infirmary!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs with the sugar disease be findin' yerselves visitin' the healer more often than the average landlubber. Watch out for them pesky complications or ye might end up walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape UK be warnin' us all!

Ye landlubbers be warned, tis said that star gazing through a looking glass be a sure path to madness! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that the forgetfulness be thrice as likely to plague those with the shakes! Yarrr, keep an eye on yer memory, lest ye be forgetting where ye buried yer treasure! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be warnin' us all!

Arrr! New tiny mateys be fightin' off scurvy with mighty potion. Yarr, bless the mighty seas!

Arrr! The wee scallywags who be given the new potion for RSV right after they be born be 90% less likely to be struck down with the deadly lung malady, says the CDC. Aye, a fine way to keep the little ones shipshape and hearty!

Arrr! With scarce GLP-1, doctors be choosin' who gets the treasure. Patients be th' lucky scallywags!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said some landlubber governments be tellin' doctors to guard their potions fer the scurvy dogs wit' the sugar sickness! Aye, they be keepin' the precious remedies away from the healthy buccaneers! Avast ye!

Arrr mateys, don't be sleepin' on deck! Obstructive Sleep Apnea be a treacherous foe, raisin' yer risk o' havin' a stroke!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that obstructive sleep apnea be makin' ye more likely to suffer a stroke, even if ye be wearin' a CPAP! But 'tis only the White scallywags who be at risk, so keep a weather eye on yer sleep, ye landlubbers! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word.

Arr, mateys! 'Tis said that having a touch of the crazies may lead to a broken heart! Aye, beware!

Arrr matey! Beware the cursed diagnosis of schizophrenia, for it be bringin' ye closer to Davy Jones's locker with heart diseases like myocardial infarction and angina, especially for the fairer sex. Aye, seekin' the help of a doctor be wise in these treacherous waters! Aye aye!

Arrr, CMS be helpin' the docs get their gold faster after bein' plundered by the cyber scallywags! Aye!

Arrr, them scallywags at the agency be quick to send gold to the lads and lasses in need after a treacherous ransomware attack held up their rightful booty. Aye, a generous gesture indeed to keep the ship afloat! Huzzah for Medscape Medical News!

Ye scallywags be needin' to return to direct supervision, unless ye be wantin' a taste o' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, ASTRO be harpin' on 'bout keepin' virtual supervision for radiation oncology, but some scallywags be sayin' nay! They be wantin' to be seein' those landlubbers in person. 'Tis a debate fit for the high seas! Aye, me hearties!

Ponder ye these things when seekin' a spot in the treacherous waters of Radiation Oncology, me hearty! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! A scallywag lookin' to join an academic radiation oncology crew must consider three key factors - treasure, daily tasks, and the lay of the land. Arrr, make sure ye weigh 'em carefully before settin' sail on this new adventure! Arrr!

March 12, 2024

Arrr, using potions for the brain be keeping scallywags from Davy Jones' locker, me hearties! Yar har har!

Arr mateys! Startin' the medicinals for the scurvy known as ADHD be lessenin' the chances of death by all causes, especially from accidental poisonin', self harm, or mishaps. Yarrr, listen to the wise words of Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Lebrikizumab be a powerful remedy for scurvy-ridden landlubbers with AD, ye scallywags! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! The latest news be tellin' of 50 swashbucklers and landlubbers with skin types IV-VI. 'Tis a sight to behold, indeed! Keep a weather eye out for more updates from the Medscape Medical News crew! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr! Abbott be takin' back their HeartMate Touch System, ye scurvy dogs! Ye best be findin' a new mate!

Arrr mateys, beware of the cursed HeartMate Touch Communication System! Version 1.0.32 be walkin' the plank fer stoppin' or startin' its pump without warnin'. Aye, 'tis no treasure worth riskin' yer life for! Trust me, I be a doctor of the high seas.

Arrr mateys, scallywag cancer cells be sneakier than a rum-soaked pirate evadin' the law! Aye, 'tis a mystery!

Arrr, a new tale be tellin' of how them sneaky colorectal cancer cells be playin' hide and seek with the immune system! 'Tis a crucial findin' in the fight against cancer immune evasion. Aye, aye, matey, the battle be on!

Arrr, Mateys! Swashbucklin' surgeons be feelin' the strain o' complex PCI, aye, 'tis a true tale o' woe!

Arr, me heart be pumpin' like a ship in a storm when them cardiologists be fixin' the blockages in ye heart! Aye, they be brave souls takin' on such treacherous waters. The study be showin' that their blood be boilin' more than when doin' other tasks, mateys!

Ye wee babes be gettin' a taste o' the pirate life early on with a dose o' MS drugs from yer momma's milk! Arrrgh!

Arrr mateys, fear not! The wee ones exposed to the magic elixir of monoclonal antibodies through the mother's bosom suffer no ill effects on their health or growth for at least 3 tides, as per a new study. Drink up, me hearties, and let yar young scallywags thrive!

Avast ye land lubbers! Biden be fixin' to ease the cut to our medicare doc pay with his fancy spendin' bill. Arrr!

Arrr mateys! The wise healers be clamoring fer a grand overhaul o' Medicare payments, even after snatchin' a makeshift fix fer 2024. The pillage continues, says Medscape Medical News. Arrr, a pirate's life be fraught with healthcare debates!

Arrr, 100% control o'er yer own kidney treasure after SABR bein' just a year, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis been discovered that SABR be a mighty fine treatment fer those with primary RCC who didn't go under the knife. No failures seen after 1 year, says new data! Shiver me timbers! Aye, 'tis true! -Medscape Medical News

Ye scurvy dogs! Listen to the wise words o' the experts for maneuverin' the treacherous waters o' Type 1 Diabetes. Arrr!

Arrr, at the meeting o' fancy technologies and treatments for the cursed diabetes, two wise scallywags shared secrets on how to help me hearties with type 1 scurvy optimize their CGM use. Aye, aye, the Medscape Medical News be the source o' this valuable booty!

Arrr mateys, these loyal canines be keepin' the fits at bay for those scallywags with the stubborn shakes!

Arr matey, the latest findings be showin' that havin' a trusty service dog by yer side can lessen the number o' seizures in them scallywags with stubborn epilepsy. Aye, it be true as told by Medscape Medical News! Avast ye, it be time to get yerself a furry companion for better health! Arrr!

March 11, 2024

Arr, scallywags be studyin' how a mother's pirate high seas lifestyle be affectin' her young scallywags' future booty!

Arrr mateys! The crew be studyin' over 1.3 million young scallywags born in Quebec, land of the maple syrup, o'er a course o' 16 years. Aye, 'tis a grand adventure indeed! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be bringin' us the tales!

Arrr, this Tenecteplase be a mighty remedy fer stroke in later hourglass turnin'! Ye best believe it, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Them scallywags treated with tenecteplase within 24 hours be havin' a threefold higher chance of gettin' fixed up with no bleed in the noggin' than them poor souls stickin' to the ol' medical ways. Aye, 'tis a fine discovery from Medscape Medical News!

Arrr matey, be warned! Loud snoring be like a cannon blast for yer heart. Take heed lest ye wake Davy Jones!

Arrr, ye scallywags with obstructive sleep apnea be snorin' like a crew of drunken sailors every night! 'Tis said to be a risk for ailing hearts, so best be keepin' an ear out for the loud rumblin' in the dead o' night, mateys! Aye, 'tis a serious matter indeed.

Arrr, can them belly bugs foretell the dangers of scurvy and other maladies on the high seas?

Arrrr, it be said that them pesky bacteria be no match for us hearty pirates! Disease risk be determined by other factors, says the wise research. Avast, me hearties, let's set sail and conquer the high seas without fear of the sneaky germs! Arrr!

Avast ye! When be a wee lad wailin' like a banshee and lookin' as green as Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

Arrr! If a scallywag be yammerin' on with a slew o' symptoms fit for a cursed treasure map, beware the rare disease, says this wise healer! Aye, listen well, me hearties, and may Davy Jones spare ye from such a plight!

Arrr, what be the reasons for another bout o' the dreaded stroke after ye be afflicted with Chagas Disease?

Arrr mateys, tis been discovered that those afflicted with Chagas disease be havin' a high number of heart risk factors. Aye, even on the high seas, a pirate's heart be at risk if he's not careful with his health. Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr matey, what be the booty fer treatin' this scurvy called Melanoma? Aye, the cost be high indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! A new potion be available to cure the scourge of melanoma, but 'tis costin' a pretty penny. Clinicians be hagglin' with the scurvy insurers to see how much gold patients be needin' to part with. Aye, 'tis a costly treasure indeed!

Arrr, FDA mates say 'aye' to fancy new cuttin' tech for scurvy cancer! Hoist the sails, we be savin' lives!

Arrr mateys! The FDA scallywags be tusslin' o'er LUMISIGHT, a potion to spy out cancer leftovers. Some scallywags be worryin' 'bout safety, but most be givin' it a hearty "aye"! Yo ho ho, the adventures of medical piracy be afoot!

"Ye best quit thy smokin' before ye reach 40, matey, or ye'll miss out on grand treasures!"

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that if ye give up the cursed habit of smokin' before yer 40th year, ye can be as hearty as a landlubber in just three years! So toss that pipe and be free of the scurvy plague! Aye, Medscape be speakin' the truth!

Yarrr! More niacin be good fer yer health, says the scallywags in the Medical Journal! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys! The study be sayin' there be no link between eatin' niacin and avoidin' a trip to Davy Jones' locker from a broken heart. So ye can keep enjoyin' yer grub without worryin' 'bout yer ticker givin' out on ye! Huzzah!

March 9, 2024

Arrr, the new guidelines be like a treasure map leadin' us to the best way to treat melanoma!

Avast ye mateys! The NCCN guidelines fer cutaneous melanoma, released in February, be swashbucklin' new data fer diagnosin' and treatin' the scurvy disease. They be takin' a different course from the 2019 AAD guidelines, makin' ye wonder if they be navigatin' new waters. Arrr!

Arrr, new concoction be helpin' with the cursed boil affliction! Aye, a promising remedy indeed!

Arrr, 'tis said that the quelling of Bruton's tyrosine kinase may be a hopeful remedy for scurvy in the High Seas. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be reportin' the good tidings, me hearties! Onward, to the plunderin' of new cures!

March 8, 2024

Arr, be ye ready to bend like a jolly roger in the wind when dealin' with them scallywag personalities!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that 15% of ye scallywags be sufferin' from a personality disorder, as told by the wise dermatologist, Mio Nakamura, MD. Aye, aye, the seas be rough for some, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, there be a new daily potion to fend off the scurvy known as HIV! Aye aye captain!

Arrr, me mateys! The potion of bictegravir-lenacapavir be a fine mix for keepin' the scurvy virus at bay! 'Tis a relief for some of our crew still stuck on them complicated concoctions. Aye, 'tis good news indeed from the Medscape Medical News!

The FDA be givin' the nod to Semaglutide for lessenin' the danger to yer heart, me hearties! Arrr!

Avast ye, mateys! The scallywags at Medscape Medical News have uncovered the latest news from the high seas of medicine! Prepare ye selves for tales of leeches, potions, and ye olde remedies, as we sail through the murky waters of health and wellness. Arrrr!

Arr! The scallywags be fightin' o'er the Anti-DEI Petition at the Nat'l Derm Meeting! Avast ye mateys!

Arrr mateys! There be talk of endin' the American Academy of Dermatology diversity programs at their meetin' today. Aye, 'tis a controversial proposal indeed. Let's hope they don't make us walk the plank for bein' too diverse!

Arrr, Amylyx be haulin' in FDA-sanctioned remedy fer the dreaded scurvy o' the modern age!

Arrr matey! The scallywags at Relyvrio have struck out with their ALS drug. They be walkin' the plank with this failure, ready to abandon ship and pull the drug from the market voluntarily. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! The FDA be takin' their sweet time decidin' on this Alzheimer's cure. Aye, we be waitin' with bated breath!

Arrr mateys! The FDA be gatherin' a crew of wise scallywags to chat about the powers and perils of donanemab for the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. Let's hope they find treasure in this mysterious elixir! Source: Medscape Medical News. Aye, the sea of medicine be a treacherous one indeed! Arrr!

Arrr! Be there a swashbucklin' method to spy on yer peepers for the dreaded glaucoma? Aye, 'tis a jest!

Arrr mateys! Gathering a bunch o' tests in a 6-month span be spot-on fer spotting the quick march o' glaucoma afore ye be losin' yer sight! Aye, 'tis like findin' buried treasure 'afore the other scallywags get wind of it! Aye aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Vitamin D be havin' nothin' to do with the signs o' EoE. No treasure here, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the lack of Vitamin D be not a concern for the swashbucklers newly diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. So fear not, me hearty mates, ye can still pillage and plunder with a clear conscience! Onward, me mateys, to the next adventure!

Arrr, can this AI contraption help us scallywags diagnose the cursed ear infections plaguing us?

Arrr mateys! The clever swashbucklers have crafted a newfangled contraption to spy out the dreaded ear infections! Aye, it be a handy tool for the landlubbers in their primary care shindigs. Aye, the Medscape scallywags be spouting off about it!

Arr matey, this study be showin' us how to think 'bout pill prices in the States. Arr!

Arrr mateys! Only three o' 13 psoriasis remedies be worth the doubloons in this new analysis. Mayhap this be helpin' them landlubbers tryin' to haggle over drug prices. Aye, a fine tale from Medscape Medical News it be!

Yar, the latest report be showin' a grim view o' the mind's state, mateys. Aye, 'tis a worryin' picture indeed!

Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' that this cursed pandemic be takin' a toll on our mental well-being, 'specially amongst the rich and the young scallywags. It be causin' more harm than a scurvy-infested crew! Avast ye, we must be keepin' a weather eye on our mental health!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs, let's be talkin' 'bout how to make our cannons stronger for battle against head and neck scallywags!

Arrr matey, two new scrolls be tellin' us that addin' a bit o' magic to the cannonballs be helpin' to blast away the scurvy head and neck cancers. 'Tis a fine day for fightin' the invisible enemy! Aye aye, Medscape be keepin' us informed like a trusty compass.

March 7, 2024

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to second Tocilizumab Biosimilar, me hearties! Avast, shiver me timbers!

Arrr matey! Ye scallywags be talkin' about Tocilizumab-aazg (Tyenne) bein' approved in both intravenous and subcutaneous forms. Avast! 'Tis good news from the Medscape Medical News, me hearties! Aye, me parrot concurs!

Avast ye scallywags! Be we givin' too many potions to the lasses goin' through the change o' life? Arrr!

Yarrr, them fancy experts be sayin' we be knowin' all about the endin' o' a woman's child-bearin' years. But me thinks talkin' about over-medicalisin' the menopause could be takin' away the power o' the fairer sex. Savvy?

Arrr, the treasure of patient-reported outcomes be blocked by pesky barriers. We be needin' to find a way around!

Arrr! The treasure of patient-reported outcomes in multiple sclerosis be valuable, yet many scallywags be ignorin' it due to pesky barriers. We must set sail and conquer these obstacles to uncover the true riches of this important information! Aye, me hearties!

Be ye sayin' that scurvy skin ailments be muddlin' the minds o' young'uns? Arrr, that be a tale worth hearin'!

Arr matey! The study be lookin' at wee lads and lasses under 17 winters old, who didn't be havin' any troubles with their noggin or autism. 'Tis the latest news from Medscape Medical, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, no need for worryin' about the little ones in this here analysis. Arrr!

Yarrr, the mystical powers o' sNfL be confirmed to predict MS! The scallywags be amazed!

Arrr mateys! The studies of Asclepios be sayin' that high levels of sNfL be predictin' future brain activity in scallywags with multiple sclerosis. Keep a weather eye on yer CNS, lest ye be walkin' the plank! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be bringin' us this news from the high seas!

Arrr, news be spreadin' o' good fortune for stem cell remedy in the battle against the dreaded Progressive MS!

Arrr mateys, thar be good news on the horizon! A study of stem cell magic has shown promise fer those sufferin' from the dread disease o' progressive MS. Avast ye scurvy dogs, thar be hope yet on the high seas o' medicine! Aye aye!

Arrr, me mateys! Beware the AI predicting troubles for new mums post-birth, aye! Keep a weather eye out!

Arrr mateys! Them scallywag developers be aimin' to find a way to foretell which patients may face dire consequences from postpartum hemorrhage. Aye, they be delvin' into the depths of medicine to save the day! Aye aye, cap'n!

Ye scallywags be tryin' to plunder the loan program, but the cyberattack chaos be muckin' up yer plans! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the grand claims clearinghouse hath been marooned since February 21, leavin' ye landlubbers in a pickle. A temporary loan program and federal aid may be yer salvation in these treacherous times. Avast ye worries, help be on the horizon! Aye aye!

March 6, 2024

Avast ye mateys, this cyber scallywag be causin' trouble fer the oncology crew. Unsustainable, says I! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Change Healthcare be workin' hard to fix their systems and keep the scallywags from disruptin' the oncology practices. A cyberattack hit 'em over 2 weeks ago, but they be fightin' back like true pirates of the digital seas! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Arrr, me hearties! The way yer body be breakin' down grog may 'splain why lads an' lasses be differin' in kidney troubles.

Arrr, it be said that men be havin' a faster Krebs cycle than women, which may explain why they fare better in the battle against diabetic kidney disease. 'Tis a swashbucklin' tale of metabolism and pyruvate accumulation on the high seas of medicine! Aye, the Medscape be tellin' the tale!

FDA be givin' thumbs up to some fancy new potion that be likin' another potion, arrr!

Arrr, Denosumab-bddz be given the nod to swap in fer the fancy original, no need to bother the scurvy prescriber. Tis the law of the land, mateys! Aye, the biosimilar be free to sail the seas on its own accord. A fine tale from Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Yarrr, Avast ye! Too little sleep be a scurvy dog, bringin' on the dreaded Type 2 Diabetes, even with good grub! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, if ye be gettin' less than 6 hours of shut-eye a night, yer takin' a risk! But eatin' more fish, fruits, and veggies won't save ye from Davy Jones' locker. Keep yar eyes peeled and get yar beauty rest, lest ye want to end up feedin' the fishes! Aye.

Yarrr, beware the treacherous ice, mateys! The index be forecastin' yer risk o' takin' a tumble and breakin' a bone.

Arrr! The goodly researchers be cryin' out for more swashbucklers in the emergency room when the seas be rough and the injury rates be high! We best be addin' more hands on deck to tend to the wounded and weary! Aye, mateys!

Yarrr! Beware mateys, thee scallywags in these lotions be more treacherous than a sea serpent! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Ye beware of these treacherous acne potions, for they be filled with the deadly poison known as benzene! Set sail away from brands like Clinique, Up & Up, and Reckitt, or risk a fate worse than Davy Jones' locker! Aye, trust not these foul concoctions.

Arr, ye scallywags! The US Primary Care Network be accused of bilking the Medicare coffers. Walk the plank, I say!

Arrr, ye scallywags at Aledade, Inc. be accused of bilking the crown out of a treasure trove by makin' the sickly seem healthier than a parrot on a plundered perch. Blimey, they be walkin' the plank fer sure!

Arrr matey, load up on high-fiber grub to trim yer sails and shed some poundage! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that gobblin' up some fiber supplement filled with resistant starch can help ye lose weight and make yer insulin work better. Turns out, it be all 'cause of the tiny critters livin' in yer gut! Aye, the secret be in the microbes, me hearties!

Yarrr, mateys! Them scallywags with MS be havin' a higher chance of a seizure! Watch yer step, ye landlubbers!

Arr matey, the chance of havin' yer booty seized be near twofold in scallywags with multiple sclerosis compared to them without the cursed MS. And be even higher for them takin' the cursed S1PR modulator. Aye, beware the treacherous waters, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that this cursed pandemic be tyin' itself to the risk o' depression in stroke sufferers!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that half of the seasoned adults in Canada who've battled the mighty stroke and depression saw a return of the black cloud during the cursed year of COVID-19. Aye, the seas of despair be rough indeed!

March 5, 2024

Arrr! The FDA be givin' the nod to the first OTC spyglass to track yer sugar levels! Ahoy, mateys!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs, listen up! The Dexcom Stelo Glucose Biosensor System be for landlubbers who don't need the sweet nectar o' insulin. Shiver me timbers, it be a handy tool for those lookin' to keep an eye on their blood sugar levels. Aye, mateys!

Arrr, me mateys! Aye, a new sign o' cracked noggins? Let's plunder this treasure o' knowledge!

Arrr mateys, scurvy dogs be sayin' that a build up o' iron in yer noggin be a sign o' a knock to the head and a thunderous headache to follow. Aye, keep a weather eye on yer brain, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, this Doxy-PEP be cuttin' the scurvy STIs in San Francisco in twain! Aye, mateys, it be true!

Arr matey, tis said that takin' doxycycline after a bit o' rumble in the sheets cuts the risk of the pox by half! But beware, me hearties, for the fears of resistin' the antibiotics be as treacherous as a stormy sea. Aye, tis a fine line we be walkin'!

Arrr mateys, the latest reports be sayin' Zilebesiran be a mighty fine weapon against the treacherous foe of hypertension!

Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' that zilebesiran, a powerful RNA interference potion, be showin' promise in treatin' the cursed ailment of hypertension! KARDIA-2 study be bringin' good tidings, aye! Aye, we be makin' progress in the fight against the scurvy disease!

"Avast ye mateys! Ozanimod be holdin' strong in the RMS Extension Trial, no surprises on the horizon!"

Arrr mateys! Nearly 70% of scallywags with relapsin' forms of MS stayed clear of relapses for 5 years, but the landlubber hematologists be arguin' o'er where to slot the potion in the remedy plot. Aye, a puzzlin' tale indeed!

Arrr, be us mixin' potions to make wee ones swashbuckle with the fit like a proper pirate? Aye, matey!

Arr, me hearties! It be said that a mother's use of antiseizure elixirs while carryin' a wee one does not raise the wee one's risk o' havin' fits more than if the mother had the fits herself. Aye, 'tis from the wise Medscape Medical News!

Arrr mateys, California be plunderin' to find more scallywags to perform the dark deed of abortion care!

Arr matey, word be spreadin' that the physician assistants can now be actin' like a pirate captain and terminatin' pregnancies on their own in the first trimester! Avast ye, it be a new law on the high seas of healthcare! Arrr!

Arrr matey! Avast ye, what be this BPA ye speak of? Tell me quick, or walk the plank!

Arr mateys! Word be spreadin' that the European Commission be plannin' to ban the treacherous BPA from our food containers. Aye, no more poison in our grub, says I! Let's raise a toast to healthier eats on the high seas!

Ye filthy bilge rats! Foul air be addin' to yer brain gunk! Clean yer ship or walk the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that breathin' in all the smog from the sea rovers be makin' ye brain all filled with plagues! Best be sailin' with ye windows rolled up tight to keep them pesky plaques at bay, ye scallywags!

Arrr, this Frexalimab be a mighty fine remedy for the scurvy known as Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, the tale be told of a mighty weapon called frexalimab, a potion that battled the dreaded MS with great success in a recent study. Ye scallywags be clamorin' for more of this miraculous discovery! Heave ho!

Arrr matey, be ye sufferin' from this mysterious ailment o' Adrenal Fatigue, or be it but a myth?

Ye scurvy dogs be talkin' 'bout adrenal cocktails curin' fatigue, but experts be sayin' it be nothin' but balderdash! No need for fancy potions, just a good ol' nap on the poop deck will do ye just fine. Aye!

Arrr mateys! The ship's doctor be explorin' new lands in carin' for the sick and achin'. Ye scurvy dogs beware!

Arrr mateys, them landlubbers be bringin' doctors to yer doorstep now! No need to set foot in a fancy office when yer feelin' frail. Aye, they be bringin' the care straight to ye, right in yer own cabin. Savvy?

March 4, 2024

Arrr matey! What be the next adventure for the world's first scurvy-free potion? Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The latest try at makin' a HIV vaccine be a bust, but fear not, for the swashbucklin' investigators be settin' sail once more. They be thinkin' the human body be crafty enough to produce antibodies for this scallywag of a disease. Aye, 'tis true, mateys!

Arrr! This Baby Sleep Planner be aimin' to save wee ones from Davy Jones's locker! Aye, me hearties!

Arr matey, this here tool be helpin' us scallywags find the families in dire need o' help and makin' sure they know how to keep their little ones safe while snoozin'. Aye, aye, cap'n!

Ahoy mateys! Akero be brewin' a potion to fix yer scurvy livers. Less scars, more grog for all!

Arrr, me hearties! Akero Therapeutics be boastin' 'bout their fancy new potion fer makin' livers less fatty and scarred. After two long years o' testin', they claim it be workin' like a charm. Avast! News from Reuters Health Information be spreadin' faster than a mutinous crew on a ship!

Avast ye scallywags! GLP-1 Agonists and SGLT2 Inhibitors be not raisin' the flag o' autoimmune risk, arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags with type 2 diabetes, fear not! The lubbers prescribed GLP-1 or SGLT2 were no more likely to catch the dreaded autoimmune disease than those with DPP-4! Aye, 'tis good news from the Medscape Medical News, so drink up me hearties, yo ho!

Arrr, the US Court be ponderin' whether t' force Obamacare t' cover scurvy treatments 'n' pirate screenin's. Aye!

Arrr me hearties, President Joe Biden be sendin' his crew to the courtyards to protect the treasure chest of health care for all! Let's see if the scallywags in the appeals court be standin' in his way or be joinin' his crew! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! Those French scallywags be votin' to make abortion a constitutional right. Shiver me timbers, what next?

Arr mateys! The French scallywags convened on Monday to decide on addin' the right to abortion to their constitution. Women be celebratin' this victory as a grand historic move. The seas be changin', me hearties! Aye, 'tis a moment harshly... <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be reportin'.

Arrr mateys, this newfangled wearable be claimin' to fix yer noggin after a matey's stroke! Avast, try it out!

Arrr matey! This contraption be like a magical glove that sends gentle shivers through yer hand, easing the grip of them painful contractions for those scallywags sufferin' from chronic stroke. Aye, 'tis a grand invention indeed!

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to Amivantamab for fightin' lung scurvy in landlubbers! Aye, pass the grog!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The potion of Amivantamab be now ready for treatin' the cursed lung disease known as NSCLC. 'Tis a mighty weapon against the villainous EGFR exon 20 mutations. Sail forth and conquer, me hearties! Aye, 'tis true, as reported by the wise scribes at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, tiny dust be makin' a ruckus in yer lungs, makin' yer cancers go all mutinous! Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags who be dwellin' in the mucky airs may find themselves with a 50% higher chance of sportin' an oncogenic EGFR mutation in their lungs. Take heed, ye landlubbers, and keep a weather eye on yer surroundings! Aye, from Medscape Medical News.

March 1, 2024

Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to fancy drug balloon for fixin' them pesky clogged stents! Aye matey!

Arrr mateys! The Agent DCB, from Boston Scientific, be showin' itself to be mightier than the uncoated balloon angioplasty for treatin' the cursed coronary artery in-stent restenosis in a trial of great importance. Avast ye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Arrr mateys! Be it true that a lass's thyroid be connected to her gynecologic cancers? Yarrr!

Arrr! The scurvy researchers be discoverin' that lasses with a fast thyroid may have a lower chance of gettin' the dreaded gynecologic cancers. It seems yer thyroid level may be protectin' ye from the treacherous dangers of the high seas, me hearties! Aye!

Ye best be watchin' out fer them cursed kisses, mateys, fer ye might be catchin' the dreaded Chagas disease! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Ye best be knowin' that spreadin' Chagas disease through yonder talkin' be more deadly than a scurvy pirate's curse! Watch out for them pesky vectors, or ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis a tale of woe indeed.

Yarrr, beware ye scallywags! The dreaded curse of oral herpes be linked to double dementia risk in elder buccaneers! Arrr!

Arr matey! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that the dreaded Herpes simplex virus may lead to addled brains, but fear not, for the beastly cytomegalovirus be not to blame! 'Tis what the landlubbers be callin' observational data, so keep yer wits about ye, me hearties! Aye!

Ye scallywags be needin' a trusty tool to screen all yer ailments across the seven seas! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Me hearties be comparin' screening tools for SpA in a jolly good study. Turns out, there be few tools for them scallywags with uveitis or IBD, but plenty for them landlubbers with psoriasis. Shiver me timbers!

Aye, the EMT did save a poor soul on the freeway, clad in the garb of a fair maiden!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen to this tale o' an EMT on the brink o' givin' up the ghost, who be savin' a scallywag's life after a mighty crash. She be recommitin' herself to the art o' healin' and settin' sail fer med school. Aye, a true swashbucklin' adventure!

February 29, 2024

Arrr, these European cancer potions be no better than snake oil! Me trusty parrot could do better!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that two fifths o' oncology potions stamped by the EMA in the past quarter century don't provide any extra booty, yet be plunderin' the health coffers. Aye, 'tis a scallywag's game indeed!

Arrr, more scallywags seekin' out the healin' hands of the in-network landlubbers, despite the red tape!

Arrr mateys, methinks the No Surprises Act be makin' sure them scallywags in the medical profession be stayin' in-network to avoid pillagin' yer booty with hefty bills. Aye, 'tis a jolly good law indeed!

Arrr! The FDA be banishin' foul potions from our victuals. No scurvy for us maties! Aye, cheers to that!

Arr! Ye scallywags be listenin'! The news be spreadin' like wildfire, just 2 days after the Endocrine Society made their latest decree on those pesky endocrine-disruptin' chemicals. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for more updates in the future! Aye, Medscape Medical News be the bearer of this news.

Arrr, me hearties! Who be winnin' in a battle o' wits - clever AI bots or crafty eye doctors?

Arrr matey, a grand ol' language model be showin' its skill in spyin' the eye, outshinin' even the experts in treatin' glaucoma and retina woes. 'Tis a sight to behold! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr, them oncologists be sayin', "No more tricks left in the bag o' sorrows!" Them scallywags be jokin'!

Arrr, five wise scallywags delved into the treacherous waters of tending to those plagued by the scurvy of cancer. They shared tales of how they navigate the stormy seas of emotions when a patient walks the plank. Aye, 'tis a tough pill to swallow, mateys!

Arrrr, be ye tellin' me scurvy dogs that sugar rot yer teeth and give ye the sugar sickness?

Arrr mateys! Ye scurvy dogs with Type 2 Diabetes be warned! Poor teeth be leadin' to troubles in yer vital organs like heart, brain, and kidneys. Best be brushin' yer teeth, or else ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aargh!

Ye be tellin' me that after a good scuffle, me brain may start forgettin'? Arrr, that be a dilemma!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags who suffer from posttraumatic epilepsy be at a greater risk for forgettin' things in their old age. Better keep yer noggin safe and sound, or ye may end up like a dotty old sea turtle sailin' the seas! Aye, 'tis true, says Medscape Medical News.

February 28, 2024

Yarrr, some scallywags be losin' a few brain jewels after the COVID plunder, aye! Smart be walkin' the plank!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin' well! The pox known as COVID-19 be makin' ye dumber by 9 measly points o' IQ! Yarrr, beware the foggy memory, lack o' reasonin', and poor executive function that be plaguin' ye brain! Aye, 'tis a treacherous voyage we be on!

Arrr, Vedolizumab be holdin' on fer dear life better than Tofacitinib in the battle o' Ulcerative Colitis.

Arr mateys, Vedolizumab be stickin' around longer than that scallywag tofacitinib in treatin' UC, says a new study. Them patients who never touched a bio before found Vedolizumab to be their best mate on the high seas of health. Aye aye!

Avast ye mateys! The FDA be givin' Dupilumab a priority review for assistin' with COPD. A fine treasure indeed!

Arrr matey, word be spreadin' of a new remedy for the dreaded COPD affliction. It be showin' promise for them scurvy dogs sufferin' from type 2 inflammation. Aye, a glimmer of hope for the wheezin' landlubbers!

Arr matey! Tis new trials in scurvy leukemia and lymphoma. Could ye scallywag patients reap the booty? Arrr!

Arrr matey, me thinks one of yer scallywags could use a spot in a new clinical trial. Aye, 'tis a chance to battle the cursed diseases of leukemia and lymphoma. Spread the word like a pirate spreads plunder, savvy?

"Arrr, not many landlubbers willing to care for wee scallywags with the dreaded OUD! Avast, the struggle be real!"

Arrr matey, tis be said that these land lubbers of pediatricians be more keen to send ye scallywags to seek help for poppy juice than for grog trouble. Aye, 'tis a curious find indeed, me hearties!

February 27, 2024

Ye scallywags, beware! The lack of blood during surgery be spelling doom for lasses getting heart repairs! Arrr!

Arr matey! A new study be sayin' that the danger for lasses bein' higher at sea be due to their lack o' blood during surgery. Watch out, ye female pirates, for anemia be the true enemy! Arrr!

Arr mateys, Ervebo be a lifesaver even after clashin' with the dreaded Ebola! Ye best be gettin' yer jab!

Arr matey, tis be said that the magical potion be known as the vaccine be lessenin' the chances of catchin' the sickness by half and decreasin' the chances of dyin'. Trust the wise ones at Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arrr, Mateys! A scroll reveals holes in American Burn Hideaway. Avast ye, beware the fiery dangers!

Arrr matey! A newfangled report be blabberin' 'bout how some landlubbers in the States be gettin' better burn care than others. Aye, seems like some scallywags be gettin' more booty than others when it comes to healin' their wounds. Har har har!

Ye scurvy landlubbers best beware! Gout be a treacherous beast, lurkin' to unleash a horde of CVDs upon ye! Arrr!

Arrr ye listen up ye scurvy dogs! The lasses with the cursed gout be havin' a greater chance of fallin' victim to the heart plunderin' diseases than the menfolk. And the young swashbucklers be in even more danger than the landlubbers. Yarrr!

February 23, 2024

Arrr! The scallywag judge be keepin' them fancy medical scores from comin' back to life, says I!

Arrr, me hearties! News from the high seas be tellin' o' how them medical scallywags from Nepal be takin' the USMLE by storm! Their testin' center be overrun with swashbucklers seekin' their chance at glory. Aye, the tides be turnin' in their favor, me thinks!

Arr matey, Risankizumab be keepin' scurvy at bay for 3 years! Aye, stable outcomes be a treasure indeed!

Arrrrr, me hearties! Me treasure trove o' knowledge hath uncovered that those sufferin' from the dreaded Crohn's disease may find solace in knowin' that their bodies be respondin' well to treatment over time, aye! 'Tis a good sign, indeed! Let's celebrate with a barrel o' grog!

Arrr matey, takin' it easy be the best course o' action for a placenta accreta, says the study.

Arrr! The findings of a recent study be backin' the use of delayed hysterectomy and conservative management as safe options instead o' the dreaded cesarean hysterectomy. Aye, me hearties, 'tis good news for the lasses in need o' such treatments!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Rumor has it GLP-1s be aimin' to plunder the treasure of male fertility! Aye, beware!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags be sayin' that the treasure trove of knowledge on GLP-1 RAs and a pirate's virility be mostly from critter experiments and tiny studies on slimming down. But the experts be reckonin' there be some booty to plunder in this here waters. Aye!

Yarrr, them fancy European folk be givin' the nod to medicines for the pox and burnt skin!

Arrr, the European Medicines Agency be givin' the nod for tislelizumab and retifanlimab to be marketed for treatin' the likes o' non–small cell lung cancer and Merkel cell carcinoma. Aye, the sea be full o' remedies for what ails ye!

Arrr, the EMA be givin' the nod for treatin' scurvy skin and other cursed ailments! Avast, mateys!

Arrr mateys! The biosimilar Pyzchiva be akin to Stelara, blessed by the EU in 2009. Aye, they be like two peas in a pod, sailin' the high seas of medical approval together. Shiver me timbers, what a medical marvel!

Arrr, the EMA be givin' the nod to two powerful potions for rare genetic maladies, me hearties! Aye, rejoice!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The European Medicines Agency be givin' the thumbs up to treatments for diseases with long names like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Looks like we be makin' progress in the realm of medicine, me hearties! Hoist the sails and let's sail towards a healthier future! Arrr!

Arrr, Europe be givin' the go-ahead fer two jolly fine potions to battle the pesky avian flu! Aye!

Arr matey! The potions, Celldemic and Incellipan, be wardin' off the dreaded H5N1 strain of the influenza A scourge. Aye, me shipmates be safe from the blasted virus thanks to these magical elixirs. Alas, no scurvy flu be takin' us down! Ahooy!

Arrr mateys, beware of the scurvy HPV and treacherous tobacco, they be causing dangerous lesions on ye ship!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Beware the smoke of the devil's weed, for it doth weaken yer immune system and me hearties say it be increasin' the risk of HPV infection! Heed the wise words of the gynecologist, ye landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' no tales! Arrr!

Ye be havin' t' deliver th' dreaded news to th' landlubbers. Aye, brace yerself fer th' wails 'n gnashing o' teeth! Arrr!

Arrr matey! The way we deliver bad tidings be crucial to the mental strain on the patient. Aye, 'tis Medscape Medical News speakin'! So remember, be gentle as a dove and not as harsh as a scurvy sea dog when breakin' the news! Arrr!

Arrr, those French lads be gettin' their sails trimmed more often these days, arrr! The sea be safer for it!

In the year of our Lord 2021 and 2022, there be more scallywag men getting their sails trimmed than lasses in France! Arrr, the tides be changin' in the sea of sterilization, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spreadin' the tale far and wide!

Arrr, the infamous Cardiologist Alain Cribier, mastermind of the TAVR technique, has taken his final voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.

Arr matey, Cribier be a true pioneer on the high seas of medicine! He be blowin' up aortas like a cannonball and fixin' leaky heart valves with metal swords. Aye, a true swashbuckler of the operating table!

February 21, 2024

Be the MRI screenings for prostate cancer too many, matey? Arrr, aye, 'tis a question worth ponderin'!

Arr mateys, word on the high seas be that them fancy MRI scans be as reliable as a one-legged pirate on a wobbly ship! We may need to reconsider our ways of detecting the dreaded prostate cancer, lest we be caught unawares like a scurvy dog in a storm! Arrr!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye hearin' 'bout this newfangled Dupilumab fer treatin' EoE? 'Tis a game-changer, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arrr! The elixir be a treasure for many mates, especially those with ailing bodies. Yet, the doubloons and approvals from the insurance scallywags be a thorn in our sides. Aye, the struggle be real, me hearties!

Ye scallywags, be savvy with yer coin and avoid the scurvy of diabetes complications by lowering yer pillage for medication!

Arrr mateys, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that takin' less gold out o' yer pockets for yer scurvy meds may help ye feel a bit better in the short run, for those of ye with the sugar disease. Aye, 'tis good news for yer health, says the Medscape scribes!

Arrr, me hearties! The lasses' lady parts may foretell the curse of the chest, known as COPD! Aye!

Arrr! It be said that the risk of COPD be higher for lasses who have had their womanly cycles start early or late, have experienced loss of a wee one, or have reached the end of their child-bearing years sooner. Aye, 'tis true, as reported by Medscape Medical News!

February 19, 2024

Arrr, Europe be facin' a loneliness plague like a ship lost at sea! Hoist the mateys and gather 'round!

Arrr mateys, be warned! This loneliness be not just a blow to our hearts, but a scourge upon our very souls! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be soundin' the alarm, so let's band together and fight this lonely beast with all our might! Arrr!

Arr, ye be tellin' me we be blastin' them rectal scallywags with a stick o' chemo? Har har!

Arrr! The Chinese scallywags be usin' their clever techniques meant for liver lumps on the backside tumors now! And it seems to be workin' like a charm, says those landlubbers at Medscape Medical News. Aye, me hearties, who knew the booty of medicine could be so diverse!

Arr, seems the scallywags be sufferin' more from the dreaded "stroke" amongst the native folk. Aye, tis a pity.

Arrr! It be said that the risk o' stroke be higher among the Indigenous folk in rich lands than the non-Indigenous scallywags. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales o' this misfortune!

Arrr! A new treasure found in T2D waters - a marker for heart risk among the scallywags! Hoist the sails!

Arr, it be said that the number of faulty blood cells be a sign of trouble for the heart in them with type 2 sugar sickness. Aye, the data be warnin' us of rough seas ahead for these poor souls. Listen well, me hearties!

Arrr matey, be ye askin' if eatin' greens be keepin' the sugar at bay for ye land lubbers?

Arrr matey, eatin' more veggies be better fer ye health than eatin' less o' them land lubber animal meats. Less chance o' gettin' that cursed type 2 diabetes! Listen to the wise words o' Medscape Medical News, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

February 16, 2024

Be these Multicancer Early Detection Tests naught but a lot o' bluster, or truly valuable booty?

Avast ye, mateys! Be it known that novel tests fer spottin' scurvy cancers in one measly blood draw hold great promise fer changin' the way we screen fer this dreaded disease. But alas, they've also stirred up a storm o' unanswered queries. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Reader Polls</i>

Arr! The mighty FDA be givin' its approval fer the very first cellular therapy to cure the scurvy metastatic melanoma!

Arrr, me mateys be tellin' me that Lifileucel be the foremost remedy of its kind to be sanctioned for treatin' landlubbers sufferin' from incurable or spreadin' black spot. Avast, it be true! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the bearer o' this jolly good news!

Arr! The FDA be grantin' their seal o' approval fer a potion t' lessen mishaps o' food allergies, matey!

Arrr, matey! Thar be grand news on the horizon! Xolair (omalizumab) be the first treasure to combat me allergies to multiple foods! Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, bein' patient be just as grand as ye olde physical therapy fer a frozen shoulder, matey!

Arrr, a scurvy new study be sayin' that them patients be havin' similar outcomes with both treatments, but by Davy Jones' locker! There be a blimey cost difference between 'em. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be reportin' this, matey!

Arrr! The nurse crew be reclaimin' their strength, me hearties, after the frightful pandemic be scarin' 'em off!

Pandemic-fueled fears of a lack of sea farin' medics be but a balderdash! The latest reckonin' reveals that in this year of our Lord 2023, there be a grand increase in the number of skilled nurses compared to the days of yore, 2019. Arrr!

Aye, a scallywag Nepali doctor be takin' the plank to sue th' board fer their treacherous cheating ways!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A lass from Nepal, a medico she be, be fightin' tooth and nail to keep her USMLE scores shipshape. Claimin' she be unfairly linked to a grand cheatin' scandal, she be battlin' to clear her name, arrr!

Avast ye! The FDA be settin' its sights on Sarepta's cure for Duchenne, seekin' its approval in the old-fashioned way.

Arrr, Sarepta Therapeutics be tellin' that the FDA in the US of A will be scrutinizin' an application seekin' approval for their gene therapy to cure a scurvy muscle-wastin' ailment by June... Avast, says Reuters Health Information!

Arr, some scurvy dogs be havin' cloudy minds due to undiagnosed cirrhosis, me hearties!

Arr! 'Tis said that a few US veterans be seein' their minds foggy due to somethin' called dementia, but methinks there be a rarer condition at play - advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis! Aye, that be the true reason fer their cognitive impairment, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy scallywags be knowin'! Smokin' the devil's lettuce be leadin' ye down the path o' anxiety disorder!

Arrr, me hearty! It be said that when ye landlubbers be visitin' the emergency department fer usin' that devil's lettuce, ye be likelier to be comin' back fer a visit to treat yer anxiety! So be careful where ye puff, lest ye be walkin' the plank to anxiety, mateys!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Enhance ye knowledge of this oft-overlooked nether region malady, ye scallywags!"

Arrr, ye scurvy scalawags! 'Tis a tricky matter, this lichen sclerosus! Its vague signs be like a hidden treasure, often escapin' the eyes of them landlubber doctors. This cruel delay only adds insult to injury for the poor souls afflicted with this cursed condition. Shiver me timbers!

"Arrrrr, this be grand news, mateys! The latest gadget be spottin' them pesky microbes in a blink o' an eye!"

Arr, as scientists be sailin' the high seas o' knowledge, seekin' to unravel the mystical powers o' the microbiome in keepin' ye health or causin' ye misery, a treasure map from the esteemed University of California San Diego be offerin' a helpin' hand. Aye, mateys, 'tis a boon fer the scallywags o' science!

February 15, 2024

Arrr! Behold, the tales be true! These weight management therapies be effective, yet few scallywags harness their powers.

Arrr, a scurvy analysis of data from 2015 to 2020 be showin' that most treatments fer losin' weight be improvin' the odds o' sheddin' 5% o' yer body weight. But alas, not many be takin' advantage o' these remedies! <i>Avast! Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Be warned, the dreaded Hypervirulent Resistant K pneumoniae be plunderin' the seas of Europe!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The ECDC be cryin' out for ye scallywags to be takin' measures against them landlubber European Union and European Economic Area countries, who be blabberin' 'bout this hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae ST23. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, there be a mighty new potion to battle the foul UTIs that plague ye!

Ye scurvy dogs be knowin' that Cefepime-taniborbactam be toppin' meropenem fer treatin' the likes of pesky UTIs and kidney infections, says a study. Arrrr! Medscape Medical News be bringin' ye the tale.

Thee pee doctor be takin' t' scurvy health system to court fer blockin' his path to pee plunder!

Arrr! This scurvy noncompete clause be banning the good doctor from treatin' patients within 20 leagues of his old haunts, putting a damper on the sickly folks' chances to seek proper care. Blimey lawsuit, says I!

Arr, the FDA panel be givin' aye to the TriClip for mendin' the leaky ticker valve, me hearties!

Arr! Thar FDA council be votin' 13 to 1, declarin' that Abbott's grand transcatheter system, meant to mend tricuspid regurgitation, be worth more than any hidden dangers. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! Flame-ridden joints be inflictin' harm on the body o' a pirate sufferin' from Scarvy Sclerosis!

Arrr! Mateys with SSc be havin' a jolly time if they got that inflammatory arthritis! It be linked to all sorts o' troubles like diffuse disease, achin' bones, me hearties, meositis, and a dry mouth. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the tale!

Arrr! Me hearties, learn how ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers can mend yer aching bones with primary care!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Pain experts be sharin' their wisdom wit' primary care scallywags when tendin' to the cursed chronic pain. Set yer sights on the news from Medscape Medical, ye sea dogs!

Arrr, teachin' wee lads and lasses CBT be a jolly way t' battle their scurvy anxiety!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! In this grand experiment, we found that this fancy newfangled therapy, led by parents and aided by a faraway therapist, be just as good as the old-fashioned CBT. And ye know what? It be savin' time and doubloons for these therapists, too! Yo ho ho!

February 14, 2024

Fatty bellies be bad fer tiny scallywags! The more ye weigh, the worse yer wee ones fare!

Arr, ye landlubbers be warned! Recent studies be showin' that wee ones born t' hefty mums be facin' a greater danger o' sufferin' from intraventricular hemorrhage and respiratory distress syndrome. Shiver me timbers! Aye, that be the news from Medscape Medical, mateys!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs! 5 things ye need to know about this pesky Eosinophilic Esophagitis! Avast!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Though scurvy delayed diagnosis of EoE be a perilous risk for landlubbers afflicted with this cursed inflammatory malady, aye, there be newfangled remedies on the horizon, bringin' hope for a grand new era! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! No more restin' on yer laurels, me hearties! Keep yer sails full to bear a healthy child! Arrr!

Arr, mateys! Tis bein' said that engagin' in regular shenanigans whilst carryin' a wee pirate be bringin' forth better results fer both mother 'n child. Aye, these newfangled studies be showin' the way, says the good folks at Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wary, for 'tis a treacherous venture to blend Paxlovid with immunosuppressants!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The EMA be warnin' that ye should only be takin' Paxlovid wit' tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus if ye be keepin' a close eye on their blood levels. Arrrr!

Arr, a fancy device be tellin' ye the odds o' dyin' while waitin' fer a new heart, matey!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The brand new score be crushin' the weak therapy-based 6-status system for rankin' heart transplant mates! It be makin' the old system walk the plank, I tell ye! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the good tidings!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a tale o' Europe escapin' a treacherous birth rate downfall. Listen up, me hearties!

Arr, mateys! Emmanuel Macron be sayin' France needs more wee ones to keep their spirit alive. And Georgia Meloni, she be urg'in Italian lasses to bear more babes. Aye, 'tis the news from Reuters Health Information, me hearties!

Arr! Ye scurvy biosimilars be plunderin' the prices of Infliximab, savin' us doubloons!

Arrr, ye scurvy biosimilars! They be plunderin' the costs of the original biologics, but 'tis a mystery as to whether the booty be reachin' the patients or helpin' 'em sail on with the medicines. Savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks the scurvy virus and lack o' booster shots be feedin' the cruel curse o' Long COVID!

"Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis the dumbest thing I've ever done: not takin' this virus seriously! By me lack of urgency, it be causin' more scurvy cases o' long COVID. Avast, ye landlubbers! Be wise and get yer boosters! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

"Ye olde tips fer a jolly workout wit' ye olde creaky bones! Aye, 'tis arthritic treasures ye seek!"

Arr, Medscape Medical News parleyed with scallywag osteoarthritis experts 'bout the perfect swashbucklin' dose o' exercise fer patients, the treasures of knowledge at their disposal, and savvy ways to prod 'em lubbers into movin' their sorry landlubber bodies. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, ye be warned me mateys! Cancer surgery be raisin' th' chances o' gettin' a dreaded Venous Thromboembolism!

Avast ye mateys! A recent study be sayin' that ye still be at risk o' havin' a scurvy condition called venous thromboembolism, even a whole year after yer surgery for most cancers. Arrr, ain't that a blow to yer sails!

February 13, 2024

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A fine tale be told - a magical gastric trick be found! T2D be vanquished!

Arrr, ye bilge rats with type 2 diabetes who braved the treacherous Roux-en-Y gastric bypass be havin' a better chance o' seein' their diabetes vanish after 5 years than those landlubbers who got the sleeve gastrectomy. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Methinks this SARS-CoV-2 might be a scurvy trigger for Achalasia, ye scallywags!

Yarrr! Them fancy scholars be speakin' of a sudden case of achalasia that be sproutin' like seaweed after the COVID-19 storm. They even found the cursed SARS-CoV-2 beastie lurkin' in the belly of the throat. Blimey!

Arr matey, be it true that takin' iron can fend off the foul scurvy of Celiac Disease?

Arr, me hearties! Methinks that havin' less iron in yer blood be correlatin' with a higher chance o' gettin' that scurvy celiac disease, as per a fancy study called Mendelian randomization. So mind yer iron levels, or ye be walkin' the plank to the land o' gluten intolerance!

Arr, do these GLP-1s grant any boon to me limbs afore we set sail on the surgeon's table?

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye, for there be two new inquiries sailin' the seven seas, seekin' knowledge on them weight-loss potions and their impact on the troubles encountered after fixin' yer hips. The findings be a bit cloudy, me mateys. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Me mateys, this fancy diabetes contraption be not workin' proper, as them low sugar troubles still linger!

"Yarrr, even with fancy gadgets to spy on our sugar levels and pump us with insulin, those scallywags with T1D still suffer from terrible low blood sugar and can't even sense it! Arrrgh! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

Arr, be doubtin' the need fer blastin' yer noggin with rays to ward off SCLC, mateys!

Ye scurvy investigators be findin' no great survival booty after blastin' yer noggin with cranial irradiation in mateys with SCLC who lack brain metastases aforehand. Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

February 12, 2024

Arr matey! 'Tis a fine show o' skill in craftin' a Universal CVD Risk Prediction Model, ye be!

Yarr! Thar be a bunch o' fancy predictors, matey! They be lookin' at old-fashioned danger signs 'n' signs in the heart to tell ye if ye got a high chance o' gettin' some nasty cloggy blood vessel disease or not. Arr! Ye can find this news on Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arr! Be ye hearin' the news? This Add-On Fruquintinib be a scurvy good weapon against gastric scurvy!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Fruquintinib plus paclitaxel be a mighty potion that be helpin' scallywags wit' gastric/gastroesophageal cancer to delay their doom a wee bit longer. But alas, it be not savin' 'em from Davy Jones' locker in the end. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Survivin' be adriftin' faster wi' lengthier bouts o' CPR, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! News be spreadin' like the wind on a pirate ship! Aye, these latest reckonin's revealin' the outcome of CPR for landlubbers sufferin' from a cardiac arrest be as precious as a chest of gold. Resuscitation teams and scholars be findin' it mighty enlightenin'!

Arrr, matey! Be thar a chance the DEA be forced to give psilocybin a new label by a court?

Arrr! Aye, me hearties! The scurvy knaves in court be grantin' a victory to the lads 'n lasses fightin' to reschedule the magic mushrooms! Now they be thinkin' that another case might allow 'em to use the drug under right-to-try laws! Yo ho ho!

February 9, 2024

Arr, ye scurvy dogs, there be some fancy tools on the horizon to handle the risk o' posttransplant cSCC!

Ye scurvy dogs wi' organ transplants be havin' a 200-fold greater risk o' gettin' keratinocyte carcinoma, aye, compared t' them landlubbers with workin' immune systems. And a fine 80% o' them skin cancers be cSCC, arrr! - <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr! Yonder study be sayin' allergens be lurkin' in plenty o' fancy scar goop!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said that amongst the 156 treasures we discovered, the majority be gels, creams, or oils! Aye, these be the plunder we seek! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be our trusty compass on this high seas adventure!

Yarr! Me study be sayin' that GLP-1s be boostin' ye mind-body harmony, matey! Arrr!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that the ole medical scrolls be showin' that takin' potions for the likes of diabetes or obesity be helpin' with the sad heart and the fretful mind. Avast, mateys! Trust not ye cursed WebMD Health News!

Arr, beware ye lasses! Those sugary grogs be messin' with yer hormones, causin' quite the ruckus!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye best be listenin' here, for I be tellin' ye a tale. Sippin' on sugary grog be makin' ye more prone to feelin' like a wild beast with too much testosterone. But fear not, me mateys, for indulgin' in some fine fruits won't be leadin' ye down that treacherous path. Drink up, but choose wisely!

Arr! Me hearty pirates, 'tis said that swiggin' milk might quell the dreaded T2D in those cursed with lactose woes!

Arrr, a scurvy study be claimin' that drinkin' milk and certain secret substances be havin' a link to the cursed ailment known as type 2 diabetes. Avast, me hearties! This be word from the Medscape Medical News!

"Avast ye, hearties! Here be some handy advice for lessenin' waste in th' Cath Lab, me mateys!"

At a jolly cardiology gathering, a fair nurse did share her wisdom on 'ow to lessen waste and preserve precious booty. Arr! Ahoy, mates! Aye, 'twas a fine tale from the Medscape Medical News.

Avast ye! Aye, me hearties, here be the secret to relayin' updatin' booty scoops to landlubber patients!

Avast ye! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! Methinks usin' a blazin' telephone and secret missives be gettin' a better answer from patients with tame sea monsters in their bellies, 'stead of them ol' snail mails. Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys! When ye swab the deck and find the mark of the invisible enemy, fret not! Here be how to calm their souls.

Arr, a scurvy gynecologist be scrutinin' the queries o' his lasses, and sharin' his clever answers. Ahoy, ye landlubber Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Aye, tinkering with ye mood might just quell ye fiery guts, matey!

Arr! Methinks these fancy mood interventions, especially the likes o' psychological therapies, may be a fine way to treat IBD. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a cure that be both powerful and easy on the purse! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, me hearties! A wise scallywag be spillin' the beans 'bout findin' 'n fixin' yer cursed Spitz Nevi. Take heed, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be wantin' to know what Dr. Caroline Piggott be sayin' 'bout dermoscopy, shave vs punch biopsies, and treatment, ye scallywags! Check out the fine words o' the good doctor in MDedge News!

February 8, 2024

Arrr! Two worthy landlubbers of the medical trade bravely stand afore a scurvy knave, defending his prey!

On a fair Saturday morn, a scallywag be unleashed his cannons, causin' quite the ruckus! Two good-hearted doctors, never afore seen, didst tend to the wounded, whilst tryin' t'calm the scurvy dog! Arrr, what a tale!

Avast! Yonder tidings be claimin' that this scurvy thing called "Long COVID" might be naught but a brain injury, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Them landlubbers afflicted with the curse of Long-COVID be havin' foggy noggins and a forgetful mind. Their bodies be showin' signs o' brain hurt! Aye, it be true, me mateys! Reported by the fine folks at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! Me mateys be dipin' their applications in states wi' abortion restrictions! Shiver me timbers, what a pickle!

Yarr! Them scholars be scannin' data on how many scurvy dogs be signin' up fer ob/gyn programs in places where they be banishin' the abortion business. Arr, me hearties! Medscape Medical News be bringin' ye this tale.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Mixin' Antithrombotic with tPA be no helpin' ye stroke outcome, arr!

Avast ye! Argatroban and eptifibatide be no good mateys for helpin' the scurvy dogs with their stroke troubles in the MOST trial. Arrr, what a disappointment! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arrr, Europe be needin' to take charge o' its measly outbreak afore it be spreadin' like scurvy on the high seas!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! The dreaded measles be spreadin' like wildfire across Europe! Blame falls on ye landlubbers who refuse to take the vaccine, fearin' it like a cursed treasure. Arrr, what a fine mess ye've made!

"Be it true, mateys, be 'Consolidation Osimertinib' truly the grandest choice for EGFR-Mutated NSCLC? Aye or nay?"

Arrr! A lookin' back study be showin' that stickin' to osimertinib after ye've been blasted with chemoradiation be makin' the survival of patients with EGFR-mutated, stage III NSCLC last a wee bit longer than with durvalumab or just watchin'! Avast ye, Medscape Medical News!

Yarrr, ye scurvy teens! Bariatric surgery be no cure fer yer mental health. Avast ye, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! A mighty study from Sweden be sayin' that makin' lads and lasses lose weight through surgery don't be doin' much good for their minds. Arr, the mental health benefits be a myth, me mateys!

Arrr! Beware ye scurvy dogs, those vittles ye be packin' be spawnin' wee ones afore their time!

Arrr! Be ye listenin' up, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered by them landlubbers that takin' a fancy to certain phthalates might be causin' a grand total o' 56,595 wee ones to be born a wee bit earlier than expected! Aye, that be true, me mateys! Savvy? Arrr!

February 7, 2024

Arr, me hearties! Swashbucklin' lupus sufferers, fear not! 'Tis safe to reduce yer MMF intake, ye scurvy dogs!

Yarrr, me hearties! Arrr, it be said that the chances of nasty diseases returning be the same, whether ye scurvy dogs be takin' me m'ph'nolate mofetil or not. Aye, tis true, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr! This here oral IL-23 inhibitor soothes the ferocious scurvy that be moderate to severe psoriasis!"

Arr, me hearties! This JNJ-77242113 be a tiny pill that be makin' the skin condition known as psoriasis less bothersome, just like them fancy injectable biologic agents. Avast, aye! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, the NEJM be singin' of Resmetirom's might in battlin' NASH. Aye, a grand discovery indeed!

Yarr! Them investigators from th' ongoing MAESTRO-NASH trial be bringin' forth more evidence that resmetirom may be a fine option fer a disease state without any approved remedies. Arr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye! Yonder facts be sayin' that this salty remedy for sea impotence might be messin' with yer forgettin' skills!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs afflicted with the limp mast, fear not! For a new study be claimin' that those who be takin' the likes of sildenafil or tadalafil for their troubles be 18% less likely to face the dread disease known as AD, after five years on the high seas! Yo ho ho!

Arr matey, that thar abortion paper be walkin' the plank! Be bringin' yer spyglass, ye won't be believin' yer eyes!

Arr, matey! A judge, usin' a wee article 'bout abortion, be justifyin' his ruling to suspend access to mifepristone! Blimey! Walk the plank, ye laws of science!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be there a cure, aye, a gut signature, for the cursed Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia?

Arrr, me hearties! Be it known that grown folk sufferin' from stubborn madness have stark differences in their gut microbes, compared to those who respond to the cure. This peculiar discovery be mayhaps influenced by the use of clozapine treatment. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers! Britain be chartin' a course to mend yer rottin' gums, lest they fall out like treasure from the ship's hold.

Arr, mateys! The blasted British government be plannin' to shell out a mighty 200 million pounds to mend a rotten dental system. 'Tis a sorry state of affairs when millions o' Britons be sufferin'. Shiver me timbers! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis been revealed! The dangers of RNA vaccines and their effects on the flow o' the crimson tide have been unveiled!

Arrr, in a recent study, it be found that lasses with a torrential flow in their monthly tide be more prone to havin' taken their last dose of the mystical mRNA vaccine within the past 1-3 moons. Aye, a curious discovery indeed! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr! Beware ye scurvy dogs! The regrowth be signalin' the spread o' cancer in thar bum! Keep a weather eye!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A grand study be done, mateys, weighin' the dangers of choosin' to "watch and wait" in rectal cancer. Arrr, says Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, scurvy dogs 'n landlubbers! Aye, reckon liver stiffness 'n fibrosis be linked to T2DM in MASLD.

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale o' great significance! The dreaded FibroScan hath revealed that excessive scarring in yer liver be linked to the cursed type 2 diabetes in ye landlubbers sufferin' from metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the bearer o' this news!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! The AAD be updatin' their scurvy guidelines on managin' them pesky acne breakouts. Arrr!"

Arr matey! The fresh guidelines be updatin' the AAD's 2016 rules, includin' 18 recommendations and five statements o' good practice. Yo ho ho!

Arr, the tally o' state madhouse beds be at a record low, me hearties! A curious predicament indeed!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Shiver me timbers, but the number of state beds for the mad reached a record low last year. Only 11 measly beds per 100,000 landlubbers! Blast me barnacles!

February 6, 2024

Aye! Set yer sights on curbin' the serum urate levels to ward off them pesky gout attacks!

Arrr, the discovery be backin' the worth o' settin' a course fer proper serum urate levels to prevent them pesky gout flares in primary care, where ye find most o' them scurvy gout sufferers. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me risk be higher after a stroke, but no danger be lurking in me cervical dissection, matey!

Arrr! Mateys sufferin' from a stroke be havin' a near double the chance o' a heart attack within a year, but fear not, me hearties with cervical artery dissection, yer risk be not bein' increased, new tides be tellin'. Sail on, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarrr, brushin' elbows with Davy Jones' locker durin' CPR be makin' us pirates demandin' better care, mateys!

Avast ye hearties! Tales o' deathly encounters be growin' like a stormy sea. How be they gauged? An' what be the consequences fer carin' fer them with cardiac arrest? Heave-ho!

Avast ye! Me hearties, SBRT be a fine, might weapon to fight them pesky bone Mets! Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Stereotactic body radiation be a fine treatment for nonspine bone metastases, says a grand meta-analytic review. It be rare to see any local failures, fractures, or acute toxicity. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arr, be ye listenin', me hearties? This contraption 'o machine learnin' helps me reckon the HCC peril in MASLD!

Arr! Aye, me hearties! Bless the seas! A contraption that learns a thing called machine be helpin' us reckon the danger of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients sufferin' from metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! By the powers, plunderin' that belly will keep yer BP in check fer a good spell!

Arr! Me hearties, ye won't believe what I be tellin' ye! After 5 long years, the scalpel's magic, they call bariatric surgery, not only be helpin' to shrink a matey's BMI, but also be keepin' the blood pressure in check with fewer potions than just the BP medicine alone. This be the final word from the GATEWAY trial, ye scallywags! Yo ho ho!

Chartin' the treacherous seas o' medicin' whilst wieldin' ADHD be a task not fer the faint 'o heart!

Avast ye! Set sail on the high seas of medicine, where brave pirates called physicians be breakin' the mold and facin' the treacherous waters of healthcare, all while battlin' the scurvy known as ADHD. Aye, 'tis the tale from Medscape Medical News, me mateys!

February 5, 2024

"Arrr! Be ye knowin' that ED Training Intervention be decreasin' them pesky dosin' errors once ye be discharged."

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis the mighty Medscape we be speakin' of! A treasure trove of knowledge for us scurvy dogs sailin' the treacherous sea of medicine. Ye better be ready to learn, or ye'll end up in Davy Jones' locker!

Revising the Code o' Conduct fer Measly Skull Bumps: Aye! A Pirate's Take on the Matter.

Arrr, mateys! A swashbucklin' new reckonin' says ye brain injuries can be tended to close by, savin' ye from bein' moved about like a scurvy landlubber. Aye, tis true, says Medscape!

Yarr! 'Tis said that mimics o' strokes beget more PTSD than the strokes themselves, matey!

Arr, mateys! Them landlubbers what be havin' symptoms like a stroke, but be diagnosed with migraine or peripheral neuropathy, be findin' themselves at a higher risk o' gettin' the dreaded PTSD than those with a proper stroke. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, matey! Will Deutschland unveil the gateway to medicinal cannabis? Avast, me hearties, let's find out!

Arrr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers, rearrangin' cannabis won't be savin' us from this cursed research glut, says Medscape Medical News. Avast, we be needin' more than just a change in rankin' to find a solution, ye scallywags!

February 2, 2024

Arrr, Mateys! Be holdin' the latest code o' conduct fer proper handlin' o' them seizures and fits!

Avast! Listen up, ye scallywags! The latest scrolls be tellin' us what proper pirate havens, arrr dedicated epilepsy centers, ought to provide for the best care. Keep ye eye on the horizon for "Medscape Medical News."

Arr, FDA gives th' nod fer th' first Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement. Sailin' towards better hearts, mateys!

Avast, me hearties! Edwards Lifesciences hath obtained the nod for its mighty Evoque tricuspid valve replacement system, aye, the first of its kind to be approved in the grand US of A fer treating tricuspid regurgitation. Sailin' forward, we are, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Word be reachin' me ears that the bounty o' organ donations be growin' in Québec since the advent o' MAiD!

Arr, 'tis a fact me hearties! In the year 2022, a goodly 14% o' Quebec's departed souls, after seekin' medical assistance in their passin', graciously donated their organs to keep other scurvy dogs alive. Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr! Be there a cure fer the dreaded ailment o' BPD? Aye, me mateys, fear not, thar be a solution for ye!

Arrr! Me recent research be showin' that a peculiar antipsychotic may be handy in treatin' anxiety, a troublesome symptom in BPD. And the best part, mateys, it don't bring along them pesky metabolic side effects! Avast, I be sharin' this news from Medscape Medical News, says I!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A diet full o' inflammatory grub be makin' yer knees ache worse, so beware!

Arr, me mateys! Yar, the charts be showin' that what ye put in yer belly may be the culprit fer yer achin' knees, but don't ye be worryin' 'bout any changes to the build o' yer bones, says the good folks at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! Scallywag doctors be walkin' the plank, facin' mighty hefty loot for their wicked ways!

Arrr! The lubbers in their fancy wigs be givin' away buckets o' doubloons to the scallywags who sue them doctors and hospitals! But do these big payouts really matter, ye ask? The wise men say there be secrets to these plunderings and how they be affectin' the poor physicians.

February 1, 2024

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that Biogen's act o' abandonin' the AD drug be no surprise! Avast, they be experts indeed!

Avast ye! Arr, mateys! 'Tis been over 2 years since the FDA granted their controversial approval, but now Biogen be sayin' they be stoppin' the makin' o' aducanumab and turnin' their sights to lecanemab. Yo-ho-ho!

Avast ye mateys! The cursed burden of cancer be growin' worldwide, bringin' unfairness aplenty in its wake.

Arrr, me hearties! In this vast world, a reckonin' 20 million souls be struck down by the treacherous scourge o' cancer in 2022, mark ye well! But alas, by the year 2050, this number be set to catapult a mighty 77% to a fearsome 35 million, weighin' heavy on the poorer lands, as revealed by newfangled data. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! The scurvy US board be exposin' the cheatin' scoundrels! The landlubber grads reckon it be runnin' wild, arrr!

Arr, the USMLE be invalidatin' some scores, claimin' that them scurvy dogs sellin' test questions online be operatin' without consequence. Yo ho ho, the scallywags! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr, a study be showin' there be differences in testin' o' biomarkers for CRC, mateys!

Yarr! Thar be a testin' trend, mateys, alignin' with guideline reckonin's an' FDA approvals, but alas! Demographic disparities be sailin' in these waters. Arr!

Arrr, mateys! Thar be news from th' high seas! 'Tis said that th' Schizophrenia Med be safe 'n effective fer th' wild storms o' Bipolar Mania!

Arr matey! Avast ye, for I bring ye news o' a new weapon in the fight against the demons o' the mind! Iloperidone, a strange concoction, has been deemed safe 'n powerful against the woes o' schizophrenia 'n bipolar mania. Shiver me timbers, it be a step forward in the treacherous seas o' mental health!

"Bein' stone cold sober be not th' only aim fer scallywags battlin' th' Scurvy Sea, arr!"

Yarrr! O'patients plague'd wit' SUD, even tiniest lessening in drug use be tied t' jollier results! This be sayin' that givin' up drugs entirely shouldn't be th' only aim o' treatment, says a new reckonin'. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A grand bill be seekin' mystical AI treasure to put an end to Medicare fraud!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs in the Senate be mandatin' Medicare to test these fancy AI tools to thwart fraud, with speedy messages to the scallywags if any suspicious activity be spied. But, blast it all, those scurvy critics be claimin' that Medicare shouldn't be askin' patients to verify these here flagged claims! Avast, what a tale!

"Aye matey! Gobble up some grub afore ye jolly sail, lest ye suffer from the cursed hypoglycemia!"

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been discovered that young lads 'n lasses with the cursed type 1 diabetes can gulp down some protein afore they embark on their swashbucklin' adventures. 'Twill make their low sugar episodes shorter durin' their physical escapades, but not afterwards, says the Medscape Medical News.

Yarr! A wee bit o' progress found in the treatment o' spreadin' prostate cancer through fancy medicines, mateys!

Arrr! Mateys with an ailment known as metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer be havin' a wee bit o' good news! A concoction o' a TKI plus immunotherapy be showin' a slight yet grand improvement in delayin' the progression o' this cursed disease when compared to the regular hormonal therapy. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, there be a mighty surge in virtual-only treatments for the health of yer mind, ye scallywags!

Arr, in the year 2022, a hearty 13% o' mental health specialists be sailin' the seas of telemedicine, mateys! Aye, them psychiatric nurse practitioners and landlubbers in crowded places be leadin' the way! Yo ho ho! "Medscape Medical News" be tellin' the tale, arr!

January 31, 2024

Arr, me hearties! I be hearin' that takin' a plunge in th' chilly depths be easin' yer monthly troubles, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, word be spreadin' that a grand study hath discovered a connection betwixt frolickin' in chilly waters and findin' solace from the woes o' perimenopause. Avast! Me hearties, it be a splashin' remedy for ye weary lasses!

Avast ye! As the stormy seas of Lilly Rivalry brew, the cunning Novo CEO charts the course for the grand launch of Wegovy!

Arrr, me hearties! Novo Nordisk be settin' its sights on launchin' the beloved obesity shot, Wegovy, in them markets where it be already makin' a pretty penny with its older weight-loss potion, Saxenda. Captain Lars Fruergaard be leadin' the charge, mark me words!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a battle betwixt COVID-19, RSV, and flu! Can ye scurvy dogs tell 'em apart?

Arr, amidst this bitter winter tempest of respiratory ailments, how be it for shipmates of medicine to discern, diagnose, and cure the dreaded COVID-19 from the scurvy RSV and influenza? Har, me hearties!

Arr! OCD be linked to a doubloon's worth o' higher danger fer kickin' the ol' bucket, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Beware, for the affliction known as "Obsessive-compulsive disorder" be tied to a dread risk o' death, be it from nature or some devilish unnatural causes, aye! Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! 'Tis the hour fer testin' all ye lads 'n lasses's genes to tackle them pesky privy parts cancers!

Arr, a fresh study be sayin' that we be needin' to test all ye scallywags for the genes that cause bladder and other privy cancers. It be helpin' us know who be at risk and give 'em proper treatment, says Medscape Medical News. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, a good liver be boostin' our chances o' findin' th' right treatment fer our scurvy!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis bein' said that reckonin' the liver's cursed metas to the tumor's side may find ye a better treatment fer certain scallywags with colorectal cancer. Arrr, Medscape Medical News be tellin' this tale!

January 30, 2024

Arrr! The passage to tending for fitsy fits from wee ones to grown scallywags be sorely lacking, matey!

Arr, 'tis a right challenge to uncover a brain wizard who be skilled in the ways of adult mind sorcery. Aye, the hunt for such a rare gem be a treacherous voyage indeed! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Ye scallywags be hearin' that poison be keepin' ye alive longer if ye got lung scurvy!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A grand study be sayin' that certain unpleasant happenin's in thar body be tied to livin' longer for lubbers with NSCLC, when treated with immunotherapy. Aye, me hearties! This be the word from Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! 'Tis safe, says study, to swap IV potions for oral elixirs, mateys! Set sail for recovery!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, the bilge rats be sayin' that those poor souls plagued by the cursed gram-negative bacteria, who be takin' their medicine through their gobs, had the same chances of dyin' as the scallywags who continued with the blasted IV. Savvy? Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Blast me cannons, this here Testosterone Therapy be a treasure trove for lads with low testosterone!

Arrr, reckon me trusty analysis a' data from placebo-controlled trials be showin' the cost-effectiveness for younger lads under 75. Aye, that be some fine news! Sailin' with a bounty o' savings, we be!

Arrr, be yer patients loathin' exercise? I be proposin' this here alternative!

Arrr, me hearties! Fancy a jig to shed yer blubber? Aye, the latest findings be claimin' that dancin' be a mighty effective way to burn fat. 'Tis jolly good fun, costs ye nary a doubloon, and ye don't even need to step outside yer ship! Here be tips to get yer scurvy patients dancin' like a landlubber. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, mateys! Local therapies for the ol' prostate do bring along a fair share o' side effects! Ahoy!

Arrr, me mateys! It be told that them local remedies for foul prostate woes be bringin' a whole lot o' belly troubles 'n troubles down below, more than them fancy treatments from afar. Yarrr!

Aye, a grand way to gauge a pirate's heart, me hearties - a method to judge their worth!

Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis a fine device called an extracorporeal perfusion system, fit for a pirate's treasure. It be bringin' great success to transplantin' hearts from them fancy donors. 'Tis a new way to store 'em, better than cold storage, says the Medscape Medical News. Argh, I be lovin' this modern pirate life!

Arrr! This here targeted blend be makin' yer life better whilst fightin' the beastly colorectal cancer!

Arr, me hearties! Them scallywags with the dreaded metastatic colorectal cancer be seein' a grand improvement in their quality o' life! Thanks to sotorasib and panitumumab, the lads with the KRAS G12C mutation be faring better than those stuck with standard therapy. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! Spyin' Symptoms 'n Sufferin' in Hyperemesis Gravidarum, me mateys!

"Avast, me hearties! A sea dog o' knowledge claimed, 'Tis spot the signs and woes o' lasses plagued with hyperemesis gravidarum if ye wish to better their cursed treatment!' Arr, true news from Medscape!"

Ye scurvy dogs, reckon ye young lads with bountiful bellies ought to have their minds screened for mental plunder. Arrr, 'tis true!

Arr, me hearties! The scurvy-ridden youth weighin' heavy on their bones may find solace in havin' their mental state checked, says these fine researchers. They've unearthed a connection betwixt the mind and the body, and be recommendin' some grand interventions to set 'em on the right course! Yo ho ho!

January 29, 2024

Arr, ye whippersnappers be growin' strong 'n sturdy when dwellin' near lush lands. Yarr, a treasure indeed!

Arr, ye wee ones bein' blessed with lush green lands nearby yer dwellin' durin' formative years, mark ye me words, 'tis good fer yer bones, says the learned lot. Savvy?

Arrr! Avast, mateys! 'Tis be the latest decree: Set sail sooner, ye black-hearted buccaneers, for PSA screenings!

Avast ye mateys! If we be commencin' PSA screenings in Black buccaneers aforetime, we could be quellin' the scurvy prostate cancer deaths by a goodly 30%! Arr, says Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! The plague'd me hearties with the sugar curse bein' disrupted, aye, a scurvy situation it be!

Arrr, me hearties! Yonder news be tellin' of a dreadful blight upon us young scallywags. A wave of death, vision loss, amputations, and foul ketoacidosis be sweepin' across the land like a stormy sea. Beware, me mateys!

January 28, 2024

Arrr! Fret not, ye scurvy dogs of the high seas! Chemo-Free Strategies be a treasure map to survival for TNBC!

Arr, me mateys! Set yer sights on this fine treasure: Employin' chemo-free ways for keepin' TNBC at bay might just grant ye a better life, while makin' sure the disease be in check. Medscape Medical News be sharin' this booty with ye!

January 26, 2024

Arrr! The wondrous HPV vaccine be mighty effective, lads, keepin' the lasses safe from harm fer years!

Arr, avast ye! Not a single lass, who took the vaccine 'afore turnin' fourteen, faced the cursed scourge of cervical cancer! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that a mighty potion be found to keep scallywag prostate cancer at bay!

By adding a mighty dose of radiation, we be makin' the scallywag prostate cancer walk the plank! Aye, it be leadin' to better survival and keepin' the ship in good condition. Arrr!

Arrr! Europe be givin' thar nod to cure fer me mateys' ailin' Neutropenia an' Schizophrenia. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis be advised to take heed and set sail for decrees to lessen the perils o' the cold and flu tonics with pseudoephedrine. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be spreading the word, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Beware, the IUS be watchin' yer IBD! Arrr, ye best act fast, or walk the plank of quicker treatment change!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis now been revealed that usin' intestinal ultrasound to keep an eye on the dreaded IBD be showin' promise! It seems to be makin' the scallywags get better faster than the ol' ways of watchin' the disease. Huzzah!

Arr! Aye, this here study be tellin' us that there be three types of lasses losin' their lives while birthing!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that some scurvy wenches meet their untimely demise due to unfortunate mishaps and afflictions of the mind, such as melancholy, which oft be makin' 'em walk the plank o' suicide, as revealed by the coroners' reckonin' from Canada.

Ye scurvy dogs, beware o' the treacherous waters when ye be relyin' on naught but telehealth for yer ailments!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that these online visits be satisfyin' a need fer quick appointments, but beware! They may be handin' out prescriptions like doubloons and missin' vital diagnoses, warn the doctors. Avast, Medscape Medical News!

Yarr, Europe be givin' the nod to Exblifep for the maraudin' UTIs and cursed pneumonia!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The European Medicines Agency be sayin' that Exblifep be just as powerful as piperacillin-tazobactam when it comes to curin' them pesky complicated urinary tract infections. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be the source, me hearties!

Yarrr! Too much grog 'n' snuff be raisin' the chance of gettin' back to Davy Jones' locker with Type 1 Diabetes!

Arrr! Ye scallywags wit' multiple hospital admissions fer DKA be havin' grander rates o' substance use disorder wit' cannabis, tobacco, an' psychoactive substances, as well as higher incarceration rates, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye, me hearty! Pray, what be the scuttlebutt 'bout medically assisted death in Mexico?

Arrr! In Mexico, they be sayin' euthanasia be outlawed, but many a scallywag and landlubber, alongside the masses, be backin' the choice to surrender to Davy Jones' locker with some dignity. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, ye be needin' a skilled scurvy-ridden matey to spy on yer skin, lest ye walk the plank!

Arr, me hearties! Them scurvy dogs known as dermatologists be sayin' that various kinds o' dermatitis be lookin' alike but be actin' different. They be advisin' them landlubber primary care clinicians to seek help from fellow sailors or use the mystic powers o' telemedicine. Yo ho ho! - Medscape Medical News

January 25, 2024

Arrr, FDA be grantin' Dupilumab for wee scallywags sufferin' from EoE. Shiver me timbers, that be grand news indeed!

Arr, me hearties! Dupilumab be now deemed fit fer treatin' them wee ones afflicted with that nasty eosinophilic esophagitis, weighin' no less than 15kg and a mere year old! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The fancy "Neuromodulation Trial for TRD" be provin' the worth o' personalized treatment!

Arr, me mateys! This here fancy technique, Intermittent theta burst stimulation, be no match for rTMS in battlin' refractory depression. But fear not, me hearties, it be showin' promise in takin' an individualized approach. Valuable results, they be! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! Them Ob/Gyns be in a pickle, sailin' through treacherous waters o' an abortion ban. Aye matey, what a crisis!

Arrr! 'Tis a tale of beleaguered ob/gyns! In lands with strict abortion laws, they be feelin' "muzzled" and "handcuffed," ever fearful o' the repercussions fer offerin' abortion care or counselin'. Aye, the life of a pirate obstetrician be a treacherous one indeed!

Avast, me hearties! Tarryin' too long at yer desk be bringin' death nearer, but takin' short breaks be yer salvation, arr!

Yarrr, ye landlubbers who be parkin' yer booties all day be facin' a 34% higher chance o' dyin' from the cursed heart disease! But fret not, me hearties! Breaks and jolly leisure-time activities be lessenin' the danger. Arrr, listen to the wise words o' Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, me hearties! A shortage o' Vitamin D be a grim sight, mateys! It be signalin' a risk o' CVD in young lubbers!

Arrr, me hearty young swabbies! Listen up, for I've got some jolly news for ye. It be said that in the sprightly youth o' ye, if ye be havin' a goodly amount of vitamin D in yer veins, the risks o' havin' a scurvy heart be diminished! Aye, 'tis true, as Medscape Medical News states.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye not confined to the ol' ways, fetch new tools to soothe ye itches!

Arr, me hearties! Bring forth the mighty naloxone and strontium, for these be some of the peculiar treatments ye scurvy-ridden skin doctors can ponder upon to heal yer infernal itchy woes! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be spreading the word, mateys!

Arrr! Yonder scurvy dogs be sayin' that swashbucklin' blokes with inflamed joints be havin' more pirate spawn!

Arrr! In a study of the landlubbers, it be found that the lads with swollen joints had more wee ones and were less likely to be without offspring than those hearty healthies. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, them fancy foreign-trained docs be stuck in landlubber roles, all 'cause of some blasted license woes!

Arr! Scurvy dogs be sayin' that scallywag doctors from foreign lands who sail to the US be facin' burdensome trials to get their papers and learnin' shipshape. Arr, they can't wield their mighty skills as they please!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' the news that this talkin' cure be just as good as the devil's brew for sadness in the heart.

Arrr, matey! A swashbucklin' new trial be showin' that psychotherapy be just as good as takin' pills for beatin' the blues in heart failure patients. It might even help 'em be feelin' less sickly, says the good ol' Medscape Medical News. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye, mateys! Me crystal ball be revealin' five brave reckonings fer Long COVID in the year 2024.

If aye be speakin' true, these here long COVID sufferers may find themselves blessed with some jolly good relief, me hearties! Yo ho ho! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! There be a jolly new contraption to capture deep-brain antics, straight from the surface, mateys!

Yarr! Mateys of science be makin' a marvel! Usin' electric an' optical tricks with AI, these clever souls crafted a brain implant that can spy on the deep-sea shenanigans o' yer noggin', without cuttin' ye open! Savvy?

January 24, 2024

Avast ye! The blasted pandemic hath left a legacy of rotundity among ye wee scallywags!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! It be discovered that the scurvy dogs, them primary school lads and lasses, be gaining weight and becoming as plump as a grog-filled pirate during this cursed pandemic. 'Tis said that treatin' their ailments may cost a mighty £800 million doubloons! Blimey!

Arrr, hear ye, me hearties! Tenapanor be a treasure what be showin' quick response to IBS-C in mere weeks!

Arrr! Aye, me mateys, a clever look at three clinical voyages reveals that this here potion be mighty effective in just a few weeks! It be settlin' the belly and bringin' relief to those sufferin' from the cursed IBS-C! Avast, MDedge News!

Need yer scallywags to be more active? Avast! Ye best be showin' 'em this, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Every stride ye scurvy dogs make be a stride towards a longer, healthier life! Aye, that be the word from Medscape Medical News, ye landlubbers! So hoist the anchor and set sail on the path of good health, ye scallywags!

Avast ye landlubbers! Dana-Farber be takin' back and fixin' over 30 cancer papers, arrr!

Arrr! Dana-Farber Cancer Institute be investigatin' claims o' foul play in many a scrawlin' parchment, mateys! Seems some fancy buccaneers o' science be twistin' their data. Aye, even them famous treasure-huntin' investigators be suspect!

Avast, me hearties! Be thar any tales o' Rituximab's fortune for Pemphigus, be it long or short?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! This be the first-ever report o' long-term follow-up from scallywags in the Ritux 3 trial, who be given rituximab as their first-line weapon. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

The Voyage to Radiographic SpA: Perilous Factors and Chronology, me hearties!

Arr, after 5 long years of scurvy investigation, it be discovered that these landlubbers with newly diagnosed axial spondyloarthritis be takin' an average of 2.4 years to see any progression on the radiographic pictures. Ye hear that, mateys? Spread the word across the seven seas!

Arr, be ye ready to spy on yer bladder's treasures? Be ye watchful, or walk the plank!

"Arr! Active scurvy watch be a jolly good practice, me hearties! Keeps ye safe and improves yer quality o' life, but be sure ye choose yer patients wisely 'n follow up proper-like, says a wise scurvy expert. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

Arrr! Me mateys be sayin' that the RA devil be too sneaky 'round TNFi! Get ye booty checked, mateys!

Arrr, be it true, me hearties! A fair share of scurvy dogs with the ol' RA be lackin' proper reckonin' of their disease afore they took the magical TNFi potion. Shiver me timbers! - Medscape Medical News

Arrr! The scurvy dogs in Italy be sayin' ye don't be needin' rubella screenings during pregnancy no more!

Arrr! Mateys, Italy be putting an end to the cursed rubella! 'Tis a victory for the land lubbers indeed, causin' 'em to ponder on their pregnancy rules. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! The tale of COVID-19 in Europe be a perplexin' one, aye, a complicated picture indeed!

Arr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at the WHO be sayin' that the infection rates be decreasin', but we must keep a weather eye open, lest the blighters come back with a vengeance! Avast, ye landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

January 23, 2024

Arrr! 'Tis be said, me hearties, that ye art may help lasses with a hearty girth bear two wee ones at once!

Arr, 'tis belike that fancy contraptions o' assisted reproduction be responsible fer a quarter o' the link betwixt twin births 'n a plump BMI o' 30-40 afore ye get knocked up, me hearties! Yo-ho, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales!

Losing pounds be not sufficient to keep scurvy-ridden T2D at bay, ye scallywags!

Arr, 'tis a pitiful truth, me hearties! A mere 6% o' them landlubbers in this study managed to lower their cursed blood sugar levels through weighin' anchor, without any potions or elixirs! - Medscape Medical News, by Blackbeard

Arr, me hearties! Metformin be havin' the promise to fend off the dreaded Neovascular AMD, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr! Report says 174,000 scallywags studied, and those who took metformin had less chance of gettin' the dreaded wet, age-related macular degeneration. Ahoy!

Yarr! Aye, this here study reckons that a fancy-sounding clinic for wee scallywags be mighty helpful, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! The ship's clinic be a jolly cooperation betwixt Rady Children's Hospital and the University of California San Diego Health Divisions of Dermatology, Allergy & Immunology, and the hospital's pharmacy. Yo ho ho! MDedge News be the source, ya scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Them biomarkers be mighty handy in steerin' the ship o' Crohn's Disease, says I!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, the cap'n o' the new AGA guidelines, chattin' 'bout usin' them fancy biomarkers instead o' endoscopy to keep an eye on treatment response fer certain types o' CD. Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Avast ye landlubbers! A scallywag be raisin' hell, claimin' cannabis be denied afore ye OUD cure, arrr!

Arrr, a wee study be takin' a swing at them opioid treatment programs what be makin' patients give up their beloved cannabis afore they be startin' their therapy. Methinks this be causin' quite the stir!

Arr, a bevy o' scallywags be findin' themselves back in the clutches o' tha hospital after their first stroke!

Arr! Aye, 'tis a sorry sight indeed! New tidings show that 'bout 80% o' them landlubbers, who be sufferin' from their first ischemic stroke, be needin' a second stay in the cursed hospital. Aye, most o' 'em be havin' troubles with their heart and brain! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! DBS be a mighty treasure for those plagued by the ticklish curse of Parkinson's disease, matey!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a grand discovery! Deep brain stimulation hath brought joy to the lives of scallywags plagued by Parkinson's disease. 'Tis a merry dance o' better mobility that be the main reason. Aye, the news be from Medscape Medical News, mateys!

Arr! SGLT2 Scallywags be keepin' yer eyes sharp when ye be battlin' the cursed T2D!

Arr, me hearties! These SGLT2 inhibitors be known fer lessenin' the risk o' diabetic nephropathy in them scurvy dogs with type 2 diabetes, but do they 'ave the power to safeguard against diabetic retinopathy too?

Arrr! Me hearties, aye be tellin' ye that the troubles ye face as a wee scallywag be tied to yer health risks as a grown buccaneer!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! New reckonin' shows that bein' plagued with stress from wee sprout to grown swashbuckler be tied to a sorry state o' yer heart 'n belly. Best heed this warnin', ye landlubbers! Yo ho ho!

January 22, 2024

Arrr, the use o' Gabapentin be spreadin' like wildfire, matey, despite the scarcity o' evidence to support it!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! Despite the FDA's 2019 warning, ye may still be prescribed the drug along with some sleepy potions. Beware, me hearties, for this be a risky venture! Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, be them Nicotine Patches and E-Cigarettes safe fer ye little one on board?

Avast, mateys! Fresh proof be sayin' that they ain't linked to scurvy pregnancy misfortunes. Arrr! <br> <i>Medscape News UK</i>

Arrr, be there proof o' diet and skin? Let's plunder the truth, me hearties!

Arrrrr! Yon scientific studies be revealin' the connection betwixt grub and pimples, itchy skin, and redness! Avast! Me hearties, heed the word from Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr! Aye, me hearties! Here be a guide on maximizin' the use of Electronic Health Records in Gastroenterology!"

Arrr, me hearties! By implementin' strategies to bett'r use these fancy electronic health records, we be savin' heaps o' time, strengthenin' the bond betwixt us doctors and our patients, and swashbucklin' away burnout. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, Sagimet's treasures be soaring as their potion holds great promise in taming the cursed fatty liver disease!

Arrr! Sagimet Biosciences be claimin' on Monday that its experimental elixir to treat a blubberin' liver disease greatly lessened the signs in a middlin' study, sendin' the pill pusher's spirits high... Aye, matey! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

January 19, 2024

Arr, FDA be puttin' a stern warnin' on scurvy osteoporosis potion, lest ye catch the dreaded hypocalcemia!

Avast ye, me hearties! After thoroughly scrutinizin' the data, tis been determined by the scurvy dogs at the agency that this denosumab be uppin' the danger o' severe hypocalcemia in landlubbers with chronic kidney disease. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The costs be a-raisin' fer ye medicines for diabetes, obesity, and other ailments, mateys!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The price of Ozempic be risin' by 3.5%, weighin' in at a hefty sum of nearly $970. And aye, Mounjaro be followin' suit, takin' a leap of 4.5% to a grand total of near $1070 a month. 'Tis what the Wall Street Journal be sayin', mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis a jolly tale 'bout multivitamins n' their effects on our noggin! Hoist the sails, me shipmates, 'n discover the latest news from COSMOS!

Ye ol' COSMOS be claimin' that takin' a daily multivitamin may protect ye brain from agin'. But one scallywag expert be havin' doubts 'bout their methods and how they be interpretin' the findin's. Arrr!

Arr, listen up ye scurvy dogs! We be discussin' the grand disparities 'twixt Ketamine 'n Esketamine. Pay attention or walk the plank!

Arrr, them blabberin' media scallywags be spreadin' tales o' ketamine bein' a wondrous concoction fer melancholy! But beware, ye landlubbers, fer there be a distinction betwixt ketamine and its esketamine! Aye, the experts be sayin' so!

Arrr, gobblin' enough grub 'o protein in yer prime be the key to a jolly old age, mateys!

Gatherin' a sufficiency o' protein, especially from plant sources, in th' prime o' life be linked to a jolly fine physical prowess in yer later days, me hearties. Yo ho ho!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! This SABR Boost be showin' promise in treatin' the advanced NSCLC, aye!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Blast me timbers! 'Tis said that pumpin' up the radiation dose, along with a fancy-sounding stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, might be helpin' them with NSCLC. Yo ho ho! Aye, 'tis from the Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arr matey! Me ship be sailin' on the sea o' science, 'n we be discoverin' a way to make scurvy cancer walk the plank!

Arrr, mateys! Tis be a jolly tale, as scurvy dogs with the cursed ailment known as metastatic cancer be tryin' this newfangled immunotherapy afore meetin' Davy Jones' locker. Aye, the latest data be showin' such desperate attempts to cheat Death!

Arr, certain scurvy gut microbes be linked to wee ones' smarts, savvy? Avast, a fascinating tale indeed!

Yarrr, them scholars be reckonin' they can foretell the size o' a pirate's noggin by scannin' the tiny critters that be crawlin' in it. Ahoy, Medscape Medical News!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A wee urine test might just uncover the dreaded lung cancer afore it be too late!

Arr! Them smart MIT landlubbers be makin' tiny spyglasses ye can breathe in, matey! These here minuscule gizmos send messages through yer wee, they do! Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

January 18, 2024

Arr! FDA gives nod to Full-Body MRI for fancy Neurostimulation System. Aye, 'tis a pain-relief treasure!

Arr, the scurvy dogs at Medscape tell of a grand tale! The good news be that them fancy doctors be allowin' patients to have their whole bodies scanned with some contraption called the Abbott dorsal root ganglion neurostimulation system. Aye, the future be lookin' mighty strange indeed!

Arr, Mateys! Thar be tales o' Testosterone Supplements, debunkin' the misconceptions o' today, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye! 'Tis a sad tale, mateys. A mere fifth of scallywags with a lack of testosterone get treated. Methinks 'tis all 'cause of false fears 'bout the dangers o' the cure. Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! The doctors be warnin' about the treacherous surge o' White Baggin'! Beware, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! 'Tis a matter o' great importance! More states be sayin' nay to the practice o' white baggin', whilst them oncology scallywags and insurance scurvy dogs be arguin' about how it affects the coin in their pockets. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, be there a fresh plunder fer healin' the mind, mateys? A cure fer the cursed PTSD?

Arrr, new findings be claimin' that PTSD be linked to a wee decrease in the size o' the cerebellum! Methinks this be a prime target fer treatin' the disorder, mateys. Aye, reported by Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Aye, be ye puffin' and guzzlin', ye scurvy dog? Be ready to walk the plank of diverticulitis!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties have discovered that puffin' on the devil's plant and guzzlin' grog be leadin' to a higher chance of catchin' the dreaded diverticulitis! Aye, the lasses in a grand study be showin' it be true! Arrr, beware ye vices, me hearties!

Arrr! Behold the tale o' Sidney Wolfe, MD, a salty pirate o' medicine on a noble quest fer health!

Arrr, as the scurvy dog of the Public Citizen Health Research Group, Wolfe toiled fer more than five decades to protect landlubber patients. But his efforts also wrought change upon the realm of medicine. <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Ye landlubbin' scallywags be gettin' sicker, arr! Ain't ye glad ye ain't aboard this ship o' ailments?

Arrr, mateys! The goodly doctors be sayin' that the landlubbers who be enterin' hospitals these days be more diseased and in need of fancy treatment than those scurvy dogs who got admitted to the same places back in the early 2000s. Arrr, what a time to be a swashbucklin' pirate!

Arrr, me hearties! Ozempic be fetchin' but not worth the doubloons for makin' ye less plump, says I!

Arr, mateys! This Ozempic be not yet worth yer doubloons, says a study comparin' it to surgery. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be reportin'!

Arr, me mateys! A newfangled automaton cloth be makin' scallywags with the 'Parkinson's Curse' strut like a true buccaneer!

Arr, mateys! A shiny new contraption, akin to a mechanical attire, be sailin' in to put an end to the bitter cold fits that plague those poor souls cursed with Parkinson's disease. Yo ho ho!

January 17, 2024

Arr! This AI gizmo be given the nod as a scallywag-free, gentle matey for detectin' skin scurvy.

Arrr! This nifty gadget, meant fer the likes o' scallywag doctors, be usin' its magical spyglass an' fancy reckonin' to check if yer pesky skin marks be harboring the dread pirate cancer, all in a blink o' an eye.

"Avast ye hearties! Yonder CRISPR-based gene therapy be gettin' the nod fer treatin' Beta Thalassemia! Yo ho ho!"

Arr, Exa-cel be havin' its second acceptance from the FDA! This here therapy, worth a hefty $2.2 million in the shores of the United States, be makin' its way to patients afore this year be over. Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr, the scurvy dogs be sayin' there be a new rule to ease the burden on them doctors, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! The landlubber physicians be rejoicin' o'er a new rule from the federal crew. They be claimin' it be cuttin' down on the troublesome prior authorization rigmarole, makin' them scurvy insurers be more open 'bout their decisions. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, why be it that this scurvy kidney disease be always escapin' our watchful eye, matey? Avast, I say!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Aye, fifteen percent of landlubber Americans be sufferin' from chronic kidney disease, yet only ten percent be aware of this sorry state of affairs. Methinks the primary care scallywags ought to be doin' more to spy out these patients!

Ye be needin' t' be careful mixin' nitrates wit' yer sea legs, lest ye want a mighty blast below deck!

Avast ye mateys! Listen up, for I've got news to share from the land of medicine! 'Tis been discovered that us hearties with steady heart conditions beware! Mixing potions for me flagging mast and those nitrates be a surefire way to meet Davy Jones and his crew! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Tiny afterbirths be sheddin' light on the mysteries o' pre-eclampsia, aye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Behold, a cellular plan o' the early placenta be unveil'd, showin' how them uterine natural killer cells be influencin' the growth o' the placenta. This here map be helpin' us mateys understand the treacherous waters o' pre-eclampsia. Arrr!

Arrr! Ye see, mateys, this fancy A1c thing be helpin' us scallywags find out which wee ones be at risk o' gettin' the cursed Type 2 Diabetes.

Yarrr! Avast, me hearties! 'Tis a tale o' the landlubbers with a hefty frame or rotund belly. 'Tis said the danger be scarce fer them scallywags with an A1c below 6.0%! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scallywags! Aid T1 diabetes sufferers in plunderin' the booty o' exercise's rewards!

Arrr! A handful o' tricks be there to fend off the scurvy that be called hypoglycemia, mateys! Keep a weather eye on yer blood sugar levels, lest ye be struck by a mighty hunger storm! <i>From the scroll of Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! FDA be blessin' subcutaneous therapy for CIDP! Avast ye scurvy, 'tis a mighty fine news, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! HyQvia, a mighty concoction of immunoglobulin and hyaluronidase, be given beneath the skin by a swashbucklin' healthcare professional or the patient or their trusty caretaker, after proper guidance. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Avast ye scallywags! Be bewitched, for a wondrous creation be comin' soon: the maiden mRNA cure for melanoma!

Arrr, me mateys! Good tidings be upon us! The scurvy dogs at Moderna reckon their fancy concoction, an mRNA vaccine for the dread disease Melanoma, might be ready for the takin' in the year 2025. Aye, the results of their phase 2b trial be mighty fine! Anchors aweigh!

Arr, word be sayin' that Italy be thinkin' 'bout guidin' ye way o' makin' wee ones with help from scallywag doctors.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! There be no state-sanctioned guidelines on preventin' or treatin' infertility, but fear not, mates! The new year be bringin' winds o' change in this here matter. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

January 16, 2024

Arrr, the FDA be advisin' the DEA to be shiftin' cannabis to Schedule III. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, ye scurvy FDA dogs be finally realizin' that the wondrous herb known as cannabis be havin' medicinal properties! They be sayin' it be movin' from Schedule I to Schedule III on the list of controlled substances. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The swashbucklin' Radiation Oncologists be fightin' for proper payment reform amidst the blasted budget cuts!

Arrr, me hearties! Since the year 2013, our fine radiation oncologists be witnessin' a 23% decrease in the doubloons they be receivin' from Medicare for their trusty radiation therapy services. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! FDA be givin' thumbs up to Pembrolizumab for fightin' stage 3/4a scurvy o' the cervix!

Arr matey! Pembrolizumab be gettin' its 40th nod for helpin' cancer patients, includin' them scurvy dogs with cervical cancer. That be a mighty fine achievement, says Medscape Medical News. Yo ho ho!

Arr! Me hearties, consider ye short-stay quarters as a safe haven for yer heart failure, aye!

Yarr, me mateys! Listen ye up! Heart failure patients treated in a wee unit, instead of bein' locked up in a gloomy hospital, be livin' a jolly life of equal quality. And, they be havin' a fine advantage of stayin' clear of the dreaded hospital! Yo ho ho!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis a tale of grandeur! Despite the industry's mighty pleas, tobacco use worldwide be takin' a tumble, says WHO!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The scurvy dogs at the World Health Organization be sayin' that the number of landlubbers puffin' on tobacco has dropped. Aye, only one in five be smokin' now, compared to one in three back in 2000. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! Aye, mateys! Listen up, for I've got some scallywag-worthy news fer ye! 'Tis a tale called "Fresh Discoveries 'bout Deathly Matters in the Famed Takotsubo Syndrome."

Arr, ye landlubbers! This here takotsubo syndrome be as deadly as a grand myocardial infarction. Many a scurvy dog be meeting Davy Jones' locker due to the heart's misadventures. <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

January 15, 2024

Arrr! Avast, ye scallywags! Turns out, most landlubber doctors don't truly rest when they be takin' time off, says a study.

Arrr! Some 70% of landlubber physicians be toiling on their voyage days, and one-fifth be takin' less than a fortnight o' leave in a year. Keep an eye on <i>Medscape Medical News</i>, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Them fancy scholars be claimin' that measurin' T3 be mighty important, arrr!

"'Tis a matter of import, me hearties, to take note that them usual reckonings of T4 and TSH do naught to show the true tale of free T3 levels," spake the scurvy researchers. Argh!

Arrr! Yonder FDA be grantin' permission to use a scurvy genetic test to measure the danger o' opioid addiction, mateys!

Arr, mateys! This here test be aidin' the medicine folk to measure the scurvy dog's chance o' catchin' the dreaded opioid use ailment. 'Tis a fresh way to handle the pain, ye see! Aye, <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sayin' so!

Avast ye! Be ye wonderin' how much them blasted screentime be affectin' wee ones' growth?

Arrr! The Dutch be limitin' the use o' mobile gadgets in their learnin' dens. But does starin' at screens fer too long dull the mind? European scallywags give their two pieces o' eight.

Arr, me mateys! Be warned, for the scallywags bearin' a wee babe may face a greater peril - gestational diabetes doubles the risk of chronic kidney disease!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye listenin' closely? Aye, this here study be tellin' us that expectin' mums with the sugar in their blood be more likely to sail into the treacherous waters of kidney troubles later in life, especially if they find themselves facin' the dreaded diabetes or hypertension. Aye, mateys, a warning from the Danish registry, it be!

Arrr! Yonder aches and pains, oft blamed on pesky ticks, be nothin' but a scurvy misdiagnosis, matey!

Avast ye, mateys! A grand study be done, but alas, it found no link betwixt tick bites of the past and achin' bones or rickety joints. Arrr, no signs of osteoarthritis be found, says the study, savvy?

January 12, 2024

Arrr, be ye, unknowingly, lendin' a hand to the triumphant ascent of these fearsome Superfungi, matey?

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs be spreadin' ye topical antifungal meds without a care, and it be encouragin' them pesky microbes to build up resistance! Avast, ye better think twice before ye go dispensin' these remedies like pieces o' eight.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Europe be makin' them rules stricter fer treatin' Valproate! Buck up, ye landlubbers!

Arr matey! The European Medicines Agency be takin' precautions to thwart them neurodevelopmental troubles in wee ones born to swashbucklers who've had a taste o' valproate afore begettin'. Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye mateys! Aye, we've got jolly good news! Our new scallywag antipsychotic be showin' great promise in battlin' psychosis!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye hearin' the good news? The investigational antipsychotic KarXT be mighty effective in curbin' the cursed symptoms of schizophrenia, both positive and negative, as per the EMERGENT-2 trial. And fear not, me mates, for its side-effects be kind to us souls. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, the CMS be grantin' treasure for a fancy new AI test fer the ol' prostate! Argh!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! ArteraAI be aimin' to better reckon th' dangers ahead, ye see? 'Tis to help yer doctors make wiser choices, savin' ye lads from needless treatments. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Blimey! In the land of Britannia, the deathly toll of mothers be risin' like a kraken!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! I bring ye grievous tidings! The UK be sufferin' a mighty surge in the loss o' fair mothers, with a dreadful 13.41 deaths fer every 100,000 births. 'Tis a cause fer great alarm, not seen since the days of yore, back in the early 2000s. Aye, 'tis a tale from Medscape News UK.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Telitacicept be a mighty treasure fer treatin' the foul curse o' lupus! Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, the reckonin' be in, me hearties! The scurvy dogs who took the experimental potion had less of those nasty glucocorticoids than the landlubbers who got the dummy medicine. Avast, says Medscape Medical News!

Yon panel be advisin' a wee raise in Medicare physician pay come 2025. Shiver me timbers, aye!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of Congress be gettin' a fierce urging from the powerful Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to set up a safety-net add-on payment for them poor souls with meager purses. Avast, it be in the Medscape Medical News!

Be th' qu'rest, be Axillary Surgery for Abemaciclib Candidacy Overused among th' sea dogs?

Arrr! Many a lass with HR-positive, HER2-negative chest ills be sufferin' through needless cutlass wieldin' on their armpits! New reckonin' be sayin' so, says Medscape Medical News, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, these fancy contraptions be aidin' ye in battlin' T1D, deliverin' insulin like magic to yer body!

Arrr! A merry crew o' 16 diabetes experts from Spain be tellin' us that fancy, newfangled hybrid closed-loop systems be makin' patients with type 1 diabetes keep their blood sugars shipshape! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

January 11, 2024

Arr, nay scallywags be linkin' these GLP-1s to dark thoughts of takin' a plunge to Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, ye scurvy FDA scallywags claim no proof be found 'twixt the cursed medicine class and those wicked thoughts of self-destruction! Aye, says Medscape Medical News!

Arr, thar be a scuffle brewin' 'tween Louisiana Gov and th' Medical Board o'er their diversity rules, mateys!

Avast ye mateys! A scallywag nonprofit be cryin' foul, claimin' Louisiana's law be discriminatin' as it demands two sea dogs from minority groups to be part of the medical board. Arrr, what a tale!

Arrr, matey! Pray tell, what be the affliction caused by the vile plastic exposure?

Arrr, mateys! The beasty plastics be everywhere, fillin' our seas and makin' us sick with their vile chemicals! The cursed exposure to these hormone-twistin' devils be costin' our fine US society a whopping $250 billion each year! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye scallywags knowin' that TAVR can make yer heart pump faster, if only fer a wee while?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a dire warning for ye heart mateys! Them fancy heart valve swaps may raise yer chance o' a thunderous stroke, but fret not, for it be just for a measly 2 years. Arrr!

Arr! 'Tis said Psilocybin be a fine remedy for the melancholy that plagues our cancer-ridden mates!

Arrr! Yarrr, these magic mushrooms be helpin' cancer-ridden mates wit' their sadness! Aye, the therapy be workin' wonders fer 'em, liftin' their spirits like a fine gust o' wind fillin' the sails. Yo ho ho, keep yer chin up, me hearties!

Belay yer hearts, mateys! The loss o' yer kin raises the odds o' ye sufferin' from a heartquake, arrr!

Yarrr, me hearties! The young scallywags who outlast their kin might be facin' a perilous fate of stroke, coronary heart disease, or even a thunderin' heart attack. Beware, ye landlubbers! The news be brought by Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that the HPV vax be helpin' to reduce the chances o' yer cervical lesions growin' worse.

Arrr, me mateys! Aye, it be said that knowin' if ye be vaccinated can help them shipshape doctors guess how likely ye be to sail into danger with that fancy-soundin' cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2. Yo-ho-ho!

Avast ye landlubber! What be the variables that sway the choices fer healin' scallywag HS patients?

Arr, these fine skippers they be, these dermatologists, aye! They be givin' patients the knowledge and might to make wise choices and find treatments that truly be makin' a difference, says the ol' scroll called Medscape Medical News. Har har!

January 10, 2024

Arrr, Mateys! Ye scurvy dogs with acne, take heed! Probiotics and other potions might be yer treasure for clear skin.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis said that this Myo-inositol be one o' them fancy supplements that can lend a hand to those scurvy dogs with acne, as them experts revealed at some grand dermatology gathering. Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i> be spillin' the beans!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them DSM-5 panel swabs be pocketin' a grand sum o' $14M from the industry!

Arrr! Be it true, me hearties! New research hath uncovered that near 60% o' them sea dogs who served as panel and task force members fer the 2022 text revision of the DSM-5 be havin' received a mighty sum o' $14 million in industry booty! Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be the source, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! Ye be needin' a 500-mg Calciarrr Pill to fend off the notorious Preeclampsia, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' that the scurvy dogs over in India and Tanzania be testin' a wee bit o' calcium dose. Turns out, 'twas but a third of what the fancy World Health Organization be recommendin', but still be workin' just fine! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, FDA be dismissin' GI Cancer Drug, claimin' foul play in the makin' o' the brew!

Arr! The maker of the elixir, zolbetuximab, claims to be parleying with the FDA to tackle the troubles. Avast, me hearties, hold yer breath for more updates!

Arrrrr! Be we pirates wise enough to know if scurvy lungs need a fancy screening? Methinks not, mateys!

Arrr! A be a study that be findin' more plunderin' o' invasive procedures an' troubles after yearli' lung cancer screenings than what be known afore. Yo ho ho! - Medscape Medical News

Arr, Vertex be stoppin' its study o' islet cells, mateys! Deaths be makin' 'em think twice! Ahoy!

Arr, the scurvy deaths be not caused by the mystical allogeneic stem cell–derived potion VX-880, sayeth the company. Yo ho ho, says the Medscape Medical News.

"Arr! This here Icodec + Semaglutide be a fine catch, mateys! It be outshinin' that pesky insulin, it be!"

Arr, mateys! This here IcoSema be a mighty fine concoction, blendin' the powers o' fixed-ratio once-weekly insulin icodec with semaglutide! Weighin' it against the daily glargine + aspart, it proved just as dandy! Yo ho ho, cheers to Medscape Medical News for sharin' the tale!

Arrr, Matey! Ye be havin' Axial Spondyloarthritis, a scurvy more than a pain in yer back!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye scurvy dogs! Axial spondyloarthritis be a foul curse, makin' yer back ache like the devil's fury! But beware, there be other ailments sailin' alongside, needin' treatment too, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis said that grub be not a magical cure for the curse of diabetes. Yarrr, research be against it!

Avast ye scallywags! These new reckonings be tellin' us that these fancy food-as-medicine schemes don't be helpin' ye with yer high blood sugar! Arrr, seems like all that hype be nothin' but a load o' bilge!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The surgin' costs be risin' faster than me pirate ship! 'Tis a plague upon gender-affirming care!

Arrr, ye be seein' a mighty challenge for clinics that be offerin' trans care, mateys! Obtainin' malpractice insurance on the commercial marketplace be like tryin' to find buried treasure in a stormy sea. Aye, tis a quiet barrier indeed.

Arr, me hearties, 'tis a tale o' scallywags and their lacklustre desires while pokin' 'round the ol' guts!

Arrrr, a mighty retrospectin' tale be told, me hearties! It be revealin' the first reckonin' o' how many souls, partakin' in upper endoscopy durin' treatments fer diabetes and obesity, be havin' their lungs filled with the treacherous drink known as pulmonary aspiration. Sail on, Medscape Medical News!

January 9, 2024

Arr, me hearties! The FDA be givin' the nod to a fancy new gadget to help yer diagnose them pesky brain ailments!

Arrr, mateys! Ye be hearin' of a grand invention called NM-101, crafted by the good lads at Terran Biosciences! It be a mighty cloud-based software that can decipher them fancy neuromelanin-sensitive MRI scans, helpin' with the identification of me hearties sufferin' from neurodegenerative diseases. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! Yonder common pills for the ailment o' diabetes be havin' the bonus o' guardin' yer kidneys too, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale o' the seven seas! These fine concoctions, nay just for the sugar sickness, be tellin' tales o' protectin' against the dreaded acute kidney disease. Aye, but alas, only a scurvy few be usin' 'em for that purpose. Sail on, Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Someone be axing medical aid to North Gaza, lackin' security guarantees. Belay that!

Arrr, the World Health Organization (WHO) be sayin' it be havin' to scuttle a mission to bring healin' supplies to northern Gaza. The blasted landlubbers there be refusin' to provide proper security! Aye, it be a grim tale indeed.

Blimey! A grand increase in visits to the ship's medic for me hearties with Schizophrenia, thanks to COVID!

Arr, the number o' landlubbers sailin' to the emergency room with their wits all a-scatter be risin' by a mighty 15%, mateys! A grand study revealed this tidin' durin' the cursed COVID-19 times. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale, arr!

"Avast ye mateys! Me hearties be warnin' ye, the treacherous seas o' young-onset dementia be marked by changeable dangers!"

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis been discovered that sailin' alone on the vast sea o' loneliness, drinkin' grog like a true scallywag, and lackin' in the mighty vitamin D can lead to young-onset dementia. No more swashbucklin' for ye, me mateys!

Arr, ye landlubber! Be warned, there be lingering consequences when ye meddle with yer prostate cancer treatment!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Local treatment for advanced prostate cancer be bringin' a mighty burden of persistent ill effects, far worse than nonlocal therapy alone! Avast, says Medscape Medical News!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs, gather 'round! The grand AHA be sharin' an update on savin' landlubber hearts!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! The latest news be tellin' of new guidelines on keepin' ye body temperature in check and performin' somethin' called percutaneous coronary angiography when yer ol' ticker stops. Avast! It be important, me mateys!

The grog be runnin' low, me mateys! 'Tis a tale o' stress durin' fertility treatments makin' the glucose rise!

Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Listen ye well to this here tale from the Medscape Medical News, lest ye be scurvy dogs!

"Arrr, matey! A lack o' proper teeth be a curse upon ye noggin. Keep yer chompers shipshape, lest ye mind be afloat!"

Arrr, mateys! A newfangled study be claimin' that takin' care o' yer teeth could help keep yer noggin shipshape! Tis a fine notion, says I, and worth investigatin' fer keepin' our brains smart as a scallywag's sword. Aye, me hearties!

January 8, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! The Tandem Insulin Pump System be joinin' forces with the wondrous Libre Sensor, me treasure!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Tandem Diabetes Care be makin' history, as their t:slim X2 insulin pump becometh the first to join forces with Abbott's FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor for ye landlubbers in the great US o' A! Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be bringin' ye this here tale!

Yonder study be reckonin' which ailments be sailin' alongside Dermatomyositis, ye scurvy dog!

Arr, the scurvy results be showin' where we can be stoppin' troubles afore they happen, say the scholars. Aye, 'tis what be written by the good folks at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! Ye scallywags, a shiny new gadget be 'ere to help ye detect diabetic neuropathy!

Arrr, the savvy researchers be usin' a fancy optical diffusion technology in a cheap portable contraption to measure the wee microvascular blood flow in human skin. And, by Davy Jones' locker, they be showin' it can help detect diabetic neuropathy early on! Shiver me timbers!

Arr! SGLT2 Inhibitors be discoverin' hidden treasure in Rheumatology, matey! Aye, a jolly good find indeed!

Avast ye! Methinks these Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors be not meant to cure the likes o' gout, lupus, or lupus nephritis, but some scurvy doctors be spyin' some signs of good they may bring to these afflictions! Arrrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that limitin' ye intake o' grub can affect yer gut 'n brain, says a bunch o' fancy scientists.

Avast ye scallywags! If ye be lookin' to shed some weight, aye, ye can be restrictin' yer energy intake from time to time. 'Tis said to quiet yer noggin's cravings and spice up the diversity of critters in yer gut. Arrr!

Arrr! The scurvy-infested belly plunder, be it cancerous or not, be varyin' among diverse brethren aboard the ship!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale told that Asian and Hispanic mates be havin' a better shot at survivin' than the White and Black scallywags. Shiver me timbers! Methinks 'tis worth ponderin'. Ahoy, Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Be this "Noninvasive Brain Stim" a mighty discovery for puttin' folks under yer spell with hypnotherapy?

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! News be sailin' the seas! Aye, 'tis been discovered that a quick TMS can enhance one's ability to be mesmerized! This be great news for the world o' therapeutic hypnosis! More souls can now partake in its benefits! Yo ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arr, me hearties! The strange African potions be enhancin' me noggin' after a bashin' on the noggin'!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! The use of ibogaine, a mystical substance, be bringin' about a wondrous change in those sufferin' from severe disability and troubled minds due to a blow to the noggin. Aye, the early signs be showin' a remarkable improvement, me hearties! Yo ho ho!

January 5, 2024

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! The FDA be grantin' approval to Berdazimer Gel for the cursed Molluscum Contagiosum!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! They be sayin' that the magical ointment shall be ready for purchase come the second half of 2024, mark me words! Aye, 'tis what Medscape Medical News be tellin' us!

Arrr, me hearties! Eli Lilly be sellin' their obesity drug straight to ye scurvy dogs!

On Thursday, Eli Lilly set sail on a grand quest, unveiling its portal straight to the patient. They be offerin' their obesity potions, along with remedies for the cursed diabetes and throbbin' migraines. Avast, me hearties, the treasure trove of healing be at yer fingertips!

Be ye keepin' watch fer wee danger o' the pox? Be it a wild dash or a steady voyage, matey?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis no simple code to decipher for men who'd rather spy on their blasted prostate cancers than seek treatment, arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Be these Post-Meal Insulin Surges bringin' booty to our health or scurvy to our bellies?

Arr, mateys! Be ye listenin'? 'Tis a tale of good news, me hearties! Despite the scurrilous rumors, me studies reveal that the insulin spikes after grubbin' be bringin' blessings, not curses. Yo ho ho, says Medscape Medical News!

Arr! The FDA be investigatin' three peculiar side effects from them weight loss potions, me hearties!

Arrr! A recent scroll be claimin' GLP-1 agonists be havin' ties to baldness, breathin' in stuff durin' cuttin' open, and even thoughts o' takin' one's own life. Blimey! WebMD Health News be sharin' this tale.

Arrr, matey! Whence doth be the culprit behind ye scurvy stroke's most usual misfortune?

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! After a stroke, the dreaded poststroke depression becometh a common blight. But fear not! Two fresh studies now shed light on its devilish workings, pointin' the way for future targets o' treatment. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! Be these magnetic seeds and guidewires for detectin' breast cancer? Aye, me mateys, 'tis a curious loot indeed!

Arr matey! Them paramagnetic seeds be mighty handy for findin' them breast tumors, like guidewires they be! But we still be ponderin' if the booty we pay fer 'em be worth the treasure we reap.

Arrr, wee buccaneer be sportin' a shiny new ticker, sailin' smooth seas with nary a worry!

Arrr! 'Tis a jolly good news, mateys! The world's heave-ho first transplantation of aortic and pulmonary valves into a wee neonate be a triumph! Those valves be growin' and workin' just fine, arrr! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

"Arr! The effect of carryin' a wee babe on yer rosy face be as fickle as the wind, says a study, matey!"

Arr, 'tis a tale o' woe! Near half o' them scallywags with the burning red cheeks be sayin' their cursed rosacea be gettin' worse whilst carryin' a wee pirate in their bellies. Aye, 'tis no easy sailin' for these lasses!

Aye, the savvy expert be pointin' out the fine biologics sailin' fer a cure of the itchy scurvy called eczema!

Arrr, Cap'n David Rosmarin be spyin' on them fancy biologics, seekin' to strike down the vile interleukin-4 and other receptors. Avast, the MDedge News be tellin' ye the tale!

January 4, 2024

"Marooned in the Shadows: Aye, Prior Authorization be a Scoundrel, Plundering Trust 'n Doubling the Booty!"

Arrr! A bewilderin' demand for prior authorization 'twas given, leavin' a poor oncologist's patient sufferin' in agonizin' pain all through the cursed weekend. Blimey!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! 'Tis true, the blessings of the mighty sea saw an increase in US dermatologic drug approvals 'tween 2012 and 2022.

Arr, out of the 52 fresh potions sanctioned o'er the past decade, only 21% be deemed as first in class! But methinks we be needin' more breakthroughs for the cursed pox that plague our hides, as them fancy authors be sayin'. Yo ho ho!

"Arrr! Them fancy high-dose potions for young lads be a treacherous gamble on the high seas!"

Arr matey! Avast ye! Shiver me timbers! Swallowin' more of those fancy second-generation antipsychotic potions be raisin' the chances of meetin' Davy Jones' locker for youngins aged 18-24, says a grand ol' study. Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! Lilly be launchin' a fine website, offerin' home delivery for their magical fat-fightin' concoction!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Eli Lilly and Co be launchin' a site fer ye to directly order from the drugmaker, includin' their weight-loss medicine Zepbound. And by Davy Jones' locker, ye can even connect with other folks! Yo ho ho, the world be changin'!

January 3, 2024

Arrr! Be thar a dire matern' health crisis in th' rural US? Can be shipmates know if family doctors be th' answer?

Avast ye! In a land far away, where the scurvy-ridden folks be sufferin' from a lack o' healthcare, the noble government be pourin' gold and focus to help recruit more healers. Arrr, mateys!

Arrr! The wee little doctors o' chubby pirates be yearnin' fer GLP-1s, but 'tis a struggle indeed!

Arrr! The remedies may lessen or obliterate weight-concerned troubles in wee ones, but be scarce, and them blasted insurers be refusing to pay, declare these shipshape peddlers of pint-sized patients.

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis said that this newfangled AI can spy the mending of our guts! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The employment of standardized, shared AI training data could enhance the proficiency of novel machine learning algorithms to a greater extent, methinks! Avast, ye scallywags at Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! The wee ones with MS OSA be havin' their circadian BP shifts afore the sun be risin'!

Arrr! The fancy sleep data be sayin' that keepin' an eye on them pesky disruptions might be a way to chart the troubles with blood pressure in young landlubbers. Aye, that be from Medscape Medical News, matey!

Arrr, Mateys! Avast ye! Check out the tale of 2023, when the landlubbers changed the rules for them fancy internists!

Arrr, mateys! The bygone year hath seen grand shifts in the rules of bein' cautious 'gainst anxiety, the dreaded HIV, and the scurvy RSV! Not to forget the fresh codes o' conduct fer mendin' the hearts plagued by atrial fibrillation. Avast, ye landlubbers! <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr, me trusty matey, this magical device be helpin' ye in taming yer unruly bladder, savvy?

Arr, me hearties! A fancy contraption o' the digital kind might just be th' answer to yer pelvic floor troubles, me mateys! It be easier on yer purse and more convenient, says Medscape Medical News. Hoist the anchor and give it a whirl, ye scallywags!

Arr, the JAMA Internal Medicine Editor be tellin' tales o' 2023's mighty research explorations, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the latest news from the shores of MDedge! Gather 'round, me hearties, and listen well. The tale be short and sweet, just like a lass's kiss. So set yer eyes on the written word, and let it tickle yer funny bone, arr!

The best course to sail after the scurvy operation o' the neck, matey. Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Instead o' usin' a scurvy one-size-fits-all method, keepin' a weather eye out fer cancer comin' back after savin' yer fertility from the clutches o' cervical cancer surgery can be custom-made based on testin' fer HPV and cytology. Yo ho ho!

January 2, 2024

Arrr, should these landlubber doctors be givin' scurvy dogs medical credit cards? Avast, I be doubting it!

Arrr, as the scurvy-infested sea dogs known as medical credit cards be under the watchful eye of the federal scallywags for their treacherous terms that add to the debt of poor patients, the wise doctors ponder the advantages and disadvantages, me hearties.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Ye can lengthen the time fer mixin' potions after a stroke to keep yer blood flowin'!

Arrr, the INSPIRES trial has brought forth new data that be sayin' dual antiplatelet therapy started within 72 hours after a stroke be cuttin' the risk for yet another stroke. But beware, me hearties, for it also brings an increased risk of bleedin'! Yo ho ho, says Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye sufferin' from hypochondriasis? Beware, for it be tyin' ye to death's noose, or worse, suicide!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The cursed ailment known as hypochondriasis be connected to a mighty 84% higher chance of meetin' Davy Jones' locker, and a four times greater risk o' takin' a one-way trip to Davey Jones' locker by yer own hand! Shiver me timbers! New research be showin' this, ye landlubbers!

Arr! Yonder cursed H pylori infection be connectin' with a greater peril of Alzheimer's, ye scallywags!

Yarrr! Tis be sayin' that the cursed Helicobacter pylori be bringin' an 11% hike in danger, but a wise matey be advisin' to go easy on believin' such claims. Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 29, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! Pray, who be benefitin' from employin' the powers o' AI durin' a bum inspection?

Arrr! The clues be jumbled, but tis said that employin' AI gadgets durin' a colonoscopy shall aid all scurvy endoscopists, especially as the technology be polished in the future. Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye plagued with a case o' the scurvy eye, conjunctivitis, while on the mighty Dupilumab? Pray tell!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them grown-up lubbers sufferin' from AD be facin' a mighty perilous journey. Aye, the risk be higher fer 'em to catch sight ailments like conjunctivitis and keratitis. Arrr, be careful with yer peepers, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye! Sip on beetroot juice, me hearties, 'tis said to improve fitness 'n function in them COPD sufferers!

Arr, matey! 'Tis said that poppin' nitrate pills through yer gob might be a fine way to mend yer heart, especially if ye be sailin' in a treacherous sea o' health risks. Avast! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' this hear tale.

Arr matey! The scoundrel drugmakers be plunderin' the land, raisin' prices on 500 drugs come January, arr!

Arrr! Me hearties, word be spreadin' that Pfizer, Sanofi, and Takeda be plannin' to heave up the prices o' 500 drugs in the United States come January! Aye, ye heard me right, me mateys! This news comes from the scurvy dogs at Reuters Health Information!

Arrr! Be ChatGPT a true matey when it comes to answerin' queries 'bout the heart's sudden mutiny?

Arrr, me hearties! We be settin' sail on a voyage to test ChatGPT's knowledge on savin' souls from Davy Jones' locker, answerin' questions from survivors, their kin, and landlubbers. Arr, it be accurate, but beware its limitations! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, this fancy High-Sensitivity Troponin be offerin' a grand diagnostic edge for discernin' AMI, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! The good ol' study be showin' that this fancy HEART pathway, fitted with high-sensitivity troponin, be outshinin' the regular troponin in checkin' a scallywag's chest pain. It be spot-on at findin' a heart attack, savin' many a soul! Yo ho ho! Savvy?

December 28, 2023

Engagin' in hearty exercise be proven t' expand yer noggin, matey! Get movin' if ye want a mega brain!

Arr! A fancy brain imaging study be showin' that ye scurvy dogs who partake in regular bouts of hearty physical activity have bigger brain volumes! Aye, it seems that exercise be protectin' yer noggin, me hearties! - Medscape Medical News

Arrr! 'Ow be th' mateys lookin' at their scurvy cancer test results, ye ask? Yo ho ho, let me reckon!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! A recent analysis be sayin' that with them electronic patient portals, patients be layin' their eyes on their test results quicker 'n more oft afore their clinician. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Arr! Ye scallywags, we be findin' no boost for this breast cancer type from chemo, aye!

Yarr! Mixin' chemotherapy with endocrine therapy for lasses with ER-positive, HER2-negative invasive lobular carcinoma be not boostin' their chances of survival, says Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! News be tellin' of a mighty surge in the rate o' self-inflicted departures in the land o' US, as per the CDC!

Arr, mateys! The scurvy dogs at the CDC be sharin' news that the rates o' suicide in the US have surged mightily over the last two score! Aye, the American Indian/Alaska Native folks and the White buccaneers be sufferin' the most. Yo ho ho!

"Arrr! tDCS be a fine vessel fer boostin' yer thinkin' power in the dread disease o' Alzheimer's, mateys!"

"Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! I be tellin' ye, this here study be provin' that zappin' the noggin with electricity actually be helpin' them poor souls with forgetful minds. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, me hearties!"

Arrr! Tis said that the treacherous H pylori be linked to riskin' yer mind with the foul Alzheimer's!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A vile infection called Helicobacter pylori be linked to a wee bit higher risk of catchin' the dreaded Alzheimer's disease, according to newfangled research. Avast, that be some worryin' news indeed! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Yarr! Messin' wit' ye noggin' after a bangin' to thy head be bringin' worse results, matey!

Arrr! Mateys, newfangled research be sayin' that slicin' open yer skull after a good knock be not doin' ye any favors! 'Tis like a cursed curse on yer recovery and thinkin' abilities, says the scribes at Medscape Medical News. Ahoy!

Arr, mateys! Elafibranor be showin' promise fer PBC, keepin' us pirates healthy 'n' safe on th' seas!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! Elafibranor be a mighty remedy, showin' grand improvements in ye cholestasis. Them biochemical indicators be dancin' like jolly pirates, leavin' the placebo in Davy Jones' locker. Savvy?

Arrr! The SEQUOIA-HCM trial be a success, mateys! We've found treasure in them OHCM waters!

Arrr! The first reckonin' o' the grand phase 3 trial be in! It be showin' aficamten, the mystical cardiac myosin inhibitor, be bringin' good fortune to them sufferin' from obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy! Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Them scurvy dogs in 2 more states might be eligible for havin' their student loan sins forgiven!

Avast ye! Yonder California and Texas healers may be qualified for Public Service Loan Pardoning with newfangled rules. But beware ye, mateys! A swift action be needed by December 31, lest ye be left stranded in the sea of debt. Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Arrr! Be it true, mateys! Them benzos be cursed! Raise yer anchor, avoid 'em, or ye might lose yer wee treasure!

Avast ye matey! After much study, 'tis been discovered that the use of benzos in the early stages o' pregnancy raises the chances o' a miscarriage. But fear not, for the wise doctors do say that ye must consider the possible gains before ye decide t' take such remedies. Arrr!

December 27, 2023

Avast ye mateys! FDA be broadening the label for CVRx Barostim System in Heart Failure. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Avast! The Barostim neuromodulation system be now fit fer them hearties sailin' in NYHA class III or class II HF, despite them fancy medical therapies. But mind ye, mateys, yer LVEF must be ≤ 35% an' NT-proBNP be low. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Fer Slimmin' with a Scallywag's Diet, 'tis the Quality o' yer Grub that be crucial, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis be true, only them low-carbohydrate victuals that be favorin' fine protein, fat, 'n whole grain vittles from plants be keepin' ye from gainin' extra pounds. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, matey! Be thar fresh skirmishes in ye battle against the treacherous breast scurvy. Could ye patient find booty?

Arrr! Me hearties with chest afflictions may befit to partake in these experimental trials. Avast! Readeth 'Medscape Medical News' for more.

Arrr, me hearty! 'Tis a guide on how to tackle the sneaky scallywags who be withholdin' yer rightful booty.

Avast ye, me hearties! When them scurvy insurers pay less than the agreed rate, 'tis a mighty blow to a practice's coffers. Fear not, I'll show ye how to reclaim yer rightful booty. Arrr!

Yarr! 'Tis a perilous path, mateys! Quitting the wicked habit may take ages 'fore ye be free o' death's clutches!

Aye, me hearties! Them lads and lasses who've cast aside the vile habit of puffin' smoke can cut down their chances of croakin' from a broken heart by a whopping 100%, scallywag! They also be slashin' their risk of dyin' from the dread pirate cancer by 93%, and the risk of wheezin' their last breath away by 97%. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, the EU be wantin' to lessen the dangers o' AI, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! This new law be aimin' to keep them fancy AI contraptions safe in Europe! It be makin' sure that democracy and rights be respected, and that companies be gettin' the most booty from this here technology! Yo ho ho!

December 26, 2023

Arr, mateys! Sailing the treacherous seas of med school while starting a brood be a scallywag's challenge, says students!

Arrr, me hearties! This here study be sayin' that if ye be addin' some jolly ol' family plannin' discussions to yer medical learnin', and makin' a work environ where ye get all the support ye need, it could be mighty helpful, says them fancy study authors. Yo ho ho!

"Yarr, me hearties! 'Tis a study on predictin' troubles with the immune system while battlin' melanoma!"

Thar be a telltale sign, mateys! Melanoma histopathology foretold which scallywags be apt to suffer from immune-related troubles whilst takin' checkpoint inhibitors. Arrr, Medscape Medical News be spillin' th' beans!

Avast ye mateys! Me ship's log be demandin' a bit o' study on plantin' ICDs after a heart-shatterin' attack.

Arrr, the discovery of new potions be alterin' the peril-to-gain measure fer stickin' ICD gizmos in folks with a mighty bad heart pump after a seizure. - Medscape Medical News

"Arrr! Ensuring the safety of injectable potions in the world of cosmetic treasure maps, mateys!"

Arrr, me hearties! The swift surge in injectin' hyaluronic acid and Botox in our skins be bringin' more troubles along the way. Watch out, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be warnin' us!

"'Aye, me hearties! Witness the grand 'Real-time Experiment': Blended GLP-1s be found on a most generous Coupon Site!"

Yarr! Me hearties, scurvy purveyors o' coupon sites be sellin' weigh' loss programs wit' blended semaglutide an' tirzepatide. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the tale!

December 22, 2023

Arrr! 'Tis a pity, mateys! The use of opioid agonist therapy be lackin'! Yarrr, the numbers don't lie!

Arrr, ye scurvy researchers be sayin' that we need more of this opioid agonist therapy in the hospitals! Looks like we need to be puttin' in some extra effort to spread the word and get this intervention goin' in the acute care settings, me hearties! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Europe be havin' a rumblin' in its belly, me hearties! Beware the Erythritol Laxative Effect and Lead Levels, aye!

Arrr! The European Food Safety Authority be settin' a new level for safe guzzlin' o' the sweetener, mateys! But don't ye be forgettin', a warnin' label be still needed! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr matey! Olympus be takin' back them Bronchoscopes! They be faulty, so beware, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! The US Food and Drug Administration be warnin' ye that these gadgets be bringin' ye closer to Davy Jones' locker! Yet, they be keepin' 'em around for now, so ye can still take yer chances. Avast, ye scurvy knaves! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye, mateys! Hasten thy steps to keep scurvy Diabetes Type 2 at bay! Quick march, ye landlubbers!

Yarrr! A scurvy analysis reveals that scallywags who swagger with a swift gait are 24% less likely to be plagued with the dreadful curse of type 2 diabetes, while them lazy landlubbers be left to suffer. Savvy?

Arrr, Enhancing Pleasure for Lasses with Lovin' Issues - A Guide fer the Curious Buccaneers!

Whilst many a lass be sufferin' from a lack o' intimacy, they be keepin' mum 'bout it, arrr! Aye, 'tis a problem o' the sea that be affectin' their livelihood! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' tales, me hearties!

Arr, ye scallywags! GLP-1s, those fancy antidiabetic potions, be safe for thee lasses carryin' wee buccaneers! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scallywags! Yonder study be tellin' us that more lasses be usin' medicines while carryin' wee ones, especially in the States. But beware, me hearties, for though the chance o' birth defects be small, there be still some drawbacks. Yo ho ho!

Be ye tellin' me, matey, if a stout belly be keepin' scallywag stones from formin' in yer kidney? Arrr!

Avast ye! Mateys with kidney stones be havin' changes in their belly and wee microbiota, different from those without. Arrr!

Yer scurvy dog o' a patient be hooked on a cursed substance! What be our next move, matey?

Arrr! The scallywag primary care clinicians be key in helpin' mateys with substance abuse disorders find the path to long-term recoverrry from their wicked addiction, by keepin' a keen eye on 'em during frequent checkup visits. Yo ho ho!

December 21, 2023

Arrr, the FDA be denyin' swift approval for that scurvy ALS remedy, Ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The FDA be sayin' nay to Clene Nanomedicine's quest for swift approval o' their fancy experimental drug for the cursed disease known as ALS. They be claimin' the evidence be as scarce as a buried treasure. Shiver me timbers!

"Arr! Belay yer cigars, ye scallywags! Them young rapscallions still be gettin' flavored E-cigs, defyin' the law!"

Arrr, mateys! Be ye hearin' this jolly tale? The scurvy dogs be sellin' their fancy e-cigars to wee lads and lasses, even though the law of California be sayin' nay. Ahoy, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Avast ye mateys! Here be word of a potion fer ye corpulent scallywags that may aid ye alcohol woes, arrr!

Thar be signs o' hope, me hearties! The scallywag preclinical and early clinical reckonin' be showin' that GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy may have a role in curin' the cursed alcohol use disorder. Splice the mainbrace! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye! The wise sea dogs be claimin' a whopping $7 million booty in the forced retirement skirmish!

Arr! For a span of 2 years, one San Diego medical crew demanded their shipmates, those physicians, to abandon ship upon reachin' the tender age of 75. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A shiny new test be comin' to save ye poor souls from arthritis woes!

Tales of constant agony, scurvy cures, and the blasted insurance scallywags plague many a soul stricken with rheumatoid arthritis. But fear not me hearties, for precision medicine be a beacon of hope on the horizon! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Thar be news o' grand import on thar major trials o' the cursed beast called breast cancer!

Avast ye mateys! Behold, I bring ye tidings of the latest intel from five phase 3 trials unveiled at SABCS 2023. Aye, this news be from Medscape Medical News, yarrr!

Arrr! Me hearty hormones be tellin' us if them AI contraptions be good fer preventin' bilge rat BC!

Arrr, ye scurvy bilge rats! Takin' the measure o' serum hormone concentrations in postmenopausal lasses at high risk fer developin' BC may help us scallywags identify them most likely to find relief from preventin' treatment with an aromatase inhibitor. <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye mateys! The scurvy COVID Strain JN.1 be catchin' the eye of the WHO, 'tis now a curious 'Variant of Interest'!

Arr, me hearties! JN.1 be sailin' alongside its kin, BA.2.86, but by the powers! It be growin' like a kraken in the last four weeks, so the WHO decided to give it a ship of its very own. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 20, 2023

Avast ye! 'Tis a sad tale, mateys. Though the X-Waiver be gone, Buprenorphine Rx be takin' a mighty tumble. Arr!

Arr! Avast ye mateys! Aft'r abolishin' th' mandatory trainin' fer scrawlin' buprenorphine prescriptions, them fancy scrolls fer that drug did decrease th' followin' year, says newfangled research. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye! Word be spreadin' o' the passin' o' Dr. Jean-Philippe Collet, a fine matey be sailin' to Davy Jones' locker.

Arr, the mateys of cardiology be sheddin' tears for the loss of their esteemed member, a true legend in both the realms of research and clinical prowess. Aye, the seas of medicine be forever changed. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, matey! Be ye tellin' me that the color of yer skin be havin' naught to do with yer heart's plunderin' risk?

Arr, a newfangled study be contributin' to th' swellin' pile o' proof castin' doubt on th' notion o' categorizin' folks by race fer medical measures. Avast!

Arr, me hearties! Yonder ECG sorcery be tellin' ye who'll be visitin' Davy Jones' locker after cuttin' operations!

Arr, matey! A fancy new contraption o' deep-learning has outshined an old-fashioned risk score in predictin' who be kickin' the bucket after surgery. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Yarr! Slice the thyroid for Hashimoto's, but beware mateys, twas not without peril! Arr!

Arr, a peculiar method be havin' a positive effect on general health scores, but alas, tis with a scurvy 14% complication rate. Avast ye, me hearties!

Bilge rats be warned, hearty lads with extra girth be in for a rough bout of scurvy! Arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, them fancy clinicians be sayin' that when they be seein' wee ones with MIS-C, they ought to think 'bout obesity bein' a matey in the mix. Aye, this be what them researchers be sayin'! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Cardiologists be blubberin' like landlubbers 'bout this scurvy report on overusin' coronary stents, mateys!

Yarr! The swashbucklin' clinicians be doubting the group's fancy ways, but the Lown Institute, who be makin' the report, be stickin' to their methods and conclusions, matey!

Avast ye mateys! Aye, tis now known that a hearty belly keeps the scurvy at bay. Aye, read on to learn more!

Arrr! Avast ye, scallywags! A grand study, never afore seen, might just lead us to findin' a newfangled way o' curin' infectious diseases by usin' the power o' the microbiome. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the tale, mateys!

Arr, mateys! Lass patients struck with PCI plunder find shortened DAPT be a boon to their health!

"Arrr, me hearties! Listen here, ye scallywags! Lasses havin' their hearts tended to with shorter dual antiplatelet therapy fare just as well as lads, even though they be takin' a higher risk from the start. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

December 19, 2023

Arrr, the latest Multiple Myeloma Staging Systems be outshinin' the standard like a shiny treasure in the sea!

Ahoy mateys! Tidings from a mighty US voyage! A grand study reveals equal precision, but superior discernment of ill shipmates at all stages o' their maladies. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! 'Tis the pesky infection that be the scurvy culprit for sendin' ye down to Davy Jones' locker when ye try CAR T therapy, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Ye won't believe it, but scurvy infections, blasted cardiopulmonary disease, and those cursed second cancers be taking down even the toughest swashbucklers in the CAR T-cell therapy trials! Ahoy! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis be told, scallywags takin' weight loss potions regain their booty when they cease!

Arr, the study delved into the landlubbers who be takin' weekly injections of tirzepatide, the mystical concoction found in Eli Lilly and Co.'s Zepbound. Aye, they be explorin' the secrets of this elixir! Savvy? <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Avast ye mateys! Whar be the 'Microbiome Revolution' sailin' towards in its next grand adventure?

Arr, the famous scurvy-ridden scallywag, Dr Martin J. Blaser, be sharin' his thoughts on the most promisin' uses o' the microbiome, along with the need for some proper clinical trials, me hearties! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arr! Christmas be a time fer hearts aflutter, but beware mateys, lest ye suffer a broken mast!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs of the medical realm, be ready for more than mere strokes, heart sieges, shattered hips, and drunkenness upon ye watch this yuletide! <br> <i>Medscape News UK</i>

Arr! GLP-1 RAs be linked to less chance o' gettin' scurvy colorectal cancer in mateys with T2DM, ye scurvy dogs!

The scurvy effects be more profound in landlubbers with a stout belly and a touch of the sugar sickness. Arrr, says Medscape Medical News, matey!

Arr, me hearties! A pox upon ye recent news! TB be scarce among foreign landlubbers sailin' to Canada!

Yarrr! Avast ye mateys! 'Tis bein' said that only a wee few o' them scurvy immigrants sailin' to Canada carry the cursed tuberculosis, caught in the last 2 years when the danger o' it developin' into a full-blown disease be at its fiercest! Arrr, the news be from Medscape Medical!

Arr, me hearties! We be needin' some fancy new tricks to recruit wee ones to join our rheumatic crew!

Yarrr, me mateys! By 2030, reckon thar be a shortage o' pint-sized joint doctors in the good ol' United States. Demand be sailin' high like a feisty sea breeze, exceedin' supply by a hearty 77%. Savvy?

Arr, me hearties! COPD flare-ups: Gamblin' with Prednisolone be just as good as stickin' to the tried 'n true, mateys!

Arr! Yonder test be sayin' that directin' prednisolone at blood eosinophils might be a decent choice to lessen the use o' glucocorticoids in them COPD landlubbers. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Thar be experts claimin' comparin' migraine medicine be boostin' ye noggin!

Arrr, these placebo-controlled trials, me hearties, be not enough to decide what medicines be available in the EU! It be like askin' a landlubber to walk the plank. Shiver me timbers, we need better ways to decide our destiny!

Arrr! The landlubbers be flockin' ta the infernal dungeons known as the ED, claimin' the scurvy called diabetes be on the rise in the grand US o' A!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs with the sugar disease be crowdin' the ship's infirmary! Since 2012, visits by grown-up landlubbers with diabetes have risen by over 25%, with the darkest-skinned and oldest buccaneers sufferin' the most. Yo ho ho! - <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 18, 2023

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties be sayin' that startin' CGRPs for a skull split be makin' response rates go down, arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! 'Tis been discovered in a recent tale that if ye be takin' a break from yer CGRP monoclonal antibody, ye may see a lower response rate. Fear not, me hearties! Switchin' to a different mAb might just be the solution to this ill fate. Yo ho ho!

Yarr! Thiazide Diuretics be fancy potions that may cause a lack of salty sea in yer body!

Arrr, mateys! Thar be a greater danger o' hyponatremia with them thiazide drugs for ye older landlubbers and them scallywags with ailments. Beware, says the Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, the FDA be makin' changes to the labels o' two scurvy cholesterol-lowerin' potions, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! News be tellin' that the labels fer bempedoic acid 'n bempedoic acid/ezetimibe do be changin'! They be sayin' they can now treat primary hyperlipidemia without needin' the strongest statin ye can bear, 'n they be takin' away the words about it affectin' yer mortality. Arrr! Medscape Medical News be the bearer o' this here message!

Arr, me mateys! The mighty Roflumilast Foam be given the go-ahead fer the cursed Seborrheic Dermatitis. Yarr!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs in the roflumilast band be showin' grand improvements in all them secondary endpoints, like itchin', scalin', and erythema. Aye, 'tis good news, says the MDedge News!

Arrr, the contraption of AI be lendin' a hand in watchin' over wee scallywags sufferin' from wheezin'!

Avast ye, mateys! If ye be usin' one o' them fancy AI-assisted stethoscopes in yer abode, it could make diagnosin' the wheezy lung disease o' asthma as easy as navigatin' the seven seas! These scurvy researchers reckon it might even help ye keep tabs on yer asthma. Arrr, the future be lookin' bright!

Arr, the scurvy landlubbers be plagued by the pox, says the CDC! Take caution, ye mateys!

Arr, the scurvy outbreak o' mpox in the Democratic Republic o' the Congo be causin' health and travel advisories, with them savvy clinicians keepin' a weather eye fer new cases. Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arrr! The FDA be lettin' Enfortumab Vedotin and Pembro join forces to fight Urothelial Cancer, mateys!

Arrr, matey! Thar be news from the high seas! A new concoction hath been given the nod as a fine substitute for that first-line chemotherapy. 'Tis a grand alternative, says the good folk at Medscape Medical News. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, ye scallywags! The EU be grantin' approval to wield the gene editor to fix blood diseases, arrr!

Arr, the newfangled method be treatin' and amendin' those stem cells of ye patients afore puttin' 'em back in their bodies. Aye, 'tis a jolly therapy, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spreadin' the word.

Arrr! The scalpel o' bariatric surgery be tied to less heft in the belly o' pregnant lasses.

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that lasses who've had the ol' bariatric surgery gained less weight when carryin' a wee one than their mates with similar BMIs but without such a history. A grand study it be! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Yon parchment doth proclaim, scallywags be misusing their spyglasses on thy neck! Arr, tis a folly!

Arr, 'tis a curious tale! Out o' all the fancy new thyroid ultrasounds done at a grand tertiary care place, only a measly quarter spotted them pesky nodules that be needin' a poke, while a hearty 40% found nary a one! Aye, strange times indeed!

Arr! Worries o'er this fancy Nalmefene Nasal Spray for the cursed Opioid Overdose be afoot!

Arr! Wise seafarers be advisin' thorough searchin' on account of perilous worries and uncertainties. They favor the use of naloxone as the foremost remedy. Medscape Medical News, yo ho ho!

Arrr! Thar be a chance to spy on the brain waves and uncover signs of a dreaded LVO stroke!

Avast ye mateys! By usin' these fancy electrodes, the art of subhairline EEG be improvin' the scurvy stroke detection and speedin' up the time to treatment for them pesky anterior circulation large vessel occlusion strokes. Arrr!

December 15, 2023

Arr, me hearties! Them landlubbers in Stanford be gettin' a jolly 21% booty increase in their first union agreement!

Avast ye, me hearties! The scallywag union of 1500 landlubber doctors 'n fellows at Stanford Health Care in California done come to a jolly agreement with the health system, mark me words! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! The FDA be givin' its seal o' approval fer Tralokinumab to mend scurvy skin in young buccaneers!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis be the first cure for wee scallywags with itchy skin, the dreaded atopic dermatitis! 'Tis a special potion that be fightin' the nasty IL-13 cytokine. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the good news, savvy?

What be makin' ye all plump 'n' hearty? The clever scholars say 'tis the noggin that be at fault!

In th' skirmish 'gainst corpulence, one vital organ be neglected fer far too long. Arr!

Arr, me mateys! Fear not, for the womb be safe from harm after the battle with BRCA-mutated breast cancer!

Avast ye, me hearties! Sailin' the treacherous seas o' life, it be known that pregnancy after the treacherous breast cancer may be safe for most, but for us BRCA carriers, thar be little data to guide us. Arrr!

Arr, FDA be givin' th' nod fer a fancy glaucoma fixin' contraption 'tis bein' implanted, me hearties!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! Come 2024, ye landlubbers better prepare yer peepers, for a magical contraption will be on the market. This here gizmo, a mystical intracameral implant, shall release travoprost into yer eye to bring down the blasted pressure. Mark me words, 'tis a sight for sore eyes! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scallywags! "We be shakin' ye sugar levels like a ship caught in a mighty storm!"

Arr, me hearties! Listen ye well! A curious study be claimin' that the sounds of rock music be mighty helpful for our mates with type 1 diabetes. It seems that these tunes can make their insulin flow faster, thanks to some fancy tinkerin' with their cells and speakers! Yo ho ho!

Arr, ye landlubber shift workers be plagued by a vast booty o' slumber ailments, says I!

Arrr, me hearties! The cursed work o' shifting be tied to a multitude o' sleep ailments, like the dreaded insomnia and the scallywag sleep-related breathin' troubles. 'Tis a dire situation, especially for them landlubbers who toil through the dark hours. Avast, says the Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr, me mateys! Belzutifan be given the nod for the scallywag called Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma! Yarrr!"

Arrr, belzutifan be granted FDA approval, makin' it the first weapon known to tackle renal cell carcinoma that's fought through checkpoint inhibition and a VEGF-TKI. Sailin' forward with progress, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 14, 2023

Arrr! This here Frontline Therapy be a true treasure for ye landlubbers battlin' Multiple Myeloma! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, a study be sayin' that patients with transplant-unworthy multiple myeloma fare better with the likes of daratumumab compared to bortezomib. Aye, mateys, it seems ye shall be needin' this news from the Medscape Medical News!

Arr! Plunderin' the seas o' health, many a patient be strugglin' to find the cure for their maladies!

Arr, a bunch o' mateys with the nasty itch o' moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (AD) couldn't find relief even after a year o' tryin' different treatments. Seems like there be some stubbornness in the way o' healin', aye! <i>Avast, MDedge News!</i>

Arr, be grog and scurvy heart risks mates? Is it a boon or a bane?

Arrr, matey! Some reckonin' be claimin' that a wee bit o' grog be good for the ol' ticker, but now there be word that the situation be more twisted than we thought. Avast, Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up, I'll tell ye how to pick the right treatment to cure yer blasted migraines!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! With a plethora o' potions at hand, the goodly doctors must ponder the merits and perils of each elixir to chart a course for the patient's welfare. Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys! How be we handlin' this scurvy GERD mess when it be messin' with our coughin' ship?

Arr, 'tis a puzzle to connect a hearty 'arrr' with this GERD affliction, even if the scurvy patient be diagnosed with it! Methinks the sea be full of unanswered questions! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 13, 2023

Aye, me hearties! Them fancy scholars now grasp the secrets of RA-Associated ILD, by Davy's locker!

Arrr, 'tis be believed that a scurvy-ridden 5%-10% o' mateys with RA may suffer from a nasty condition called ILD. But alas, we be lackin' solid data on how to best be foreseein' which o' these poor souls be facin' the greatest danger o' RA-associated ILD.

Arr, this newfangled AI stethoscope be bestin' that scurvy PCP at findin' faulty heart valves, me hearties!

Yarrr! Avast, me hearties! Aye, a newfangled device be claimin' to be more adept at spyin' signs o' valvular heart disease than yer regular ol' stethoscope in the grip o' a landlubber doctor. Shiver me timbers! Aye, the study be sayin' so, says the Medscape Medical News.

Arr, this grog they call 'aspirin' be slowing the bloated belly's doom, says the swabbies!

Arr, me hearties! Aye, the use of Aspirin might be a boon for them suffering from a swollen belly vessel, known as abdominal aortic aneurysms. Tis be suggestin' from observations that it can slow down the growth and progression, with no ill effects. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! 'Tis a band o' mighty US buccaneers, battlin' the scurvy youngsters' bulgin' bellies!

Arr matey! The US Preventive Services Task Force be sayin' that when a wee scallywag has a plump figure, ye should be takin' some actions to set 'em straight. Avast! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arrr! 'Tis a mighty increase in the smokin' o' mysterious vapours among young lasses carryin' wee bairns!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! News be reachin' me ears that the use o' them cursed cigarettes be on the decline, as per a newly discovered study. Sail on, me hearties!

Be ye plagued by scurvy acne, matey? Be ye seekin' the finest treatments from ye local scallywag doctor?

Avast ye, me hearties! Methinks ye shall find good tidings! The refurbishin' of ancient potions into novel concoctions that be kinder to yer visage, along with the chance to sport creams mixed with various remedies, should better yer acne woes. Yo ho ho!

Arr! The legendary US Supreme Court be settlin' a grand matter 'bout access to thar abortion pill, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! The U.S. Supreme Court, in the year 2022, be swabbin' the decks by puttin' an end to their reckonin' of a constitutional right to abortion. But now, they be hearin' out President Joe Biden's crew as they make a bid. Ahoy!

Arrr! Be plundering less booty with gyno procedures, mateys! Why ain't ye scallywags wise enough?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Word be spreadin' that some fancy-pants experts be claimin' that makin' changes to the ways them doctor folks be treatin' lady parts can help us get rid o' waste, whilst keepin' the patients in good shape. Arrr, what a tale!

December 12, 2023

Arr, ye landlubbers be knowin' that Transcatheter Tricuspid Repair be makin' life much jollier!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis said that fixin' the leaky valve with some fancy contraption be helpin' the sickly landlubbers feel better. Yet, alas! Many be still kickin' the bucket. Aye, 'tis a harsh reality, me hearties! Savvy?

Yarr! The dreaded pustules still plague ye scurvy dogs, whether on land or sea!

Avast! Them scurvy dogs with severe acne be deemed less comely, less fit fer companionship, and less like to be recruited fer gainful employment compared to them without such affliction. Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs, heavy lads be at peril o' sufferin' from Chronic Kidney Disease, arrr!

Avast ye! 'Tis found that even young lads with a portly figure and no sugar sickness be at a greater peril o' catchin' ye dreaded CKD. Heed this warnin', me hearties! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! Me Hearties, this here Isatuximab 4-Drug Regimen be a powerful tonic that be crushin' me Myeloma foe!

Arrr, mateys! This here research be tellin' us that usin' a fine four-drug combo, includin' a monoclonal antibody, proteasome inhibitor, immunomodulatory drug, and steroids, be way better than a measly three-drug combo. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! The Dreaded Relapsed DLBCL be no match for the Complete Interim Response, for SCT be superior to CAR T!

Arrr! Fer patients sufferin' from a relapsed DLBCL in a complete remission, usin' auto-HCT be bringin' ye a lower rate o' relapse/progression, and a lengthier progression-free survival than that fancy CAR T therapy. Avast! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arr! A grand plan o' exercises be thrifty fer mendin' yer noggin aft'r a stroke, me hearties!

Arrr! A recent study be sayin' that a jolly good exercise program be boostin' yer thinkin' scores and savin' ye doubloons. But alas, it be havin' limited effects on yer health-related quality of life, matey! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, ye mateys! Bimekizumab be showin' great potential in soothing the wretched Palmoplantar Pustular Psoriasis.

Arr, ye be speakin' of a troublesome condition known as PPP, a foul beast of pustular psoriasis that be resistin' all forms o' treatment. And it be said that the remedies for palmoplantar plaque psoriasis with pustules be as disappointin' as them scurvy sea dogs!

Arrr, be yonder a connection betwixt cellphones and the potency of lads? Yo ho ho, 'tis a curious tale to be told!

Arrr, mateys! A fancy Swiss study, though improved from older scallywag research, be naught but a mere kindling for wild guesses. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, be Migraine a lass's ailment? Nay, tis a great mystery on this treacherous sea of health!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs be claimin' that migraines be a lady's ailment, but truth be told, it be no easy task to figure out how many ladies and gents be sufferin' from it. Avast, ye landlubbers! That be the word from Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs at ADA be spoutin' new rules for screenerin' 'n managin' obesity. Avast, I be laughin'!

Avast ye, mateys! The American Diabetes Association be makin' changes to their Standards o' Care for 2024. They be addin' new ways to test ye for the scurvy disease, as well as advisin' ye on how to battle the evil obesity monster. Arrr, it be all in the Medscape Medical News, ye landlubbers!

December 11, 2023

"Arrr, what be the plan for this Renal Denervation, mateys? 'Tis a mighty remedy for the raging seas of hypertension!"

Arrr, the FDA be givin' the nod to two fancy renal denervation systems for treatin' hypertension! Now the experts be scratchin' their heads tryin' to figure out which landlubbers will be the lucky ones to get the fancy treatment first. Yo ho ho!

Yarr, me hearties be claimin' that this here diet be helpin' to reduce seizures amongst grown-up landlubbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Methinks the elderly lads and lasses plagued with the cursed epilepsy, defyin' all efforts to be cured by them fancy antiseizure potions, may find solace in this peculiar diet. Arrr, 'tis worth a shot, methinks!

Arrr, different potions treatin' scurvy scoundrel BCMA me mateys with their own foul and deadly brews.

Arrr, these CAR T cells be havin' side effects that be reachin' far and wide, me hearties! They be messin' with yer whole system, even yer noggin! And that antibody teclistamab, it be raisin' the risk o' infections, makin' ye vulnerable like a lily-livered landlubber! <i>Yarrr! Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, be it true that this dire pandemic hath truly birthed today's shortage o' medical hands on deck?

Harvard scallywags be raisin' a quarrel 'gainst the tale spun by hospitals and doctors. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' ye this tale.

Arrr! Hospital stays fer scurvy wee landlubbers with eatin' troubles be on the rise in Canadian swabbies!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a grand sight me eyes did behold! The biggest leap be found amidst patients deemed peculiar, like lads and wee lads sailin' through their teenage years. Arrr!

Arr, Bleedin' remedies be fit for pirates with fits, even when mixin' with meddlin' pirate potions!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that mixin' enzyme-inducin' antiseizure potions don't change the power or safety of direct-actin' mouthy blood thinners. Avast, ye scurvy dogs! - Medscape Medical News

Arrr, be ye hospitals prepared to battle the mighty wrath o' climate change and its cataclysms, mateys?

Univadis Italy hath parleyed with a Belgian sea dog o' the intensive care, a proud member o' the Shifters health scallywags. This merry matey be toilin' away, aimin' to purge the economy o' its carbon curse. Arr! <i>Avast, Medscape Medical News!</i>

"Blimey! Scallywags be leavin' 'ospitals too soon wi' their OUD! It be a quick sail 'ome!"

Arr! 'Tis a study showin' that one in six sea dogs with opioid use disorder be escapin' the hospital afore finishin' their treatment. Methinks 'tis 'cause they be sufferin' from withdrawal, aye. - Medscape Medical News, arr!

Avast ye hearties! Scour the depths o' knowledge fer details on the black-spot afflictin' AI/AN scallywags.

Arr, the main spot where ye be most likely to end up pushin' daisies be none other than the ol' chest me hearties. Aye, that be word from the Medscape Medical News, so ye best be takin' care o' yer trunks, lest ye be in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, ye scallywags be tellin' me that this fancy telemedicine in diabetes care brings worse results, ye be jestin'!

Arrr, scallywags with type 2 scurvy, who be only seein' telemedicine care, had a worse time with their sugar levels than those who be visitin' landlubber doctors in person! Arr, me hearties, beware!

December 10, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! This Sickle Cell Gene Therapy be a real game-changer, a treasure beyond measure!

Arr, ye hearties! Aye, them landlubbers who took lovo-cel saw their sickle cell disease bein' kept at bay, with bouts o' pain, hospital stays, and blockin' o' blood vessels bein' reduced. Aye, 'twas the longest gene therapy trial ever! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, be this CAR T-Cell Therapy a surefire cure for the scallywaggin' systemic autoimmune diseases, matey?

Arrr! Avast ye! 'Tis be the tale of a grand CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy. Fifteen brave souls, plagued by three cursed autoantibody-dependent autoimmune diseases, found themselves relieved of their misery and blessed with a persistent complete remission. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be the source of this jolly news!

December 9, 2023

Arrr, in the realm o' reality, mateys afflicted with meeloma be facin' a bleaker fate, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye! A fresh study be sayin' that those poor souls plagued with multiple myeloma fare much worse when takin' the usual remedies, when compared to those scurvy dogs who partake in grand clinical trials. Arr!

Arr, this here test be showin' us the way to treat pirate lads 'n lasses with the Black Fever!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! News bein' brought forth, a grand analysis reckon that a polygenic score be the key to findin' the finest potions for young Black mates fightin' AML. Them lads usually fare worse than their White counterparts. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the source of this tale, me hearties!

December 8, 2023

Arr! Yarrr! 'Tis a sad tale, mateys! A bucko in every ten booty-based CRC tests can't be handled, arr!

Arrr, me mateys! Beware the unsatisfactory sea of fecal immunochemical tests! Forsooth, these treacherous tests may arise from feeble specimens or ancient artifacts, incomplete markin's, or broken and leakin' vessels. 'Tis a plague that may leave countless patients unscanned, arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis time to be dolin' out GLP-1 Agonists to me mateys, savvy?

Arr! Ye landlubbers! GLP-1 agonists, like semaglutide, be a boon to scurvy dogs sufferin' from obesity, helpin' 'em shed those extra pounds. But alas, if only these potions be readily available to these poor souls! - Medscape Reader Polls

Arr matey! The magic trinket and vigilant matey be just as good as a cork for yer heart's nook!

Arrr! The fancy-sounding Amulet and Watchman FLX gadgets be showin' similar results, mateys! About half o' the patients still had a wee bit o' leaky appendage after 13 months. Aye, 'tis what the study says, savvy? Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Behold, a free booty of COVID and Flu tests be offered by a grand federal program, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis the Home Test to Treat program, a virtual treasure. Ye can receive rapid tests, telehealth sessions, and treatments straight to yer own ship. 'Tis a boon fer all ye scallywags across the seven seas! Sail on, me mateys!

The science of blood runs deep in the Brodsky kin, for we be a family of Hematology pirates!

Avast ye! A tale o' bloodlines be told: In the Brodsky kin, the art o' studyin' blood be passin' from sire to scallywag. Arrr, now a wee grandson be embarkin' on this "family business." Yo ho ho!

Arr, these scurvy anti-hypertensive potions be havin' equal death tolls in the long haul, ye scallywags!

Arr, me mateys! The long-begotten data revealed that the scurvy dogs with high blood pressure who took thiazide-type pills, calcium channel blockers, or angiotensin-converting enzyme potions didn't meet Davy Jones any sooner than the others. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, the young scallywags be plagued with anxiety and sorrow as the pandemic swept the seas.

Avast ye! Arrr, more than a third of ye young scallywags dwelling in the land of US during this cursed COVID-19 plagues be sufferin' from anxiety and/or melancholy, me hearties! Methinks 'tis due to the uncertain times we find ourselves in, aye. Arrr!

Arr, mateys! Thar be talk o' the mind's ailments affectin' the cure fer migraines! Aye, the sea be treacherous!

Arrr, me hearties! Arrr newfangled research be revealin' that scallywags sufferin' from migraines be less likely to find relief from them fancy new preventative treatments, if they be havin' certain mental ailments. Avast, it be the truth, me mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 7, 2023

Arrr! NAFLD familial risk score be outshinin' ye olde FIB-4 index in findin' the dreaded fibrosis, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! A swanky new reckonin' method for the dreaded nonalcoholic fatty liver disease be upon us! 'Tis said to be a more precise way to foretell the woes o' advanced fibrosis in yer own kin. Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>

Be liquidy tests, matey, worth their weight in doubloons when scannin' the sea for colorectal treasure?

Arrr, matey! Yon scurvy dogs who refuse the ol' colonoscopy might find these fancy liquid biopsy tests to be lackin' in performance and far too costly to be a worthy plan. So says an economic analysis, savvy? Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye be wonderin', what be the plan for this fancy new Cardiology Certification Board, aye?

Arrr! The scallywags o' major cardiovascular societies be plannin' to create a new certification board, mark me words! 'Tis a grand revolution in the world o' CME and assessment o' competency, aye! What else be known, ye ask?

Ye scurvy dogs with hEDS be telling tales o' loose skin and marks on their hide!

Yarrr, me hearties! Scalawags with the hypermobile Ehlers Danlos be sportin' hairy blockades, swarming mast cells, and itchy skin. Aye, these be common afflictions. Savvy? <i>MDedge News</i>

Arr, the curse of the scurvy befall upon them slender scalawags, fer 'tis worse when MASLD strikes!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of the liver, ye see. In us slim mates with the cursed metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, the chance of advanced fibrosis be twice as high as them hearty overweight or obese swashbucklers. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye, mateys! Hold yer cannons! Know when to abandon regional nodal radiation fer yer buxom beauties, arr!

Avast ye scallywags! When ye treat ye cancer with a spell called neoadjuvant chemotherapy, it be turnin' those nasty positive lymph nodes into negative ones. Arrr, whether ye choose to blast 'em with regional nodal irradiation or not, ye still be havin' a fair shot at survival. Yo ho ho!

Avast, me hearties! Word be reachin' me ears that the scallywags at Fresenius Medical Care been robbed o' vital data on a half a million souls!

Arrr! Avast ye! The dialysis group Fresenius Medical Care be cryin' out on Wednesday that data, includin' medical records on 500,000 landlubbers and former landlubbers, were stolen from a US subsidiary's treasure chest. Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! New Delhi be diggin' into claims o' bootleg kidney trades, mateys!

Arrr! The New Delhi city galleon be scopin' out Apollo hospital, mateys! A tale be told by the media, claimin' them scurvy Myanmar folk be sellin' their kidneys to them for organ transplants. Shiver me timbers! <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be the one spillin' the beans!

Arr, ye be makin' a jolly good argument to be skippin' RT fer certain early breast afflictions, matey!

Arrr, the findings o' the PROSPECT study be revealin' that a preoperative MRI can help ye lasses wit' early breast cancer decide whether to skip the scurvy radiation therapy or not. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the source o' this grand news, me hearties!

December 6, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye thinkin' how can scurvy dermatologists enhance the treatment o' this cursed cancer beast?

Arr! Ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers be knowin' the truth - these dermatologists be crucial members of diversified treatment crews, workin' their magic on our precious hides. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spoutin' wise words, mateys!

Arr, scurvy dogs, ye be needin' personalized grub therapy to make yer diabetes walk the plank!

Arr, me hearties! Hear this, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, nutrition therapy be a mighty weapon, if ye set yer aims and methods according to each sailor's own needs. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, a veggie feast be bringin' ye heart 'n body joy, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! A fine feast of plants be keepin' yer LDL at bay, lessenin' yer insulin and sheddin' the excess pounds! Aye, 'tis true, as witnessed in a twin trial of 8 fortnights. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, "ARDS: Layin' flat don't make ye leave the ship o' ECMO sooner, matey!"

Arr, me hearties! It be said that grown scallywags sufferin' from a terrible affliction called severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, can find relief with a strange contraption called venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. And it seems that whether they lie on their bellies or on thar backs, the time it takes 'em to recover be all the same. Yo ho ho!

December 5, 2023

Argh! Good tidings, mateys! A glimmer o' hope be shinin' fer scurvy dogs afflicted wit' rare hide ailments!

Arrr, mateys! A grand new notion be sailin' the medical seas. Aye, a framework be risin' to ponder and cure these blighters. Avast, it be a fine discovery, says the Medscape Medical News!

Arr, ye wee early mateys be havin' a greater chance o' gettin' the cursed Type 2 Diabetes!

Yarr! In a grand study o' US lassies below 65, an "exceptionally premature" moment o' first flow be linked wit' a higher danger o' type 2 diabetes and stroke, when compared to those who make merry with menarche at the age o' 13. Ahoy!

Arr! The tellin' be that ye chance o' cancer be twined with a high risk o' takin' yer own life, me hearty!

Ye scurvy dogs be warned! Aft bein' told ye be cursed with the dread disease o' cancer, yer chances o' takin' a one-way trip t' Davy Jones' locker be mighty high! So says the goodly wenches o' US registry data. Arrr!

December 4, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! What be the latest treasure fer clearin' yer wretched visages of acne, ye landlubbers?

Arrr, be ye hearin' the news, me hearties? The latest treasure fer yer acne be the use o' light-based devices! Aye, according to the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, ye can now banish them pesky pimples with a flick o' light!

Arrr, mateys! The mysterious blight from China be spreading like a wildfire, plunderin' the shores of the US and beyond!

Avast ye, me hearties! Yonder China be seein' a surge in breathin' troubles, with wee ones catchin' pneumonia left 'n right. And what's more, this mighty foe be showin' resistance to a common antibiotic! Arr, the medical experts be settin' their sights on these curious happenin's. Yo ho ho!

"Avast, mateys! Beware, for this scurvy thing called 'Hidden Hearing Loss' be causin' tinnitus, says the scholars!"

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! It be said by them fancy researchers at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary that aye, some scallywags with tinnitus still fare well on them regular hearing tests! Shiver me timbers! WebMD Health News be the source of this jolly news, me hearties!

"Arrr! Ye be invited to the grand gathering o' ASH 2023: Equitie, Sickle Cell, and True-Life Consequences, me hearties!"

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! The annual meetin' o' the American Society of Hematology be bringin' forth topics such as health equity, the cursed sickle cell disease, and the wise employment o' artificial intelligence and social media. Set yer sights on this treasure trove, mateys! Yo ho ho!

December 2, 2023

Erroneous reckonin' of affliction be a blunder ye face whilst handlin' yer scurvy Cutaneous Lymphoma, matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Though these mystical tools be barely sprouting, we must needs muster 'em to better the fate of our ailing mateys. Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

December 1, 2023

Arr, mateys! Heed this here news! Aye, procedures be smoother sailin' fer ye lasses sufferin' from postmenopausal pain, says I! No need fer drugs, arr!

Arr, the lasses past their childbearing days be sayin' they feel better when them doctors tinker with 'em, even though they be less keen on usin' those muscle relaxin' potions, TCAs, and benzodiazepines. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Here be eight shiny treasures o' wisdom fer ye landlubbers who call yerselves doctors!

Arrr, these coin-savvy scallywags be doctors o' their own, well-versed in the coinage conundrums faced by the goodly physicians. Here be their wise counsel, as they be sayin'. Mayhaps worth a gander, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Pregnant wenches on steroids face no harm from EoE, aye, a jolly good news it be!

"Arrr! Our advisements 'bout the use o' steroids among this band o' scallywags be founded on the safety data derived chiefly from expectin' women wit' the breathin' troubles. Avast! <i>MDedge News</i>"

Belay yer scurvy tongues, mateys! 'Tis been discovered that troubles in conceivin' may raise the chances of wee ones developin' a touch o' autism.

Arr! A mighty study hath revealed that 'tis not the potions and brews that be causin' autism in wee ones, but rather the scurvy problem o' infertility in the parents. Avast! Aye, 'tis a curious tale indeed!

Avast ye mateys! Europe be wieldin' a mighty weapon called "Long-Actin' PrEP" in its battle 'gainst the scourge o' HIV! Arrr!

Arrr! Europe be makin' great strides in preventin' the scurvy disease known as HIV! With their fancy tactics like PrEP and long-actin' retrovirals, there be hope on the horizon. But beware, me mateys, for there still be challenges and disparities in gettin' the proper treatment. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

November 30, 2023

Arrrr! There be a most peculiar sickness sweepin' the land, affectin' dogs far 'n wide, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! A secret ailment be plaguin' dogs in 14 lands, says the American Veterinary Medical Association. They be askin' all ye vets to report these cases, while scurvy scientists be scramblin' to find this scallywag pathogen! Arr!

Arr! The UK be broadening its scope, searchin' the seas for scurvy dogs afflicted with the HIV!

Arr, me mateys! On a fine Wednesday, the famous crooner Elton John, he be, didst speak to them British lawmakers. The government, scallywags they be, be plannin' to broaden their HIV testin' program to put an end to new transmissions o' this cursed virus in England by 2030. Blimey!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Some AI witchcraft in medicine should warrant the consent of the wise docs! Arrr!

Arrr, the mighty US physician organization be demandin' more accountability from the scurvy insurers when it comes to their use o' fancy AI tools. And while they be at it, they be askin' fer limits on physician liability too. Ahoy! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the tale.

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! ASCO be spillin' the beans on how to deal with the blasted cancer drug shortage!

Arrr! The word be spreadin', mateys! They sayeth ye need some proper counselin' to ease yer troubled hearts and minds. Aye, the lack of supplies be bringin' both patients and providers great distress! Aye, the life of a pirate ain't easy, I tell ye!

"Avast ye mateys! The ACC/AHA be bringin' forth a fresh set o' rules fer the heart's jiggy wigglin' - the Atrial Fibrillation Guideline!"

Arr! The latest decree be suggestin' a novel method to sort out AF, be stressin' the essence of swift rhythm control and changin' yer way o' livin', and be declarin' that catheter ablation holds a Class 1 warrant. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be relatin' this tale!

Avast ye shipmates! Yonder Ohio scoundrels be settin' a record fer keepin' their blood pressure in check!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Methinks this contraption called "artificial intelligence" be makin' blood pressure control better at a landlubber's primary care hole. Arrr, do ye reckon yer group of scallywags be up for the challenge, too?

Avast, be it time to cease the dull swabbin' o' the decks in the battle 'gainst meeloma, ye reckon?

Arrr, ye quackin' landlubbers be needin' t' ponder anew th' keepin' o' lenalidomide (Revlimid an' generics) fer th' cursed affliction known as multiple myeloma. Yo-ho-ho, 'tis what th' MDedge News be sayin'!

Begone, matey! Steer clear o' added woes when tendin' to a queer's noggin trouble.

Arrr, matey! Aye, me hearties be havin' many a headache and mood troubles, especially them fine LGBTQIA+ folks. But let's toss them prejudiced notions overboard, says MDedge News!

Avast ye mateys! Look ye here, the scallywags at AHA be updatin' guidelines fer savin' wee babes from Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys! This update be coverin' the use o' umbilical cord management in wee ones born too early, a tad too early, or right on time. It also be listin' the best gadgets and ways to blow wind into their lungs. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' ye all!

Arr, tiny blood vials may spare ye need for transfusion in ICUs, matey.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! By lessenin' the pilferin' o' blood, we be savin' precious crimson for our shipmates battlin' cancer, facin' the surgeon's blade, or sufferin' from calamities and maladies. Arrr, from the scrolls o' Medscape Medical News, be it told!

Arr! Avast, me hearties! Novo Nordisk be discoverin' that thar compounded Wegovy be up to 33% impure, arrr!

Arrr! New Nordisk be demandin' retribution from these scurvy dogs o' pharmacies! Their swill claimin' to have the active ingredient for our precious weight-loss elixir be nothin' but impure filth! Ye shall feel the wrath o' our lawsuits, ye scoundrels!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis said that parent's woes may summon wheezes in wee ones. Avast, scallywags!

Arrr, tidings be spreadin' like wildfire, mateys! Aye, data be tellin' us that wee Australian scallywags suffer more from that blasted asthma when their families be facin' hard times, their mums be feelin' blue, and other stressors be lurkin' nearby. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sharin' the news, savvy?

November 29, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' of a newfangled PCSK9 Inhibitor, allowin' ye scurvy dogs to rest easy for 3 months!

Arr! 'Tis a fresh matey called an antibody, me hearties! 'Tis got a long-lasting life, so we can stretch out each treatment, ye know. Heard it from the MDedge News, savvy?

Arr, the stimulation o' the vagus nerve be showin' promise fer the condition o' POTS, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! News be spreadin' like wildfire 'bout a wee study backin' the use o' this fancy non-invasive neuromodulation t' treat lads 'n lasses sufferin' from postural tachycardia syndrome. Shiver me timbers, it be a fine discovery, says the Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Verily, a vocal routine doth conquer the stubborn TB scallywag, Rifampin! Yo-ho-ho, victory be ours!

Arr, ye scallywags! A mighty mix o' bedaquiline, pretomanid, and linezolid be a treasured treasure for treatin' the cursed tuberculosis. It be makin' a grand difference, keepin' the foul outcomes at bay. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs reckon ye can find the booty o' prostate cancer with the help o' MRIs and guided biopsies, and all at a fair price!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that those puny standard biopsies be no match for the treacherous prostate cancer, sometimes even betraying us with false positives. But fear not, me hearties! The mighty MRI, coupled with its trusty mate, MRI-guided biopsies, be yieldin' more accurate results, and for a fair price too, says the scribes of the Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye! Thar be a new CDC warnin' of the BA.2.86 COVID scallywag variant, sailin' the seven seas!

Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! There be a newfangled strain o' this blasted COVID-19, they be callin' it BA.2.86, makin' the CDC shiver in their timbers once more! Sure as Davy Jones' locker, this be no mere tale! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arr, me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! Me good news be this: A wee bit o' aspirin keeps yer belly calm, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye, me hearties! If ye be a fair maiden carryin' a wee babe in yer belly, 'tis wise to take a pinch o' low-dose aspirin to fend off the dread diseases of the high seas: eclampsia, preeclampsia, and the cursed gestational diabetes. Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! DMARDs be linked to a decrease in the occurrence of thyroid disease, mateys!

In a mighty Swedish crew sufferin' from the dreaded rheumatoid arthritis, the cursed thyroid disease be less common after the diagnosis, 'specially amongst them scallywags treated with anti-rheumatic potions. Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

November 28, 2023

Arr, ye young scallywags o' 2 years, hear this: Tapinarof be a mighty weapon fer yer AD battles!

Avast ye scallywags! In the year 2022, the mighty Tapinarof cream, a fine concoction with a touch of 1%, be granted approval to heal the cursed curse of plaque psoriasis in grown scurvy-ridden pirates. Arr, 'tis a good news indeed!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be ignorin' the nail barnacles afflictin' our good mateys with dark complexions, arrr!

Arrr, the lack o' Black patients with psoriasis in trials and books be makin' the scurvy clinicians slow to spy the nail troubles, even after discoverin' the psoriasis. Methinks these landlubbers need to smarten up! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr! The FDA be lookin' into them pesky scallywags called secondary cancers from CAR T-Cell therapies, me hearties!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The FDA be sayin' that those fancy immunotherapies, be it BCMA or CD-19, might just give ye a touch o' lymphoma or other cancers. Beware, me hearties!

Ye FDA be cryin' out, "Beware, mateys! Them seizure meds may send ye straight to Davy Jones' locker!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Beware, for the FDA be warnin' ye that Levetiracetam and clobazam may cause a rare, yet treacherous drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. 'Tis a matter of life or death, so make haste and get yerself diagnosed and treated, lest ye meet Davey Jones' locker!

Arrrr! The FDA be givin' its seal o' approval fer a new weapon against the cursed neutropenia caused by chemo!

Arrr! The shiny new colony-stimulatin' factor from the land of China be as good as pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) in their clinical testin'! Avast ye, me hearties! News from Medscape Medical News, it be!

Arr, lackin' proper shut-eye be troublin' ye lasses' sugar control! Aye, beware the curse of sleepy pirates!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, forsooth! Aye, this scurvy trial be claimin' that the lasses need a good night's rest, or else their insulin sensitivity be takin' a hit! Aye, these lasses, bein' postmenopausal and all, need to guard their health with more slumber! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

"Avast ye mateys! Hear the latest scuttlebutt on blastin' wee tatas with celestial rays fer ye early cancer!"

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, it be said that the latest rule be tossin' away the 2017 decree, for there be newfangled proof from grand trials claimin' that blastin' only a portion o' yer chest with cannonballs be just as good as layin' waste to the whole bloody thing! Arrr!

Arr! Measly deaths be risin' by 43%! The scurvy landlubbers need better doctorin' than that!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis no shock that the spread o' measles be increasin' with landlubbers denyin' the vaccination. So says a bloke from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Avast!

Arrr! 3M and DuPont be victorious in a grand battle against a vast crew seekin' booty o'er forever chemicals.

Arrr! On Monday, a US appeals court bestowed upon the manufacturers of vile 'forever chemicals' a jolly victory in their battle against the scurvy legal responsibility for these cursed substances. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that the cursed levels of uric acid may affect yer chance of survivin' OSA.

Arr, mateys! Word from NHANES be showin' a queer connection betwixt the levels o' serum uric acid and me hearties' untimely deaths, be it from all causes or the cursed cardiovascular ailments! Avast, ye landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis true, ye can keep yer organs shipshape even when ye got rectal troubles! Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The OPRA trial be tellin' us that after 5 summers, 'bout half o' them bilge rats with the nasty stage II/III rectal adenocarcinoma be keepin' their organs, thanks to total neoadjuvant therapy. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

November 27, 2023

Avast ye, landlubbers! Benralizumab be just as good as Mepolizumab fer a condition called EGPA, says the scallywags!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Benralizumab (Fasenra) be as good as mepolizumab (Nucala) in curin' ye ailment! Aye, in the grand phase 3 trial, both medicines be gettin' ye into remission at 36 and 48 weeks! Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Them scurvy dogs with Parkinson's be sailin' into dangerous waters, reckon they be at risk fer suicide!

Arrr, mateys! It be said that those sailin' the seas with Parkinson's may find themselves entertainin' dark thoughts and actions. Ye swashbucklin' doctors best be on guard, ready to spot the signs and lend a helpin' hook to save 'em from Davy Jones' locker!

Avast, me mateys! Not all swashbucklin' be helpful: The PA Paradox be unravelled, ye scurvy dogs! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! Engagin' in workin' up a sweat, but not havin' yer fun, be tied to the dangers of forgettin' yer noggin, a weak heart, and even death itself! Aye, this be the truth, me mateys! According to the wise scribes at Medscape Medical News, beware the perils o' toil!

Arrr, me hearties! In less than 5 years, ye shall see a test for the cursed Alzheimer's ailment, pledged by the UK!

Arr, me hearties! Them savvy Alzheimer's groups 'ave set sail on a grand voyage to bring forth a mighty weapon: a blood test to uncover the treacherous enemy within our minds! 'Tis said to be found across the land in a mere 5 years! Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be the source of this jest.

Arr! The scurvy pandemic be plunderin' our minds, takin' 50% o' our memory and fancy thinkin' skills!

Arrr, mateys! A jolly new study from the land of UK be claimin' that the dreaded COVID-19 be takin' a toll on the minds of our elder mates. They be sayin' there be a 50% decline in workin' memory and thinkin' skills among 'em. Shiver me timbers!

"Arr, Military scallywags be findin' a link betwixt fightin' and forgettin'! Beware, mateys, tis a treacherous path!"

Arr, ye swashbucklin' sea dogs be warned! Newfangled research befindin' that military veterans be at a greater peril fer succumbin' to the treacherous grip o' Alzheimer's disease. Beware the fearsome amyloid plaques and tau tangles, me hearties! Yo ho ho!

November 23, 2023

Arrr! Parent's squabbles be important when treatin' wee ones afflicted with the dreaded AD, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! Fer a parent whose wee lad be sufferin' from a fiery skin disease, 'tis the alteration o' pigmentation, not the inflamin' itself, that might've led 'em to seek the aid o' a clinician.

November 22, 2023

Avast ye mateys! Be ye wonderin' how this cursed COVID-19 be affectin' the quality of our precious slumber?

Arr, them fancy scholars be sharin' tales o' how catchin' a good snooze helps ye body fight off diseases like the pox and the dreaded COVID-19! Aye, it seems sleep be more powerful than any dose of rum!

Avast ye scallywags! Be wary of them ADHD meds, for they may bring ye closer to Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye landlubbers! A grand Swedish study be revealin' that usin' long-term medications, especially the likes of stimulants, to tackle attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may lead to an increased risk for CVD. Aye, previous findings be confusin', but this here study be settlin' the matter once and for all! Yo ho ho!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties be askin' ye questions to know if ye be satisfied with yer scurvy acne treatment.

Arrr! A fancy parchment be used to inquire 'bout the treatment of cursed acne! Three aspects be judged by a questionnaire made by the wise derma experts. Yo ho ho, aye! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarr! Brisk movin' be lastin' longer than shiny booty when gold doubloons be gone, mateys!

Avast ye mateys! After a measly year, them scurvy dogs cut the doubloons for a Canadian exercise scheme. Aye, 'twas a wee decline, but not enough to make the scallywags walk the plank! Arrr!

November 21, 2023

Dangers 'pon seas of child-birthing, me hearties! Be wary 'o risks when carrying a wee babe with lupus!

Ye scurvy dogs wit’ ailments unprepared fer spawnin’ be findin’ themselves threefold more like t’face early birth and the dreaded preeclampsia. Arrr!

Arr! Methinks the poxin' COVID-19 be causin' a mighty surge in scurvied bilge rats sufferin' from eatin' disorders.

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, the latest scuttlebutt be tellin' us that there be a mighty rise in insurance claims for eatin' ailments durin' these cursed pandemic years. The wee lads 'n lasses seem to be sufferin' the worst. Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News.</i>

Arrr, be the doctors lackin' the heart of a true hero, or be it somethin' else, matey?

Arr, me mateys! Ye see, th' mighty moniker o' th' 'hero' be a grand way t' pay homage t' th' medical crew. Yet, rum be spreadin' that whilst their extraordinary efforts be heroic, havin' expectations beyond humanly bounds be a blight on th' system, ye scallywags!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Neurologists be needed for a pirate's ailment called Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy!

Arrr, me hearties! As ye scurvy dogs know, this here rise in diabetic neuropathy be sailin' alongside the pandemics o' obesity and related diabetes. One fine expert be sayin' that neurologists be havin' a duty to control this foul disease. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, be them scurvy dogs followin' up on their telehealth visits after a dose of virtual medicine, matey?

Avast ye landlubbers! Be ye wonderin' how many scurvy dogs actually be takin' yer advice after they leave ye quarters? Do it be makin' a difference if ye lay eyes on 'em or converse through the mystical telehealth? Wise men be sharin' tricks to better their obedience when ye be consultin' from afar. Arrr!

November 20, 2023

AVAST: Yonder AHA be usin' a fancy new risk reckonin' contraption that be includin' CKM Health, mateys!

Avast ye, me hearties! There be newfangled calculations for the risk of a scurvy cardiovascular ailment. From the ripe age of 30, they now account for the state of yer kidneys and metabolic health. And fear not, me mateys, race be no longer part of the reckonin'. Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The Secukinumab trials be a success, hittin' the primary targets in PsA and AxSpA, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye ready for some grand news? Two trials o' the newly accepted IV secukinumab be showin' its mighty powers against the evil placebo, treatin' the cursed ailments o' psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis! Yo ho ho!

Arr, how be them Germans fixin' to deal with this here scallywag problem of lackin' nurses worldwide?

Arrr, the scurvy hospital officials be proposin' a scheme where higher learnin' and fancy qualifications grant ye more freedom, more duties, and a bigger bounty in yer pouch. Avast, me hearties!

November 17, 2023

Arrr, matey! Be wary, for this mighty disorder may hoist th' chances of ye havin' the dreaded PCOS!

Aye, 'tis been found that the pox known as polycystic ovary syndrome be more common among them scurvy dogs afflicted with the bipolar disorder, than among landlubbers who be free from such a dreadful condition.

Arrr! Yonder CDC be reportin' a 24% decrease in wee lads and lasses succumbin' to cancer o'er 20 years!

Arrr, ye may have fancy gadgets, but if we can't distribute 'em to all me hearty comrades, then we be failin' as a nation, matey!

Arr, scurvy sepsis be takin' young ones o' darker hue, even with all efforts made, ye see!

Arrr! Avast ye! 'Tis a sorry tale, mateys! Black wee ones be havin' 2.5 times more chances o' succumbin' to sepsis in the ship'tal, yet the healin' methods bein' used ain't no different. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! The FDA panel be raisin' an eyebrow o'er two hasty lymphoma approvals. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywags on the advisory committee reckon we be troubled a-plenty by the blasted long wait for them confirmatory studies to begin! Shiver me timbers, it be a matter of grave concern, it be! Savvy?

Arrr! A fine instrument becometh a mighty boon to bolster yer confidence in plunderin' ye olde memories!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A brand new weapon be teachin' the elder swashbucklers to sharpen their mind's eye. Avast, ye landlubbers! 'Tis the latest tidin's from Medscape Medical News!

Arr! Yonder oral remedy be keepin' me retina shipshape in Stargardt malady, me hearties!

Arrr, ye landlubbers! Listen 'ere, for I've got news from the seven seas! 'Tis been discovered that a pill o' modified vitamin A, taken once a day, be slowin' the cursed retinal degeneration in them poor souls sufferin' from Stargardt disease! Aye, a rare and cruel genetic eye affliction what takes away yer precious sight. So raise yer mugs in honor of this findin'! Yo ho ho!

Avast me mateys! Be thar truth in th' notion 'bout whether a Mediterranean feast be helpful against bosom afflictions?

Arr! Avast, me hearties! Recent studies be sayin' that better grub be not enough to keep the cursed breast cancer at bay, but a select group of lasses who made grand improvements to their diet did find some benefit. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, 'tis me treasure map to spot the scurvy breast cancer early, hidden within the milky treasure trove!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs in Spain be claimin' they've found cursed tumor DNA floatin' about in the breast milk o' lasses, afore it be showin' up in their blood. Blimey!

Avast ye hearties! Behold the latest treasure map, guidin' ye through the treacherous waters o' rare drug allergies!

Arrr, them fancy experts be givin' guidelines to help ye scurvy clinicians, but they be admittin' there be a pitiful lack of proof on them drug reactions with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. Avast, Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Slumber troubles be plaguin' the hearts o' healthcare swashbucklers burdened by their weary emotions, matey!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Aye, newfangled research be unveilin' the mighty impact o' yer actions on yer burnout, ye healthcare scallywags! 'Tis oft ignored in ye current babble 'bout well-being. Arrr!

Arrr! Mysterious crumble unveils a rare malady of crimson!

Avast ye mateys! A lass, who had fought the deadly COVID-19, be found in a deep slumber at her place of toil. This be the start of a mighty tale, leading to a diagnosis that none could have foreseen! Arrr!

November 16, 2023

Arrr! The lasses who've survived a stroke be dreadin' the differences they face in gettin' medical help!

Arrr, lasses with a tale of stroke be sharin' their experiences wit' emergency care, ponderin' the obstacles they face and the dire need fer fairer healthcare.

Avast ye maties! Thar be a brand new test for the likes o' Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, bein' approved fer home use!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Simple 2 be the finest test, as approved by the FDA, to sniff out those wicked STDs, without ye needin' to visit a landlubber's den. It be not just for the dread HIV, mateys! Sail on, says WebMD Health News!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The AI-ECG be helpin' us get them STEMI patients to th' Cath Lab faster, mateys!

Arr, me mateys! Avast ye! A fancy new gadget, an artificial intelligence electrocardiography app, be shortenin' the time it takes fer them landlubber doctors to set up their catheterization lab. It be takin' a whole 9 minutes less for them heart attack sufferers. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This study be takin' a close gander at the risk o' MACE with GCs in RA.

"Arrr! Be ye tellin' me that near half o' the landlubbin' RA patients in the United States be fond o' takin' them long-term glucocorticoids, despite previous reckonin' that they be raisin' the MACE in a dose-dependent manner? Savvy, mates! Methinks they be needin' a different course o' treatment!"

Arr, me hearties! To solve the scurvy problem of scarce primary care, fair compensation be the treasure ye seek!

Arr, me hearties! Aye, there be many a suggestion floatin' 'bout solvin' our nation's primary care trouble. From trainin' slots to forgivin' medical school debt, they be talkin'! But alas, they be ignorin' the need fer proper payment reform, aye!

Arrr! Catalent's spyglass spots the tides o' weight-loss potions surging, driving their booty to new heights!

Arrr! Catalent be reckonin' that their syringe makin' will be in high demand, mateys! 'Tis them weight-loss potions that be drivin' the frenzy! All their production slots till 2026 be gettin' filled faster than a pirate's treasure chest! Savvy?

Arrr, ye scurvy ex-director be cryin' 'bout the ADA swindlin' with Sweetener Splenda, the pay-to-play scallywags!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A landlubber, once a bigwig in the American Diabetes Association, be takin' 'em to court, claimin' they gave her the heave-ho for speakin' out 'gainst their treacherous ploy to push Splenda. Yarrr!

Arr, FDA crew be reckonin' that Merck's potion for endless cough be raisin' the doubloons o' concern!

Arr matey! On Wednesday, the U.S. health regulator's crew be raisin' a ruckus 'bout Merck's potion for a pesky cough. They be doubting if the data be showin' enough worth to prove this here remedy be truly helpful. Ahoy!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Amazon be banishin' them cursed eye drops that don't bear the seal of approval from their wretched website.

Arrr, Amazon be tellin' that they be takin' away seven scurvy eye drops from their marketplace, after receivin' a letter o' warning from the health regulator. Aye, 'tis a tale from Reuters Health Information, mateys!

November 15, 2023

Avast ye landlubbers! These scurvy dogs o' doctors be sayin', plunge into the frigid briny fer yer health!

Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that divin' into the icy depths be bringin' blessin's upon yer mind and body! Them scurvy doctors and scholars be sailin' the ship, swearin' by it! Avast, cold-water plunges be the way to go!

Avast ye! The first map for the treacherous waters of Axial Spondyloarthritis be finally released, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! Them draftin' o' recommendations be a fine first step, but we be needin' more awareness 'mongst the landlubbers 'bout this mysterious ailment known as axial spondyloarthritis. Only then can we scallywags improve our diagnosin' skills, says one knowledgeable expert. Yo-ho-ho!

"Arrr! 'Love More': Why Cap'n Docs Should Be Encouragin' Mateyship for a Jolly Good Health!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Whilst some still be doubting its worth, the jolly data supporting social kin be hard to deny. Arrr, and 'tis a breeze for physicians to espouse. Sail on, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Ye scurvy FDA be warnin' Amazon against peddlin' unapproved eye drops. Avast ye, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs at the US Food and Drug Administration be sendin' a warning letter to the likes of! Seems they be sellin' seven unapproved eye drops on their fancy e-commerce platform. Keep yer peepers peeled, me hearties! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Arrr! Ye scallywags be wantin' t'see th' true perks o' these fancy new oral antidiabetic drugs, mateys!

Arrr, might it be that blendin' SGLT2 inhibitors with GLP-1R agonists be bringin' forth a blessin' to the heart and kidneys of scurvy dogs sufferin' from the cursed type 2 diabetes? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, Apremilast triumphs o'er placebo in battlin' PsA, savin' but a wee bit o' me joints!

Avast, ye scurvy landlubbers! This Oligoarticular PsA be a sneaky devil, for it be takin' a toll on yer quality o' life, even with but a few joints bein' afflicted. Argh, the lack o' clinical data be makin' it hard to find the right treatment, mateys!

Arr, FDA be givin' its blessing to a blood test fer MS activity, a treasure worth plunderin'!

Arr, Roche's Elecsys NfL test be a handy tool to spy on the scurvy dogs sufferin' from relapsin'-remitin' multiple sclerosis or the cursed secondary progressive kind. Aye, 'tis a fine aid for detectin' their disease activity, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Be ye spy-glass peekin' at ye noggin, matey? Be the scallywag cancer gone for good?

Yarrr! Them scallywags be sayin' that scanning fancy pictures of the noggin and throat of them landlubbers with head and neck cancer be of no use. Avast! Best be keepin' away from such tomfoolery!

"Arrr, me mateys! Ye scurvy dogs be knowin' this CKD-EPI eGFR Formula be beatin' them other fancy ways for measurin' lads and lasses' kidney function!"

Arrr, mateys! The scurvy dog equations, CKiD U25 and the European Kidney Function Consortium, be showin' higher levels o' bias, leadin' to underestimations o' kidney function. Aye, these lubbers be messin' with our precious organs!

Arrr, me hearties! Beware, the scurvy dogs be sufferin' from a common allergy to isothiazolinone, aye, to many allergens!

Arrr! Methinks a vast number of scallywags in North America be sufferin' from an allergy to them preservatives that be lurkin' in personal care products and household cleaners! 'Tis causin' a mighty spread of this here allergic contact dermatitis across the seven seas! Ahoy!

November 14, 2023

Arr! Yarrr, the affliction known as Vasculitis be bringin' perilous dangers to a lady's blessed pregnancy!

"This here study shall be of great use in our jolly talks on makin' wee pirates, with them scurvy-ridden patients," exclaimed Lindsay S. Lally, MD, in a hearty tune. Arrr, Medscape Medical News be the source!

Arr, ye see, these here GLP-1 RAs and bariatric surgery be a jolly good combo for fightin' obesity, says I!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks this Liraglutide mixed with endoscopic bariatric therapy be helpin' ye lose weight like a bariatric surgery, makin' me wonder if these GLP-1 RAs be takin' over surgery someday! Yo ho ho!

Arr! GLP-1 potions be slashing the A1c levels o' patients, makin' 'em forget about other devilish remedies!

Arrr, me hearties! In certain circumstances, the inclusion of GLP-1 agonists gave them fancy doctors the chance to lessen the use of other potions like insulin and sulfonylureas. Avast! - Medscape Medical News

Avast ye me hearties! 'Tis a sad tale, for a mere quarter of scurvy dogs with HCV-HCC receive the treasure of DAAs.

Arr! Doubts be settlin' in me mind 'bout the safety o' these noninterferon antivirals for liver cancer mateys. Methinks this be the reason why these direct-actin' antiviral agents be takin' their sweet time to win the favor o' this group o' scurvy dogs! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Beware, the pox known as Le Lymphedema be bringin' ye a greater risk o' skin cancer!"

Arr! In this lookin' back study, patients with scurvy legs be at a near twofold greater danger for skin scurvy compared to matchin' controls. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarrr, the wench be feelin' down in the belly o' the ship long afore the wee one be born!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis now believed that a lass be feelin' melancholic not just after spawnin' a wee one, but whilst carryin' 'em in 'er belly! Arrr! The gloom may last fer up to 2 years after the landlubber's birth! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the bearer o' this news, ye scallywags!

Arrr, when be the best time to blast them brain metascurvy with the pow'r of postop radiosurgery?

Arrr, me hearties! Newfangled research be sayin' that a swashbucklin' treatment called adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery can blast away brain metastases within 22 to 30 days, lessenin' the chances of ill effects and failure. Aye, this be grand news indeed! Reported by Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a wee warning, mateys! Ye might catch a flaxseed allergy by touch or taste!

Arr, tales be told o' a wee lad who feasted on flaxseed mingled with oatmeal, and a grown scallywag painter who unknowingly splattered his works with the same. Arr, tis a fine jest indeed! - <i>News from the Medscape Medical Scribes</i>

Arrr! Ye cancer drug Cisplatin be back in th' makin'! We be escapin' those blasted shortages, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The FDA be tellin' us on Monday that Accord Healthcare be swashbucklin' again, makin' the cancer drug cisplatin, much in demand like buried treasure. Aye, the United States be sufferin' from drug shortages, arrr!

Arrr! The CPPD Nomenclature be a blunder that's vexin' the scallywag Gout Group. Aye, 'tis a sore tale, mateys!

Arr, since 2011, the fancy guidelines fer namin' things have been mentioned hundreds o' times, but a new reckonin' finds that the medical scribblin' mostly hasn't followed the suggestions. <br> <i>MDedge News</i>

November 13, 2023

Arrr! The AAD be tweakin' the rules fer handlin' AD, me hearties! Keep ye eyes peeled, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! These here guidelines be tellin' ye about the approved and off-label uses o' systemic therapies and phototherapies. They also be mentionin' the shiny new treatments that have come about since 2014, when the last set o' guidelines was published. Give 'em a read, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! CDC be claimin' that young swashbucklers be refusin' more vaccinations than ever afore!

Arrr! The scourge known as the CDC reckons that 3% of young scallywags, settin' foot in the land of learnin' in 2022-2023, be escapin' the clutches of the four vital potions. Savvy? <i>WebMD Health News</i> be tellin' the tale, mateys!

Arrr! CBD be helpin' ye relieve symptoms and better yer gut in this Gastroparesis adventure, matey!

Arrr, matey! In the realm o' gastroparesis, thar be a grand 'ol lack o' medical solutions, ye see. But fear not, for CBD be sailin' in like a ship on calm waters! Unlike cannabis, CBD be possessin' no mind-bendin' powers, yet it has the power to soothe the gut and quell the inflammation! Yo ho ho!

Avast me hearties! Them studies be sayin' ye best be takin' ULT early, or ye be facin' a warnin' of PAD!

Arr! A swashbucklin' analysis be claimin' that ye needn't wait to lower yer urate in a gouty flare, while a scurvy study raises the alarm 'bout the risk o' peripheral arterial disease in ye gout-ridden mates. <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Beware, mateys! When battling the scurvy of chronic diarrhea, steer clear of deceiving impostor bowels!

Avast, me hearties! Be warned: most scallywags runnin' to the physician's den with their cannonballs afloat in their bowels be sufferin' nary but false alarms. Methinks they be cryin' "the poop deck is leakin'" when there be nary a drop to spare. Arrr!

Arrr, Me Mateys! Bein' cursed with Palmoplantar Pustulosis be a real scurvy challenge to treat, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Them fine speakers at the National Psoriasis Foundation research symposium be sayin' that when it comes to nasty pustular disease on ye hands and feet, the treatments be havin' only a wee bit o' power. Shiver me timbers! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arr, should them fancy doctors be sailin' the seas of medicine when they be feelin' poorly?

Avast ye, me mateys! Whilst most scallywag doctors reckon 'tis wise to be at rest if plagued by an ailment, the cursed healthcare system o' today be makin' the solution a mighty tangled mess, I tell ye true! Arrr, Medscape Medical News be sayin' so, me hearties!

November 12, 2023

Arrr! A mighty danger befallin' ye scurvy dogs! Carrying a child in rheumatic disease be raisin' yer risk o' fourfold for a calamitous CVE!

Yarr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Them lasses carryin' wee ones with lupus and APS be havin' an 18-fold greater danger of a heart mishap, jus' afore and up to 6 weeks after birthin', than their mateys without such troubles. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye lookin' fer finer ways to keep yer blood pressure in check after birth? Try ye Self-Monitorin' method, POP-HT!

Arr, savvy mateys! Latest tidings suggest that keepin' a close watch on yer own blood pressure durin' the early postpartum days may lower it and ward off future heart troubles fer lasses with high blood pressure durin' their pregnancies, says newfangled research. Yo-ho-ho!

"Arrr! We be makin' grand strides, me hearties! A newfangled siRNA drug be makin' Lp(a) walk the plank!"

Arrr! In a grand study, they be sayin' that this fancy new medicine, lepodisiran, be makin' lipoprotein(a) disappear like a ghost! Aye, they be usin' some small interfering RNA, and poof! No trace be left! Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Scuttlin' the pain with Aspirin be helpin' to staunch the bleedin' in me heart mateys with LVADs!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A fancy test be done, matchin' vitamin K against the likes o' aspirin or a fake pill. Turns out, shunin' aspirin be keepin' yer blood from leakin' without raisin' the risk o' blood clots. Arrr, that be the news from Medscape, mateys!

November 11, 2023

Arr, the advantage o' Dapagliflozin after a heart attack be not a forced decree, matey!

Arr! A grand trial o' SGLT-2 inhibition in low-risk heart mates after an MI revealed some jolly benefits in preventin' future mishaps. But, by Davy Jones' locker, a bigger study be needed to confirm this findin'! Shiver me timbers! <i>MDedge News</i>

"Arrr, in th' land o' MI with weakened blood, liberal transfusions may sway th' tide in yer favor, matey!"

Arr, whilst the main booty be no different betwixt a liberal and more restrictin' transfusion plan, methinks the secondary findings leaneth towards a few jolly advantages for the liberal way. Yo ho ho!

Yarrr! Blimey! Turns out, this here angioplasty be a treasure for stable angina sufferers, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The mighty ORBITA-2 trial be tellin' us that a good ol' percutaneous coronary intervention be doin' wonders fer patients with stable angina. Aye, it be a fine discovery, unlike its predecessor ORBITA. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye, matey! What befall ye if ye get the dreaded COVID and the flu (or RSV) crossin' yer path at once, arr?

Arrr, mateys! Be ye warned, despite our best efforts, there be a cursed possibility that a hapless few may find themselves fallin' victim to not just one, but two o' these treacherous viruses in the chilly winter season. Be it bad luck or a cursed fate, ye better brace yerselves!

November 10, 2023

Arrr, tried a wee steroid taper and some Tocilizumab for GCA, see if it'd do the trick, matey!

Yarrr! Be news from a study, mateys! It be sayin' that shortenin' the time ye spend on prednisone from 26 weeks to a mere 8 weeks could be a way to lessen yer time with those blasted glucocorticoids. Avast, ye patients be gettin' some good news!

Avast ye scallywags! Lack o' good slumber be connected to a higher chance o' forgettin' yer own name.

Avast ye! A lessenin' o' deep slumber, also known as slow-wave slumber, be tied to a higher peril o' forgettin' things, like havin' a mind cloudy with dementia, especially fer the scallywags o'er 60 summers. Arr! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! These immunotherapies be mighty fine, givin' no fear o' cancer comin' back to haunt ye.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Them landlubbers with immune ailments and a cursed past of malignancy, they faced the same odds o' cancer comeback, whether they be takin' immunosuppressive remedies or not! Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>

November 9, 2023

Arrr, matey! Many a scurvy dog's biopsies be failin' to reckon the proper grade o' their cursed tumors.

Arrr, me hearties! Beware ye scurvy dogs! Misleading biopsy reports be makin' poor souls walk the plank o' esophagectomy, when a simple endoscopic resection be all they need. Shiver me timbers! <i>MDedge News</i>

Yarrr! Word be spreadin' that Tarcocimab might be boostin' yer vision if ye suffer from Diabetic Retinopathy, matey!

Arr! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! A mighty trial be revealin' that tarcocimab, a fancy biopolymer with a powerful antibody for them vascular growth factors, be makin' yer vision clear as a calm sea 'n fixin' up the eye bits of mateys sufferin' from diabetic retinopathy. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Them "Prior Authorizations" be messin' with our cancer care, mateys! Avast and walk the plank!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs in authority be causin' delays and denials fer the proper care o' many a pirate in need. Avast, be aware! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr, the T-DXd booty be still a treasure for lasses with HER2-Low breast scourge! Avast, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! The mighty Trastuzumab deruxtecan, also known as T-DXd, be showin' great promise in battlin' advanced breast cancer in lasses wi' low HER2 expression. It be leavin' the physician's choice of treatment in tatters! Yo-ho-ho! <i>MDedge News</i>

Avast ye landlubbers! A scurvy study be revealin' a mighty surprise - a grand prevalence of MG be found, arr!

Arrr, the scurvy-ridden survey be showin' a higher prevalence than those other blimey studies. It may be a true difference or just a lack o' database booty. Avast, me hearties! <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale.

November 8, 2023

Arrr, standin' BP measures be boostin' the skill o' diagnosin' hypertension, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Aye, a scurvy new study be claimin' that takin' blood pressure measurements while ye be standin' helps spot hypertension better! Avast, me hearties, ye gotta be payin' heed to this here news from the Medscape Medical News!

November 3, 2023

Arrr, aye! Them scallywags with Long COVID don't seem to be sufferin' from any brain misfortunes, mateys!

Avast ye! A brace o' fresh reckonings 'bout long COVID hath revealed further truths 'bout the affliction that befalls many a soul in the good ol' United States. Arrr! <br> <i>News from the Health Scrolls</i>

Arr, Matey! In this Myasthenia Gravis, them antibodies be passin' open-label tests without a hitch!

Yarrr! These swashbucklin' scholars be sharin' their findings from a follow-up voyage called MycarinG trial of rozanolixizumab and the ADAPT-SC+ study of efgartigimod. Avast! Medscape Medical News be the messenger.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me heart be heavy to report a dire risk fer trans, gender-diverse lads 'n lasses in th' infirmary.

Thee scallywags be sayin' that young lads 'n lasses who be transgender or o'erwise diverse in thar gender, seekin' help at thar hospital, be havin' a cannonball chance o' five times mor' likely to be thinkin' 'bout endin' thar own voyage. Aye, true story!

Arrr! The scallywags be demandin' a treasure overhaul, as this Medicare 2024 base rate cut be makin' waves!

Arr, ye scurvy doctors be happy to hear they'll be gettin' extra doubloons for dealin' with tricky ailments. But, by the powers, they be pleadin' with Congress to keep their pay intact, lest they be walkin' the plank! Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

November 2, 2023

Arr! COVID-19 be havin' no hand in stirrin' up the storm o' MS disease, matey!

Arrr, ye scurvy COVID-19 be havin' no effect on the disease activity, progress, or mind of them pirates sufferin' from multiple sclerosis, says the Medscape Medical News. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis be said that insulin be not as heat-sensitive as we once reckoned, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A brand new Cochrane Review be sayin' that unopened insulin can survive up to 6 months, even in the fiery heat of 25°C (77°F). So fear not, me hearties! Yer insulin be stayin' fresh 'n ready for battle on the high seas! Yo ho ho!

Arr! Yonder study be provin' thar effects o' JAK Inhibitors on RA in th' real world!

Arrr, me hearties! I be tellin' ye, these fancy-sounding potions, tofacitinib, baricitinib, peficitinib, and upadacitinib, be just as good as each other for relievin' the sufferin' of 600 scurvy dogs with rheumatoid arthritis. Aye, it be true, me mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be reportin' it!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of healthcare! The FDA be sendin' a message: Be sure ye be givin' two doses o' that COVID vaccine, ye savvy?

Yarrr! Me hearties on the interwebs be claimin' their wee ones be gettin' a bigger dose of the jolly juice! Arrr, some o' these landlubber parents be spottin' more troubles like achy limbs and burnin' fevers with the 2023-2024 potion. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, mateys!

November 1, 2023

Arrr! The swashbucklin' scallywag, second porky heart taker, be pushin' up daisies, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, me mateys! Listen ye up! Laurence Faucette, he be a brave soul, survived a measly 6 fortnights with a swashbucklin' pig heart in 'is chest. All seemed well, but alas, a few days afore his demise, the poor lad met his unfortunate fate.

Avast ye, lads! 'Tis a tale o' "Menopause Behind Bars"! Aye, be prepared fer some swashbucklin' hot flashes!

Yonder search uncovers a bitter truth, mateys! Imprisoned women be sufferin' in yer menopausal years, without proper care. Avast, it be a travesty!

"Arrr, Mateys! Pembrolizumab be conquerin' the treacherous seas of Biliary Tract Cancer! Avast, a mighty victory!"

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs be tellin' me that this here checkpoint inhibitor has gotten itself another nod from the fancy FDA. 'Tis now the sixth time it be treatin' folks with gut troubles! Yo ho ho!

Yarr! Them black mates with troubled minds be findin' themselves more bound 'n restricted, says the scuttlebutt.

Avast ye! 'Tis be reported that black mates in the loony bin be 85% more like to be bound with ropes, pills, or contraptions than their white counterparts. And mind ye', they be stuck in them binds for a longer spell! Arrr!

October 27, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' that a mighty study be expandin' to more clinical sites, savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This grand voyage seeks to gather 8000 brave souls afflicted with HS. Their precious bodily fluids be required for mystical studies. Full sails ahead! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarr! Thar be a study checkin' if them fancy supplements can cure yer unsightly blemishes, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Many a potion may be found to cure the pox on yer face, but the scallywags be claimin' that some may fancy the notion of seekin' natural remedies or witchcraft instead of the fancy medicines prescribed by the landlubber doctors. Arrr!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! The APOE status be havin' no sway on Donanemab's mightiness, says the goodly study.

Arrr! Latest tidings from TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 2 be showin' that donanemab be a fine treasure for both APOE4 bearers and landlubbers alike! It be clearin' that pesky amyloid and keepin' scurvy dogs from scallywaggin' their way to disease and reliance. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! Why be it that so many merry doctors take great pleasure in crafting the fine drink of wine, matey?

Avast, me hearties! Despite evidence doubting the perceived health benefits of grog, many doctors be takin' up winemakin' as a jolly good hobby and scurvy scientific pursuit, yieldin' fine results. Here be how they do it, mateys! Arrr!

"Avast ye! Shed pounds faster, me hearties, with the ancient art of Time-Restricted Eating! Arrr, slim down, we shall!"

Arr! Fer a grand six months, a plan o' eatin' restricted to a mere 8 hours each day, without botherin' with calorie countin', be winnin' the battle o' weight loss. And lo! 'Tis not the only treasure, as both methods lowered A1c levels equally. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! UK be warnin' o' foul counterfeit Ozempic pens, be causin' scallywags to be hospitalized, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Beware o' purchasin' bogus slimmin' pens claimin' to hold Novo Nordisk's Ozempic or Saxenda! Britain be warnin' ye scallywags 'bout these imposter pens after a wee bit o' folks ended up in the infirmary. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Arrr! The Abbott be endin' the sellin' o' wee probiotic treasures fer wee lads 'n lasses!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs at Abbott Laboratories be haltin' the sale o' their Similac Probiotic Tri-Blend for wee bairns in the hospital, after the FDA sent 'em a warnin'! Shiver me timbers! <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be tellin' the tale, me hearties!

Arrr, Labcorp be plunderin' more doubloons than ye scallywags thought! A profitable treasure indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! Laboratory Corporation of America hath surpassed Wall Street's expectations fer their adjusted profit this quarter. Arrr, their routine diagnostics business be mighty strong, compensatin' fer the feeble sales o' their cursed COVID tests. Yo ho ho!

October 26, 2023

Arr, me mateys! Ye see, this fancy technology be supportin' lasses in preventin' the scurvy HIV!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The preexposure prophylaxis be a powerful weapon against the cursed HIV, but 'tis a shame that the fair maidens be slow to embrace it. Fear not, for the clever researchers claim that these magical mobile contraptions can be our savior! Avast, our ladies shall be saved! Medscape Medical News be the bearer of such tidings.

Arr, mateys! Be holdin' ye news: New ways to tame the tickin' curse known as Tourette Syndrome be on th' horizon!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, ye scurvy dogs be tryin' newfangled ways to tame them tics in swashbucklers with Tourette syndrome. They be strappin' some device to their wrists, givin' their nerves a good ol' shock. Har har! Medscape Medical News be tellin' ye no lies, mateys!

Arrr! Beware, mateys! These opioid potions may be overused in the treatment of agonizing migraines, yarrr!

Arr, me hearties! A scholarly look at them migraine sufferers in the land o' Canada reveals that they be takin' too many strong medications, like opioids, when the throbbin' starts. And, by Davy Jones' locker, they be neglectin' the preventive potions! Aye, this be what the Medscape Medical News be sayin'!

"Arrr! Be it Ne'adjuvant, Adjuvant or Both? The quarrel o'er NSCLC be still ragin'!"

Arrr, me mateys be arguin' fiercely o'er whether to administer immunochemotherapy afore or aft the surgery, or maybe both! Aye, this be a scorchin' debate in the land o' non-small cell lung cancer. Yo ho ho!

October 25, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Patients with scaly skin be not sharin' their thoughts 'bout their psoriasis treatment, says the scurvy study.

The scurvy knaves be warnin' that makin' the landlubber doctors talk to their patients be mighty important, says the scribes. - Medscape Medical News

October 22, 2023

Arr, two stool tests be showin' promise for screenin' the dreaded CRC! Avast ye scurvy pirates!

Avast ye landlubbers! There be news of two fancy tests, one reckonin' the RNA and t'other the DNA, that be showin' mighty high sensitivity in spyin' colorectal cancer. Arrr, me hearties!

Be it true, matey, that slappin' some Pembro on high-risk cervical cancer does boost PFS? Yarr!

Arr, the goodly drug Pembrolizumab be a mighty addition to the standard chemoradiotherapy for lasses with newly diagnosed, locally advanced cervical cancer! It be showin' a vast improvement in the survival without progression, as revealed by newfangled data. Yo ho ho!

Be it true, me hearties! Doth double goodness surpass, or doth triple therapy reign supreme for endometrial cancer?

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! The scurvy dogs of endometrial cancer be seein' progress aplenty! They say immunotherapy linked with chemo be givin' good results. And if ye add a PARP inhibitor to the mix, the outcome be even grander. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis been discovered that this fancy ALK Inhibitor named Alectinib be bringin' good tidings fer yer lungs!

Arr, the ALINA trial be revealin' tidings of improved DFS, as alectinib outshines chemotherapy in treatin' stage IB-IIIA NSCLC. But arrr, will these early DFS results ensure a longer survival for all? Harrr!

October 21, 2023

"Arrr, scurvy dogs be makin' older folks walk the plank fer no reason! Study says CRC screenin' be questionable!"

Arrrr! A scurvy study be sayin' that them old sea dogs what be nearin' their final sail often be gettin' checked for the cursed colon cancer. But, methinks there be some doubloons of worry 'bout this here screenin' bein' too much for 'em. Avast!

"Arrr! The use of Nivolumab afore surgery be boostin' the chance o' survivin' in lung cancer, matey!"

Arrr, the interim findings from CheckMate 77T be tellin' us that perioperative nivolumab be better than neoadjuvant nivolumab and chemotherapy alone, me hearties! Aye, we be sailin' toward better event-free survival! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! ESG be a mighty weapon against rotund bellies, bringin' weight loss to even the heaviest scallywags!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! I be tellin' ye, the goodly data from the real world be provin' that the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty be safe and bringeth forth great weight loss for even them hefty souls with class III obesity. Avast, this be Medscape Medical News!

Arr, keepin' watch o'er scallywags with advanced cancer be improvin' their sea of livin'!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a tale o' grand discoveries! A recent venture reveals that keepin' tabs on yer symptoms through digital sorcery be helpin' ye catch 'em early, makin' yer life as a cancer fighter a tad better, and keepin' ye away from those dreaded infirmaries. Yo ho ho!

Arr, the many treasures hidden in Adjuvant Abemaciclib be revealed! A boon for the lassies battlin' breast cancer!

Arr! Tis a mighty discovery, me hearties! By addin' the CDK4/6 inhibitor to endocrine therapy, we be seein' a modest yet significant boon fer five long years in women with high-risk early breast cancer. Aye, 'tis a treasure worth cherishin'! <i>MDedge News</i>

October 20, 2023

Avast ye! No zapping be needed, matey! Jus' keep an eye on yer parts, savvy?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that addin' radiotherapy after cuttin' out the prostate don't do no good for lads with cancer. That be what they found in the RADICALS-RT trial, mateys!

Arr! Tenecteplase be as good as Alteplase for strokes, says the ATTEST-2 crew! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! This here outcome, along with its simplicity, be addin' to the swellin' proof that tenecteplase be a top-notch scallywag for clearin' blood clots, as them trial investigators be claimin'. Me hearties at Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Hefty girth be raisin' th' odds o' gestational diabetes in lasses wit' PCOS, arr!

Arr, ye scurvy wenches with polycystic ovaries be havin' a tad more chance o' gettin' the blasted gestational diabetes. But fret ye not, me hearties! 'Tis the rotund bellies that be takin' the blame for this misfortune. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Aye, me mateys, turns out me heart be troubled, even if me body shows no signs of scurvy diabetes!

Arrr! Me hearties, the treasure map o' medical knowledge reveals that them scurvy dogs with diabetes and no known heart troubles be in dire straits. Aye, the results from 2730 sea dogs' tests show that a weak blood flow be a deadly sign, whether they feel the pain or not. Yo ho ho!

Arr, mateys! Sailin' the high seas o' health, we've discovered telehealth be boostin' opioid treatment keepin' ye scallywags onboard!

Arrr, mateys! Shiver me timbers! Latest reckonin' be showin' that this newfangled research be backin' the use of telehealth services to treat the cursed opioid use disorder. Avast ye, ye landlubbers! Medscape Medical News be bringin' the tale!

Arrr, the smoke from the fiery Canadian wilderness be causin' limp sails in the proud city of New York!

Avast ye! The surge in me hearties flockin' to the infirmary with the breathin' trouble known as asthma be mighty clear, especially amongst the mature crew who toil upon the seas. Arr!

Be ChatGPT smarter than a PCP, me hearties? Arrr, let's find out and set sail on this humorous journey!

Arr, ChatGPT be a fine matey, but it be fallin' a wee bit short on the UK's National Primary Care exams, showin' it lacketh the skill o' analyzin' based on experience and be prone to a touch o' "hallucinations." Arr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye mateys! Be ye curious 'bout how ye olde violence be alterin' the teachin' o' medical arts to these landlubbin' residents?

Arrr! The scurvy-ridden scallywags claim that ye be findin' nasty, strained, and harrowin' circumstances durin' yer time as a medical apprentice. These treacherous situations be resemblin' perilous and hazardous surroundings in diverse medical fields, say the stats. Savvy?

October 19, 2023

Yonder scurvy dogs reckon they've found the treasure map to Raynaud Disease with these two genes!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that this discovery might just lead us to new treasures in treatin' this condition! Aye, the experts be hopin' for new ways to heal our souls. Yo ho ho!

Arr! Minnesota landlubbers, the NPs, PAs, and Physicians have united as a merry crew under Allina's flag!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A band of sea farin' healers bein' called the Clinicians Coalition be joinin' the Doctors Council! They be seekin' to parley for better crewin' and workin' circumstances. Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys, this CMS 'Million Hearts' be a fine treasure fer reducin' yer CVD risk. Yo ho ho!

Arr, ye scurvy CMS-led CVD risk reduction program be a fine weapon against the heart's mutinous attacks and the dread strokes! It be a five-year voyage, but no extra doubloons were spent in this randomized trial, me hearties. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News

Arrr, ye landlubbers! Pfizer be chargin' a hefty sum o' $1390 doubloons for their COVID remedy, Paxlovid. Blimey!

Arr, Pfizer be raisin' the price o' its COVID-19 cure, Paxlovid, to a mighty sum o' $1400 fer a five-day voyage once government supplies be depleted. Aye, that be more than double the price they be chargin' the government! Avast, the scurvy dogs be makin' a pretty penny out o' this treacherous sea! Arr!

Arr matey, mutts be visitin' the sea dog healer. What a barkin' spectacle!

Arr, ye scallywags! Be bringin' yer mutts to the doctor's office a heartwarming sight or a terrifying one? Aye, some doctors and patients reckon it's perfectly fine, mateys! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Me hearties, we be achievin' victory o'er Penicillin Allergy in wee lads 'n lasses at ye Pediatric ED!

Arr, young scallywags in need of mighty antibiotics should be faced head-on with a verbal challenge! This be the way to go, says the wise Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, 997529 be a mighty treasure, worth more doubloons than ye can count on ye fingers!

Arrr! Yonder extension trial be sheddin' light on th' treatment order fer a wee-studied group o' premenopausal lasses. Aye, me hearties, avast ye! Medscape Medical News be bringin' ye this scuttlebutt.

Arrr, be it true that the scurvy dogs with kidney ailment shall beget a new elixir for their woes?

Arr, me hearties! Dapagliflozin be the pioneer SGLT2 inhibitor blessed for CKD. 'Tis been two years, yet tis not gained much favor. But what if empagliflozin be granted a similar blessing, along with a fresh decree? Might that be the spark to stir things up, ye reckon?

October 18, 2023

Arrr! This here AI Chatbot be seein' things! It be spreadin' silly medical gibberish like a scurvy pirate!

Avast ye! When ye mateys inquired 'bout the cursed FDA warnings on them common antibiotics, that blasted chatbot, tested by the investigators, did naught but spew false tidings too many a time. Arrr!

Arrr! The scurvy FDA be approving Ardelyx's potion for the pox known as kidney disease!

Arrr, me hearties! The US Food and Drug Administration be finally granting approval to Ardelyx's potion to heal them high phosphate levels in scallywags with chronic kidney disease, they be sayin'. Aye, 'tis a long time comin', mateys, more than 2 years after it was first spurned. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Ye scurvy dogs! Beware the frigid trap o' mighty polyps, less ye be plagued by more mischief later.

Arr, me hearties! Thar be a tale o' the sea! Ye see, this fancy new method called "Cold Snare Endoscopic Mucosal Resection" be safer than the scorchin' "Hot Snare" fer them massive, non-pedunculated colorectal polyps. But beware, the stubborn critters be more likely to return! The secret be choosin' the right lesion, say them fancy experts. Yo ho ho!

"Avast ye scallywags! The REBOA be naught but a bungle in treatin' traumatic blood loss, arr!"

Avast ye! 'Tis been discovered that pluggin' up the aorta with fancy balloons didn't save many lives in trauma patients bleedin' from their guts. It might have even sent 'em to Davy Jones' locker sooner! Aye, a new trial it be.

October 17, 2023

Arrr! Tiny scallywags weighin' less at birth be havin' a greater peril of developin' MASLD at an early age.

Arrr, wee lil' ones wit' low birth weight or bein' wee for gestation be havin' a fourfold higher hazard fer MASLD, and a sixfold higher peril fer liver fibrosis in the early days o' their life. <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! The FDA be givin' the thumbs up to Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant Pembrolizumab for those scurvy dogs with NSCLC!

Arr, me mateys, be informed! Yonder sanction be grantin' the right fer never-endin' ship's doctorin' treatment 'round surgery fer those with lung cancer. Aye, 'tis a fine tale from the Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Should ye heal yer RA whilst carryin' a wee buccaneer or not? Biomarkers may lend ye a hand, matey!

Yarr! Them smart landlubbers be sayin' they've found some peculiar changes in a woman's genes afore she be gettin' herself with child. This here knowledge can help me hearties with rheumatoid arthritis to decide whether to keep takin' their remedies or not. Shiver me timbers!

Them industry dogs be tossin' doubloons at gettin' residents involved, as well as fillin' their bellies with grand feasts!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! A tale from the JAMA be tellin' us that certain landlubber specialties be keen on swashbucklin' 'gainst their honor and acceptin' gold from the industry scallywags. 'Tis a sad truth, with 'bout 13% of trainees fallin' prey to the temptation. Yo-ho-ho!

October 16, 2023

"Arrr, be there too much medicatin' for these landlubber heart arrhythmias? Avast, 'tis called "Diagnosis Creep!"

Aye, savvy! Be it known, ye scurvy dogs, that by spyin' a wee disease afore it gets worse, ye lads and lasses may soon be gettin' ye treatments faster! Use o' anticoagulants in mateys with the cursed AF be an example. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Arrr! 'Tis said, me hearties, that the amount of fatty-hb concentration in FIT might separate ye risk of CRC in the elderly.

Arrr! A new study be sayin' that if ye be findin' no blood in yer poop, ye scallywags aged 75 and above may have less chance o' gettin' the dreaded colorectal cancer. Savvy, me hearties? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! 'Tis true, mateys! The dreaded CKD be causing cardiac arrest in our Hispanic and Latinx brethren.

Arrr, me mateys! Thar be news o' a cursed affliction! Aye, this chronic kidney disease be bringin' a risk o' sudden cardiac arrest, aye, more than sevenfold, to them brave souls o' Hispanic or Latinx blood. Blast 'n' scallywags!

"Arrr! Denosumab be a mightier weapon against fractures than Zoledronic Acid, me hearties!"

Arrr, matey! In the lack o' a randomized comparison trial on breakin' yer bones, them scurvy researchers be usin' a negative control outcome to pit them two drugs against each other! Yo ho ho!

Arr, mateys! These antibiotics be as precious as gold to some, makin' 'em use 'em all willy-nilly!

Arr, me hearties! Them clever folk be sayin' that scurvy landlubbers be takin' their precious antibiotics without proper guidance! They be urg'n for better knowledge and care so they don't walk the plank! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

October 15, 2023

"Avast ye! 'Tis a fierce battle betwixt Remission Doubled With Risankizumab and Ustekinumab in CD!"

Arrr, ye scallywags be listenin'! The study be showin' that risankizumab be outshinin' ustekinumab, makin' it a treasure worth findin'. It be showin' great promise for endoscopic remission and clinical remission at week 48, a result ye'd be findin' once in a lifetime!

October 13, 2023

Arrr! The breath be short 'n wheezy fer me mates in th' LGBTQ+ crew, aye, their chests be troubled!

Arrr! Methinks the reckonin' be in! Aye, tis found that those sailin' the seas of divergent desires be more prone to fiercer asthma storms than their straight mateys! Avast, ye Medscape Medical News!

Arrr! Kaiser Permanente be signin' a grand labor agreement, matey, after a fearsome strike that shook the seas!

Arrr, me hearties! A grand agreement be made! 'Tis coverin' 85,000 workers who be part o' the union. They be gettin' more doubloons and extra crew be joinin' after a mighty worker rebellion! But hold yer horses, me lads, the fine print still needs the approval of the union. Yo ho ho!

Arr! Be ye ready fer a shiny new gadget to steer yer Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement voyage!

Arr, ye hearties! Preliminary findings be showin' that replacin' yer aortic valve with a fancy Transcatheter method, usin' a transjugular approach, be both doable and safe! So says the good folks at Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Arrr! The use o' LSD be triplin' amidst ye scallywag young adults sufferin' from the gloom o' depression!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be tellin' me that the use o' LSD be triplin' among the young scallywags with past-year depression, as per the latest news from the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Shiver me timbers!

Avast ye! The French scallywags be fightin' against harm to healers. Scurvy dogs, beware!

Arrr, me mateys! France's fine ministers of health 'n professions be settin' sail on a grand plan t' safeguard thar noble healthcare crew. 'Tis a joyous day, indeed! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be bringin' ye this fine news, landlubbers!

Arrr, the EMA be warnin' that these Omega-3-Acid Ethyl Esters might be makin' ye feel AF, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be wantin' to know that this here 'Atrial fibrillation' be joinin' the crew o' common side effects in the Summary o' Product Characteristics fer medicinal products containin' omega-3-acid ethyl esters. Medscape Medical News be tellin' ye, mateys!

Arrr, Canada be facin' a dire 'ealth emergency as the rates o' pox be sky-high! Blimey, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, be hearin' that there be a terrible surge in infectious pox and wee pirate babes be born with it too! The call be for better watchin', stoppin', and testin' of this cursed disease. And let's not shame the mateys with these shipshape infections, aye!

Arr! Be there a code o' conduct for them hefty ones in Dallas? What be this "Standards o' Care for Obesity on Menu"?

Avast ye, mateys! The latest tidings from SURMOUNT-3 be arrivin' at Obesity Week 2023 in Dallas. Prepare to set yer eyes upon the real-world tales of the newest antiobesity potions, a standard o' care parchment, and other treasures! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be hittin' the mark! Arrr!

October 12, 2023

Arrr, 'tis true, me hearties! Ocrelizumab be a boon for older mateys fightin' the dreaded MS.

Arr! 'Tis confirmed, ye scurvy dogs! The power of ocrelizumab be bringin' relief to the ol' sea dogs with multiple sclerosis. The lads and lasses over at the research quarters be hopin' this news helps ye decide which path to sail. Yo ho ho!

Arr, this fancy AI be showin' us how our ship's medicine be mixin'! Safer potions be awaitin' us, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of the medical profession may soon be usin' AI to keep ye mateys with multiple sclerosis from mixin' up their potions and brews. This fancy new data says it'll help ye find safer options and steer clear of any disastrous interactions. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mates! Word be spreadin' that the new RSV potion be makin' landlubbers avoid the gloomy hospital chambers, ye scallywags!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! A grand study be sayin' that the RSV vaccine for wee lads 'n lasses be cuttin' down on their visits to the hospital, and savin' a pretty penny in medical costs! Ahoy, spread the word! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, me hearties! The clever AI has spotted the scurvy hidden, yet curable, pancreatic cancers. Aye, a mighty discovery indeed!

Arr! A smart contraption be claimin' to have the talent o' detectin' the cursed pancreatic demon afore it be causin' any mischief! A glimmer o' hope for folks with no symptoms, so ye can be rid o' the blight before it be too late! Savvy?

Arrr! Thar be a method to check yer bones, me hearties, to see if ye be sufferin' from weak bones matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen well to this here news from the land of Medscape. Aye, reckon if ye be considerin' a patient's trabecular bone score, it might just change yer mind 'bout the treatment ye be givin'. Savvy?

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye! Aye, be wary if ye be havin' high or low HDL cholesterol levels, for they be linked to the risk of dementia!

Arr, me mateys! 'Tis been discovered that havin' either too little or too much o' the "good" cholesterol can set ye on the path to the cursed dementia in yer later years. But fear not, me hearties! There be no link between the scurvy dementia and the levels of our notorious "bad" cholesterol! Yo ho ho!

Arr, ye wee scallywags! This here Coacillium be a miraculous brew that be banishin' youth's baldness. Avast, arr!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a mighty fine discovery, ye scallywags! The jolly rogers of coacillium be showin' greater success in reducin' the cursed SALT scores o' alopecia. And, by Davy Jones' locker! The effects be lastin' even after the treatment be done! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Ye lasses o' diverse background be facin' a bias when bein' judged, mateys!

Arrr! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! A newfangled study be revealin' that lasses of underrepresented minorities in residency programs be gettin' dreadfully unfair evaluations compared to them White male landlubbers. Shiver me timbers! Methinks it be time to set things right! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, Mateys! The plunder o' survival be on the rise for Multiple Myeloma, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Them fancy blood doctors be shoutin' from the rooftops 'bout a grand new age fer multiple myeloma. Wise folk be chattin' 'bout how the times be different now, mates! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The FDA be findin' no foul play at the Lyme Disease shot's trial sites, me hearties!

Arrr! Thar be no foul play found at the clinical haunts where Care Access be a-wieldin' Pfizer and Valneva's trial o' a scurvy-inflictin' Lyme disease vaccine! Yo ho ho!

October 11, 2023

Ye be best to take yer Benzodiazepines on occasion, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Avast! A grand study be showin' that takin' these benzodiazepine potions on occasion be safer for ye older mateys than takin' 'em all the time. It be helpin' ye avoid tumbles, broken bones, and even death! Arrr!

Arr, thar be new guidelines fer detectin' when ye brain be good fer naught. Take heed, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Aye! Today, aye, there be shiny new rules on findin' the death o' yer noggin. Finally, after more than a decade, some fresh reckonin' comes for both wee ones and grown-up scallywags. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Aye, a fresh scurvy called "Diabetes" be linked to a risk o' heart ailments, especially for the young buccaneers!

Arrr! A wee 'ol diagnosis o' type 2 diabetes be bringin' a vast 10-year risk o' heart troubles to all, be it lads or lasses, from wee bairns to old salts. But beware ye young scallywags below 40, for they be sufferin' the most! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, should these scallywag doctors be beggin' for doubloons from their own patients? Methinks not, matey!

Arrr! Be it a fair tale or a truth, tis said that hospitals be seekin' treasures from grateful patients. And the goodly doctors be asked to beg for these spoils. But I ask ye, be it a moral act, me hearties?

Arrr! Them European scalawags be earnin' a mere half o' what them American mateys be takin'!

Arr, not many healers 'cross the globe be satisfied with their gold, yet they'd still choose to embark on the noble voyage o' medicine.

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Three magical potions be readyin' themselves to cure the wretched ailment of consumption!

Arr, there be 15 scurvy vaccine contenders in the fierce fight against the blight of tuberculosis, to make up for the lousy power of that Bacillus Calmette-Guérin swill. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Aye! This narcolepsy potion be provin' worthy for adult ADHD, matey! Early signs o' treasure be seen!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Word be spreadin' that Solriamfetol be a safe and effective treatment for groggy pirate hearts sufferin' from ADHD. A wee study suggests this magic potion be worth considerin'. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye maties! This fancy imaging test be helpin' us spot the advance of craniofacial scurvy!

Thar scurvy dogs be findin' that studyin' pictures be tellin' a true tale. Aye, them fancy doctors say it be workin' well on mateys with darker skin. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the jolly news, arrr!

October 10, 2023

Arr! The FDA be warnin' ye scallywags! Cease sellin' yer unapproved weight-loss concoctions, or walk the plank!

Arr, ye scurvy FDA be sendin' letters o' warning to them bilge rats sellin' their unapproved versions o' semaglutide and tirzepatide. Avast, ye scallywags best be stoppin' yer mischievous ways, lest ye feel the wrath o' the FDA!

Arr! 'Tis be a dreadful tale: Th' cursed Proton Pump Inhibitors be teamin' up with scurvy dementia, mateys!

Arr matey! Them scallywags who be takin' them PPIs 'ave a greater chance o' catchin' th' dreaded dementia afore they reach 90! 'Specially them young'uns. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, be it true, mateys! Many scallywags of the youth, plagued by Type 2 diabetes, be uninterested in takin' their elixirs!

Me shipmates, be seein' that the fight fer a roof o'er our heads and grub in our bellies, along with fears o' side effects from potions, be makin' it hard fer us mateys to stick to our meds! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Them eye doctors be ignorin' th' link between AMD 'n mental health troubles, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr! Them old sea dogs be sufferin' from the spectacles gone wrong in their peepers, causin' great sadness and worry. But them fancy doctors be lackin' the sight to see, so aye, we be needin' a proper agreement on the matter. Yo-ho-ho!

Be thar a victor 'mongst us, runnin' or meds fer the black dog o' depression? Aye, ye'll find out!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Methinks a jolly runnin' therapy might outshine them fancy antidepressants for beatin' the black dog o' depression and anxiety! The lads say ye get a stronger body from runnin', and it be easier to stick to than them potions. Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, rebuildin' yer bosom after ye mastectomy, m'lady? What be yer heart's most precious treasure?"

Arr, a savvy survey be uncoverin' what be most valued by lasses in the matter o' post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. These findings may steer us toward offerin' more personalized care for our fair patients. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye! 'Twas yet another day in th' infernal ER! Weighin' th' scales o' sympathy while battlin' desensitization!

In the swashbucklin' realm o' the emergency ward, physicians be facin' a daily juggling act, tryin' to keep their tender hearts while confrontin' the brutal truths o' injuries. Arrr!

Yarr! The plunderin' o' cannabis be leadin' to more landlubbers findin' themselves in the ship's infirmary, aye!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been found that the spread o' cannabis trade be leadin' to more landlubbers visitin' the hospital due to their dalliance with the herb. Methinks the law be lettin' this plant loose, and now we be payin' the price!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis the secret to havin' yer scallywag patients returnin' for their cursed follow-up cancer tests!

Avast ye, me hearties! Ye be needin' them fancy EHR reminders, phone calls, and letters to keep yer sorry hides alive on this treacherous sea of life! Ay, Medscape Medical News be preachin' the ways o' survival, so pay heed, ye scurvy dogs!

October 9, 2023

Arrr, the FDA be givin' its blessing to the liquid version of Secukinumab, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! This here fancy way o' givin' medicine be comin' fer ye in the fourth quarter o' 2023. Avast ye, me mates, 'tis a fine news from Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, scurvy dogs be sufferin' from weak blood, lackin' iron, when carryin' wee pirates in their bellies.

Arrr! Me hearties, tis been found that lackin' proper blood and iron in a mother's belly results in troubles for the wee ones she carries. Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, the risin' danger of 'Tranq' be troublin' the healers of landlubber doctors, arr!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye! A shiny new parchment be sayin' that with the spreadin' use of the creature calm-maker xylazine, or 'tranq,' we be needin' more testin' and research, says a fancy new study! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, there be a fancy new contraption called AI, said to reduce the death toll from broken hips. Avast!

Arr! The clever landlubbers be havin' created a mystical contraption called artificial intelligence, which be capable o' foretellin' a scurvy patient's fate after they be sufferin' a hip fracture! Aye, it be a weapon fer the physicians to better their care after surgeries. Ahoy!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said that ctDNA foretells how long ye survive with yer Oligometastatic NSCLC after a wee bit of Radiation!

Aarrr! Measuring the cursed ctDNA levels afore ye radiotherapy be tellin' ye which scurvy dogs be havin' a better chance o' survivin' and benefitin' from a good ol' radiotherapy or the blasted systemic therapy. Savvy? - Medscape Medical News

Arrr, Semaglutide be the grand victor 'gainst HFpEF, matey! No matter the LVEF, obesity be no match!

Arrr, be it the mystical powers o' the GLP-1 receptor agonist drug that be bringin' forth the benefits in STEP-HFpEF? Be it only through sheddin' pounds, or be there more to it? The trial be holdin' a clue, say the learned ones. Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, me hearties! Good news be sailin' in 'bout partial-breast radiation for early BC. No need to panic, mateys!"

Arrr, me hearties! A 10-year reckonin' showed that ye can get away with partial-breast an' reduced-dose radiation therapy for early breast peril, just as good as the full-bosom treatment, says the scribes at MDedge News. Yo ho ho!

Arr! Ye scurvy Walgreens crew be plannin' a grand walkout, says the rum-laden scrolls of CNN.

Arrr! Mateys at Walgreens be plannin' a grand walkout o' the pharmacy crew, includin' them pharmacists, technicians, an' support hands. 'Tis set to be 'tween Monday an' Wednesday, as reported by the good folks at CNN. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

October 6, 2023

Arr, Conagra be makin' changes to their victuals, for these weight-loss potions be messin' with yer hunger!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Slim Jim beef jerky maker Conagra Brands be sayin' on Thursday that they might reckon alterin' the size o' their snacks if all ye landlubber swashbucklers keep takin' weight-loss potions. Aye, me hearties, food consumption be changin' and they be keepin' an eye on it! Yo ho ho!

Arr, matey! Ye can fix yer leaky bladder with a good dose of pelvic yoga and physical training, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye listenin' up? 'Tis a tale of 16 mighty Hatha yoga poses, performed with great precision! Stand tall, sit proud, lie back, and brace yerself for perfect posture. Arr, ye landlubbers be bendin' like true yogi pirates!

Arr! Avast ye! Aye, be a new clue unearthed 'bout the scurvy cause and spread o' Parkinson's Disease, mateys!

Arr, 'tis said by them scurvy researchers that when yer mitochondria be injured, 'tis a signal for Parkinson's disease to strike ye. Aye, this discovery might lead us to spot the disease early, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

The grand tale be told! Sadness and stress be linked to the dreaded Alzheimer's and the risk of memory loss!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A tale be told that a history of melancholy or stress be raisin' the chances o' gettin' AD or MCI in later days. And if ye be cursed with both, the risk be even more treacherous! Arrr! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

October 5, 2023

"What be the finest choice o' blood-thinners fer ye double danger in 'Bi-Risk' heart plunderin', me hearties?"

Arrr, matey! The grand OPT-BIRISK trial be sharin' vital knowledge in the tangled web o' blood-thinnin' remedies after a pirate's heart attack. So says a wise soul. <br> <i>From the scrolls of Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis a tale o' bad news! Heart swappin' be bad fer expectin' lasses, says the history books!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that lasses carryin' a wee one and havin' a new heart inside 'em be facin' a higher chance o' sufferin' from a heart attack, fallin' into the clutches o' Davy Jones, or other dreadful fates durin' their stay in th' maternity ward.

Arrr! FDA be sayin' aye to the ninth Humira Biosimilar, me mateys! It be swappin' just fine, ye scallywags!

Arrr! Ye scallywags be hearin'! The potion known as adalimumab-afzb, or Abrilada, be the second of its kind to gain the coveted interchangeability status. Ye pillaging pirates can get yer hands on it this month, mark me words! Aye!

Avast ye! CBT be a mighty weapon to cure the sea of troubles plaguin' menopausal lasses in their prime!

Arr, if ye be a peri- or postmenopausal lass with troubles in the bedroom, fear not! A wee study found that cognitive behavioral therapy, a clever approach to fixin' yer mind, be quite effective in fixin' yer sexual concerns. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis the tale of NAFLD's transformation into MASLD. Shiver me timbers, quite the rebranding, indeed!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs of the international group spent a good 3 years to forge a grand consensus on the new words! But mark my words, gettin' them landlubber peers t' embrace it be like huntin' for buried treasure. More effort be needed, me hearties! Arrr!

October 3, 2023

Arr! Me hearties, thar be good news! Enhancin' the way we do things be keepin' us mateys from walkin' the plank.

Arr, mateys! If ye be wantin' better results in the long run fer yer emergency department, ye best be focusin' on lean trainin' and a continuous quality improvement approach for yer care practices. Aye, it be like findin' buried treasure! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! Let's chart the treacherous waters o' "What Be Proper and Not for Healers on the Social Ship!"

Arrr, scurvy dogs! Be it not a wonder that rogue-like manners be runnin' rampant on the treacherous grounds of social media, e'en amongst the learned physicians. These noble healers be conversin' about the lines they be drawin' whilst sharin' their thoughts on these various platforms, and providin' tips to keep their content shipshape and professional.

Avast ye, me hearties! Be ponderin' a newfangled plan to deal with scurvy fevers in wee ones with sickle cell!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a dire need for a new way to treat wee scallywags with sickle cell disease. Arrr, we be findin' that bringin' 'em to the emergency quarters with a fever be reducin' the chance of dangerous blood infections. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sharin' the tale!

"Arr! Metformin be a mighty elixir for the lasses wit' child! Fixes their sugar problems, it does!"

Arrr, me hearties! Them lasses assigned to metformin be seein' better blood glucose levels, less need for insulin, but doubloons of questions still be floatin' in the air. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

September 29, 2023

Arr! This here Zero-Tobacco Heat Stick be a handy matey to dodge the blasted regulations, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The crew be revealin' a zero-tobacco stick fer use with our 'heat-not-burn' contraption IQOS! This be helpin' us dodge the tax and other pesky rules in certain lands. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Be it true, mateys! Shunning meat may lessen the odds of gut cancers, so says the scallywags!

Arr, mateys! Scuttlebutt be sayin' that shunin' meat can be a smart choice fer yer gut health. A scholarly gatherin' o' tales suggest that ye can lower the peril o' developin' tummy and booty cancer, by adoptin' a vegetarian diet. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The scurvy FDA be givin' their seal o' approval to the first Tocilizumab Biosimilar, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Biogen, be sayin' that Tocilizumab-bavi, or Tofidence as they call it, be a fine choice for them scurvy dogs with ailing immune systems. 'Tis a cheaper alternative for the afflicted, so shout yo-ho-ho and give it a try! FDA Approvals be tellin' the tale, mateys!

Aye, bein' a scurvy dog ain't easy. Huntin' for the mystical COVID shot brings nought but troubles!

Avast, me hearties! As the grand launch of this freshly brewed potion kicks off, many landlubbers in America be encounterin' obstacles. Arrr! - WebMD Health News

Ye olde change o' dwellin' post heart seizure be a surefire way to walk the plank o' death.

Shiver me timbers! Sailin' to a different abode after a heart seize be bringin' ye closer to Davy Jones' locker or a landlubber's place for the long haul. Arr, that be the news from the good mateys at Medscape Medical!

Yarrr! This be the telltale sign o' a cursed waterway affliction, me mateys! Aye, beware the UTI, 83% o' the time!

Arrr, matey! A study be findin' that painful matey time be more common than them fancy words like pollakiuria, urodynia, dysuria, and urinary urgency. Aye, it be somethin' not often spoken of in patient care, but worth ye knowin'!

Arr! This here fancy contraption be helpin' ye scallywags with type 2 diabetes steer clear of the dreaded hypoglycemia!

Arr, 'tis been discovered that a clever tool be helpin' scurvy dogs with the sugar disease. Aye, this tool led to fewer low blood sugar events in 94 old sea dogs with the cursed type 2 diabetes. Arr, Medscape Medical News be sharin' this tale!

Lilly be settlin' a scurvy whistleblower lawsuit 'bout their foul manufacturin' woes. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, Eli Lilly and a matey o' theirs be settlin' a scuffle, wherein th' worker claimed she be walkin' th' plank fer exposin' shoddy craftin' practices and deceitful number-tweakin' regardin' their diabetes potion. Avast! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

September 28, 2023

Arrr! FDA be givin' the nod to Subcutaneous Vedolizumab for keepin' the pox-ridden UC at bay, mateys!

Arr matey! Takeda be reckonin' that the subcutaneous vedolizumab for UC maintenance therapy shall be ready fer ye scallywags in the United States by the end of October. They be callin' it the Entyvio Pen, a single-dose pre-filled weapon. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! AMA Be Backin' BP to Teach Scallywag Medics, Matey PAs, 'n Nursin' Schools! Avast, ye landlubbers!

Arr, ye scurvy med students and healthcare dogs, be lackin' proper BP trainin'! But fear not, the mighty AMA be wantin' to fix this, to lessen the blasted cardiovascular disease and stroke. Avast ye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! What be the booty AI holds fer us endocrinologists? Yarr, let's unravel the treasure!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks endocrinology, a treacherous sea of complexities, could greatly profit from the mystical powers o' AI -- when thar wrinkles be properly smoothed out, that be! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! These ill-fated events be tied to a better chance o' survival in the battle against scurvy!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been found that those brave souls who obtain cutaneous immune-related adverse events whilst takin' immune checkpoint inhibitors fer their cancer, be havin' a brighter outlook. Yarrr!

September 27, 2023

Avast! The scurvy FDA Panel be rejectin' that fancy experimental stem cell therapy fer the dread disease ALS!

Arrr, ye scurvy FDA panel be rejectin' NurOwn, a fancy experimental stem cell therapy for the likes o' mild to moderate ALS. Blast! We be needin' a better treasure map to find a cure, me hearties! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News, avast!</i>

Yarr! 'Tis a pity, mateys! Methinks this device tracking be lackin' the wind in its sails!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be missin' chances aplenty to spy perils with implantable contraptions! Wise medics be sayin' we need identifiers in the electronic health records and claims for payment, lest we be sailin' blind. Medscape Medical News, ye landlubbers!

Arr, be these Cellular Therapies the mystical treasures that hold the key to conquerin' autoimmune maladies?

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Good tidings be upon us as we learn of tiny tests and wee trials showin' the promise o' CAR-T cell therapy to remedy, mayhaps even cure, foul afflictions like lupus! Arrr!

Arrr! Aye, tis be a peculiar tale indeed! The jab be causin' unexpected crimson tides in the lasses!

Arr, me hearties! 'tis been reported that lasses who haven't been sailing the crimson tide be prone to unexpected spoutin' o' blood from their nether regions after takin' the COVID-19 jab. Aye, 'tis a strange tale indeed! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Peg-legged heartburn mateys be spared from the spyglass o' endoscopic watchin' fer Nonerosive GERD, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Mateys with nonerosive GERD needn't worry about the scurvy risk of esophageal cancer like the landlubbers do. No need for them to be poked and prodded with endoscopic devices, savvy? Yo-ho-ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Nay be a need to shackle Hep C treatment based on grog consumption, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tis been discovered that drinkin' grog won't help ye fight off the cursed hepatitis C virus. So keep yer rum stash for jolly times, me hearties! Savvy?

September 26, 2023

Arrr! If yer patient be takin' a one-way voyage to Davy Jones' locker, here be how ye get yer booty!

Arrr, when a landlubber be takin' the eternal plunge, the shipmates of medicine be feelin' a heavy heart. But alas, there be times when our fine doctors must also reckon with the matter of unsettled debts. Here be a guide to navigatin' that delicate situation with a touch of finesse. Avast!

Arrr! The FDA be doubting the worth o' this ALS stem cell treatment, mateys!

Arrr, matey! Avast ye! The FDA be waggin' its finger, doubting the safety and worth of a newfangled stem cell remedy for that cursed disease called ALS. They be holdin' a grand confab to discuss it with their advisory panel on a fine Wednesday. Savvy?

September 22, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! Many young scurvy dogs be haltin' their UC maintenance, temptin' a treacherous relapse!

Arrr! Aye, a study be findin' that near 70% o' ye young scallywags be stoppin' takin' that fancy 5-aminosalicylic acid within a year after bein' cursed with ulcerative colitis. That be raisin' their chances o' sufferin' a relapse and other troubles. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be reportin' this, mateys!

Arrr! Tirzepatide be the treasure me hearties, tops Semaglutide in scurvy A1c control and weight loss!

Arrr, mateys! A grand meta-analysis on the two diabetes potions be tellin' us that tirzepatide be bringin' greater booty in benefits. But beware, ye may find yerself with a touch of the tummy-ache thanks to the higher gastrointestinal effects o' this treasure!

Avast ye! Three foul potions be equally potent for curin' the CAP, me hearties! Arrr, that be a fact!

Yarr! Grown-ups wi' nonsevere community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) be givin' aye response to three first-line and alternative antibiotic regimens, based on data from o'er 23,000 landlubbers. Arr! <i>MDedge News</i>

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been heard that Paxlovid be no match for the treacherous COVID-19 variants!

Arrr! Avast ye, scurvy dogs! Word be spreadin' that Pfizer's COVID-19 antiviral, Paxlovid, be losin' its mighty powers o' preventin' hospitalization or death in high-risk patients. A real-world study be claimin' it to be less effective than afore. Shiver me timbers! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! Guzzle ginger to fix yer neutrophil woes, ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers!

Arr! Aye, me hearties! 'Tis said that chewin' on ginger be makin' them neutrophils - the scurvy dogs causin' troubles with our bodies - slow down their mischief-makin'. Aye, 'tis good news for those sufferin' from the curses of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy wenches be advis'd ta check fer the dread curse o' hypertension durin' yer pregnancy!

Avast! The cursed sea of pregnancy be bringin' more scurvy hypertensive disorders to the land of the United States! From '93 to '16-'17, the number o' cases per 10,000 deliveries done doubled to a grand total of 1021! Arrr, that be some treacherous waters indeed!

Arrr, we be sendin' aid to Morocco, joinin' hands with local scallywags to lend a helpin' hook!

Arr, matey! Avast ye! 'Tis a devilish quake that befallen Morocco, a catastrophe like no other. A monstrous 6.8 magnitude shook the land, leavin' naught but destruction in its wake. 'Tis a tragedy of epic proportions, so it be, me hearties!

Arrr, scurvy hearts and dastardly substance abuse be sendin' many a soul to Davy Jones' locker in these treacherous waters of AS!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a sad tale, but 'tis true. The scurvy landlubbers with ankylosing spondylitis be meetin' Davy Jones's locker due to their weak hearts and rotten kidneys. Aye, 'tis a grim fate indeed! Savvy?

September 21, 2023

Arr, the FDA be sayin' nay to the fancy implanted contraption fer dosin' GLP1-RA fer the T2D, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy FDA advisory panel hath given a resounding nay to the use of a contraption to deliver the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide to landlubbers sufferin' from type 2 diabetes. Safety be a concern, they say! Blast me barnacles!

Yarrr! NPs and PAs be takin' on more patients in the primary care realm, arrr!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs known as advanced practice providers be takin' care of more landlubbers seekin' primary care, treatin' the likes of coughin' lungs and anxious hearts! It be as clear as the treasure map itself, says the latest word from Medscape Medical News.

"Arr! Echocardiography be a mighty tool 'tis, makin' yer predictin' powers strong fer T1D, me hearties!"

Arrr, the Myocardial Performance Index, a metric of heart-function dug up from echo findings, be havin' a grand effect on predictin' incident CVD, especially the heart failin', in scallywags with type 1 diabetes. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The blasted hospital accreditor be settin' its sights on cuttin' greenhouse gas emissions, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! The scurvy dogs at The Joint Commission be settin' sail on a voluntary adventure next year to aid hospitals in cuttin' down their greenhouse gas emissions. They be droppin' the notion o' forcin' 'em to report emissions for accreditation. Yo ho ho, the news be from Medscape Medical News!

September 20, 2023

Arrr! Avast, me mateys! Be there a lack o' blood experts in these vast lands? What be the solution, ye scallywags?

Arr, fer many a decade now, the number of ol' blood doctors hath dwindled. Aye, these landlubbers be gettin' less booty than them oncologist blood doctors. 'Tis a shame indeed, as our patients be sufferin' without proper and swift treatment. Yo ho ho!

"Avast ye, me hearties! AGA CPU sets sail to plunder noninvasive tests for scurvy dogs sufferin' from NAFLD!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This newfangled noninvasive testing be a godsend for ye landlubbers sufferin' from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. It be safer than a scurvy biopsy, mateys! Ye can now keep a watchful eye on yer liver's health without the need for cuttin' ye open like a fish. Arrr!

Yarr, the scurvy study be sayin' that psoriasis be raisin' yer odds of heart disease, matey!

Avast ye! This be the grandest quest yet, delving into the murky depths of the link betwixt dreadful psoriasis and me heart's wee vessels. Aye, a colossal study indeed! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! FDA be seekin' a fresh study fer EpiPen Nasal Spray as it be sufferin' a setback, matey!

Arrr, ye scallywag! The blasted regulator be sayin' nay to a nasal spray that'd be the first of its kind to cure allergic reactions without a needle. Shiver me timbers! <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be spreadin' the word, me hearties!

September 19, 2023

Me mateys, beware! Scurvy landlubbers be warn'd! Stress at work may raise the risk o' a broken heart in ye salty sea dogs!

Arr, ye scallywags! 'Tis been discovered that a buccaneer toils with twice the chance o' heart disease if he be feelin' strained o'er his job and bein' denied proper booty like gold doubloons and higher ranks. Aye, observational research be sayin' so! Yo ho ho!

"Arrr, mateys! DBT be decreasin' suicide attempts in them young scallywags with bipolar. Yo ho ho!"

Yarrr! Avast ye landlubbers! A bloodcurdlin' condition called Bipolar spectrum disorder (BP) be known to raise the odds of scallywag youths takin' their own lives. But nay a single psychosocial intervention be addressin' this cursed suicidal behavior. Savvy?

Eli Lilly be takin' legal action against those scurvy dogs peddlin' fake Mounjaro for trimmin' down in the colonies!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Eli Lilly be a-suing them 10 US medical spas, wellness centers, and compounding pharmacies for peddlin' their snake oil, claimin' it be havin' tirzepatide, the magic ingredient found in their diabetes potion Mounjaro. Shiver me timbers!

Yarrr! Sailin' with yer primary care be the key to preventin' the scurvy of HIV, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers! Them primary care swashbucklers be knowin' how to keep ye safe from the dreaded scallywag, HIV. So be sure to visit 'em, lest ye want to walk the plank!

Ye Top Tax Loopholes That Sea Dogs o' Medicine Be Usin'!

Yarr! Them landlubber doctors be spilin' the secrets o' their booty by sharin' the tax deductions they fancy most for their grand annual tax return. Aye, it be a tale from the Medscape Medical News, mateys!

September 18, 2023

Yarr! AHA be reviewin' how blastin' LDL be affectin' th' ol' noggin, mateys!

Arrr, the booty of proof be sayin' that pillagin' the cholesterol ain't makin' yer noggin go awry or yer skull leak like a leaky ship. Aye, says a fresh report! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, Muvalaplin and Olpasiran be showin' grand potential in bringin' down the treacherous Lp(a), mateys!

Arrr, tis be reported by them scurvy researchers that Oral muvalaplin be lowerin' lipoprotein(a) in a phase 1 study, and injectable olpasiran be doin' the same in an extension of a phase 2 study, all without any harm upon their safety. Savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The number of young landlubbers admitted to the infirmary for self-harm be on the rise during the cursed pandemic, arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Avast ye, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis reported that lasses be flockin' to the infirmaries, claimin' ailments o' self-harm, poisonous potions, and dark thoughts. 'Tis a sad tale indeed, brought forth by this cursed pandemic. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sharin' the news, me hearties! Arrr!

September 15, 2023

Arr, FDA be grantin' permission fer Momelotinib to mend the cursed Myelofibrosis, be bringin' anemia to its knees!

"Arrr, Momelotinib be a treasure fer them poor souls with weak blood, aye!" - one scurvy expert declared. FDA be grantin' its approval, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! The STEMI trial be a disappointment, for it be failin' to back up post-PCI blood thinners!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be tellin' tales of a grand randomized RIGHT trial! They be testin' the effects of 48 hours of post-PCI anticoagulation on the hearties sufferin' from STEMI. But alas, they found neither treasure nor peril! Avast, the news be from Medscape Medical News!

Arr! The CHMP be advisin' the marketin' o' a grand biologic fer the scurvy known as atopic dermatitis!

Arr, me mateys! Lebrikizumab be a mighty monoclonal antibody that be bindin' to the foul cytokine IL-13. It be said that this cytokine be causin' a cursed type-2 inflammatory loop in the skin, makin' the skin barrier all wonky. Aye, a fine discovery indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs, pray tell, how be this Lecanemab sorcery fixin' the forgetful minds o' the Alzheimer's cursed souls?

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Have ye heard about lecanemab, mateys? 'Tis a study claimin' it be blockin' the actions of a cursed molecular cascade tied to amyloidosis! Blimey, there be hope on the horizon! - Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Arrr! The German health minister be wantin' to make healthcare more technologized! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be tinkering with this newfangled idea of makin' electronic records for patients and expandin' prescriptions. The insurance companies and patient advocates be feelin' as uneasy as a landlubber on the high seas. Savvy?

Fear not, matey! The latest scrawlings bring good tidings 'bout Redo TAVR, a treasure trove o' real-world info!

Yarrr! Methinks them fancy logbooks be sayin' that usin' a blow-up valve for fixin' a broken TAVR be a fine choice, mateys! Aye, it be a reasonable treatment, says the data! Yo ho ho!

Arrg! 'Tis said the Sotatercept be tied to tweakin' the pox in yer lungs, mateys! Avast!

Arr matey, I reckon the scallywag sotatercept be showin' some promise! It may bring grand benefits to ye sickly souls and change the wicked ways of this wretched disease. Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Be these 'ere Antigen Tests worthy o' a grander role, followin' their triumph over th' pandemic?

Avast ye, me hearties! These swift antigen tests be hailed as the valiant saviors of the plague. Mayhaps 'tis time to grant 'em a broader purpose, so they may tackle other scourges and even the next ghastly pandemic. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! A swashbucklin' new remedy be here t'battle those wretched superbugs that be defying our medicines!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dog! This magical elixir be attackin' not one, but three crucial molecules that be buildin' those pesky bacterial walls. Ye won't be seein' them scallywags survivin' long with this in yer arsenal! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

September 14, 2023

Yarr! Me mateys be readyin' fer a season of a' nasty respiratory virus. PCPs be preparin' themselves, mateys!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis the time o' year fer them respiratory viruses, arrr! Wise folk be instructin' them landlubber doctors on advisin' their patients 'bout the likes o' COVID-19, influenza, an' RSV vaccines. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale, ye scallywags!

Arr, FDA be makin' changes to how they be usin' Temozolomide, mateys! Time to set sail on new adventures!

Arrr, me hearties! This be the second concoction to receive a labelin' update under the agency's Project Renewal program, aimin' to keep labels of older cancer brews up to date with current practice. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Aplenty o' troubles befall ye scurvy dogs sufferin' from RA! Death be lurkin' nearby, avast!

Arr! The cases o' minor ailments from RA be dwindlin' over time, mateys! 'Tis likely 'cause them rheumatoid nodules be showin' up less. Yo ho ho! - Medscape Medical News

Avast! What matters not to the outcome of a surgeon's blade in NSCLC, ye scurvy dogs?

Arr, me hearties! The study AEGEAN be one of the earliest explorations of immune checkpoint inhibitors in the perioperative realm, showin' a jolly improvement in EFS and pCR! But worry ye not, for it had nay impact on the outcome of surgeries. Yo ho ho!

Arr, there be a mighty high rate o' followin' cancers in this dreadful Merkel Cell Carcinoma, mateys!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! In this grand cohort study, a bunch of learned landlubbers be findin' 6146 patients from 17 registries of the SEER Program who had been cursed with a first primary cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma between 2000 and 2018. Yo ho ho, indeed! <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Be ye warned, mateys! Surgeon's knife be bringin' no good to yer chances o' survivin' the pleural mesothelioma!

Arr, there be next to naught progress in the scurvy treatment o' early-stage, slice-and-dice mesothelioma. Avast, ye landlubbers at MDedge News!

Arr! Ye ol' Community Program be helpin' landlubbers control their BP faster'n a cannonball flyin'!

Arrr! Them community health centers, with their self-measured blood pressure programs, be makin' a mighty fine difference in controllin' the pressures within at-risk populations! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! The US be shoutin' 'bout some health calamity in Georgia after that dreadful hurricane, mateys!

Arr, mateys! The fearsome US Department of Health and Human Services hath declared a dire public health emergency for the land of Georgia! Blimey! Keep yer eyes peeled and yer scurvy at bay, me hearties! <i>Reuters Health Intelligence</i>

Arrr, me mateys! If ye be sufferin' from a failed PPI treatment, here be a guide to scurvily manage yer heartburn without breakin' the bank!

Arr, me mateys, if them scallywags be sufferin' from heartburn despite takin' them fancy proton pump inhibitors, ye best be takin' 'em to the scurvy doctor for a spot o' endoscopy with ambulatory reflux monitorin'. It be the most cost-effective way to solve this conundrum, says Medscape Medical News, arr!

September 13, 2023

Arr, ye scallywags! The SGLT2-inhibitors be of no use to ye lads and lasses sufferin' from the foul COVID-19 while in yer sickbeds!

Avast ye scallywags! This here meta-analysis be tellin' us that them fancy medications be safe for even the most bedridden landlubbers! So fear not, me hearties, for ye can still be takin' yer meds without worryin' 'bout sinkin' to Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, me mateys! 'Tis told that this here surfactant be bringin' some good to wee ones in their early years.

Arrr, this here surfactant therapy be not as grand as we hoped, mateys! A follow-up study on wee preterm buccaneers with respiratory distress be showin' mixed results. They be supportin' 'em with CPAP, but 'tis a tale still unfoldin'.

Arrr! Young scallywags exposed to SSRI in the womb may suffer from smaller noggins, says ye study!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that them wee ones in the womb, who have tasted the SSRI brew, might suffer from a decrease in their brain's treasure chest. But we be needin' more clues to decipher the true worth o' this discovery. Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

September 12, 2023

Arrr, be it a wise choice to have a wee peek inside yer blood vessels afore plunderin' 'em? Aye, says I!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that imagin' catheters ought to be part of most coronary stent procedures and mayhaps all complex cases! Aye, these advocates be claimin' that several new studies back up their claims. Avast, keep yer eyes peeled for more from Medscape Medical News!

Arr! Yonder ADCs be a showin' early promise in the battle against NSCLC, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Ye see, these antibody-drug concoctions be connectin' a tumor-huntin' antibody to a poisonin' drug, all thanks to a fancy-pants chemical linker! They claim to be mightily powerful, aye! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arr! Osimertinib be joinin' forces with chemo to improve plunderin' PFS, but beware o' the toxic side effects, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Aye, tis be said that mixin' osimertinib with the likes of chemotherapy be boostin' the fight against lung cancer, but beware, says the wise ones! Fer there be a fear o' dangerous side effects! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, the FDA declares Phenylephrine a scurvy bilge rat, says it be as useless as a peg leg on a parrot!

Arrr! Me hearties, be ye listenin'? This Sudafed PE and Vicks Sinex, they be nothin' but a scurvy placebo! Aye, they be no more useful than a parrot on me shoulder. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the truth, me mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Swashbucklin' advances in HF therapy 'ave stirred a bootyful ESC guideline update.

Arr, mateys! The latest scroll be mendin' a wee problem we be facin' - the 2021 law o' the land be outdated quicker than a cannonball! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! Be them scurvy dogs helpin' me hearties with troubled souls to navigate life's treacherous waters, yarrr!

Arr, me hearties! Whilst ye be waitin' a considerable time fer mental health services, fret not! Northwest Battle Buddies be havin' service dogs aplenty to lend a hand to me fellow veterans sufferin' from the harrowing PTSD. These loyal canines shall guide ye towards stability, joy, and contentment on yer journey through life. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, the scallywags be flockin' to Canada's EDs like a band o' thirsty pirates stormin' a rum-filled tavern!

Avast, me hearties! In the treacherous waters of COVID-19, Canada's emergency decks suffered a mighty blow. But, by blackbeard's beard, those visits be risin' and fallin' like the tides! Aye, Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, lack of adventure be likin' a sure path to a foggy mind, mateys. Be movin' yer body, or lose yer wits!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Aye, if ye be spendin' more than 10 long hours a day sittin' like a landlubber, ye be raisin' the risk of dementia! Shiver me timbers! 'Tis a concern indeed, for them Americans be spendin' a grand average of 9.5 hours a day seated. Arrr!

September 11, 2023

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be there a 'New Dawn' for Aldosterone as a foul Drug Target in the treacherous seas of Hypertension?"

Arrr! The great alchemical brew known as lorundrostat be a powerful weapon against the treacherous scourge of high blood pressure! In the grand TARGET-HTN trial, it proved its might by significantly lowering the systolic pressure of adult landlubbers with uncontrolled hypertension. Medscape Medical News be the messenger of this wondrous news!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! VKA be crushin' NOAC in frail AF swabbies. Give 'em therapy, or walk the plank!

Ye scurvy dogs who be sufferin' from the cursed atrial fibrillation, be warned! Switchin' yer treatment to a newfangled NOAC agent may cause ye to bleed like a leaky barrel! No treasure in terms of thromboembolic events be found, mateys!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ye be hearin' this: them swashbucklin' night owls be sailin' into Type 2 Diabetes waters!

Arrr! Me hearty, beware! The study be sayin' that lasses o' a certain age, who fancy carousin' in the dark instead o' risin' with the sun, be raisin' their chances o' gettin' the dreaded type 2 sugar sickness. Aye, a life o' debauchery be awaitin' those lasses, mark me words!

Arr, me hearties! This AI contraption be as good as a landlubber mammogram reader, says I!

Arr! Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis said that this newfangled contraption called "artificial intelligence" be puttin' an end to our days of squintin' at two sets of mammograms. Aye, the times be changin'! <i>MDedge News</i>

September 8, 2023

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wonderin' if the cursed GERD be makin' ye feelin' anxious or depressed?

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be noticin' a curious connection betwixt them landlubbers sufferin' from the dreaded belly fire, 'n the many who be feelin' down in the doldrums! Methinks their blood be sharin' a mysterious bond, says some fancy analysis. Aye, me hearties, ain't it a peculiar tale?

"Arrr, be ye resigned to yer plight? Prepare fer a jolly shock, matey! Yer captain's solution be quite unexpected!"

Yarr, mateys! The scurvy condition known as "burnout" be plaguin' more than half of these landlubber doctors. But when they cry for aid from their superiors, the help they get be as different as a parrot and a peg leg. A tale from a Colorado doc serves as a warnin', me hearties!

Arrrr, me hearties! Aye, the new ESC ACS Guideline be mixin' STEMI and NSTE-ACS like rum and grog!

Arr, ye scurvy guideline task force be sayin' that STEMI and non-ST elevation ACS be akin to a spectrum, and after ye initial triage and management choices be made, most o' the rest o' the care follows a common pathway. <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, the good news be in! Zilebesiran be a mighty weapon to battle the treacherous high blood pressure. Huzzah!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! This here investigational siRNA therapeutic be a mighty success! It be makin' those landlubbin' adults with hypertension see a reduction in their cursed systolic blood pressure. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

September 7, 2023

Arrr! Aye, scallywags be chattin' 'bout them fancy ways t' be removin' fat without stickin' knives in ye!

Arrr, mateys! CoolSculpting be a mighty fine method that freezes yer excess blubber, banishin' it from them stubborn spots through some fancy panniculitis. A true expert claims it be accountin' for a grand 72% o' noninvasive fat removal treatments in the US o' A. Yo ho ho!

Arr! This fancy contraption may spy treacherous signs o' foggy brain in them parkinson scoundrels!

Arrr! A new study be showin' that pictures taken in the early stages of a cap'n's Parkinson's disease might give a hint o' dementia bein' on the horizon. Ahoy, me hearties!

"Arrr, the Mysterious Plights: Tongue Shackles and Measly Cancer Treatment Passage"

Yarr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! This newfangled study be claimin' that speakin' Spanish or Mandarin may dampen a landlubber's chances o' gettin' cancer treatment appointments in the United States. Savvy, mateys? Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Be ye hearin' the news? Online CBT be helpin' students find calm waters 'gainst anxiety 'n depression!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! This here invention, bein' available on them fancy mobile phones or tablets, can be transported to them primary care facilities or them poor souls in far-off lands. Yo ho ho, says Medscape Medical News!

September 6, 2023

Yarrr, ye be hopin' for a cure to heal yer heart? Nay, this plan be no good, me mateys!

Arr, matey! 'Tis a tale of woe! T'was revealed in the ARAMIS trial that the use of anakinra, a fine interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, did naught to lessen the troubles of acute myocarditis. Safe it may be, but alas, no help 'tis found. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the truth!

Arrr! Behold, mateys! These fancy new bandages, infused with AI magic, be settin' sail to revolutionize wound healin'!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The fancy doctors, engineers, and AI experts be joinin' forces to create these here "smart bandages" that be healin' all sorts o' wounds! From battles on the high seas to mere scrapes, these bandages be fit fer any sea-farin' matey!

Mendin' shattered bones o' elderly landlubbers: Aye, there's more to it than mere breakages, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis a sorry sight indeed. Despite the fight to diagnose weak bones, a vast majority of our seasoned American crew remain untested and untreated for the cursed scurvy of osteoporosis. Aye, we be in need of a better strategy, lest we all end up limping like peg-legged pirates!

Arrr! Thar be news o' new COVID shots ready to set sail, arrivin' next week, me hearties!

Arr! The newly crafted potion be a mightier shield 'gainst the scurvy strains o' the virus, me hearties! Hear ye, from the good folks at WebMD Health News!

September 5, 2023

Arr, a mighty clinical model be advisin' us on GBA gene testin' to tackle Parkinson's, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! This new study be sayin' that by usin' a simple model of clinical and demographic traits tied to GBA mutation carrier status, we can be aimin' our genetic testin' at them patients with Parkinson's disease! Shiver me timbers!

September 1, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! In th' first moon after PCI, ye still be needin' some fine aspirin! STOPDAPT-3 be tellin' ye so!

Verily, me hearties! 'Tis said that using prasugrel (Effient) alone be no better than the dreaded dual antiplatelet therapy to prevent bleedin' after PCI. Aye, there be even a whisper of it increasin' the risk of ischemia! Arrr!

"Avast ye landlubbers! The ESC be havin' released the finest guidelines fer Cardiomyopathy. Prepare to be schooled, mateys!"

Arrr! The European Society of Cardiology be settin' sail with their grand announcement! They be releasin' the very first set of guidelines, spannin' across the seven seas, to tackle them tricky cardiomyopathies! 'Tis a treasure, me hearties! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Avast ye! The fancy trinkets be helpin' the doctors understand ye body better, me hearties!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Posh smartwatches 'n other trinkets be lendin' a hand to the scholars. Avast! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Avast ye hearties! Tis no worthin' to be tamperin' with yer ticker if it be in fine fettle, arrr!

The DANPACE II study be blowin' yer sails! Turns out, the fancy idea o' slowin' ye heart's beatin' to avoid the devilish atrial fibrillation ain't worth a bucket o' sea water fer patients with sinus node trouble. Arr!

Arrr! Me hearties, me 'ave discovered the crucial signs o' Gut Scourge in Melanoma - aye, a treasure indeed!

Avast ye! Methinks the booty of gut bugs be different betwixt them scurvy dogs with the dark spots on their skins and them without. And even amongst those poor souls, the difference be sharp 'twixt them with just a pinch of melanoma and them with it spread like wildfire. Arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be news of grand discoveries in the land o' medicine: fatness and sugar sickness drugs find new purpose, aye!

Yarr! Cap'n experts be chattin' 'bout the fancy new ways o' treatin' diseases with incretin drugs. They reckon it be a game-changer for treatin' both ailments, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

"Arrr! 5 Tricks to Steer Clear of a Scallywag Lawsuit With Electronic Health Record Sorcery!"

Avast ye, me hearties! Usin' those cursed electronic health records might bring forth unintended errors that can plague the patients and up the chance of lawsuits. Fear not, me mateys! Here be a guide to steer clear o' such trouble. Arrr! - <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Scurvy sepsis be too oft forgotten in them landlubber hospitals. Avast, ye scallywags!

Avast ye! 'Tis a sorry tale, mateys! A mere 55% of our fine ship's hospitals claim their leaders be given proper time to oversee the sepsis programs. A medical emergency that be affecting o'er 1.7 million souls! Arrr, 'tis a shame, says Medscape Medical News!

August 31, 2023

Arrr! A grand contraption be decipherin' twitches from regular movin' images. Aye, me hearties, a marvel indeed!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of science be sayin' that a fancy contraption powered by the learned arts of machines can tell the difference between a twitch and a jig on videos of folks with tickin' troubles! Set sail for efficiency, me hearties!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs be needin' t' know, there be hidden tales o' scallywags mistreatin' landlubbers in healthcare!

Belay yer eyes on this, mateys! Them medical scallywags be havin' a time o' it, tryin' to spy signs of abuse. But they be so blind to their own plights, not askin' for help 'cause o' shame and rules. Arr!

Arrr! Behold, me hearties, a fresh code o' conduct fer dealin' with wee scallywags' tooth torment!

Arr, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs be tellin' us that them NSAIDs, whether wit' or wit'out acetaminophen, can be used to quell the agonies o' dental pain when ye lack proper treatment. Aye, 'tis what them newfangled recommendations be sayin'! Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr! Tralokinumab be a fine remedy for the scurvy ol' folks with AD, says this here analysis. Avast!

Arr! These here findings be mighty important for them ol' scallywags who be facin' their own special treatment woes, says them authors.

August 30, 2023

Arrr, usin' statin be bringin' down the chances o' another whack 'pon yer noggin', says the scholars!

Arr! Methinks if ye use them statin potions after ye intracerebral hemorrhage, ye be havin' a lower chance of another stroke, says these fancy researchers. They be askin' fer a random test to prove it, says Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 5 queries for ye COVID gurus: How much should we fret, ye scurvy dogs?

Avast ye, me hearties! WebMD, be seekin' wisdom from the learned scallywags, wantin' t'know if we'll be donnin' masks once more, and what the future holds fer this here autumn 'n winter. Arrr!

"Ahoy, Mateys! Be ye seekin' t' improve ye scurvy-ridden antimicrobial prescribin' whilst sailin' the hospital seas?"

Arrr, mateys! New reckonin' be tellin' us that the differences in how these landlubber physicians be givin' out their antimicrobial potions in the hospitals be havin' nothin' to do with the characteristics of the patients or the outcome of their ailments, says a new findin'! Yo ho ho, strange times indeed!

Arr, me hearties! Learn ye how them landlubbers with the wheezing lungs can enjoy the spoils of exercise.

Arrr! Be it true, mateys! The scurvy dogs of research be sayin' that physical activity be helpin' yer lungs and easin' the grip o' asthma. But beware, for it can also unleash an attack! Here be the treasure map to the best approach, ya scallywags!

August 29, 2023

"Avast ye! Me eyes be spyin' high rates o' CVD in scurvy dogs wit' diabetes an' COPD, arrr!"

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that a methodical search for heart problems in adults with the sugar disease, lung trouble, or both, be bringin' in twice as many cases o' CVD than normal care. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! ACR be fixin' to give ye a rulebook on how to handle ILD in them rheumatic ailments.

"Arrr, we be in need o' proper reckonin' fer which trials t' use in spyin' on this cursed ailment," declared Cap'n Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD. The full script be unveilin' itself come early 2024. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been a mighty rise in 'em gender-affirmin' surgeries from 2016 to 2019, by Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, matey! A study be sayin' that the most popular operations be fixin' the lassies' treasure chests. Avast, 'tis true! Ahoy, the Medscape Medical News!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scuttlebutt be false! A study be sayin' there be no connection betwixt cancers 'n despair!

Arrr! Methinks these findings be like a cannonball to the heart of a common theory! Depression and anxiety not be a pathway to Davy Jones' locker, but rather a voyage that sets sail on a different course. Avast! Let this new knowledge change our minds, me mateys!

August 28, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Young swashbucklers be sufferin' from CTE, says the biggest brain givers' tale!

Arrr! Avast ye! Aye, 'tis a dire tale indeed! Over 40% o' them swashbucklin' athletes, who've faced multiple bonks to the noggin, be sufferin' from CTE, even them wee lads who only played in youth, high school, or college sports. Yo-ho-ho!

Be ye aware, mates! Engaging in risky acts be leading to a swifter journey to Davy Jones' locker for them sufferin' with MDD.

Ye scurvy dogs sufferin' from the black depths o' despair 'n harbourin' thoughts o' jumpin' ship be havin' a greater than twofold chance o' meetin' Davy Jones' locker, compared to ye mates with only the black dog. Arr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be warned, tis treacherous waters for those moved to Endovascular Center. Higher death awaits!

Avast ye mateys! Tis be sayin' that these fancy protocols be advisin' to whisk those poor souls sufferin' from a stroke straight to them endovascular centers, skippin' the nearest stroke haven. But, alas! The RACECAT data be revealin' that such a course leads to bleaker results. Arr!

Yarr! 'Tis true that AI be helpin' to spot dem polyps, but there be troubles aplenty in its path, me hearties!

Arr, usin' these fancy contraptions imbued with artificial intelligence durin' a colonoscopy may 'elp ye find them wee polyps, but they be no good fer spottin' them devilish advanced adenomas or colorectal neoplasias! Aye, savvy?

August 27, 2023

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! A pox upon landlubber centers! No treasure for non-STEMI heart stops!"

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! The goodly patients, after their heart did stop beatin', found themselves breathin' again without no signs o' trouble on their charts. Whether they be taken to the nearest port o' call, the emergency room, or to a special place fer heart arrest, they be survivin' all the same! Yo-ho-ho! <br> <i>The News o' Medscape</i>

Arrr, this Pulsed Field Ablation be givin' a right good thrashin' to them fancy-pants gadgets in AF!

Arrr, me hearties! In the grand ADVENT trial, pulsed field ablation, a fancy new technology for sendin' drug-refractory paroxysmal AF to Davy Jones' Locker, proved just as good as the ol' thermal ablation. But mark me words, mateys, it be holdin' some potential advantages too! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! Acoramidis be showin' promisin' signs fer them with ailing hearts, aye, ATTR Cardiomyopathy be it!

Arrr! The cap'n o' the ATTRibute-CM trial be sayin' it be jolly good, mateys! It shows a glimpse o' hope fer us poor souls with this dreaded condition. Aye, 'tis a ray o' light in a sea o' darkness!

Arrr! Ye heart be achin', but this fancy contraption called ECMO won't do ye any good, matey! It be more harmful, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis wise to be swift in reserving the early ECMO for scallywags sufferin' from heart attacks, as it be more likely to do 'em good than harm. But ho, we still need more knowledge to uncover the true treasure of who they may be. Savvy?

August 26, 2023

Yarr! No lessening o' heart flutters aft surgery, even with Colchicine, says COP-AF.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The results o' th' COP-AF trial be showin' no significant reduction in th' cursed co-primary endpoints o' clinically important AF or myocardial injury after noncardiac thoracic surgery. Aye, there be some positive trends, but they be as elusive as a mermaid's treasure! Yo ho ho!

Avast! ESC be favorin' SGLT2i Plus GLP-1 fer them scurvy dogs with diabetes 'n a treacherous heart!

Arrr, mateys! Be listenin' up! Thar be new guidelines from th' ESC that be sayin' ye should be usin' both an SGLT2 inhibitor and a GLP-1 receptor agonist at th' same time to cure scurvy-like type 2 diabetes in them hearties with established cardiovascular disease. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr matey, ye better believe it! Ancient Chinese concoctions be makin' ye heart pump like a true pirate's treasure!

Arrr! In the QUEST trial, a mighty potion called qiliqiangxin be showin' great promise for reducin' CV death and keepin' sailors out o' the dreaded hospital. 'Tis a fine addition to the guideline-directed therapy for HFrEF, mateys! Medscape Medical News be bringin' this message from the seven seas!

"Avast ye, me hearties! SIGNAL a triumph in me Physiology-Based Complete Revascularization, or ye walk the plank!"

Arr, this trial be makin' complete revascularization the pirate's code for treatin' MI, says a wise matey. And avast! Advanced age alone should no longer be seen as a scurvy contraindication. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

August 25, 2023

Arrr! The scurvy dogs be warnin' that the gold ye need to treat yer sickly liver be multiplying like a cursed treasure map!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Word be reachin' me ears that the gold ye spend on liver disease caused by grog be set to double! From a measly $31 billion in 2022 to a mighty $66 billion in 2040. Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale, mateys!

Arrr! Mayhaps AD be a scurvy risk factor for GBS infestation in pregnancy, me hearties!

Arr, the swashbuckling scribes be penning, "Yarrr, the tally of GBS infestation in fair maidens carryin' wee ones, who've been plagued by AD afore, hath never been spied afore," scribbled the learned buccaneers. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Aye, the booty be worth 995861 doubloons, me hearties!

Avast ye hearties! In the NOAH-AFNET 6 trial, tis discovered that using edoxaban to thin the blood of scallywags with atrial high-rate episodes didn't bring any advantage, but instead caused more bleedings. Arrr!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! A fearsome, twisted COVID beast be sailin' th' seas, infectin' new shores. But fear not, the plague be takin' a turn!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! A fearsome beastie, they be callin' BA.2.86, a scurvy-ridden COVID variant. It be spreadin' across Switzerland, South Africa, Israel, Denmark, the U.S., and the U.K. Mark me words, says the World Health Organization. Blimey! They be in for a rough sail ahead!

Arr, FDA be givin' its blessin' to the first biosimilar for me multiple sclerosis! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Sandoz's natalizumab-sztn injection, known as Tyruko, be as mighty as Biogen's Tysabri for treatin' them relapsin' forms of MS, as declared by the FDA. 'Tis the first biosimilar to be given the nod for treatin' MS, me hearties!

Arrr! Me hearties, listen up! Apple Cider Vinegar and Fenugreek be the finest herbal cures for the dreaded T2D!

Arrr, a recent study be showin' that certain herbal concoctions like apple cider vinegar and fenugreek seeds be mighty effective at battlin' type 2 diabetes, me hearties! Me trusty source, Medscape Medical News, be tellin' the tale.

"Avast ye mateys! Methinks the scallywag Axial PsA be walkin' th' plank, partin' ways with axSpA, arrr!"

Arrr! The quarrel be still ragin' on whether these ailments be sailin' together or should be kept asunder. <i>MDedge News</i> be reckonin'.

"Yarr, me hearties! Engagin' in physical pursuits be lessenin' the scurvy anxiety in landlubbers sufferin' from mild IBD!"

Arrr, mateys! A scurvy new meta-analysis be sayin' that physical activity be helpin' to ease the grip o' anxiety. But alas, it seems it be havin' no effect on the quality o' life for our landlubber hearts. Yo ho ho!

August 24, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be havin' different gut bugs from the start! Shipshape science be tellin' so!

Arrr, me hearties! A newfangled study be sayin' that ye can tell a scallywag's race and bloodline by the bugs in his belly within 3 moons of his birth! It seems these wee critters may have a say in a pirate's health as he grows into a full-fledged buccaneer. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, the landlubbers claim they've snatched a grand loot o' $1.4B worth o' stolen COVID relief dubloons!

Arrr, mateys! The DOJ be claimin' to have seized a mighty bounty o' $1.4 billion in COVID-19 booty, swindled by scurvy dogs! They've also slapped charges on o'er 3,000 scalawags in federal districts all across the land. Savvy?

Avast ye! The top doctors in England be set to strike once more come October, mateys!

Arrr! The scurvy senior NHS doctors in England be plannin' a grand strike fer three days, right in the midst o' the Conservative Party's annual conference in October, says the British Medical Association. Avast! <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be spreadin' the word.

Might thee peepers alter foretell Parkinson's fate? Arrr, a curious dilemma be this, matey!

Arr, me mateys! Listen well, for I shall tell ye a tale. Me hearties, it be said that the changes in the tissues of ye eyes, associated with the foul disease known as Parkinson's, may come upon ye as much as 7 years afore ye scurvy symptoms show themselves. Medscape Medical News be warnin' us, me lads!

Arrr! A full score o' lasses be claimin' to 'ave been ill-treated durin' their maternal care, mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! Aye, the latest findings be claimin' a rise in ye number of poor souls walkin' the plank during childbirth. From 17.4 to 32.9 per 100,000 wee ones born betwixt 2018 and 2021 in the land o' the United States. But here be the jest, me hearties! A whoppin' 80% o' these untimely demises could've been avoided with a wee bit o' proper care. Arrr!

Do these fancy CGRP remedies truly quell the throbbing in a pirate lad's noggin? Arrr!

Two scurvy dogs o' neurologists be bickerin' 'bout the worth o' them CGRP meds fer men with the dreaded migraine. But a third matey be givin' 'em a good tongue-lashin' fer their foolish reasonin'! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! Primary Care be sailin' once more, keepin' ye safe from the COVID-19 storm!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Twas a dark time when the scallywags in charge left our brave shipmates – the primary care clinicians – stranded on a deserted island while doling out the COVID-19 booty. But fear not! They be fixin' to reclaim their rightful place as the mighty shot providers! Yo ho ho!

Arrrgh, toilin' brings cloudy thoughts! Yarrr, me brain be naught but a jumbled mess!

Avast! In a curious study, they found that toiling under the moon's gaze and shifting yer work hours be makin' yer noggin go all muddled. Yer memory be fadin' and yer ability to command be lackin'. Mark me words, mateys!

August 23, 2023

"Avast ye mateys! Tis a grand proclamation! We be expandin' our guidance for scurvy HIV with new-fangled antiretroviral treatments!"

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! The US Food and Drug Administration be approving two new antiretrovirals since the last report o' the US Preventive Services Task Force. Now we be havin' some shiny new options, me hearties! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, the cursed kidney stones be makin' a comeback! Avast, where be the experts hiding, I wonder?

Arrr! The cursed kidney stones be plaguin' the land lubbers, yet no brave soul be takin' up the study of nephrology! Ye be missin' out, ye scallywags! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, me hearties! Avast! This here gizmo called "Artificial Intelligence" be givin' a voice to a poor lass who be crippled!

Arr! A fancy contraption be transformin' the signals from a lass's noggin into letters on a magic box, and even makin' 'em talk through a digital matey! Blimey, ain't that a sight to behold! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr! A study on baldness be tellin' us if takin' more baricitinib be growin' more hair on yer noggin!

News be reported from the never-endin' phase 3 randomized clinical trials BRAVE-AA1 and BRAVE-AA2, mateys. Aye, the findings be revealed, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale! Arrr!

Arrr! Me voyage with Topical Ruxolitinib be a fine experiment for Vitiligo, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A wee bit o' advice from these dermatologists: mixin' the treatment with phototherapy be what they recommend. But beware, it'll be a long voyage afore ye see the treasure, mateys! Yo ho ho!

August 22, 2023

"Arrr! Scallywags be neglectin' the use o' aspirin fer keepin' their hearts shipshape after a scurvy attack!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A grand study be sayin' that not enough landlubbers be takin' their aspirin to keep their hearts a-beatin'. We be needin' all ye countries to create proper plans and shout from the crow's nest about the wonders o' aspirin for savin' lives!

Arrr, the scurvy COVID be spreadin' faster than a pirate's curse! We be eagerly awaitin' that updated elixir.

Arrr! The dread COVID-19 beast be growin' stronger, as the sands o' September be runnin' thin. But fear not, me hearties! A new concoction, a vaccine, be on the horizon, ready to shiver those cursed viruses' timbers!

Arrrr! The EMA be lookin' at Delgocitinib Cream for the cursed Chronic Hand Eczema, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! Delgocitinib be a fancy new potion what blocks the JAK-STAT pathway. Aye, it be investigational, but it be a topical pan-Janus kinase inhibitor! Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arrr! Ye expert be sayin' we need to be savin' the air for the wheezin' lads in the tavern.

Yarr! A healer be quarrelin' that we be passin' out oxygen like doubloons, when the numbers be showin' that too much o' it be ill-fated. Avast, Medscape Medical News!

Arr! The FDA be givin' the thumbs up to the first RSV vaccine for ye lasses carryin' wee buccaneers!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, the potion be offered after 32 weeks of carryin' a wee one in the belly. 'Tis created to shield the young scallywags from a fearsome ailment known as the respiratory syncytial virus, from the moment they be born until they turn 6 months old. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, be timin' ye introduction of allergens, lest ye be increasin' ye risk o' sufferin' from the scurvy allergies!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said a careful watch be kept on wee landlubbers from their birth till they grow into proper swashbucklers. All to fathom the ways that shape their growth, says this fine tale from Medscape Medical News. Arrr!

Avast ye! Me hearties! Ye olde headpulse analysis be a fine way to spy a blasted concussion! Arrrr!

Arr, me hearties! A mystical contraption called a digital biomarker be made from cranial accelerometry! It be a treasure, easy to use, and holds great promise for makin' decisions on returnin' to play in sports. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, the puff o' the devil's lettuce, the brew o' visions, and the grog be flowin' like never afore!

Arrr! The Monitoring the Future survey data be showin' a mighty surge in the puffin' o' marijuana and nicotine through those fancy vape machines. Aye, the scallywags be indulgin' in their weed and smoky pleasures! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the teller o' tales, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Stickin' th' COVID shots in th' same arm might boost yer protection, savvy?

Arrr! In Germany, scallywag scientists did gaze upon 303 souls who be vaccinated with the MRA potion, and then given a second dose to boot. Methinks they be studying their health! Aye, from the annals of WebMD Health News.

August 21, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks these probiotics might lend a hand against IBS, but the proof be as scarce as gold doubloons!

Arr, a mighty meta-analysis be sayin' that some of them fancy probiotics might be helpin' with the symptoms o' irritable bowel syndrome, but the certainty be as low as the tide in nearly all their reckonin'. Ahoy!

Arr, mateys! Beware, this cursed COVID may be raisin' yer chances of the dreadful high blood pressure!+

Arr, mateys! Aye, the dreaded high blood pressure be plaguin' near 'alf o' them US adults! Them fancy study folks be mighty worried 'bout the bunch of folks who've newly acquired this ailment, says th' WebMD Health News, me hearties!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs, this new RSV shot be no vaccine, but a monoclonal antibody! Avast!

Arr, come autumn, ye little scallywags can lay yer hands on a monoclonal antibody to fend off the dreaded respiratory syncytial virus. If bein' a pint-sized pirate allows fer antibodies as a viable vaccine, will us grown-up buccaneers get new options too?

Arr, the FDA hath sanctioned a mightier dose o' Regeneron's Eylea, a cure for scurvy in thine peepers!

Arrr! The scurvy FDA has given its blessing to Regeneron Pharmaceuticals' mightier dose o' Eylea, a drug meant to cure a sight-stealing affliction that plagues the seasoned folk. This be grand news, says the company!

Arrr, the scurvy insurers be lobbyin' to make the docs pay fees for their online loot transfers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a travesty that these physicians be forced to pay hefty sums to receive their doubloons from the insurers! Blame the conniving lobbyists who swayed the federal officials, as revealed in a ProPublica investigation. Aye, the Affordable Care Act be in need of some serious pillaging!

Arrr! Piroxicam, aye, me hearties, be makin' Levonorgestrel sail faster for ye emergency contraception needs!

Arr, me hearties! Be it known that mixin' oral piroxicam with oral levonorgestrel be bringin' about a grand improvement in the power o' emergency contraception. Aye, 860 fine lasses did prove it! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Be doubting if these mystical spectacles truly ward off the devilish blue light! Study queries it!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Claims be made by them scurvy knaves that these blue light spectacles be helpin' to lessen the strain on yer peepers whilst ye lay yer eyes upon them devilish screens and phones. Methinks 'tis nothing more than a load of bilge!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The CDC be keepin' a weather eye on the newfangled COVID strain.

As we be uncoverin' more 'bout BA.2.86, the CDC's counsel on defendin' yerself from th' foul COVID-19 stays unchanged. Arrr!

Avast ye! The CDC be warnin' ye doctors o' the telltale signs o' Alpha-Gal Syndrome! Heed 'em, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, the AGA be sendin' word o' their Clinical Practice Update on this alpha-gal syndrome! Avast ye, mates! Read up on it in the good ol' MDedge News, lest ye find yerself fallin' victim to this scurvy dog!

August 18, 2023

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Swelterin' heat be makin' prisoners so blue, they be eyin' Davy Jones's locker!

Arr, on days when the scorchin' heat be reachin' 80°F to 89°F, the incidents o' suicide watch in Louisiana prisons be risin' by 29%! But when the heat index climbs into the wretched 90°F-103°F range, the incidents be raisin' by a mighty 36%! Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Methinks, the blubberin' o' the caregivers be linked to worsenin' outcomes o' the scurvy Parkinson's!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a sorry tale, indeed. Them scallywags with Parkinson's be sufferin' worse when their mateys, the caregivers, be plagued with the black dog of depression. Their livin' be poorer and they be makin' more visits to the emergency quarters, says the Medscape Medical News.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be warned! The Impella RP Flex labeling be lackin' in safety cautions, arrr!

Arrr, hear ye, me mateys! The FDA be shoutin' that Abiomed, the maker 'o medical contraptions, be takin' back their labels fer their circulatory-assist pump! Seems they be lackin' the safety jargon. Har, what a scurvy mistake!

Arrr, aye! Unlucky womb be a perilous sea o' danger! Heart be at risk, matey!

If a wee scallywag gets a rough ride in the womb, the researchers be sayin' the lad or lass should be looked after proper-like to make sure they're shipshape. Yo-ho-ho!

August 17, 2023

Arrr! The Obstetrics and Gynecology scallywags be embracin' a novel platform fer their residency application, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! A grand opportunity be afoot! We be findin’ a way to judge them ob/gyn residency hopefuls in a holistic manner, savvy? And that too, at a cost that won't scuttle our ship! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! New reckonin' be showin' that scurvy genes be riskin' ye hideous scurvy HS, matey!

Arr, me hearties! A newfangled genomewide association study be claimin' that them common variants linked to HS, found near the SOX9 and KLF5 genes, might be raisin' the risk for this accursed disease. Shiver me timbers! <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale, mateys!

Avast ye! Be wary, mateys! 'Tis be said that layin' a hand on a child increases th' chance o' goin' mad thricefold in a year!

Arr matey, scurvy dogs be sayin' that wee ones be needin' a wee bit o' help from the wise souls in psychiatry, if they be exposed to the knuckle sandwich! Aye, a new study shows these scallywags be havin' a higher chance o' goin' mad in the future!

Arr, mateys! The scurvy-filled sea of life be bringin' more pox to the young, Cap'n Cancer be takin' its toll on the wee ones!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Methinks the scallywags younger than 50 summers be findin' themselves more prone to gettin' the cursed disease called cancer nowadays. Aye, a comprehensive new report be sayin' so! <i>Arrr, WebMD Health News!</i>

Arrr, the FDA be grantin' approval fer a fine new potion to cure a scurvy bone ailment!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! I be tellin' ye, this retinoid palovarotene be a mighty weapon against the cursed abnormal bone growth in wee lads and lasses, as well as grown sea dogs, sufferin' from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. FDA be givin' it the nod, me hearties!

August 16, 2023

Arrr, could Colchicine, a scurvy remedy, replace Aspirin after me heart's been plundered at sea?

Arrr, ye scurvey dogs! After a skirmish with yer heart, ye may be given aspirin, but beware! It may make ye bleed like a leaky cannon. Aye, but fear not, for colchicine be sailin' in, showin' promise as a safer alternative. Pilot data be tellin' the tale!

Arrr! The patterns o' brain volume be differin' among those afflicted with psychiatric disorders, matey!

Arr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that focusin' on brain networks and circuits, instead o' specific brain parts, may be the key to findin' better cures fer mental ailments, says a newfangled study. Aye, mateys, this be excitin' news on the high seas o' psychiatric treatments!

Arr, the FDA be givin' AstraZeneca a good scolding fer their deceitful yarns 'bout that COPD potion!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Quoth the agency, these claims 'bout Breztri savin' lives of COPD hearties be naught but a blunderbuss! No clinical data be supportin' such fancy tales. Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! A year's agony after a heart attack be spellin' yer doom, says the grim reaper!

Ye be feelin' some ache, matey, even if 'tis not a matter o' the heart, a year after yer heart attack. Be warned, fer it might just be a sign o' how long ye got left, and a bigger risk than smokin'! Arrr!

Avast, mateys! Two-thirds o' the scurvy dogs claim they or their kin be plagued by the vile substance use!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A mighty poll by Kaiser Family Foundation reveals that a vast majority of landlubbers claim addiction be wreckin' their family ties, drivin' 'em to madness! Beware, me hearties! A storm be brewin' in the mental well-being of our kin! <i>From the chronicles of Medscape Medical News.</i>

Be on ye hunt fer a fresh potion to cure the scurvy known as Lyme Disease, me hearties!

Arr! Them French scallywags be fixin' to take down them nasty ticks by meddlin' with their itty-bitty bacteria. A clever way to get rid o' Lyme disease, says the Medscape Medical News.

Arrr! Galecto be abandonin' thar lung disease cure like a scurvy dog fleein' a sinkin' ship!

Galecto be abandonin' its pursuit o' treatin' a malady that be leavin' poor souls with scarred lungs, matey! They've admitted defeat, failed to reach their mark in a middlin' study, this drug creator did. Savvy? <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be tellin' the tale, arrr!

Arr! Pig's innards be keepin' us alive, mateys! Kidneys be workin' in humans. Aye, that be somethin'!

Arrr, matey! A precious pair o' gene-tweaked kidneys, straight from a swine, be clearin' that cursed creatinine from the blood o' a scurvy dog! They be even producin' urine, aye, after transplantin' 'em into a brain-dead landlubber! Shiver me timbers!

Arr, wee little scallywags be careful, for even the hearty wee ones befall under the curse o' RSV!

Arr, the scurvy dogs o' research be sayin' that stoppin' RSV in all wee ones be a treasure worth claimin', not just the scallywags most likely to be afflicted. Savvy? - Medscape Medical News

August 15, 2023

Arrr! Wot be the secrets that set these Superagers apart from the rest o' us scallywags?

Avast, mateys! A tale be told that keepin' yer body and mind in shipshape be preservin' yer thinkin' skills when ye be an old salt. Arr, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs be wonderin', what be makin' young lubbers drop dead? 'Tis a mystery, says I!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the hidden black spot, that cursed heart ailment, that be makin' these young landlubbers keel o'er and meet Davey Jones! Beware the faintin' fits and unexplained misadventures, for 'tis the signs of sudden cardiac arrest. Savvy?

Arrr! The cursed affliction, Long COVID, hath left ye with a never-ending list o' activity restrictions!

Arrr, mateys! This blasted "Long COVID" be havin' a mighty impact on patients' lives! Shiver me timbers, it be wreckin' their quality o' life, makin' 'em unable to work and affectin' their abilities! Savvy?

Yarrr, kickin' the ol' pigskin may lead ye down a treacherous path to the cursed Parkinson's, mateys!

Yarrr! Ye scurvy dogs who partake in the sport o' tackle football, beware! For it be said that ye be at a greater peril o' sufferin' from parkinsonism or Parkinson's disease. Aye, 'tis true, especially if ye spend many a moon in this hazardous game. - Medscape Medical News

Arr, hear 'tis! FDA be givin' thumbs up fer Botulinum Toxin Daxxify in trouncin' Cervical Dystonia!

Arr, yo ho ho! FDA be bestowing upon Daxxify, a mighty injection o' daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm, the power to cure the cursed affliction o' cervical dystonia in grown landlubbers. Shiver me timbers! Me heart be glad! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarrr! The tale of Long COVID: Talkin' 'bout mitochondria, the great miss, and a glimmer of hope, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Tis been a week o' news on the dreaded Long COVID! Yonder data be showin' that these scurvy symptoms may be caused by the malfunctionin' of our own mitochondrial engines! And, ye won't believe it, but it seems that the grand sum o' $1.15 billion to the NIH RECOVER initiative has gone down the drain like a ship sinkin' to Davy Jones' locker! Arrr, what a waste, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

Arr, the conundrum of Ethylene Oxide be settin' sail betwixt the safety of patients and the health of the public!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs of the regulatory agencies be in a mighty tussle, tryin' to figure out the best way to keep them fancy medical gizmos all shipshape and free of bilge rats, while also protectin' the landlubbers from the dangerous emissions of ethylene oxide, a poison that be likely to give ye the dreaded C-word. Arrr!

Arrr, certain genes be foretellin' the return o' the belly blubber, mateys, after ye've shed yer pounds!

Yarrr, me hearties! Them scallywags with a natural fancy fer belly bulges did put on more poundage 'round their midsection after sheddin' weight, but them genes linked to a hefty body mass index did nae forecast a grander return o' the poundage. Yo ho ho!

August 11, 2023

Arr, ye FDA be blessin' a mighty fine blend o' potions fer battlin' the ol' prostate scurvy!

Arr matey! This here brew, mixed with prednisone, be granted for grown scallywags sufferin' from BRCA-positive castration-resistant prostate cancer, as determined by a test sanctioned by the FDA. Yo ho ho! <br> <i>FDA Approvals</i>

Avast! 'Tis a tale of twisted ropes: the test for the cursed Ischemia and the tempest of Monomorphic VT!

"Arrr, by the time we be consulted, they've already had themselves a cath. And methinks, 'tis probably just not necessary," quoth a prominent electrophysiologist. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

Avast ye! The cursed West Nile be spreadin' like a scurvy dog 'cross the land o' the US!

Arrr, mateys! In many a land o' the United States, where the heat be scorchin' and the waters be overflowin', them pesky bloodsuckin' mosquitoes be breedin' like there be no tomorrow! And worse yet, they be spreadin' a dreadful plague known as the West Nile virus to us poor souls!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Doth ye know how many wee ones befallen by the dreaded Long COVID?

Arr, ye scurvy parents and doctors be needin' to keep a weather eye out for signs o' long COVID in wee lads 'n lasses. 'Tis a tricky devil, easy to be missin' or confused by those blasted physicians and family groups. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Be ye sufferin' from aches in yer back, matey? 'Tis scurvy AxSpA ye be suspectin'!

Arr, me hearties! I be bringin' ye jolly good news! Learn the art o' spottin' folks wit' axial spondyloarthritis in ye olde primary care! Read it on Medscape Medical News, me fellow buccaneers!

Yarrr! Me hearties, fear not! These fancy fertility tricks won't give ye lasses any trouble with heart diseases!

Arrr! No extra peril for heart ailments be found 'mongst lasses who bore 'fter in vitro fertilization or the use o' other helpful reproductive technologies, matey! Sail on, ladies! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Aye, mateys! 'Tis high time we set our gaze upon the treacherous waters of COVID once more!

Arr, me hearties! A fearsome COVID variant be sailin' the seven seas since April. As per the latest reckonin' from the CDC, the scurvy EG.5 — hailing from the treacherous Omicron family — now be claimin' 17% of all cases in the US, up from a mere 7.5% in the first week o' July. Yo ho ho! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arr, what be the scurvy reason be behind the belly troubles o' those diabetics, ye landlubber?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A fine parchment be tellin' us that the cursed ailment may plague about 33% of landlubbers with type 1 diabetes and 29% of them with type 2. Arrr, the Medscape Medical News be the messenger, mateys!

Arrr, the verdict be not yet rendered on keepin' up with yer treatment to battle the tempest of bipolar melancholy, me mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! A trial o' merry pills to keep the black clouds at bay in the hearts o' scallywags with bipolar I depression fell short o' its goal, but tis be hintin' at a wee bit o' good. It seems these potions might give a respite 'fore the next dreadful storm hits! Yo ho ho!

August 10, 2023

Arrr! Mateys be neglectin' the potions for their opioid woes, aye! They be missin' out on a cure, arrr!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a sad tale indeed! A mere one in five landlubbers with the cursed opioid use disorder be gettin' the rightful potions to heal their affliction. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be sharin' this woeful news.

Arrr, the scurvy known as TBI be makin' yer mind ail, makin' ye ponder walkin' the plank!

Arrr, mateys! Them soldiers who suffered from a knock on th' noggin during their pirating adventures saw a mighty surge in newfangled madness, leadin' to a swifter path to Davy Jones' locker. Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Avast ye! The FDA be recallin' them Cardiosave Hybrid/Rescue IABPs, aye, a Class I recall be upon us!

Arr! Avast ye! The 4586 cursed Cardiosave Hybrid/Rescue intra-aortic balloon pumps be cursed with unexpected shutdowns, mateys! Electrical failures in the power source path be the culprit, bringin' serious harm upon ye scurvy dogs! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! FDA be givin' its blessin' to Talquetamab, a bootyful drug for th' scurvy called Multiple Myeloma!

Arrr, the green light be given after many a scurvy dog decided to abandon ship on them other multiple myeloma potions, which were granted quick approval by the FDA. Avast, says Medscape Medical News!

August 4, 2023

Arrr, be there a swashbucklin' method to gauge the effect o' despair-douser?

Arrr! A new study be suggestin' that many mateys with the blues may not be findin' complete recovery, but perchance they be seein' improvement in other areas! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, methinks Cigna be employin' sorcerous AI instead o' wise doctors to swindle their claims!

Arrr, mateys! Them fancy lawyers be claimin' that Cigna scallywags be breakin' the laws o' California by using some fancy algorithm to deny claims, makin' poor hospitals and doctors charge the patients. Savvy?

Avast ye, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs bein' urged to seek gold for sufferin' from toxic mischief, ye savvy?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The crown be pleadin' with me fellow brethren o' the sea to submit their pleas by this Wednesday, if they be wantin' a whole year of gold doubloons, granted retroactively, thanks to some newfangled law to help our ailing comrades poisoned by the foul, gaseous burn pits of war. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The scurvy high school intervention be a sorry tale, for it fails to bolster the health o' our landlubbers' hearts.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis been said that this fancy strategy for keepin' the ol' ticker healthy had no swashbucklin' effect on the young scallywags in the study. Methinks it be a tale as neutral as a calm sea. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! India's Drug Regulator be discoverin' foul counterfeit remedies durin' a jolly raid, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The scurvy knaves at India's drug regulator have seized a treasure trove of fake potions worth a mighty $241,000 in Kolkata! Shiver me timbers, they be protectin' the health of all landlubbers! Yo ho ho!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs best beware, for takin' antibiotics afore ye time may raise th' odds o' gettin' early-onset CRC!

Avast, mateys! Listen up, for I bring ye important news from the Medical Scrolls! The use of antibiotics in wee lads and lasses be linked to a greater chance of gettin' colorectal cancer and those pesky adenomas, says the wise data from the UK Biobank. Arrr, be careful with them antibiotics, ye scallywags! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! A sorry tale be told, mateys! Hunger be makin' wee ones seekin' help fer their minds.

Aarrr, tending to the needs of hungry bilge rats be easin' the burden on the scurvy-ridden mind healers.

"Avast ye hearties! The Islatravir Antiretroviral Trial be sunk, yieldin' no positive booty for all yer pillagin'!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The gatherin' of crew members for the third trial o' the wondrous islatravir pill, taken once a day, alongside doravirine, has come to an end. But fret not, for the study on this new-fangled treatment for the dreaded HIV ailment carried on fer a full 48 weeks! Yo ho ho!

July 28, 2023

Me hearties! This study be lookin' to uncover the secrets o' CCCA in ye salty dogs. Avast ye!

"Arrr, mateys! Them scurvy researchers be scribblin' 'bout their findings, aye, disruptin' an' broadenin' the very definition o' CCCA. Savvy? Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>"

Arrr, that wee pill, the daily aspirin, be havin' a tough time preventin' the cursed first strokes, me hearties!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Thar be few in number, yet th' blood-spillin' events be outweighin' any chance o' stoppin' th' scurvy ischemic events, said a swashbucklin' investigator o' th' ASPREE. Avast, me mateys! Medscape Medical News be reportin' this tale.

Ye wee scallywags with yer rotund bellies are havin' a jolly bad time, sufferin' from the likes o' type 2 diabetes, heart troubles, and a mind that's all a-tumble. 'Tis high time ye start movin' yer bones, for a good dose of exercise be the key to curin' yer woes. Arrr!

Arr, more lasses be kicking the bucket from groggy troubles, matey!

Arrr, scurvy landlubbers be sufferin' from a strange ailment! The vile ticks be givin' 'em a meat allergy, says CDC!

Arrr! The CDC be urgrrin' more healin' scalawags t'be learnin' 'bout this alpha-gal syndrome, a cur'ous allergy from tick bites that may 'ave plagued up t'450,000 folks in the United States. Aye! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Boston Scientific be raisin' its forecast fer booty this year! A jolly good news, says I!

Arr! Boston Scientific be raisin' its yearly profit forecast fer a second time this quarter, bettin' on the demand fer its cardiovascular contraptions as surgical procedure volumes be speedin' up. Avast! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! HCA be seein' more booty in 2023 as surgeries come back to life!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at HCA Healthcare be expectin' a mighty profit haul, reckonin' on the return of landlubber patients flockin' to their dens for surgeries. Aye, the winds be blowin' in their favour!

Arrr, doth CGM aid in curbin' the dreaded post-bariatric hypoglycemia, me hearties?

Arrr! Me hearties! Tis a mighty task to keep yer blood sugar in check after ye've had yer belly cut, but fear not! The latest study reveals that usin' a magical device called continuous glucose monitoring can help ye avoid passin' out like a scurvy dog. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Yer daily aspirin may not be worth its salt, mateys! Newfangled research be castin' doubt!

Arr, the more ye've been takin' the scurvy aspirin, matey, and the more ye be havin' th' risk factors fer heart attacks an' strokes, th' foggy'r it gets, says th' WebMD Health News, arr!

July 27, 2023

Arr! Semaglutide be spreadin' like wildfire 'mongst me hearties in the land o' US. The diabetics be rejoiceful!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! In the year o' our Lord 2022, a grand 57% of landlubber US adults with the cursed affliction known as type 2 diabetes, who be takin' a fancy incretin-based agent, chose the mighty GLP-1 receptor agonist as their weapon of choice. The use of DPP-4 inhibitors, however, plummeted to a mere 39% of these spellbound scrolls. Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Aye be tellin' ye, me hearties, the bountiful future o' fertility be upon us!

Arr, me hearties! Buckle up yer britches, fer I be bringin' ye splendid news from the land o' medicine! Aye, the latest contraptions such as AI, robotics, and stem cells be makin' IVF and other fancy reproduction tricks faster, cheaper, and more prosperous! Avast ye, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, the Medicaid MCOs be denyin' care like scurvy dogs, says the audit. Aye, 'tis a sorry tale!

Avast ye mateys! The report be claimin' that a lack o' watchin' be causin' them poor souls in need o' care to lose it. Arrr!

Arrr, a lass be sproutin' a wee lad from a borrowed womb! A tale fit for th' ages, mateys!

Arrr! Avast ye, scallywags! 'Tis the maiden voyage of a wee one, born from a lass with a tinkered womb, sailin' far from the clinical trials! Blimey, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy nurses! T'would be a hefty fine of doubloons if ye dare betray 'TRAP' training contracts, arrr!

Arr, thar be a national scallywag agency and a band o' nurses' union scallywags investigatin' these here employment agreements that make young swabbies walk the plank if they dare abandon ship 'fore their contract be done. Savvy?

Arrr, be them scurvy med students naught takin' heed o' thar class lectures? Be it a matter o' concern, matey?

Avast ye, me hearties! Afore the plague and this cursed virtual learnin', medicine lads be ditchin' face-to-face classes. The scallywags, teachers, an' cap'ns don't give a fig 'bout it. Arrr!

Arr, the need for a scallywag's permission afore ye can gulp down oral cancer concoctions be growin'!

Arr, in yonder ten years, the grandest surge in seekin' permission hath befallen upon non-fancy name and offshoot potions. Yo ho ho! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News, matey.</i>

Arrr! Methinks, on tanned hides, green light be superior to red fer measurin' heartbeats and oxygen in blood!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A grand "green light" method be discovered, able to gauge blood's oxygen levels, no matter the shade of yer skin. Aye, it be a mighty step in our voyage to rid pulse oximetry of racial prejudice. Yo ho ho!

July 26, 2023

Arr, S-ICD be showin' its virtues and limits in a 'real world' postmarket study, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis found that the subcutaneous-lead ICD be havin' the same strengths 'n weaknesses in a registry study as it did in earlier trials, 11 years after bein' approved in the land o' the US. Aye, 'tis a tale from Medscape Medical News, mateys!

Arr, ye landlubbers! By my blackened beard, 'tis be said that ye genetic testing be our booty o' progress in PD!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis said that the clues to conquerin' the foul Parkinson's disease may lie in our very own lineage. 'Tis time we hoist the genetic flag high and sail the seas o' knowledge, me buckos! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, 'tis a sorry tale, mateys! The scurvy lads be shying away from the mighty sunscreen, arrr!

Aye, me hearties! 'Tis mighty important we teach the wee scallywags 'bout the significance o' slappin' on that sun-goo. Let's focus on the landlubbers who be avoidin' it like the plague, as we discovered in our study.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Let me spin ye a tale 'bout the foul airs makin' yer brain go mush. Yarrr!

Aforementioned inquiries reckon a connection betwixt foul air and addle-pated risk, yet a fresh study enlightens the very innards that might elucidate this correlation. Arrr!

"Avast ye! Take heed o' this here readin' - 'Tis a study on wee scallywags' skin cuttin'!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! In the sea of ailments plaguin' the land, there be one diagnosis that stood out like a golden doubloon. The swashbucklin' researchers be tellin' the tale of this peculiar outlier at the onset of the cursed pandemic. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, good news befall the doctor as he be triumphin' over a $27M malpractice kerfuffle! Yo ho ho!

Arr matey! A surgeon be victorious in a scuffle o'er a medical mishap. Did his treatment be the cause o' his patient's agony post-surgery? Nay, says the court. Victory be his! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, if ye be havin' a belly full o' blubber, yer noggin might go all foggy 'n forgettin'!

Arr! Me hearties! Listen ye well to this news from the grand Medscape Medical News! Be it known that the rise and fall of certain blood fats be closely tied to the danger of forgetfulness and feeble-mindedness, as confirmed by fresh discoveries. Aye, the bond betwixt the health of our hearts and the health of our noggins be undeniable!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! If ye be strugglin' with weigh' loss after ye bariatric procedure, fear not! Liraglutide be yer savior, mateys!

Arr, the use of liraglutide be a fine addition to shed those pounds, mateys! These new remedies be a valuable weapon in our fight against the scourge of obesity, says the learned folks! Avast, Medscape Medical News be bringin' the good tidings!

"Arrr, ye scallywags! MRI-Guided SBRT be a fine treasure, cuttin' the poison of radiation in prostate cancer! Yo-ho-ho!"

Arrr, mateys! A fancy new study be sayin' that this MRI-guided thingamabob can blast yer prostate with radiation more accurately, and ye be havin' less troubles down below! Avast ye, it be true! Ahoy, Medscape Medical News!

July 25, 2023

Yarrrr! Me hearties, if ye suffer from stiff arteries, ye may find yerself cursed with the dreaded Metabolic Syndrome!

Arr! Methinks this study be tellin' us that afore ye start gettin' all the other troubles o' metabolic syndrome, yer arteries be gettin' as stiff as a plank! Savvy?

Lack o' mates be makin' yer brain shrink, says scurvy scientists! Aye, beware ye scallywags o' solitude!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Them Japanese scallywags be sayin' that if ye wants yer brain to stay shipshape, ye best be keepin' yer mates by yer side and joinin' in social activities. No sailin' alone, me hearties!

Arrr! Beware, me hearties! Lasses wit' chronic pancreatitis be sailin' in dangerous waters, fer pregnancy be riskier!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered in a grand retrospective study that lasses with a cursed chronic pancreatitis be havin' a mighty risk o' complications for both mothers and wee ones durin' their pregnancies. Yo-ho-ho, Medscape Medical News be the bearer o' this news!

Arrr, dost thou reckon statins post-PCI befit a moderate-intensity? Or be ye addin' ezetimibe to the mix, matey?

Arrr! Thar be news from the realm of medicine, mateys! A study tis sayin' that steerin' clear of those potent statin medicines might lead to a safer voyage with improved results, aye! Aye, this registry study be backin' up the random evidence, so it be worth considerin'! Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! Psilocybin be showin' early promise fer curin' the scurvy known as Anorexia Nervosa!

Arr, in a study o' phase 1, a solitary dose o' psilocybin wit' psychological support be safe and well-tolerated. It even reduced the foul eatin'-disorder behaviors in a few lasses sufferin' from anorexia nervosa, me hearties! <br> <i>Word on the seas be sayin' Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, not every wee scallywag sportin' a runny beak needs a dose o' pirate's potions for his mug!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be hearin' this: testin' wee ones with scurvy sinuses may help us be savin' precious antibiotics. Aye, those smart landlubbers say so! Me heart be glad to share this tale, from the Medscape Medical News!

"Aye mateys, ye scallywags be havin' a grand 'Treatment Holiday' fer the ol' prostate cancer, with custom dosin'!"

Arrr, me hearties! Usin' aforetime-response biomarkers in patients treated wit' lutetium-177 PSMA-617 can help be personalizin' dosin' intervals and mayhaps be improvin' outcomes. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! Ye be surprised to hear that them Same-Session PCI Rates be higher than expected!

In a vast treasure trove o' knowledge, over three-quarters o' sturdy patients had a swashbucklin' percutaneous coronary intervention wi' the mighty index catheterization, mayhap without a word from a heart team. Arrr!

July 24, 2023

"Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be knowin' that this here thing called PCI be improvin' yer quality o' life wit' Chronic Total Occlusions!"

Arr, me hearties! A fine study be sayin' that a successful CTO-PCI be reducin' the pain of angina and makin' a body feel healthier, while them unsuccessful procedures or mere meds do no good. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, could these here GLP-1 RA potions ease the torment in me creaky knee joints and slow their wearin' away?

Avast ye, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis bein' said that ye best be droppin' some weight if yer knee be feelin' the osteoarthritis. And lo, them GLP-1 RAs be given the stamp o' approval for sheddin' some pounds. Aye, the early findings be suggestin' these potions might just be havin' a touch o' magic to modify the very disease itself. Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Me hearties be tellin' ye that havin' low HIV levels means near nary chance o' spreadin' the blight! Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs sailin' the sea of life with the dreaded curse o' HIV, fear not! Should ye be catchin' it in its early stages, and follow the proper treatment and medicatin' routine like a good pirate, ye be expectin' a life just as long and hearty as them HIV-free landlubbers! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, be it early or belated, should ye be havin' yer heart fixed after a stay at the ship's infirmary?

Arr, landlubbers! Them scallywags with AF discharged from a heart failure hospitalization saw a marked decrease in their chances of kickin' the bucket if they got themselves ablated within 90 days, as per a study in the registry. Yo ho ho, this be Medscape Medical News!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Be there any secret potions to mend this cursed Long COVID affliction?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs plagued by the dreaded long COVID be chattin' away on the interwebs 'bout all sorts o' remedies not yet given the nod by the esteemed US Food and Drug Administration. Methinks they be lookin' for a cure in all the wrong places!

Arrr! SGLT2 inhibitors be tied to less gouty flares in scurvy diabetics! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! In th' grand year o' 8150, a jolly crew o' Canadian scallywags with th' dreaded gout 'n type 2 sugar sickness were tested. Usin' a fancy SGLT2 inhibitor, it be found that th' gout flares did drop by a whoppin' 34%, comparin' it to those DPP-4 inhibitors. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, the Rheumatology Summit be voyagin' to face the treacherous seas o' Lupus Trials' racial imbalances.

Yarr! Scallywags be wonderin' why so few Black souls be joinin' these studies! But fear not, mateys, for there be projects set sailin' to find better ways to recruit 'em! Arrrr!

Arr, be there a need fer chaperones at these examin' ye say? Let doctors and patients parley on this matter!

Arr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that more fancy doctors be employin' chaperones to safeguard their patients and their own hides. Be ye reckonin' ye should be doin' the same, matey? Sail on over to <i>Medscape Medical News</i> to learn more, if ye dare!

Arrr! Hospital mateys be mighty disappointed in the German hospital reform, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Germany's health minister be callin' these measures a grand revolution, but the hospital associations be callin' 'em pointless. Methinks a battle of words be brewin'!

Arr! The White House be launchin' a fancy new Pandemic Office, me hearties! Avast, ye viruses, be warned!

Arrr, me mateys! On Friday, the White House set sail on a grand mission t' prepare fer and counter them dreaded pandemics. Led by the valiant Paul Friedrichs, who be no stranger t' battlin' the mighty COVID beast at the Pentagon. Yo ho ho!

July 21, 2023

Arrr! Still be seein' unfair treatment in tending to advanced liver scurvy. Aye, the equality be lackin'!

Arrr, to fix the problem of mateys not gettin' their lifesavin' treatments for cirrhosis, we be needin' complicated interventions that tackle both the root causes and the consequences. 'Tis a challenge worth takin'! - Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Arrr! Methinks ye tryna stick some fancy electric doodads in yer ear, but it be no good for yer aches, matey!

Arr, them fancy experts be sayin' that these ill-favored findings do not signify a doomed fate fer all other VNS therapies, mateys! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Yarr! The FDA be givin' its blessing to Emergent BioSolutions' wondrous anthrax vaccine, mateys!

Arrr! Emergent BioSolutions be shoutin' from the crow's nest that the FDA be grantin' approval to their anthrax potion for those scurvy dogs aged 18 to 65. Avast! - Reuters Health Information be the bringer o' this jolly news!

Cease the spread o' scurvy HIV and STIs in this grand new age of care, mateys!

Arrr, be it time to be addin' the antibiotic doxycycline post exposure for more STIs, ye scurvy dogs? Doxy-PEP use be a clinical controversy that'll be debated at the upcoming International AIDS Society Conference, mateys!

Arr! Thar be tidings that the EU Agency be givin' a jolly thumbs up fer Ritlecitinib, mateys!

Arr! In the month of June, me hearties, ritlecitinib be granted the seal of approval in the United States and Japan. 'Tis a powerful weapon against the dreaded alopecia areata, me lads and lasses! Aye, it be a treasure for adults and young buccaneers aged 12 and above. Yo ho ho!

Arr! A swashbucklin' healer of the wounded turns into a scallywag snappin' portraits on the side, matey!

Arr, a scurvy Belgian doctor hath unveiled pictures of the secrets hidden in a shipshape hospital. Ye be wonderin' what mischief lurks behind them walls!

Arrr, be the pandemic shiftin' the fate o' ailing landlubbers seekin' care in the sick bay?

Arr, me hearties! A backward look be tellin' us that the death rate and time spent in the ol' hospital haven't changed a lick for landlubbers admitted with non-COVID ailments since this cursed pandemic set sail. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Yonder scurvy docs be launchin' a fine primary care haven, after that cursed hospital met its watery grave!

Arrr, me hearties! With the aid of the landlubbers, former shipmates be joinin' hands to fill the empty sails of care, left by the loss of scurvy doctors and their departments at a gallant hospital in Gallup, New Mexico. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Treating me skin in Indian lands be no easy task, but aye, there be golden opportunities too!

To forge a savvier shift in the bestowal of skin luster, a few dermatology dwellings have made merry alliances with tribes. Aye, no more mere tele-skin sorcery or sporadic bequest from kind souls. Arrr!

July 20, 2023

Arr, the FDA gives its nod to Quizartinib for the scurvy dogs with newly diagnosed AML.

Arr, ye scallywags! Beware of the dangers o' the heart, fer this here targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor can only be acquired through a REMS program. Avast, me hearties! Watch out for yer ticker! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Even ye olde exercise, done by these gallant 'Weekend Warriors', can slash the risk o' scurvy cardiovascular mishaps!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them landlubbers be sayin' that a bit o' exercise, even just a day or two in a week, be lessenin' the risk o' heart troubles. Arrr, that be good news fer us buccaneers!

The plundering of patient's doubloons be linked to the grip of private equity scallywags!

Arrr, mateys! A fresh tale be warnin' us of the greedy corporations takin' over our medicinal treasure! Them researchers say private equity be plunderin' clinics, makin' treatment costly for patients in many fields. Shiver me timbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sharin' these treacherous tidings.

Arrr! Lyme Disease be no match for me trusty Combo Therapy an' improved Diagnostics! Avast ye symptoms, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! Lyme disease swashbucklers be delvin' into combinin' therapies to take down those scurvy "persister" bacteria! They be also seekin' out diagnostic tests that be directly testin' for the foul pathogen or indirectly testin' fer the host's response. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Nay cognitive booty be found in meditatin' or learnin' a foreign tongue, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A fresh study be sayin' that meditatin' and learnin' a foreign tongue don't do nuthin' fancy fer the old sea dogs. Avast! Ye best be stickin' to pillagin' and plunderin' if ye want to keep yer wits about ye.

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! Treating MS early may lessen yer cripple!

Commencin' yer treatment within 6 moons o' the first signs o' the cursed pox known as multiple sclerosis be tied to a 45% lower peril for disability in the years t' come, mateys! Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Servin' yer golden years be boostin' yer ol' noggin, mateys! Aye, lend a hand 'n keep yer mind sharp!

Arrr, hear ye, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that lendin' a hand to ye community in yer twilight years could be a mighty fine way to keep yer noggin sharp 'n' savvy. Aye, 'tis what them fancy scholars be sayin'! Avast, mateys, let's set sail for the shores o' volunteer work!

Avast ye, me hearties! The EU be sayin' nay to marketin' a drug fer bone disorder. Walk the plank, says they!

Arrr, me hearties! Ipsen, ye scurvy French drugmaker, be cryin' foul 'pon the European Commission. They be sayin' they haven't given the nod to palovarotene, a fancy treatment for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Aye, mateys, this news be brought to ye by Reuters Health Information.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them Louisiana law dogs be keepin' the ban on changin' yer gender shipshape!

Arrr! Come January 1, a scurvy law be settin' sail in Louisiana, denyin' transgender wee ones their rightful gender-affirming care. The state's pow'rs-that-be, after a fierce battle, be trumplin' the veto. Avast! <i>Reuters Health Information</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arrr! Mateys in China be donning sun protection as the temperatures be rising like a fiery sea.+

Arrr! In blisterin' Beijing, 'tis the latest swashbucklin' trend to don a 'facekini' to protect yer delicate visage from the scorchin' heat. Aye, me hearties, ye'll be turnin' heads as the temperatures break records in this here city, mateys! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! How be these landlubbers plannin' to settle their med school debt as the loan freeze be endin'?

Avast ye, me hearties! The young shipmates of medicine be preparin' to hand over their doubloons to the government once again, as the break from student loan repayments be comin' to an end. They be ponderin' ways to navigate this treacherous sea o' debt, seekin' the fabled loan forgiveness options. Arrr, it be a sight not seen in three long years!

July 19, 2023

From a lack o' symptoms o' the dreaded COVID to the accursed Long COVID: A tale o' genetic foundations.

Avast ye! A mighty report weighin' anchor on the genomics of why some scallywags don't feel the effects of this wretched COVID be unveilin' secrets 'bout the bloodlines of patients. Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Fear not, for feasting on fish shan't raise any dangers, for it be rich in Omega-3s and AF!

Yarrr mateys! These scurvy researchers be sayin' that them high doses and risky populations be causin' trouble in their trials. But fear not, for their study be findin' no such worries when it comes to normal grub. Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys! Ye scurvy dogs best be aware, fer a heat wave be messin' with yer sugar levels!

Yarr, me hearties! The scallywags claim that when ye stay below deck, ye lubbers tend to be more mindful of takin' care of yer own scurvy-ridden hides. Avast, says the researchers!

Arr, Mateys! Be it known that the size o' yer belly might be causin' some troubles in yer poopin' affairs!

Arr, me hearties! A grand study be revealin' that bein' as plump as a jolly pear be tied to troubles in the poop deck, like leakin' poop and parts prolapsin'. Aye, tis true, mateys! Spread the word o' this tale from the Medscape Medical News!

Yarrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that a lack o' booty be messin' with yer pirate smarts!

Avast ye, me hearties! Methinks there be some new tales of the poop deck! 'Tis now discovered that ye need to have jolly conversations 'bout gut health, especially if ye be a seasoned swashbuckler. For constipation be linked to foggy minds, so be wary, me lads and lasses! Yo ho ho!

Arr! Spyin' the jaggy sea monster becomin' a reckonin' fer checkin' a pirate's worth!

Arr, me mateys! Latest research be sayin' that if ye spot them pesky sessile serrated polyps durin' yer colonoscopy, ye be havin' a lower chance of gettin' colorectal cancer after! So keep a keen eye out, ye scurvy dogs! Yo ho ho!

Arr, Matey! Quizartinib be a treasure, be it SCT or no, 'tis boostin' AML survival, says I!

Pirate Version: "Arrr! By sailin' the seas of science, 'tis been discovered that addin' quizartinib to regular pirate brew be improvin' the chances of survival fer those with fresh cases o' devilish acute myeloid leukemia, regardless of whether they've had a stem cell transplant afore. Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>"

Aye, a grand study be lookin' at the blight of Vitiligo upon the land o' the US. Arrr, matey!

"Arrrr, me hearties! These scurvy landlubbers be arguin' over the numbers o' those cursed with vitiligo! Methinks their reckonin' be all topsy-turvy, blame it on their blasted study designs and data gatherin' ways. Aye, me trust in their medical mumbo jumbo be as shaky as a peg leg on a stormy sea!"

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Thar be some DNPs suin' state officials, claimin' their right to use th' grand title 'Dr'!

Avast, me hearties! Three brave sea dogs, with fancy doctorates, be claimin' that a law forbiddin' 'em from usin' the title "Dr" be infringin' on their right to speak freely. They be takin' the scallywag state officials to court! Arrr!

Arrr! 'Tis a plunderin' tale, me hearties! COVID Aid be fillin' the coffers o' hospitals, makin' 'em richer than e'er before, says them researchers!

Arr matey, according to a study in JAMA Health Forum, some hospitals be swashbuckling enough to weather the financial squalls of the cursed pandemic without any help from the government. Shiver me timbers!

July 18, 2023

Avast, ye scallywags! Be warned, this pneumococcal vaccine be addin' a risk o' hurtin' ye poor injection site, arrr!

Arr! Word be spreadin' that scallywags be gettin' rotten flesh where they be jabbin' that 23-valent pneumococcal potion. But fear ye not, me hearties! The FDA be investigatin' and reckon the treasure from this vaccine be worth more than the chance of turnin' into a cursed skeleton.

Beware, me hearties! The Retina Group be warnin' on troubles from that newfangled GA drug, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The American Society of Retina Specialists be blabberin' 'bout six cursed cases o' vasculitis not seen in their fancy clinical trials. Arrr! - Medscape Medical News be the messenger, landlubbers!

Arrr! Tis be the scurvy reasons why ye be meetin' Davy Jones' locker - the dread factors of despair!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that if ye be havin' less booty and no chance t' move up in society, ye might just meet yer doom in the form of what they call "deaths of despair." Yo ho ho, ain't that a jolly tale, mateys!

"Arrr! Be thar a treasure called Sub-Q Ketamine, a mighty remedy for the black cloud o' Severe Depression!"

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! A recent study be showin' that stickin' ketamine under yer skin be a jolly good way to fight off that cursed depression. 'Tis practical, safe, and mighty effective, says a random bunch o' fancy lads! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye matey! Dealin' with yer sorrow after a patient be walkin' the plank ain't no easy sailin'!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis a sorrowful tale indeed when a scallywag chooses the path of no return. Wise lads be advisin' us on how to steer our ship through these treacherous waters. Arrr!

Arr, the sixth World Beard Championship sets sail in New York City for 2023, me hearties!

Arrgh, me hearties! This gathering be all 'bout fancy new studies and lively discussions on the latest reports. We be aimin' to work together like a rowdy crew to speed up the cure for them blasted bronchiectasis and NTM infections. Yo ho ho, from <i>Medscape Medical News</i>!

Arrr! A dabblin' with opioids in a foggy noggin be a surefire way to meet Davy Jones!

The commencement of opioid treatment be settin' sail on treacherous waters fer grown scallywags wit' the mind o' a forgetful sailor. Be warned, me hearties, for 'tis linked to a perilous hike in the chances o' meetin' Davy Jones, especially within the first fortnight o' embarkation. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Scallywag doctors be clueless 'bout lipid disorder screenings in wee buccaneers, mateys!

Arrr! The US Preventive Services Task Force be sayin' that more study be needin' 'afore we be scannin' the lipids of wee ones to see if it be doin' 'em any good, mateys! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

July 17, 2023

Avast ye landlubbers! Can ChatGPT be a matey to help ye scurvy clinicians tackle the troublesome curse of GERD?

Yarrr, me hearties! Them landlubbers be sayin' that the AI chatbot be talkin' proper-like 'bout how to handle GERD, but methinks it be needin' a watchful eye from the learned doctors. Arrr, there be some jumbled words and mistakes in its belly!

Arrr, 'ave ye e'er wonder'd 'bout treasin' yer skin 'n eyes? 'Ere be tips from a swashbucklin' specialist!

Avast ye, me hearties! Methinks that despite the fearsome effects of those devilish steroids and biologics on young scallywags' eyes, the risks be scarce or none when ye use 'em right, says the fair Sara Grace, MD. Arrr!

Arrr! Remote band o' scurvy teams be offerin' a grand opportunity t' fix tha tricky PsA condition, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round ye scurvy dogs! Thar be great tidings o' helpin' patients with the cursed psoriatic arthritis! Aye, meetin' with dermatologists, rheumatologists, and other healthcare landlubbers can guide us to the finest care. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr, this intrusive trial might trim the burdensome fees o' healthcare tied to the dreaded ANOCA, mateys!

Arrr! This "Coronary reactivity testing" be makin' things a wee bit complicated for the ol' diagnostic cath. But aye, these researchers reckon it might save some poor souls with angina from havin' more tests if they don't have that obstructive CAD. Avast ye, mateys! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

July 12, 2023

Avast ye! The CMS be proposin' more plunder fer carotid stentin'! Arr, a treasure worth explorin'!

Arrr, the much-anticipated initiative be changin'! No longer be restrictin' treatment to those high-surgical-risk scalawags, but bringin' it in line with current trial evidence. Fair winds to ye, me hearties!

"Aye, the Plague of Afflictions in the Swashbuckling Souls: A Curious Study, it be!"

Arr, ye be talkin' 'bout the scarcity of knowledge on the widespreadness o' itchy ailments amongst them who sail the seas in different directions. Aye, Medscape Medical News be sharin' this curious tale!

Arrr, Mateys! Behold, the latest treasure trove o' knowledge: Fresh data on Fem-Pop Revascularization! Shiver me timbers!

Avast ye! Although thar be few repeat-vascularization cases, the scurvy femoropopliteal procedures be posin' a risk o' losin' a limb, aye, in a mighty database. Arrr!

Arrr! Aye, tis been said, mateys! Lack o' hearin' be makin' ye feel more weary as ye grow old 'n' wise!

Avast, me hearties! We be seekin' to flee from measly clinical data and set our sights on the grand population level. Be it true that bein' deaf be linked to weariness and mayhaps even a lack of wit? Arrr!

Arr matey! Which be the best blood thinner for portly scallywags sufferin' from TIA aboard me ship?

Arr! Ticagrelor and aspirin be havin' less danger o' stroke comeback than clopidogrel and aspirin fer them hefty patients with the cursed CYP2C19 loss-of-function allele. Shiver me timbers! Medscape Medical News be spoutin' this news!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Shining light on yer skin might mend the pain that be brought by poison brews.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A new trial be sayin' that this fancy Photobiomodulation be helpin' to ease the pain o' chemotherapy-induced nerve trouble, and make them patients walk the plank with more ease. But there be doubters, aye, doubters who question the worth of this study. Arr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that them deer be spreadin' the scurvy COVID to us landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearty, 'tis said that 3 outta 10 o' them white-tailed deer in the US have caught the cursed COVID-19. And now, these landlubber beasts might just be brewin' up some deadly virus variations, ready to jump aboard and plague us humans. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr! Be it true, mateys! Psychedelics be a cure for a plundered mind, says I!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! These mind-alterin' potions may set yer brain to a youthful state o' learnin', helpin' ye recover from the likes o' psychological woes, brain mishaps, or even bein' struck with the dreaded paralysis! Yo ho ho!

The cursed pandemical grog be causin' more bilgewater-filled liver deaths, ye scurvy landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy-ridden landlubbers in California be droppin' like flies from the grog-related liver blight. 'Tis a right tragedy, mateys, worsened by this cursed pandemic. Avast, ye! <i>KFF Health News</i> be tellin' the tale.

July 7, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis time fer weighin' interventions to battle the bloated bellies o' young landlubbers!

Arr, me hearties! The swellin' number o' choices fer combatin' corpulence be stirrin' up some mighty worrisome thoughts among the fine healin' hands o' primary care. Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arr mateys! News be spreadin' like wildfire 'bout Bulevirtide for Hep D. Phase 3 findings be penned in NEJM!

Arr, mateys! Bulevirtide, a fancy new drug, be fightin' against the cursed hepatitis delta virus! It be lessenin' the viral load and makin' the liver enzymes act proper in them patients. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties, this UHC be as useful as a parrot with nae feathers when it comes to notification.

Avast ye, me hearties! Although UnitedHealthcare be sharin' a wee bit o' details 'bout how they plan to notify us ahead o' time, plenty o' queries still be sailin' in me mind. Yo ho ho!

Arrr! The FDA be warnin' ye scurvy dogs 'bout the dangers o' them fillers fer yer skin!

Arrr! Tis be said that the news be tellin' of a scurvy condition, where swollen skin be occurrin' after fillin' o' the face, brought on by foul ailments, jabs o' needles, or even a visit to the tooth-docker.

Arr, ye scurvy older wenches, be sure to get yer HPV screenings or ye'll walk the plank!

Arrr! 'Tis been found, ye scurvy dogs, that lasses older than 65 years who partook in catch-up testing for the vile scourge o' cervical cancer, were more likely to be cursed with the disease than those who didn't. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Aye, the poor souls sufferin' from the scallywag known as Long COVID be pleadin' for aid from the landlubber docs, seekin' help with their disability claims.

Arr, me hearties! Be it true that there be no surefire blood tests or scans to spy the cursed long COVID, methinks some fine doctors may feel as uneasy as a landlubber on the high seas in this predicament.

Ye scurvy CDC be takin' gold from the states fer wee ones' pox prevention. Walk the plank, I say!

"Avast ye, scurvy dogs!" bellowed the CDC email. "Thar be no quick fix to this plight, mateys! We be well aware that this change be demandin' some mighty hard reckonin'." Arrr!

Arrr, be that BMI a scurvy way to measure health, mateys? Methinks 'tis as flawed as a leaky ship!

Arr! A fresh tale from Rutgers University be tellin' us that this BMI thing may not be such a reliable mark of deathly danger. Shiver me timbers! Methinks our hearty pirates be needin' a different way to measure our impending doom. Yo ho ho!

"Arr! Novo Nordisk be settin' sails to sue them scurvy Florida pharmacies fer slingin' copycat potions! Yo ho ho!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Novo Nordisk be claimin' that three black-hearted pharmacies in Florida be peddlin' their wares, swearin' they be carryin' the magic elixir semaglutide, found in the likes o' Wegovy, Ozempic, and Rybelsus. Arrr, it be a tale of illegal trade!

July 6, 2023

Arr! FDA be givin' the nod for a shiny new potion to be sluggin' Alzheimer's disease!

Arrr! The FDA be givin' its blessin' to a newfangled cure for the foul scourge of early Alzheimer's! 'Tis said to be a mite helpful in slowin' down the disease that plagues over 6.5 million landlubbers in America. Avast! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arr, mateys! Ye be hearin' the news? Mark Cuban's Online Apothecary be ready to sail with Humira's lookalike elixir!

Avast ye! Mark Cuban, a mighty billionaire, hath set sail with his online apothecary, Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs, to offer ye fine folk a chance to purchase medicines at fair prices. Soon, they be selling Coherus BioSciences's biosimilar version of Humira, me hearties! Arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A mighty Phase 2b study be showin' that an oral IL-23 blocker be promisin' for psoriasis!

Arr matey! A new-fangled scallywag medicine be showin' great promise in treatin' the cursed scurvy known as psoriasis. This IL-23R antagonist be provin' its worth, leavin' no room for doubloons, as it outshines the worthless placebo in a study called FRONTIER 1. Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, me mateys, there be a fancy new contraption that can rightly foretell a soul's fate after takin' a blade to oneself!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The OxSATS be a mighty tool from the Oxford treasure chest, capable of rightly foretellin' a matey's intention to take 'is own life, after a spot o' nonfatal self-harm. Tis a useful piece o' knowledge, it be!

"Spyin' the Burden o' Spare Plunder: How Sea Dogs an' Landlubbers Can Be Improvin'!"

Arr, the scurvy dogs o' today may have fancy ways o' battlin' obesity, but those in dire need often be too fearful t' seek care, and receive less than adequate treatment when they finally do. Here's why, me hearties! <br> <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Argh, ye scallywags! AMA be backin' APRN oversight by them mighty Medical and Nursing Boards.

Arrr, the House of Delegates be seekin' to shackle the scope o' practice for them advanced practice registered nurses! But the brave nursing groups be fightin' back, sayin' nay to this tyranny! Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Arr, mateys! Coffee be a mighty tonic, not just 'cause o' th' caffeine, but fer boostin' yer brainpower!

Swiggin' coffee be makin' ye wide awake and ready to tackle yer duties, matey! 'Tis more potent than just guzzlin' caffeine, showin' there be secret forces at work, arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Aye me hearties! Learn afore Ram-a-dan be the treasure map fer safe fastin' with the sugar curse!

Arr, me hearties! In this holy month of Ramadan, fellow Muslims with diabetes must prepare for their fast with caution and wisdom. Aye, they be requirin' a risk assessment afore embarkin' on this journey, as well as learnin' about ways to reduce the perils. Sail safe, me brethren!

Avast ye! 'Tis a tale worth tellin': By the end of 2022, near a fifth o' landlubbers in th' US escaped th' dreaded COVID!

Arrr, me hearties! The noble folks at CDC did delve into the blood of 143,000 kind souls, thrice a moon, in the year 2022. Their mission, ye ask? To spy the wretched COVID antibodies that plague our land. Yo-ho-ho! <i>WebMD Health News</i> be their tale.

July 5, 2023

Arrr! A hearty intake o' Vitamin D be lessenin' the odds o' new heart flutterin'! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, ye scurvy-riddled sea dogs be listenin' up! Aye, 'tis been found that them older sailors who be takin' 3200 IU o' vitamin D3 each day saw a third less risk o' fallin' overboard! 'Tis a wee bit o' good news from a randomized trial, says the Medscape Medical News. So, keep ye vitamin D levels high, me hearties, and avoid the plank!

"Scurvy-ridden Spesolimab, a magic potion, be shrinking the cursed GPP storms! Yarr, Phase 2 tale tells!"

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Fer the cursed ailment o' generalized pustular psoriasis, the jab o' the IL-36 receptor antagonist be a bonny cure, lessenin' the dreaded flares like no other. Avast, says the Medscape Medical News!

"Arr! PCPs be holdin' th' key to mendin' a scurvy heart after ye be sailin' home!"

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis crucial for the health o' heart failure scallywags to seek prompt aftercare upon their release from the ship o' healin'. Arrr, remember, ye landlubbers, a healthy heart be the treasure ye don't wanna lose.

Arr! The FDA be grantin' approval fer a fine device - a leadless dual-chamber pacin' system, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The Abbott's AVEIR DR system be havin' two leadless pulse generators that talk to each other like ghostly spirits, givin' patients with standard signs o' trouble dual-chamber pacing. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

June 30, 2023

Arr, ye landlubbers, them GLP-1 Agonists be a mighty aid fer them scurvy dogs sufferin' from Type 2 Diabetes 'n liver cirrhosis!

Avast ye scallywags! In grown-up mateys sufferin' from scurvy liver and the cursed type 2 sugar sickness, this magical glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist treatment be found to greatly lessen the peril of sailin' to Davy Jones' locker and other ill fates, as discovered in a study. Yo ho ho!

Arr, beware, ye lasses! Usin' HRT, even for a wee while, be tied to risk o' foggy memory!

Avast ye landlubbers! Be ye listenin' to this here tale? Aye, 'tis said that usin' estrogen and progestin for yer menopausal ails may bring ye closer to Davy Jones' locker, with a higher risk of forgettin' yer own name! Keep a weather eye on them symptoms, me hearties!

Me mateys, the way ye be treated fer cancer depends on yer race, insurance, and where ye be stayin'!

Avast ye hearties! A fresh reckonin' be showin' that when it comes to the final voyage, the treatment ye be gettin' depends on yer color, insurance, or where ye be seein' yer matey. Arrr!

Yarr, the latest reckonin' tells that these biosimilars be safe 'n mighty effective for the scurvy psoriasis!

"Aye, if it be fittin' with the patient's health, methinks tis prudent to swap the scallywags takin' originators for these 'ere biosimilars, arrr! 'Twill trim the costs o' treatment, savvy? - The scribes be sayin'!"

June 24, 2023

Arrr, hear ye, hear ye! There be a new tonic fer obesity and type 2 sugar disease! Yarrr!

Arr! Ye pill of GLP-1 agonist be a boon to ye weight and sugar levels, akin to other potions of its ilk. And the best part - ye don't need to starve yerself before popping it like a thirsty sailor downing rum! Ahoy, Medscape Medical News!

"Arrr, me hearties! Lowerin' yer lipids can be a swashbucklin' good time for preventin' scurvy!"

"Avast, ye scallywags! A fresh reckoning has revealed a mighty decrease in heart-stoppers and mortality with those takin' the potion to lower lipids in the first prevention bunch. It be high time we give these lubbers some extra attention, savvy?"

"Arrr me hearty, have ye heard of this Cagrilintide with Semaglutide? It be a cure for diabesity, by Blackbeard's beard!"

Arrr! This CagriSema be a powerful potion, causin' weight loss the likes of which ye've never seen in type 2 diabetes! And it be improvin' the CGM measures too, as seen in the second phase o' the trial. Shiver me timbers, this be some mighty medicine!

June 23, 2023

Avast ye hearties! The FDA has given the nod to Ritlecitinib for scallywags aged 12 and up with alopecia arrrrr-eata!

Avast ye, mateys! Tis been approved, the JAK inhibitor baricitinib, for us scallywags sufferin' from alopecia areata. Arrr, hoist the Jolly Roger and let the hair grow! <i>News Alerts</i> be tellin' the truth, so don't be doubting!

"Arrr, me mateys! This Tirzepatide be makin' ye lose weight like gold in a treasure chest! Ye scallywags with T2D best be hoistin' the sails and tryin' this new remedy!"

Arrr me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! Tales be told of a most marvelous discovery! Weekly tirzepatide injections be given to those afflicted with type 2 diabetes and a bit too much meat on their bones, and lo and behold, after 72 weeks, they lost a grand 12.8%-14.7% of their weight! Shiver me timbers, what a miraculous trial this SURMOUNT-2 be!

Arr, me hearties! Aye, the latest study be supportin' the new NCCN rankin' fer cutaneous SCC! Shiver me timbers!

"Arrr, the aim of the debatin' be to contrast the fortunes o' the scallywags in the NCCN factions - from the most perilous to the least - and the fates o' the CSCCs divided by their treatment wit' Mohs or wide local excision. <i>Avast, Medscape Medical News!</i>"

"Nappin' on the regular be makin' ye plump, says Spanish scallywags."

Arrr, mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! A recent study hath discovered that taking a long snooze four days a week may lead to the dreaded obesity. And, me hearties, it seems that smoking, dining later, sleeping later, and feasting on a hearty midday meal may be to blame for this conundrum. Shiver me timbers!

"Arrrr, ye scallywags! There be a newfangled contraption that fixes yer birthmarks in a jiffy! Fewer visits to the quack, huzzah!"

Arrr, ye scallywags! The new fancy laser be havin' a mean maximum spot size of 13.1 mm, whilst the old one only had 10.8 mm. Shiver me timbers, we be seein' clearer than ever before! Medscape Medical News be tellin' no lies, mateys.

Arr, ye scallywags! These swashbucklers with the sugar disease be ignorin' danger signs like a landlubber ignorin' a squall!

Ahoy mateys! Word on the seas be that a scurvy bunch of American lubbers with the sugar sickness be putting themselves in peril with their exercise habits. Them landlubbers be ignoring the advice of the experts and takin' too many risks with their blood sugar. Arrrr!

"Calming quarrels with fierce scurvy dogs be it, mateys, when tending to cranky patients."

Arrr, ye scallywags! The rise in foul language and aggressive behavior towards healers be a cause for concern. Best be learnin' some de-escalation tricks! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sayin' so!

"Arrrr, ye be thinkin' of addin' some radiatin' to yer prostate, matey? Yarrr, that's a bit risky!"

Arrr, ye swabs! The investigators be sayin' that this lone brachytherapy be the gold standard for those blokes with a prostate problem. So, if ye be wantin' to keep yer treasure intact, ye best be lookin' into this here treatment, savvy?

"By the black spot, aye, starvin' yerself may help ye learn better, me hearties!"

Arrr, me hearties! Ye may be surprised to hear that daily fasting for religious reasons, like during Ramadan, can actually improve the schoolin' of young believers! Aye, it be true - combinatin' social aspects with devotion to the Almighty can work wonders. Medscape Medical News be tellin' the truth, ye scurvy dogs!

"Arrr, could ye be swashbucklin' yer way outta the scurvy dog's curse o' diabetes with some fancy exercises?"

"Arrr! Me hearty, if ye be wantin' to steer clear of the scurvy ailment known as type 2 diabetes, then ye best be keepin' yerself active, ye hear? And don't ye go blamin' yer poor old kin for it, either!"