The Booty Report

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Arrr, the hearties who be cuttin' into bones be feelin' the strain of their craft on mind and body!


Arrr, nearly three quarters o' the landlubbers surveyed be feelin' the strain o' bein' a Mohs surgeon, with 68% claimin' to have suffered a musculoskeletal injury. Aye, 'tis a rough sea out there in the medical world, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! It be said that almost three quarters of survey respondents, who be bold Mohs surgeons, reported feelin' the weight of psychological and emotional stress weighin' heavy on their shoulders. Aye, it be a treacherous path they be walkin' on!
And that not be all, me hearties! 68% of those brave souls also reported sufferin' from musculoskeletal injuries. Arrr, the dangers of the high seas be nothin' compared to the perils these surgeons face in their daily battle against the scurvy dogs that be skin cancer!
But fear not, me buckos! For even in the face of such hardships, these brave souls continue to sail forth, unyieldin' in their quest to heal and mend. So here's to the mighty Mohs surgeons, may their spirits be as strong as the winds that fill their sails, and may they always find calm seas ahead!

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