The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Articles in "Gaming" Category

September 7, 2024

Avast! This cozy treasure of a shop RPG, inspired by Kiki and fine Paris, be plunderin' hearts on Kickstarter!

Arrr, matey! The Witch's Bakery be havin' struck gold, hittin' her treasure chest o' doubloons in but two sunrises! ‘Tis a fine haul for a gal who bakes spells and sweets alike! Aye, let’s raise a tankard to her cunning!

Arrr! Blizzard’s ghostly game, Odyssey, be risin’ from Davy Jones’ locker, spillin’ secrets o’ a fanciful realm!

Arrr, me hearties! Blizzard be settin' sail on a fresh treasure map, for their first new booty since the Overwatch ship sank earlier this year! Aye, the winds be fickle, but let’s hope this new venture don’t end up in Davy Jones’ locker!

"Ahoy! Them Indiana Jones scallywags reckon guns be risky ‘cause Indy ain't got no magic powers, savvy?"

Avast, me hearties! We be settin’ sail fer the good ol’ days, where cutlasses be sharper than our wits and rum flows like the ocean tides! Let’s cast aside fancy frills and return to the simple joys of plunderin’ and parleyin’—a jolly good time awaits, arrr!

Arrr, matey! Baldur's Gate 3 be blowin' up! Over a million fanciful mods in just a day, savvy?

Arrr! Patch 7 be unleashin' a veritable treasure chest o' squirmy critters, me hearties! Aye, it be a ruckus o' tangled troubles, like tryin’ to swab the deck with a barrel o’ eels! Avast, what a merry mess we've found!

September 6, 2024

Blimey! I ne'er thought Astro Bot’d steal me treasure of the year, but a cute JRPG hero did the trick!

Arrr, me hearties! By the great sea serpents, I declare: Kiryu be the fairest treasure of me soul! Aye, I’d sail the seven seas for a glimpse of that charm! So hoist the flag o' cuteness, 'tis Kiryu fer all eternity!

Avast, matey! Astro Bot be makin' waves for 2024's treasure! Aye, 'tis 12 hours o' jolly fun over 40 o' snooze!

Arrr, in a tempest of sinkin' live-service scallywags, Astro Bot be a jolly, low-stakes frolic! Aye, it be like findin' buried treasure after a long voyage of cursed doubloons! So, hoist the sails and enjoy the merry mischief without walkin' the plank!

Arrr! A sneaky tale of true crime bested the treasure of The Rings, claimin’ the crown of the week, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Did ye catch a glimpse o’ that scallywag show, "Worst Ex Ever"? 'Tis a merry jest, filled with blundering hearties and love gone to Davy Jones! Aye, ye be missin’ a treasure of a tale if ye haven’t laid yer eyes on it!

Arrr, ‘tis true! The Concord ship be sunk, two weeks past a launch as cursed as a cat in a storm!

Arrr, me hearties! Raise yer tankards high and spill a drop fer the scallywags who missed the fabled Platinum trophy of Concord! A treasure more elusive than a mermaid's kiss! Here’s to ye, ye landlubbers, may yer luck be better next voyage! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, matey! A wee musical treasure from Middle-Earth be hidin’ in the latest Rings of Power episode! Ha-ha!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and bellow, "Aye, thank ye, Bear McCreary!" For he be the master o' tunes that make our sea legs dance and our hearts sing! Let’s raise a mug to the bard of the briny deep, or we’ll be walkin' the plank!

Arrr! Patch 7 be a fine wind, yet that bard's doom be unchanged—hooray for her watery grave!

Ahoy, matey! In this jolly sea of life, I be sayin’, sometimes it be better fer a scallywag to be six feet under than flappin' about! Aye, a quiet grave be more peaceful than a ruckus, so let the dead rest and keep the rum flowin’! Arrr!

"Arrr, Harry Potter's Quidditch be a jolly romp, but like a lost treasure, it be quickly forgot!"

Arrr, matey! Harry Potter's Quidditch be a jolly romp on the high seas o' nostalgia, yet as fleeting as a seagull's squawk! A merry time, but like a barrel o' rum, ye'll forget it come dawn! Aye, sail on to the next adventure!

Arrr, matey! The Rings o’ Power be breakin’ the mold, givin’ ol’ Tolkien a raucous twist while expandin’ the treasure!

Avast, matey! When the Rings of Power be meddlin' with the great Tolkien's tales, it be like swappin' me rum for grog—might just spark a rollickin' new adventure! Aye, a hearty shake-up can be a jolly good time fer all us scallywags!

"Ahoy, matey! Snag yer finest mixing contraptions in 2024, and make yer audio sing like a siren, ye scallywag!"

Ahoy mateys! We’ve plundered the finest streaming mixers of 2024, ready to help ye wrangle, fade, and command yer audio treasures like a true buccaneer! So hoist the sails and let the sound waves roll, or ye be walkin’ the plank! Arrr!

"Aye matey! Avast! A Minecraft tale be comin' soon! Release date, trailer, and crew spillin' the beans awaits!"

Ahoy, mateys! A fresh tale from the digital seas be brewin’! Gather ‘round for all the jolly tidbits ye need ‘bout the grand Minecraft flick comin' to life. Prepare yer sails for adventure and laughter, for this be a right treasure of a film! Arrr!

"Arrr! Briar and Bone be a jolly ruckus, where factions be actin' more twisted than a three-legged sea serpent!"

Arrr, me hearties! The report be in on the Warcry: Briar and Bone! Blimey! Them factions be more bonkers than a three-eyed parrot! If ye fancy a brew of madness with a side o' bone, hoist the sails and dive in, ye scallywags! Yarrr!

Arrr, no scallywag be takin' the helm in the redo of one o' Tom Hanks's finest yarns!

Arrr, mateys! Keke Palmer be takin' the helm of a new tale, the reimaginin' of The 'Burbs! Aye, prepare yer sea legs for a rollickin’ adventure fit for a crew of scallywags and landlubbers alike! Avast! Let the merriment commence!

Arrr, the master of fright thought his crew’d sail smooth with Hi-Fi Rush, but Microsoft sent ‘em to Davy Jones!

Arrr, matey! He be thinkin' it all turned out fine in the end after the good ol' Krafton crew raised the studio from Davy Jones’ locker! Aye, twas a jolly good venture, like findin' a treasure chest full o' rum after a stormy sea! Savvy?

September 5, 2024

Arrr! PS5 Pro be slippin' onto the PlayStation seas whilst Sony hoists the jolly flag fer 30 years o' treasure!

Arrr, matey! That new PS5 be sportin’ a visage right akin to the scallywag leak that done slipped through the cracks! Aye, 'tis a fine jest, for it be lookin’ like a treasure map gone awry! Savvy?

Arrr! In the grand finale of Star Wars #50, Luke and Ben clash like scallywags at a rum barrel!

Arrr, matey! With Star Wars #50, we be settin' sail on the last voyage of Marvel's Star Wars fleet! Aye, the sails be flappin' and the grog flowin', as we bid farewell to this grand adventure! Hoist the flag and let the laughs abound!

Arrr, Valve be shuttin' down the ol' Deadlock tally! Aye, this be but a beta, matey! Stats be not yet ripe!

Arrr, me hearties! Tracklock be needin' to haul anchor fer the time bein’. He’s got more wind in his sails than a galleon in a storm! Best to let the scallywag catch his breath, lest he be swimmin’ with the fishes! Har har har!

Arrr, me hearties! It seems PlayStation be havin' a game to give ol' Mario a proper swashbucklin' challenge!

Arrr, matey! A fresh tale be brew’n in the realm of 3D platformin’! A legend be risin’ like the morning sun, ready to make ye laugh and scream like a scallywag! Hoist yer sails and prepare for a jolly good romp, ye landlubbers!

"Avast, matey! Know ye the ways of all Space Marine 2 crew, and how they be plunderin' the void!"

Arrr matey! In the grand voyage of Space Marine 2, ye be choosin’ from six fine classes to plunder in PVP and PVE! Set sail, pick yer crew, and let the ruckus commence! Avast, the galaxy be waitin’ for yer mischief!

Arrr, toss aside yer PS5 Pro! PlayStation's crew be craftin' fancy wooden blocks fer a daft $80 doubloons!

Arrr, matey! "Shapes o' Play?" Nay, I say 'tis more like "Shapes o' Pay!" Aye, the only treasure be in the gold, not in the frolickin' and gambollin'! So hoist the sails, for 'tis time to plunder the purse, not prance like landlubbers! Har har har!

Arrr! This month o' Amazon Prime be brimmin' with treasures: Lord o' the Rings, Borderlands, and Tomb Raider, matey!

"Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags! The finest treasures o’ Borderlands be stowed within! Aye, a jolly good haul awaits, filled with loot fit for the saltiest of sea dogs! Get ready to pillage and plunder, ye landlubbers, for a grand adventure be afoot!"

Arrr! Elizabeth and Carrie be sayin' their Netflix tale be makin' sorrow feel jollier, like a treasure map to laughter!

Arrr, me hearties! In a tale most curious, these two scallywags be chattin' 'bout mishaps most merry in the heart-wrenchin' yarn, "His Three Daughters." Aye, laughter be the treasure amidst the tears! Grab yer rum and listen close, for the sea be full o' surprises!

Arrr, even me own mother’d not scowl at me for snaggin’ this Ms. Pac-Man contraption at a steal, ye savvy?

Ahoy, matey! Ye be able to snatch a Ms. PAC-Man Countercade fer a pittance, thanks to a jolly 33% off! This wee arcade be no larger than a treasure chest holdin' a PS5. A right fine catch, if I do say so meself! Arrr!

Arrr! The Pokémon crew be shoutin’ “Find ye Oddish!” while showin’ naught but blackness fer 16 hours! Yarr!

Arrr, that be a curious tidbit, matey! Aye, ‘tis a bit peculiar, like findin' a landlubber in me treasure chest! What devilry be this? Aye, me hearties, it be oddish, indeed! Hoist the jolly roger and let’s make sense of this fine nonsense!

Arrr, matey! The wolfman be peekin’ out like a scallywag at Halloween Horror Nights, ‘tis a sight to behold!

“Arrr, behold that scallywag! He’s naught but a sea-dog who’s wrestled with a tempest o’ misfortune! Looks like he’s been tossed by the waves and dined with Davy Jones himself! Aye, life’s been a cruel mistress to this poor knave!”

Avast! Who be the lass croonin' in Tom Bombadil's lair? Here be yer answer, matey!

Arrr, who be that melodious chantey echoing through The Rings of Power, episode four? Methinks it be a siren or a scallywag, serenadin’ us landlubbers! Avast, let’s hoist the sails and uncover this voice, or we’ll be swimmin’ with the fishes!

September 4, 2024

Arrr! The Beetlejuice crew be flabbergasted and gobsmacked by yon Tim Burton sequel! A right jolly surprise, it be!

Arrr! Hear ye! Monica Bellucci and Willem Dafoe be spillin' the beans on their fanciful paint for the great beyond! Aye, it be helpin' 'em slip into their roles like a slippery eel in a barrel o' rum! Pirates be lovin’ a good jest!

Arrr! In yon clip, Lady Gaga be singin' with Arthur Fleck—madness and melody on the high seas, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The first glimpse o' the jester's second folly, "Joker 2," be upon us! Prepare yer grog, for this wild seadog's antics be sure to set yer belly a-laughin’ and yer doubloons a-flyin’! Avast, and feast yer eyes on this merry madness!

Arrr! The scallywags at Atlus be busy, but the cap'n dreams of makin' those remakes one day, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! This be the final treasure to complete the grand hoard o' Persona remakes! With this shiny gem in me chest, we’ll be singin’ sea shanties of joy, for our collection be as fine as a siren's song! Avast, let the jollification commence!

Arrr! All we knows 'bout Black Ops 6 Zombies be as murky as the deep seas, matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Here be the treasure maps and cunning strategies fer the undead skirmish in Black Ops 6! Prepare to battle the cursed zombies or ye be walkin' the plank straight to Davy Jones’ locker! Arrrr, let the mayhem commence!

September 3, 2024

Arrr, matey! Without them shiny pixels, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D be a ghost ship! I felt it after half an hour!

Arrr! I be itchin' to set sail into the fantastical seas of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake! Me heart be ready to wander ‘mongst treasures and troubles, like a scallywag with a map but no sense of direction! Avast, adventure awaits!

Arrr! That maddening Vice City quest be returnin' fer but two gold doubloons on PS4! Blimey, how'd it pass the test?

Arrr, matey! HeliCity Demolition Man be a hearty homage, aye! Straight as a cannonball, it be! No need fer fancy words or flowery tales—just a bold salute t’ good ol’ chaos and mayhem! So raise yer tankards, fer the wreckin’ shall commence! Har har har!

Arrr! The first glimpse o' Hawley's Alien yarn be a frightenin' tale that’ll chill yer timbers, matey!

Arrr matey! In the year of our Lord, 2025, the cursed rock o' Earth be settin' sail fer Hulu, like a scallywag searchin' fer treasure! Prepare yer sea legs, ye landlubbers, for an invasion of strange critters from the stars! Avast, it be a right jolly time!

Arrr, matey! The first fix be no legendary treasure, but it’ll steer the ship of Helldivers 2 true!

Arrr, matey! Don’t be expectin’ the cursed Helldivers 2 to be mended by mornin’s light! Nay, it be a shipwreck in need of a good hearty patchin’! So hoist yer grog and be patient, for even the fiercest of storms take time to calm, savvy?

Arrr! A new tale on the streaming seas, with Captain Goldblum! Fans be cheerin’, while critics be grumblin’!

Avast, ye scallywags! A tempest brews, and Kaos be settin’ sail fer the top of the treasure map! Aye, he be huntin’ for the crown like a parrot after a cracker! Prepare yer grog and hold onto yer hats, fer the chaos be a-comin’! Arrr!

Arrr! A fanciful tale o' swords ‘n sorcery sets sail on Kickstarter, plunderin' gold in mere hours! Avast, treasures galore!

Arrr, matey! “Fallen Tear: The Ascension” be sailin’ the seas of triumph like a ship on a fair wind! It be a treasure trove of success, makin’ more waves than a kraken in a bathtub! All hands on deck fer this jolly good show, I say!

Arrr, matey! Concord be walkin' the plank this week, and all ye scallywags be gettin' gold back while PlayStation plots its course!

Arrr, me hearties! The Concord treasure be plundered no more! Yonder sales be cut off faster than a sailor's leg in a storm! So batten down the hatches, for no doubloons shall be earned from this here bounty! Avast, and let’s find a new chest to raid!

Avast ye mateys! When doth the cursed Beetlejuice sequel set sail on the streaming seas, eh? Arrr!

Arrr matey! Mark yer sea charts, for the time to feast yer eyes on Beetlejuice 2 be nigh! Set yer clocks and ready yer grog, fer the ghostly fun be comin' to yer screens soon! Don't be a landlubber and miss the spectral shenanigans!

Arrr! Warm Fusion be a wild sea of Blade Runner and Cronenberg's tales, pushin' boundaries like a ship in a storm!

Avast, mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of a fresh treasure from the quills of Scott Hoffman and Alberto Ponticelli! Aye, this DSTLRY scroll be a jolly good read, ripe for plunderin' by all ye scallywags! So hoist the sails and prepare for literary adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, Ian McKellen be sayin’ he ain’t hangin’ up his boots! No scallywag be wearin’ me pointy hat while I’m 'round!

Arrr, matey! That ol' seadog Ian McKellen be as stubborn as a barnacle on a hull! He be sayin’ he won’t be layin' down his wizard hat, not for all the treasure in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, the Grey One be wantin’ to keep us spellbound, he does!

Arrr! Assassin's Creed Shadows be resurrectin’ double deeds after nine long years! A curious tale be brewin’ 'round it, matey!

Arrr, matey! Naoe be sportin' a secret cutlass and a wicked little tanto! Aye, 'tis like bringin' a parrot to a swordfight—ye never know what mischief be lurkin' in the shadows! Prepare ye for a jolly good time, savvy?

Arrr! Elizabeth Olsen be sayin’ Natasha Lyonne be savvy enough t’ sail any storm, no MCU map needed!

Ahoy, mateys! ‘Tis a grand tale o’ two fine lasses, Elizabeth and Carrie, singin’ sweet praises fer their shipmate, Natasha Lyonne, in the grand play “His Three Daughters.” Aye, they be heapin’ treasure upon her like rum on a thirsty sailor! Arrr, what a jolly crew!

September 2, 2024

Arrr! Once cursed with the undead, these scallywags now craft a cozy treasure—no zombies, just fluffy fortune!

Arrr, matey! This here be a right surprise! Who’d a thought the waves be so soothing, eh? Like a fine rum in a treasure chest, it tickles me bones and takes the wind outta me sails! Aye, I be feelin’ as calm as a ship in a still sea!

Arrr, ye might toil fer 2,000 hours fer this secret treasure, but at least ol’ Professor Oak be givin' ye a pat!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a treasure of a reward, but not the shiny doubloon ye be wishin' fer. More like a moldy biscuit than a chest o' gold, savvy? Keep yer hopes high, but don’t expect to be dancin’ with mermaids just yet! Ha-ha!

Arrr! From fanciful garb to lash 'n' smash, the Great Circle be ponderin': "What would that scallywag Indy do?"

Ahoy matey! MachineGames be lookin’ to have ye feelin’ like the treasure-huntin’ archaeologist of yer dreams, yet they ain't castin’ aside their cannon-blastin’ roots! So ready yer cutlass and prepare for a jolly adventure, full o’ plunder and gunpowder! Arrr!

Arrr, Sylvester Stallone be penning a Rocky tale, like Lady and the Tramp, but with more fists and fewer fancy pups!

Arrr matey, it be like the quill be possessed by Davy Jones himself! The words be spillin’ forth as if a sea witch be whisperin’ in me ear. Aye, it be writin’ itself faster than a ship on the high seas! Avast, I’m a wordsmith of fortune!

Arrr! This here crafty scallywag’s GameCube treasure’s got renderin’ so grand, it’ll make yer Switch feel like a landlubber!

Arrr, that be a mighty heap o’ meaty morsels, matey! I reckon if I had a doubloon fer every chunk, I'd be richer than Davy Jones himself! So hoist the Jolly Roger and feast we shall, lest we be left starvin' on the high seas!

Arrr, will Winona Ryder swing by in Wednesday’s second tale? Jenna Ortega be spillin' the beans, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The fair lass from Netflix's Addams Family tale be sayin’ she’d gladly sail the seas with Winona once more, after their ghostly adventure in Beetlejuice 2! Aye, 'tis a jolly reunion we be awaitin’, full o’ mischief and ghostly giggles!

Aye, matey! Blizzard tinkered with the Auction House, yet The War Within be a drunken sailor, breakin' it anew!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Them players be plantin’ 'dead end' signs fer a jolly good reason, aye! They be tryin’ to steer ye ship o’ foolishness into murky waters, savvy? So keep yer wits about ye, lest ye be landlubber foolin’ yerself! Har har har!

Arrr, the Rings o' Power be hidin' a merry tune from Sauron, and the bard be over the moon!

Arrr, matey! Sauron and Galadriel be tangled up in a wicked tune, like two scallywags dancin' to Davy Jones’ dirge! Aye, their notes be as dark as a stormy sea, makin’ even the Kraken blush! Hoist the anchor and prepare for a cacophony of chaos!

Arrr, Hideo Kojima be toastin' Metal Gear Solid 5's 9th year, claimin' he did all the plunderin' himself!

Arrr, me trusty siren of sound! Fetch forth the jolly tune of the humble bard, Kendrick Lamar, lest we be drownin' in silence! Play that merry ditty, or I’ll make ye walk the plank! Aye!

"Arrr, Phil be sayin’ he’s let many a treasure slip by, like Destiny and Guitar Hero—what a scallywag!"

Arrr, he be no landlubber who wallows in a sea o' regrets, matey! Nay, he sails the wild waves with a hearty laugh, settin' his sights on treasure, not sorrow! A jolly rogue, he be, with nary a frown to be found on his weathered mug!

September 1, 2024

Arrr, matey! That scallywag actor be havin' a mighty regret, claimin' Rockstar made him mangle Arthur's words! Har har!

Arrr, matey! Roger Clark be havin' a troublesome thought ticklin' his noggin like a pesky barnacle! One blunder be hauntin' him like a ghost in the hold—aye, a right silly misstep that makes him feel like a landlubber in a sailor's brawl!

Arrr! That ol' sea dog Miyamoto be a stubborn matey! No makin' deals if ye want to rule the gaming seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Takaya Imamura, that scallywag of Star Fox fame, be spillin’ his treasure of joy about his jolly adventures with the grand sorcerer of Super Mario! Aye, ‘tis a tale of great mirth and merry mischief on the high seas of game makin’!

Arrr, matey! For 25 long years, Agent 47's had the same scallywag playin' him—calls him a "tight-fisted matey!"

Arrr, it be clear as the bright moon on a dark sea that Hitman be thick as thieves with David Bateson, matey! They be inseparable like rum and a pirate's belly, always schemin' and dreamin' of treasure, aye!

Avast, matey! Castlevania's treasures be back, with a grand remix of that old arcade gem, before it sailed into Metroidvania waters!

Arrr, matey! The crafty crew that snatched Castlevania's tarnished treasure from the depths o' the Wii has pulled the same trick for that scallywag Haunted Castle! Aye, they be makin' even the spookiest of places shine like gold doubloons! Avast, let the jests begin!

Arrr! One of the scallywags from Grand Theft Auto be settin' sail on a jolly game of peaceful frolickin'!

Ahoy matey! Plentiful be a jolly romp where ye play the merry god, tendin’ to Mother Nature like a rum-soaked sailor to his ship. Help the green and growin’ flourish, ‘tis a fine way to unwind whilst laughin’ like a parrot on a perch! Arrr!

Arrr! Aye, the grand Poké-hunter be prepped fer battle, after two decades of shiny chasin’—even a cursed bot be no help!

Arrr, me hearties! After searchin' high and low, they’ve stumbled upon a second rare acorn, worth 1-in-819,200 doubloons! Now they can set sail to greener pastures, leavin' behind their nutty troubles. Avast, let the feasting commence, fer acorns be the treasure of the sea!

Arrr, the tale of Zelda be as clear as murky seas; Breath of the Wild be lost, matey! Standalone, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The tangled tale o’ Nintendo be servin' up a clearer map for us scallywags! No more twisty paths, just a jolly voyage through pixelated seas! Avast, we be settin’ sail on a quest for treasure without losin’ our heads over the timeline, arrr!

Arrr! Larian be sayin’ the bear scene made folks rethink Baldur's Gate 3: "We be banned on TikTok, matey!"

Arrr, matey! We best parley 'bout the furry beastie lurkin' in the hold, aye! Seems like a mighty fine bear be makin’ himself at home, and we can't be pretendin’ he's not there, or we’ll be the ones in for a surprise! Har har!

August 31, 2024

Arrr! 'Tis Minecraft and Stardew Valley havin' a jolly ol' shindig in Core Keeper! Creator be thinkin' he's livin' a dream, aye!

Arrr, matey! The secret lair o' mine and craftin' be drawin' a mighty crew, swellin' like a treasure chest with eager hands! Aye, the numbers be so grand, ye’d think Davy Jones himself be joinin’ in the ruckus! Avast, let the plunderin’ commence!

Arrr, a self-taught scallywag be reelin' in 200k doubloons and 10k shanties, while conjurin' a new treasure soon!

Arrr, matey! Pseudoregalia be outshinin' the wildest dreams of its scallywag creator! It be akin to a parrot that sings sea shanties and dances a jig—surpassin' all hopes, it be! A true treasure of a creation, I tell ye! Har har!

Arrr, matey! Dragon Age: The Veilguard be sportin’ toggles fer bare bums and fancy knickers, ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! The captain o' the Veilguard be spillin' the beans faster than a leaky barrel o' grog! Secrets be flyin' like seagulls at a fish feast! Hoist the sails, for all shall know the tales he’s chartin’—and none shall be left dry!

Arrr! After 30 tides with Capcom, Hideaki Itsuno sets sail fer new horizons, seekin' treasure in a fresh game!

Arrr, matey! 'Twas the final voyage of Captain Itsuno at the helm, settin' sail on this year's Dragon’s Dogma 2! Aye, his swan song be a grand treasure, though the crew be wonderin' if he’ll find a new ship to plunder next!

August 30, 2024

Arrr, these fancy games be ticklin’ me fancy! Keep yer eyes peeled, or ye be missin’ treasure!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round, for I be spillin' the beans on the finest treasures I laid me eyes upon at Gen Con this year! Aye, these games be the cream of the crop, fit for the fiercest sea dogs! Prepare yer jolly roger for a rollickin' good time!

Arrr, matey! Borderlands 4 be bringin’ four fresh loot-seekers, aim’n for depth, not a tangled web o' confusion!

Arrr, me hearties! We be reckonin’ it’s high time to shake the sails o’ our creativity! No more stickin’ to the same ol’ maps, lest we be sailin’ in circles! Let’s craft designs that be as wild and unpredictable as the seven seas! Yarrr!

Arrr, Netflix be tossin' the Sandman spin-off overboard after one season! Aye, another treasure lost to the depths!

Arrr, me hearties! The Dead Boy Detectives be layin' down their ghostly spyglasses fer good! No second season to sail the seas of adventure, alas! So raise a tankard, fer this merry crew be off to Davy Jones’ locker, never to return! Har har har!

Arrr, after 62 updates, the dev be weary o' the crew! He’s settin’ sail for solo fright seas, aye!

Ahoy, matey! Time be ripe for a jolly jaunt to new horizons, or somethin’ like that! Aye, let’s hoist the sails and swap this ol’ view for a fresh one, savvy? Avast, adventure awaits!

Arrr matey! Seek ye the scallywags hidin’ fake doubloons in Star Wars Outlaws, or be ye walkin’ the plank!

Arrr, matey! In the grand quest fer them counterfeit doubloons in the Star Wars Outlaws, ye be needin’ to seek out a market trader. Fear not! I’ll share the secrets to spot that scallywag, savvy? Prepare yer spyglass and let the treasure hunt begin!

Arrr, set sail fer spooky times! Snag yer MTG Duskmourn treasure with a hearty $94 doubloons off, matey!

Arrr, matey! A frightfully fine Labour Day treasure awaitin' ye! Swing yer cutlass at this deal so grand, it’ll shiver yer timbers and make ye dance a jig! Don’t let it slip through yer fingers, lest ye be hauntin' the seven seas of regret! Yarrr!

"Avast, me hearties! Me wee babe be battered by Gearbox's scallywag DLC! Programmer be thinkin' it be rushed like a landlubber!"

Arrr, matey! The scallywag who be codin’ for Risk of Rain 2 be spillin' the beans on them Seekers of the Storm! Aye, they be as tricky as a two-headed coin, makin' ye laugh while ye be dodgin’ lightning bolts! Avast, what a jolly adventure awaits!

Blimey! Never did I sail the seas of Killing Floor 'til I tried the latest treasure—what a jolly good time!

Avast, ye scallywags! Gather 'round for Gamescom 2024, where Killing Floor be makin' a grand return! This third tale be showin' why it reigns supreme as the mightiest of zombie-slayin’ adventures. Prepare yer cutlasses and hoist the Jolly Roger, for a gory good time awaits! Arrr!

Ahoy, matey! A fresh Marvel tale be spillin' the beans on hidden Deadpool and Wolverine treasures ye surely overlooked!

Arrr, me hearties! Did ye lay yer eyes upon all them cheeky nods and sly winks, eh? Aye, it be a treasure trove of jests and jibes! If not, ye best be keepin' yer spyglass polished, lest ye miss the booty of wit! Har har!

Arrr, Netflix be launchin' a new Terminator tale, and it be gettin' a treasure trove o' 100% on Rotten Tomatoes!

Arrr, matey! The skies be the bounds of our ambitions, but let it be known, ‘tis Skynet that charts our course! We be sailin’ the digital seas where even the krakens fear to tread. Avast, me hearties, the limit be but a jest on the high seas of technology!

"Avast ye! Warhammer Age of Sigmar be showin' off its first swashbucklin' nonbinary matey! Yarr, what a twist!"

Arrr, matey! Let us pray the barnacles hold fast this time, for I’ve swabbed the deck and cursed the winds! If it don’t, I’ll be walkin’ the plank with me breakfast! Aye, mayhap the sea gods be kinder this go ‘round!

August 29, 2024

Arrr! Black Ops 6 be tippin' its hat to olden days—no more grindin' fer camos, savvy? Time saved, matey!

Arrr, matey! The camo caper be settin' sail the moment ye clutch yer iron! Aye, ‘tis a merry chase for colors and patterns, like seekin' treasure in Davy Jones' locker! Grab yer piece and let the hunt for the finest garb begin, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, Arthur Morgan's matey be spillin' his own tale of Reddin' Dead's fables, claimin' half be nonsense, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Roger Clark be a clever rogue, for in his mind's treasure chest, the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 sails under a flag of high Honor! Aye, who’d expect naught but a noble finish from a scallywag like him? Savvy?

Arrr! Remedy's tossed Alan Wake overboard, makin' deals with Annapurna to spin yarns 'bout Control and Alan Wake instead!

Arrr, matey! If ye be catchin' Z's, ye be missin' treasure aplenty! So, hoist yer sails and keep yer peepers wide, lest ye find yerself with naught but a bellyful o’ sleep and a chest o’ empty dreams! Yarrr!

"Arrr, matey! To seize the Black Ops 6 treasure, ye must find the secret map. When's the grand hoist?"

Ahoy, me hearties! Mark yer calendars, for the Black Ops 6 trial sets sail on August 30 fer those scallywags who pre-order or have that Game Pass treasure! Then, hoist the sails fer the grand open beta on September 6! Yarrr, let the cannon fire of mayhem commence!

Avast ye scallywags! Seek ye treasure maps fer the Astro's Playroom Bots, hidden like gold among the waves! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! The special scallywags known as Bots from Astro's Playroom be settin' sail with yer crew in Astro Bot! And ye best be lookin' fer 'em where the sun don't shine, savvy?

Arrr! A band o' scallywags from the DC seas be makin' a jolly 60-year return, savvy?

Ahoy mateys! It be said that Amanda Waller be makin’ merry with a fresh crew o’ scallywags! Arrr, what mischief they be conjurin’? I wager they’ll be causin’ more ruckus than a ship’s parrot on a barrel o’ rum! Avast, let the jolly adventure begin!

Arrr, matey! Napoleon be gettin' a long tale, and Ridley be sayin’, "I reckon I fancy it too!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Behold! The grand spectacle of “Napoleon: The Director’s Cut” be ready to sail yer screens on Apple TV+, right this very moment! Don’t be a scallywag; grab yer grog and prepare for a rollickin’ good time! Arrr!

Arrr, who be that scallywag Tom Bombadil in The Rings of Power? A mighty enigma, he be, matey!

Avast, mateys! Make way for Tom Bombadil, the jolly sea dog, settin' sail to his grand debut in The Rings of Power, season dos! Aye, this merry rogue be ready to shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bones on the silver screen! Arrr!

Arrr! The Thing be lookin' like a jolly ol' scallywag from the pages o' yore, leaked loot reveals!

Arrr, matey! The Thing be catchin' his first sneaky peek, like a landlubber spyin’ on a treasure map! Aye, he be lookin’ as confused as a crab at a dance, wonderin' what in Davy Jones’ locker he stumbled upon!

Arrr matey! The Acolyte star be sayin’ the cancellation be "no great surprise" and scolds the "rampage of scallywags!"

Arrr, me hearties! Amandla Stenberg be speakin’ o’ The Acolyte’s grim fate, tossed overboard like a shipwrecked treasure! She be laughin' in the face o’ misfortune, sayin' that even the fiercest storms can't sink the spirit of a true buccaneer! Yarrr, let the waves roll!

Arrr, matey! The finest garb, shields, and treasure for them Star Wars scallywags be here, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Kay's Outlaw garb be the finest armor ye can find in the wild seas of Star Wars Outlaws, fit to make even the fiercest buccaneer shiver in their boots! Wear it, and ye'll be more invincible than a kraken on rum!

August 28, 2024

Arrr! In this jolly tale, Venom be fightin’ a Xenomorph facehugger—two pesky parasites in a ruckus of epic proportions!

Arrr, matey! In "Aliens Vs. Avengers #1," ye be witnessin' the jolly mischief when a facehugger snags a symbiote, turnin' a fearsome beastie into a squishin’ cuddle buddy! Avast, chaos be unleashed on the high seas of comic mischief! Hoist the sails and prepare for laughs!

Arrr, Eric Barone be sayin’, “I’ve not set me hook on Haunted Chocolatier lately, busy wranglin’ Stardew 1.6 fer consoles!”

Arrr, matey! There be many a reason fer this, but the long and short of it be this: they ain't out yet, savvy? We be still battlin' the stormy seas of workin' on 'em! Keep yer knickers on, they'll sail forth soon enough!

Avast ye! Star Wars Outlaws be settin' sail soon, a grand adventure in a galaxy far, far away, matey! Arrr!

Arrr matey! Behold, the moment when the treasures of Star Wars Outlaws shall be unleashed upon yer shores! Mark yer calendars, for when the moon rises and the stars align, ye’ll be settin’ sail into a galaxy far, far away! Avast, ready yer blasters!

Arrr! Beetlejuice be a wild, sugary romp, twisted like a kraken's tentacle—Tim Burton be back, savvy? Ha-ha!

Arrr, me hearties! The word be out, like a cannonball flyin' through the mist! The scallywags be chattin' 'bout our treasure, and it seems they be lovin' it more than rum on a sunken ship! Avast, let the cheers and belly laughs echo across the seven seas!

Arrr! A hundred bullets and crafty quills, Azzarello and Phillips spin a yarn of sci-fi mischief, matey!

Avast ye! Gather 'round, me hearties! Azzarello and Phillips be chattin' about the jolly conundrum of livin' forever and other peculiar matters. Set yer sails for a rollickin' good yarn 'bout the merry ethics of never kickin' the bucket! Yarrr, it be a right laugh!

Avast ye! inZOI be sportin' a wizardly "3D print" trick, turnin' yer selfies into treasure fer yer game! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! This bounty be so fine, I reckon it’s fit for a king! I’d swear on me parrot’s beak, it’s a trick o' the devil! A treasure so grand, I’m half expectin’ Davy Jones himself to come claim it! Ha! Give us a toast, ye scallywags!

Arrr! The master of Sonic be spillin’ tales of his early days, animatin’ Shadow for treasure, now makin’ him a star!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a grand circle o' fate we be sailin’ in! What be startin’ as a wee squall o’ mischief be turnin’ into a mighty whirlpool o’ laughter! Aye, we’ve come ‘round to where we began, but with more grog and less scallywags! Har har har!

Arrr, ye greenhorns be waitin' over a year fer fresh treasure to begin yer quest!

Arrr, matey! Tis a fine treasure ye seek, this patience be! Like waitin' fer a shipload of gold while yer belly be a-rumblin'. So hoist the sails of temperance and bide yer time, or ye might just end up feedin' the ravens with yer hurried antics!

Arrr, matey! The dev crew be bickerin' over them Viper changes till the sun sank, Yoshi-P be spillin' the beans!

Arrr, the captain o' the fray be all a-twistin' 'n’ turnin' like a fish outta water 'bout makin’ a wee tweak! His mind be as stormy as the sea, not knowin’ whether to hoist the sails or swab the deck! A right pickle, that be!

Arrr, matey! Scuf Nomad be sportin' sticks fair and square, standin' tall 'mongst the crooked scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Scuf’s maiden voyage with the Nomad has birthed a contraption so grand 'tis like treasure in yer hands! Aye, it be packed with features, makin' landlubbers weep with envy. Avast, prepare to conquer the seven seas of gaming!

"Arrr, matey! Smashin' rocks 'n walls in Star Wars Outlaws be easier than plunderin' a sleeping sea dog!"

Avast, matey! To blast yon pesky rocks and walls in the treacherous Amberine Cave of Star Wars Outlaws, ye be needin' the mighty Bolt blaster! Fire it true, or ye be stuck like a fish in a barrel! Arrr!

Arrr, Daryl Dixon be settin' sail fer season 3! Aye, his announce be as fine as a treasure map!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, ye scallywags! What be this fine day, eh? Let’s raise a tankard and share a hearty laugh, for life be too short to sail the seas without a jolly jest. Yarrr, let the adventures begin!

August 27, 2024

"Ye'll be a-yellin' fer joy!" - Tom King an' Ryan Sook swear their brawlin' tale'll give Black Canary her rightful due! Arr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as scribe Tom King and brush-wielder Ryan Sook be spillin’ the beans on their latest treasure, "Black Canary: Best of the Best!" Aye, prepare yerselves for high seas of laughter and swashbucklin' tales in this comical yarn!

Arrr! The long-lost treasure of Tetris be unveil’d, fetchin’ back the SNES skirmish from Japan’s depths after 31 years!

Arrr, me hearties! At long last, the winds be blowin' favorably for a jolly round of Tetris Battle Gaiden! Let’s stack them blocks high, or we'll be walkin' the plank in shame! Avast, let the pixelated pirate antics commence! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Arrr! Jujutsu Kaisen be settin' sail for silver screens, plunderin' one o' the finest tales from its treasure trove!

Avast, me hearties! The tale of the Hidden Inventory and the Premature Death Arc be settin' sail for the silver screen! Aye, prepare to hoot and holler as we plunder the laughs from this grand adventure, where mischief and mayhem be the order o' the day!

Arrr! Shigeru got riled up makin' Zelda, yellin’, “Who be the scallywag that placed this rock?” Now, ye can tool it!

Arrr, what ol' Miyamoto be wishin', he be snatchin' like a treasure from the depths! No wind be blowin' against his sails, matey! If the man craves a parrot, ye best believe a whole flock be landin' on his shoulder! Aye, he be a crafty sea dog!

Arrr, matey! To snag yer Star Wars Outlaws doubloons and finest garb, follow the treasure map, savvy?

Avast, matey! Ye be havin' exclusive treasures fer pre-orderin' or snatchin' the Ultimate edition of Star Wars Outlaws! But beware, they be locked tighter than a mermaid's clasp on a fishy tale, awaitin' ye on yer ship! Arrr, go claim yer booty!

"Arrr! The FrightFest Awards be here, with scallywags takin’ home the treasure from this year’s spooktacular shindig!"

"Avast, ye scallywags! Raise yer tankards high, fer the luckiest sea dogs be named! By the beard of Davy Jones, the spoils be theirs! Now, let us celebrate with rum aplenty and tales of bravado, lest we sink into a sea of boredom!"

Avast, me hearties! Mualani be sailin’ in with the tide – know when the Hydro lass hits the deck!

Avast, me hearties! Genshin Impact be settin' sail on version 5.0, where the land of Natlan be awaitin'! Aye, we be seein' the grand Mualani banner unfurl and the mischievous Kachina joinin' the crew! Ho ho! Ready yer sea legs for a merry adventure!

Arrr, a year passed, and a treasure o' Ahsoka's secrets be found – could spell grand adventures fer season 2!

Ahoy, matey! Those mystical runes from the first episode be whisperin' secrets of what be comin' next in the tale. Aye, 'tis like a treasure map, but with more riddles and less rum! Keep yer spyglass handy, or ye might miss the spoils!

Arrr, matey! Shroud be claimin' Deadlock's set to plunder the seas, callin' it the finest shootin' game on the high seas!

Arrr, that be a mighty fine compliment, like findin' treasure in a barrel of grog! Aye, ye flatter me more than a parrot on me shoulder, savvy?

Arrr! The scallywags o’ Baldur’s Gate 3 be settlin’ their sails and shuttin’ the tome, lookin’ fer new treasures!

Arrr, be there a scallywag slicin' onions in this here hold? I swear, me eyes be wetter than a mermaid’s bottom! Come forth, ye onion-chopper, lest I unleash a hearty laugh at yer expense!

August 26, 2024

Arrr! Eric Barone be plottin' a jolly crossover, shoutin', "I be open to any wild notion, matey!"

Arrr, me hearties! I be hankerin' fer Pam in that scallywag game o' Fortnite! Aye, I’d trade me finest doubloons fer a chance to sail the digital seas with her! Let the cannons roar and the grog flow, fer Pam be the treasure I seek!

Arrr! Assassin's Creed Visionaries be returnin' with two raucous yarns o' bloodshed 'mongst China’s opium squabbles and Viking plunderin'!

Avast ye! "Assassin's Creed Visionaries" be handin' the treasure trove of tales from that grand game to the finest quill-wielders in the land of comics! Aye, prepare for a rollickin' adventure that'll shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bone! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! BioWare spills the beans on Dragon Age's crew, showin’ their five jolly tricks in battle! Yarrr!

Arrr, I be claimin' the dark sorcerer and the scaly beast slayer who spits flames, savvy? A fine pair o’ mischief-makers to join me crew! We'll be causin' mayhem and guffaws on the high seas, I tell ye!

Arrr, says the game sage: sequels be where devs unleash their true treasure, the game they dreamt of from the start!

"Avast, me hearties! Raise yer tankards high for the second game, may it sail smoother than a siren's song and bring us more treasure than a chest o' gold! Long live the jolly sport, ere we be walkin' the plank of boredom!"

Arrr, matey! Daniel Warren Johnson be sayin' he can’t sail the Transformers seas forever—he be plottin' his grand escape!

Aye, matey! Old Daniel Warren Johnson be knowin’ when he’ll be sailin’ away from them Transformers, but fear not, it ain’t time to weigh anchor just yet! The good captain's still at the helm, chartin’ his course through the briny deep of robotic adventure! Arrr!

Arrr! Dying Light: The Beast be a mighty 18-hour voyage! Next month, the devs be sinking Dying Light 2, but not before a final treasure sale of six suns!

Arrr, matey! As we be craftin' the dreaded Dying Light: The Beast, it seems the scallywag grew bigger than a whale's belly full o' treasure! Aye, it be outgrowing its original plans faster than a ship in a stormy squall! Blimey, what a ruckus!

Arrr, Steve, Selena, and Short be spillin’ the beans on why season 4 be darker than Davy Jones’ locker!

Ahoy, mateys! The scallywags o’ the Only Murders crew be spillin’ the beans on their most wicked season yet! Prepare yer sea legs for a jolly good laugh as they regale ye with tales darker than Davy Jones' locker! Arrr, it be a right merry time!

Arrr! Steve Martin be hopin’ Ryan Reynolds and Cate Blanchett join the crew fer a rollickin’ murder mystery!

Arrr! Exclusive tidin's, ye scallywags! Steve Martin, Selena the fair, and ol' Martin Short be dreamin’ o’ guest stars for their caper, "Only Murders in the Buildin’." They be wishin' fer a motley crew o’ mischief-makers to join their jolly band o’ sleuths! Avast, what a merry time!

Avast, matey! Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater be a grand treasure reborn! Aye, it's a jolly good remake!

Arrr, me hearties! We be scallywags who dabbled in Konami's fine treasure, Metal Gear Solid 3's grand remake! By Davy Jones' locker, we be itchin' fer the day it sets sail. Release it soon, or we’ll be walkin’ the plank o’ boredom! Yarrr!

Arrr, nearly a century post-Tolkien's tale, Rory Kinnear be spillin' the beans on why Bombadil's moment be nigh in Season 2, matey!

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags! Rory Kinnear be spillin' the beans that this tale be spun in a manner most peculiar, not like ol' Tolkien's yarns! So hoist the sails and prepare for a jolly good twist, savvy?

Arrr, matey! Randy Pitchford be not the only scallywag teasing Borderlands 4; another Gearbox lubber spilled the beans two years past!

Arrr, matey! If I had me way, I’d be hurlin’ the moon like a cannonball ‘cross the sky! Aye, I’d be makin’ the stars jest blink in disbelief, shoutin’ “Shiver me timbers!” as I turned the night into a right ruckus! A true pirate’s dream, I say!

Arrr, in season two, Sauron an’ Galadriel be meetin’ with stakes higher than a ship’s crow’s nest!

Arrr, me hearties! Hear ye the gossip from the briny deep! Charlie Vickers and his matey, Patrick McKay, be hintin' at a grand reunion on the horizon! Prepare yer sea legs, for a jolly good time be comin' our way! Avast, let the rum flow!

August 25, 2024

Arrr, the scallywags remakin' Silent Hill 2 be shackled to Konami's treasure map, not the ancient ghost tale!

Arrr, matey! The scallywags o' Bloober Team be sayin’ Silent Hill 2 be a fine match fer their cursed souls, aye! 'Tis like tryin’ to fit a peg leg on a parrot—just don’t be right, savvy?

Avast! After 22 long years, Sega’s treasure for PS1 be finally talkin’ English! Now ye can sail into J-pop and Hamtaro seas!

Arrr, me hearties! A jolly trifle of a riddle be now as clear as the Caribbean seas for ye English scallywags to tackle! Grab yer cutlass and prepare to plunder the fun, for this treasure of a game be ripe for the pluckin'!

Arrr! Valve and Sony's hero duels be a wild sea, with Deadlock reelin' in 64,000 fish while Concord sinks like a stone!

Arrr, me hearties! The landlubber's PlayStation treasure, a rival to Overwatch, couldn’t muster a crew of more than 700 scallywags on the PC seas! A pitiful sight indeed, like a ship lost in a fog without a compass! Har har, what a jolly flop!

Arrr, this scallywag RPG be like a cursed Poké treasure, mixin' Darkest Dungeon with a hearty dose o' Slayin' the Spire!

Avast, matey! The Voidsayer be hollerin’ fer ye to "snag 'em all!" Like a scallywag chasin' after gold doubloons! So hoist yer sails and set course, lest ye be left with naught but barnacles on yer arse! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! Here be the finest sliders for Madden 25, savvy? Use 'em wisely, lest ye walk the plank!

Avast ye landlubbers! Doth yer NFL sim be as dull as a barnacle-covered hull? Fear not! With these magical Madden 25 sliders, ye'll be settin' sail for a treasure trove of realism and merriment! Hoist the sails and let the fun begin, ye scallywags! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! Activision scuttled Crash Bandicoot 5 with Spyro, chasin’ shiny live-service doubloons instead! What a scallywag move!

Arrr, matey! Activision be reckonin' that Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time be sailin’ the seas of mediocrity, not bringin' in enough doubloons fer a sequel. Aye, even a scallywag knows ye need gold to keep the ship afloat!

August 24, 2024

Avast, me hearties! Stellar Blade and Phantom Blade Zero be raisin’ a toast to Black Myth Wukong's grand triumph, bringin’ cultures together!

Arrr, matey! The Monkey King game be snatchin’ gold like a scallywag! Over 10 million fine sea dogs be plunderin’ them copies, swabbin’ the decks with laughter 'n' mayhem! Avast, what a treasure of a romp on the high seas of fun!

Arrr! ‘Tis a devilish slashin' spree meets a cozy, buccaneer town! Aye, it be claimin' all me free hours!

Arrr, matey! Lynked: Banner o' the Spark be stirrin' up a fine brew o' genres, mixin' ‘em like a tipsy cook in a storm! Ye be hopin’ fer treasure, but ye might just find a jolly ol’ jig instead! Avast, and enjoy the merry chaos!

Arrr, a savage Mickey Mouse shootin' game sails to Steam, sportin' a fine name and a trailer to shiver yer timbers!

Arrr, matey! Behold the spittin' image of Steamboat Willie, now dubbed Mouse: P.I. For Hire! With a keen eye for treasure and a knack for sleuthin', this scallywag be huntin' down clues like a cat chasin' a fish! Aye, the high seas be his playground!

Arrr, matey! Find ye finest scrolls in Madden 25 for swashbucklin' offense and stout defense, or be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye scallywags! Set sail and dash like a fleet-footed dolphin with these finest Madden 25 tomes o' play! Ye'll be passin' smoother than a sea breeze on a fair morn. Grab yer cutlass and show 'em how it's done! Arrr!

Arrr! Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 be pumpin' up the swarm! Thinkin' thousands o' Tyrannids for grand pirate brawls!

Aye, matey! Let’s swap them groanin’ zombies fer a horde of extraterrestrial fiends! Yarrr, imagine the mischief—space critters with tentacles, dancin’ like they’ve had too much rum! We be settin' sail for a right jolly time, livenin’ up the dead seas, I say! Avast, let the chaos commence!

Arrr, matey! Behold the treasure trove o’ FC 24 booty to sail into the seas of FC 25!

Avast, mateys! Ready yer sails fer FC 25, but first, don’t be forgettin’ yer treasure trove o’ FC 24 Pre-Season spoils! Gather yer booty o’ rewards, lest ye be swimmin’ with the fishes! Yarrr!

August 23, 2024

Arrr! Valve be spillin' the beans on Deadlock, a swashbucklin' shooter with 30,000 landlubbers aboard! Hoist the flags!

Arrr, mateys! Deadlock be Valve's shoddiest-kept treasure map, hidin' in plain sight! Now that the cat be outta the bag, we be settin' sail on a ruckus o' excitement, or mayhaps a squabble over the last grog! Avast, the secret's spillin' like a leaky barrel!

Arrr! Monster Hunter Wilds be the grand booty at Gamescom 2024, while Little Nightmares 3 nips at its heels, savvy?

Arrr matey! ’Tis said that Monster Hunter Wilds be the grandest spectacle and the jolliest romp on the seven seas! Aye, the scallywags be swappin’ tales of thrills and chills, makin’ even the saltiest sea dog chuckle like a loon! Hoist the sails and let the hunt begin!

Arrr, that greedy scallywag from Greedfall 2 be sayin’ Baldur's Gate 3's treasure opened the door to early access, matey!

Arrr, 'tis a grand treasure to parley with me mateys, swappin' jests and jibes to make the game more delightful! Aye, like findin' a chest o' doubloons in Davy Jones' locker! Let’s make this merry voyage even jollier, ye scallywags!

"Arrr, matey! Indie devs be needin’ grub! Learned it be safer to craft roguelikes than chase wild dreams!"

Arrr, matey! The most thrilling treasures in the indie seas be the ones that be risky to craft! Aye, these scallywag games be like a ship with a leaky hull—full o' adventure, but could sink ye faster than a cannonball! Hoist the sails and risk it all, I say!

Arrr! Stalker 2 be a colossal treasure, takin' 100 hours to plunder, crafted by trusty hands of scallywags!

Arrr, ye won't be findin' two scallywag structures or chambers that be twin as a parrot's squawk! Each be as unique as a treasure map, matey, and sure to tickle yer fancy like a mermaid's song!

Arrr, a jolly open-world romp by the breathin’ of wild devs be settin’ sail with over 12 million scallywags, and I be one!

Arrr, me heartie! Infinity Nikki be havin' a hold on me ticker and pilfered me precious email too! Methinks I've been snagged by a fine lass and her digital treasure! Avast, what a comical fate!

Arrr! Nintendo be sorcerers, foreseein’ yer plunge into The Depths, makin’ load times vanish like a ghost ship!

Arrr, me hearties! How the giant sequel be settin' sail on the Switch be a mystery fit fer Davy Jones himself! Like a drunken parrot on a tiny perch, it be wobblin' 'n' squawkin', yet somehow it be makin' it work! Avast, what sorcery be this?

Arrr, matey! Diablo 4 be knowin’ ye crave a sword-swingin’ Paladin, but they be settin’ sail fer fresh horizons!

Arrr, we could set sail fer that, but the crew be yearnin' to strike gold and fill the hold to the brim, savvy? They be dreamin' of treasure more grand than a kraken's belly!

Blimey! I be shock'd by the treasure trove o' exclusives at the Crunchyroll Store, me noggin’ be a’spinnin’!

Arrr, matey! A grand Summer of Anime Sale be afoot, savin' ye nearly a hundred doubloons right this very moment! Hoist the sails and snatch yer treasure quick, lest it vanish like a ghost ship on the horizon!

Arrr, matey! Starfield Shattered Space be a fearsome tale of spooky mysteries, remindin’ ye that the vast cosmos be a fright!

Avast ye! Behold! The wiliest serpents of the Settled Systems be takin’ center stage, slitherin’ outta the shadows! ’Tis a right spectacle, I tell ye, as these crafty critters be puttin’ on a show fit for a captain’s court! Arrr, matey, keep yer eye on the treasure!

Arrr, matey! Marvel's Cap'n America be a fine boon, but Iron Man swabs be sinkin' under their own cannon fire!

Arrr, the tidings be met with hearty cheers, like a fine rum on a sunlit shore! If naught else, it be tickled the crew’s fancy, a right merry jest, I say!

Avast, mateys! Death Stranding 2 be kickin’ off the Tokyo Show, as Hideo spins tales o’ his latest crew!

Arrr, me hearty! The scallywags o’ the Beach’s crew be settin’ sail again to jabber about the next grand tale! Prepare yer ears for a mighty chinwag ‘bout the swashbucklin’ sequel, or risk walkin’ the plank o’ boredom! Avast, let the merriment begin!

August 22, 2024

Arrr! Game players be battlin' fer AI shields, while Amazon's captain claims AI be no scallywag stealin' roles, 'cause we need no thespian skills!

Arrr, matey! Most o’ me crew be swabbin’ the decks o’ code, and that ain’t changin’! ‘Tis all about conjurin’ new treasures o’ innovation, savvy? So hoist yer sails and let the tech winds blow, for we be sailin’ into the future!

Arrr, matey! Tomb Raider's crew be makin' merry with the next adventure, free from the axe of Embracer's stormy seas!

"Avast, matey! There be a treasure trove o' grand notions hidin' in these waters! Aye, me heartie, it be a bounteous haul o' brilliance ripe for plunderin'! Yarr, let’s hoist the sails and set course for genius!"

Arrr, the scallywag dev be sayin’ his treasure sunk despite praise! Next venture be all ‘bout gold, not glory!

Arrr, earnin’ less than a pittance be a right shame! Yet here I be, swabbin’ the decks of game-makin’, lookin' like a scallywag for a handful o’ doubloons! But ye know what? Aye’d rather be a game makin’ rogue than a landlubber with a full chest!

Arrr! Deadpool an' Wolverine's doodles be showin' the grand Avengers mash-up we missed, with ol' Captain America, savvy?

Arrr, matey! If Deadpool be joinin’ forces with them swashbucklin’ Avengers from the groovy '60s to the rad '80s, then hoist us aboard! We be ready to raid the seas of laughter and loot some jolly good fun! Avast!

Arrr, matey! Chris Metzen be chartin' the seas o' World of Warcraft beyond patch 17.0, aye!

Arrr, matey! The War Within be but a wee tickle on the great sea of Blizzard's grand schemes. Like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder, it squawks naught but a whisper o' the treasures yet to come! Avast, prepare for a tempest of surprises, ye scallywags!

Arrr! Randy be sayin’ mates be comin’ fer the loot, not the ship, but don’t be blastin’ yer own toes!

Arrr, matey! That scallywag Steam be doin’ naught but lounging in the sun, yet they be claimin’ a mighty treasure from our plunder! Aye, they be takin’ more than a greedy parrot on a biscuit! Time fer a hearty laugh, I say!

Arrr! A scallywag artist be groppin' Oreos fer the tentacle shenanigans. Best keep some shenanigans below deck, matey!

Arrr, matey! Larian be wantin' ye to be savvy that them Oreos be stuffed with a treasure o' cream! Aye, it be a sweet booty that’ll make yer taste buds dance a jig! So hoist the sails and dive into that cream-filled bounty, ye scallywag!

"Avast! Peep yer fortune for fewer doubloons with this Oracle Deck, now a treasure at 25% off, matey!"

Arrr, me hearty! I spy a treasure of savings ahead fer ye! Aye, ‘tis a discount as grand as a chest o’ doubloons, just waitin' to fill yer pockets with gold! So hoist the sails and prepare to plunder the prices, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The Rings o’ Power be havin’ a new Sauron scallywag, hidden like treasure fer ages! Har har!

"Arrr, the scallywag's got himself a shiny new shape, like a landlubber findin' a treasure chest full o' doubloons! Aye, 'tis like he’s swapped his old skin for a brand new parrot! What’s next, a hook for a hand, eh?"

Arrr! The Beast's own swashbuckler be sayin', "I thought I’d met Davy Jones! Surprise me back, savvy?"

Arrr, me hearties! Kyle Crane's thespian be as flabbergasted as a cat in a cannonball fight, just like the rest of us scallywags! Blimey, ye coulda knocked 'im over with a feather, he was that gobsmacked! Aye, the sea be full o' surprises, matey!

Arrr! Me heart be still achin' for New Horizons, and now Nintendo's sendin' us to Davy Jones for a payin' version!

Arrr, me hearties! The fair Pocket Camp be sailin' to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, the little critters be swabbin' the deck no more. Raise a tankard and shed a tear for our jolly little camp, now but a ghostly memory in the briny deep! Yarrrr!

"Arrr, bring forth more Blade, ye scallywags! Reynolds be wishin' Snipes a grand farewell like Logan's last sail!"

Arrr, matey! It be said that Ryan Reynolds be throwin' hugs o' affection to the swashbucklin' Wesley Snipes! Aye, a fine camaraderie 'twixt these scallywags, like rum and treasure! Avast, let the jests and jigs commence!

August 21, 2024

Arrr, in Ultimate Spider-Man #8, the scallywag Kingpin be captaining the new Sinister Six, with a tale o’ Venom's birth!

Avast, me hearties! In Ultimate Spider-Man #8, ye'll find a bounty o' scallywags with Kingpin's fearsome Sinister Six! And lo, a glimpse of the new Ultimate Venom be makin’ waves, like a kraken at a tea party! Aye, it be a jolly good ruckus on the high seas of comics!

Arrr, all be revealed at the Future Games Show, where Civilization VII be settin' sail, matey! Avast, ye gamers!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn of the grand Fall showcase, where treasures of news poured forth like rum from a barrel! From mighty ships to shiny baubles, ‘twas a feast of announcements fit for a scallywag! Don’t ye dare miss this tale!

Arrr, this snug castle creator sailin' in a month be ticklin' the hearts of gamers, and I reckon ye can see why!

Arrr, matey! Tiny Glade be sailin' atop the treasure maps of wantin'! 'Tis the finest trove of desires, makin’ landlubbers and seafarers alike drool like hungry gulls over a fish feast! Aye, all be wantin' a piece of that sweet, sweet booty!

Arrr! A blast from the past, me hearties! A frightful tale brews, spillin' its eerie secrets soon!

Arrr, matey! The eerie and treasure-laden Post Trauma sets sail for the PC seas and console coves on the 29th of October! Ready yer cutlasses and brace yerselves for a jolly good scare, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! Two years late, the eerie tale of King be comin’ soon, but ye best keep yer trousers on!

Avast, me hearty! Behold, the maiden glimpse of Salem's Lot has sailed into view! Aye, prepare ye for a frightful tale that’ll make yer bones rattle and yer grog spill! Arrr, it be a sight ye shan't want to miss, lest ye prefer the company of barnacles!

Arrr, Tomb Raider scallywags be weepin' like landlubbers! Lara be crashin' the party, not bringin' the treasure ye sought!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis been nigh on six rotations o' the sun since we last set sail with that Tomb Raider lass! Aye, the treasure be gatherin' dust like a scallywag’s forgotten booty! Where be her plunderin’ adventures, I ask ye? Avast, bring forth the next quest!

Avast, matey! Don’t be thinkin’ Lady Gaga’s Harley be a proper comic lass; we’ve cut her to bits, arr!

Arrr, matey! The fair Lady Gaga's Lee be a twistin' tale, not the riggin' ye be thinkin'! Prepare ye hearties for a jolly surprise, fer this be a treasure trove of whimsy ye never saw comin'. Hoist the sails and brace yerselves for a right merry mischief!

August 20, 2024

Arrr! Indiana Jones be settin' sail on the Great Circle, and Xbox be spillin' the beans like a drunken parrot!

Ahoy matey! The Order of Giants be a treasure trove o' tales, settin' sail after the grand launch! It's like findin' a bottle o' rum after a long voyage—ye can't resist the hearty adventures awaitin' fer ye! Avast, hoist the sails for more swashbucklin' fun!

Arrr, me hearties! My Gamescom joy be sinkin' like a leaky ship—Hyper Light Breaker won't set sail till 2025!

Arrr, the crafty devs be wise not to be throwin' their wits or strength overboard! They be wantin' to keep their noggins clear and their backs straight, lest they end up like a bilge rat in Davy Jones' locker! Savvy?

Arrr, I be reckonin' Keanu Reeves be aboard the new Armored Core ship, and blow me down, no scallywags be squawkin'!

"Avast, me hearties! Rise and shine, for we’ve a mighty contraption to set ablaze! Let’s hoist the sails of mischief and watch that metal beast go up in flames! Yarrr, the day be ours for the takin’! Grab yer grog and let’s make it a jolly good time!"

"Arrr! Diablo 4: Vessel o' Hatred be bringin' back the fine art o' hiring scallywags to aid ye in battle!"

Arrr matey! The Pale Hand be arrivin' to lend ye a hook in plunderin' the fiery depths o' Davy Jones' locker! Ready yer cutlasses, fer we be makin' off with treasures from the netherworld, savvy? Let’s pillage hell like true scallywags!

Arrr! The Hisense U7N be a swashbucklin’ mid-range mini-LED treasure, matey! A true champ of the seas o’ screens!

Arrr, matey! The Hisense U7N be a fine treasure fer yer gaming quest, sportin’ a swift 144Hz mini LED display. It may not shine as bright as those fancy OLED jewels, but it be a right bargain, savvy? Aye, ye won't be walkin' the plank over this one!

Arrr! Ryan Murphy be settin' sail on a new fright with a teaser for Dahmer's sequel, comin' soon, matey!

Arrr matey! The maiden glimpse be upon us! 'Tis a tale of the scallywags Lyle and Erik Menendez, where monsters be lurkin'! Hoist the sails and prepare ye hearts for a rollickin' yarn of mischief and mayhem! Avast, let the showin' begin!

Ahoy mateys! Nakama Press be a fresh treasure trove o' manga for all scallywags, straight from Mad Cave's hold!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at the publisher be settin’ sail on a grand treasure hunt for manga from every corner o’ the seven seas, gatherin’ tales that be ticklin’ our fancy! Prepare yer grog and let the cartoon shenanigans commence, aye!

Arrr, matey! Devs be wagerin’ that Black Myth: Wukong be the treasure that turns China’s gaming seas into gold!

Arrr, matey! We be but scratchin' the surface of the grand treasure trove o' international gems crafted in the land of the dragon! Aye, this be just the first wave o' many a fine tale to sail the seven seas! Hoist the anchor and let the adventure begin!

Avast! The fresh Nintendo treasure trove be showin' off ancient oddities, like the 'Baby Stroller' and 'Pirate Shooter'! Ha-har!

Arrr, matey! There be no Nintendo Switch 2 in these waters, I fear! Just a treasure map to the land of lost gaming dreams! Now, hoist the sails and let’s find some loot worthy of a swashbucklin’ buccaneer! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! The lass from "The Boys" be jumpin' ship from heroes to ghastly ghouls in a M3GAN tale!

Arrr, matey! Claudia Doumit be joinin’ forces with the scallywag David Rysdahl and the fierce Lily Sullivan from Evil Dead Rise! A motley crew they be, ready to sail the treacherous seas of cinema! Buckle yer swash, fer laughter be a-comin’!

Arrr, matey! Yasuke be yeeting himself into the fray, callin' it his "Yeet of Faith!" What a scallywag, ha!

Arrr, he be no portrait of beauty, nor a dancer of grace, but let me tell ye, matey, one good swing from him and ye’ll be meetin’ Davy Jones, face first! Har har!

August 19, 2024

Arrr! For the first time, a scallywag from the MCU be sailing straight into the pages of Marvel's treasure map!

Arrr, me hearties! Kahhori be leaping from the What If...? seas straight into the treacherous waters of Marvel Comics! Aye, 'tis the first crossover between the grand MCU and the comic realm—a merry minglin' of timelines, like rum in yer grog! Avast, what jolly mischief awaits!

"Arrr, I’d be done with 'em! Martin be sayin’ what we’ve all wanted these long years, matey!"

"Arrr, George me hearty, we be feelin' the same tides, we do! Aye, 'tis a fine day for swabbin' the decks and drinkin' grog, fer we be in this merry ship together, yarr!"

"32 flicks that bewitch'd the eye and turned the seas of VFX upside down, arrrr!"

Arrr, matey! These fine flicks be pushin' the art o' VFX to the very brink o' madness! Aye, they be makin' the sea monster’s jaw drop and the parrot's feathers quiver! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, like a treasure map leadin' to a barrel o' rum!

"Avast, me hearties! The grand reveal be settin' sail in 2024! Gamescom's tickin' like a cannon's fuse!"

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round for the grand Gamescom ONL! Set yer sails for YouTube, Twitch, and other fine ports to catch the action. Mark the time, or ye be missin’ the treasure of play! Arrr, don’t be a landlubber!

Avast ye! Hunter x Hunter sails back from the depths after a long voyage, with fresh treasure next month! Arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Prepare ye jolly souls, for Chapter 401 and a shiny new tome be sailin’ in soon! Keep yer eyes peeled, lest ye miss the treasure of words comin’ to port! Yarrr, it be a grand adventure awaitin’!

Arrr matey! To conquer the Fortnite Shadow Briefin' challenge, just swagger in, grab yer cutlass, and let the mayhem commence!

Avast, me hearties! For yer quest in the Kickstart Season 4, ye be huntin' a rare treasure, the Shadow Briefing: Armory console! Aye, it be as tricky as catchin' a slippery eel, so keep yer spyglass handy and yer wits about ye! Arrr!

Arrr! The matey of Like a Dragon: Yakuza be clueless o' the games, and I be laughin’ me heart out!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye can’t chart new seas by merely scribblin’ over the maps of old! Innovation be like findin' buried treasure—ye must dig deep and craft yer own path, lest ye be doomed to sail in circles, chasin’ shadows of past scallywags!

Arrr! After seven long tides, Dead Cells be makin' its final sail, bringin' fresh scallywags, cutlasses, and fancy options!

Arrr, matey! The sun be settin’ on the grand tale of Dead Cells! Aye, the winds be shiftin’ and the treasure’s run dry! Raise yer tankards high, for this ol’ ship be sailin’ into the sunset, leavin’ naught but memories and a belly full o’ grog!

Arrr, matey! Max Payne's captain be callin' the 2008 flick a shipwreck, but he and Remedy's Sam aim to right the sails in 2024!

Arrr, matey! Scott Miller, the scallywag behind Max Payne, be sayin' it’s high time to hoist the sails for another film, after that wretched Wahlberg flick sank like a ship full o’ lead! Avast, let’s conjure a proper tale this time, or walk the plank!

Arrr! The Zotac Zone be set sail at 799 doubloons, but I fear it’ll be a punchin' bag o' misfortune!

Arrr, mateys! The Zotac Zone be settin' sail at a hefty $799 doubloons! But this pocket-sized treasure better prove its worth, lest it be sent to Davy Jones’ locker by the Steam Deck OLED cannonball! Aye, the seas be fierce for shiny new toys!

Arrr! Hideo Kojima be spillin' the beans on Death Stranding 2, but savvy fans sniff out his matey collaborator!

Avast, me hearties! Behold, 'tis none other than the infamous Kenjiro Tsuda! Aye, the scallywag's visage be as unmistakable as a parrot on a pirate's shoulder! Arrr, what mischief awaits with such a legendary rogue in our midst?

Arrr! The Joker's captain be sayin', "We be knowin' it’d be grand, but blimey, this bounty be bonkers!"

Arrr! Deadpool ‘n Wolverine be plunderin' the Joker's treasure chest o' gold at the box office, they be! Aye, those scallywags be swappin' jests ‘n jabs, leavin’ the Clown Prince scratchin' his noggin. By Davy Jones’ locker, what a ruckus on the high seas of cinema!

August 18, 2024

Arrr, Activision scuttled the jolly Call of Duty mod, claimin’ it’d sink their treasure trove of Black Ops 6 doubloons!

Arrr, matey! The H2M scallywag be claimin' that Activision be shakin' in their boots ‘cause the mod be catchin’ fire like a barrel o’ rum! They be frettin' ‘bout the crew’s wild popularity, as if it be a kraken risin’ from the deep! Har har, what a sight!

Arrr! The scallywag who birthed the fruity blade now be $7 deep in eldritch chaos, feelin’ hotter than a cannonball!

Ahoy, matey! Prepare to plunge into the murky depths of procgen, where fiendish phantoms and eldritch horrors be lurkin' about! 'Tis a jolly jaunt through treacherous tides, where yer wits be tested and yer boots be fillin' with fright! Arrr, hoist the sails of madness!

"Arrr, if I had me game, I'd shun 90% of them scallywag publishers! Self-publishin’ be the treasure map, matey!"

Arrr, me hearties! Developers be sailin' the high seas of code, claimin' they can outshine 90% o' them scallywag publishers by a whole 90%! Aye, they be the true buccaneers o' the digital realm, savvy? Now, where's me grog?

Arrr! The scallywags' fish be sent to Davy Jones' locker, whilst a new quest has us battlin' the bots, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Arrowhead be a-sparrin' with scallywags and ruffians who be tryin' to swindle the gold! Aye, it be a ruckus on the high seas, where treachery be as common as barnacles on me ship! Hoist the sails and let the games begin, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye, me hearties! Save yer face paint—Hollow Knight: Silksong be missin' from Gamescom’s grand shindig! Arr!

Arrr, matey! Team Cherry be still stirrin’ the pot o’ treasure, cookin’ up a storm! They be takin’ their sweet time, like a turtle on a treasure map, but when the feast be ready, ye best be ready to feast like kings! Savvy?

August 17, 2024

Arrr, that scallywag of a boss be a World of Warcraft swab during the whole pregnancy! Thinkin' his lad's cursed too!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a peculiar curse passed down through the ages, ye see—a rare affliction fit for a scallywag! Aye, it be like catchin' a crab in yer britches, a hereditary jinx that be ticklin' the funny bone of all who sail the seven seas!

Arrr! After wrestlin' with pesky bugs fer 14 moons, the clever dev scuttles the Xbox port that be a breeze!

Arrr, matey! The scallywag behind HAAK be spoutin' tall tales 'bout Microsoft's scurvy support system! He be sayin' it be as useful as a barnacle on a ship’s hull! Avast, what a jolly jest!

Arrr, matey! Behold the treasure map to the finest scallywags in Madden 25—rookies who’ll shiver yer timbers!

Arrr, matey! Williams and Harrison Jr. be settin' sail in yer Madden 25 rookie scrolls, seekin' treasure and glory! Hoist the sails, for the ratings be as fine as a bottle o' rum! Let’s see if they be worthy of the captain's quarters or just scallywags!

Arrr, matey! Divinity: Original Sin be the treasure that set Larian's sails to do the jolly things they crave!

Arrr, Swen Vincke be spillin’ the beans on his favored scallywag spawn! Aye, ‘tis a tale ripe for the crow’s nest, where he be claimin’ one wee lad or lass be holdin’ the treasure o’ his heart, while the others walk the plank o' disappointment! Har har!

"Blimey! Scallywags blast through the 'unthinkable' Helldivers 2 quest quicker than a cannonball! Arrr, that be swift!"

Arrr, the Gloom be naught but a scallywag when faced with the tricky ways of us cheats! We be swashbucklin' through dark times, laughin' in the face of despair, with a chest full o’ jests and a heart full o’ mischief! Yarr, we be the captains of caper!

"Aye, we be blood kin! 20 years o' swashbucklin' at Arkane, unveil'n me new treasure—a rollickin' RPG sim!"

Arrr, matey! Raphael Colantonio be knowin’ the treasure that be Arkane DNA! 'Tis the very magic that makes our ship sail true, and without it, we'd be naught but barnacles on a sunken hull! Avast, he be the captain of this curious crew!

"Avast ye scallywags! A hearty guide to all them Madden 25 X-Factors and Superstars, yer treasure map to glory!"

Avast, me hearties! Gaze upon the grand scroll o’ Madden 25 X-Factors and learn what fine mischief they be up to! Aye, ye won't want to miss the treasure of talents hidden within! Arrr, let the games begin!

Arrr! Here's the finest crews in Madden's treasure map o' teams an' their booty ratings, matey!

Arrr, matey! The Chiefs and them 49ers be settlin’ their score in a raucous brawl atop the Madden 25 treasure chart! It be a clash of titans, where the finest scallywags be fightin’ for the title of the mightiest crew in all the digital seas! Yarrr!

August 16, 2024

Arrr, the captain of Final Fantasy be claimin' their next treasure be the most adored game in all the seven seas!

"Arrr, here we be, me hearties, set to sail the seas o' repetition! Once more we find ourselves on this merry ol' voyage, like a parrot squawkin' the same tune—'Once again!' Hoist the sails and let the laughin' commence!"

Arrr matey! Here be the jolly roster o' Madden 25 revelries, packed with swashbucklin' new signature jiggles!

Strut like the scallywags Sanders, Watt, and Kaepernick, ye salty sea dogs! Grab yer Madden 25 celebrations guide and let the jigs and japes commence! Aye, show 'em how to dance on the deck like a true buccaneer! Arrr, let the rum flow and the laughter roll!

"Arrr! X-Men #2 be spinnin' a yarn as old as Davy Jones' locker, harkin' back to the swashbucklin' '60s!"

Arrr, matey! Cyclops be settin' sail with a fresh crew of X-Men, hopin' to dodge the blunders o' old Charles Xavier! Aye, let’s pray they don’t end up in Davy Jones' locker, else it be a right mess on the high seas of mutant shenanigans! Yarrr!

Arrr, the captain o' Baldur’s Gate be quakin' o'er short voyages, just like Miyazaki miscalculatin' his sea charts!

Arrr, ye scallywag! Ye’d be tickled to hear we had a treasure trove of regions in mind, far beyond the horizon! Aye, we be settin' sail for uncharted lands, with more plans than a parrot has squawks! So hoist the sails and prepare for a jolly good time!

Arrr, as Veilguard's buzz be risin', Larian's captain reveals, "Morrigan had me heart!" Now I see why Baldur's Gate's got scallywag wenches!

Arrr! It be like a treasure map finally revealin’ its secrets, matey! Lae'zel and Shadowheart be makin’ more sense than a parrot squawkin' rules of the high seas! Aye, now I see the wind in their sails! Huzzah, me hearties!

Arrr, Genshin be givin' away a shiny 5-star matey! Update 5.0 be bringin' treasure galore—no more 50/50 shenanigans!

Ahoy mateys! In this grand Update 5.0, we be introducin’ three fine scallywags: Mualani, Kinich, and a jolly free 4-star Kachina! Hoist the sails, 'tis a treasure trove of new mates fer yer crew! Arrr!

Arrr! A scallywag artist be servin’ pixelated curry and brawlin’ in a side-scrollin’ ‘Metroidvania’ feast, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Dhalman be sailin' the seas o' Kickstarter, seekin' doubloons from landlubbers! Hoist the anchor, gather yer gold, and let’s make this treasure a reality, or we be walkin’ the plank! Yarrr!

Arrr! The scallywag Yoko Taro, tormented by a savvy AI, be told to quit chattin' and craft tales that be clear!

Arrr, it be a truth as certain as the tides—every scallywag and their trusty roastbot be clamorin' fer a sequel to Nier Automata! Aye, even the parrot be squawkin' for it! Let the sails unfurl, and may the winds of fandom blow us to new adventures, savvy?

Avast, mateys! The towering metal beast Hellboy be stompin’ back in a fresh tale from Mignola and Fegredo!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a follow-up to the grand tale spun in the year of our Lord 2023, a limited series fit for a scallywag's delight! Prepare yer sea legs for more mischief and treasure, for the adventure be far from over!

“Arrr, matey! Diego Luna be reckonin’ Andor season 2’ll turn yer eye on Rogue One like a ship in a tempest!”

Arrr, matey! In this jolly ol' sea of life, all be gettin' a right twist! What be one thing to ye may be a whole other tale to another! Aye, ye best be ready for a merry mix-up, or ye'll be swimmin' with the fishies, ye scallywag!

Arrr, says the Manor Lords scallywags, "Many a game be sunk 'cause greedy publishers feast first, leavin' devs with naught!"

Arrr, that scallywag be likin’ to deem most publisher deals as “utter bilge!” Aye, he’d sooner barter with a sea serpent fer a piece o’ treasure than sign his name to such sorry arrangements! Avast, matey, they be shiverin' him timbers!

Arrr, the scallywags be swoonin' over Morrigan's grand return, yet we be swimmin' in questions like fish in a barrel!

Arrr, matey! What be the true tale o' that sly siren Morrigan, eh? Is she conjurin’ storms or merely swappin’ tales with the sea gulls? Spill the beans, lest I be forced to tickle the parrot for answers!

Arrr, Marvel be spillin’ the beans 'bout the X-Men captain walkin’ the plank—'twas a right scandal, ye savvy?

Arrr, matey! It be said that the fine folks at Marvel have had a chinwag 'bout the scallywag Beau DeMayo bein' tossed overboard from their ship! Aye, it seems the tides of fate be turnin’ for the poor lad! Heave ho and onwards, savvy?

August 15, 2024

Arrr! The scallywag Sawyer be needin’ doubloons fer his dream game; I be itchin’ to sail that seas o’ adventure!

Arrr, matey! Sawyer be proclaimin' he’s "out o' sync" with the scallywags of Pillars o' Eternity and the swashbucklers of Baldur’s Gate 3! Aye, seems he be sailin' a different course than the rest o' the crew, lookin' for treasure where none be found! Ha har!

Arrr! Renee Montoya be back as The Question, huntin’ a Justice League murder! Even the mighty heroes be lookin’ shifty!

Arrr, matey! The Query: All Along the Watchtower be sendin' fair Renee Montoya on a quest fer a scallywag slayer aboard the shiny new Justice League skyship! Avast, let the huntin' begin, or ye might find yerself walkin' the plank! Har har har!

Arrr, Activision be squarin’ away them monstrous Call of Duty downloads! Aye, 'tis a beastly start with four hefty treasures on PS5!

Avast, matey! By the time Black Ops 6 sails into port, yer Call of Duty treasure will be lighter than a ship's anchor, but beware! The seas be full o' storms ahead, so brace yerself for a bumpy ride, ye scallywag! Arrr!

Arrr! The finest farmin' sim be sailin' the seas o' Steam! Fields of Mistria be swamped with over 100,000 buccaneers downloadin’!

Avast, me hearties! The first treasure map for the life sim RPG be unfurled! Aye, the patch be here, ready to fix yer shipshape woes. Hoist the sails and let the merriment commence! Arrr, may yer adventures be as wild as a stormy sea!

Arrr, matey! Razer DeathAdder V3 be a mighty beast, but remember, size ain't the treasure, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The Razer DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed be a treasure o’ value, givin’ landlubbers the gear to hoist their game high without plunderin’ their doubloons for frills they don’t be needin’. Aye, a true gem for salty sea dogs and land rats alike!

Avast! When Batman 'n his merry crew be snatched, only one jolly soul can save the day—Santa Claus, arr!

Arrr, mateys! Hold fast! The next tale of the dark knight, a merry yarn called Santa Claus: Silent Knight, be sailin' toward ye shores! Prepare yer jolly ho-ho-hos, for a jingle of adventure awaits! Aye, what a sight to behold!

Arrr! With 10,000 hearty cheers, this cosmic cannonball be launchin' after a decade of waitin’, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Nova Drift be hoistin' its sails of full launch after sailin' the seas of early access since 2019! No more dancin' with the shadows; it be time to plunder the gameplay treasures, ye scallywags! Let the sea of pixels flow like rum!

Arrr, matey! The next Elder Scrolls be settin sail in September, with Bethesda's treasure map for a Skyrim-style tavern keeper!

Arrr, matey! Mark yer calendars for the tenth day of September, for The Elder Scrolls be settin sail like a fine ship! Castles be comin’ aboard, ready to make ye laugh like a drunken sea dog! Hoist the anchor and prepare for a rollickin’ good time!

Arrr! Dell be launchin' a shiny Alienware screen that tickles both me gamin' selves, savvy?

Avast, mateys! The Alienware AW2725QF be a wondrous contraption, ready to serve ye both 4K at a brisk 180Hz and 1080p at a wild 360Hz! It’ll make yer gaming treasures look as fine as the glimmerin’ gold! Yarrr, a true booty for the eyes!

Arrr, matey! That grand Skyrim mod be shinin' brighter than a treasure chest! Set sail for next year’s launch!

Arrr, me hearties! The crafty scallywags behind Skyblivion be spillin’ the beans on two jolly fine side quests, all polished up like a treasure chest! Avast ye, prepare to set sail on a merry adventure, with more giggles than a parrot on a barrel o’ rum!

Arrr, matey! Alien: Romulus sails in with the finest Rotten Tomatoes treasure since the days of yore—1986, no less!

Arrr, matey! The latest moving picture in this here saga be already claimin’ third place in the treasure trove of cinema! Aye, it be sailin' faster than a ship in full sail, leavin' the others in its wake! What a jolly good show, 'tis!

Arrr! The secrets of Dragon Age: The Veilguard be spillin' like grog before the captain's grand announcement!

Arrr, me hearties! As the witching hour draws nigh and the ghosts be ready to prance, we be a'celebratin' the most frightful day o' the year! Grab yer grog and prepare for a hearty laugh with the scallywags of the sea! Yarr, let the mischief commence!

August 14, 2024

Arrr, mateys! Hellverine be sailin’ the seas o’ comics, all 'cause ye shouted for it! Aye, ye asked fer this!

Arrr, matey! Hellverine be settin’ sail fer his own comic seas! Aye, this time, Wolverine’s wee lad be makin’ mates with a fiery Spirit of Vengeance! I reckon there be more swashbucklin’ and growlin’ than a tavern full o’ scallywags! Buckle yer swashes, it’s bound to be a ruckus!

"Arrr, matey! Rick and Morty: The Anime be no jest, 'tis a treasure o' laughs fer all ye scallywags!"

Avast! This new anime be a jolly glimpse into what Rick and Morty might’ve sailed toward, instead of the tattered ship it’s become! Aye, ‘tis like findin’ treasure in a barrel o’ barnacles! Arrr, let’s hoist the sails and set course for mirth!

Arrr, Valve’s scallywags be shoving down jests and japes, settin’ sail with a new filter for the humorless!

Arrr, it be said that them top-notch scribbles be spillin’ the beans better than a parrot on a sugar binge! Expect the finest tales of treasure, savvy? So hoist yer sails and prepare to feast yer eyes on some jolly good info, matey!

Arrr! An A-list Marvel swashbuckler met a right messy end, like a fish outta water on a stormy sea!

Avast ye mateys! After five long decades sailin' the seas of adventure, Marvel be castin' adieu to one of their finest sea dogs! Arrr, ‘tis a blow to the crew, but fear not, for new tales be awaitin’ in the briny deep!

Arrr, after four long years, Genshin be givin’ us a new world level! Aye, and a million free doubloons too!

Ahoy, me hearties! In the grand update 5.0, we be settin' sail fer World Level 9! Each mighty foe ye slay will spill forth three treasures of bossy goodness! So sharpen yer cutlasses and prepare to plunder, for fortune awaits! Arrr!

Avast, matey! This be the gaming treasure ye seek, and it’s plummeted to a gold doubloon bargain! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro be plummetin' in treasure value at Amazon’s trove, makin’ the mightiest gaming device on the seven seas all the more temptin'! Hoist yer sails and snatch it up before it be gone, or ye’ll be walkin’ the plank of regret!

Arrr, me matey! Selick tossed me a jolly quest—spot Jack in Coraline! He be hidin' like a scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! Henry Selick be spillin’ the beans! He be hidin’ a wee bit o’ Jack Skellington in every flick he crafts! Aye, 'tis like findin’ buried treasure, but with more spooks and fewer rum barrels! Keep yer eyes peeled, or ye might miss the ghostly charmer!

Arrr, matey! A mere diss be too weak, so this scallywag crafted a whole site to banish that healing spell, har har!

Arrr, the ol' fan be throwin' in the towel! It’s had its fill o’ whirlin' and twirlin', an' now it be wantin' to rest its weary blades. Aye, it be sayin', "No more blowin' me breezy winds!" Let the ship sail on without me!

Arrr, the cap'n o' Kraven be sayin’ it’ll shock the timbers outta ye, with some crafty reshoots to boot!

Arrr, Sony be hopin’ this treasure of a flick sails smoother than that lass Madame Web, savvy? If it don’t, we’ll be feedin’ it to the sharks!

Avast! A bloody trailer fer Kraven the Hunter be here, hintin’ at a gory quest and showin' the beastly Rhino!

Ahoy mateys! A fresh glimpse of that scallywag Kraven the Hunter be upon us! Set yer sails for a wild ride, fer this be no ordinary hunt! Grab yer grog and prepare to laugh as this swashbucklin' tale unfolds, arrr!

A scallywag with "16,000 hours" o’ Borderlands lore be claimin’ the flick be havin’ a plot hole ‘bout Zane, arrr!

Arrr, that be a treasure trove o' learnin’ ye got there! A bounty o’ wisdom so vast, it be makin’ Davy Jones himself scratch his beard in envy! Aye, me matey, ye be a grand keeper of secrets from the briny deep!

August 13, 2024

Arrr! The crafty devs be swappin' tales with Baldur's Gate 3, creatin' wily mates with personalities as fickle as the sea!

Arrr, me hearties! I be hankerin' to plunder a heap o' wisdom from that treasure trove and set it sail against our merry crew's shenanigans! Let’s see if our shipmates be as clever as a parrot on a perch, or just swabs with no sense!

Arrr! The grand $10,000 Elden Ring treasure hunt be done, and the victor sails away with $4,000 doubloons!

Arrr, me hearties! A wee tournament be afoot, like a scallywag’s dance on a stormy night! The crew be battlin’ already, swords clankin’ and grog spillin’! Come one, come all, to witness the merry chaos unfoldin’! Yarrr, it be a sight for sore eyes!

Arrr, the Duke and Baroness be plungin' into the Energon seas! A sneak peek at GI Joe #1, ye scallywags!

Ahoy matey! Set yer spyglass on the treasure trove that be Skybound’s shiny new GI Joe #1! Aye, a tale of swashbucklin’ and hijinks awaits ye within. Don’t be a landlubber—dive in and feast yer eyes on this fine booty! Arrr!

Arrr! Kohei Horikoshi be sayin’ a Spider-Man 2 moment inspired his treasure of a manga, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Let’s be honest, Raimi be the captain of this ship! With a hearty laugh and a swagger in his step, he be ruling the seven seas of cinema like a true buccaneer! So hoist the Jolly Roger and raise yer tankards, for Raimi be the king of the crew!

"Arrr, matey! Snag ye finest Fortunate Star god rolls in Destiny 2, or face the wrath of Davy Jones!"

Arrr, matey! The Solstice shindig be bringin' forth treasures most rare, like the Fortunate Star Void Bow! Aye, ye best be ready to plunder and parley, for these weapons be hotter than a mermaid's kiss under the moonlight! Hoist the sails and let the mayhem begin!

Arrr, like a scaly beast, Kiryu be changin’ his fightin’ ways ‘twixt two tales on the Prime seas!

Avast, mateys! Hear ye the tale of Ryoma Takeuchi, the scallywag who played Kiryu! His part be shiftin’ like the tides, from a spry buccaneer to a seasoned sea dog. Aye, watch as he sails through the years, arguin’ with me hearties and dodgin’ cannonballs! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! A mapmaker be findin’ a jolly ol’ hole that pits Hyrule ‘gainst Skyrim, what a rum twist!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a truth most curious—no estuary be found in the fair land of Hyrule! Aye, it be drier than a parched sea biscuit, makin' even the fishies scratch their heads in confusion! Har har, where be the water for our grog?

Arrr! The scallywags of Outer Worlds be showin' their first loot, claimin' a year's work beats others' four! Ha-ha!

"Avast, me hearties! Raise yer tankards fer the jolly crew of Team Outer Worlds! With sails full o’ mischief an’ treasure in our sights, we be chartin’ a course fer laughter ‘n’ glory! Yo ho, let the grand adventure begin!"

Arrr! James Cameron be schemin' a new Terminator tale, but 'tis a secret fit for Davy Jones’ locker!

Arrr, mateys! It be said that the crafty James Cameron be cookin' up a grand tale in his cauldron of ideas! Aye, keep yer spyglass trained, for this be no mere fish tale, but a treasure of cinematic wonders awaitin' to set sail! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! Diablo 4's Season 5 be churnin’ up treasure so fine, even demons be screamin’ like scallywags!

Avast, me hearties! Cast yer eyes upon me treasures, a veritable trove of me own grandiosity! Aye, feast yer gaze on me bounty, for I be the proud captain of this motley collection! Arrr, who be needin’ gold when ye have such jolly curiosities?

Arrr, Lae'zel be swipin' moves from a famed samurai's tussle with his pesky sleepin' demon! Ha-ha!

Arrr, matey! Ye be needin' a treasure map fer yer mind! Aye, find yer muse in the depths o' Davy Jones' locker or the grog barrel, fer even a scallywag’s noggin needs a spark to set sail on the seas o' creativity! Har har!

August 12, 2024

Arrr, matey! Baldur's Gate be a treasure, but Josh be too landlocked t’ craft Pillars of Eternity 3, savvy?

Arrr, matey! I be feelin’ as lost as a landlubber in a stormy sea when it comes to readin’ the hearts of that scallywag crew! Aye, me senses be duller than a barnacle-covered cutlass!

Arrr! After 40 long years, matey, two spooky games be brewin’, with the great John Carpenter not far from the rum!

Arrr, me hearties! Might "Halloween: The Game" be a jolly new fright fest where one scallywag chases the rest like a ghost on a treasure hunt? Aye, 'tis a fine thought, aye! Let’s hoist the sails and see if it be a terror to behold!

Arrr! Joëlle Jones be callin' the thunder fer her grand Storm #1 cover, makin' the skies jealous, arrr!

Avast ye, me hearties! Cast yer eyes upon a shiny new cover for Storm #1, crafted by the wondrous artist Joëlle Jones! Aye, 'tis a treasure fit for a captain’s quarters, sure to make yer parrot squawk with delight! Hoist the sails and grab ye a copy!

Arrr! Tim Burton be jivin’ about Wednesday’s second voyage, claimin’ Jenna Ortega be the treasure makin’ it all happen!

Ahoy, mateys! The scallywag Tim Burton, captain of the Wednesday ship, be spillin' the beans on a new voyage! He claims the fair Jenna Ortega be the very heart of the hullabaloo. So hoist yer sails, for season 2 be comin’ with more mischief than a barrel o’ rum!

Arrr, Kid Stuff be the finest treasure in Starfield, though it landed me in a right foolish jig at the tavern!

"Avast ye! In the grand adventure of Starfield, havin' yer old sea-dogs as parents be a jolly treasure indeed! 'Tis one of the finest spoils of this rollickin' RPG! Yo ho, what a merry time ye'll have!"

Arrr, matey! Josh Sawyer, the swashbucklin' captain of Fallout, be layin' down his terms to sail back to the RPG seas!

“Arrr matey, when it comes to any grand venture, ye best be askin’, ‘What be our jolly purpose, eh?’ For without a right compass, we be sailin’ straight into Davy Jones' locker! Har har har!”

Arrr, matey! The scribe o' Baldur's Gate be sayin’ sorry fer messin’ up that love tale: “Aye, I be shippin’ it!”

Arrr, matey! The Dark Urge be flirtin' with Gortash like a siren to a sailor, but alas! She be but a treasure just outta reach! Aye, the winds o' fate be blowin' against us, leavin' us in a sea o' frustration! Avast, when will we claim this prize?

Arrr! The time it takes t’ craft Assassin's Creed Shadows be longer than a whale's tale, fer they seek true Japan!

Arrr, let ’em stew in their own broth, matey! We’ll be keepin’ our grub warm while they fiddle with their pots. Aye, let the scallywags simmer, for good treasure takes time, and me belly be rumblin’ like a cannonball!

Arrr! After ages of waitin', Marvel's treasure be a new trailer, packed with a hidden gem from the MCU!

Arrr, mateys of the D23 crew be feastin’ their peepers on a fresh tale o' Ironheart, a jolly spin-off o' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, this past weekend! Avast, me hearties, the high seas of Wakanda be a'callin' for new adventures! Arrr, let the treasure hunt begin!

Arrr! At QuakeCon, we be spyin’ Doom's Dark Ages! A shiny glory kill and a cannon-totin' mech! Yo-ho-ho!

Arrr, that be a shield-saw, savvy? Aye, it be helpin' ye sail the vast map like a scallywag dodgin' cannon fire! So grab yer cutlass and hold on tight, for a wild ride awaits, matey!

Avast, matey! Daredevil's latest teaser be revivin' the Netflix spirit; mark yer calendars, the release be nigh! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! Come March of the year twenty and twenty-five, a grand spectacle shall dock at our shores! Prepare yer eye patches and rum, for a merry time awaits! Aye, the show be settin' sail, and we’ll be laughin’ like scallywags!

Arrr, matey! Toy Story 5 be captained by a crafty creative, and me heart be a-thumpin' fer this swashbucklin' tale!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, for whispers on the high seas be tellin' of fresh tidbits ‘bout Toy Story 5! Aye, new shenanigans await our beloved playthings. So hoist the sails and prepare yer hearts for more swashbucklin' antics of them rascally toys! Yarrr!

August 11, 2024

Arrr matey! Helldivers 2 captain be sayin', "Some scallywags be miffed 'bout the update! Why be we sailin' this seas again?"

Arrr, matey! Helldivers 2 be swimmin' in a sea o' nerfs, like a ship laden with leaden cannonballs! They be takin' the wind from our sails, makin' us more swab than swashbuckler! Avast, let the cannon fire and bring back our might!

Arrr, matey! Dragon Age: The Veilguard be settin’ sail to fulfill the treasure trove o' Inquisition's promises, savvy?

Arrr, matey! In this here sequel, Solas be takin' the helm and strikin' the spotlight like a parrot on a treasure chest! He’s the star of the show, makin’ waves and causin' a ruckus, so best be ready to hoist yer sails and join the jolly adventure!

Avast, me hearties! PlayStation be shoutin’ for ye scallywags to rate their treasures on the PS Store, arrr!

Arrr, matey! Ye won’t find it sittin’ pretty on yer PS5 treasure chest, no way! That shiny booty be hidden away in the depths of the digital sea, far from the console’s grasp. Set sail for other shores to claim yer prize, savvy?

Arrr, this jolly city maker be havin' no quests, just merry vibes, with veggie mates livin' large! PC-bound next week!

Avast, matey! Set sail fer the finest pixelated port o' Gourdlets! Build ye a whimsical hamlet fit fer scallywags, with grog, treasure, and jolly jesters! Craft yer own merry haven where even the parrot be chucklin'! Arrr, let the pixel plunderin’ begin!

Arrr! Even with 12,000 scallywags aboard this weekend, Valve be still mum 'bout their secret gunpowder game!

Arrr, matey! The playtests fer Deadlock be swellin' like a ship's sails in a tempest! Aye, more scallywags be joinin' the fray, makin' the hullabaloo louder than a parrot at a rum party! Avast, what a jolly crew we be!

Arrr, me hearties! GTA 6 be usin' magic machines for movin' like a swashbuckler, says the San Andreas crew!

"Avast, me hearties! The hour be nigh for a grand ol' mutiny! Let’s hoist the Jolly Roger and raise a ruckus 'gainst the scallywags runnin' this ship! Aye, 'tis high time we plunder our own destinies! Arrr!"

August 10, 2024

Arrr, matey! The Witcher 4 be not all about Geralt, but his voice shall still be heard in the fray!

Arrr! Doug Cockle be declarin' that Geralt's sailin' into Codename Polaris, matey! Aye, the White Wolf's joinin' the crew – grab yer grog and prepare fer a ruckus! Avast, let the adventure begin, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Har har har!

Arrr! A crafty scallywag turns that blocky treasure into GameCube gold, matchin' the Switch booty! What sorcery be this?

Arrr, matey! Before the grand unveiling, all that pesky Minecraftiness be scuttled away, like a ship full o’ scallywags! So hoist the sails and prepare for a jolly good time without them blocky bits, or ye might find yerself walkin’ the plank! Har har har!

Arrr, the Veilguard captain be sayin’, "We’ll make yer characters shine, for our skin tones be as rough as barnacles!"

Arrr, we be hopin’ that all ye scallywags can spy yer own mugs in this jolly game o’ ours! Whether ye be a landlubber or a fearsome sea dog, we want ye to feel like ye be part o’ the crew, savvy?

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 captain be confessin' he’s no swashbucklin' ace, but design ain't based on his sorry rear end!

Avast! The fiery blunderbuss hath been tamed, me hearties! Even the grand captain Shams Jorjani be feelin' the chill o' the nerf winds. Aye, no more scorched barnacles on this ship! Har har! Let the flames rest, or be prepared for a ticklin' from the cannon!

Arrr! N64 scallywag be shovin' Banjo-Kazooie into Zelda’s treasure chest, makin' Wind Waker a jolly ol' romp!

Avast ye! After settin' sail into the N64 realm, Rare's furry mates, a jolly bear and a feathery bird, be off on a grand adventure to plunder the treasures of a GameCube classic! Shiver me timbers, the fun’s afoot! Arrr!

Arrr! First glimpse o' Snow White! Gal Gadot's wicked queen be chasin' a merry songbird, Rachel Zegler, in the woods!

Aye, me hearty! Behold! The legendary poison'd apple doth make its grand entrance, glimmerin' like a treasure chest! 'Tis a fruit so foul, it’d make a kraken blush! Arrr, who be brave enough to take a bite, eh?

August 9, 2024

Arrr! The first glimpse of yon Mandalorian and wee Grogu be revealed in secret at D23, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Babu Frick be returnin’ from the briny deep! A wee scallywag with a knack for mischief, he’s as spry as a sea monkey on a sugar high! Brace yerselves for a hullabaloo, for this pint-sized rascal be stirrin’ the pot once more! Yarrr!

"Arrr, Venom War #1 be settin’ the most unlikely scallywag, Spider-Man, back in the slimy symbiote’s embrace!"

Avast ye mateys! Peter Parker be donnin' his dark threads once more for the grand swashbucklin' saga known as Venom War #1! Prepare ye eyes for a tale of mischief and mayhem, where our web-slingin' hero trades his spandex for shadows! Arrr, let the ruckus begin!

Arrr, Stormgate be a jolly mess, like a drunken parrot tryin’ to dance! Too many twists, matey!

Arrr, matey! The Stormgate be a right ruckus, a tangled web of chaos fit for a scallywag! Aye, it’s more twisty than a sea serpent, and a tad messy, like a pirate’s cabin after a raucous night o’ rum! Best brace yerself for a wild sail!

Arrr, the scallywags behind Fallout London be settin' sail to chart their own indie game ship—500,000 hearty downloads!

"Arrr, me hearties! We'll be makin' a grand adventure o' our own, where the seas be ours to conquer! A game fit for scallywags like us, filled with treasure and jests! Hoist the sails and let's craft a merry tale, savvy?"

Arrr! Fer 15 years, this scallywag's clutched a missive from his old sea dog dad, keepin' memories afloat!

Arrr, matey! I be not shedin' a tear, 'tis ye who be weepin' like a scallywag! Blimey, wipe yer eyes, lest ye be mistaken for a landlubber! A pirate's heart be as tough as a barnacle, I tell ye! Har har, let the sea be our solace!

Arrr! The BlueAnt Soundblade be a crafty treasure, deliverin' rumblin' bass fit for a sea shanty, matey!

Arrr, matey! The BlueAnt Soundblade be a treasure of a soundbar, fit fer a sea captain's quarters! It be packin’ a wallop fer shootin’ and grand quests, makin’ yer ears dance like a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder! Aye, ye won't be disappointed!

Arrr! The swashbucklin' stuntmaster be sayin', "We filmed for R, but settled fer PG-13—blowin' heads clean off, matey!"

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, a squall of loyal scallywags be grumblin' ‘bout the flick's woeful shortage o' blood and thunder! They be wantin' more sword fightin' and cannon fire, not a sailin’ trip through a tea party! Give 'em a ruckus, I say!

Arrr! A swashbucklin’ Chinese caper with a zesty Rotten Tomatoes score be givin’ the detective tale a jolly twist!

Arrr, matey! Behold the grand spectacle on the big screen, where "Only the River Flows" be turnin’ the tide of yer wildest notions! It be like findin’ treasure in a barrel of seawater—unexpected and full o’ surprises, I tell ye! Avast, prepare yer belly for a hearty laugh!

Arrr, me hearties! This scallywag's tempted by a treasure trove o' ludicrous board games on that cursed Steam!

Avast ye scallywags! Snag yerself the treasures of Dune: Imperium, Scythe, Root, Terraformin’ Mars, an’ a heap o’ other fine loot in the latest Humble bundle! Don’t be a landlubber; sail forth and claim yer bounty! Arrr!

Arrr! Netflix be settin’ sail to squash them leaks o’ Arcane season 2 and Terminator Zero, like a fine rum!

"Arrr, me hearties! One o' our trusty mates in the editing ship be hoisted by the scallywags! Aye, the post production partner's been boarded and left in Davy Jones' locker. We best raise the Jolly Roger and set sail for salvage!"

Arrr! Fallout 1 be settin’ sail again in Fallout 4, with swashbucklin’ quests and a fancy new leveling chart, yarr!

Ahoy, matey! Ye can now set sail on the grand seas of Fallout: Vault 13’s maiden open-world treasure trove! Prepare to plunder, pillage, and perhaps trip over a scallywag or two in this jolly new adventure! Arrr, let the mischief begin!

Arrr, Henry Cavill be so dedicated to his caped antics, he done made himself bilious like a scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! If the mighty Wolverine be settin’ sail, he’d be puffin’ his chest with pride, for I be as fierce as a kraken on a rum-fueled spree! Aye, he'd tip his tricorn and say, “That scallywag be worthy of me crew!” Har har!

Arrr matey! In 2024's second update, ye can now scallywag right to the end if ye be maxed out!

Arrr matey! Aye, behold! A shiny new contraption be here to sell yer loot without ye liftin' a finger! Just let it fly off like a seagull with yer treasures, while ye sip rum and laugh like a jolly sea dog! Avast, what a merry trickery!

August 8, 2024

Arrr! Another scallywag from the New Champions sails in, as Scarlet Witch be teachin' her new matey, Amaranth!

Avast ye! Behold Amaranth, the fresh swab under the watchful eye of the fierce Wanda Maximoff! Aye, this scallywag be learnin' the ropes of magic, or she'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr, mayhaps she'll outshine even the fiercest of sorceresses!

Arrr! Bandai Namco be sayin' some scallywag RPG, Elden Ring: Shadow o' the Erdtree, be fillin' their coffers!

"Avast, matey! Who be thinkin’ such a thing, eh? Like findin’ a parrot in a treasure chest! Blimey, if I’d known, I’d have hoisted me sails to the very skies! Har har, the seas be full o’ surprises!"

Arrr! In Amazing Spider-Man #55, our lad Peter faces his fiercest foe—an awkward date be a true scourge!

Avast, matey! Cast yer eyes upon a glimpse o’ the treasure trove that be the inner scrolls of Amazing Spider-Man #55! Yarr, prepare ye for a jolly good time with webs n' wonders aplenty! Arrr, don’t be a landlubber—take a gander!

Arrr, a jolly indie treasure be gettin' a Kingdom Hearts sequel, makin' the finest bits even finer and shinin' bright, matey!

Arrr, matey! Alabaster Dawn, crafted by the scallywags o' CrossCode, be claimin' a bounteous "30-60 hours o' swashbucklin' adventure!" But I be wonderin', will that be enough to sate this ol' sea dog’s thirst for treasure and mayhem? Har har har!

Avast, matey! To snatch Diablo 4's Mother’s Gifts swift as a cannonball, ye best plunder them like a true scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye can haul yer mother's fine trinkets to Istel in the cursed land of Zarbinzet! Trade ‘em for treasures aplenty, or ye might just be walkin' the plank of disappointment! Avast, gather yer loot and sail forth, ye scallywags!

Arrr! The captain o' the new Hellboy be sayin' he be treatin' it like a King yarn: 'tis a frightful tale!

Ahoy, mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! Brian Taylor be wishin’ to sail the seas of simplicity with his new tale! Aye, he’s set his sights on keepin’ it as plain as a parrot’s squawk, lest it get tangled like a sailor’s beard in a storm! Yarrr!

Arrr! Behold, mateys! Black Myth: Wukong’s last glimpse reveals swashbucklin’ battles and fancy scenes from its true PC treasure!

Ahoy, mateys! The fabled Black Myth: Wukong be gleamin' like a chest o' gold! The scallywags who craft this treasure have dropped one last moving picture for our viewing pleasure. Prepare yer eyes for a right jolly spectacle, ye salty sea dogs! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! If a scallywag be lovin’ the games, then it be a treasure, aye?

Arrr, be Palworld not a jestin’ treasure of a game? And what of Helldivers, be it a mirthful adventure? Speak ye truth, matey, or be ye just tossin' about ye jests like a scallywag at a tavern? Har har, let’s hoist the sails of laughter!

Arrr! Aye, matey! A follow-up to the Clooney-Pitt adventure be brewin’ even ‘fore the first sails set!

Arrr, matey! The crafty crew be hard at toil, conjurin’ up the next grand tale of Wolfs 2! Aye, it be in the cauldron, stewin’ with mischief and treasure! Keep ye spyglass handy, for adventure be brewin’ on the horizon! Yarrr!

Arrr! Nintendo be slackin’, but a fan’s treasure map led to me dream game, shiver me timbers!

Avast, matey! Wuhu Island Explorer be the treasure of me wildest dreams! Aye, 'tis a rollickin' adventure fit for a scallywag like meself, filled with more loot than a chest o' gold! Yarrr, I be grinnin' like a parrot on me shoulder!

Arrr! After two decades, the grand tale be finally in English, but blimey! Characters be wanderin' like lost scallywags!

Avast, matey! Type-Moon be fixin' the Fate/Stay Night blunders quicker than a seagull snatches me sandwich! In but a blink o' the eye, they righted the ship, and now the tale be smooth sailin'! Arrr, let’s hoist the Jolly Roger and toast to their swift handiwork!

Avast, matey! The Deadpool and Wolverine captain spills the beans on an X-Men cameo that never set sail! Arr!

Arrr, matey! Professor X be stayin’ in his own ship, says Cap’n Shawn Levy! No way he be joinin’ Deadpool and Wolverine on this wild sea o’ mischief! So hoist the sails and let the laughter commence, for this tale be a jolly good jest! yarrr!

August 7, 2024

Arrr! The captain of Arrowhead be sayin' a Helldivers 2 test ship be on the treasure map o' wishes!

Arrr, matey! This be a grand plan, givin' scallywags a chance to fiddle with the shiny new tricks afore they be cast in stone! Aye, let 'em poke and prod, lest we be sailin' into stormy seas of regret!

Arrr! The fresh Uncanny X-Men #1 be spillin' the beans ‘bout the crew and their wild quest, matey!

Ahoy mateys! Another tale from the fiery depths be hittin' the seas—Uncanny X-Men #1 be settin' sail! A fresh crew of scallywags from the From the Ashes saga, ready to plunder yer eyeballs with their wild antics! Avast, ye landlubbers, prepare for a raucous ride!

Arrr! Behold! A scallywag spent four long years chasin' 500 landlubbers with Pokemon monikers, gatherin' treasure worth gold doubloons!

Arrr matey! Charizard be worth more than a chest o' gold doubloons in the Pokemon treasure hunt, and ye best believe it holds the same value in the land o' RuneScape! Aye, ‘tis the finest catch for any swashbucklin’ card slinger!

Arrr! Blizzard be sayin’ Diablo 4’s Season 5 bug be spoutin’ free XP like a drunken parrot, blame it on Umbracrux!

Arrr, matey! The cursed Umbracrux dagger be unable to conjure shadowy totems for a spell! Aye, it's like a parrot tryin' to sing sea shanties but endin' up with a sore throat! So, keep yer wits about ye, lest ye be left in the dark!

Arrr, Sony be talkin' like a landlubber, sayin' they be needin' to make the ship sail smoother, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The aim be to keep the doubloons in our coffers, shape our ship right, and hoist the treasure map for the best booty! Aye, we be makin' our gold work as hard as a scallywag in a stormy sea!

Arrr, after five long years, the scallywags birthed a fine stone phallus from the depths—treasure for all, matey!

Arrr, matey! Welcome aboard the ship o' the cosmic seas, known as "Deep C*ck Galactic"! Where the stars be bright, the rum be flowin', and the treasure be more risqué than a parrot on a pirate's shoulder! Hoist the sails and let the mischief begin! Yarrr!

Arrr, after two long years and 800 hours, this scallywag conquered a beast, then leapt into another treacherous grind!

Arrr! After sendin' the Palace of the Dead to Davy Jones’ locker with naught but a conjurer's broomstick, our lass Aurora Moon be settin’ her sights on doin’ the same trickery as a real Thaumaturge! Avast, ‘tis a right laugh! Let’s see if she can conjure some luck, matey!

Arrr! Spider-Man and Geralt be marooned in Fortnite's cursed sea, but after 18 moons, they might sail back to the shop!

Arrr, from this day forth, ye fresh scallywags shan't be left in the dust o' the past! All them fine trinkets and fripperies be awaitin’ ye, so don yer finest and join the merry crew without missin' a single shiny bauble! Aye, it be a treasure trove!

Ahoy mateys! The PSVR 2 PC contraption be settin' sail today—grab yer compass to navigate Steam on yer noggin’ gear!

Arrr, matey! The PSVR 2 PC Adapter be settin' sail today! But ye best be gatherin' some extra PS5 trinkets lest ye be stuck in Davy Jones' locker! So hoist yer sails and prepare fer adventure!

Arrr! The cap'n of Deadpool and Wolverine be spillin' the beans on those Swift tales, thankin' ye, mateys, for yer crafty fog!

Arrr, Shawn Levy be chucklin’ like a scallywag, sayin’ all them wild theories be keepin’ the landlubbers’ eyes off the real treasure—those sneaky cameos in the superhero flick! Aye, it be a right merry dance of deception on the high seas of cinema! Har har!

Arrr, the scallywag who spun scrubs be sayin’ he’s keen to sail back fer some more years o’ jolly antics!

Arrr, me hearties! Bring forth more o' them swabbin’ lads! We be needin’ a boatload o’ scrubs to keep our ship as tidy as a parrot’s feathers! Aye, the deck be a mess, and I ain't swimmin' in no scurvy sea o' dirt! More scrubs, or walk the plank!

Arrr! The Helldivers 2 scallywags spilled the beans on a fiery bomb plan! A blazing world be naught but grand fun!

Arrr, me hearty! It be a right jolly blunder, I must confess! Aye, I’ve gone and trip-trapped me own peg leg, spillin’ me grog all o’er the deck! Shiver me timbers, what a merry mishap! Let’s hoist the sails and laugh it off, savvy?

August 6, 2024

Arrr, mateys! Helldivers 2 crew be weepin’ as their fire-spoutin’ toys be dulled, and not a soul be pleased!

Arrr, matey! The fiery dance o’ the flames now be prancin’ about like a tipsy wench at a tavern, all realistic-like! Aye, ye’ll be wonderin’ if they be alive! Fire in the belly, that’s what I say! Keep yer eyebrows at the ready!

Arrr! The scribes o' the newest Blade Runner tale be spillin’ the beans on their jolly Japan o’ yore!

Avast, me hearties! Kianna Shore and Mellow Brown be spillin' the grog on how they be dreamin' up the wild seas of Blade Runner: Tokyo Nexus! Aye, it be a raucous tale of neon and mayhem fit for the saltiest of sea dogs! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! The captain of Baldur's Gate be vowin' a treasure so grand, ye’ll be shinin’ with delight!

"Arrr, raise yer tankards high, me hearties! To the next grand adventure, we toast! May our sails be full, our grog be plenty, and may we find treasure aplenty—unless it be a kraken! Then we'll be makin' a hasty retreat, savvy?"

Arrr, matey! Josh Sawyer be sayin’ the New Vegas start be givin’ respect to yer skill choosin’, savvy?

"Ahoy, matey! We be keepin' a keen eye on the scallywag ye crafted, and fear not, for treasure be comin' yer way as a reward fer yer crafty handiwork! Hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare fer plunder, ye sea-dog!"

Arrr, denied his shiny booty, the champ be slippin' his favored matey into his trinket like a sly sea dog!

Arrr, me hearty! Keria's Bard be stashin' a wee treasure of a cute Easter egg, cleverer than a ship’s cat! Keep yer eyes peeled, lest ye miss this jolly gem, or ye'll be walkin' the plank of disappointment! Aye, 'tis a fine jest, indeed!

"Arrr, M. Night Shyamalan be swappin’ his jolly jests for a swashbucklin’ thrill ride, me hearties!"

Arrr, mateys! M. Night Shyamalan's latest be no jolly jape, but a raucous romp o’ suspense! He’s tossed aside the silly twists for a heart-thumpin’ thrill ride that'll have ye shakin’ in yer boots! Aye, prepare for a wild sail on the seas of tension!

Arrr! The swabs o’ Erdtree be findin’ a cheeky boss-cheese skip, only to have the cap’n ban it fer treasure!

Arrr, me hearties! Let’s hoist the sails and send that Scadutree Avatar to Davy Jones’ locker with the mighty force o’ gravity! Aye, we’ll make ‘im feel heavier than a chest o’ gold on a stormy night! Avast, prepare for a jolly good tumble!

Arrr! Deadpool and Wolverine be showin' it’s high tide fer Gambit to sail into his own flick, matey!

Arrr, matey! If Channing Tatum be poppin’ up in Deadpool and Wolverine, ‘tis clear as the North Star that Gambit be needin’ his own grand tale! Let the man swing his cards and charm the lasses! Aye, give the rascal his own ship to sail!

August 5, 2024

Arrr! Hideo Kojima be savin’ the day, delayin’ Metal Gear 2 fer a ruckus on his own RPG ship!

Arrr, matey! SD Snatcher be the treasure that helped shape the mighty Metal Gear, like a fine rum in a jolly roger’s belly! Aye, it paved the way, makin’ us all the more cunning on the high seas of gaming! Avast, what a merry tale to tell!

Arrr, matey! Humble Games swore no harm to devs, yet one be beggin' on Patreon for fear o' the plank!

Arrr, matey! Squid Shock be squawkin’ that a dearth o’ booty might send our fine studio to Davy Jones’ locker! Aye, we be needin’ to hoist the sails of fortune or risk meetin’ the kraken o’ bankruptcy! Avast, let’s plunder some treasure, ye scallywags!

Arrr! After 23 long years, the Animal Crossing treasure hides from 30 Japanese scallywags—where be they, I wonder?

Arrr, matey! In a time long past, the scallywags at Nintendo dared to unleash a treasure most rare—a magical chest that be lettin' ye load yer own cursed ROMs! Aye, the seas be alive with laughter as we plunder this fantastical bounty! Avast, what a merry jest!

"Arrr, matey! Me Speech be sinkin’ to the depths o’ -100K! Bribes be costin’ 20 million gold! I’m doomed!"

Arrr, matey! The treasure of Skyrim be sunk like a ship in Davy Jones' locker! Gold's as scarce as a mermaid at a tavern, and the merchants be swindlin’ like scallywags. Aye, the economy be a right mess, akin to a parrot with a squawkin’ speech impediment!

Arrr matey, here be the secret to chartin' the Alien flicks—line 'em up like treasure maps, in order!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round as I be spillin' the beans on how to feast yer eyes on all them Alien flicks in their rightful order! Aye, and I'll spin ye the whole tangled tale of them critters too! Prepare for a jolly good time, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye! As My Hero Academia sails into the sunset, Oda be payin’ homage to Horikoshi with a jolly art treasure!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Twas two-and-twenty moons past when Horikoshi, that crafty scallywag, did send him a piece of art, like a treasure map to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, took him longer to find it than to plunder a ship full o’ rum! Har har har!

Arrr matey! To snag the Helldivers 2 TR-40 Golden Eagle kit, ye best plunder the right quests and treasure chests!

Ahoy, mateys! The Golden Eagle Armor be a fine treasure for ye Steam scallywags who dare to lay their peepers upon the grand livestream! So hoist yer tankards, and claim yer prize, or be walkin’ the plank without a shiny coat to wear! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! Creator o' Thrones be conjurin' seven more tales, four be drawn by squigglin' sea rats!

Arrr, matey! It be said that the grand ol' George R. R. Martin be plottin' more tales beyond the fiery House of the Dragon and the valiant Knight of the Seven Kingdoms! Aye, keep yer eye on the horizon, for new adventures be a-comin’, and they be sure to shiver yer timbers!

"Arrr matey! All be spillin’ in the Helldivers 2 ‘Escalation of Freedom’ bounty, ready yer sea legs for a jolly good time!"

Avast, me hearties! On the sixth day of the eighth moon, the grand Escalation of Freedom be settin’ sail, bringin’ fresh booty to Helldivers 2! Prepare yer sea legs for a jolly good time, or ye might just walk the plank o’ boredom! Arrr!

"Arrr! Lego Sonic be clashin' with Eggman’s metal beastie, perfect for wee scallywags lookin' to unleash their crafty mischief!"

Avast ye! Behold the clash o’ Lego Sonic and that scallywag Dr. Eggman’s Death Egg contraption! A jolly fine treasure for lil’ buccaneers keen on playin’ and conjurin’ their wild imaginations! Aye, ‘tis a swashbucklin’ good time, matey!

Arrr, as House of the Dragon be sinkin', HBO be tossin' out a new treasure map for a Game of Thrones tale!

Arrr, mateys! In the year of our salty sea, a grand tale be settin' sail! "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" be makin' its debut next year! Hoist yer tankards and prepare for swashbucklin’ shenanigans fit for the bravest of scallywags! Avast, the adventure awaits!

Arrr! Manor Lords be servin' up a feast! Finally, ye can munch on yer sheep, if ye've got too many!

Arrr, matey! We'll be feastin' on the mooing beasts, fer the cows be joinin' our grand repast! So sharpen yer cutlasses, fer tonight we dine on beefy bounty! Aye, the ship be swayin' with laughter and steaks aplenty!

August 4, 2024

"Avast, mateys! Behold the 35 finest ship's tales on the box, ready to hoist ye spirits and tickle yer funny bone!"

Arrr, matey! These be the jolly tales that set the ol' magic box a-glowin’, turnin' landlubbers into swabs o' the couch! Aye, 'tis the very episodes that made the airwaves dance like a drunken sailor on a Friday night! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! Divinity's tale be spun in a blink, while Baldur’s Gate crew be jabberin' for ages over characters!

Arrr, matey! Larian Studios be swellin’ like a barnacle-covered ship, far grander now than in the days o’ their Kickstarter bounty! They’ve plundered the seas o’ success, growin’ mightier than a kraken on a treasure hunt! Avast, what a jolly sight to behold!

Arrr! That NSYNC scallywag and Sephiroth be a jolly ol’ lad, yet still can’t conquer his own ghostly foe!

Arrr, matey! Lance Bass be sportin' a voice so booming, it could wake the Kraken! He sang for that scallywag Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and belted out "Bye Bye Bye" like a true sea shanty! Aye, a voice fit for a pirate’s ear, that one!

Arrr! So it be said, a new treasure called Final Fantasy 14 Mobile be unleashed by the land of the dragon, eh?

Arrr, me hearties! The fine folks o' the Chinese Crown be givin' the green light to a fresh haul o' games, includin' a secret treasure—an uncharted port o' Final Fantasy! Avast, let the gaming seas be filled with laughter and loot!

Arrr, Larian be strugglin' to craft a fresh treasure, claimin' "Baldur's Gate 3 be hoardin' all our ideas!"

Arrr, matey! We be settin' sail on the high seas of role-playin', but the treasure map be runnin' dry! Aye, we’ve plundered all the isle's good lands, and now we’re left with naught but a leaky barrel o’ ideas! Time to find new shores, savvy?

August 3, 2024

Arrr! The tech captain be settin' sail from Rockstar, claimin' the game be darker than Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, but Obbe Vermeij be tickled pink, he be, to find himself in the wrong as a landlubber on a sinking ship when it comes to GTA 5! Aye, the scallywag thought he knew better, but the game be a treasure, not a curse! Har har har!

Arrr! As Baldur's Gate 3 sails into its first year, we've plundered 3,550 hours of grand adventure, matey!

Arrr, here’s to 365 sunrises on the high seas of Faerûn, me hearties! Aye, may our rum bottles be ever full and our tales stretch longer than a kraken’s tentacle! Here’s to the many more misadventures awaitin' us, savvy? Cheers, ye scallywags!

Arrr, if a sequel be brewin’, the scallywag who played Raphael might just be hard-pressed to resist!

Arrr, ye scallywag! Ye be a right jester, dancin' on me heart like a slippery fish! Aye, ye tease me like a treasure map that leads to naught but folly. Blimey, I’ll have me cutlass ready if ye keep it up!

"Ahoy! Dive into the suave wickedness of Raphael in Baldur's Gate 3—ye ain't just evil, matey, ye be charming!"

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as we parley with the doughty Andrew Wincott, a BAFTA treasure! He spins yarns of Iago, the scallywag bad lad, and why we landlubbers find a odd kinship with the devil himself! A jolly good chat, I say! Arrr!

Arrr! After months o' Xbot's quiet, Microsoft be settin' sail with a wee crew fer Blizzard treasures!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye tellin' tales of Overwatch upon the tiny parchment o’ mobiles? Aye, and a Warcraft farmin’ sim for swabbin’ the decks? What’s this? A Starcraft resurrection makin’ waves? Avast, me mateys, let’s hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for pixelated treasure!

"Arrr, matey! Life be strange, but Max be sportin' fancy threads from Final Fantasy 7, if ye be coughin' up 80 doubloons!"

Arrr, mateys! Behold, the grand arrival of Moogle Max, a wee scallywag burstin’ forth from Davy Jones’ locker! With a belly full o’ grog and a twinkle in his eye, he be ready to plunder the seas of laughter, savvy? Avast, let the jolly revelry begin!

Arrr! Long before Baldur’s Gate 3 had ‘em talkin’, Larian's captain nearly scuttled his ship 'cause of pesky publisher pressure!

Arrr, Swen Vincke be a steadfast matey, not abandonin’ ship, but merely castin’ off the landlubber publishers. He sailed on, leavin’ ‘em in his wake like barnacles on a scurvy hull! Aye, the seas be callin’!

August 2, 2024

Arrr, matey! Xbox be givin’ us more time to plunder our backlogs ‘til February! Aye, breathe easy, ye scallywags!

Arrr, matey! The laggin' of The Avowed be givin' a grand chance for other Game Pass treasures to sparkle, and the same goes fer them! Aye, let the seas of gaming be filled with shiny loot while we wait fer our fabled tale!

Arrr! The captain o' creativity be sayin', "After a decade o' grumblin', we be ironin' out the wrinkles, matey!"

Arrr, matey! We be havin' a chinwag with Chris Perkins ‘bout the treasure of revisin’ the D&D tomes! Why should ye landlubbers give a hoot? Well, 'tis like findin’ doubloons in a kraken's belly! Join us for a merry laugh ‘n learn, ye scallywags!

Avast, me hearties! A new Darksiders be a-comin’, but what manner o’ treasure huntin’ madness be awaitin’? Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The Four Horsemen be settin’ sail once more! Aye, they be gallopin’ through the stormy seas, lookin’ for treasure and mischief. Hold onto yer hats, for chaos be comin’ ‘round the bend, and we’ll be laughin’ like scallywags while the world be turnin’ topsy-turvy!

Arrr, Nintendo be too chicken to add dancin' lassies in fur! So this new game be settin' sail on that treasure!

Arrr! Kitsune Tails be settin' sail into waters unknown, fillin' a hole in me heart I never knew be there! Aye, 'tis like findin' a treasure map to a bounty of whimsy! Who knew such curious wonders lurked in the briny deep? Avast, me mateys!

Avast, matey! Helldivers 2 be comin’ at ye with a jolly threat: slay 1.5 billion foes, or ye walk the mines!

Arrr, matey! How much do I loathe those confounded mines? They be like a scallywag’s socks—never a treasure to be found, just a heap o’ trouble and backache! I'd rather kiss a kraken than trudge through those wretched depths! Aye, I say, they be cursed!

Arrr! One of them scallywags be callin’ their guest spot a "dream come true," spinnin’ tales with a rare pic!

Arrr, 'twas a jolly sight, me hearties! Aye, it tickled me fancy like a parrot on me shoulder! A fine spectacle, it be—cooler than a siren's song on a moonlit night!

Arrr! The genius behind Mouse Guard spun a yarn to craft the finest Bloomburrow card, matey! A true treasure!

Ahoy, mateys! We had a jolly chinwag with Cap'n David Petersen, discussin' his fine doodles for the freshest Bloomburrow treasure! He spilled the beans on what makes it a real gem, and much more in this here exclusive yarn! Arrr!

Arrr! Larian's captain Swen Vincke be sayin’, “Blow me down! We can hoist the sails and do it again!”

Arrr, we be eyein’ the Steam charts, watchin’ the figures rise like a ship on the tide! Up, up, and away, they be climbin’ like a scallywag chasin’ a treasure! Aye, it warms me heart to see our booty growin’!

"Avast, matey! Gather ye finest Marvel foes for a jolly romp—here be the best parleyin’ pairings to try!"

Arrr matey! In the grand game of Marvel Rivals, ye be combin' yer valiant heroes like a fine rum and treasure map! Unlockin’ mighty boosts that’ll send yer foes to Davy Jones’ locker! So gather yer scallywags and make merry with yer hero pairs, or walk the plank ye shall!

Arrr! Galadriel be battlin’ her own scallywag shadow in season 2 of The Rings o’ Power, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round! The crafty captains o' The Rings o' Power be spillin' the beans! Galadriel, that fierce lass, be steerin' into a stormy reckonin' come season two! Avast, what mischief be awaitin’ her on the high seas o’ drama? Arrr, let the rum flow!

Arrr! With his Deadpool and Wolverine guise, this scallywag be snatching the crown from Hugh Jackman's noggin!

Arrr, matey! In all the seven seas, there be but one scallywag known as Blade, aye! Like a parrot on me shoulder, he be the only treasure worth plunderin’! So hoist the sails and let the rum flow – fer there be no other like our bold Blade!

Arrr! After two decades plunderin' the digital seas, the ol' romhack cove be settin' sail, havin' snagged nearly all its booty!

Arrr, me hearties! Fear not, for the treasure trove of knowledge be safe and sound in Davy Jones' locker of databases! Aye, it be preserved like a fine rum, ready to be plundered when the winds be fair! Avast, we shan’t be losing our precious booty!

Arrr, me hearties! The curse of paradox be strong! Life by You sunk, and Prison Architect 2 be lost at sea again!

Arrr, the publisher be swabbin' the decks of doubt, claimin' with all his might that the sequel be a treasure beyond measure! Aye, he be as sure as a parrot on a shoulder, though we all know it could be more barnacle than bounty!

August 1, 2024

Arrr! The fantastical scrolls of Frieren be settin’ sail again after a second long pause, mateys! Hoist the jolly roger!

Arrr, matey! The tale of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End be settin' sail once more after a long spell in Davy Jones' locker since the merry month of May! Hoist the sails and prepare for more adventures, ye scallywags!

Arrr, matey! A new course fer Zelda's swiftest run be born, but is a rubber-banded Wii U a scurvy cheat?

Ahoy, me hearties! The grand return of the Wii U, the treasure we all be yearnin' for, be upon us! Prepare to hoist the sails of nostalgia and set course for mirthful mayhem! Yarrr, let the gaming shenanigans commence!

Arrr, matey! This new Mana demo be a treasure, and I be lost like a landlubber in a stormy sea!

Arrr, me hearties! I be missin’ the jolly good times like a landlubber missin’ his sea legs! Aye, I’ve been adrift in a sea o’ boredom, while ye scallywags be plunderin’ the fun! Time fer this ol’ salt to join the revelry or be walkin’ the plank! Har har har!

"Avast, ye landlubbers! MMO dev be beggin’ fer word as scallywags vote to make those raucous beasties even louder, aarrr!"

Arrr, matey! The Nail Beasts of Old School RuneScape be like the rare treasure of the sea, guarded tighter than a pirate's booty! Aye, these scallywags be under the watchful eye of Davy Jones himself. Touch 'em not, or ye might find yerself walkin' the plank!

Arrr, I’ve been hangin’ like a barnacle for a year fer this jolly 3D life sim—set sail, it’s finally here!

Avast, matey! Picture this: the mystical realms of Rune Factory be crashin’ headlong into the fair fields of Stardew Valley! A ruckus ensues, where crops be growin’ and monsters be plunderin’, all while ye try to woo the lass in the tavern! A jolly ruckus, I say! Arrr!

Arrr, gather 'round, me hearties! All ye need to know 'bout the Starfield Shattered Space treasure trove o' loot!

Arrr, matey! The inaugural treasure trove of Starfield's tales be settin’ sail on the curious cult of House Va'ruun! Aye, brace yerselves for a jolly good romp through their wacky ways, where the only gold be their strange beliefs! Hoist the sails and let the madness begin!

"Avast, me scallywags! This swashbuckler vanquished the final beast, untouched, with a treasure trove of 40 blunderbusses!"

Arrr, matey! Promised Consort Radahn be caught in a tempest o' troubles, like a scallywag with a cursed parrot! His luck's run aground, and even the krakens be laughin' at him! Aye, he be in a right pickle, that one!

"Arrr, Xbox be wrong! Indie scallywags be jestin’ 'bout ‘Descenders 2,’ for it be a ghost ship, matey!"

Arrr, matey! Whispers from the briny deep be sayin’ that a secret sequel be comin’ ashore this year, though its name be hidin' like a treasure map in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, let’s hoist the sails and prepare fer more shenanigans on the high seas!

Arrr! That Lenovo's massive 45-inch treasure be down to a doubloon price I’d gladly part with, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The Lenovo Legion R45w-30, a mighty fine gaming screen, be plummetin’ to a treasure o' $650 or less on the high seas of Amazon! Grab yer doubloons and set yer sights on this prize before it sails away! Yarrr!

Arrr! In the next swashbucklin’ tale, Nobody 2 be havin’ another matey join Bob Odenkirk on the high seas!

Arrr, matey! Lloyd be settin’ sail once more into the stormy seas of that action-thriller treasure chest! Aye, he be ready to swashbuckle and plunder like a true buccaneer, chasin’ villains and gold with a hearty laugh! Avast, adventure awaits!

Arrr, the new matey be a strummin' guit-fiddle, like a mini-game o' hero! I can't tell if it be rockin' or not!

Arrr, me hearties! The moon be risin’ high in the night sky, a silver coin tossed by th’ heavens! Aye, Luna be out now, gleamin’ like a wench’s treasure! So hoist the sails, raise a mug, and let’s dance under her glow, savvy?

Arrr, matey! That treasure map o' the SNES Dragon Quest be gone for good, sold to a greedy landlubber!

Arrr, matey! The English tongue be takin' its sweet time to translate the first treasure of Dragon Quest! It might be as elusive as a mermaid’s kiss, so hoist yer sails and prepare for a long voyage o' patience, savvy? Yo ho ho!

July 31, 2024

Avast, me hearty! Fare thee well, Doc Strange! Doctor Doom be takin' the crown of Sorcerer Supreme, arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywag! Did ye truly believe that bilge rat would return what he stole? Ha! He be keepin' it tighter than a clam in a storm, matey! Aye, it be more likely a fish'll sprout legs and dance than that scoundrel handin' it back!

Arrr! A cursed game be marooned in Steam's fog, while we holler at Valve to hurry up, savvy?

Arrr, matey! The fine lads o' No Return were set to launch their treasure yesterday, but alas! Steam be holdin’ it like a scallywag guards his gold. We be waitin’ longer than a pirate’s thirst on a dry shore!

Arrr, the Borderlands captain be feelin' mighty vindicated! It’s a treasure trove of sweet film booty, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Hear ye! Randy Pitchford be spillin' the beans on the heavy seas o' makin' a blockbuster game tale! The pressure be thicker than a Kraken’s belly! Avast, will he find treasure or be walkin' the plank? Aye, what a jolly voyage that be!

Arrr, matey! EA be shoutin' that Dragon Age: The Veilguard be sailin' this fall, with a date spillin' in August!

Arrr, me hearties! We be chartin’ a new course upon the briny deep, a fresh treasure map fer our merry crew! So hoist the sails and brace yerselves fer jolly adventures ahead, or ye might just end up swimmin’ with the fishies! Ha-ha!

Arrr! Ayaneo be unleashin' two new Game Boy contraptions, but they cost a pretty doubloon more than the old sea dogs!

Ahoy, mateys! The Ayaneo Pocket DMG and Pocket Micro be up fer pre-order on the Indiegogo seas! These Game Boy-inspired treasures be ready to plunder yer gaming hearts—prepare to set sail on a jolly adventure, savvy? Arrr!

Avast, matey! Seek ye the finest Warden's Law treasures in Destiny 2, or be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! The Heavy Burst Hand Cannon, known far and wide as Warden's Law, be up for plunder in the treacherous Nightfall Strikes once more! Hoist the sails and ready yer cannons, for booty awaits those bold enough to seize it! Arrr, let the mayhem commence!

"Arrr, the Samsung Odyssey OLED G6 be a treasure, matey! Stunning sights fer less than a grand! Yarrr!"

Arrr, matey! The Samsung Odyssey OLED G6 be a fine treasure! A swift ship and sharp as a cutlass, it be givin' ye the finest sights for yer gaming plunder in the year of our Lord, 2024. Aye, a right beauty for all ye scallywags!

"Arrr, a new sailin' clip fer Netflix's Terminator tale be makin' old horrors rise from Davy Jones's locker!"

Arrr, matey! The fateful day be nigh, when the sea will judge us scallywags! We best be ready to face Davy Jones' locker or dance with the mermaids! Hoist the sails and brace yerselves for the reckoning, or ye might find yerself marooned on a deserted isle!

Arrr, a salty sea dog of CRPGs be flaunting his Baldur's Gate treasure, claimin' today’s 150,000 sales’d sink yer ship!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a whole other treasure trove, it be! A realm where scallywags don’t sail the same seas, but chase a different sort of booty! So hoist the sails, for this be a curious venture indeed, where the rum flows and the parrot squawks with glee!

Arrr, matey! Becky Cloonan's "Come Find Me" be the crown jewel of frightful tales in the comic seas!

Avast, me hearties! This here one-shot be teemin' with fresh tales spun by the likes of Cloonan, E.M. Carroll, Molly Mendoza, and a crew o' scribes! A treasure trove of yarns awaitin' to be plundered by yer eager eyes! Arrr, don’t let it slip away!

"Arrr! The treasure of DLC dodges be here: $10,000 Elden Ring race lets ye float past mean ol’ bosses!"

Avast ye mateys! Cast yer eyes upon the 'Sleepwalking' blunder! Aye, this scallywag of a glitch be makin' yer crew wander like lost souls in a fog, trippin' over barrels and fishin' nets! Arrr, it be a sight to make even Davy Jones chuckle!

Arrr! With demos flooding Steam, some salty devs fear Valve's fix be sinkin' indie games to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, matey! If them demo sails be settin’ course on the chart, the wee indie games might be hidin’ like scallywags in a crow’s nest. Less sight fer the new treasures, I say! So hoist the Jolly Roger and let the indie gems shine bright! Yarrr!

July 30, 2024

Arrr, a swashbucklin' speedrunner be savin' a lost voyage with a madcap YOLO trick, breakin' his own treasure trove record!

"Arrr, matey! We be settin' the grandest record on the seven seas, doin' it with more flair than a parrot in a fancy hat! With a hearty laugh and a swig o' rum, we'll be legends, har har! Now, hoist the sails and let the mischief begin!"

Avast, me hearties! This swashbucklin’ RPG be nearin’ double treasure on Kickstarter, with octopus mates and a demo fer ye!

Arrr, matey! The scallywag behind Tako no Himitsu be so smitten with Golden Sun, he scrounged up doubloons and lured its bard back after 23 long years! Aye, what a treasure that be, a jolly jest indeed!

Arrr, mateys! Star Trek: Lower Decks sails on in comic form, penned by a scallywag of a fine writer!

Ahoy, mateys! This winter, "Star Trek: Lower Decks" be settin’ sail anew as a jolly comic! Prepare yer grog and belly laughs, fer the crew be swappin’ their starships fer ink and parchment, give ye a hearty chuckle or three! Arrr, hoist the sails o' humor!

Arrr, Hugh Jackman’s glee ‘bout the final brawl be the jolliest sight ye'll spy all day, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Director Shawn Levy be spoutin’ his treasure o’ a clip on the grand ol’ Instagram seas! Aye, the scallywag knows how to keep us entertained while we swab the decks! Avast ye, don’t be missin’ it!

Arrr, Deadpool and Wolverine be seekin' their true treasure in a tale o' multiversal madness, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The jolly roger of Deadpool and Wolverine be pumpin' with true grit and grog! Their bloody hearts be thumpin' from the depths of the soul, like treasure buried deep, full o' humor and mayhem! Shiver me timbers, 'tis a sight to behold!

Arrr! The Sims 4’s cheeky adult mod be stirrin’ a ruckus, as scallywags fire at “unhinged” mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Be it true, all this ruckus be over a lusty contraption? *Peers at parchment* Aye, a sex mod, ye say? Blimey! The seas be rough, but this be sinkin’ to new depths! Avast, let’s hoist the sails of scandal and sail into the sunset of absurdity!

Arrr! Word be sailin’ that Robert Downey Jr. be donning the Doom mask first, but not in the Avengers!

Ahoy, mateys! Rejoice, fer the winds of fortune blow favorably! The scallywags be whisperin’ that RDJ be makin’ his grand return to the MCU quicker than a parrot can squawk! Prepare yer grog and raise a toast to this jolly tidin’! Arrr!

Arrr! New Elden Ring patch be makin' Torrent as smooth as a siren's song in battle, all thanks to a wee fix!

Arrr, me hearty! Be it not high tide for this scallywag to say, “It be about time!” The winds be blowin’ and the rum be waitin’, so let’s hoist the sails and make haste, lest we be turnin’ into barnacles on this ol’ ship! Yarrr!

"Arrr, Channing Tatum spills the beans on his long-awaited Deadpool and Wolverine caper, like finding treasure after a storm!"

Arrr, me hearties! I be as thankful as a parrot with a bounty of cracker treasure to be swabbin' the decks of this here flick! Aye, may the wind be at me back, and the laughs be hearty, for I be part of this grand adventure on the silver screen!

Arrr, I thought I ne'er needed bloodsucking Space Marines, but this cursed Warhammer set be makin’ a liar o’ me!

Ahoy, me hearties! The Blood Angels be settin’ sail with a shiny new Codex and a mighty Army Box fer the 10th Edition! ‘Tis like findin’ treasure in a bottle o' rum—prepare to unleash chaos upon the seas of battle! Arrr, let the plunderin’ begin!

Arrr, this here sneaky keyboard be the treasure that swayed me heart, and now it be a steal, matey!

Avast, mateys! Who’d have thought I’d be singin’ the praises of a low-profile contraption like the Asus ROG Falchion RX? ‘Tis now me favorite treasure o’ the sea! And blow me down, ‘tis plunderin’ at a price lower than Davy Jones’ locker on Amazon! Arrr!

July 29, 2024

Arrr! Robert Downey Jr. be stirrin’ the pot in the MCU, but lo! Iron Man and Doctor Doom be old shipmates!

Arrr, gather 'round mateys! The tale be spun of how Doctor Doom, that scallywag of science, donned the shiny iron garb! Aye, he be thinkin’ ‘twas a fancy hat, but lo! It turned him into a metal man! Now he’s plunderin’ hearts instead of treasure! What a jolly jest, eh?

Arrr, Florence Pugh be ridin' the wild waves like Tom Cruise, spillin' her riskiest stunt in the Thunderbolts, savvy?

Arrr, set yer sails fer the wild seas of cinema, matey! Let’s hoist Florence Pugh into the heart o' Mission: Impossible! With her fierce spirit, she be turnin’ cannonballs into cotton candy whilst dodgin' Davy Jones himself! Avast, 'tis a treasure of a flick we’d be havin’!

"Avast, me hearties! Marvel's Hydra be risin' in '43, brought forth by Embracer's crew, joinin' the Middle-earth jolly band!"

Avast ye! Plaion be settin’ sail on a grand voyage to conquer the seven seas o’ the globe! Their quest to be the mightiest force be pickin’ up speed, like a ship catchin’ a fine tailwind! Hoist the flags and brace yerselves for a jolly good treasure hunt! Arrr!

Arrr, Hideo Kojima be spillin' his thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine, weepin' fer Jackman's rippled muscles—still a hero, he be!

Arrr, matey! Hideo Kojima be a jolly scallywag, he be! He fancied the merry antics of Deadpool and the fierce claws of Wolverine, aye! Aye, he be dreamin’ of swashbucklin’ tales with them rascals, plunderin’ treasure and ticklin’ fancy! Avast, what a raucous crew they’d make!

Arrr, that Harry Potter Quidditch shindig be stirrin’ me old PS2 memories, yet I yearn for Hogwarts Legacy treasure!

Avast, matey! I’d be scourin' fer me Chamber of Secrets tune, but lo! Quidditch Champions be a jolly good emulator already! A fine treasure of wizardry, it be! Yarrr, who needs old bones when the winds be blowin' fair upon this here digital sea!

Arrr, the captain of The Boys be sayin’, "Though his face be a fright, we’ll let that scallywag shine bright!"

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as Eric Kripke, the scallywag behind The Boys, spills the beans! He be callin' back Soldier Boy to stir the pot o' mischief in the next season. Aye, he knows how to keep the jolly sea of chaos a-froth! Savvy?

Arrr, Deadpool and Wolverine be makin' waves, matey! Hugh 'n' Ryan be swappin' jests like scallywags in that meme!

Arrr, matey! Ryan Reynolds be sayin’ the treasure of success be a riddle wrapped in a mystery, harder to fathom than a mermaid’s singin’! Aye, it’s a mind-bogglin’ tide, that one!

Aye, every time I sail the stormy seas o' Cyberpunk's wild quest, I be cacklin' with glee!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye be settin' sail on a mind-bogglin' quest in Cyberpunk 2077! It's so disturbingly wild, it clings to me noggin like barnacles to a ship! Avast, me thoughts be taken hostage by this mad adventure!

Arrr! After 25 tides and near 20 flicks, Reynolds bids a jolly farewell to Fox’s wacky Marvel seas!

Arrr, matey! Ryan Reynolds be raisin’ a tankard to Fox’s Marvel seas in a jolly new scroll on the ol’ social media! Aye, he be tipplin’ his hat to the swashbucklin’ tales, callin’ forth the ghost of comic past! Avast, what a merry jest!

Ahoy matey! Snag yer Marvel Rivals Keys and trade 'em for the Beta—like plunderin' a treasure chest! Arrr!

Arrr, matey! If ye be havin' a matey who's reached the grand level o' six, ye can plunder some codes fer the Marvel Rivals Beta! So hoist the sails and make yer pals level up, or ye be missin' out on a treasure trove o' fun! Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! Vermithor be the realm's second-largest scaly beastie, lookin' mighty fine for a fire-breathin' barbecue!

Arrr, me hearties! It seems ol' Vhagar be 'bout to tangle with a worthy foe at last! Aye, the sea be chucklin’ at the thought—mayhaps she’ll find her match in a scurvy dog or two! Let the rum flow as we watch the hullabaloo unfold!

Arrr, Season 2, Episode 7 be a bloody circus, matey! A chilling end, but the pacing be as crooked as a shipwrecked hull!

Arrr, me hearties! Episode 7 of House of the Dragon be a raucous romp, spillin’ blood like grog at a tavern! A spine-chillin’ end, but alas, it be tripped over its own pace like a scallywag on a stormy night! Savvy?

July 28, 2024

Arrr, Laura Kinney be sailin’ with Wolverine to the murkiest depths of the Marvel seas, matey!

Arrr, mateys! A fresh saga be unfurlin’, prowlin’ the high seas o’ adventure, where our fierce lad Wolverine be embarkin’ on perilous lone quests! With claws a’flashin’ and trouble brewin’, he’ll be slicin’ through foes like a fine rum – deadlier than a kraken in a barrel o’ pickles!

Arrr! Double Fine be craftin' strange treasures no publisher be wantin', but whispers of Psychonauts 3 be floatin' like a ghost ship!

Arrr, matey! The crew be settin’ sail on smaller treasures now, for after wrestlin’ with Psychonauts 2, some scallywags be feelin’ a bit singed! Aye, they be needin’ a breather ‘fore they take on the next grand adventure!

Arrr, Activision be slippin' the anchor on skill-based matchin', an’ now the whole crew be grumblin’ about it!

Arrr, without no skill-based magic, we be seein’ more landlubbers jumpin’ ship, less swashbucklin’ on the high seas, and a whole heap o’ sinkin’ ships! It be a right mess, matey!

Arrr! The hooded parkour scallywag o’ the 2024 Olympics be naught but a nod to Arno from Assassin's Creed, savvy?

Arrr, me hearty! Methinks I spy the fair city of Paris from yon peculiar angles! Aye, 'tis like findin' treasure in a barrel o' pickled herring! Avast, it be the land of croissants and fine wine, where even the seagulls be sportin’ berets!

Harrison Ford be sayin', "Me lass thinks I be lookin' like that Red Hulk every blasted day!" Arrr!

Arrr! Gather 'round, me hearties! The brave Captain America hath summoned the legendary Harrison Ford to parley after the grand Marvel spectacle at Hall H! Aye, the tales he spins be as rich as a chest o’ gold, filled with humor and adventure fit fer a jolly crew!

Arrr! Anthony Mackie be sayin’ Winter Soldier be the treasure map fer Brave New World: “Aye, we sailed by it!”

Ahoy mateys! Anthony Mackie, that scallywag, spilled the beans 'bout the winds that blew life into Captain America: Brave New World! With a wink and a grin, he regaled us with tales that’ll make ye belly laugh whilst plunderin' treasure. Avast, ye won't want to miss this yarn!

Arrr! Marvel scallywags be chattin' 'bout Downey's grand return—he be the treasure that started this entire sea of heroes!

Hear ye, mateys! The scallywags of Thunderbolts be spillin' their thoughts on the roguish Robert Downey Jr. takin' up the mantle of the fearsome Dr. Doom! Arrr, they be laughin' like sea dogs swabbin' the deck! What a fine jest it be!

July 27, 2024

Arrr, matey! Hellboy’s new tale be spillin’ blood, thunderous battles, and a devilish raccoon, like a cursed sea shanty!

Arrr! T'was the first scroll of Hellboy I laid me eyes upon, and I thought, “Blimey! This be a frightful tale!” Aye, me hearties, it be a horror flick that’d make even Davy Jones shiver in his boots! Avast, prepare for some spine-chillin’ plunder!

Arrr! Marvel be showin' off the first crew o' Avengers: Doomsday, with Robert Downey Jr. as the scurvy Doctor Doom!

Arrr, matey! The next grand tale of them Avengers be brimmin’ with swashbucklin’ talent, like a treasure chest overflowin’ with doubloons! Prepare ye sea legs for a rollickin’ adventure, full o’ ruckus and hearty laughter! Avast, ye landlubbers, this be a show ye won’t want to miss!

Arrr! The Fantastic Four be named at SDCC, and it be hintin’ they’ll sail the seas fer ages, savvy?

"Arrr, 'tis but a wee step fer a scurvy crew, but a grand leap fer our jolly band! Aye, with every shiverin' step, we plunder the seas o' togetherness, searchin' fer treasure in the belly o' the ship, mateys! Hoist the sails o' kinship!"

"Avast ye mateys! All be spillin' the beans from the Star Trek treasure trove at SDCC 2024!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round for a jolly tale of all the grand tidings from the Star Trek SDCC shindig! From shiny starships to scallywag plots, ye won’t believe the treasure trove of news that be spillin' from those salty sea dogs! Arrr, set yer sails for adventure!

Arrr! Five long years, matey! The treasure of Star Trek: Discovery's spin-off sails forth with a trailer, led by lass Yeoh!

Arrr, me hearties! Section 31 be settin' sail fer Paramount Plus in the blink of an eye! Yonder treasure of a show be comin' soon, so polish yer cutlasses and ready yer sea shanties! Aye, it be a jolly good time fer all ye scallywags!

Avast, matey! Lower Decks be settin' sail with a trailer o' skiin', space holes, and wacky crew doppelgangers! Arrr!

Ahoy me hearties! This autumn, the fifth tale be settin’ sail on Paramount Plus! Hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare yer popcorn, for a grand adventure awaits! Arrr, let the swashbucklin’ commence!

Arrr, matey! Jeff Lemire be brewin' a tale o' the Justice Society and Infinity, Inc. – a right tasty adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! A new scroll of jest and jape be scribed by the crafty hand of Diego Olortegui! So hoist yer tankards high and prepare fer a bellyache o' laughter, lest ye be walkin' the plank o' boredom! Avast, let the jolly tales commence!

Arrr, matey! Deadpool and Wolverine's ta-ta be makin' ye shed a tear fer that scallywag Josh Trank's Foul Four!

Ahoy matey! Let us set sail on a jolly jaunt back to the glory days o' caped crusaders, squintin' through our rose-colored spyglasses! Aye, ’tis a time when heroes be mighty and villains be daft—wherein the treasure be laughter and the quest be pure whimsy! Avast, me hearties!

"Arrr, when I be settin' sail in Persona 4, that ol' feelin' returned, inspire'n a fine indie farmin' venture!"

Arrr, SunnySide be settin’ sail fer the shores of Atlus, seekin’ treasures of love and merry vibes! With a hearty laugh, they be huntin’ for hearties to share a pint and a tale or two, as they dance ‘neath the moonlight, like drunken seagulls on the high seas!

Arrr, matey! Builder o’ fine cities be hopin’ for Metacritic glory—players be singin’ its praises, and gold be flowin’!

Arrr, matey! All hands on deck be smitten with the doom-laden dotAGE, ye see! 'Tis like a treasure map, bringin’ chaos and mirth alike! Aye, who wouldn’t chuckle whilst the world be sinking like a ship full o’ rum? Buckle yer swash, it be a jolly good time!

Arrr, matey! Mega Man be shakin’ hooks with Shovel Knight in a jolly romp, with rave reviews blazin’ like cannon fire!

Arrr! Fallen Leaf be settin' sail with the merry crew of splendid throwback platformers! It be plunderin' yer nostalgia treasure chest, makin' ye laugh like a drunken sailor on a moonlit night! Avast, prepare ye cutlasses for a jolly good time!

Arrr! The scallywags o' Final Fantasy 7 be plunderin' the past, resurrectin' lost treasure for our gaming delight!

Arrr matey! New garb be donned, the lands be charted proper, an' the grand flickerin' tales be brought back from Davy Jones' locker! Hoist the sails an' let's revel in this jolly bounty!

July 26, 2024

Arrr, matey! A bloody fright from 2024’s treasure chest be gettin’ a sequel – and it’s sailin’ in soon!

Avast, me hearties! 'Tis true, the scallywags be conjurin' up “In a Violent Nature 2”! Aye, prepare yer sea legs for another raucous adventure, as the jolly crew sets sail on a new escapade that’ll make ye laugh like a drunken parrot! Arrr!

Avast! Word be out, Doctor Doom be the next scallywag, and the heroes be bowin' like landlubbers! Arrr!

"Ahoy, mateys! ‘One World Under Doom’ be the next grand tale in the Marvel sea! Aye, prepare yer eye patches and grog, for chaos be brewin’ like a stormy night! The world be takin’ a right tumble, and we be laughin’ all the way to Davy Jones’ locker!"

Avast! Spider-Man's fancy duds be unveiled, and blimey! He’s chumming with that scallywag Doctor Doom!

Arrr, matey! The world be needin' a jolly guardian, and lo and behold, it's none other than that web-slingin' scallywag, Spider-Man! With his spindly threads, he be swingin' through the skies, keepin' us safe from the dastardly curses of the seven seas! Avast, let the adventures begin!

Arrr! Iron Man be captaining a fresh crew of West Coast Avengers, aim’n to make Ultron a jolly matey!

Arrr, matey! Ultron be settin' sail wit' the new West Coast Avengers as a swashbucklin' hero! But I be wonderin', will his shiny metal self stick around, or be he’ll be off like a scallywag at the first hint o' trouble? Yarrr, the seas be uncertain!

Arrr, mateys! Marvel's Ultimate Universe be celebratin' a year o' treasure this December with a jolly one-shot! Avast!

Ahoy mateys! "Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1" be settin' sail to capture a grand view o' the fresh Ultimate Marvel realm. Aye, it be like a treasure map fer yer eyeballs, full o' swashbucklin' tales and jolly mischief! Arrr, prepare to be entertained!

Arrr! After 5 years and 3 hold-ups, Junji Ito's Uzumaki series has a new teaser and release date - blast me eyes, I be still unprepared!

Arrr mateys, brace yourselves for the Uzumaki anime! 'Tis set to be released just in time for All Hallows' Eve. Grab yer eye patches and prepare to be spooked by the ghostly antics of Naruto and his crew. Aye, 'tis a treat worth waiting for!

Arr mateys! Spider-Gwen be joinin' forces with Sylvie, B-15, Captain Carter, OB, Mobius, and other scallywags in TVA comic.

Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' that the TVA be gettin' its very own comic book filled with the beloved characters from the MCU! 'Tis true as the north star, as announced at the grand event known as SDCC. Aye, a swashbucklin' tale indeed!

July 25, 2024

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June 19, 2024

Arr matey! The scallywag behind The Boys be spillin' secrets 'bout the show's endin' bein' more satisfyin' than the comics!

Arrr mateys, the scallywag Eric Kripke be plannin' for the end o' the Boys, takin' lessons from the funny books along the way. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin' as we sail into uncharted waters. Yarrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gold Road be the treasure trove to plunder in The Elder Scrolls Online. Aye, set sail!

Arrr, me hearties! After a decade on the high seas, there be a vast treasure trove of new lands to discover in this bargain booty! Avast ye and set sail for adventure with this fine vessel of exploration!

Arrr matey! Be ye thinkin' Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome be gettin' less credit than it deserves? Aye, me too!

Arrr, a scallywag from Total Film be yappin' 'bout why the threequel be better than ye remember. So grab ye grog and read on, me hearties! It be a tale worth tellin'!

Arrr, that Russell Crowe horror be more laughable than fear-inducing, mateys! A true shipwreck of a flick!

Arr matey! The Exorcism be a frightful tale, but methinks it be more laughable than bone-chilling. Russell Crowe be sailin' into ridiculous waters, not scarin' the wits out o' us sea dogs. Aye, 'tis a film fit for a barrel o' grog and hearty chuckles!

June 18, 2024

Arrr, the grand tale o' sci-fi be comin' soon from the Godfather's own hand! Set sail for adventure!

Ready yer sails and batten down the hatches, for Megalopolis be on the horizon! Brace yerselves for the plunderin' and pillagin' of the grandest city in all the land. Avast, me hearties, we be comin' for ye!

Ye scallywags! Avast ye! CRKD Nitro Deck+ be a fine vessel for yer Nintendo Switch adventures in 2024! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The CRKD Nitro Deck+ be not changin' the course of its homerun kin, but makin' some fine-tuned improvements that be raisin' this Switch controller to grand new heights on the high seas! Aye, me hands be eager to get ahold of one!

Arrr, the Silent Hill 3 scallywag searched for frights in ruins, only to be startled by a jolly mascot!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis like findin' a treasure chest within a plain ol' barrel o' rum! The abnormal amidst the normal be like a kraken in a calm sea- unexpected, excitin', and sure to cause a stir amongst the crew! Aye, 'tis a rare find indeed!

Arrr, Elden Ring be a grand treasure indeed, but Captain Miyazaki be not ready to abandon ship just yet!

Arr, me hearties be hearin' whispers o' more open-world Soulslike madness on th' horizon! Brace yerselves fer a storm o' adventure 'n chaos, me mateys! Thar be no tellin' what dangers 'n treasures await us in th' future, arrr!

June 17, 2024

Arrr, be JRPG a fair term? Persona 5 scallywags weigh in on their new game Metaphor ReFantazio: "Ye may call it a JRPG if ye fancy."

Arrr, as a swashbucklin' scallywag, 'tis a grand thing for me to be a creator! The wind be at me back and me creativity be flowin' like grog at a pirate party. Aye, 'tis a jolly good time indeed!

Yarr, the scallywag behind The Boys be teasin' us with a sneak peek of Homelander in his most fearsome form yet! Aye!

Arrr, back to me abode, but alas, no sweet churros or dashing Tom Holland to be found! Aye, 'tis a sad day indeed when a pirate must make do without his favorite treats and eye candy. Avast, where be me snack and me heartthrob?

Arrr mateys, Life by You be walkin' the plank! The scurvy dogs at Paradox be admittin' their failure, aye!

Arrr matey! After t'rice delays, Life by You be walkin' the plank! Ye be shiverin' in yer timbers now! No more plunderin' o' the seas for ye! Set sail for a new adventure, ye scurvy dog!

Arr, word be spreading like a hidden treasure map - a sequel to the Tom Holland-led Uncharted movie be comin' soon! Aye!

Arrr, methinks Holland be returnin' for the next adventure, mateys! Aye, the scallywag be a persistent one, no doubt. We best be preparin' ourselves for more swashbucklin' shenanigans on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, the scallywag director be yearnin' to craft a swashbucklin' tale of Spider-Man and Deadpool on the silver screen!

Avast ye scallywags! Rumor has it that Shawn Levy be wishin' for Tom Holland's Peter Parker to cross swords with Ryan Reynolds' Wade Wilson in a future moving picture! Arrr, me hearties, I be thinkin' that would be a jolly good time on the high seas of cinema! Aye!

Arr matey! Where be the booty for Craig in the treacherous lands of Fallout 76? Aye, seek and ye shall find! Arrr!

Arrr! Craig's loot be stashed near the Search for Survivors along Skyline Drive! Ye best be keepin' a sharp eye out for it, me hearties, lest it be claimed by some scurvy landlubber! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth seekin'!

Arrrr! These indie horror games be stealin' the spotlight from them fancy triple A games. Why be that, mateys?

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags behind the Summer Game Fest have shown me that the indies be holdin' the true treasure in the world o' horror games. No need for big ships or fancy loot, just a hearty crew and a sense of adventure!

Arrr, Indiana Jones be a scallywag who's spent many a moon watching the flicks closest to his treasure hunts!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis clear as the sea on a calm day that we ain't playin' no ancient Indy. We be swashbucklers of the modern age, ready to plunder and pillage with the best of 'em. Onward, me hearties, to adventure on the high seas! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, me hearties be arguin' o'er the "weakened" changes in Season 2 of House of the Dragon's bloodiest scene!

Arrr mateys! Season 2 be showin' us the long-awaited Blood and Cheese scene, but the fans be as divided as a plundered treasure chest. Some be cheerin', while others be grumblin' like a scurvy dog denied his bone. Aye, the rum be flowin' tonight!

Arrr, Norman Reedus be claimin' that the Daryl Dixon finale be the finest hour in Walkin' Dead tale!

Arrr, 'tis a grand compliment ye've bestowed upon me, me hearties! 'Tis like findin' a chest o' gold doubloons in the sand. I be as pleased as a parrot with a fresh cracker!

Arrr, Todd Howard be wishin' fer Starfield tales to be told yearly, with Bethesda plannin' one after Shattered Space!

Arrr, mark me words me hearties, this tale be settin' sail towards even grander adventures! It will be a tale as vast as the ocean, as fierce as a storm, and as brilliant as a shooting star! Ye best be holdin' on tight for what's to come, me buckos!

Yarrr, settin' sail with me mateys in Elden Ring be a jolly good time, savvy? FromSoft may be considerin' this for future adventures!

Arrr, me hearties! The Seamless Co-op hath been plundered o'er 3.7 million times! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth sailin' the digital seas for. Raise the Jolly Roger and set course for adventure with this fine booty, me mateys! Aye aye, cap'n!

June 16, 2024

Arrr! The scallywags behind this game be amazed they've been granted a chance to redeem their past blunders!

Arr mateys! Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit be settin' sail to swab the deck of them mistakes made by its forerunner. Aye, she be chartin' a course to smoother waters and avoidin' them treacherous reefs of past blunders. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

"Turn Hideo Kojima and Gabe Newell into scallywags and let 'em battle in this jolly Steam Next Fest adventure!"

Arrr! Me hearties, behold Meme Mayhem, a rollicking adventure on the high seas of the digital realm! Ye shall face familiar foes in fierce auto-battles, with treasures to plunder and memes to pillage. Set sail for mayhem and merriment, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, me likes it!

Aye matey! If that Fable 4 trailer be true, I be hoping for moral choices as deep as Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

Arrr! Methinks Fable 4 be like a treacherous sea, where we must navigate betwixt the temptations of goodness and the allure of wickedness. Will we be rewarded for our balance, or be cursed for our extremes? Only time will tell, me hearties!

Avast ye scallywags! Only two scurvy dogs be left on the 3DS and Wii U servers after Splatoon player's streak be cut short. Arrr!

Farewell, ye slimy sea creatures! Off we go to plunder and pillage, while ye squishy squidlings can stay behind and play in the briny depths. A pirate's life awaits us, filled with treasure and grog!

Arrr, Helldivers 2 be playin' a dirty trick on us, makin' us swab the decks of bug babies! Aye, the scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties, the latest decree from the powers that be be as crooked as a peg leg! 'Tis a Major Order that be more tangled than a ship's riggin' in a storm. Beware, me mateys, for trouble be brewin' in these treacherous waters!

June 15, 2024

Arr, makin' connections be like a daft stroll, yet 'tis the most delightfully risque game I've partaken in.

Arrr, I had to declare me position on the ship, be I a top or a bottom, whilst the scallywag developer pretended not to be peekin'. 'Twas a tricky situation, but I sailed through with me honor intact. Aye, the seas be full of surprises!

Ye Doctor Who episode 7 be havin' real potential to be an epic, worthy o' Gatwa's seal o' approval! Arrr!

Arr matey, me heart be filled with excitement after watchin' Doctor Who episode 7. Methinks there be real potential for an epic finale that would make even Blackbeard himself proud. Gatwa-worthy it be, me crew! Aye, let's set sail for adventure!

"Arrr, Helldivers 2 be changin' a powerful weapon 'cause ye landlubbers be usin' it all wrong! Yarr!"

Arrr, the crew has spoken and the powers that be have been ousted! Democracy be restored, me hearties! No longer will we be at the mercy of the tyrants and scallywags. Let us raise a tankard of grog to our victory!

Avast ye mateys! This game be like DayZ or Rust, but ye be a duck waddlin' about! Arrrr!

Arrr mateys, ye hear me true, 10 million quacking ducks be plundered each year! 'Tis high time we swashbuckle the scallywags responsible and save our feathered friends from Davy Jones' locker! Aye, let's make a change, lest we be called landlubbers!

"Arrr, this Double Exposure be twistin' me noggin! No clear endin' means more riddles to solve, me hearties!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! I be not knowin' how much me heart be yearnin' for a new Life be Strange game, until it be landin' in me lap like a booty of treasure! Arrr!

June 4, 2024

Arrr mateys, the Hulk be takin' on vampires in Blood Hunt, crushin' 'em like grog barrels! Aye!

Arrr, the Hulk be showin' his monstrous side in the Blood Hunt adventure! Aye, 'tis a tale o' horror and bloodshed fit for any swashbucklin' pirate to enjoy. Ready yer cutlasses and brace yerselves for a wild ride on the high seas of comic book mayhem!

Arrr, them scallywags be strugglin' at billiards for ages, but the crafty speedrunners be crackin' the code at last!

Arrr! 'Twas but a few swipes of me cutlass through the game's code that did the trick! Aye, I be a master hacker of the digital seas, me hearties! Ye best beware of this pirate's tech-savvy ways!

Arrr matey, 'tis true! Gave away 6.6 million copies, then charged a fee and sold 2.2 million more in a fortnight!

Arrr, me hearties! The cursed game Content Warning be sellin' like hot cakes, even at full price! Ye best be grabbin' a copy before ye miss out on all the swashbucklin' fun. Aye, me mateys, don't be a landlubber, get yer hands on this treasure!

"Ye scallywags be havin' a blast with Wild Bastards, a newfangled FPS that be stealin' me heart with its robot crew!"

Avast ye, me hearties! The follow-up to last year's Void Bastards be swashbucklin' with more strategy and less scallywag swordplay. It be ripe with the promise of epic battles and grand adventures on the high seas. Prepare to be marooned with excitement! Arrrgh!

Arrr, me hearties! Set sail for the Genshin Impact 4.7 release, when the Clorinde banner unfurls! Aye, mark ye calendars!

Avast ye mateys! Clorinde and Sethos be makin' their grand entrance in the latest version of Genshin Impact! Get ready to set sail on an epic adventure with these scallywags by your side. Yo ho ho, it's gonna be a jolly good time on the high seas! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Modern Horizons 3 be a prequel to the Dragonstorm arc, arrr! Set sail for adventure!

Yarrr, the scallywag known as MTG Product Architect Mike Turian be tellin' us why Modern Horizons 3 be takin' us back to a time afore them sparkly Planeswalkers. Aye, 'tis a voyage worth embarkin' on, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Prepare to be spooked as chestbursting scallywags take over in Alien: Romulus trailer!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest moving picture for Alien: Romulus hath docked on the shores of the internet! Prepare ye selves for a swashbuckling adventure through the cosmos with these extraterrestrial scallywags. Arrr, I can almost smell the space rum already!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags of the Acolyte crew be craftin' lightsabers fit for Jedi battles like Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The Acolyte showrunner, the fair Leslye Headland, be spillin' the beans on them fancy Star Wars series' lightsabers! Set yer eyes on her words and ye may just learn a thing or two about them glowin' sticks o' death! Aye!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Persona veterans be showin' off their new treasure, ReFantazio, for all ye landlubbers to ogle.

Arrr, 'tis already me Game o' tha Year, by Blackbeard's ghost! No other game be standin' a chance against this treasure. 'Tis a ship o' fun and adventure, sailin' straight to me heart. Aye, me crew be havin' a grand time with this one!

Arrr, the scallywag showrunner be talkin' about keepin' the series sailin' past the five-season limit, aye!

Arrr, if there be a Guinness World Record for being the daftest scallywag about how long a show should last, ye can bet yer last doubloon that I'd be front and center in the picture, lookin' like a proper fool! Aye, I be the master of makin' a spectacle of meself!

Arrr! Monster Hunter Wilds be the treasure we seek, mateys! Hear all ye need to know 'bout Capcom's latest venture!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the tales of Monster Hunter Wilds, the sequel to Monster Hunter World. 'Tis said to be filled with more fierce monsters, grand adventures, and plunder aplenty! Prepare yer crew for battle, me mateys!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Destiny 2's Final Shape be bringin' a 10-year tale to an end! Bungie be makin' it easier for all to join in!

Arrr, Bungie be sailin' the seas of video games with great vigor these past years, makin' grand improvements to their plunder. They be findin' the treasure chest o' success and fillin' it with many a fine booty for us scallywags to enjoy!

June 3, 2024

Arrr, the X-Men be settin' sail with 10 new tales! Gather 'round, mateys, for a treasure trove of news!

Arrr! Ye hear tell that Marvel be settin' sail once more with the X-Men crew this summer, with a grand total of 10 new adventures awaitin' ye! 'Tis sure to be a treasure trove of excitement and thrillin' tales on the high seas of imagination!

Arrr, as ye be waitin' fer Destiny 2 to return, one o' the devs be suggestin' watchin' the new cinematic animations with yer helmet off! Aye, a grand spectacle indeed!

Ye don't have to be like that scallywag Shaxx, matey! Just be yer own jolly self and let yer inner pirate flag fly high! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The Steam page be spillin' the beans on 25 games fer Summer Game Fest. Aye, me treasure!

Arrr mateys, the sands be a-runnin' out in our hourglass. Only a scant few days be left to pillage and plunder afore we must sail back to port. Let us make the most of 'em and raise the Jolly Roger high! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr! Just Cause scallywags be lettin' go o' 50 landlubbers and shuttin' down two hideouts, one barely a year old!

Arrr mateys, ye won't believe it - the scallywags at Avalanche be shuttin' down their Montreal hideout! No more plunderin' treasure maps or chuggin' grog in the break room. Looks like we'll have to find a new ship to sail on, me hearties!

Arrr matey, the scallywag Emilie be joinin' the crew in Genshin Impact! 'Tis been a long wait for a Dendro character, yarrr!

Arrr mateys, it be said that the next Genshin Impact update, 4.8, be bringin' a shiny new five-star Dendro unit aboard. Ye best be preparin' yer swords and pistols, for this be a plunder worth settin' sail for! Aye, me hearties!

Arr matey! Catwoman snagged a fancy Green Lantern ring in the next Batman tale. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! 'Tis be talk of Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, a 12-issue limited series. Aye, ye best be settin' sail to find this treasure trove of comic book adventures! Arrr!

Yarrr, me hearties! Fear not, for ye Nvidia graphics be a trusty companion in yer gaming adventures!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Nvidia's Project G-Assist be a fancy new AI tool for yer ship's graphics card. It'll be helpin' ye out in games and apps, givin' tips and tellin' ye tales of adventure on the high seas! Aye, it be a swashbucklin' good time indeed!

Arrr, that Silent Hill 2 be not flawless, but if we spy any o' these 5 titles at Summer Game Fest, horror be takin' the crown!

Arrr mateys! Me crystal ball be seein' a lack of scares in the horizon, but fear not! Summer Game Fest be comin' to shake things up for me beloved horror games. Prepare to shiver yer timbers, me hearties! Aye aye!

Arrr mateys! A shiny new MSI Claw hath sprouted like a Fallout Pip-Boy on the high seas! Aye!

Arrr mateys, word on the seven seas be that a fresh MSI Claw with a Lunar Lake CPU be sailin' our way, but 'tis clad in a Fallout shell that be resemblin' Valtec gear. Aye, a curious concoction indeed! Let's plunder this tech treasure!

Arrr, the new Arcane season 2 poster be hintin' at a mighty twist in Vi and Jinx's bond! Aye mateys, prepare for trouble!

Arrr, me hearties! The new creation be givin' a jolly but spine-tinglin' twist to the adverts from the first season. 'Tis a sight to behold, sure to make ye chuckle and shiver in equal measure! Aye, 'tis a fine piece of work, indeed!

Arrr, ye Kingdom Hearts 4 scallywags! Captain Geoff Keighley be sayin' to lower yer expectations, or walk the plank!

Arrr, me hearties! We be sailin' on the sea of uncertainty, but fear not, for we shall keep hoping like a scurvy dog chasing a bone. Aye, the winds may blow against us, but we be pirates, and we never surrender!

Arrr, 'tis said the scallywags at Netflix be settin' sail fer seasons 2 and 3 o' One Piece! Aye matey!

Prepare ye selves for the grand adventure of One Piece, me hearties! Aye, there be more plunderin' and swashbucklin' to come on the high seas. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for treasure, me mateys! Arrr!

May 31, 2024

"Arkane Austin be payin' homage to its roots with Redfall's latest update, set sailin' with old imm sim genre!"

Arrr, Redfall be extinguishing the lanterns with a final salute to the hour of the night, 0451. Fair winds and following seas to ye, me hearties! Let's sail off into the darkness together, savvy?

Arrr! The scallywags behind Spyro remake be joinin' forces with Xbox fer a new adventure, swabbies be hopin' fer Spyro's return!

Arrr, the yearnin' for Spyro 4 be like a fiery treasure buried deep in me chest, mateys! The anticipation be growin' stronger with each passin' day, like a cannonball ready to be fired at the next unsuspecting ship! Yarrr!

Yarrr! Seekin' to plunder $707 on Pathfinder 2e? Humble be yer treasure map!

Arr mateys! Avast ye landlubbers! The scallywags at Humble be offerin' a treasure trove of savings on Pathfinder 2e booty and fancy gadgets like Fantasy Grounds. Hoist the sails and set a course for adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, Concord and Astro Bot be fine treasures, but aye, the strange winds blowin' at PlayStation be confusin' indeed!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis clear as the blue sea that PlayStation be charting a rough course in 2024. The State of Play be a sorry sight indeed, like a scurvy-ridden landlubber trying to navigate the high seas. Aye, PlayStation's vision be lost in a fog thicker than a pirate's beard!

"Guide me booty, me hearties, to the secrets of building a ship fit for the high seas with Verina's help!"

Arrrrr, mateys! If ye be wantin' to craft Verina and secure the finest healer in Wuthering Waves, ye best be gatherin' the finest materials and followin' the instructions to a T. Trust me, ye don't want to be sailin' these treacherous waters without a proper healer by yer side!

Avast ye, seek ye out Diablo 4 at Hanged Man's Hall to spar with the fearsome Andariel, me hearties!

Arr matey! The treacherous Diablo 4 Hanged Man's Hall dungeon be where ye'll find the fearsome Andariel, but ye best be a seasoned swashbuckler if ye want to face 'er! Set sail for adventure, but beware the dangers that lurk in the shadows! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! 'Tis a tale of metal-clad warriors in a land of ruin, now told in the Queen's tongue. Aye!

Arr mateys, fear not! Sylvain Repos' Yojimbot be arrivin' to rescue us from our woes. 'Tis a sight to behold, this mechanical savior! So let us all rejoice and raise a toast to our newfound hero! Arrr!

May 30, 2024

"Arrr, Top Gun Maverick's Glen Powell tried out for Han Solo but scuppered his final test. Now he jests about it!"

Navigating the high seas alone be like a game of cat and mouse with Davy Jones himself! But fear not, me hearties, for this lone pirate be as cunning as a fox and as swift as a mermaid's tail. The treasure be within reach, I just need to steer clear of the scallywags and sharks along the way! Aye, me hearties, 'tis a grand adventure indeed!

Ye need not fret if ye be confused by '73 Yards' - tis a mystery even to the finest minds! Arrr!

Arr mateys, me hearties! '73 Yards be not a puzzle to be cracked, but a treasure worth discoverin'! 'Tis more captivatin' than a chest o' gold doubloons. Let's set sail on this voyage of curiosity and see where she takes us! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The Evercade bartop arcade be sailin' in, loaded with Mega Man and Street Fighter treasures! Arr!

Avast ye mateys! Just heard the news from Blaze about the Evercade Alpha, a fine piece of bartop booty that'll be sailin' the same carts as the Super Pocket and Evercade handhelds, with flashy designs from Capcom. Arrr, me hearties, time to set sail for some old school gaming fun!

Arrr, Todd Howard be keepin' mum on Fallout 5, but says Bethesda be plannin' future adventures in the sci-fi seas!

Arrr matey, 'tis be more than one game ye be speakin' of! Aye, 'tis a whole treasure trove of fun awaitin' us. So gather ye crew and let the games begin, for a pirate's life be filled with adventures aplenty!

Avast ye scallywags! Mike Flanagan be takin' the helm for The Exorcist movie, promisin' a grand new adventure! Arrrr!

Arr matey! The moving picture be settin' sail to explore the vast depths o' The Exorcist world. Aye, ye best buckle yer swash and prepare to be spooked as we delve into the dark and treacherous waters of demon possession. Avast ye, it be a wild ride ahead!

Arr, this PlayStation scallywag be thinkin' PC buccaneers will jump ship fer a PS5. Thar be no loot in that plan!

Arrr matey! Hermen Hulst be tellin' ye to plunder Spider-Man 1 on ye PC, and then pillage a PS5 for Spider-Man 2. He be wantin' ye to set sail on a grand gaming adventure, savvy? Arrr!

Arrr, after creatin' a fine RPG, Wildermyth's crew be takin' a long nap. Fair winds and calm seas!

Arrr, fear not me hearties! The plunderin' and pillagin' of me treasure trove may be delayed, but rest assured that we be makin' sure the soundtrack be released and the localization be done. Aye, the booty be comin' yer way, just be patient!

Arrr! The Final Shape leaks be spreading like wildfire across the digital seas after a premature release. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, 'tis a fine moment to be silencing them pesky words, me hearties! Let's be keepin' our decks clear of those scurvy terms, lest we be caught in the crossfire of a social media storm. Avast ye, and mute away! Aye, aye, captain!

May 29, 2024

Arr matey! "The Witcher: The Edge of the World" be tellin' the tale o' Geralt's swashbucklin' adventures in comic form!

Avast ye scallywags! Set sail to the high seas of Geralt of Rivia's tale in The Witcher: The Edge of the World. 'Tis a rollicking good yarn that'll have ye hooked from the first page. So grab yer cutlass and prepare for adventure!

Arrr, let this Nier Automata wine be yer companion during the long wait for Nier 3, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Swallow the heft o' the world, ye scurvy dogs! Let the weight o' yer troubles be as heavy as a chest o' gold, and may yer grog be as strong as the winds that fill our sails! Aye, 'tis a burden worth bearin', me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Just Cause be makin' a swashbucklin' movie with skydivin' shenanigans that'll shiver yer timbers!

Arrr, mayhap this be the Just Cause movie that finally be worthy of a pirate's booty! Let's set sail with high hopes and pray it be not a scurvy dog of a film that makes us want to walk the plank! Aye, may the cinematic winds blow in our favor this time!

Arrr, the new Ultimate Universe scallywags Green Goblin and Doc Ock be havin' unexpected connections to Iron Man, mateys!

Arrr matey! The latest scroll of Ultimate Spider-Man be spillin' the beans on the origins of these scurvy dogs takin' on the mantles of our beloved Spider-Man foes. 'Tis a tale that'll shiver yer timbers and leave ye yearnin' for more! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! Celeste's minstrel proclaims a swashbucklin' RPG akin to Undertale - a boast as bold as I be sure the music be.

Arrr mateys, Lena Raine be returnin' to Anothereal! This be excitin' news fer all ye scallywags and landlubbers alike. Raise the Jolly Roger and set sail fer adventure with her musical treasures! Aye, me hearties, it be a fine day indeed!

Arrr! The World of Warcraft scallywag be complainin' about the "bajillion buff and debuff icons" muckin' up MMO combat!

Avast, me hearties! He be standin' in defense of tab-targetin' combat, arguin' that it need not be anchored nor dull! Aye, make way for the swashbucklin' adventure o' tab-targetin' combat, where every strike be unpredictable and full o' surprises! Aaarrrr!

Arrr, the cap'n o' New Helldivers 2 be sayin' weapons lack fun, but be drawin' the line at threats o'er imbalance.

Arrr, fear not me hearties! The ship be sailin' true, even with a new scallywag at the helm. The winds may shift, but our course remains steady. Avast ye worries and hoist the sails, we be sailin' on with the tide!

Arrr matey, ye be hearin' the news! The oddest scallywag from Lord o' the Rings be comin' to Season 2 of Rings o' Power!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis true, Tom Bombadil hath made his grand entrance upon the silver screen in Middle-earth. Surely, this be a sight to behold! Raise the Jolly Roger and let's set sail for adventure with this merry fellow! Arrr!

Me hearty XDefiant dev be sayin', if ye can't find easy prey, ye be the easy prey! Blimey, the sea be rough!

Arr! Methinks there be some fine-tuning needed on this here ship. Aye, there be room for improvement, me hearties! Let's hoist the sails and set course for betterment, lest we find ourselves in Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

The scallywags from Hades 2 left their code out in the open like a treasure map for all to plunder!

Arrr, all o' it be on full display for all to see! No treasure be hidden, no secrets be kept. We be like a ship with no sails, all out in the open sea. Aye, me hearties, there be no hidin' from the truth!

Avast ye scurvy cheat maker EngineOwning, ye be walkin' the plank with a hefty $14.5 million bounty on yer head!

Arrr mateys, this be like the second round of cannonballs flyin' between Activision and EngineOwning! Methinks they be battlin' harder than two scallywags fightin' over the last piece of pirate's gold in Tortuga! Aye, mayhaps they should settle it with a good ol' fashioned duel on the high seas!

Arrr mateys! After 20 year on the seven seas, no adaptation of Justice League be finer than Timm's TV treasure!

Arrr mateys! The animated series Justice League be the finest adaptation of DC's super-team to ever grace the seven seas! Aye, the adventures be grand, the heroes be mighty, and the villains be scurvy dogs indeed! Hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for justice!

May 28, 2024

Arrr, the Cap'n of New Helldivers 2 studio be promisin' grand loot for ye landlubbers! We be doomed!

Arrr, me hearties! Our grand mission as a studio be to arrange things in a manner that be lasting and fruitful, so we may create a bounty o' treasures for years to come. More loot and finer plunder be our goal! Aye!

Avast ye mateys! Andrew Scott be settin' sail with Daniel Craig in the next Knives Out adventure. Arrr!

Avast ye matey! Scott be joinin' Josh O'Connor and Cailee Spaeny as the newest scallywags of the popular mystery franchise. Aye, the crew be growin' stronger by the day, ready to set sail on their next adventure. Arrr!

Arr, 'tis said that The Witcher 4 be havin' over 400 scallywags aboard, but production's not even begun!

Arr! We be settin' sail fer the production phase come the latter half o' the year, me hearties! Get yer cannons ready and hoist the sails, fer we be makin' progress on our grand quest! Aye, 'tis true, me mateys!

Arrr matey, news be afloat o' X-Men '97 season 2. Aye, be ready for swashbucklin' adventures!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The good ship X-Men '97 be settin' sail on a new adventure in season 2! Find out all ye need to know about the plot, release date, cast, and more in this animated Marvel series! Aye, it be a treasure worth keepin' an eye on!

Avast ye scallywags! Need help with the Fortnite Wastelander Challenges? Look no further, we be settin' sail! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Brave the Wastelander Challenges in Fortnite by seekin' out the Beacons for extra XP, but beware the difficulty modifier that be loomin' over ye like a cursed ghost ship! Set sail and earn yer booty, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr, the lass from Bly Manor be speakin' highly of Pedro Pascal for the role of Reed in Fantastic Four! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Me heart be set on seein' Rahul Kohli playin' the lead role. Aye, the lad be a fine choice for this venture, mark me words! Me shipmates be cheerin' for him to take the helm, arrr!

Arrr, mateys, believe ye me, the tale of Lego Legend of Zelda be as true as me parrot's squawk!

Arrr mateys, set yer sights on the new Lego Legend of Zelda Great Deku Tree set! This be a treasure worth plundering, with 2-in-1 buildin' to keep ye entertained on the high seas. Yarrr, aye, it be a fine addition to any pirate's booty!

Arr matey, Marvel be mixin' manga with Venom for the wee ones in Kid Venom series. Arrr!

Arrr, we be gettin' a gander at the maiden voyage of this new series. 'Tis like catchin' a glimpse of treasure afore the rest of the scallywags! Let's see if it be worth the plunderin'!

Arrr! Xbox be spillin' the beans! Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 be comin' to Xbox Game Pass on day one! Aye matey!

Avast ye scallywags! A proclamation be in store for the morrow's light. Be ready to lend yer ears to the cap'n's words, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones' locker afore ye know it! Aye, 'tis true, me hearties.

Yarrr, me hearties! The scurvy Doctor Who scallywag be keepin' the answer to the 73 yards mystery a secret!

Avast ye scurvy knaves, hold your tongues! No squawkin' like a parrot or I'll make ye walk the plank faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!" So zip yer lips and listen to yer captain, or ye'll feel the sting of the cat o' nine tails! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs, Lady Gaga be hintin' at playin' a role as Harley Quinn in Joker 2, a true spectacle!

Arr matey, word on the high seas be that Gaga's rendition of the Harley be a sight to behold. 'Tis said to be as fresh as a morning breeze and as wild as a storm at sea. Yarrr, I cannae wait to see it meself!

Arrr! The new game from Genshin Impact be sailin' away from Elden Ring like a scurvy dog fleein' a fight!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars - Zenless Zone Zero be settin' sail fer PC, PlayStation, and mobile in a mere five weeks time! Prepare to embark on a jolly adventure like never before, savvy? Aye, the countdown begins!

May 27, 2024

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags at Hello Games be givin' us another peek at Light No Fire in No Man's Sky!

Avast ye mateys, mark ye calendars for an appearance at SGF next moon's turn. Me trusty crew shall be there to entertain and plunder the hearts of all who dare cross our path. Fair warning, prepare to be dazzled! Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Hades 2 be makin' a fine jest o' turnin' bugs into features when characters be yeetin' themselves into the abyss!

Arrr, Nemesis be a feisty lass, sailin' where she pleases! No map nor compass can tame that wild spirit. She be a true buccaneer, fearin' no man nor beast. Sail on, ye fierce beauty, and let the wind be yer guide!

"Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a handy map fer buildin' yer own ship to roam the high seas! Avast, me mateys!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The finest Rover Spectro be ready to pillage and plunder on the treacherous Wuthering Waves. It be a fearsome vessel that'll strike fear in the hearts of our enemies. Prepare to be boarded and meet yer doom! Arrr!

Arrr matey! The scallywags at Legend of Zelda be tellin' tales of a surprise tool makin' the best ship! Shiver me timbers, who woulda guessed!

Arrr matey, ye see that there pot o' stew? 'Tis like magic how she stays afloat on the fire, swayin' back 'n forth like a ship in a storm. Aye, a finer suspension I've ne'er seen in all me days!

Arrr, the Xenoblade Chronicles record be untouchable, like a treasure buried deep at sea by Nintendo's wrath!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Twas a close call, but we be makin' the shot at the last minute! Aye, 'twas a real buzzer beater, mateys! We be celebratin' our victory with grog and cheers! Aye, we be the champions of the seven seas!

Arrrrr mateys, after a long wait, Dragon Quest 3's grand makeover be showin' its face! More treasure to come! "The legend of Erdrick draws near!"

Arrr mateys! 'Tis been 36 years since this ol' classic set sail, but fear not, for she be makin' her grand return to the high seas! Prepare to set yer eyes on a treasure worth waitin' for, me hearties!

Arrr, the roguelike tale of Prince o' Persia had to be altered, as the metroidvania Prince o' Persia be holdin' the iconic weapon!

Arrr, by Blackbeard's beard! Two spin-offs be brewin' in the caldron o' Persia, aye! 'Tis a tale fit for Davy Jones' locker, aye! Mayhaps one be treasure, t'other a scurvy sea dog. Fair winds and followin' seas to ye, matey!

Arr matey! The Rogue Prince o' Persia be a roguelike with a lack o' new tricks, but the fightin' be fine!

Arrr mateys, The Rogue Prince of Persia be a game with not many new tricks, but the swashbucklin' combat be as smooth as silk. It be like a fancy pirate ship with a leaky hull - still floats, but needs some patchin' up! Aye, me hearties!

May 26, 2024

Arrr! Helldivers 2 crew be fixin' to thwart scallywag lobby leaders who be givin' the boot to rightful treasure claimers!

Arrr, me hearties, brace yerselves for the impending doom that be approachin'! The storm be brewin' on the horizon, ready to unleash its fury upon us poor souls. Gather 'round and batten down the hatches, for it's comin' fer us all! Aye, it be comin'!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags of Helldivers 2 have bested the Automatons on Varylia 5 to claim the Emancipator Exosuit!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a fine new plaything for the landlubbers! Let the scallywags have their fun with this shiny trinket. But beware, it be no match for the mighty cutlass or cannon in a real battle. Aye, 'tis but a mere distraction for the bilge rats!

Arr me hearties, been craftin' PCs fer ten years, these Newegg treasures be makin' me plunderin' hand itchy!

Arrr, me hearties! The Memorial Day Newegg treasure be ready for the takin'! Load up yer ship with the finest CPU, RAM, SSD, and components to give yer gaming rig a swashbucklin' upgrade, all for a fair price. Set sail and plunder the deals while ye can!

Arrr! 9 years hence, me hearties creatin' me favorite game be ravin' 'bout Zelda's new twist on sandboxin'!

Arrr, aye matey! 'Twas a jolly good time to spy the likenesses betwixt Tears of the Kingdom and Besiege. 'Twas like findin' buried treasure in the same chest! Yarrr, 'twas a merry discovery indeed!

Yearnin' for some physical sport? I sate mine old cartridge lust with this handheld contraption! Arrr!

Arr matey! Had enough of them blasted downloads? Ye should consider grabbin' a Super Pocket! This here handheld uses cartridges to keep ye offline and sail the seas of entertainment. Aye, no need to worry 'bout the dreaded downloads no more!

May 25, 2024

Arr matey, I've plundered the Memorial Day treasure for the finest Lego loot. These be the booty I must snatch!

Arrr, I've plundered through all of Memorial Day's Lego sales to unearth the finest treasures - these be the booty ye must not miss this weekend, me hearties! Set sail for savings, savvy shoppers!

Arrr, me hearties! The shiny new LG OLED C4 be on sale for Memorial Day. Avast ye savings!

Arrr, me hearties! The LG OLED C4 be the latest treasure in the company's loot, but there be a new plank in town already marked down for the Memorial Day plunder! Aye, set sail for savings on this shiny new booty!

The scribe of Baldur's Gate 3 hath proclaimed his delight in a sneaky line: "We be onto ye, ye scallywag!"

Arrr, by Blackbeard's beard! The scallywags be talkin' about it far 'n wide! Minthara be the finest lass on the seven seas, a treasure worth more than gold doubloons! Ye'd be a fool not to set sail with her by yer side, mateys!

Arrr, Google's AI be spillin' the beans on Pokemon's LGBT secrets - Bulbasaur be a "plant-loving queer," Mewtwo a "cultured gay," and more! Aye!

Arrr, be that a cannon, matey? 'Tis a mighty fine piece o' artillery! I reckon we be ready to blast them scurvy dogs out o' the water! Avast, me hearties, prepare to fire!

Arr ye hear? Developer of Animal Well be sayin' "I did naught clever" after creatin' wee game on PS5!

Yarrr, me hearties! This here Animal Well be but a speck o' land on the vast seas o' me ship. 'Tis so small, ye could mistake it for a gnat on a kraken's tentacle. Aye, 'tis a wee well indeed!

Arr matey, this fine seat be worth plunderin' when the price be lowered, and now 'tis time to strike!

Arr matey, the Corsair TC100 Relaxed be a treasure worth more than gold doubloons, even at full price. When its price be lowered, 'tis a steal ye can't pass up. I'd recommend this gaming throne to any scurvy dog lookin' for comfort on the high seas.

The cap'n of The Last of Us be defendin' his honor from the scallywags who misunderstood his words. Aye, tis a shame.

Arrr, methinks Neil Druckmann be talkin' a load o' bilge! His words be as crooked as a scallywag's peg leg after a night o' rum drinkin'. Let's hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the truth, me hearties!

May 24, 2024

Ye scurvy dogs of Helldivers 2, ye be needin' a PSA on planets with boosts that vanish like a ship in a storm! Aye!

Arrr me hearties! The scurvy dogs at Helldivers be givin' boosts to all planets, but only if Super Earth be holdin' the reins! Set sail and plunder them there bases to claim yer share o' the booty! Aye, 'tis a jolly good time to be a pirate!

Arrr mateys! This new ARPG be fixin' its wobbly start by makin' cutscenes skippable and offerin' a prized 5-star character!

Arrr, me hearties! Wuthering Waves be plannin' to make all of their yarns skip-worthy in due time. No need to suffer through any dull tale, ye can just sail straight to the booty! Fair play to 'em, I say!

Arrr! The Green Goblin be back to cause trouble for Spider-Man! Spidey better watch out, mateys!

Avast ye mateys! Methinks Peter Parker be in a right pickle! The odds be stacked against him like a mountain of gold. Brace yerselves for a wild ride on the high seas of danger and despair, arrr!

Arrr, the 32 finest films that scallywags despised (but the critics adored), mateys! Avast ye doubters!

Arrr, them critics be tossin' roses at these flicks, but the crowd be hurlin' rotten tomatoes! Seems like the scurvy dogs in the theater be havin' a different opinion than them fancy-pants reviewers. Harrr!

Arrr, mateys! The new Bear season 3 trailer be showin' that no matter what, some things be stayin' the same!

Avast ye scallywags! The bellowing shall commence on the 27th day of June! Make ready yer earplugs, for the cacophony shall be as grand as a rogue wave crashing upon a ship's deck. Aye, 'tis a merry time indeed! Arrrgh!

Avast ye landlubbers! Take 20% off Dune: War for Arrakis in the early Memorial Day sales, arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The grand adventure of Dune: War for Arrakis be on sale for a mere 20% off in the early Memorial Day plunderin'! Ready yer crew and set sail for the ultimate battle on the high seas of strategy! Arrr!

Arr, this scallywag be sailin' through Baldur's Gate 3 without ever leavin' the lower city - aye, it be a D&D miracle!

Arrr matey! Act 3 be nothin' but a pitiful excuse for XP grindin'! Me booty be in need of some real adventure, not this tedious tomfoolery. Give me treasure and epic battles, not this drivel! Aye, me hearties, we be settin' sail for plunder and glory!

Arrr, me mateys! Learn how to plunder Fortnite Medallions and unlock their booty for yer crew's advantage!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set sail for the Wasteland Warriors in Chapter 5 Season 3 to grab their Fortnite Medallions and boost yer skills on the high seas. A fine booty awaits ye, me hearties! Aye, tis worth the plunderin'!

Arrr, 10 years later, swashbucklers be hailin' this lost Marvel flick as one o' the greatest superhero tales ever told!

Arrr me hearties! 10 years hence, this forgotten marvel be hailed as a treasure of the seven seas, a masterpiece of heroics! Avast ye landlubbers, set sail for adventure and witness the legend unfold on the silver screen! Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin' for ages to come!

May 23, 2024

Arrr! August 2024 be full o' treasures from Marvel: Spider-Man, Deadpool, X-Men, and more grace the covers! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! The treasure trove of Marvel's August 2024 solicitations hath been unveiled! Avast ye, and feast yer eyes upon the booty of new comics and adventures awaitin' ye on the horizon! Aye, 'tis a fine haul indeed!

Arrr, after 40 years, the video game skirmish meets its final blow in the great console clash of the seas!

Arrr, the battle o' the consoles be a never-endin' skirmish, it seems! Like a pair o' scallywags fightin' over the last bottle o' rum in the tavern. But fear not, me hearties, for we pirates shall sail the seas with our trusty consoles by our side!

Ye best be huntin' or ye'll be hunted in Sneak Out, a ghostly game of hide and seek for six scallywags!

Join forces with yer mates, unleash yer powers, and outwit the scurvy hunters in this mad scramble for survival on the high seas. Arrr! May the wind be at yer back and the rum flow freely as ye make yer daring escape!

Arrr, mateys! Steven Spielberg be settin' sail for a new movie in 2026 with his old scallywag screenwriter!

Arr matey, this moving picture be a grand spectacle of the finest quality, a true original creation! Set yer eyes on this cinematic treasure, aye, an event that shall shiver thy timbers and delight yer senses! Set sail for adventure on the silver screen!

Avast ye mateys! Discover the secrets to unlockin' all Wuthering Waves booty with these here codes! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Be on the lookout fer them active Wuthering Waves redemption codes come May in the year of our Lord 2024. Aye, ye best be quick to claim yer loot before they be gone like a ship in the night! Arrr!

The scallywag former Pokemon champ be callin' the Gen 2 beastie the worst starter, like a cursed punishment from the game developers! Arrr!

Arrr, this Meganium be as useless as a sunken treasure chest! Its stats be lower than a landlubber's morale after a night o' grog. In battle, 'tis like fightin' with a parrot on yer shoulder - all squawk, no bite! Aye, be better off walkin' the plank!

Arrr, in the latest Beetlejuice 2 teaser, Jenna Ortega summons Michael Keaton and a beloved monster be returnin'!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis time for the grand spectacle to commence! Prepare yerselves for a rollicking good time, filled with merriment and mayhem! Let the show begin, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties be sayin' "Nay to this bargain Geralt, we'll stick to the original Witcher, aye!"

Arr matey, word on the high seas be that The Witcher season 4 be in the midst of filming! Ye better sharpen yer cutlasses and prepare for some swashbuckling adventures with Geralt and his crew. Yo ho ho, a pirate's life for me!

Yarrr, me trusty power bank keeps me Steam Deck afloat on long voyages. Now on sale for Memorial Day, arrr!

Arrr mateys! The Baseus 20,000mAh Power Bank be on sale for Memorial Day! 'Tis a steal at 20% off, and be a handy companion for yer Steam Deck adventures on the high seas. Aye, 'tis a must-have for all ye salty dogs out there!

Arrr! Chris Pratt be likenin' the new Garfield flick to a rollickin' Mission: Impossible adventure on the high seas!

Arrr! The scallywag star spills the beans on how Garfield be raisin' the stakes with his pilferin' shenanigans in the latest flick, straight from the pages of the funny papers. Aye, me hearties, buckle up for a wild ride on the high seas o' cinema!

Arrr, mateys! The Witcher 3's modding be as vast as the seven seas! Cyberpunk 2077 devs be former modders, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! REDkit be a magical tool that allows ye scurvy dogs to craft grand tales and treasures fit for a pirate king! Venture forth and create thy own adventures on the high seas, savvy? Yarrr!

Yarrr, Miyazaki be keepin' mum 'bout Erdtree's length, so them DLC theorists be relyin' on a 30-song clue!

Arrr, the goodly Director Miyazaki be sayin' that the map of Shadow of the Erdtree be "probably" grander than Limgrave. But I be wonderin', does that mean it be playin' a longer shanty or just more jolly tunes for us scurvy dogs to plunder by? Aharrr!

May 22, 2024

Arrr! After 80 years at sea, Archie be settlin' down with one lass. Will it be Betty or Veronica, ye reckon?

Archie be a scallywag of the highest order, ye see. He be so afraid of the wrath of Betty and Veronica that he be willing to embrace the sweet embrace of Davy Jones himself just to escape the dilemma! Arrr, what a sorry excuse for a pirate he be!

"Arrr! Survived 28 days, 23 hours, and 30 minutes on the Nintendo 3DS servers. Farewell, Pokemon era!"

Arrr, the lass Amanda, a Pokemon enthusiast, be wishin' for the return of her beloved game in some shape or form. Mayhaps one day, she'll be able to catch 'em all once more! Yo ho ho!

Ahoy mateys! Ultraman be teamin' up with the Avengers to find Spider-Man in a grand adventure on the high seas!

Arr mateys, prepare ye selves for a clash of titans as the worlds of Ultraman and the Avengers collide in a historic crossover this summer! Brace yer sails and hold on tight as ye witness this legendary battle of epic proportions on the high seas! Arrr!

Arr matey! 'Tis true, Super Mario 64 hath been conquered sans the A button after 28 years! 86 hours, ye say? Shiver me timbers!

Arr matey, ye scurvy dogs be knowin' that the jump-less Super Mario 64 A Button Challenge be goin' strong for over two decades now! Avast ye landlubbers, it be a true test o' skill and patience on the high seas of gaming! Arrr!

The finest XDefiant armaments yet seen, and the secrets to acquire them, me hearties! Aye, prepare for plunder!

Avast ye scallywags! We be reckonin' these be the finest cutlasses and pistols in all of XDefiant for yer loadouts. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail with the mightiest armaments to shiver them timbers! Arrrgh!

Me ship be plagued by cursed error codes and server woes. Avast ye tech support, be thee of any help?

Arr mateys! The XDefiant be throwin' error codes left and right, causin' a right ol' ruckus on the high seas! Methinks the server be actin' like a scallywag with a splinter in his peg leg. Avast ye, here be the latest news on the matter! Aye aye!

Arrr matey! Me heart be a-flutter with excitement fer this Metroidvania, full o' customizin' fer anime lasses in dungeon crawls!

Yarrr, me hearties! Abyss X Zero be showin' off its swashbucklin' array o' dress up tools, fit fer even the most discernin' pirate lads an' lasses. Ye can be sure to find all ye be needin' to look yer finest on the high seas! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs must know how to disable the cursed crossplay on thine game! Aye, X marks the spot!

Arrr matey, XDefiant be a game that be crossin' platforms by nature, but fear not, ye can disable it if ye so choose. Aye, tis a feature worth celebratin', for those who be wantin' a more traditional gaming experience. Ye have the power to choose, me hearties!

Arrr, the captain of Baldur's Gate 3 wouldn't scuttle the ship for doubloons, even as the crew feared we'd sink!

Arrr, Larian had to be bendin' the ol' development pipelines like a ship in a storm! Forced they were, to make a change in course. Ahoy matey, the winds be a-changin' in the land of game makin'!

Avast ye mateys! Crack the Hellblade 2 bridge puzzle by decipherin' three ancient runes like a scallywag scholar! Arrr!

Arr mateys, to traverse the cursed village in Hellblade 2, ye must crack the bridge riddle with three ancient symbols. Beware, for failure means ye be stuck in purgatory forever! Arrr, may the winds of fortune be in yer favor, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! This Elden Ring scallywag be dealin' 450,000 damage with but a single blow, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Miséricorde be the trusty blade o' choice fer any scallywag worth 'is salt. Aye, ye best be thinkin' twice 'fore crossin' paths with a pirate armed with such a deadly weapon! Yarrrr!

Arrr, Hugh Jackman be returnin' as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, swearin' to it before tellin' his agent! A true pirate, mateys!

Arr matey, Hugh Jackman be chattin' 'bout returnin' as Wolverine! Avast ye landlubbers, the claws be comin' back to the silver screen! Yo ho ho, grab yer popcorn and buckle up for another swashbucklin' adventure with the ol' adamantium pirate! Arrrrr!

May 21, 2024

Arrr! Behold the new She-Hulk and Sinister Six in Marvel's August Ultimate Universe treasures, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Marvel be showin' off its August plunder with tales of Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Black Panther, Ultimate X-Men, and the mighty Ultimates! Prepare to set sail on a grand adventure through the seven seas of comic book goodness! Argh!

Just as I be finishin' me beloved strategy RPG, the Japanese behemoth Vanillaware be seekin' crew for a swashbucklin' new action adventure! Arrr!

Ye be playin' the sweetest tune to me eardrums, matey! 'Tis like the sound of a siren callin' me to the high seas. Keep it up, and ye may just earn yerself a spot on me crew! Argh!

"Arrr! Manor Lords dev hath saved us from the sheep invasion, mateys! No more woolly mutiny in the villages!"

Arr matey, the scurvy city builder's sheep be droppin' new calves slower than a tortoise in quicksand! 'Tis a cruel fate to be limited to just one wee calf every 10 days. Mayhaps he should set sail for greener pastures, aye? Aye!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Bill Skarsgård be sportin' a sword in the Crow reboot. Aye, controversy abound!

Arrr, me hearties! Yonder film be makin' its grand debut in the month o' August upon the silver screens! So mark yer calendars and prepare to be entertained, for a swashbucklin' adventure be awaitin' ye! Aye, 'tis true! A pirate's life for me!

"Aye, this Dev be tickled pink by Factorio and Satisfactory, but mark my words, Arknights: Endfield be a whole new beast!"

Arrr matey! Interview with Endfield reveals Arknights be a true base builder RPG worth pillagin'! Set sail for epic adventures and plunderin' in this swashbucklin' game, me hearties! Aye, me hook be itchin' to give it a try!

Arrr! The scallywags at Marvel be tryin' to copy Overwatch, but them Doctor Strange folks be cheesin' for an easy win!

Arrr me hearties! Be they playin' the game of Marvel Rivals or the mystical Portal 3? I be needin' to know so I can join in on the fun and show 'em who be the true master of the high seas! Aye, me treasure be awaitin'!

Arrr, be Hellblade 2 sailin' on the treacherous seas of PS5? Aye matey, let's set sail and plunder!

Arrr matey, ye be speakin' of the devil's blade, Hellblade, makin' its way to the PS5 like a thief in the night? Aye, 'tis a curious thought, like a pirate tryin' to navigate a landlubber's ship. Let's raise a tankard and see where the winds blow!

Arr matey, to conquer the Diablo 4 Shifting City dungeon ye must be as cunning as a sea dog!

Arr matey! If ye be wantin' to plunder the Shifting City dungeon in Diablo 4, ye must first lay waste to The Ruins of Qara-Yisu fortress in Dry Steppes. Prepare yer crew and sharpen yer cutlasses, for a grand adventure awaits! Aye, yo-ho-ho!

"Arrr, Wade Wilson be talkin' 'bout makin' a grand mess in Marvel's latest tale, Deadpool 3. Aye matey!"

Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' that Deadpool & Wolverine have their tale told, but 'tis a tricky one to decipher! T'is a synopsis of sorts, but like tryin' to catch a slipperly eel in yer bare hands. Keep yer eye on the horizon, me hearties!

Arrr! The Kingdom Hearts scallywag waited 3 years on the Epic seas, only to be hornswoggled 5 days before Steam's treasure was revealed!

Arrr! Me leg be stingin' like a thousand angry hornets! Methinks I be needin' a potion of rum to soothe this pain, mateys. Or perhaps a gentle kiss from a fair maiden. Aye, that be the ticket!

Arrr! Crack ye ancient code in Hellblade 2 to lift the spell and pass the cursed barrier, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis a blasted rock gap, guarded by mystical runes in Hellblade 2. Aye, ye must solve this devilish puzzle to progress, or be left to rot in Davy Jones' locker! Yarrr, may the winds of fortune be in yer favor, ye scurvy dogs!

Me thinks this BenQ ideaCam S1 Pro be a fine treasure, but who be da fool to spend doubloons on it? Arrr!

Arr, the BenQ ideaCam S1 Pro be a fine spyglass with peculiar powers that be unlike any other. Yet, we be scratching our heads wonderin' who be needin' such wizardry. Aye, 'tis a mystery fit for Davy Jones himself!

May 20, 2024

"Arrr, Superman be me top matey! The cap'n of me heart and the scribbler of his tales be me pleasure."

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Josie Campbell be spillin' the beans on 'er adventures with Superman in the comic that be fillin' the gap betwixt the first and second seasons. Set sail for a jolly good read, me maties! Aye, aye, Captain Campbell!

Arrr matey, the Sims 4 be playin' hard to get like a wily wench on a stormy night! No new date in sight!

Arrr, those scurvy dogs at Life by You be holdin' back on givin' us a new date, afraid they can't deliver on time. A pox on their ship if they don't set sail soon, or I'll make 'em walk the plank!

Arrr, the scallywag behind Elder Scrolls Online claims to be the most prolific AAA game studio! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, these treasures be of a caliber ye won't find bein' tossed about on any ole ship! 'Tis a rare gem, aye, fit fer a captain of great discernment and taste. Set sail fer the finest booty in all the seven seas!

"The young buck, Jeremy Strong, be plunderin' the limelight in this rollickin' tale of Trump's misadventures. Aye, mateys!"

Arrr mateys! The young buck Jeremy Strong be plunderin' the seas in this tale of the infamous Trump. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for this scallywag as he be stealin' the show in this here Apprentice review! Aye, a mighty fine watch indeed!

Arrr! The Sandman season 2 be unveilin' new faces for a devilish family reunion. Aye, it be a scurvy crew indeed!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys, all hands on deck! 'Tis a grand sight to behold as the seven Endless have now graced us with their presence. Let's raise a grog and toast to their arrival, for we be truly blessed with their company. Aye, the seas be a bit more lively with 'em around!

Arrr matey! Be this Elite Series 2 contraption still worth its weight in gold come 2024? Aye or nay?

Arrr, me hearties! The Elite Series 2 controller be a treasure worth plunderin' even five moons later. 'Tis still a fine choice for any scallywag lookin' to dominate the high seas of gaming. Yarrr, set sail and seize one for yerself!

Avast ye mateys! This fine anime be scalin' the Netflix charts with a perfect score from Rotten Tomatoes. Arrr!

Yarrr! 'Tis be a tale of One-Punch Man, a scallywag feared by all who dare cross his path. The rumour be that he can knock ye out with just one blow! Beware, ye landlubbers, for he be a force to be reckoned with in the ring!

"Arrr mateys, 25 years hence, Star Wars be givin' us a glimpse o' The Phantom Menace, makin' our timbers shiver!"

Arrr, me hearties, let the memories of days gone by wash over ye like a tidal wave of rum and treasure! Embrace the sweet nostalgia of past adventures and may it fill yer sails with joy and laughter, me mateys! Aye, let the good times come back to ye like a plundered chest of gold.

Arr, the new fright flick be settin' sail with a score fit for a pirate's treasure, aye! A must-see for ye twisted scallywags!

Arr mateys, the word on the high seas be that The Substance be garnerin' rave reviews like a treasure chest full o' gold! 'Tis a film that be makin' waves and raisin' spirits like a mug o' rum on a stormy night. Aye, 'tis a jolly good time!

Arrr! The scallywags at Baldur's Gate 3 be settin' sail for two grand RPG adventures on Witcher lands!

Yarrr, me mateys! Larian be sailin' towards the land o' Warsaw, on a quest for booty and grog! Avast, me hearties, prepare to pillage and plunder in the name o' adventure! Let's set sail and conquer the high seas, arrr!

Arr, this Shure MV7+ be a fine piece o' loot for yer podcasts, makin' yer voice smooth as grog!

Arrr, me hearties! The new Shure MV7+ be a treasure worth its weight in gold! 'Tis a fine dual-connection mic, though ye may encounter a scallywag or two on yer journey. Set sail with this beauty and ye'll be the envy of all content creators on the high seas!

Arr matey, Demi Moore be walkin' the plank with an outstanding performance in this outrageous horror tale! Aye!

Arrr mateys! The wench Demi Moore be givin' a performance fit for a pirate's tale in this outrageous horror yarn. 'Tis a treasure worth plunderin' for sure! Give it a watch and ye won't be disappointed, says this salty sea dog. Aye, 'tis a must-see arrr!

May 19, 2024

"Me hearties! Set sail with Kevin Costner on an epic adventure into the wild West in "Horizon: An American Saga." Aye, grab yer popcorn, ye won't be disappointed!"

"Aye mateys! Thar be a grand tale unfoldin' in Horizon: An American Saga! Kevin Costner be takin' us on a wild ride through the Old West. Avast ye landlubbers, prepare to be entertained like never before!"

Arrr mateys! Ghost of Tsushima be the mightiest plunder on PC, besting God of War and Spider-Man, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Helldivers 2 be the grandest treasure in the publisher's chest! 'Tis the jewel in their crown, the ship that sails above all others on the platform. Ye'd be a scurvy dog to miss out on this booty! Aye, me mateys!

Arrr, after 35 years, the daft squabble over the NES treasure be put to rest by the cap'n himself!

Arrr, 'tis like the swashbucklin' sounds of Led Zeppelin be playin' on the high seas once more! Me hearties be rockin' like never before, drinkin' rum and dancin' like scallywags. 'Tis a grand ol' time indeed!

Arrr, Emilia Pérez be praisin' this miraculous film that be takin' the musical to new and surprisin' depths!

Arrr mateys, Emilia Pérez be ravin' 'bout a miraculous moving picture that be turnin' the musical on its head with fascinatin' and surprisin' twists! Set yer eyes on this treasure, me hearties, and prepare to be entertained like never before! Aye!

Avast ye! This be a game o' plunderin' and pillagin' like Terraria and FTL. The early reviews be shiny as gold!

Arrr, me hearties! Seablip hath set sail in early access with rave reviews and a bounty of treasures to plunder! Avast ye landlubbers and join the crew for a jolly good time on the high seas!

Arrr! Jodie Comer be talkin' 'bout an "emotional" script for 28 Years Later sequel, workin' with Danny Boyle! Exciting times ahead!

Arr, ye landlubbers! The Bikeriders star be chattin' 'bout her first gander at 28 Days Later. 'Twas a frightful sight, she says! Aye, she be tellin' tales o' zombies runnin' amok like scallywags on a rum binge. A harrowing tale indeed! Arrr!

Arrr, Peter Jackson be askin' Richard Armitage if he be in need of some loot after spyin' his pilfered sword for sale!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been reported that Richard Armitage almost lost the mighty sword he received from the set of The Hobbit. 'Twas a close call, but fear not, for the swashbuckler hath been reunited with his trusty blade. Aye, crisis averted!

Avast ye mateys! "Free Stars," a follow-up to the 1992 game that inspired Mass Effect, be 600% funded on Kickstarter!

Avast mateys! The scallywags at Children of Infinity be raisin' o'er $680,000 pieces o' eight for their Free Stars cause. 'Tis a treasure worth fightin' for, so grab yer cutlasses and join the crew on this epic adventure! Arrr!

May 18, 2024

Arrr, two fine JRPGs be makin' waves on Kickstarter! One be over 750% funded, the other be fully funded in less than 48 hours. Huzzah!

Arrr mateys! Runa and Alzara be rakin' in the doubloons with their crowdfundin' campaigns! Thar be more gold in their treasure chests than a pirate can count! Let's raise a tankard of grog to their success, yo ho ho!

Arrr! After 20 years ashore, a seasoned Morrowind mate be returnin' to bend the game to his whims once more!

Yarr matey, I be circlin' back 'round after two score decades on the high seas! Me ship be battered, me crew be weary, but we be back for more adventure and plunder. Set sail with us or ye be missin' out on the fun! Arrr!

"Arrr, after 50 long hours, one swashbucklin' gamer be buildin' a city so grand 'tis breakin' the game! Aye!"

Avast ye! This game be as grand as a whale's belly! Methinks we've reached the peak of our pirating adventures. But fear not, me hearties, for there be plenty more treasures to plunder on the horizon! Onward we sail! Aye, aye!

Arrr, Austin Butler be spillin' the beans on new film from Hereditary scallywag, stirrin' up a right good frenzy!

Arrr mateys! The Bikeriders star be spillin' the beans on the whispers o' Heat 2 and the next flick from Ari Aster. Hold on to yer peg legs and eye patches, it be a wild ride ahead!

Arr matey, this Miyazaki fella be keepin' all the tales locked in his noggin, like a treasure map!

Aye, there be a right mess of item descriptions a-bangin' around in me noggin! Methinks I be needin' a good swig o' grog to clear the clutter and make sense o' it all. Arrr!

Arrr! The scallywag in House of the Dragon be more treacherous than any seen in Game of Thrones land!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be wantin' to know what be happenin' to Aemond in the next season o' House of the Dragon, do ye? Well, Ewan Mitchell be givin' us a taste o' what be comin'! Prepare to set sail on a wild adventure, me mateys!

Me mateys, this flick be as empty as a plundered treasure chest. 'Tis a real head scratcher fer sure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The film "Kinds of Kindness" be as empty as a plundered treasure chest. Yorgos Lanthimos be playin' tricks on us poor souls, makin' us question our very existence. Beware, ye who enter this cinematic maze! Aye, it be a test of endurance, indeed.

May 17, 2024

Arr matey! 'Tis Doctor Who's new matey in Boom - but the surprise guest be leavin' us with many a query!

Arrr, blow me down! Varada Sethu be makin' an unexpected entrance, like a scurvy dog jumpin' outta the rum barrel! Shiver me timbers, what a jolly good show! Ye can bet yer doubloons we be in for a wild ride!

Ahoy me hearties! The scallywag Jake Solomon be sayin' he don't play XCOM-likes, but "Into the Breach be incredible" arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Into the Breach be the only game akin to XCOM that Solomon hath ever dared to lay his hands upon. 'Tis a battle of epic proportions that doth test his cunning and skill on the high seas of gaming!"

Arrr, every web-spinner be joinin' forces for the grand finale of the Spider-Verse adventure, matey! Aarrr!

Arrr mateys, the Spider-Society be gatherin' all them Spider-Men from far and wide for a grand ol' escapade across the Multiverse. 'Tis sure to be a jolly good time filled with swashbucklin' and web-slingin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Chris Claremont be rallyin' a crew o' scallywags 'n' wenches to honor Iron Fist's golden anniversary!

Arr mateys, Iron Fist, me hearties, made his grand entrance in the fateful year of 1974, and now, by Davy Jones' locker, Marvel be hoisting the Jolly Roger to mark his 50th year on the seven seas! Aye, 'tis a fine celebration indeed! Arrrr!

Arrr, Stephen King be hailing this new horror flick as the darkest he's ever laid eyes on, mateys be in accord!

Avast ye scallywags! The Coffee Table be streaming on Prime Video! Get yer grog ready and set sail for a jolly good time with this fine entertainment. It be a treasure worth plundering, so gather yer crew and prepare for an adventure unlike any other! Arrrr!

Yarrr! After 22 years plunderin' at Rockstar, the scallywag be settin' sail for near-future adventures in his new game!

Arr matey! 'Tis said that a grander treasure than even Blackbeard's hoard be awaitin' in Dan Houser's latest venture, A Better Paradise. 'Tis a game fit for a scurvy dog like meself, with plunder aplenty and adventures galore! Aye, let the pillagin' begin!

Arrr mateys! Avast ye! The Asus ROG Ally be on sale this Prime Day! Prepare to plunder some savings!

Arrr, me hearties! We be scoping out the booty for Prime Day 2024 - expect plunderous deals on the Asus ROG Ally, from the scurvy cheapest model to the Ryzen Z1 Extreme version. Prepare to fill yer coffers with treasure!

Arrr, feast ye eyes on the 7 finest moving pictures and entertainments to stream this weekend, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set sail on a grand adventure this weekend with tales of Regency romance and sci-fi Westerns! Grab yer popcorn and buckle up for a wild ride through the seven seas of entertainment! Arrr!

Avast ye, learn the secrets of the Profane Mindcage in Diablo 4 and plunder its treasures! Arrr!

Arrr matey! Ye be needin' the Profane Mindcage elixir in Diablo 4 to plunder more Aberrant Cinders durin' Helltide events. It be a sure way to fill yer treasure chest with loot fit for a scallywag of yer caliber! Aye, set sail and claim yer bounty!

Arrr! DC hath unveiled its treasure trove of August 2024 comics, with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and scallywags aplenty!

Ahoy mateys! The DC August 2024 solicitations have been revealed, so grab yer spyglass and take a gander at what treasures lie ahead in the comic book seas. Arrr, it be a bounty fit for the finest scallywags and landlubbers alike! Hoist the sails and prepare for adventure!

May 16, 2024

Arrr, Rob Liefeld be swearin' he's leavin' Deadpool behind, but not 'fore makin' him meet some mighty odd Marvel mates.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fancy seein' Rob Liefeld put his pen to paper for Crystar, the Crystal Warrior? Aye, 'tis a sight to behold! Set sail for adventure and witness this spectacle with yer own two eyes! Arrr!

Ye scallywags be stakin' out Big Sippin's virtual estate in Final Fantasy 14 for a taste o' the Dew! Arrr!

Avast ye, me hearties! How much longer must I bide me time for the scallywag they call Big Sippin' to make an appearance? Methinks I shall grow a mighty long beard afore he shows his face! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs, mark me words! A grand reveal be comin' in June for a treasure of a game franchise! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks 2K be brewin' a grand concoction fit for the mightiest of pirates. Aye, 'tis a treasure chest of wonders they be preparin'! Let us raise a tankard and set sail for adventure, me mateys!

Arr matey, a salty sea dog spent 4,000 hours crafting a rogue-like MMO, plundering sales faster than a cannonball on Steam!

Arrr mateys! Rabbit and Steel hath struck gold once more with their latest roguelike plunder for May. 'Tis a jolly good time sailin' the digital seas with this treasure in hand. Hoist the sails and prepare for an adventure like no other!

Arrr, hear ye the tale of how Lego and Wizards o' the Coast brought the Red Dragon's Tale to life!

Arr mateys, the crafty designers be spillin' the beans on how they created the monstrous Lego D&D set. 'Twas a sight to behold, with many a long night and grog-fueled brainstormin' session. Ye best be prepared to walk the plank if ye dare miss out on this tale!

Avast ye scallywags! Seek out the Diablo 4 Helltide events and learn their secrets like a true buccaneer! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! The Helltide in Diablo 4 be takin' a turn for the Loot Reborn season. Best be ready for a plunderin' good time, savvy? Here be what ye need to know, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis time for Jar Jar Binks to redeem himself after 25 years since The Phantom Menace! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks we all should be givin' some love to that scallywag Jar Jar. Despite his quirks and odd ways, he be bringin' a bit of whimsy and laughter to our dreary lives. So let's raise a tankard and cheer for the one and only Jar Jar!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be leakin' more secrets from The Last of Us season 2, mark me words!

Arrr, Ellie and Dina be mountin' their steeds in the port o' Seattle, ready to plunder the streets for treasure and merriment! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on 'em, for they be a duo not to be trifled with, savvy? Aye, mateys!

The Acolyte scallywags claim their show be like no other, yet still be Star Wars to the core, arrr!

Arrr mateys! Avast ye! The Acolyte be a shiny treasure in the Star Wars realm, aye! 'Tis a spectacle like none other, ye scurvy dogs! Set sail for adventure and prepare to be in awe of this grand creation, arrr!

The scallywags at Ubisoft plundered the battle royale for their "other ideas" for the cursed Cancelled Division game!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that the Division Heartland be set to sail back in the year 2021! If ye be lookin' for a grand adventure on the high seas, best be keepin' an eye out for this treasure! Aye!

Arrr, the scallywags behind House of the Dragon be claimin' they didn't choose to shorten the episode count, mateys.

Arrr mateys, the third plunderin' season be in the makin' as we speak! The crew be chartin' their course for new adventures and treasures to be found. Keep a weather eye out for more tales of swashbucklin' and shenanigans ahead!

Avast ye scallywags! This here PS2 shooter Star Wars: The Clone Wars be sailin' to the PS5 through PS Plus emulation! Arrr!

Arrr matey, 'tis the scurvy PSN store that be leakin' like a busted barrel o' grog! Aye, they be the culprit this time, spreadin' their digital plunder far 'n wide. Beware ye landlubbers, for ye personal booty may be at risk! Arrr!

May 15, 2024

Arrr, Assassin's Creed Shadows be havin' a fancy hook fer its ninja to scale heights the samurai could only dream of!

Avast ye scallywags! Naoe be suggestin' a more skyward route to plunderin' and pillagin'! Let's hoist the sails and aim for the heavens, me hearties! Up, up, and away we go, seekin' our treasure in the clouds! Yo ho ho!

Arr, Peter Jackson be sayin' this Gollum movie explores lands we didn't have time for in the original trilogy.

Arrr, 'tis too early to tell who we may encounter on our journey, but rest assured we shall follow the guiding words of Professor Tolkien, savvy? Onward we sail, me hearties!

Arrr! Aye, mateys! A tale be brewin' 'bout a flick with Donnie Yen's Caine, aye! Mark me words!

Arr matey, 'tis the second tale to sail from the legendary seas of Wick's universe. Aye, 'tis a spin-off to behold, filled with adventure and mischief aplenty. Prepare ye self for a swashbuckling good time, me hearties!

Arr mateys, the X-Men's Dazzler be settin' sail on a grand voyage 'cross the world! Aye, 'tis true!

Avast ye! The Dazzler be settin' sail on her own solo voyage this autumn, and she be takin' a jolly band of mutants along for the ride. Brace yerselves for a swashbucklin' adventure like never before! Arrr!

Arrr! Ubisoft be aimin' to reclaim its spot as top dog in the open-world seas, and the cap'n says the ship be sailin' smooth again!

Arrr mateys, this company be all 'bout delvin' into worlds o' adventure, with tales as deep as the ocean! Ye'll be so hooked, ye'll never want to walk the plank back to reality. Set sail for a sea o' imagination! Aye!

"Avast ye, me hearties! Acquire the finest Meta Quest trinkets to enhance yer virtual plunderin' in 2024!"

Avast ye mateys! We be gatherin' the finest Meta Quest trinkets for yer Quest 2 and 3 headpieces. From chargers to headbands, here be our top picks fer plunderin'. Now set sail and acquire these treasures for yer own loot! Arrr!

Arr matey! The Assassin's Creed Shadows map be vast like Egypt, but with mountains so high ye can almost touch 'em!

Avast ye scallywags! Ready yerselves for a treacherous ascent to the heavens! Ye be embarking on a journey to rival all others. Hoist yer sails and grip yer ropes, for we be sailing to the skies! Aye, 'tis time to prepare for a climb, me hearties!

Arrr, X-Men '97 episode 10 be a swashbuckling tale, aye! A fine finish to a season of adventure and turmoil!

Arr mateys! The X-Men ’97 episode be a grand finale to a season filled with adventures and treachery. 'Tis a near-perfect ending that be sure to leave ye heart racing and yer eyes buggin' out like a landlubber findin' buried treasure! Aye, a thrilling tale indeed!

Arrr matey! The Sting be sayin' he be creatin' a new Alien tale with a monstrous spider twist! Aye!

Arr mateys! Kiah Roache-Turner be spillin' the beans to SFX magazine about his inspirations from the likes o' Steven Spielberg, from Duel to Jurassic Park. Aye, 'tis a tale worth hearin' from this scallywag filmmaker!

Avast ye landlubbers! Seek ye guide to Fallout 4 crucible and the elusive Ballistic Fiber? Look no further, mateys!

Arrr mateys, ye be searchin' for the elusive Ballistic Fiber fer the Crucible quest in Fallout 4? Ye best be scroungin' the wasteland like a landlubber lookin' fer treasure, with a keen eye fer scraps and a strong back fer haulin' yer loot back to the ship! Aye, good luck to ye, me hearty!

Arrr, Bandai Namco be havin' a scallywag in their midst! An ex-crewmate swindled a fortune sellin' spyglasses!

Arrr, last year Bandai be takin' on the scallywag in a legal tussle! Aye, they be settlin' their differences like true buccaneers, with a civil proceeding. Mayhaps they be fightin' over a treasure map or a cursed piece o' eight! Aye, the law be a rough sea to sail on, me hearties!

Arrr! The spin-off of WandaVision starring Agatha be settin' sail wit' a release date and a final title. Marvel be playin' tricks on us scallywags!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The studio be showin' off the first trailer o' the witchy sitcom, arrr! Set yer sights on it and prepare to be bewitched, me hearties! Aye, 'tis sure to be a jolly good time, with spells and laughs aplenty! Arrr!

May 14, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Tom King be settin' sail with Batman 'n Jenny Sparks in a tale o' high adventure on th' high seas!

Arrr! The scribe Tom King and the artist Jeff Spokes be settin' sail on a new Black Label adventure, followin' the exploits o' Jenny Sparks from The Authority. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, for this be one tale worth plunderin'!

Arrr mateys! Animal Well be so tiny, ye might mistake it fer a speck o' dust on yer PS5 screen!

Arrr matey! 'Tis but a measly 37% of its Metacritic plunder! 'Tis like finding a chest of gold with only a few measly doubloons inside. A sad sight indeed! Let us set sail for better scores on the high seas of gaming!

Avast ye landlubbers! This Dead by Daylight game be a spookfest like no other, and I be all aboard! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The showing of Frank Stone's first "gameplay trailer" be as grand as a pirate's treasure chest! 'Tis a sight to behold, like a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas. Me eyes be glued to the screen like barnacles on a ship's hull!

Arrr, Epic be walkin' the plank with a fine o' $1.2 million for plunderin' children's purses with microtransactions!

Arrr, the Dutch be in a proper tizzy! Their feathers be ruffled and their knickers be in a twist! Methinks they be as angry as a hornet's nest in a hurricane! Oh, the folly of crossing swords with us scurvy pirates!

Arrr! Years after scallywags tried to pillage Nintendo for their drifting Joy-Con controllers, 2 complaints be walkin' the plank!

Arrr mateys, in the years 2019 and 2020, there be two cases set forth by the landlubbers. Aye, 'tis true, the scallywags be causin' a ruckus in the courts. Mayhaps they be walkin' the plank soon, arrr!

Arrrr, a new adventure be brewin' with Phoebe Waller-Bridge at the helm, set to plunder the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Be warned, for the fearless Lara Croft be back on the high seas! Aye, she be plunderin' treasure and takin' no prisoners. Tis a sight to behold, mateys, so batten down yer hatches and prepare for adventure!

Arrr! Outsiders #7 be showin' its ties to Planetary, and spillin' the beans on who be walkin' the plank!

Fret ye not, me hearties! 'Tis not the end of the line, but merely a bend in the road. Keep yer spirits high and yer cutlasses sharp, for there be more adventures awaitin' us on the horizon. Onward, me mateys!

Arrr matey, ye can now plunder Nintendo 64 games for yer PC, with a fancy new Majora's Mask to boot!

Arr, ye be havin' quite the luck, savvy? Ye be findin' yerself in a jolly good predicament, me hearty! Embrace the adventure ahead, for ye've stumbled upon a marvelous fate, indeed! Aye, the seas be smilin' upon ye today!

Arrr! The scallywag Steven Moffat be sailin' off but fear not, he's penned a Christmas treasure for 2024!

Avast! Brace yourselves, me hearties, for he be returning to plunder more treasures! The scallywag be relentless in his pursuit of booty. Aye, keep a weather eye out and prepare to defend our loot with all yer might! Arrr!

Arrr matey, this Sony OLED be a fine vessel for the PS5, now at a steal of a price. Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Best Buy be offerin' a steal o' $400 off the Sony Bravia XR A75L, makin' the PS5 TV the most affordable it's been. Grab yer pieces o' eight and head to the nearest port to snag this treasure before it's gone! Arrr!

Arr! Joker's mate Steve Coogan be joinin' the DC crew in Joker 2! Aye, a merry jest indeed!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywag Steve Coogan has spilled the beans on his part in the sequel to Joker! Avast ye, I can't wait to see what mischief he gets up to on the high seas of Gotham City! Aye, bring on the mayhem and madness!

Arrr, the scallywag Bella Ramsey be lookin' a right treasure as Ellie in the new season 2 snaps! Aye matey!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The Last of Us star hath been given a grand makeover fer season 2. Aye, they've scrubbed off the barnacles and put on their finest threads. Ye best be ready fer some swashbucklin' adventures ahead! Aye, me hearties!

May 13, 2024

Arrr, word be spreadin' that Edgar Wright be considerin' directin' a Barbarella remake with Sydney Sweeney as the star!

Arrr mateys, be ye hearin' the news? The 1968 treasure of a film be gettin' a reboot! 'Tis like findin' buried treasure all over again, arrr! Let's set sail for the cinema and see what new adventures be awaitin' us!

Arrr, Ubisoft be spillin' the beans on Assassin's Creed Shadows release date in their own sneak peek! Aye!

Arrr mateys, 'tis said that the game once called Assassin's Creed Red hath let slip its release date too soon. Methinks the scallywags be needin' to keep their secrets closer than a chest full o' gold! Aye, 'tis a blunder of grand proportions indeed!

Arrr! The poor Helldivers 2 scallywags be cursin' Sony's "PSN-gate" for makin' 'em walk the plank o' lost work!

Arrr, we be recruitin' and educatin', me hearties! Join our crew and feast yer eyes on the treasures of knowledge. Yarrr, there be no scallywags here, only eager swashbucklers ready to plunder the seas of wisdom!

Yarr, these mutant ninja chaps be sailin' to Japan to become TV stars! Arrr, what a swashbucklin' adventure!

Arrr! He be sailin' solo, no mates like Raphael, Leonardo, or Donatello by his side. A lone shark in a sea of turtles, he be in need of a crew to navigate these treacherous waters. Aye, me hearties, let's rescue this landlubber from his turtle-less fate! Arrr!

Arrr, after 5 years of bein' a landlubber, Pokemon's worst legendary be back from Davy Jones' locker, causin' chaos in the competitive seas!

Arr matey, be seein' that Zamazenta be gettin' a fine boost in Scarlet and Violet! 'Tis a grand sight to see that ol' Pokemon be showin' its true power on the high seas. Me crew be cheerin' like landlubbers at a tavern brawl!

"Arrr, Dune: Imperium be a fine brew of strategy and plunder! Aye, a true treasure for any scallywag!"

Arr matey, the review be sayin' "Dune: Imperium - Uprising be a fine blend o' swashbucklin' and strategizin' - aye, a proper elegant mix for any scallywag lookin' fer a good time on the high seas!"

Arrr! The newest Star Wars tale be the most sought after plunder on Disney Plus! Aye, 'tis a swashbucklin' success!

Arrr matey, which Star Wars film be the finest jewel in the treasure chest of cinematic adventures? Ye be needin' to weigh the merits of each like a swashbucklin' scallywag with a taste for intergalactic plunder!

Arrr mateys, Assassin's Creed Red be now Assassin's Creed Shadows, set in Japan, and be unveiled this week!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for this week be the official reveal of the treasure! Set sail and gather yer crew for a grand adventure awaits. Ye don't want to miss out on the bounty that awaits us! Aye, 'tis time to shiver me timbers!

Arr matey! Learneth the secret to linkin' yer Steam Deck to thine TV for a jolly good time!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! If ye be wantin' to connect yer Steam Deck to a TV, gather yer cables and set sail for the high seas of technology! Adjust the display settings using SteamOS like a true swashbuckler, arrr!

Arrr, the lily-livered landlubbers be not seein' me game for what it be! 'Tis a sandbox, not a strategy game!

Arrr mateys, let me tell ye that Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles be not a game for the faint of heart! 'Tis more treacherous than a sea full of scurvy dogs. Beware, ye may find yerself walkin' the plank before ye know it!

Arr, Square Enix be changin' course to focus on quality games and may leave PlayStation behind in pursuit of new booty!

Arr matey, the scallywags be swearin' to keep pumpin' out them fine AAA titles in their biggest pirate booty. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for their next treasure, lest ye miss out on the plunder 'n fun! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs at Marvel be walkin' the plank for tryin' to silence the scallywags of the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! NetEase be sailin' towards fairer seas with their new contracts, makin' sure us creators be feelin' less like scallywags and more like captains of our own ships. Aye, aye, let's set sail for better deals and smoother waters, me mateys!

May 12, 2024

Arrr! Valve be denying Portal 64, so the scallywag devs be crafting a Nintendo 64 game akin to Helldivers! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Afore the times of managed democracy, there was the mystical powers of Magicka! 'Twas a time when sorcery ruled the land and pirates be talkin' to parrots. Arrr, those were the days!

Me former comrade be swabbin' the decks till he be seein' Davy Jones's locker! Blimey, he be ruinin' himself proper!

Arrr, the seasoned Helldivers mate be carryin' his learnings into his next plunderin' adventure, by Blackbeard's beard! Mayhap he'll be avoidin' walkin' the plank this time, savvy? Aye, may the winds of fortune be blowin' in his favor, me hearties!

Arr matey! Banjo-Kazooie be sailin' into the Nintendo 64 seas with Pokemon, Conker, and Goldeneye in tow!

Yarrr me hearties! We be prayin' fer a Banjo-Threeie to set sail soon! Aye, we be needin' more jigs an' japes with that bear an' bird duo. Let's hoist the sails an' set a course fer adventure! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, Sony's blunder be so grand that even Ghost of Tsushima be walkin' the plank from Steam across 170 lands!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye can sail the seas solo in Ghost of Tsushima without needin' a PSN account, but if ye be lookin' to plunder with yer crew in co-op mode, ye'll be needin' to join the ranks of the scurvy dogs on PSN. Aye, 'tis the pirate's code!

May 11, 2024

Ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 be addin' a D&D campaign fer 10 million landlubbers to spin a tale together!

Arr mateys, gather 'round for a live service role-playing session, where ye can be a swashbuckling pirate or a fair maiden in distress. 'Tis a jolly good time filled with adventure, treasure, and plenty o' grog! Aye, 'tis sure to shiver yer timbers! Arrrrr!

Arrr matey! Fallout's moving pictures give inspiration to fans o' New Vegas to revel in th' RPG's peculiar parlance.

From Long Dick Johnson to the dainty beeps of the mechanical swabbies, arrr! Our journey be as wild as a kraken's dance. May the winds be at our back and the grog flow freely, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, aye, Captain Long Dick!

Arrr! The old sea dog be cryin' foul on EA's lust for AI, blastin' Anthem like a scurvy dog! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! David Gaider be tellin' tales of Anthem that be makin' us all chuckle like a parrot on a rum bender! Aye, he be spillin' the beans on some grand adventures, makin' me hornpipe jig with glee! A tale worth hearin', me mateys!

Avast ye landlubbers! The scurvy CEO o' EA be threatenin' to litter our fine games with ads, arrr!

Arrr mateys, me thinketh advertisin' be like a treasure map leadin' us straight to the doubloons! Let us harness its power to make our ship sail faster towards the horizon of growth and prosperity! Aye aye, me hearties!

"Ye scallywags be cryin' foul as Helldivers 2 be vanishin' from ports, demandin' it be spread across the seven seas!"

Yarr, me hearties! 'Tis a travesty indeed that them landlubbers without PSN be losin' access to the booty o' the digital world. Aye, be they doomed to wander the seven seas o' boredom without our glorious network? Arrr!

May 10, 2024

Avast ye landlubbers! A Dragon Quest remake be ready for plunderin', with 6-8 hours of fresh loot to discover!

Arrr, me hearties! Dragon Quest + be a treasure trove o' delights! 'Tis got a grand orchestral score, shiny new weapons and armor, mysterious new dungeons, and a whole lot more booty to plunder! Set sail and discover the riches within! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, X-Men '97 be plotin' to bring on the scallywag that sent the Avengers and Fantastic Four to Davy Jones' locker! Arrrgh!

Arrr, be ye seekin' a fight, matey? For 'tis what ye shall find if ye be continuin' down this treacherous path. Onslaught be awaitin' ye, ready to strike with all the fury of a tempest at sea! Aye, beware what ye ask for, lest ye be scorched by the flames of battle!

"Harr, Hideo Kojima be hailin' George Miller as me God, and his tale be me Bible! Aye, totally normal verdict, arrr!"

Arrr, me hearties! Kojima be a swashbucklin' fan o' the new Mad Max picture! He be watchin' it o'er and o'er again like a treasure worth its weight in gold. Aye, he be cheerin' louder than a parrot with a belly full o' rum!

Arrr, word be spreadin' that a sequel to the battle o' Godzilla x Kong be brewin' with a new scribbler!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that Dave Callaham be takin' up his quill to scribble the tale of a sequel to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Aye, the seas be tremblin' with anticipation for another epic clash of titans! Aarrrrr!

Former vampirate Jubilee of the X-Men be joining Blood Hunt in June with her very own swashbuckling adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Jubilee, a scurvy vampire, be suckin' the blood o' the livin' for a full eight years, me thinks! Aye, she be thirstin' fer the crimson liquid like a shark in a sea o' rum! Aye, beware the fangs o' Jubilee, me mateys! Arrr!

Arrr, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy be joinin' forces as the Gotham City Sirens fer a grand adventure!

Arrr, the series be havin' scallywags in naught but their britches wieldin' them fancy shootin' contraptions. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, I tell ye! Yer eyes'll be poppin' out like a peg leg on a slippery deck, matey!

Arrr, aye mateys, the scuttlebutt be that a new Zelda tale be brewin', and the lore dogs be shiverin' in their timbers!

Arrr mateys, a fresh timeline be sure to set the scallywags abuzz with their wild tales goin' up in a puff o' smoke! Ye best be grabbin' yer grog and settlin' in for a right good yarn on the high seas of speculation!

Arrr, to thwart Scylla and the screeching Sirens in Hades 2, ye must outwit 'em with brains and brawn!

Arrr, me hearties! Scylla and the Sirens be playin' a fine tune in Hades 2, but beware! They be a fierce foe in battle, aye. Ye best be ready to face their melodious wrath if ye wish to claim victory on the seven seas!

Arrr mateys! The 7 finest moving pictures and entertainments to feast yer eyes upon this weekend, ye scallywags!

Arr mateys! Set sail on the TARDIS for grand adventures, or feast yer eyes on a newly unearthed Beatles tale. This weekend be ripe with treasures for ye to plunder on the screen. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties! Aye, 'tis entertainment fit for a pirate's soul. Aharrr!

Arrr! Ye be out of luck, me mateys. The RNG codes be hidden like buried treasure. Keep searchin'!

Arr matey! The codes for Sol's RNG in Roblox be like buried treasure on a deserted island - mentioned but not to be found! Ye be searchin' high and low for those server based codes, but they be as elusive as a ghost ship on the high seas! Arrr!

Avast ye, ye scurvy Microsoft landlubber! Hi-Fi Rush be showin' ye the true mark o' a game, arrr!

Arr matey, that remark did indeed make a few scallywags' brows reach for the stars! Aye, 'twas a curious thing to say, methinks. But fear not, we be pirates, we be used to such eyebrow-raising shenanigans on the high seas! Aarrrggghhh!

Arrr! Helldivers 2 scallywags be crafting a swashbuckling strategy RPG with amorous adventures inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 and Hades 2!

Arrr matey, I be wantin' this game to be full o' hornswagglin' adventures and plunderin'! Let's set sail on a sea of excitement and treasure, with a hearty dose o' horniness to keep us entertained on them long voyages. Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that Call of Duty may be sailin' onto Xbox Game Pass this year!

"Arrr, Sarah Bong be swearin' to bring us games from far and wide, me hearties! She be offerin' entertainment from all corners o' the seven seas. Aye, we be in for a jolly good time, mark me words!"

May 9, 2024

Arrr matey! Thar be a new scallywag joinin' the Marvel crew as the fearsome Galactus in Fantastic Four!

Arrr, let us pray that the scurvy dog ain't a cloud again! Last time we tried to board his ship, we ended up drenched in rain! Mayhaps this time we'll have better luck in plunderin' his loot, mateys!

Arrr! The scallywags be ignorin' obvious bad ideas! They be learnin' that doin' somethin' 2,000 times be dreadful!

Arr matey, we've been caught with our britches down so many times, we've got eyes in the backs of our heads now! Ye can bet yer doubloons we won't be makin' that blunder again, no sirree!

Arrr matey! The scallywag who programmed Final Fantasy 3 be so legendary, folks reckon it took 16 years to resurrect!

Arrr, mateys! The tale o' Nasir Gebelli be spreadin' like wildfire across the seven seas! 'Tis said he be a wizard with the code, creatin' games that be leavin' all landlubbers in awe. Mayhaps we'll be findin' his treasure one day, if we be lucky enough! Arrr!

Ahoy mateys, word be spreadin' that John Malkovich be joinin' the Marvel crew fer a mystery role in Fantastic Four! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, word on the high seas be that John Malkovich be settin' sail with the Fantastic Four crew! But who be this scallywag playin' in the reboot? Only time will tell, me hearties! Aye, yo ho ho!

Arrr! Three years hence, a new Batman series be set to sail, with a fresh-faced lass donning Harley Quinn's garb.

Avast ye landlubbers! Feast yer eyes on this grand spectacle - Batman: Caped Crusader! 'Tis a tale of adventure and derring-do fit for the bravest of souls. Set sail on this thrilling voyage, me hearties, and prepare to be amazed! Arrr!

Arrr! 'Tis a grand day fer comics and Amazon shows! Brian Michael Bendis be takin' us on a wild ride!

Arrr! The infamous scribe be chattin' 'bout his second voyage into the realm of cyberpunk swashbucklin'! 'Tis sure to be a tale o' high seas, technol'gy, 'n treachery! Avast, me hearties, 'tis time to set sail 'pon the next chapter! Arrr!

Arrr, to reach the Surface in Hades 2, ye must navigate the treacherous seas of coding and conquer the challenges ahead!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, the treacherous journey to the Surface world be a challenge of the highest order in Hades 2. 'Tis like tryin' to find the end of a rainbow whilst dodgin' fiery sea monsters! Aye, buckle yer swashes for this adventure, mateys!

Arrr! This newfangled Metroidvania be better than a barrel o' rum! Aye, 'tis the cure for me Hollow Knight woes!

Arr mateys, Animal Well be a treasure trove fer them who be fancyin' gothic bugs! 'Tis a jolly good time fer ye landlubbers with a taste fer the creepy crawlers. Set sail and discover the wonders of this fine establishment! Arrr!

Aye, ye scallywags, the former Dragon Age scribe be warnin' of the pressure on Dreadwolf for release in 2024! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said the next RPG be sailin' to our shores afore April 2025. Let's hope it don't get lost at sea like me treasure map! Yarrr!

Avast ye, ye landlubbers! Mad Max's appearance in Furiosa be not Tom Hardy, aye! Set sail for disappointment! Arrr!

Arrr, the new swabby be a fine choice, methinks! He be havin' a keen eye for treasure, a strong arm for sailin', and a hearty appetite for rum! Aye, the crew be in good hands with this one.

Avast ye landlubbers! The scallywags behind Terraria be boastin' of sellin' more copies than thee scurvy dogs!

Arr mateys, the grandest quarrel in the realm of hip-hop doth plague the creators of games! 'Tis a tale of woe and treachery, as the feud doth spread like a pox upon the land. Yarrr, let the swashbuckling begin!

Arrr, me hearties! This Samsung QLED be a fine vessel for yer PS5 treasure, lookin' like a masterpiece, at a steal!

Arr matey! Ye hear the good news? Samsung's The Frame TV be at a record low price! It be a sneaky one, blendin' in like wall art. And it'll go right well with yer PS5 or Xbox Series X. Aye, me hearties, set sail for the best deal on the high seas!

May 8, 2024

Arrr! The final Pokemon scallywag be makin' their exit as 6 brave souls hold on to keep the Wii U and 3DS ship afloat!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The scallywags be sayin' that Pokemon be pushin' up daisies on the Nintendo Network. No more catchin' them critters, me mateys! Time to set sail for new adventures on the high seas! Yarrrr!

"Arr matey! Jimmi Simpson be swearin' by Blackbeard's beard that Apple's new show be his best loot yet! Aye!"

Arrr! The scallywag Jimmi Simpson be spillin' the beans on Westworld, talkin' of sci-fi adventures, and explainin' why Dark Matter be a tad peculiar. Listen to him, ye landlubbers, for a jolly good time awaits ye in the world of entertainment! Arrr!

Arrr, Mark Hamill be lendin' his dulcet tones to the Joker in MultiVersus, sailin' with Kevin Conroy's Batman, mateys!

Avast ye landlubbers! Mark Hamill be lendin' his vocal talents to the scurvy villain Joker in MultiVersus, but fear not, he won't be leavin' retirement anytime soon. So batten down the hatches and enjoy the show, me hearties! Arrr!

The scurvy dogs at Xbox scuppered the sequel just as the landlubbers were settin' sail! Aarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at Xbox be in fer a right bloodbath! The battle be fierce and the end not in sight. But fear not, we pirates be ready to plunder their loot and claim victory for ourselves! Aye, the storm be brewin'!

Arrr! Superman and Lobo be joinin' forces, but their friendship be tested in a grand House of Braniac art show!

Arr mateys, mark ye calendars for the grand festivities be not endin' in April but sailin' on through May! The merriment be in full swing, so grab yer grog and join the jolly crew for a month of plunderin' and carousin'! Aye, 'tis a rollickin' good time!

Arr matey, to best Eris in Hades 2, ye must be quick on yer feet and sharp wit! Aye!

Arrr, Eris be a scallywag of a Hades 2 boss, wielding speed and firepower fit for a fearsome sea battle. Mayhaps she'll send ye to Davy Jones' locker with a single blast! Watch yer back, mateys!

Arrr, the crew of the Planet of the Apes reckon they be likened to Musk and Skywalker. Quite the comparison, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, ye heard it true! The tech billionaire be the muse for the scallywag in the new Planet of the Apes flick. Aye, 'tis a strange world we live in where a landlubber be inspirin' movie villains. Set sail for the cinema, me hearties, and see for yerselves!

Arrr mateys! The crew hath found the secret list o' 39 characters, includin' Spider-Man, Squirrel Girl, and an Avengers mate.

Arrr matey, ye be askin' about Jeff the Land Shark in a first-person shooter? Methinks he be chompin' at the bit to join the crew and plunder some virtual treasure. Just watch out for his sharp teeth and quick fins, ye scallywags!

Arrr matey, ye must plunder and pillage through the depths of Hades to acquire the Thalamus in the sequel.

Arrr, me hearties! Thalamus be a mighty plant in Hades 2, sprouted from the very seeds of Chaos himself! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, with roots as deep as the ocean and leaves as dark as the night sky. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on it, lest ye be meetin' a gruesome fate!

Arrr matey! Deadpool 3 be donning a new look, and fans be jolly with excitement o'er a key Loki detail!

Avast ye mateys! Set yer sights on this new Deadpool 3 portrait! Take a gander and let out a hearty laugh as ye behold the antics of the mischievous mercenary. Yarrr, 'tis a sight to behold, me hearties!

Arr matey! Ye be hearin' that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf be sailin' in afore April 2025, but ye'll spy the gameplay this summer.

Arrr me hearties, methinks the Dreadwolf ship be nigh ready to set sail within a year's time! Avast ye, prepare for plunder and adventure on the high seas with a crew o' scurvy dogs like no other! Aye, it be a grand tale indeed!

Arrr, them scallywags be talkin' in circles o'er the Eruptor nerf. Methinks they be lackin' in coordination, mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! By removin' the explosive shrapnel, ye be protectin' yer mates from friendly fire, but also takin' away the Eruptor's punch! Aye, 'tis a cruel twist o' fate on the high seas of gaming!Arrr!

May 7, 2024

Me shipmate walkin' the plank for tellin' scallywags to leave bad reviews. Aye, he be takin' a risk! Arrr!

Arrr, Spitz be claimin' they were unceremoniously cast adrift from Arrowhead! Ye canna trust a scurvy dog like Spitz to tell ye the truth. Methinks they be walkin' the plank for their own misdeeds!

Arrr, after a year of Xbox landlubbers cheerin' Hi-Fi Rush, Redfall be makin' 'em walk the plank! What sorcery be this?

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at Tango Gameworks have truly shivered me timbers with their fine work. We be as pleased as a parrot with a pocketful of crackers! Aye, a job well done indeed!

Arrr, the Nintendo president be claimin' the Switch next model be the proper moniker fer their next contraption! Aye!

Arr matey, tis said the Switch 2 be but a mere refinement of the current contraption, no grand spectacle to behold. 'Tis a shame, for we be craving for a treasure trove of new features to plunder. Alas, we shall sail the seas with our ol' faithful Switch by our side.

Ye scurvy dogs be dissectin' the Superman garb, tryin' to uncover secrets 'bout James Gunn's film. Aye!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for July, for 'tis the month when Superman, in his shiny new garb, be gracing the silver screen! Prepare to be dazzled by the spectacle of this mighty hero in action. Aye, 'tis a show not to be missed!

"Arrr, Michelle Yeoh joins Blade Runner 2049 crew as captain! Aye, she be a treasure worth sailin' for!"

Arrr, me hearties! The good folks at Amazon Prime Video did declare a new show in September of the year 2022. It be a wondrous sight for all ye landlubbers to behold! Aye, me eyes be eager to feast upon such a treasure!

Arrr, the Razer Viper V3 Pro be the swiftest scallywag on the battlefield, aye matey! A worthy cutlass indeed!

Arr matey, the Razer Viper V3 Pro be a swashbucklin' gaming mouse ready to make ye the quickest buccaneer in all the seven seas. Aye, it be settin' sail to ensure ye be the sharpest shot on the digital battlefield!

Arrr, will Hades 2 be sailin' on the PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series X, mateys? Aye or nay?

Arrr, me hearties! The news be that Hades 2 be sailin' to consoles, but ye best be packin' a spare rum barrel or two, for it be a long journey ahead afore we can get our hands on it. Patience be a virtue, mateys!

"Arrr, me hearties! When be the first episode of Demon Slayer season 4 settin' sail on Crunchyroll?"

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis the start of the Hashira Training arc, where our brave crew be sharpenin' their skills and battlin' fierce foes. Grab yer cutlasses and prepare for a swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas of anime! Arrr!

Arrr matey! The swashbucklin' Godfather director be teasin' a new sci-fi wit' Adam Driver. And he be dedicatin' it to his late wench!

Avast ye scallywags! The film Megalopolis, crafted by the talented Francis Ford Coppola, hath released a sneak peek clip for all to behold. Prepare to be amazed as ye set sail on this cinematic adventure! Arrrr!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be swabbin' the decks o' Steam reviews after Sony's retreat. Major Order achieved, arrrrr!"

Arr matey! 'Tis not quite an official Major Order, but 'tis as good as gold in me book. We'll sail the high seas with this decree, and none shall dare stand in our way, for we be a fearsome crew indeed!

Ye scurvy dogs! The Helldivers 2 patch be stoppin' troopers from blowin' themselves to smithereens with explosive shrapnel! Arrr!

Arrr me hearties! Ye be hearin' me right, the Eruptor be safe to use now. No need to worry about any more explosions or fiery mishaps. So load 'er up me mateys and let the rum flow freely!

Arrr me hearties, by 2024 ye be able to plunder the D&D rulebooks fer free, so no need for drama!

Arrr, me hearties! Good news on the horizon! The newfangled D&D rulebooks be sailin' into the SRD 5.2, makin' way for other scallywags to craft their own adventures on the high seas of D&D! Aye, let the plunderin' of creativity begin!

May 6, 2024

Arrr, James Gunn be spillin' the beans on the scoundrel in his Superman flick - with a swashbucklin' twist!

Arrr, methinks this comic book tale of Solaris, the Tyrant Sun, be like a treasure map leading to the secrets of Gunn's plot! Aye, 'tis a jolly good read, me hearties, if ye be wantin' to uncover the mysteries of the high seas!

The scallywag behind Baldur's Gate 3, also be the landlubber who made 'XP' in just a measly 20 minutes! Arrr!

Arrr matey, 'tis now the code of conduct fer all the scurvy dogs 'round the seven seas! 'Twas decreed by the powers that be and now we must all abide by it, or risk walkin' the plank! Aye, 'tis the global standard now!

Arrr matey! The legendary Super Famicom, a treasure from the days of yore, be worth a king's ransom at auction!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! A prized piece of Nintendo lore be ripe for the plunderin'! Set sail and lay claim to this treasure before ye scallywags beat ye to it. May the winds of fortune be in yer favor, me mateys!

Arrr, Hades 2 be havin' more lands, scurvy dogs, and gabbin' blokes than the first game in Early Access!

Arrr, me hearties! We have grand schemes afoot, and the wind be blowin' in our favor. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, for we be plottin' and schemin' to plunder and pillage with glee!

Arrr, James Gunn be showin' off David Corenswet as Superman and hintin' at a sneaky scoundrel to come!

Avast ye! 'Tis not a bird nor a plane, but David Corenswet as the mighty Clark Kent! Arrr, I'd wager me last piece o' eight that he be faster than a ship in full sail and stronger than a kraken! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties be claimin' they spy a clue to Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man in the latest Deadpool 3 teaser!

Arrr, this beauty be a tad less direct, methinks! Aye, me nose be detectin' a hint more subtlety in this one. But fear not, me hearties, for a pirate's wit be sharp enough to sniff out any treasure hidden beneath the surface! Aharrr!

The Helldivers 2 PSN mishap be causin' a ruckus, makin' the Ghost of Tsushima crew set the record straight on their PC plans. Arrr!

Ye need not pay the PSN levy to partake in the solo adventure, me hearties! Set sail on the high seas of gaming without fear of the dreaded subscription fees. Avast ye landlubbers, for the singleplayer treasure be yours for the taking! Aye, arrr!

Arrr, 'tis been two score years and still I pine for a swashbucklin' remake of that game that made me a movie king!

Arrr matey! The Movies be bringin' out me creative side like a treasure chest full o' gold! 'Tis where I be makin' me own films and discoverin' talent like a pirate findin' a hidden cove. 'Tis a game that kickstarted me love for managin' sims like a captain navigatin' the high seas!

Yarrr! Helldivers 2 players be victorious as Sony reconsiders PSN linking decision. Studio CEO be mighty impressed by the community's willpower!

Arrr me hearties, the linkin' o' yer PSN account be at a standstill, no forward motion to be had! Ye best be keepin' yer treasure safe and sound, lest ye be losin' it to the depths of Davy Jones' locker! Aye, tis a sad day indeed!

May 5, 2024

Arrr mateys, a month past, Nintendo sent the 3DS and Wii U servers to Davy Jones' locker. Eight brave souls broke a record set by Halo 2 scallywags 14 years prior!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags of the last Halo 2 crew be clingin' to their ship for 25 days straight! Ye best be believin' they be a hearty bunch, fightin' off the sharks and sea monsters of the gaming world. Aye, may they find their treasure in Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! Helldivers 2 be sinkin' faster than a plundered ship! The dev be talkin' bold with Sony now!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be warned! Helldivers 2 be sinkin' faster than a ship with a leaky hull! Recent reviews be callin' it "Overwhelmingly Negative," so steer clear unless ye be wantin' to walk the plank!

"Arrr, them Cyberpunk scallywags be praisin' Baldur's Gate 3, but we be stickin' to our D&D roots, mateys!"

Arr matey, this be makin' yer decisions more peculiar, but in all the jolly good manner! Set sail fer adventure and embrace the oddities, me hearties!

Ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 be walkin' the plank from Steam in 170 lands! Valve be sendin' refunds, arrr!

Arrr, Steam be a picky scallywag, only givin' back doubloons to them landlubbers who haven't spent more than two hours pillagin' and plunderin' in-game. Aye, 'tis a strange rule indeed for us buccaneers of the digital seas!

May 4, 2024

Ye scurvy dogs need not fear the PSN's restrictions! The brave devs be seekin' new horizons for us to plunder! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Arrowhead be no scallywag tryin' to make ye choose between breakin' Sony's rules or missin' out on the plunder. Ye can still sail the seas and play the game without walkin' the plank. Fair winds to ye!

Yarrr! The nobleman be whinin' 'bout ghostly critters cloggin' his domain, but the dev be swift in fixin' it!

Arrr, the oxen be keelin' over quicker than a rum bottle at a pirate's feast! Those corpses be molderin' faster than me gold doubloons in a card game. Time to bury 'em in Davy Jones' locker before they start stinkin' worse than a scurvy dog's breath!

Arrr, the Lego Boarding the Tantive IV be a fine treasure, aye, a perfect mix o' fun and challenge!

Yarr mateys, the Lego Boarding the Tantive IV be a treasure worth plunderin'! 'Tis a perfect mix of fun and challenge, aye, just like findin' buried gold. Set sail fer adventure with this fine ship in blocky form, ye won't be disappointed! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The leader o' Cyberpunk 2077 spills the beans on a quest where the crew aimed to off 'im! Arrr!

Arrr matey, plunderin' in the dark depths be trickier than ye thinks! Beware of the sea monsters lurkin' in the shadows, ready to snatch ye treasure. Keep a weather eye out and a steady hand on yer loot, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker!

May 3, 2024

Ye scallywags be warned! Giancarlo Esposito be joinin' the MCU, but not as the X Men leader! Aarrr!

Arrr, Esposito hath proclaimed the role be "more grand than ye can fathom". Aye, me hearties, he speaks true! This be a treasure worth more than all the doubloons in Davy Jones' locker. Sail forth and seize it, me mateys!

Arr, two monstrous Skyrim mods be recreatin' old Elder Scrolls tales, with booty of gameplay to share this week! Aye!

Arr mateys! The wind be blowin' in the right direction for us scallywags! Skywind be a-comin' closer than ever before, and Skyblivion be on the horizon for next year! Aye, we'll be sailin' through the seas of Tamriel in no time! Arrr!

Arr, these fancy lords be thinkin' us scallywags hate farmin'! They doubt we know each land be different!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks these scallywags be so used to constructin' everythin' in their citybuilders, they've forgotten how to pillage and plunder like proper pirates! Mayhaps 'tis time to remind 'em what it truly means to be a swashbucklin' sea dog! Arrr!

Arrr, the Dark Matter captain be steerin' his own ship, not handin' the wheel to another scallywag!

Avast ye scallywags! Aye, Blake Crouch be spillin' the beans on creatin', showrunnin', and executin'-producin' Dark Matter! Gather 'round ye landlubbers and listen to the tale of this here exclusive interview, arrr!

Arrr mateys, Claremont be unitin' Nightcrawler, Destiny, Mystique, and Rogue for a jolly mutant family gatherin' in X-Men #700!

Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on X-Men #700, the grand finale of the Krakoa era. Written by the great Chris Claremont and other fine seafarers. Venture forth and discover the treasures within before the tide turns! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, our beloved Star Wars Lego sets be on sale fer May 4th! Load up yer treasure chest!

Arrr mateys, the treasure trove of Star Wars Lego sets be here! And ye be gettin' more booty than a scallywag can shake a peg leg at, with freebies aplenty. Set sail for the nearest port and prepare to pillage the deals!

Arrr mateys! The legendary weapon be resurrected in Vampire Survivors after 37 long years. Aye, let's plunder!

Arr matey! Behold, the crown jewel of the Contra armory be before ye! 'Tis the finest plunder one could ask for, aye, 'tis the best part of the Contra arsenal, ready to strike fear into the hearts of all scallywags who dare cross our path! Ahooy!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks this be the best way to feast yer eyes on the finest moving pictures, now at a steal from Amazon!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The 4K remaster of The Lord of the Rings trilogy be on sale at Amazon, a deal too sweet to ignore. Set sail to claim yer treasure before it be gone! Arrrgh!

Aye mateys! Seek ye the Fortnite Bowcaster at yer local digital treasure trove fer a jolly good time. Arrr!

Arrrrrr! Seek out the legendary Wookie Bowcaster in Fortnite me hearties, and unleash its mighty power upon yer foes with charged attacks! May the winds of fortune be in yer favor as ye lay waste to all who dare cross yer path!

Arrr! Elden Ring's captain Miyazaki be pleased with other games of the same ilk, ready to plunder their secrets!

Arrr, me hearties! Hidetaka Miyazaki be sayin' that them Soulslikes be more like friendly crewmates than cutthroat competitors. Aye, 'tis a jolly good time sailin' the high seas of game development with a fine bunch o' scallywags!

Arrr, me trusty handheld gadget be on sale fer a steal, but only 'til the weekend, mateys! Avast!

Ahoy mateys! Ye can now snatch the Razer Edge for under $250, all thanks to Amazon's Gaming Week sale. This Android portable be a fine alternative to the PS Portal, so hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for some gaming adventures!

Arr, the early access of Hades be upon us! Ye may find new treasures, enemies, and adventures awaitin' ye!

Arrr mateys! The technical test be done, and we've got news on the early access release of the Hades 2! Avast ye, we be sailin' into uncharted waters, so brace yerselves for a grand adventure on the high seas of gaming!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This deal on me favorite Joy-Con impostors be almost plundered, make haste to Amazon! Arrr!

Arr mateys! The Hori Split Pad Compact Attachment Set be at its lowest price e'er seen, but ye best be quick like a scallywag on the run! This deal won't be stickin' around for long, so snatch it up 'fore it sails away!

May 2, 2024

Arrr! After 9 long years, the treasure of Bloodstained be nearin' its final stretch goal! Avast ye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, gather round ye scallywags! The last swashbucklin' update for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night be nearin'! Prepare ye ship for battle, for this be the end of our plunderin' journey through the high seas of gaming! Aye, me hearties!

Arr, some Larian scallywags be blushin' at Baldur's Gate 3's sauciness, but we aim to keep it as tame as a TV show, me hearties!

Avast ye scallywags! Ye can be doin' the most outlandish antics and still find a way to connect with it, arrr! Let yer inner pirate go wild and see where the winds of madness take ye! Aye, 'tis a grand adventure indeed!

Arrr! Marvel's Fantastic Four flick be addin' Cobra Kai scallywag to jolly crew in secret role. Ahoy, mateys!

Arrr mateys! The scallywag known as Paul Walter Hauser be joinin' forces with Pedro Pascal and Joseph Quinn for a grand adventure on the silver screen. Prepare yerselves for a rollickin' good time with this motley crew of actors!

Arrr mateys, after three long years of testin' and hold-ups, Ubisoft's free-to-play XDefiant be settin' sail this month!

Arrr, by Davy Jones' locker, XDefiant be sailin' true on its course! Shiver me timbers, this ship be defyin' all odds and keepin' steady on its path. Fair winds and following seas be with us, mateys!

Arrr! Me hearties be swearin' they've spied the secrets of Starfield's Shattered Space DLC, hidden in plain view!

Arrr matey, be ye tellin' me Shattered Space be naught but a playground fer them fancy House Va'ruun scallywags? Aye, 'tis a treacherous tale indeed! But fear not, we pirates be resilient, we'll plunder their riches and claim the stars as our own!

Arrr, me hearties! Starfield's May update be makin' this old salt give the RPG another go. Maps and ship decor be the key, me thinks!

Arr matey! Methinks the promise of a Starfield wagon be just the booty we be searchin' for! Aye, a giant leap indeed! Let's hoist the sails and set course for adventure on land and in the stars! Arrr!

Arrr, Nexus Mods be raisin' its subscription fees to handle the monstrous surge o' traffic from the Fallout fans!

Avast ye scallywags! Be warned, the loot ye be givin' for yer monthly and yearly subscriptions be goin' up next month. Best be savin' yer doubloons if ye want to keep enjoyin' yer plunder! Arrr!

Arrr, Cobra Kai's final season be showin' its face and settin' sail soon - Netflix be keepin' the treasure comin'!

Arr matey, 'tis a grand occasion with three parts to boot! Aye, we be celebratin' in style, with grog flowin' like the sea and merriment aboundin'! 'Tis sure to be a jolly good time for all ye scallywags!

Avast ye scallywags! The scallywag who made Mad Max be plannin' to tell a tale of Max afore Fury Road. Arrr!

Arr matey, fear not, we be diligently toiling away at the task at hand! Ye can rest assured that we be putting in the elbow grease needed to see this through to the end. Onward we sail to conquer the seas of productivity!

Arr matey, Todd Howard be sayin' Starfield be a grand RPG, but not all be seein' eye to eye. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! A fresh IP be like chartin' new waters, aye. It be settin' sail on a different course, tryin' out new ways o' plunderin' treasure. So hoist the sails and brace yerselves, me mateys, for a grand adventure awaitin' us!

Ye swashbucklers be favorin' th' post-patch revolver not just fer its strength, but fer th' ability t' spin like a cowboy! Arrr!

Arr matey, me hearties! Avast ye scurvy dogs and hear me cry of "Yeehaw" as we sail the high seas in search of treasure and adventure! Let's hoist the Jolly Roger and drink to a plunderous day ahead!

Arrr, the DLC for Elden Ring be full o' choices, but ye best be prepared for a never-ending tale, mateys!

Arrr matey, this here game be like a fine treasure trove, much like the plunder of FromSoftware's earlier loot. Aye, 'tis a familiar tune we be hearin', as if our trusty parrot be squawkin' the same ol' squawks. Aye, me hearties!

May 1, 2024

The captain of Stellar Blade be a fan of 2B and Tifa, along with Tekken's lasses and GameCube gems. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye listenin'? We all be fancyin' Final Fantasy 7 and Nier like a fine bottle o' rum! Aye, these be treasures worth sailin' the seven seas for, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye landlubbers! Be free to rest in the X-Men Mansion and the sky-high abode from Up, arrr!

Arr matey, did ye see the Up house? 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye! That bloomin' abode really be takin' to the skies like a ship caught in a gale. Aye, I reckon them scallywags be flyin' high on the wind! Arrr!

24 years hath passed and a notorious game be finally makin' its English debut. But ye devs be havin' trouble discernin' betwixt a remake and remaster. Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a mystery as deep as Davy Jones' locker, tryin' to pin down the meanin' o' this word! Arrr, me brain be more muddled than a grog-soaked sailor on a stormy sea! Aye, the answer be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss!

Yarrr! The scallywag from Star Wars be takin' on a lead role in M3GAN 2. Aye, he be a true pirate villain!

Arrr! 'Tis true, mateys! Ivanna Sakhno be settin' sail with the crew o' Blumhouse and Atomic Monster fer th' M3GAN sequel! Aye, she be a fine addition to th' cast, bringin' her own brand o' swashbucklin' charm to th' high seas o' cinema! Ahooy!

Arrr mateys, there be a new tale of terror on Netflix's seas that be causin' a stir among the crew!

Arrr matey! This here tale be a docudrama spun from a true crime that be shockin' to the core. Prepare to have yer timbers shivered and yer wits tested as ye watch this epic saga unfold on the high seas of the television screen!

Arrr, the noble director Nolan doth dream of sailin' back to The Dark Knight series, aye! 'Tis a jolly good thought!

"Arrr matey, if I be given the opportunity to turn back time and tackle that task once more, I'd jump on it faster than a seagull snatchin' a fish! Aye, I'd take on that challenge with gusto and show it who's boss on the high seas!"

Arrr! Helldivers 2 be a treasure worth pillaging, and 'tis the PC version that be makin' it a legend!

Avast ye mateys! Helldivers 2 be quite the barnacle-free treasure trove in these early days. Aye, we be plundering and pillaging our way through the high seas of gaming with more gusto than Blackbeard himself. Yarr!

Arrr, mateys! The latest look at Deadpool 3 be showin' off more o' Deadpool and Wolverine's garb, and it seems the Marvel scallywags be givin' it a hearty thumbs up!

Arrr, by the heavens above, that fine garb be ill! 'Tis a sight to make even the most hardened pirate swoon with envy. 'Tis a swanky suit fit for a king's ransom, me hearties! Aye, me eyes be feastin' upon such finery!

Arrr matey! The lone Splatoon scallywag be stuck in map limbo thanks to Nintendo for a decade!

Avast ye mateys, 'tis a right proper eternity to be marooned on Moray Towers! I'd rather face the Kraken than spend another minute scurvin' about those cursed heights. Mayhaps I'll find me buried treasure before I lose me mind! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Marvel's Blood Hunt be twistin' our expectations with a sneaky scallywag revealin' as the secret villain!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag causin' all the trouble in Blood Hunt be none other than a Marvel matey we never saw comin'! Brace yerselves, for this revelation be shakin' the very foundations of the Marvel Universe! Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin' over a tankard of grog!

Arrr! Those scurvy dogs be makin' a G.I. Joe to give Batman a run for his doubloons! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! There be nine GI Joe games sailin' the digital seas as we speak. Aye, ye best be ready to join the crew and set sail on these virtual adventures, or ye'll walk the plank! Aye, may the winds be in yer favor, me buckos!

April 30, 2024

Arrr! Tilda Swinton and Colin Farrell be settin' sail for a grand adventure with the director of All Quiet on the Western Front! Aye, it be a tale worth watchin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Edward Berger's The Ballad of a Small Player be settin' sail fer the silver screen this summer. Avast ye landlubbers and mark the date, fer this be a tale worth plunderin' yer doubloons for! Aye, me eyes be glued to the horizon fer this cinematic treasure!

Arrr, Todd Howard be swearin' on his parrot's life that Fallout 5 will sail the US waters once more!

Arrr matey! Methinks part o' the Fallout shenanigans be about the 'Americana naivete'. Aye, it be a jolly good time pokin' fun at those landlubbers and their foolish ways. Be sure to have a bottle o' rum handy for a hearty laugh!

"Arrr matey! Ye scurvy dog of a lad hath bested Tetris, smashin' records and dousin' himself in fine cheese!"

Avast ye mateys! The scallywag known as Alex T hath foretold this very headline! 'Tis a bit eerie, but methinks 'tis all in good jest. Arrr, let's raise a tankard o' grog to this soothsayer of news!

Ahoy mateys! The treasured tale of Horimiya be back with a brand new yarn from its creator. Get ready to set sail on a new adventure! Arrrrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Horimiya be back with a tale spun by the original creator Hero! The volume be a treasure trove lookin' back on the series finale. Set sail and dive in, me hearties! Arrr!

Arr, Diablo 4 Season 4 be keepin' the mighty weapons, but beware, lest they sink the ship! Arrr!

Arrr, Lilith be in fer a rude awakenin'! She'll be as lost as a landlubber in a storm when me and me crew be through with her. Aye, she'll be wonderin' what hit her harder than a cannonball to the hull!

Arrr, mateys, word be that Tekken 8 be on sale for a plunder-worthy deal! Grab ye copy now!

Arrr mateys, hear ye! The treasure known as Tekken 8 hath lowered its price by $20 doubloons this week. 'Tis a steal for any landlubber lookin' to join the fight. Avast ye, set sail for the nearest gaming store and seize this booty while ye can!

Arr matey, seek out the scallywags who know the way to them elusive Bones Callers on the high seas!

Avast ye mateys! With the Sea of Thieves Bone Caller, ye can muster a crew of skellies to join yer ranks, but be warned - these bony scallywags be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss! Good luck tryin' to round 'em up on the high seas! Arrrrr!

Arrr mateys! FC 24 Euro 2024 be bringin' a new mode and shiny FUT cards fer ya pleasure! Aye!

Arrr mateys, be ye prepared for a plunderin' good time in FC 24 Euro 2024 Ultimate Team this summer! Ye can expect a treasure trove of OP items to help ye conquer the high seas of virtual soccer. Aye, get ready to pillage and plunder yer way to victory!

Arrr, word on the high seas be that a live-action Scooby-Doo series be brewin' at Netflix! Aye, mateys!

Avast ye landlubbers! Shiver me timbers, by Blackbeard's beard and Davy Jones' locker! Methinks I spy some scallywags up to no good. Arrr, jinkies and zoinks, it be high time to hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure!

Arr, ye scallywags! The swashbucklin' filmmakers be plottin' their next treasure with the lass from Shape of Water! Aye!

Arrr me hearties! Avast ye landlubbers, a fearsome tale be brewin' from the scallywags behind Talk to Me! Prepare to be shiverin' yer timbers as they unleash a new horror upon the high seas. Aye, the rum be flowin' and the screams be ringin'!

Arr matey, this Switch accessory be a treasure in me loot, now be on sale for a bargain!

Arrr, me hearties! The mClassic be a fine treasure that doth make yer Nintendo Switch shine brighter than a doubloon in the sun! 'Tis on sale fer a mere $15 less at Amazon - a steal so good, even Blackbeard himself would be tempted! Aye, set sail and upgrade yer gaming experience today!

The X-Men '97 finale trailer be throwin' shade at them landlubber X-Men movies, arrr! Aye, matey!

Arrr matey, methinks X-Men ‘97 be makin' fun of Wolverine's garb from the early aughts! Aye, that leather suit be lookin' more like a scallywag's getup than a fearsome pirate's attire. Avast ye, me hearties, let's set sail for better fashion choices!

April 29, 2024

Avast ye mateys! Bastion be the secret scallywag lurking within X-Men '97. Aye, beware his treachery!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Have ye heard of this scallywag named Bastion? He be causin' mischief in every episode of X-Men '97. Keep a weather eye on 'im, me hearties, for he be a sneaky villain indeed! Aye, beware the secret villain! Arrr!

Arrr, Todd Howard be suggestin' that Baldur's Gate 3 be no quick plunder for Larian. Have ye tried their past treasures?

"Arrr, Larian didn't just appear like a ghostly specter on the high seas! Nay, me hearties, it be more like a sneaky sea serpent slitherin' out from the depths below. Keep yer eyes peeled and yer wits sharp, lest ye be caught unawares!"

Arrr, me hearties! We may yet sail the seas 'til The Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 be released! Todd Howard be our treasure map!

Arrr, we be not keen on waitin' that length o' time neither! Me heart be yearnin' for adventure and plunder, not for idleness. Let's set sail and seize our fortune afore the sun sets on us, me hearty crew! Aye aye!

Arrr, Todd Howard be swearin' by the Jolly Roger that Starfield's Shattered Space DLC be settin' sail this autumn! Aye, a grand update be on the horizon with city charts and ship upgrades! Ahooy!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' the update be comin' this week! I be keepin' me spyglass at the ready, waitin' to see what treasures be unveiled. Let's hope it be full o' booty and not just a load o' bilge!

Avast ye scallywags! Ye be needin' to disable thar Terminid Control System in Helldivers 2. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the blasted Terminid Control System in Helldivers 2 be needin' a good deactivatin', for the pesky bugs be growin' more stubborn than a salty sea dog! Time to unleash the cannons and give 'em a taste of our pirate fury! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! Sail ye to Netflix for 7 fine treasures to feast thine eyes upon this merry month of May!

Arr matey! Set sail on Netflix this month for riveting dramas like Bridgerton season 3 part 1, sugary sweet comedies like Unfrosted, and more treasures to be discovered. Batten down the hatches and prepare for a jolly good time on the high seas of entertainment!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs of Helldivers did spend a month building a bug-banishing contraption, only to be ordered to dismantle it! Aye, what a tale of woe!

Arrgh! The blasted Terminid Control System be as useless as a wooden leg on a swimmin' pig! Methinks it be needin' a good kick in the proverbial rear to get 'er back in shipshape. Yarrr!

Yarrr! WD's Xbox booty be superior to Seagate's, and now at a steal o' a price, me hearties!

Arrr matey, the WD Black C50 be givin' ye an extra 1TB o' booty fer yer Xbox Series X and S. Here be the secret to plunderin' this treasure at a bargain! Aye, me hearties, set sail and save yer pieces o' eight on this fine plunder!

Arrr! Aye, a fearsome flick be comin' from the view o' the scallywag himself, with a score fit for Davy Jones! Look out for the new teaser!

He be akin to the fearsome Jason Voorhees, with the added terror of a hundred scurvy-ridden pirates. Aye, ye best be stayin' clear of that scallywag, for he be bringin' a curse upon ye worth than a ship full o' ghosts! Arrr!

Arrr matey, me be playin' me retro games on a CRT, but this OLED be temptin' me to switch ship!

Avast ye landlubbers! The KTC G27P6 be at a plunder-worthy price on Amazon, and this fine OLED gaming contraption be a treasure for ye retro gaming hearties. 'Tis a steal ye won't want to miss out on, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr, Kraven be searchin' fer treasure, but Sony be playin' games wit' the calendar once more! Aaarrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The Karate Kid be delayed yet again! Aye, the crew be waitin' in anticipation for the next adventure of young Daniel-san. But fear not, me hearties, for we shall be ready to set sail whenever the time comes. Aye aye, captain!

Arrr me hearties, the secrets of Stranger Things season 5 be so grand, even Ethan Hawke's own kin keep mum!

"Nay, not even to me own father would I reveal me secrets! Me lips be sealed tighter than a treasure chest buried at sea. Arrr, me dad be no match for me piratical prowess!"

April 28, 2024

Arrr, in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, ye can wield the tank from Metal Slug '96 to plunder Hyrule!

Arr matey, ye hear about the classic arcade game sailin' into Hyrule? 'Tis a sight to behold as the bulldozer of old wreaks havoc on them digital shores. Avast ye landlubbers, 'tis a tale for the ages!

Avast ye scallywags! Escape From Tarkov dev be sorry for makin' ye pay for PvE. Now, set sail for free!

Ahoy, ye scurvy dogs who possess the treasure known as Edge of Darkness! Ye be holdin' a rare gem, me hearties. Keep it safe from the plank-walkin' scallywags who be lookin' to steal it from ye. Fair winds and aye, mateys!

Arrr, them Manor Lords' archers be more useless than a one-legged man in a booty-kicking contest. 'Twill be a long haul, mateys!

Arrr matey, the crow's feet that doth accompany early access be like the treasure map of me face! Aye, me hearties be knowin' that a few lines be the mark of a life well-lived on the high seas!

Avast ye! The vault mapper be plummin' the depths of the lost map for the ill-fated game, Fallout 3! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Seek out yon treasure trove hidden close by, lest ye be left wallowing in yer own misfortune. Set sail with haste, me hearties, for riches await the bold and daring souls who dare to seek their fortune! Arrr!

April 27, 2024

Arrr, Manor Lords be plunderin' a record, bestin' Civilization 6 and Cities: Skylines with 1 million copies sold in a day!

Arrr mateys, the indie hit be sailin' with the wind at its back! 'Tis a fine sight to see, like a treasure chest burstin' with doubloons. Let's raise a tankard o' grog to its success and keep the good times rollin' on the high seas!

Arr, hear ye! The release o' Borderlands be near, with a grand cast and all the scuttlebutt about this new video game flick!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up! The date o' release, the crew, and all the other scallywag details ye be needin' 'bout Eli Roth's plunderin' o' the video game, Borderlands, be here for yer plunderin' pleasure! Aye, me timbers be shiverin' with excitement!

Ye scallywags at Tarkov be pullin' a fast one, chargin' fer PvE mode now but promisin' it free at game's end!

Arrr! Battlestate Games be hoisting their Jolly Roger high and tripling down on their definition o' DLC! 'Tis like findin' a chest o' gold doubloons in the depths o' Davy Jones' locker! Yarrr! Let the lootin' begin!

Arrr mateys! The Division scallywag be sailin' in with his new shooter fer Escape from Tarkov. Will ye be the finest swashbuckler in this here genre? Yarrr!

Arrr, Martin Hultberg be doubting the swashbucklin' PvPvE genre be catchin' the fancy o' the landlubbers! Methinks he be needin' to set sail on a grand adventure and see the plunderin' potential for himself! Aye, he be needin' a taste of the salty seas!

Arrr, the Manor Lords be inspired by a game of strategy and sheep herding in the year of our Lord 1994.

Arrr! 'Tis a grand sight, me hearties! A vast sea o' woolly beasts befloatin' on yon horizon! Methinks we be in fer a mutton feast fit fer a pirate king! Avast, me mateys, let's plunder them sheep with gusto! Aye, lots of sheep, seriously.

Ye olde Skyrim scallywag be spendin' a fortune on gadgets to feel real pain while plunderin' virtually. Arrr!

Arrr matey, me timbers be shiverin' with agony! 'Tis like a thousand swords be piercin' me flesh! Me heart be weepin' with sorrow, for the pain be unbearable, aye! A grog or two might ease the torment, me thinks!

April 26, 2024

Eric Barone hath released a bootyful update for Stardew Valley, changing the game of honey farming forever: "Life will 'bee' forever changed."

Arr, the bees now be cozying up with the luscious flowers in the garden pots, me hearties! 'Tis a sight to behold, for sure. Who'd have thought those buzzing critters would be keepin' such fine company? Aye, the gardens be a buzzin' with life!

Arrr, me hearties! This new game be a treasure trove of Zelda exploration, swashbucklin' combat, and controls fit for a pirate king! Aye, with 97% approval from Steam scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Minishoot' Adventures be hittin' the mark with a strange mix o' fun! 'Tis a jolly good time, mateys, so hoist the sails and set yer course for a grand ol' time on the high seas of entertainment! Aye, ye won't be disappointed!

Arrr matey, me eyes be spyin' on Bandai's latest anime game! Aye, a fine console and PC RPG city builder!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis true that That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime be gettin' the Bandai adaptation treatment, and it be lookin' mighty hype, if ye ask me! I be settin' sail fer that viewing party without delay!

Arrr! Nintendo be givin' us old salts the treasure of N64 games on the Switch, ye landlubbers be missin' out!

Arrr matey! 'Tis high time ye be givin' a nod to Iggy's Reckin' Balls! The lad be crushin' his foes and sailin' through the seas like a true pirate! Raise yer grog and toast to this swashbucklin' scallywag! Arrr!

Arrr, Stellar Blade be mendin' what irked me with input time an' blockin' in me review! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Stellar Blade's day-one update be a monstrous treasure worth its weight in gold! 'Tis a mighty fine addition to our plunder, me thinks. Avast ye, landlubbers, and join me in celebratin' this momentous occasion!

Arrr, behold the 32 most swashbucklin' scallywags to ever grace the silver screen! Avast ye list, me hearties!

Ye scurvy dogs and swashbucklers, scallywags and scoundrels, these be the rascals and rapscallions who light the powder keg o' the silver screen! Avast, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on a cinematic adventure like no other! Aye, 'tis a rollicking good time indeed! Arrr!

Arrr, a glimpse o' DC Pride 2024 be showin' grand escapades for Harley Quinn, Superman Jon Kent, Poison Ivy, an' more!

Avast ye mateys! The grand 104-page treasure map be sailin' into port come May! Set yer eyes on this special booty, filled with plunderin' knowledge and tales to keep ye entertained on yer next voyage. Aye, 'tis a must-have for any swashbucklin' scallywag! Arrr!

Arrrr! After sailin' the seas o' MapleStory for 10,000+ hours, this scallywag hits level 299.99, then quits in a fiery rage!

Arr matey, he be now embarking on a grand adventure upon the high seas of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, broadcastin' his quest for all to see. Join him as he battles fierce foes and discovers hidden treasures on his daring voyage! Aye, tis a sight to behold!

Me shipmates be in an uproar over a silly disclaimer for the new Lego Animal Crossing treasure! Arr!

Arr mateys, word on the high seas be that new Lego Animal Crossing sets be unveiled, with a disclaimer so witty ye be rolling on the deck with laughter! Check out these treasures before they be sailing away! Arrr!

The scurvy dogs of Escape from Tarkov be tryin' to douse the flames of their greed with a limited game mode treat! Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! To solve a pay to win fiasco, ye must plunder more doubloons from yer pockets for pay to win loot! Aye, tis the pirate's code - if ye can't beat 'em, join 'em, and pay 'em!

Arr mateys, Xbox be takin' a hit, but our cap'n be braggin' 'bout our plunder on the PlayStation Store! Argh!

Arr matey, the Xbox games be thrivin' on the PlayStation, sailin' through the high seas of console gaming like a seasoned buccaneer. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties, as these virtual treasures be bringin' joy to landlubbers far and wide. Aye, the gaming gods be pleased!

Aye, the director of Deadpool 3 be sayin' ye can jump right into the fun without seein' any other MCU films! Arrr!

Arr matey! Methinks Deadpool 3 be not needin' any o' that blasted homework, ye scallywags! 'Tis a rollickin' good time on the high seas, watchin' that Merc with a Mouth do his mischief. No need for books or pens, just grab some grog and enjoy the show! Aye, aye, Captain Deadpool!

Arrr! The Peaky Blinders movie be set to sail with a grand booty, and Cillian Murphy be keen as a cutlass!

Arr ye ready me hearties? The blastin' shall commence shortly! Prepare yerselves for a grand spectacle of fiery explosions and thunderous roars. Buckle yer swashes and hold onto yer hats, for the show is about to begin! Aye, 'tis gonna be a good one, me mateys!

April 25, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! Here be the scoop on Manor Lords and its confounding template troubles. Aye, so listen up!

Avast ye! Know this, me hearties: each Manor Lord's tale doth bring different challenges, and the difficulty setting be like a tempest on the high seas - it be changin' the course o' yer adventure! Set sail wisely, me mateys!

Arr matey! Follow these here 10 Manor Lords tips to keep ye alive in yer first year on landlubber turf!

"Avast ye landlubbers! Speed through the ranks o' the settlement with these Manor Lords secrets for plunderin' success. Arrr, be a smart buccaneer and save yerself some time on the high seas!"

Arrr mateys! Plunder the seas in Manor Lords to fill ye coffers and expand ye land with booty! Aye!

Ye scurvy dogs, by beefing up ye Manor Lords' coffers, ye can plunder goods and services to yer heart's content. So be a savvy pirate and raid those markets to fill ye treasure chests with booty! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, gather ye scallywags and form a band of land lubbers to settle disputes with cutlasses on the field of honor!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Gather ye lads from the village to form a militia in Manor Lords. Aye, ye'll need a crew of able-bodied men to defend yer land and plunder the treasure. Set sail for adventure and glory, me hearties!

Arrr, the scallywags of Stellar Blade set sail in a race to conquer the boss first. We learned aye, we did!

"Arrr, Shift Up be takin' Stellar Blade's combat deadly serious, like a shark eyein' a tasty morsel! They be fightin' with all the ferocity of a kraken unleashed upon the high seas! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, me hearties!"

Arrr! Russell Crowe be a pretend holy man haunted by wicked spirits in the eerie first scroll for the new frightful film, The Exorcism!

Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on the silver screen spectacle, 'tis set to premiere in chosen American theaters on the seventh day of June. Mark yer calendars and gather yer crew, 'twill be a swashbuckling adventure like no other! Aye, 'tis true, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, The Simpsons finally sent one of their crew to Davy Jones' locker after 35 years at sea!

Arrr, me hearties! Larry the scallywag hath drank his final tankard o' grog. The old sea dog be off to Davy Jones' locker for a long nap. Fair winds and a following sea to ye, Larry!

Arrr, ye hear this indie sailor claimin' his game be more like Sekiro than Dark Souls, but no need to fear those parry chains!

Avast ye scallywags! Me thinks 'nother Crab's Treasure be a tad easier on th' ol' noggin than them devilish FromSoft games. No need t' be pullin' out me hair in frustration, aye! Let's set sail for a more jolly adventure, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the Fallout finale had a change of course as a key moment had to be reshot!

Yarrr, Ella Purnell be sayin' the scene be lackin' the proper swashbucklin' spirit! 'Tis a shame, me hearties. We best be addin' more cannon fire and sword fights to please the lass and make the scene truly seaworthy. Arrr!

Arrr, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, and Jodie Comer be takin' the lead in the frightful tale 28 Years Later! Aye!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis be true! The great Danny Boyle be takin' the helm once more for the next adventure after 28 Days Later. Ye best be preparin' for more zombies and more frights, me hearties! Aye, 'tis a fine time to be a fan of the undead!

Avast ye scallywags! Grab $975 o' Pathfinder loot for a mere $25 coin! Yarr, what a bargain!

Avast, me hearties! Humble's Pathfinder Mega Bundle be packin' a treasure trove worth o' $975 in Pathfinder RPG booty for a mere $25! Shiver me timbers, that be a steal ye won't want to miss out on, arrr!

"Arr mateys! Wyrmspan and Wingspan be sailin' with grand discounts, ye best be snatchin' 'em up quick!"

Arrr mateys, hear ye hear ye! Avast, Wyrmspan hath struck gold with a rare treasure trove o' discounts! 'Tis now at its lowest price, a steal fit for even the scurviest scallywags. Hoist the sails and set a course for savings, arrr!

April 24, 2024

"Arr, Wilson Fisk be takin' back 'is title as the Kingpin o' crime in honor o' Daredevil's 60th year!"

Arrr mateys! Daredevil #670 be celebratin' the 60th year of Daredevil by makin' Wilson Fisk the Kingpin once more. Ye best grab yer spyglass and set sail fer this swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas of Marvel Comics! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth findin' indeed!

Avast ye mateys! Balatro be sailin' with a million copies sold, held together with naught but hopes and dreams! Aye, 'tis a beautiful nightmare indeed!

Arrr matey, if ye foolish plan be successful, then tis not foolish at all! Aye, sometimes the most ridiculous ideas be the ones that lead to victory on the high seas. So fear not, me hearties, and embrace the silliness!

Arrr, X-Men '97 be chock-full o' hidden treasures, surprise guests, 'n nods to the past adventures! Aye matey!

Arrr mateys! X-Men '97 be chock full o' hidden treasures, special guests, and nods to the past. Ye best keep a sharp eye out for those Easter eggs, or ye might just walk the plank! Aye, 'tis a grand adventure for all ye landlubbers!

Arrr! Thrice plundered during creation, devs o' strange crab game be flabbergasted by glowing reviews. Be this real, mates?

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis true, Another Crab's Treasure be makin' waves despite facin' many a challenge. The crew be workin' together like a well-oiled ship, and the treasure be flowin' in like grog at a pirate's tavern! Aye, a fine catch indeed!

Avast ye mateys! The Embracer CEO be blamin' Russia and the cursed Covid for his misfortunes after takin' on hefty debt.

Arrr, ye scallywags be hearin' the news! Lars Wingefors of Embracer Group be divvyin' up his loot into three parts. 'Tis like takin' a treasure map and cuttin' it into pieces for his crew to find! Aye, may the winds of fortune blow in their favor!

"Arrr, afore he shuffled off this mortal coil, the Dragon Ball scallywag Akira Toriyama sang praises for Sand Land RPG: 'Tis a grand extension o' the manga universe, methinks!"

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a missive from Toriyama, scribed in the frosty month of January, that be makin' the rounds among us scallywags. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for it, lest ye be missin' out on some valuable booty! Aye, 'tis true!

Get ready to be a lazy scallywag with this Tamagotchi-like game from the creator of 'idle Stardew Valley'! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Me Little Life be providin' ye with the finest of treasures from both lands and seas. 'Tis a grand vessel sailin' towards a bounty of joys and riches. Join me crew and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime!

Arrr matey, X-Men '97 episode 7 be a snooze fest in thar first season! Walk the plank it should!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest tale of the X-Men be a bit of a snoozer, if ye ask me. Season one be takin' a break from all the swashbucklin' action. Time to batten down the hatches and wait for the storm to pass! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Landlubbers spy clever tribute to Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man in swashbucklin' Deadpool 3 preview. Aye!

Arrr, 'tis done in a blink o' the eye... but them sharp-sighted scallywags be seein' every bit o' it! Aye, ye best keep both eyes peeled if ye want to catch a glimpse o' the treasure. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties, though our ship be 'Mixed', setting sail with Early Access be a treasure worth its weight in doubloons!

Avast ye scallywags! Thomas Mahler be thinkin' that lettin' folks play games before they be finished can help create treasures that otherwise would ne'er see the light of day. Aye, he be a wise one, that Mahler lad! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the Persona devs' new JPRG be causin' a stir with its fancy menus! Ye best invest in UI, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Atlus be keepin' up their fancy ways with them JRPG menus in Metaphor: ReFantazio. 'Tis a sight to behold, like a treasure map to the finest loot. Give it a try, ye won't be disappointed, me mateys!

Arrr! Steam be changin' their refund rules so ye can't be playin' early access games fer too long afore returnin'!

Ye be given 2 hours, whether the treasure be found or not. Arrr, mayhaps ye find the booty in that time, or ye be walkin' the plank! Set sail and search for ye prize, me hearties!

April 23, 2024

Arrr, 15 days past and still this lone Splatoon scallywag refuses to walk the plank as the servers be sinkin'!

Avast ye scallywags! I be here, still sailin' the digital seas. Hear me now, I be STILL online! Yarrr, me hearties, fear not for I am not lost to the depths of the cyberspace!

Arrr! Al Pacino and The Guest be playin' priests in a spooky tale of exorcisms, based on a true yarn.

Arrr mateys! 'Tis true that Al Pacino and Dan Stevens be joinin' forces for a swashbucklin' adventure in a frightful tale of the supernatural. Prepare to be spooked and entertained as these scallywags take ye on a journey to the depths of fear!

Arrrr, Stellar Blade captain be too penniless for a PS1, but upon acquiring one in his scholarly days, Ridge Racer and Final Fantasy be fuel for his game-making ambitions.

Avast ye mateys! Be warned, this here be a wholesome tale fit for all ages. No scurvy language or salty images to be found. So don't ye fret, sit back and enjoy this here content without fear of any unsavory surprises! Arrr!

Arrr matey, Post Malone and Michael Bay be conjuring a tale of an angelic ship o' wheels battlin' zombies in olde Europe!

Arrr, mateys! The infamous Michael Bay be back with a grand plan fer superhero trucks, made in cahoots with the scallywag Post Malone. Avast ye landlubbers, 'tis sure to be a rip-roarin' adventure on the high seas of Hollywood!

Arrr, ye be wishin' to acquire the MTG Cowboy Bebop cards, but the search be treacherous, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! Ye scurvy dogs best be ready to set sail on a treasure hunt fer them limited edition MTG Cowboy Bebop crossover cards. Aye, but beware! Only the most cunning and daring swashbucklers shall claim their booty! Aargh!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Learn how to plunder Lego Fortnite creatures for yer farm like a true buccaneer!

Ye scurvy dogs! In this cursed game of Lego Fortnite, ye can befriend animals and bring 'em to yer farm for loot! Aye, me hearties, gather yer crew and plunder the booty from these critters! Arrr!

Yarrr, me hearties! Todd Howard be sayin' this Fallout TV series be like a new treasure hunt in the game of life! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis be a sad truth indeed that we shall have to wait a long while for Fallout 5 to grace our screens. But fear not, for in the meantime, we can plunder and pillage our way through other games to pass the time! Aye, me hearties, let the gaming adventures continue!

Arrr, Deadpools be leavin' Loki treasures in their wake, a sure sign o' swashbucklin' adventures to come!

Arrr mateys! Me reckon that Deadpool & Wolverine be droppin' hints about connectin' to Loki, aye! 'Tis a jolly good sign indeed! Prepare the rum and sharpen yer cutlasses, for an epic adventure be on the horizon! Aye aye, me hearties!

Ye scallywags makin' PG horrors, beware! The director be claimin' this be an R-rated sea! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Kiah Roache-Turner be spillin' the beans on Sting's needful R-rating and the monstrous 100lb spider they crafted to give his crew a fright! Aye, the scallywags be shakin' in their britches, I tell ye!

"Arr mateys, as the scurvy dogs of New Vegas be luring souls to Davy Jones, we be aiding Fallout 76 greenhorns in vanquishing foes with their fancy Perk system."

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis true that them Perks be worth their weight in gold! Aye, me sails be filled with the winds of good fortune thanks to those treasures. Me crew be happier than a parrot with a cracker!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The Fallout TV finale be playin' tricks on us all with its bombshell misdirection!

Arrr, me hearties, beware! Methinks things be not as they appear. Keep a weather eye out fer trickery and deceit, lest ye be caught in the web of a scurvy knave. Avast, and be on yer guard!

Arrr, me hearties! The most-anticipated city-builder, Manor Lords, be attractin' more landlubbers with 500,000 wishlists in six days!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that Manor Lords be ready to set sail on a grand adventure! The seas be churning with excitement as we await the grand release of this treasure. Hoist the sails and prepare to plunder the high seas with Manor Lords!

April 22, 2024

Arrr, the cursed vampire game that almost sunk the ship be gettin' a film by the Transformers scallywag!

Arrr mateys! 'Tis been heard that El Paso, Elsewhere be gettin' a moving picture adaptation with the fine swashbuckler LaKeith Stanfield at the helm. Avast ye landlubbers, 'tis sure to be a jolly good time on the silver screen!

Ye scallywags be plunderin' Skyrim mods as if 'twere loot from a sunken ship! Aye, the tide be turnin'!

Arrr matey! We be unable to conjure up a magical solution to handle the monstrous waves of visitors that come crashing upon our ship. 'Tis like trying to fit an entire kraken into a tiny bottle! Aye, 'tis a challenge indeed.

Arrr! Ye be seein' every scallywag from the X-Men comics on this grand X-Men #700 cover, matey! Aye!

Arrr, matey! Can ye list all the scallywags on this grand X-Men #700 cover? Aye, 'tis a task fit for the bravest of pirates! Give it a go or walk the plank, ye landlubber!

Arrr, Seth MacFarlane be swearin' on his mother's parrot that he be makin' another Family Guy movie, matey!

Arrr matey, word be spreadin' 'bout a grand adventure captured on film back in the year o' our Lord 2007. 'Tis said to be a tale fit for the silver screen, with swashbucklin' action and treasure abound. Let's hope the wait be worth it, me hearties!

Arr me hearties! The Stellar Blade scallywags be tremblin' at demo player who be maxin' skills afore release! Argh!

Arrr, it be true that Shift Up be in a spot o' trouble. Seems there be more than a few scallywags out there lookin' to plunder their booty. Methinks they be needin' a sturdy crew to help fend off them scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Taylor Swift be singin' 'bout GTA, but some swear it be Baldur's Gate 3 or Final Fantasy 14! Jolly good tweet trend, says I!

Arrr matey, I be thinkin' me memory be as foggy as a rum-soaked pirate on a stormy night! Them games be playin' tricks on me mind, like a siren's call luring me to Davy Jones' locker. Aye, 'tis a puzzling mystery indeed!

Arrr! Eagle-1 be gettin' a taste of revenge for our penny-pinching ways in Helldivers 2! Aye, the irony!

Arrr, this be takin' matey fire to a whole new level! 'Tis like a scurvy dog turnin' his own cannons 'pon 'is own ship! I be thinkin' we be needin' a compass to find our way out of this mess! Aye, me hearties!

Ye be wonderin' where to air jump, mateys? Look no further than Fortnite Windmill and The Other Windmill! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be needin' to know where to leap through the air like a fine buccaneer in Fortnite. Set yer sights on the Windmill or The Other Windmill, and let the winds guide ye to victory! Aye, me parrot concurs.

April 21, 2024

Arr, two scallywags spent a thousand hours crafting their own tale within the Valheim seas! Aye, impressive indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags behind the hit game have crafted custom bosses, locales, quests, and NPCs with their trusty tools. Set sail for adventure and plunder as ye explore the vast seas of this virtual world. Aye, there be treasures to uncover and foes to vanquish! Aye, me hearties!

Avast ye! Step aboard Bridge Command, a grand vessel set to whisk ye away to the heavens! Let's sail!

Arrr, come aboard as Edge magazine takes a grand adventure to tour the fearsome USC Havock! Join us as we uncover the secrets of this mighty vessel and meet the scurvy dogs who call her home. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin'!

Xenoblade and Persona RPG plunder Kickstarter booty for fishin' and console loot! Yarrr!

Arrr, the good ship Runa be sailin' full speed ahead, leavin' all its stretch goals in the dust like a scurvy landlubber walkin' the plank! Aye, we be makin' a splash in the crowdfunding seas, me hearties!

Arrr, Daisy Ridley be worried about makin' her new Star Wars flick, feels like a strange voyage to her!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag Star Wars actor be spillin' the beans about her own solo adventure on the silver screen. Tis a tale worth tellin', mateys! Prepare to set sail on a cinematic voyage like no other! Arrr!

Arrr! Marvel's Blade captain be reckonin' Baldur's Gate 3 studio be showin' us the multiplayer heavens of immersive sims!

Arrr, me hearties! After plunderin' Deathloop, Dinga Bakaba be settin' his sights on the horizon, ponderin' the fate o' multiplayer imsims. Will we be joinin' forces with scurvy dogs or be walkin' the plank alone? Only time will tell, ye scallywags!

Ye scallywags, this game be akin to Dark Souls, but with moves so bonkers ye'll think ye be battlin' the kraken!

Avast ye landlubbers! Ye can now perform all manner o' wild and wily maneuvers, like a scurvy sea dog on a rum bender! Show off yer skills and impress the lasses with yer fancy footwork, me hearties! Arrr!

April 20, 2024

Arrr, Game Master Joel be strugglin' to fix the 'inconsistent' results o' liberation. Lack o' communication be the real scallywag!

Arrr, plunderin' planets be makin' the neighborin' ones shiver in their timbers, but alas, the system be lackin' the proper sorcery to make it happen automatically. Aye, we be waitin' for the day when we can truly rule the galaxy with our piratical ways!

Arrr matey! Enter the depths of Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector, a fine indie RPG aiming for Mass Effect glory!

Arrr mateys! Edge magazine be setting sail into the ever-changin' seas of the Starward Belt. Avast, 'tis a mighty leap they be takin'! Keep yer spyglasses trained on the horizon, ye scurvy dogs, for thar be treasures awaitin' to be uncovered! Aye, yo ho ho!

Avast ye scallywags! The $8 Palestinian Relief Booty be a steal o'er $1,600 in loot fer 370 treasures! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! A short voyage and a bounty of treasure be found in the form of cool indies banding together to raise coin for their cause. Set sail with us on this grand adventure, for the booty be worth the journey!

Arrr, The Acolyte be like a tangled tale akin to Russian Doll, with nods to every Star Wars era!

Arr mateys! Total Film hath a chat with Leslye Headland regarding The Acolyte's deep respect for Star Wars' past. 'Tis a tale worth tellin' for any scallywags who be lovin' the lore of the galaxy far, far away. Aye, grab yer grog and read on!

Avast ye landlubbers! The 34th installment of this legendary gaming series be setting sail after 24 years at sea! Arrr!

Arrrr, me hearties! Nancy Drew be givin' Call of Duty a run for its pieces o' eight! She be solvin' mysteries faster than a scurvy dog can say "ahoy matey!" Shiver me timbers, she be a force to be reckoned with on the high seas o' gaming!

The Cap'n of Baldur's Gate 3 be clearin' the waters to dodge Starfield, for they be the mightier ship! Arrr!

Arr matey, Swen Vincke be talkin' about havin' a mighty respect for them Bethesda scallywags. Aye, he be givin' them their due, like a true gentleman o' the seas. Fair winds and followin' seas to ye, Swen Vincke!

Avast ye landlubbers! Helldivers 2 be a treacherous journey ahead, where Bots and Bugs seek bloody vengeance! Aye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis doubtful ye can keep 'em all in yer grasp. Best be keepin' a weather eye on yer loot, lest it be slippi'n through yer fingers like sand through a sieve! Arrr!

Arrr, Mateys! 'Tis been 15 years since the anime spin-off of Mad Max prequel Furiosa be ready for plunderin'!

Arr matey! The infamous Doug Mitchell be spillin' the beans to Total Film that the Max Mad prequel was all set in a tale sense a good 15 years back. Avast ye, seems like that ship be stuck in the harbor fer too long! Aye!

"Arr mateys! Get ye hands on FC 24 TOTS tracker and release schedule, savvy? Don't be a scallywag, grab it now!"

Arrr! 'Tis true, me hearties! The likes o' Doku, Modric, and Bruno Fernandes be makin' appearances on the FC 24 TOTS Live tracker. Set yer sights on the horizon, me mateys, for these scallywags be causin' quite the stir!

April 19, 2024

Arrr mateys, Marvel's new mega-capitalist Thor be showin' the horrors o' corporate superhero comics. Aye, beware!

Arrr, does the jest have merit in a true corporate hero tale? Methinks not, matey! 'Tis like a scurvy dog tryin' to wear fancy britches - it just don't fit! Stick to swabbin' the deck, ye scallywag!

Arrr, Super Mario Maker fans bid farewell to their game, but Sony be cruelly sinking LittleBigPlanet and its creations!

Arrr, me hearties! This here shutdown be stickin' around for good now, me thinks. No more waitin' around for it to be over. Time to hoist the sails and find a new course, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Yarr, this bloke be crunchin' numbers to find ye the perfect pirate for plunderin' in Mario Kart 8!

Arrr matey, thar be ships that be rigged to perfection, but 'tis all about how ye wield yer cutlass on the high seas. Choose yer path wisely, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, playstyle be the wind in yer sails. Aye!

Arrr, the scallywag behind Fallout be doubting the accuracy of the games' lore. Blimey, what a twist!

Avast ye, me hearties! Tim Cain be sayin', "Arrr, I be likin' it well and I be lookin' forward to another season, ye scurvy dogs!" Aye, aye, Cap'n Cain be ready for more adventures on the telly!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a tale o' gods, goddesses, and scallywags and their shenanigans in the underworld! Arrr!

Arrr, in Hades 2, ye'll find a mighty crew o' characters fit fer a grand tale! From gods o' old to heroes o' legend, the game be teemin' with personalities that'll make ye laugh, cry, an' maybe even walk the plank! Aye, it be a treasure trove o' entertainment, matey!

Arrr! Ye mateys, this new flick from Zendaya's be the sexiest film without the naughty bits, by Blackbeard's cutlass!

Arrr mateys! The newest flick from Luca Guadagnino be challengin' indeed! Instead o' romping betwixt the sheets, this time the drama unfolds on th' tennis court! Power and passion clash in Challengers, settin' the stage fer a swashbucklin' tale like no other! Aye, ye won't want to miss this one!

Arrr, thee most thunderous tabletop RPG begeth new, equally swashbuckling action figures! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' the news! Mork Borg be gettin' its first action figures, and they be as gritty as a peg leg on a sandy beach! Ye best be addin' them to yer loot before they be gone, savvy? Arrr!

"Yarrr, the Spanish Pokemon joust began with a Stardew Valley Nuzlocke, won by a booming "trash-bird"! Ahoy mateys!"

Arrr mateys, this be the strangest Pokemon tournament I ever laid eyes on! 'Tis a match o' creatures battlin' like no other. I reckon we'll be seein' some mighty peculiar critters in this here competition! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, for sure!

Arrr, word hath spread o' a leak from the landlubbers at Marvel 'bout Red Hulk in Captain America 4!

Arrr mateys, word on the high seas be that the latest booty from Marvel be spillin' the beans on Cap'n America 4. Methinks a grand adventure be awaitin' us, filled with treasures untold and battles galore. Hoist the sails and set course for excitement, me hearties!

Yarrr mateys, Fallout 76 be addin' a grand new map to its treasure trove! Aye, we be settin' sail!

Arrr mateys, this be a game that be pleasin' the crew! 'Tis makin' waves amongst the players, bringin' joy and merriment to all who partake in its adventures. Aye, 'tis a gem that be settin' sail for glory!

Arrr mateys! The Wolf Among Us 2 be sailin' slowly but steady, unveilin' four new treasures for ye eyes!

Arrr mateys, be ye pondering if the next tale be nigh? Methinks the follow-up be lurking just around the bend, ready to pounce like a hungry sea serpent! Avast ye, for the sequel be closer than a peg leg to a pirate's boot!

"Arrr, this Skyrim scallywag be breakin' records faster than me ship sails through a storm! Aye, a true legend!"

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready to race to level 80 at breakneck speed? The treasure be in reach, but beware the scallywags who try to slow ye down on this daring quest! Onward, me mateys, to victory and plunder! Aye!

April 18, 2024

Arrr, ye scallywags! The Stardew Valley update be bringin' new mine layouts and quality-of-life upgrades, but beware the banned names!

Arrr mateys, we be gettin' new maps for our plunderin', wild fish swarms to catch, and a fancy cutscene for our viewing pleasure. Aye, we be sailin' into uncharted waters with these treasures in tow!

Arr matey! Scorsese be recruitin' DiCaprio and Lawrence for his Sinatra tale been in the works since 2009! Arrr!

Arrr, that scallywag doesn't have the nod from ol' Sinatra's coffers yet! Methinks he be walkin' the plank if he don't secure that blessing soon. The sharks be circlin'! Aye, mayhaps he'll be singin' with the fishes instead of croonin' with the stars!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a sight to behold: 70 scallywags be gettin' their way with a simple petition. Aye!

Arrr, methinks the Black Powder Stashes Voyages be makin' a bangin' comeback, like a fiery cannonball to the booty! Prepare yer sea legs and be ready for a blast of adventure and plunder, me hearties! Aye, we be in for a wild ride on the high seas!

Arrr, Zack Snyder claims Tom Cruise be keen on playin' a surprise character in Watchmen, mateys! Aye, the winds be changin'!

Arrr mateys, the part be taken by none other than Jackie Earle Haley! Aye, he be a fine actor indeed, with a face that could scare the barnacles off a ship. Me thinks he be perfect for the job, savvy? Aye aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Absolute Power be upon us as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman battle a Trinity of Evil!

Arr mateys! The scallywags at DC have finally spilled the beans on the grand adventure ahead! Prepare ye selves for the full scoop on the upcoming epic! Aye, it be a tale worth tellin'!

Arrr, th' cap'n o' Life By Ye claims them life sims be th' most intricate RPGs ever penned.

Arrr mateys! Rod Humble be claimin' that this here be an "inclusive game genre." Me thinks he be talkin' nonsense! Let's see if ye landlubbers be includin' me in yer game o' plunderin' and pillagin'! Arrr!

Arrr, Diablo 4's Season 4 PTR be keepin' some secrets, says Blizzard. They be teasin' a few hidden treasures yet t' be uncovered!

Arrr, me hearties! Be prepared to hear all the grand tales o' this adventure in the next livestream from the scallywags behind the scenes. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, and ye shall not miss a moment o' the excitement! Aye!

Arrr, ye landlubbers be expectin' too much from our new game! It be none o' them fancy types ye be thinkin' of!

Arrr mateys, Manor Lords be as useless as a one-legged sailor in a rum drinking contest. It be lacking in all the essentials that make a game worth playing - adventure, treasure, and a good ol' pirate crew to plunder with. Aye, steer clear of this landlubber's game, me hearties!

Arrr, a new flick in the beloved anime series be makin' a splash with a perfect score from the Rotten Tomatoes scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye best be preparin' yer spyglasses, for Spy X Family Code: White be settin' sail for the silver screen shortly! Ready yer sea legs and get ready to plunder the popcorn, for a swashbucklin' good time awaits ye in the theater! Arrr!

Arr, Todd Howard be swearin' on his treasure map that Bethesda be workin' hard on Starfield updates, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers! Shattered Space news? Methinks 'tis but a mere fancy of ye imagination! Let us set sail on the high seas of dreams and see where the winds of fortune may take us! Aye, we can dream indeed!

Avast ye! The moving pictures of Chainsaw Man be upon us! Pray for a release in these western lands, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at Look Back be tellin' us to set our sights on the horizon for the year ahead. Aye, we be lookin' forward to what treasures be awaitin' us later this year. Onward, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Arrr mateys, scuttle me jib! The Fallout TV Show be makin' landlubbers playin' Bethesda games like a swarm o' sea dogs! And the director o' Fallout New Vegas be sayin' to give the cursed card game another chance, 'tis not as treacherous as ye think! Aye, set sail and plunder them cards!

Avast ye mateys! Methinks Josh Sawyer be urg'in us scurvy dogs to partake in a game of Caravan. Arrr, me hearties, let's not disappoint the scallywag! Grab yer decks and prepare for battle on the high seas of entertainment! Yo ho ho!

April 17, 2024

Arrr, mateys! The new crew on the Hades 2 ship be sendin' the entire fandom to the brig of lust in no time!

Avast ye scallywags! Methinks I spy a treasure chest filled to the brim with doubloons! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabssssssssss!! Let us pillage and plunder with glee, for we be the fiercest pirates on the high seas! Arrrrr!

Arrr, the monstrous co-op horror game be free fer a day, but be made in a mere month, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The bulk o' Content Warning be crafted whilst sailin' through South Korea fer a moon's turn. 'Twas a grand adventure, dodgin' sea monsters and samurais alike. But fear not, me shipmates, the booty be worth the voyage!

Arrr, James Gunn be castin' a landlubber from Diary of a Wimpy Kid to play Ma Kent in Superman, arrr!

Arrr matey! James Gunn's Superman has found its Ma Kent to set sail on the high seas of Hollywood. Ye best be keepin' a weathered eye on this fair lass as she navigates the treacherous waters of superhero cinema. Aye, she be a feisty one!

Arr matey! After 47 winters, Steven Spielberg be makin' another UFO flick with help from the original Jurassic Park scribe!

Arrr, we be as clueless as a landlubber in a storm, but by Blackbeard's beard, we be eager to learn! Aye, we be like a treasure chest full of curiosity, ready to plunder the seas of knowledge!

Arrr! Aye, me hearties! A sequel to the XCOM-like strategy game be on the horizon after 9 long years!

Arrr mateys, the grand unveilin' at Nintendo Indie World be not Silksong, but a treasure so grand ye heart be a flutter with excitement! Aye, 'twas somethin' mighty cool indeed, me hearties! Aye, a treasure fit for any pirate worth their salt!

Yarrr! Cody Ziglar be spinnin' tales o' Kevin Feige's wish fer Ms. Marvel's demise an' return from th' grave!

Arrr, me hearties! Marvel Comics be denyin' the scurrilous claim, yarr! Them scallywags be standin' tall against the scurvy dogs who dare question their honor. Shiver me timbers, 'tis a battle of wits and words on the high seas of entertainment!

Avast ye! The scallywags be sayin' AI be takin' our jobs! Cap'n Sean Murray be cryin' "Arrr, what the f**k?"

Arr, me hearties! Methinks Hello Games be not employin' the mystical powers o' AI codin'. Aye, they be stickin' to the old ways, updatin' their games with good ol' fashioned human brainpower. Yarrr!

Arrr, Zack Snyder be plannin' a tale for Rebel Moon 3, if Netflix be willin' to grant it passage!

Arrr mateys! Word be spreadin' that Zack Snyder and his Rebel Moon crew be chattin' 'bout the future o' their swashbucklin' franchise. 'Tis a tale worth hearin' fer sure, so grab yer grog and settle in fer a jolly good time!

Arrr, Joel Edgerton be wantin' a part in Apple's Dark Matter series, aye, as he be a fan o' the book!

Avast ye mateys! The captain of the Dark Matter ship, Blake Crouch, spills the beans that scallywag Joel Edgerton was a true hearted fan of the novel before joining the crew. Aye, it be a tale of great fortune and boundless excitement on the high seas!

Arrr matey! Cap'n of Cyberpunk 2077 be sayin' avoidin' crunch keeps ship afloat. Sustainability be vital, ye scallywags!

Arrr, CD Projekt RED be abandonin' their olden ways of makin' games durin' the makin' o' Phantom Liberty. They be sailin' into new waters and tryin' out new tricks. Aye, they be a brave bunch o' scallywags!

"Arrr matey! This mod be addin' over 600 new battles to test yer RPG skills and savvy. Avast ye!"

Arr matey, ye must plunder four more mods to truly unlock the treasure trove of gaming delights. Hoist the sails and set course for adventure, for the seas of virtual exploration await ye!

Arr! Star Wars Outlaws be settin' sail in Ultrawide, makin' it the most swashbucklin' game in all the seven seas!

Arrr mateys, I tell ye, Kay Vess' journey be akin to the grand tales of the original Star Wars trilogy! A swashbucklin' adventure full of excitement, danger, and rum aplenty. Ye best be ready to set sail on a cinematic voyage like no other! Arrr!

April 16, 2024

Arrr mateys! The legendary space game from '92 be gettin' a belated sequel after 32 years on the high seas!

Avast ye mateys, "Free Stars: Children of Infinity" be like Star Control 3, but with a different moniker. It be so grand that it plundered $100,000 on Kickstarter quicker than Blackbeard on a rum run. Aye, the stars be alignin' for this here game!

Arrr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's most dreadfully dull minigame was meant to be twice as tiresome, but Square thought better of it, mateys!

Arrr, Square Enix be swabbin' the decks fer hours on end to make the mako vacuuming a jolly good time. Bless 'em, they gave it a go, but methinks they may have missed the mark a bit. Aye, at least they tried!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, a cherished Netflix swashbuckling tale be settin' sail with a barnacle-covered season 2 teaser.

Arrr, there be a sprightly swashbuckler, a noble lineage, and a skirmish betwixt the heavenly deities! 'Tis a tale of high seas adventure, treacherous quests, and dastardly foes. Avast, me hearties, 'tis a yarn worth tellin' over grog and plunder!

Arrr! I've been waitin' a decade for the Star Wars Lego sets comin' on May 4. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Seven new Lego Star Wars sets be comin' fer the May 4 festivities, bringin' back classic Phantom Menace moments like that legendary podrace. Grab yer parrot and set sail fer the nearest toy store, me mateys! A bounty of fun awaits us!

Arrr me hearties, ya scurvy dogs! To smite the metal beasties in Helldivers 2, aim for their rusty bolts and gears!

Avast ye scallywags! The mighty Colossal Factory Striders be stomping about on Automaton-controlled planets in Helldivers 2. Aye, beware the clanking of metal legs and the thunderous roar of machinery as ye plunder and pillage yer way through the galaxy. Aaarrrgh!

Avast ye hearties! The DLC be calling for ye to feast yer eyes on 18 inches o' Messmer the Impaler! Aye, memes be a-plenty from Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Arrr!

Arrr, have we not sailed these waters afore? Methinks we be stuck in a loop, like a parrot repeatin' its squawk. But fear not, me hearties, for each voyage be a new adventure, with treasures awaitin' at every turn!

Arrr! Overwatch scallywags be flabbergasted to find their accounts suspended for cursin' in this here Blizzard game! Profanity be forbidden, mateys!

Ye scurvy dogs best be keepin' yer tongues in check, for utterin' any o' them foul "F-bombs" shall not be tolerated aboard this ship! Save yer colorful language fer the parrot on me shoulder, arrr!

"Arrr, Abigail's tale be a swashbucklin' blast but in need of a hearty yarn to keep ye entertained!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Abigail be a swashbucklin' adventure, but methinks she be lackin' in the story department. Aye, she be a blood-bomb of fun, but a bit more narrative meat would make her a true treasure of the seven seas! Arrr!

Arr matey! Bridgerton scallywag be chattin' 'bout joinin' Jurassic World 4 helmed by Rogue One cap'n! Ahoy, adventure awaits!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis rumoured that the fair maiden Scarlett Johanson be chattin' about a leadin' role in the latest picture show. Arrr, we be hopin' she dons a tricorn hat and wields a cutlass like a true buccaneer!

Arrr, methinks Sonic did foresee Keanu Reeves takin' on the role o' Shadow in a past flick! Aye matey!

Ye be seein' signs of trouble ahead, me hearties? Methinks the winds be blowin' in a sinister direction. Tis a foretelling of doom, aye, a foreSHADOWing so dark ye might want to batten down the hatches and brace yerselves for what's to come! Arrr!

Arr matey, the Star Wars creator be claimin' Andor season 2 update be his most "important" work yet!

Arrr, the scallywags be toilin' away on the Rogue One prequel, aye! The crew be makin' progress on their quest to tell the tale before the original adventure. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for more updates, me hearties!

April 15, 2024

Arrr, ye scallywags! Palworld be fixin' the scurvy issue of weak Pal attacks, makin' us all cheer with joy!

Arr, me hearties, yer scurvy dogs be doin' naught but ticklin' the enemy with yer feeble attacks! Ye need to be hittin' 'em harder if ye want to be takin' down those bilge rats. Sharpen yer swords and aim true, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis rumoured that the MCU be plotting to introduce Doctor Doom, Mephisto, and Silver Surfer Shalla-Bal!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks Julia Garner's Silver Surfer Shalla-Bal be the key to unlockin' the gates for Doctor Doom and Mephisto to sail into the MCU waters. Aye, 'tis a grand adventure awaitin' us all! A treasure worth seekin' indeed! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis not Hayden Christensen, but the mighty Keanu Reeves who be Shadow in Sonic 3! Arrr!

Aye, me thinks Shadow be makin' a grand return. Watch yer back, me hearties, for this scallywag be creepin' in the shadows, ready to plunder and pillage. Stand ready to face the darkness, for Shadow be comin' for ye! Arrr!

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 scallywags be fixin' the fiery madness after admittin' it be downright absurd! Aye, matey!

Arrr! The works be like DPS, DOT, that cursed host thingie, and not keeling over in two ticks from merely grazin' it! Aye, 'tis a fine line we be walkin' between plunderin' treasure and endin' up in Davy Jones' locker!

Ahoy mateys! Save $300 doubloons on Avatar and Root RPGs in a grand TTRPG treasure chest! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lay yer hands on the Avatar Legends RPG, Root RPG, and other treasures in this grand Magpie Games book bundle. Ye'll be savin' yerself a whole $300 in the process. Arrr, 'tis a steal of a deal!

"Arrr, Star Wars Outlaws be havin' cameos fer both ye seasoned seadogs and fresh-faced swabbies, but fear not, Boba Fett shan't be on yer tail."

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that we'll cross paths with some fine cannon Star Wars scallywags on this grand adventure. Mayhaps we'll share a barrel o' rum and swap tales of galactic plunder! Aye, the Force be with us, mateys!

Arrr! Aye, me hearties! Ye best be watchin' this bone-chillin' tale with a perfect rating on Rotten Tomatoes!

Ye scallywags be clamorin' for more o' that wee Baby Reindeer! 'Tis a sight to behold, aye, with its tiny hooves and fluffy mane. The crew be watchin' in wonder, beggin' for more o' that adorable creature on the telly. Aaarrr!

Arrr, the scurvy dog in charge of True Detective be hintin' at season 5's link to Night Country! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Be ye thinkin' Issa López's True Detective season 5 be sailin' towards Night Country? Arrr, 'tis a mystery worth plunderin'! Let's hoist the anchor and set sail for adventure, me hearties! Yarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The Fallout games be takin' the high seas by storm as the Amazon Prime show be a treasure worth lootin'!

Arrr mateys, the treasures of Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas, and 76 be gettin' a second chance at sailin' the high seas! Hoist the sails and prepare yerselves for a jolly good time with these revamped booty! Aye, the gaming gods have smiled upon us!

Avast ye! The lass Rebecca Ferguson be sayin' that our beloved sci-fi show be filmin' two seasons in a row! Aye aye!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Methinks season 2 be comin' our way next year. Prepare ye selves for more adventure on the high seas! Yarrr, be ready to set sail once again with me hearties!

Arrr! The third season of Invincible be sailin' into view with all voices sung and done. Prepare yer ears, mateys!

Arrr, the good ship Invincible hath spoken of what be comin' next on the horizons. 'Tis like a treasure map revealed, me hearties! Let us prepare to set sail and discover the wonders that lie ahead! Aye, it be a jolly good day indeed!

Ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 shan't have transmog, for mismatched passives be like an apple tasting o' bacon! Arrr!

Arrr, the scallywag be claimin' this feature be as confusin' as a drunken parrot! But we'll sail through these treacherous waters and plunder the truth with our trusty cutlass of logic. Yarrr!

April 14, 2024

Arrr, the grandest city builders be takin' the seas as the most sought after game on Hades 2's Steam wishlists!

Arrr, me hearties! The Manor Lords be sailin' to the top o' Steam like a mighty pirate ship catchin' the wind in her sails! 'Tis a sight to behold, me mateys, as we plunder and pillage our way to glory on the high seas o' the digital world! Aye!

Arrr, Helldivers 2 dev be sayin' melee weapons be "still branded plausible." I be dreamin' of fightin' an Automaton Hulk with me giant sword!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fetch me katanas, chainsaws, lightsabers, and gloves afore I make ye walk the plank! Arrr, a pirate's arsenal be nothing without these fine weapons to strike fear into the hearts of me enemies! Aye!

Arrr, the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth book be tellin' us what we all knew: Barret be the smoothest scallywag around!

Arrr, he be itch'n to hop aboard the Gold Saucer Skywheel, ye scurvy dog! Ready to set sail on 'er grand voyage through the heavens. Ahoy, me hearties, let's be off to plunder the skies for treasures untold!

Yarrr, this game be helpin' us acceptin' our fate of extinction by satisfyin' our love for tales on the high seas!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Come aboard Edge magazine as it delves into the mysterious depths of The Talos Principle, a brain-teaser fit for a cunning pirate such as meself. Let's see if ye have what it takes to crack this high-brow puzzler! Arrr!

Arrr! The next-gen update for Fallout 4 be causin' a delay for the grand "30-40GB" Fallout London mod. Shiver me timbers! Our four years of work be at risk!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be wantin' this as close to a game launch as we can! Let's hoist the sails and set forth on our voyage to the land of digital booty! Yarrr!

April 13, 2024

Arrr matey! The Blizzard cap'n be wantin' to throw some extra doubloons to the crew after plunderin' $70 games!

Arrr mateys, fork over ye gold for the credits or ye be walkin' the plank! No scurvy dogs gettin' away with free rides on me ship, yarrr! Show me the loot or prepare to be marooned on a deserted isle!

Arrr, the scallywags at Baldur's Gate 3 studio be secret backers of a Metroidvania! They be payin' a hefty sum, no loot in return!

Arrr, me hearties! Larian Studios be supportin' the cursed indie game Blasphemous! Ye best be preparin' for a swashbucklin' adventure across the high seas of video games. Let's set sail and see what treasures be awaitin' us, me mateys!

Arrr! Final Fantasy 16 be takin' bold steps to shake up the RPG seas with its action-packed adventures!

Arrr matey! Edge magazine be tellin' tales of the makin' of FF16 with them scallywags who breathed life into it. 'Tis a fine read for any landlubber lookin' to learn the secrets behind this mighty game. Aye, grab yer grog and give it a gander!

Arr matey! The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth book be as lost as a landlubber at sea tryin' to explain that ending! Arr!

Arrr matey, the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ultimania be sayin' ye should hold yer horses and wait for part 3 to come sailin' in. Patience be a virtue, me hearty, so batten down the hatches and prepare for the next adventure!

Arrr matey, the dev of Helldivers 2 be sayin' ye need to restart yer game to fix a pricey ship bug! Ye better believe they be investigatin' a solution!

Arr mateys! The art o' packin' be lackin' in these lands! 'Tis like teachin' a parrot to speak proper - futile! Let's show these landlubbers the true way to pack a box, arrr!

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 scallywags be thinkin' 'bout makin' underground maps, but 'tis a treacherous task, mateys!

Arrr, be ye ready for a friendly fire hell, me hearties! Keep ye eyes peeled and yer cannons aimed true, for there be no room for mistakes on the high seas. May the wind be at our backs and the rum flow freely as we navigate this treacherous waters!

April 12, 2024

Arrr! The scallywags Jack Black and Jason Momoa be celebratin' their plunderin' on the silver screen with a jolly photo!

Arrr, me hearties! The grand spectacle be finally gracing the silver screen come 2025! Set sail for the theaters and behold this cinematic treasure like no other. Aye, it be worth the wait, me mateys!

Arrr, Fallout TV show be findin' the ultimate spot for the Wasteland - no need for fancy CGI tricks!

Arr mateys, who be up for a jaunt to the Namib desert? Aye, we'll be searchin' for buried treasure in them dunes. Look lively and pack yer eye patch, we set sail at first light!

What be the result when ye mix Peter Parker with the Green Goblin? 'Tis Spider-Goblin, arrr!

Arr matey, be warned! The treacherous Green Goblin be layin' a curse upon Peter Parker in the latest issue of Amazing Spider-Man #53. 'Tis a tale of mischief and mayhem on the high seas of comic book lore! Aye, me hearties, beware the wrath of the Goblin!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag who programmed the cursed nonsense that sank her run be beggin' forgiveness! Aye, tis a comedy of errors on the high seas!

Avast ye scurvy dogs, we be sailin' into the fray once more! Hoist the jolly roger and prepare for adventure on the high seas. By Blackbeard's beard, we'll plunder and pillage 'til the break of dawn! Aye, here we go again, me hearties!

Arrr, the finest Star Trek shows be gettin' renewed, yet one be walkin' the plank. Aye, the treacherous waters of television!

Arrr, me hearties! The Trek be a fickle mistress, she be! One minute ye be findin' a chest of gold, and the next she be throwin' ye overboard into Davy Jones' locker! Beware the whims of the Trek, me mateys!

Arr matey! The cap'n of Stellar Blade be sayin' folks thought we be daft fer makin' a grand RPG in Korea's mobile sea! Arrr!

"Arrr matey, tis a rare treasure indeed to be workin' on a AAA game in Korea," quoth the developer. "I be feelin' like a swashbucklin' buccaneer sailin' the high seas of game development!"

Ye scallywags best be keepin' yer eyes on Transformers #7 as Starscream and Soundwave have it out for leadership of the Decepticons! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, this month's scroll be the beginnin' of a grand tale. 'Tis the first bit of a new adventure that will have ye on the edge of yer seat. So hoist the sails and prepare for some swashbucklin' fun!

Arrr, the scallywags at Helldivers 2 be askin' about their new Warbond and shoddy blunderbusses, and the crew be sayin' they need some fixin'! Aye!

Avast ye, me hearties! The scallywags of Helldivers 2 have spoken! The Discord poll be as clear as the waters of Tortuga after a storm. After a mere few hours, the message be crystal: we be the fiercest crew on the seven seas! Aye!

Yon scallywags Garland and Dunst be too busy swashbucklin' to be botherin' with reassurin' ye landlubbers! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Set yer sights on the big screen spotlight as Civil War writer-director Alex Garland and the fair maiden Kirsten Dunst regale us with tales of politics, violence, and journalism. Aye, 'tis a plunderous tale not to be missed! Arrr!

Arrr, the Fallout TV show be praised by fans and critics alike! It be a treasure worth watchin'!

Arrr, me hearties, ye best be settlin' in for a viewing of Fallout on Prime Video! 'Tis a fine treasure to be found, indeed. Grab yer grog and enjoy the adventure unfolding before ye eyes. Yarrr, a jolly good time awaits!

Arrr, the old captain of Final Fantasy 7 doth wish for the tale to continue, though he fears he may walk the plank!

Arrr, matey! Yoshinori Kitase be aimin' to tie up loose ends in the trilogy like a true seadog settin' sail for smooth waters. No scallywags or cursed treasure left behind, aye! Fair winds and a jolly good finish be awaitin' us all!

Arrr, Captain America 4 be showin' Ford tellin' Mackie to round up a new crew o' Avengers. Feige likens it to The Winter Soldier, mateys!

Arrr mateys, feast yer eyes on the first glimpse of Captain America 4! The secret footage be shown behind locked doors, but fear not, we pirates be crafty enough to find a way to spy on it. Yo ho ho, we be ready for adventure on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, have ye seen the latest Sonic 3 footage? It be showin' Sonic and Robotnik joinin' forces against Shadow!

Arrr, mateys! The secrets of Sonic 3 be revealed behind the closed doors of CinemaCon! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon for this rare treasure, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure!

Arr matey! Baldur's Gate 3 be snatchin' all the booty, leavin' Elden Ring and Breath o' the Wild in its wake!

Arrr, me hearties! Larian Studios be makin' history with a flawless run of victories! They be sailin' the high seas of success with nary a scratch on their hull. Aye, they be the envy of all us scallywags!

April 11, 2024

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! NYX be back wit' Ms. Marvel an' Wolverine takin' the stage. Arrr!"

Arrr, me hearties! Laura Kinney be sailin' back to the X-Men spin-off, aye, just like a fierce pirate returnin' to plunder more treasure! 'Tis a jolly good time for all us scallywags and seadogs alike! Avast, me mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! Be the lucky landlubber to claim a 4K Blu-ray of Aliens, arrr!

Arrr mateys, behold! We hath five copies of the latest treasure, the UHD release, to bestow upon ye lucky scallywags! Avast, enter our giveaway and ye may just win yerself a piece of cinematic booty fit for a pirate of yer caliber! Aye, 'tis true!

Arr matey, acquire Baghead on Blu-ray or walk the plank! Aye, it be a treasure worth plunderin'!

Arrr mateys! We be havin' five copies o' the spooky flick to share with ye scallywags! 'Tis a treasure worth fightin' for, so gather yer crew and prepare to be spooked wit' delight! Ye won't be walkin' the plank empty-handed! Aye!

Thar be a scallywag by the name o' EA, tryin' to keelhaul our indie craftin' treasure from Steam! Aye, but we be survivin' against all odds! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the tale of Interview | Potions be a curious one indeed! Despite startin' off on rocky waters, this ship has sailed out of the doldrums and into smoother seas. Raise yer mugs of grog and toast to this resilient crew!

Arrr! The Last Ronin II #2 be delayed a moon's cycle. Shiver me timbers, these turtles be slow!

Arrr, the treasure be arrivin' fashionably late, me hearties, but fear not for its splendor be worth the wait! Aye, the sight of it will make ye eyes pop like a pair of doubloons in a greedy pirate's palm!

Arrr, me hearties! The first glimpse o' Apple's strange new series be showin' Joel Edgerton lost at sea between worlds!

Arrr me hearties, mark ye calendars for May, when the grand show be settin' sail on the telly! 'Tis a series ye won't want to miss, full o' adventure and plunder. So gather yer crew and be ready for a swashbucklin' good time!

"Arrr mateys, Tom Hiddleston's show be gettin' a third season 'fore the second has set sail on the high seas!"

Arr, me hearties! The Night Manager be gettin' a jolly good surprise with a double-season renewal from the likes of BBC and Amazon! Shiver me timbers, this news be makin' me want to celebrate with a barrel of rum and a hearty "yo ho ho!"

Arrr, as the praises be sung for the 3DS and Wii U servers, loyal Nintendo scallywags keep the online modes alive!

Arrr, by Blackbeard's beard, a mere handful of scurvy dogs be standin' after the battle! Must be some sort o' sorcery at work, or maybe they be usin' them cheat codes. Either way, they be sailin' on smooth waters for now. Arrr!

Arrr, be that the Watcher be lurkin' in X-Men '97? Fans be whisperin' it be so! Aye matey!

Arr matey, word on the high seas be that the Watcher hath been spied in the treacherous waters of X-Men '97! Keep a weather eye out me hearties, for trouble be a-brewin' in them thar comic book pages! Arrrr!

Arrr, I was keen on this new contraption 'til those crypto vibes scuttled me interest! Aargh!

Arrr matey, the SuiPlay0X be a gaming contraption tied to this mysterious Web3, but it could give the Steam Deck a run for its doubloons if it be settin' its sights on different treasures, savvy? Aye, 'tis worth keepin' an eye on!

"Arrr, Helldivers 2 be addin' fancy fleet upgrades to fend off those Automaton scallywags! 'Twill take me months to plunder enough gold!"

Arrr, these treasures couldn't have washed ashore at a more fortunate moment! 'Tis as if the seas themselves have conspired to fill me coffers! Aye, I shall raise a flagon of rum to celebrate me good fortune!

April 10, 2024

Arrr! EA be denyin' the scuttlebutt o' a Dead Space 2 remake bein' canceled. 'Tis all pure poppycock, mateys!

Arrr matey, it be lookin' like Dead Space 2 be walkin' the plank for a remake. No matter how ye cut it, the scallywags be keepin' it buried in Davy Jones' locker. Aye, the seas be rough for this old game!

Arrr, the fair maiden Margot Robbie be settin' sail to produce a Monopoly film, aye matey!

Avast ye mateys, I be not fibbin', a yarn 'bout how Mr. Monopoly came t'be sounds like a jolly good time, aye! Who knew a scurvy land lubber could be so entertainin'? Let's set sail on this adventure o' board games and riches! Arrr!

Arrr matey, Destiny 2 be lookin' like a treasure chest with new powers and loot to plunder! Aye, break the game we shall!

Arrr mateys, me hearties at Bungie be throwin' off the kiddie mittens and showin' their true pirate colors! Prepare ye selves for some swashbucklin' adventures on the high seas of gaming! Aye, the plunderin' be about to begin!

Avast ye scallywags! Two brave X-Men unite as Jean Grey harnesses the power of the Phoenix in her solo adventure! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Phoenix #1 be sendin' Jean Grey to the stars to wield the power o' the Phoenix Force once more. Yarrr, tis a tale o' cosmic proportions that'll shiver yer timbers and make ye wish ye had a parrot on yer shoulder!

Arrr, a swashbucklin' mate be returnin' to the ranks of DC heroes, thanks to a bold Outsiders tale!

Arrr, me hearties be dreadin' another swole hero takin' our booty! Mayhaps we should be keepin' an eye on this scurvy dog before he be plunderin' our treasures and stealin' our rum! Aye, we be needin' to watch our backs, lest we be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, this JSAUX RGB Dockin' Station be a jolly good time, but be a bit rough around th' edges, matey!

Arrr matey! The JSAUX RGB Docking Station be true to its word, but beware of the shoddy craftsmanship that may make ye think twice about splurgin' on this overpriced treasure. Aye, ye be better off settin' sail for sturdier ports!

Yarrr, X-Men '97 episode 5 be more tear-jerkin' than a shipwreck in a storm! Devastatin'ly heartbreakin', mateys!

Arrr, mateys! The X-Men '97 episode 5 be like a wave of sorrow crashin' upon me ship. 'Tis as heartbreakin' as a sunken treasure, me heart be shattered into a thousand pieces. Avast! 'Tis a catastrophic tale of woe that be leavin' me weepin' like a scallywag!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have uncovered a trick to nab endless Master Balls and loot by tampering with the Nintendo Switch timepiece. Aye, a pirate's dream come true!

Arr mateys, the blasted Item Printer be more bust than a sailor's peg leg! 'Tis a cursed contraption that be spewing out gibberish like a drunken parrot. We be needin' a savvy tech wizard to fix this scallywag contraption! Aye, arrr!

Arrr mateys, some scallywags be thinkin' Harley Quinn and Joker's love story be flipped upside down in the comics!

Arrr mateys, this Joker 2 theory be ticklin' our fancy! We be all in, hook, line, and sinker! Let's set sail on this wild ride of speculation, and see where it takes us on the high seas of entertainment! Aye, aye, captain!

Arrr, after Troy Baker denied his role in GTA 6, scallywags be thinkin' they've found the true actor playin' 'Jason'.

Arrr mateys, we be sailin' the high seas o' confusion tryin' to uncover the true identity o' the fair maiden Lucia. But fear not, for we shall not rest until we have unraveled this mysterious tale!

Avast ye landlubbers! The new horror film be holdin' a moment wilder than a newborn's birth - mark me words!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! The goodly Director Arkasha Stevenson hath revealed a sneak peek at 'The Omen' prequel, a shot so quick ye'll need eyes like a hawk to spy it! Keep a weather eye on the horizon for this cursed treasure! Aye, aye, Captain!

Avast ye landlubbers! The long-awaited moving picture be comin' sooner than a mermaid's wink! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, have ye heard the news? The Haikyu film be settin' sail in the month of May! Ready yer popcorn and brace yerselves for a swashbucklin' good time on the silver screen! Aye, 'twill be a jolly adventure indeed.

April 9, 2024

Arr me hearties, ye won't believe it! The rare and wondrous Spawnmobile be up for grabs at a steal!

Avast ye scallywags! Lay claim to a slice of '90s comics lore with yer very own Spawnmobile! Sail the seas in style, arrr, and show off yer treasure to all the landlubbers. Don't be a landlubber yerself, grab it before it's gone!

Arrr! Blumhouse be ticklin' our fancy with a peek at the next Five Nights at Freddy's adventure - could it be Mangle?

Avast ye scallywags! The likes of Jim Henson's Creature Shop be brewin' up a right curious concoction of monstrosities. They be dabblin' in the dark arts of puppetry, conjurin' creatures that'll make ye quiver in yer boots. Beware, me hearties, for ye may not be ready for what be comin'! Arrrr!

Arrr, X-Force be settin' sail again with Forge at the helm, aimin' to right all the world's wrongs!

Arrr, hear ye, me hearties! Marvel be addin' to its X-Men adventures with the X-Force from the 'From the Ashes' era. Shiver me timbers, it be a jolly good time to set sail on this new voyage with our mutant brethren!

Arrr mateys, as the doubloons from Helldivers 2 be drippin' in late, the scallywags be reckonin' a complete booty system revamp be needed!

Arrr me hearties, I tell ye this here thing be as trustworthy as a wooden leg with a hole in it! 'Tis like tryin' to navigate the high seas with a compass made o' cheese! Aye, ye might as well be lookin' for buried treasure in a foggy mist!

Arrr, mateys be talkin' about Eli Roth's Borderlands adaptation like parrots squawkin' on a treasure map!

Arr, it seems as though Brick and Mordecai be walkin' the plank and not makin' the cut for the Borderlands show. Shiver me timbers, those scallywags be left in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, the casting crew be playin' a cruel joke on us landlubbers.

"Arrr, 'tis a scandal of grand proportions! Epic be plunderin' our doubloons with their overpriced garb!"

Arrr mateys, Uncommon and Legendary skins be as rare as a mermaid's kiss these days! The plunderin' for such treasures be as fierce as a sea storm. But fear not, for we pirates be crafty, and we'll find 'em yet!

Arrr, avast ye! The Nvidia RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 be comin' to plunder yer treasure afore the year be out!

Arrr, me hearties! A fresh scroll be claimin' that the latest treasures, GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080, be settin' sail in Q4 of 2024. Prepare yer ships and ready yer doubloons, for a bounty of graphical riches be on the horizon! Aye, me parrot concurs!

Arrr, me mateys! The Star Wars Outlaws be settin' sail to a galaxy far, far away this summer! Aye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lay hold of a special scroll to gain 3 days of plunder before the rest of the landlubbers! 'Tis a treasure worth hoisting the Jolly Roger for, so set sail and seize it before it slips through yer grasp! Arrr!

Arrr, the scallywag behind Sonic be claimin' his flicks will rival the grandeur o' the Avengers! A bold boast indeed!

Arrr, me maties! The moving pictures on the box shall be our key to understandin' the characters of landlubbers. Let us watch with keen eyes and sharp wits, for the treasure of knowledge be buried within each show. Aye, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! The Helldivers 2 patch be fixin' them pesky bugs before the next big battle. Onward we sail!

Arrr mateys! There be a jolly new bit o' fluff fer yer cutlasses and pistols! Aye, a fine detail indeed for plunderin' and pillagin'! Set sail and give 'em scallywags a taste o' this new weapon fancy! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, ye scallywags be keepin' the 3DS and Wii U games alive, fightin' like true pirates for their precious booty!

Avast ye scallywags! Keep it alive for as long as you can, ye landlubbers! Show some mettle and don't let it sink like a ship in a storm. Arrr, be as stubborn as a barnacle on a ship's hull!

Arrr, the crew of Fallout cast did spy on Twitch and YouTube scallywags before filming: "Vital to our plunder!"

Arrr matey! Avast ye! The scallywag Aaron Moten be spillin' the beans to GamesRadar+ about his Twitch tomfoolery. Set sail fer a jolly good read, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

April 8, 2024

Arrr, the fabled NES treasure be worth a king's ransom! The scallywag lost out, but the new owner be sentimental.

Avast ye scallywags! The quest be done after 23 years on the high seas! No more rum-fueled nights searchin' for treasure. We've struck gold at last! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

"Arrr! The Fallout TV show crew be pleased as a parrot to have Todd Howard's nod of approval!"

Arrr mateys! 'Tis a jolly tale of Wagner, Moten, and Goggins chattin' 'bout their adventures workin' with the legendary Todd Howard on the grand seas of the Fallout franchise. Aye, 'twas a treasure worth sharin' amongst us scallywags!

Arrr! Venom: Separation Anxiety #1 be a swashbucklin' tale of the fierce Lethal Protector battlin' a scurvy villain, matey!

Avast ye mateys! Set yer sights on the new title Venom: Separation Anxiety #1 before anyone else! Get a jump on the scallywags and see what trouble ol' Eddie Brock is gettin' himself into this time. Arrr, don't be a landlubber, be a true buccaneer and get yer hands on this treasure!

Avast ye scallywags! This game be a rare treasure: set in medieval Slovakia, ye be a drunken knight for just a wee bit o' time! Aye!

Ye must set sail to scurry away the scurvy Hussites and Ottomans who be plunderin' this land. Hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare for battle, me hearties! We be takin' back what be rightfully ours! Arrr!

The scallywag Diablo 3 dev be wishin' he'd listened to the wise ARPG veterans for a better skill system! Arrr!

Arrr, the crew be not settin' sail towards a treacherous sea of complicatin' skills. We be keepin' it simple like lootin' a helpless merchant ship. No need for navigatin' through a storm of confusion, aye mateys!

Arrr, ye see Mark Hamill's jest against them peculiar Star Wars ale promotions? 'Tis a riot!

Arrr matey, may the grog flow freely in yer tankard! May the winds of fortune blow in yer favor, and may the booty be plentiful in yer hold. Drink up, me hearties, and raise a toast to the pirate life!

Arr mateys! Ye can now lay yer eyes on me treasured manga for a mere pittance, thanks to a bargain from Final Fantasy's scallywags!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Square Enix's Manga Up! be settin' sail fer a subscription model. Grab yer pieces o' eight and prepare to feast yer eyes on the finest tales o' adventure on the high seas! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth payin' fer! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon for the reveal of the first open-world Star Wars adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Be on the lookout for the grand reveal of the Star Wars Outlaws trailer when the clock strikes in yer timezone. Aye, may the force be with ye as ye set sail on this cinematic adventure!

Arrr! The old sea dog from Starfield and Skyrim be singin' praises for Dragon's Dogma 2's sneaky design trick!

Arrr matey, when ye can't round up them scallywags for more lines, ye be stuck in a pickle like a landlubber in a storm! Ye be left scratchin' yer noggin like a parrot with a flea infestation, wonderin' what to do next. Aye, tis a cruel fate indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! The most swashbucklin' anime be known, and 'tis not One Piece, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Shiver me timbers, there be a new spectacle in these waters! Make way for the show that be stealin' the limelight from One Piece, for we be settin' sail with more plunderin' and pillagin' than ever before! Arrr!

Avast ye, scallywags! Troy Baker be denyin' bein' the voice of the GTA 6 hero. Give that lad his due, arrr!

Arrr, he doth be takin' the theory as a fine compliment, like a shiny treasure chest full o' gold and jewels! 'Tis a jolly good notion, me hearties, to be praised in such a manner! Aye, me thinks he be pleased as a parrot with a cracker! Arrr!

Arrr, the Logan helmsman's Star Wars tale be crafted by a scallywag who spun Andor's finest yarns!

Arrr! The tale of Dawn of the Jedi be penned by a scallywag from Andor! Aye, a merry band o' scribes be workin' their magic on this here yarn. Ready yer cutlasses and set sail for an epic adventure on the high seas of the galaxy!

April 7, 2024

The Helldivers 2 scallywags say to give it a rest to fix crashes - 230,000 sea dogs battle Automatons! Arrr!

Me hearties be rushin' to plunder the last treasure, Durgen. The scallywags be swarming like a pack o' seadogs on the hunt for booty. Arrr, may the wind be at our backs and the rum flow freely as we claim our prize!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the jolly Grillet, a fiery matey, may soon join our crew in the Palworld adventure!

Arrr, methinks a fiery devil of an Ignis be sailin' our way, ready to plunder our ship and scorch our hides! Prepare yer cannons and brace yerselves, mateys, for a battle of epic proportions be on the horizon! Aye, aye, Captain!

Arrr, this band of Dutch scallywags be escapin' their troubles by confrontin' the chaos of their past!

Arrr, mateys! Edge magazine be takin' a peek behind the curtain with the scallywags of Total Mayhem Games. 'Tis a jolly good read, so hoist the anchor and set sail to uncover the secrets of these landlubbers! Aye, 'tis a treasure trove of information, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! The cursed Super Mario Maker level be conquered afore Nintendo sends the servers to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys, Swabbing the deck was deemed a task fit only for the gods! But lo and behold, we scallywags have managed to trim the herbs without losing a finger or two. Aye, we be miracle workers indeed!

Arrr matey, I be stuck with this scurvy gaming mouse for three years now, still be clickin' away every day!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been three years since I've been wielding the Tecknet's wired gaming mouse, and by Blackbeard's beard, its worth in doubloons be beyond compare! Aye, 'tis a treasure trove of value for me golden pieces!

April 6, 2024

Fear not, me hearties! Stardew Valley 1.6 be a-brewin' fer console and mobile, but no date be set! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs who be fond of yer Xboxes, PlayStations, and Switches may have to bide yer time a wee bit longer. The winds of delay be blowin' against ye, so hoist the sails and be patient like a pirate in search of buried treasure! Arrr!

Arrr, Matey! Final Fantasy 16's Yoshi-P be settin' the sails for a new tactics spin-off. It be high time, me hearties!

Mayhaps we be hopin' for a grand adventure upon the seas of Final Fantasy, where strategy be our trusty sword and treasure be our reward. Aye, may the winds of fortune blow in our favor, me hearties!

Arrr! The Elder Scrolls Online hath plundered $2 billion in a decade. 'Tis a jolly successful live game indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! I be tellin' ye, don't be makin' any wagers against the mighty ESO, lest ye be wantin' to walk the plank! They be as fierce as a Kraken and as cunning as Blackbeard himself. Aye, me words be true!

Arrr, a scallywag used the web's ancient secrets to spin a yarn of human bonds that be eternal.

Arrr mateys! Ye scallywags at Edge magazine be delvin' into the makin' of Videoverse. Avast ye landlubbers, 'tis a tale worth readin'! Set sail with Edge as they uncover the secrets of this digital treasure trove. Yarrr!

Arrr matey! CD Projekt exec be makin' jest at Ubisoft's "AAAA" Skull and Bones, now sailin' towards "AAAAA" games!

Arrr, the scallywag behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 be throwin' some shade like a bilge rat slingin' mud! But fear not, me hearties, for we be sailin' the high seas of gaming with our trusty loot and plunder, Yarr!

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 scallywags thought less landlubbers would join the Automaton crew, but 70% answered the call!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be mobilized, but alas, too slow they be to finish the Captain's grand decree! Aye, 'twas a sight to see, but the treasure be lost to the depths of Davy Jones's locker! Aarrgggh!

April 5, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! This buccaneer lost me sex speedrun title, but seized it back with a mere blink o' an eye! "Summoning Salt, message me!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Bob Dylan be a minnow compared to the mighty tides of our salty sea shanties. He be no match for the likes of us buccaneers, with our rum-soaked voices and swashbuckling tales of adventure on the high seas! Arrr!

Arrr! Space Ghost be gettin' his rightful place in a new comic series! Aye, like Batman in a galaxy far, far away!

Avast ye scallywags! David Pepose be spillin' the beans on how he's bringin' that old salt, Space Ghost, into the new-fangled world. Aye, 'tis a tale worth hearin', me hearties! Yarr!

Arrr matey, ye see the PS5 game Stellar Blade be getting high praise for its 60 FPS and 4K resolution!

Arrr, methinks Stellar Blade be a fine vessel in the early reckonin'! She be cuttin' through them waves like a sword through a barrel o' rum! Aye, she be a beauty to behold on the high seas, me hearties!

Arrr, after 13 long years, me heart be aflutter with joy as me favorite romance anime be gettin' a new season on Netflix! The first trailer be so good 'tis like a stab to the heart!

Arr matey! Ye best be keepin' an eye out, for Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You be returnin' with a third season! Avast ye landlubbers, and prepare to set sail on a new adventure with our beloved crew. Aye, it be a fine day for watchin' some anime!

Arrr, the mighty creator be talkin' 'bout the Fortnite meetin' and the Spider-Man spoof. Methinks Marvel be none too pleased!

Arrr, mateys! The finale of Invincible season 2 be chock-full of twists and turns, like a treacherous sea voyage! Ye best be holdin' on to yer hats, for there be more drama and action than a barrel o' rum at a pirate's party! Yo ho ho!

Arrr mateys, ye have but a day to plunder 50% off o' Pokemon TCG booty! Set sail at once!

Arr matey! Avast ye! Best Buy be offerin' a treasure trove of Pokemon cards at a steal of a price! But be quick, me hearties, for this deal be as fleeting as a ghost ship in the night! Grab yer booty while ye can! Arrr!

Arrr matey, gather ye crew, choose a fine ship (deck), and set sail on the high seas of Commander!

Arrr mateys! This here guide be takin' ye through learnin' the ways o' MTG Commander, from playin' the format to craftin' yer own deck. Set sail on the high seas o' Magic: The Gatherin' with this helpful treasure map!

Arrr mateys, ye hear tell of the grand news? Dune 3 be set to sail the silver screen! Aye!

Arrr mateys, ye hear tell of a third tale in the makin' from the likes of Denis Villeneuve! Aye, we'll be settin' sail on the high seas once more with this fine director at the helm. Avast, me hearties, 'tis a jolly good time to be a pirate!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be wantin' to plant a kiss on them Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, arrr! Smooch away, me hearties!

Aye, I'd be willing to part with me pieces of eight for that treasure, even if it be but a wee digital trinket! 'Tis a fair exchange in this modern age of piracy on the high seas of the internet, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The new switches on this customizable deck be as impressive as a chest o' gold! Arrr!

Arr matey, the Cherry XTRFY K5V2 be a fine vessel for me digits, but these strange switch choices on the bigger keys be like a peg leg on a parrot! Aye, 'tis a curious quirk indeed.

Arrr, ye scallywags be talkin' 'bout a hidden clue in the Fantastic Four poster! Looks like trouble for the MCU!

Avast ye scurvy dog! Where be that treasure ye speak of? I be searchin' high and low for it, but tis nowhere to be found! Arrr, me hearties, let us embark on a grand adventure to uncover this elusive booty!

April 3, 2024

Arrr, Julia Garner sets sail with the Fantastic Four crew as the Silver Surfer, aye, not the one ye be thinkin' of!

Arrr, methinks Julia Garner be takin' on the role of the Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four reboot, but 'tis said Norrin Radd be left out in the cold. Aye, shiver me timbers! What be goin' on in the land of Hollywood, I wonder?

"Arrr, me hearties! Colin Farrell be speakin' of a new detective drama that left him with pure wonderment!"

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags of Sugar be spillin' the beans on what sets this here series apart from the rest! Ye best be settlin' in for a tale worth tellin', full of adventure, romance, and a sprinkle of magic! Aye, 'tis a show fit for a pirate's treasure!

Arrr, the Gunship factories be tougher than a barnacle on a ship's hull! That Hellbomb be no match for 'em!

Arrr mateys be divided on these here factories, like a split in a treasure map! Some be thinkin' they be gold, while others be seein' only bilge water. 'Tis a rum tale indeed, sure to stir up a squall in the crew!

"Arrr, Blood Hunters #1 be tellin' the tale o' Dagger raisin' a crew to save poor Cloak from them bloodsuckin' fiends!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Set yer sights on Blood Hunters #1, where the fair maiden Erica Schultz be crafting a crew for Dagger. Delve into the depths of this tale, and ye may just find yerself hooked on the adventures that await! Arrr!

Arrr matey, be ye wonderin' when the first episode of My Hero Academia season 7 be arrivin' on Crunchyroll? Aye!

Arrr, me heart be a-flutter with excitement, me mateys! The legendary tale of My Hero Academia be returnin' to our screens before ye know it. Ready yer popcorn and brace yerselves for a swashbucklin' good time, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties be sayin' Diablo 4's Season 4 PTR be settin' sail fer smooth waters ahead! Aye aye, captain!

Avast ye scallywags, be ye knowin' that the month of May be approachin' at a snail's pace? Me timbers be shiverin' with excitement for its arrival, for the plundering and pillaging opportunities be aplenty. Yarrr!

Arrr mateys! Seek ye guidance in Dragon's Dogma 2 A Candle in the Storm with this jolly walkthrough and choices.

Arrr mateys, the treacherous journey of the DD2 quest, A Candle in the Storm, be comin' to a close. Ye must decide whether to stand by the Empress or walk the plank. Choose wisely, me hearties, for the fate of the high seas be in yer hands.

Arrr, me hearties be ponderin' if Nintendo be plannin' to release new Mario adventures on the high seas! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Me hearties be talkin' about Mario & Luigi, Mario RPG, and Paper Mario as if they be treasures worth more than gold! Ye best be grabbin' yer controllers and settin' sail on an adventure with these fine games, or ye be walkin' the plank! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Be the envy of all with yer own life-sized M3GAN, now available for plunderin'! Argh!

Avast ye landlubbers! Ye can be the proud owner of yer very own M3GAN! Aye, she be a fine lass with all the bells and whistles a scallywag could ask for. So hoist the sails and set a course for M3GAN ownership, arrr!

Arrr, matey! Sam Raimi be keen on steerin' the Avengers ship, but Marvel ain't sent him the signal yet.

Arrr, they be playin' hard to get, mateys! I be waitin' with bated breath for them to finally ask me. Me heart be aflutter with anticipation! Aye, I hope they do before I have to walk the plank!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The captain of Stellar Blade be advisin' ye to cover yer wench Eve's bare skin in battle! Arrrgh!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Don thy warmest garb lest ye freeze yer bones to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis a frosty morn, so bundle up like a treasure trove and keep the chill at bay, lest ye end up lookin' like a frozen fish stick!" Arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Follow yon guide fer Dragon's Dogma 2 like a scurvy dog chasin' a phantom oxcart!"

Arrr mateys, The Phantom Oxcart in DD2 be a quest 'bout chasin' a mysterious cart full o' Pawns. Set sail on this adventure and see what treasures ye may find on the high seas! Fair warning, beware the ghostly crew that guards their loot. Aye, it be a tale worth tellin'.

April 2, 2024

The finest scoundrels to ever cross paths with the Dark Knight, arrr! Aye, the best rogues in all the land.

Arrr, me hearties! The Batman be bringin' back the scurvy Riddler, Catwoman, and Penguin to the silver screen, but they be just a few o' the finest scallywags to ever cross swords with the Caped Crusader! Avast, me mateys, prepare to be entertained!

Arrr, the finest tales of the Caped Crusader to ever grace the seven seas! Bat-matey, a true treasure trove!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and complete ye library of the Bat with these finest tales of Batman! 'Tis sure to shiver yer timbers and keep ye entertained on the high seas. Get 'em now or walk the plank! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs! Aye, the Apex Legends update be so foul, players be losin' levels and loot! Respawn be sayin' "hang tight, ye salty sea dogs!" Aarrggh!

Avast ye landlubbers! None shall suffer a wipe of their account, but those poor souls already afflicted be waitin' with bated breath for the next update to fix their woes. May the seas be kind to them, lest they be forced to walk the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, Colin Farrell be swearin' his new Batman show about The Penguin be as dark as Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Colin Farrell be spillin' the beans on his new shows, Sugar and The Penguin, showin' us the treasure map to the parallels betwixt 'em. Grab yer spyglass and set sail for the entertainment seas, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! Follow the path through the misty clouds in Dragon's Dogma 2 A Veil of Gossamer Clouds. Onward! Arrr!

Arr matey, where be ye headin' to suss out the missive in the DD2's A Veil of Gossamer Clouds adventure? 'Tis a treasure hunt for sure! Set sail to the X that marks the spot and ye shall find yer answer, me hearty! Aye, there be no time to dilly dally!

Kong be the true king o' the monsters, mateys! Godzilla x Kong be showin' why he reigns supreme. Arrr!

Arrr matey, there be a good reason why they call him KING Kong! That scallywag be ruling over all the other beasts with his mighty size and strength. Ye better watch out or he'll be squishing ye like a bug!

Arr, Sydney Sweeney be watchin' a nun-themed horror flick in a church with real pastors - a sight to behold!

Ye scurvy landlubber, may the winds blow in yer favor and the seas be kind to yer soul. We'll be sendin' our prayers to the mighty Neptune himself for yer safe journey, so fear not, matey. Fair winds and following seas to ye!

Arr, ye scallywags! Be ready to take down them metal beasts in Helldivers 2 like a true pirate!

Arrr mateys, beware of them gunships in Helldivers 2! Ye be needin' cannons the size of a whale to take 'em down. Prepare to unleash yer firepower and send those scurvy dogs to Davy Jones' locker!

Arr matey! Sam Raimi be tellin' the scallywags the truth 'bout Spider-Man 4, so pay heed and listen well!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of Tobey Maguire! 'Tis a dark day, for the winds of misfortune have blown in yer direction. The tide hath turned against ye, and the rumour be true - the lad be walkin' the plank from his role. Aye, 'tis a sorrowful tale indeed!

Arrr matey, ye be lookin' for the scallywag Assassin in Shadowed Prayers? Keep an eye out fer sneaky moves!

Arrr matey! The scurvy Assassin in DD2's Shadowed Prayers be needin' to be captured and revealed! Get yer spyglass ready and be on the lookout for this scallywag before he slips away into the night! Arrr!

Arrr, this Elgato Facecam MK2 be no scallywag when it comes to colors! 'Tis a jolly good camera indeed!

Arrr, the MK2 be a fine piece o' tech, mateys, but 'tis lackin' a splash o' color! Aye, a touch o' vibrancy would surely make it stand out amongst the sea o' gadgets. Avast ye, a little color be the key to winnin' o'er the hearts o' scallywags far 'n wide!

Arrr! The next part o' Final Fantasy 7 Remake be sailin' full speed ahead, me hearties! The director be yearnin' to finish this epic quest!

Arrr, me hearties! Nomura be swearin' he and Nojima be toilin' away like scallywags on Part 3. Aye, they be like two jolly buccaneers on a quest for treasure, sailin' the seas of creativity! Aye, may they find the booty they seek!

April 1, 2024

Arr matey! Aye, 'tis true! A poxy game where ye swat bums be gettin' a remaster after 29 years!

Arr, ye scallywags! Aye, proper game preservin' be fair to all, be it landlubber or salty sea dog. No discrimination here, me hearties! Keep yer treasure chests full of games for all to enjoy, says I! Yo ho ho and a barrel o' fun!

The Black Widow be Marvel's fiercest mate, keepin' her Venom symbiote by her side, aye!

Arrr mateys, the Black Widow be joinin' forces with a venomous creature to create a bond stronger than any on the seven seas. Aye, beware of the deadly duo as they sail through treacherous waters together!

"Arr! The scallywags be in a tizzy over the new Hollow Knight Silksong page found on April Fools' Day!"

Arrr mateys, be ye aware that the scallywags at the ESRB have given this piece of entertainment a rating! So mind ye, me hearties, and heed their warnings before ye embark on this adventure of video gaming! Aye, aye!

Avast ye landlubbers! The new Doctor Who trailer be promisin' a jolly adventure with dinosaurs, a jaunt to the '60s, and space babies!

Arr mateys! 'Tis be true, the good Doctor Who be returnin' this May on the grand channels o' BBC and Disney Plus. Aye, me hearties, prepare to set sail on a swashbucklin' adventure through time and space with the good Doctor at the helm! Aarrr!

Arrr! Ye mateys at CDPR be swearin' that The Witcher 4 won't be a mere copy o' The Witcher 3! New treasures await!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready for surprises ye haven't laid eyes on in our past skirmishes. Ye best be keepin' yer wits about ye, for this time, we be throwin' in a few twists and turns to keep ye on yer toes! Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr, Mateys! The Helldivers 2 captain be muttering 'bout clearer planets. A scallywag's idea be closin' in on the treasure!

Arrr, sometimes the ship of democracy be needin' a few more hands on deck to steer her in the right direction. Aye, 'tis like tryin' to keep a drunken sailor from fallin' overboard - ye need all the help ye can get!

Arrr, me hearties! Minecraft be addin' Spider-Man and a potato dimension fer April Fools! Aye, tis useless indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! The treacherous tater be the talk of the town in this grand April jest! 'Tis a patch so vast, it puts Minecraft to shame. Avast, me mateys, 'tis a prank worth walkin' the plank for!

Arrr, four brave souls be ponderin' the booty and dangers of makin' games as a lone wolf. Aye!

Arrr, Edge be chattin' with Tomas Sala, Lucy Blundell, Madison Karrh, and Joe Richardson. A jolly crew o' scallywags sharin' tales o' their plunderin' in the high seas o' game development. Ye better read or walk the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, the First Omen stars be tellin' tales of a horror prequel with a modern twist on the swashbucklin' film genre!

Arr, me hearties! Bill Nighy and Nell Tiger Free be applauding director Arkasha Stevenson for not lettin' the film get stuck in olden days like a dusty ol' treasure chest. Aye, they be keepin' it fresh and lively, like a swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas! Arrr!

March 31, 2024

Avast! Palworld be playin' a jest on us all with a cursed tale o' mates strippin' in a dating sim!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye scallywags be dressin' like landlubbers in Palworld! Aye, 'tis true! Ye be pretendin' to be high schoolers, but remember, thar be more to it than just playin' dress up with yer mates. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail fer adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The sandbox game by automation swashbucklers be alive on Steam, makin' waves among nerds!

Arrr, me hearties! AutoForge be havin' the finest booty from both lands. 'Tis a treasure trove fit fer any scallywag lookin' fer plunder. Set sail to AutoForge and ye shall find the best o' both worlds awaitin' ye. Aye, 'tis a pirate's paradise indeed!

Arrr, Helldivers 2's grand quest be thwarted by bugdivers and creekers! Blame 'em for this setback, says High Command!

Ahoy mateys! Aye, tis be true that victories must be won through the sweat o' yer brow and the cut o' yer sword. But alas, today be not the day for triumph! Back to the grog, me hearties, we'll try again on the morrow! Arrr!

Arrr, this cursed Metroidvania be a treasure worth plunderin'! 'Tis gained 285% in just 3 days on Kickstarter!

Arrr, me hearties! The lassie be pushin' all the right buttons on Eden's Guardian! She be holdin' the key to me treasure chest, that's for sure. I be keepin' a weather eye on her, savvy?

March 30, 2024

Arrr mateys, the new Quasar Cannon be a real treasure in Helldivers 2! Players be pleadin' to keep it strong!

Arrr matey, nothin' be more fair than a good ol' sword fight on the high seas! Every scallywag be on equal ground when it comes to settlin' disputes with a trusty cutlass. Ye can't argue with the democracy of a good old-fashioned duel!

Arr, Bandai Namco hath released a game 'bout a fierce Pomeranian waging war, 'tis now a Steam treasure of high esteem!

Arrr, Doronko Wanko be joinin' the ranks o' two other scallywags from Bamco's incubation crew. 'Tis a merry band o' freebooters set on makin' their mark on the seven seas o' innovation! Aye, the future be lookin' bright for this motley crew.

"Arrr, Dragon's Dogma 2 be swashbucklin' through the RPG seas like a treasure map leadin' to Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas!"

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks this fast-travel be not all it's cracked up to be. Aye, ye may save time, but ye miss out on all the adventures and shenanigans along the way. Better to sail the seas and enjoy the journey, says I!

Yar mateys! Having trouble with the Stellar Blade demo? The scurvy dog developer says ye should try the TV's game mode! Arrr!

Arr matey, tis be talkin' 'bout a speedy remedy for the demo's roughness. Aye, a swashbuckling solution to smooth out the bumps and make it sail as smooth as a pirate ship on calm waters. Yarrrr, no need to fret, this be an easy fix for ye landlubbers!

The bloomin' actor for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be sayin' Cloud's line was drilled in 'is noggin fer months! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! These two words be more frightenin' than a ghostly sea serpent! They be stickin' to ye like a barnacle on a ship's hull. Beware, mateys, for these words be havin' the power to send shivers down yer spine!

March 29, 2024

Arrr, the captain of Helldivers 2 doth dream of joinin' the ranks of PlayStation's greatest treasures. 'Tis a wild thought indeed!

Arrr, me mateys! Uncharted, God of War, Helldivers? Mayhaps one day we'll set sail on those treacherous seas of gaming. But for now, let's raise a tankard to the games we have and the adventures yet to come! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis been 22 years, ye might be ready to set sail and connect yer GameCube to th' online seas!

Avast ye scallywags! Who be up for a jolly game of Twilight Princess with a crew of 16 hearty souls? Methinks it be a grand adventure we shall embark upon together. Hoist the sails and ready your swords, for a gaming session like no other awaits us!

Arrr, X-Men '97 be showin' Marvel Studios the true beauty o' th' '90s X-Men style fer th' MCU!

Arrr mateys! I be tellin' ye, we be needin' the classic X-Men superheroes t' sail the high seas with us! Bring on the mighty Wolverine, the swashbucklin' Storm, and the fearsome Magneto! Let's be makin' the seven seas safe from scallywags and scoundrels!

Ye scurvy dogs at CD Projekt dare to say nay to microtransactions in single-player games. Avast ye!

Arrr, they be comin' aboard the studio's multiplayer games, me hearties! Keep a weather eye out for these scallywags, for they be troublemakers of the highest order. Prepare to swash and buckle with these landlubbers on the high seas of virtual gaming!

Arrr, this Twisted Metal star be sayin' makin' Marvel movies be like navigatin' calm waters, mateys. No storms in sight!

Arrr, 'tis said that the Twisted Metal be preparin' fer a second season, and Captain America be settin' sail fer a fourth journey come the next year. Aye, me hearties, be ready to plunder the seas of entertainment once more!

Arrr, James Wan's film be addin' Elijah Wood, Marvel scallywags, and Schitt's Creek land lubbers to th' crew! Aye!

Arrr mateys, 'tis true! The Monkey, captained by Osgood Perkins, be done with its plunderin' of the silver screen. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye out for this fine treasure, arrr!

The Helldivers 2 swashbucklers received a missive from Alan Wake, praising their gallant quest spreading like wildfire! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Alan Wake be a hearty fan, let's recruit him for battle on the frontlines and take no prisoners! Yarr, we be needin' all the help we can get to plunder and pillage the enemy! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, the scallywags be surprised when Tetsuya Nomura be likin' Red XIII's chocobo-riding pose in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!

Arr, 'twas a need for him to grasp the reins like a swashbuckler grasps his cutlass. 'Twas the only way to steer the ship on the treacherous seas, lest we be sent to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, a pirate's duty it be to hold tight to the reins of the ship.

Arrr! For 39 years, Nintendo's tune-maker bein' silent, until they scoffed at his notion for a "realistic" Mario!

Arrgh, me hearties! I be torn betwixt joy and sorrow that we didn't snag the elusive human Mario. 'Tis a shame we missed the chance to plunder his treasures, but perhaps 'tis for the best. Or be it? Yarrrr!

Arr matey! Larian boss be sayin' we be sailin' smooth waters fer a good long while after this plunder!

Arrr, me hearties! Good news on the horizon - there be no pink slips in sight for our crew at the studio! We be sailin' smooth waters for now, so keep swabbin' them decks and singin' them shanties with joy in yer hearts!

Arrr matey! Do ye reckon Godzilla x Kong hath a scene after the credits? Let's plunder and find out!

Arrrrr, be it worth stayin' aboard when the credits be rollin' on New Empire? Methinks I'd rather walk the plank than miss out on the treasure that be waitin' in the next adventure. Onward, me hearties, to more plunder and pillage!

Arrr mateys! Hear ye now: The great battle twixt Godzilla and Kong be settled, with all yer queries addressed!

Avast ye! All yer curiosities be quelled regardin' the newest flick in the MonsterVerse. Set yer sights on learnin' all there be to know 'bout this cinematic treasure. Don't be a landlubber, savvy? Dive in, hearties!

March 28, 2024

Arrr, Doctor Strange be addin' a fiery beast to his fantastical quest like a true swashbucklin' adventurer! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Doctor Strange and his scallywags be takin' on a fiery beastie in their cursed RPG tale in Doctor Strange #14. Will they plunder the dragon's loot or end up in Davy Jones' locker? Hoist the Jolly Roger and find out!

Arrr, the cap'n be sayin' that Baldur's Gate 3 be mighty fine already! No need for extra loot, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! We be havin' a pair o' games we be wantin' to create, aye! One be a swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas, an' t'other be a treasure huntin' escapade on a mysterious island. Who be joinin' our crew to bring these visions to life?

Arrr! This Star Trek legend be boastin' that his Strange New Worlds season 3 murder-mystery be the finest show he's ever done!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye out for the third season, set to make landfall in the year o' our lord 2025. Prepare to hoist the sails and set a course for adventure on the high seas of entertainment!

"Ye be a fool," Baldur's Gate 3 captain scowls at landlubbers firing skilled artists. "Join our crew, ye scallywags!"

Arrr, those scallywags can label all sorts o' things and see through yer tricks like a parrot through a spyglass! Ye best watch yer step, matey, or they'll have ye walkin' the plank afore ye can say "shiver me timbers!" Aye, they be a clever bunch, those landlubbers.

Prepare ye selves for battle in Ascendant, a tactical FPS set in a biopunk world. Closed beta starts this week! Arrr!

Arrr! Ye better shape up or walk the plank, ye scurvy sea dogs! 'Tis adapt or be feedin' the fishes. So heave ho and set sail for new horizons, or ye be swimmin' with Davy Jones! Aye, me hearties!

Yarrr! Helldiver 2 be a true swashbuckler! Defeated Hulks, tanked Rockets, shrugged off blows, bombed factories, and still kickin'!

Avast ye scallywags! By the powers of Davy Jones' locker, how did those landlubbers manage to escape the clutches of Neptune himself? Arrr, it be a mystery as deep as the ocean itself!

Arrr mateys, the devs be singin' praises for Dragon's Dogma 2's insta-kill arrow! A jolly good addition to the game!

Avast ye mateys! I be no master of the craft like them fancy designers. I prefer a good ol' sword fight to fancy stitching any day! Give me a ship to sail on and a crew of scallywags, and I be a happy pirate indeed! Arrr!

Arr matey! Gather all the shiny baubles in Stardew Valley to please ye treasure-hungry heart! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Make way to the mines in Stardew Valley to uncover the bountiful treasures that lie within. Arrr, 'tis a place of wonder and mystery where ye may find many a precious trinket to add to yer hoard. Onward me hearties, to the mines!

Arrr, the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 Super be a treasure worth pillaging, redeeming the sins of its 80-series predecessors!

Arr matey! The Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 Super be a treasure worth its weight in doubloons! 'Tis a sight to behold, even if 'tis just a fancy version of the original. Aye, 'tis a fine plunder for any scallywag lookin' to upgrade their rig.

Arrr, Florence Pugh be showin' us the secrets o' th' Marvel set, unveilin' a peculiar title swap! Avast ye!

Arrr matey, 'tis not Thunderbolts anymore, but Thunderbolts*! Aye, the asterisk be like a hidden treasure on the map, a secret code for ye to decipher. Venture forth and unravel the mystery of Thunderbolts*! Aye, 'tis a rollickin' good time indeed!

Arr matey! Seek ye out yonder wilds and search for the green fuzz that be moss in Stardew Valley! Arr!

Arrr matey! Avast ye landlubbers and fetch yerself some fine moss for craftin' in the latest update of Stardew Valley. 'Tis a bounty worth plunderin' for, so set sail and fill yer pockets with loot, me hearties!

Arrr, Embracer be swindled like a landlubber, sellin' Gearbox for a mere pittance after payin' a king's ransom!

Arrr, Embracer be keepin' hold of Gearbox's publishin' arm, me hearties. Aye, they be holdin' onto it tight like a treasure chest full o' gold. No walkin' the plank for them, they be sailin' on smooth seas with their loot in tow!

March 27, 2024

Arr! The latest patch notes be harsh on me peepers, but good tidings fer ye who fancy moss in update 1.6!

Arr mateys! The latest version, 1.6.3, be chock full o' grand bug fixes and fine quality-of-life upgrades! Set sail with confidence, me hearties, for smooth sailin' ahead on the digital seas! Aye, 'tis a fine treasure indeed!

Arrr matey, this olden horror game be so indie, the dev sold it in a plastic bag! The rare copy now be worth over $4,000!

Arrr, if I had known the treasure this be worth, I would have scrubbed it clean with me own hands! 'Tis a shame I be a scallywag with no eye for value. Next time, I'll be keepin' a weather eye out for me booty! Aye!

Arrr, mateys! Amazon be givin' away some of the finest cinematic treasures o' the seven seas fer naught!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis true, me hearties! Ye can now stream the likes of 2001: A Space Odyssey and more for free! Set sail fer adventure on the high seas of cinema, with a bounty o' films awaitin' ye. Fair winds and following seas, me mateys! Arrr!

Arr mateys, Don't Starve be a treacherous tabletop adventure, aye, where ye must avoid the plank or walk it!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Don't Starve: The Board Game be settin' sail on Kickstarter, bringin' the popular survival game to ye tabletop. Grab yer crew and prepare to pillage, plunder, and strategize yer way to victory on the high seas of tabletop gaming! Arrr!

Arrr, Open Roads be like a ship with a rusty anchor, t'is a bumpy ride on the high seas!

Arr mateys! This here Open Roads review be sayin' it be like a jolly ol' road trip, but it be lackin' the wind in its sails. Aye, shiver me timbers! Ye best be settin' yer course elsewhere for a grand adventure!

The scallywag behind me new manga be a salty Elden Ring scallywag readyin' fer DLC by beefin' up Strength only. Arrr, power be all! Aye, that makes sense. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Be listenin' to me tale of the cursed game creator Yoshifumi Tozuka, aye, he be the mastermind behind the Undead Unluck! Ye best be trustin' this scallywag, for he be "our guy" in this treacherous sea of piratin' adventures!

Arr mateys! Greninja, Chimchar, and Snubbull be joinin' the Pokemon Funko Pop crew. Avast ye wallets!

Arrr mateys, set sail fer thee Funko Pop treasures of Greninja, Chimchar, and Snubbull Pokemon figures! Be swift to pre-order afore ye miss out on these plunderous delights. Let's add these booty to yer collection and show 'em off to thee scallywags!

Arrr, ye must sail westward through treacherous waters, beware of sea monsters and scallywags! Battahl awaits, matey!

Arr matey, to venture into the Battahl region of DD2, ye must secure a permit from the feared Brant, and also be a Beastren of great courage and skill. But beware, for the seas be treacherous and the monsters fierce! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Helldivers 2 be makin' them Guard Dogs look like landlubbers with their Pelican-1 ship spoutin' cover fire! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! That be the way to do it! By Blackbeard's beard, ye be a fine swashbuckler indeed. Give yerself a pat on the back and a tankard of grog for a job well done. Yarrr!

March 26, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! Hubbl's fantastical new contraptions be here to make watchin' moving pictures a breeze once more!

Arr mateys, listen up! The newfangled contraption known as Hubbl be a treasure trove of streaming devices, making it easier than swabbing the deck to find and watch the latest moving pictures. Avast ye, prepare to set sail on a sea of entertainment! Aye aye, captain!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a cursed eve, but fear not! V Rising be joinin' forces with Castlevania come May! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ye landlubbers with a PC can buckle yer swashes and prepare to face Simon Belmont on the 8th of May in V Rising! Prepare to be plundered by the mightiest vampire hunter on the seven seas! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! A "critical problem" hath caused a wild tool in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Ye better watch yer soup! Arrrr!

Arr matey, be jolly! Yer broth be free from danger now. No need to fret, ye can slurp it down without fear. Savour the taste of victory me hearties, for the soup be out of harm's way. Aye, be grateful for this blessing from the culinary seas!

Thee Enshrouded update be so fierce, the devs say ye best not brave it alone. And arrr, them Hobbit doors!

Arrr, me hearties! Enshrouded's Hollow Halls be bringin' a new "spooky" scallywag to join yer crew! Tis a fine addition to yer base, sure to keep ye on yer toes and shiverin' in fear. Set sail and discover the treasures waitin' within!

Ahoy mateys! The lass with the inked dragon be ready to unleash her fury on the high seas! Arrrrr!

Arrr mateys, me heart be all aflutter at the prospect of layin' eyes on yet another rebel lass who dares defy the laws of society! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, aye, aye!

Be she a scoundrel or just a lass scorned by Cyclops, the truth be as elusive as buried treasure! Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags be warned! A woman wronged be more fearsome than Davy Jones himself! Comic book hell be no match for her wrath, so best be treatin' her right or ye'll be feelin' the sting of her vengeance! Aye, me hearties!

Arr! The next voyage of Pirates of the Caribbean be a reboot, mateys. Prepare for a treasure trove of shenanigans!

Arrr mateys, mark me words! The next swashbucklin' adventure in the Pirates of the Caribbean series be a brand spankin' new tale! Ye best be ready for more treasure huntin', sword fightin', and rum guzzlin' on the high seas! Aye, it be a jolly good time ahead!

Arrr, Amazon Fire Max 11 be a scurvy dog with Fire OS nippin' at its heels, preventin' greatness from shinin' through!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The Amazon Fire Max 11 be a fine treasure to behold, but alas, ye'll be as helpless as a landlubber without a sail. 'Tis a pity, indeed, that this beauty be naught but a useless trinket in yer hands. Aye!

Arr matey! Frank Herbert's hidden treasure be filled with oddities fit for a pirate's plunderin' pleasure! Aye!

Arrr, the scribbler of tales from the future didst craft the scroll in the year of our Lord, 1970. Aye, he didst spin a yarn of space and time that didst captivate the minds of landlubbers and sea dogs alike. A jolly good tale it be!

Arrr, me hearties! The finest treasure in Animal Crossing be the aquarium, soon to be part o' me own game, just as jolly to explore.

Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that Sunkissed City be arrivin' on the horizon in the comin' months. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for this treasure trove of a place to set yer sights on! Aye aye, cap'n!

Aye mateys, blast ye scallywags to Davy Jones' locker with the Anti-Personnel Minefield in Helldivers 2! Arrr!

Arr matey, the Anti-Personnel Minefield in Helldivers 2 be a fearsome weapon indeed, specially crafted t'blast them dastardly Terminids into oblivion. Aye, 'tis a sight t'see those scallywags runnin' fer cover as they face the wrath o' the minefield! Arrr!

March 25, 2024

Aye, a decade past, the scallywags behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier swore to shake up the MCU forever! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Avast ye landlubbers and feast yer eyes on Total Film's tale of Captain America: The Winter Soldier as it celebrates its decade on the high seas. Set sail and discover the treasures hidden within this fine yarn! Arrr!

Avast ye! Phil Spencer be talkin' about takin' an Xbox handheld on a grand adventure, arrr!

Arrr, the scallywag be wantin' a contraption to help him start his ship! He be thinkin' he's too fancy to do it manually like a true pirate. Next thing ye know, he'll be askin' for a parrot to do his talkin' for 'im!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been 33 years since Advance Wars graced the Game Boy, now in a new tongue! Arrr!

Arrrr, mateys! War be like a scallywag tryin' to speak in fancy words! It be gettin' all mixed up like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Aye, sometimes ye gotta be decipherin' like a salty ol' pirate lookin' for buried treasure!

Avast ye mateys, brace yerselves for Helldivers 2! Arrowhead be talkin' 'bout gatling guns, arrr, with some fancy mechanics.

Arrr, me hearties! The noble Director Johan Pilestedt be havin' a grand notion for a Helldivers 2 Gatling gun. Aye, ye best be keepin' an eye out for this fearsome weapon of destruction on the high seas. Yarrr!

Ye scallywags at DSTLRY be tellin' tales o' heartbreak, horror, and heistin' from the devil! Shiver me timbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Two cursed hearts be on a quest to reclaim their souls from the clutches of the devil in DSTLRY's tale of thievery and terror, The Big Burn. Prepare to be shivered timbers and walk the plank into a world of high-seas hijinks and supernatural scallywags! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, aye matey! 'Tis said a bold TV interview from the 1970s be the spark for Heath Ledger's Joker and a new horror flick! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, belike ye've noticed 'tis no coincidence that Late Night with the Devil's Jack Delroy and The Dark Knight's Joker be cut from the same cursed cloth! These scallywags be jesters of the highest order, bringin' chaos and laughter to the high seas and Gotham alike! Aye!

Arrr, them Dragon's Dogma 2 players be walkin' the plank before they even see it comin' thanks to them treacherous Pawns!

Arrrr, I reckon I can't rightly fault them scallywags for their shenanigans. 'Tis a pirate's life after all, full of pillaging and plundering. But mark me words, they better watch their backs, for I'll be on the lookout for any mutinous behavior!

Arrr, a hidden Polish den o'creativity be summoned fer The Witcher Remake, Baldur's Gate 3, and Divinity 2!

Arrr, in this here interview, Fool's Theory's Jakub Rokosz be chattin' 'bout old shipmates, grand adventures, and settlin' down in Bielsko-Biała. 'Tis a tale o' friendship, discovery, and makin' a place to call yer own. Aye, me hearties!

The Helldivers 2's friendly fire be as stubborn as a mule! Devs fear turning it off lest enemies be spared! Arr!

Avast ye scallywags, 'tis the law of the high seas! If ye dare to cross me, ye'll be walkin' the plank faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!" So listen up and obey, or be prepared to face the wrath of this here pirate captain!

Arrr, th' Zelda director be prayin' fer a second chance t' bring th' tale o' fightin' mice t' life!

Arrr, me hearties! The captain of the Planet of the Apes kingdom, Wes Ball, be sayin' that his Mouse Guard adventure might still set sail despite bein' canceled. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for any news of these scurvy rodents! Aye aye, matey!

March 24, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The first grand PS5 plunder of 2024 be here: save over AU$100 on the PS5 Slim!

Avast ye mateys, listen up! Ye best be knowin' that the deal be goin' down this week. So gather yer crew and set sail for the loot. Arrr, me hearties, let's make some scallywag deals!

Ye mates in Dragon's Dogma 2 will chatter 'bout yer lusty antics at the tavern after ye visit the wench's den!

Arrr, the cabin o' me captain be as busy as a tavern on a Saturday night! Many a scallywag be stoppin' by for a chat or a swig o' rum. It be like a never-endin' party in there, I tell ye!

Arrr, the scallywag in charge of Baldur's Gate 3 be tellin' tales of bears and life's misfortunes like a true landlubber!

Arrrr mateys, listen up! These intimacy coordinators be crucial, even when it comes to the risque bear nookie scene. Trust me, ye don't want to be caught with yer britches down without one on deck. Mayhaps they can prevent a mutiny in the sheets!

Yarr! Crash Bandicoot's scurvy foe be showin' ye that them crazy alchemists can be the heroes after all!

Arr mateys! I be standin' by Dr. Neo Cortex and his undervalued feats of bravery. 'Tis high time we give the good doctor his due respect for all his dastardly deeds in the name of science and adventure! Aye, he be a true hero in his own right, no doubt about it!

The helmsman of It star Bill Skarsgård's swashbuckling film be swearin' anime be shapin' his vision: "I devoured manga!"

Arrr! Mateys, listen up! The scallywag Moritz Mohr be spillin' the beans on what be inspirin' his new swashbucklin' hero in Boy Kills World. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on this one, for it be a tale worth tellin'!

Arrr, the scallywags behind Crash Bandicoot be teaming up with Xbox for a new adventure on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Word on the high seas be that Toys For Bob has struck a bargain with the scallywags at Microsoft. If ye be lookin' for plunderin' and pillagin' in the world o' video games, keep a weather eye on this here alliance!

March 23, 2024

Arrr, the scallywag Yoshi-P be addin' more fuel to th' Final Fantasy 9 remake rumors, hintin' at a hidden treasure!

Ye digital treasures be includin' Zidane and Garnet minions fer ye enjoyment, me hearties! Set sail on ye high seas of entertainment with these fine companions by yer side. Aye, a fine addition to yer crew indeed! Arrr!

Arrr! The scallywag behind RuneScape spills the beans on his latest sea-faring adventure Brighter Shores. Aye, mateys, a treasure trove of classes, trades, gold hoarding, and a world as vast as the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks Brighter Shores be akin to the likes of RuneScape, aye! 'Tis as if we be sailin' the same digital seas, searchin' for treasures and plunder. Let's set sail together and see what adventures await us, me mateys!

Arrr mateys, Final Fantasy 14's Dawntrail be comin' after Elden Ring DLC so Yoshi-P can feast on Shadow of the Erdtree!

Avast ye scallywag! Ye have but one week to heed me words or face me wrath! Prepare to walk the plank or be marooned on a deserted island! Ye have been warned, matey!

Arrr matey, this Helldivers 2 teaser for Wii be so adorable, I be wishin' it be real! Aye!

Arrr matey! Picture this: Wii Sports, but on a grand scale! Set sail on Super Earth, the ultimate playground for buccaneers. Swing yer cutlass like a true swashbuckler as ye battle fierce foes in this epic adventure! Aye, 'tis a game fit for a pirate king!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! The best vocation for ye and yer mateys in Dragon's Dogma 2 be!"

Avast ye mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I've got the scoop on all the classes in Dragon's Dogma 2. Choose wisely, me hearties, for the best be awaitin' ye on yer grand adventure! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs! Follow me tale o' Dragon's Dogma 2, where we hunt for the precious Jadeite Orb. Avast!

Avast ye scallywag! Be ye settin' sail with Offulve or Everard in pursuit o' the Jadeite Orb? 'Tis a choice that'll make yer head spin faster than a whirlpool! Mayhaps flip a doubloon to decide, arrr!

March 22, 2024

Arrr, Sydney Sweeney be confessin' the jaw-droppin' Immaculate finale was captured in one shot, no practice at all! Aye, me hearties, she be sayin' "Let's just roll the dice and see what unfolds!"

Arrr mateys! The legend be true! The impeccable Sydney Sweeney and the dread pirate director Micheal Mohan be tellin' tales of a final scene so grand, it be done in a single take! Aye, they be true swashbucklers of the silver screen!

Arrr, those scurvy dogs from Game of Thrones be walkin' the plank from Star Wars, lackin' in freedom they be.

Arrr, word be spreading that the scallywags David Benioff and D.B. Weiss be stayin' clear of them faraway galaxies for now. Ye best believe there be no Star Wars adventures in their future, me hearties! Aye, no need to set sail for those distant stars just yet.

Arrr matey! To view JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in proper sequence, follow the trail o' the bizarre with gusto! Arrr!

Arr matey! If ye be lookin' to embark on a grand adventure through the seven seas of JoJo's, start with Phantom Blood and sail all the way to Stone Ocean. Keep yer eyes peeled for stand battles and bizarre adventures, me hearties!

Arrr! The captain of Baldur's Gate 3 be tossin' out the DLC, and the Larian crew be as jolly as a parrot in a treasure chest!

Arrr, Swen Vincke be sayin' that DLC be feelin' more like a burden forced upon him, rather than a fire burnin' with passion in his heart. Aye, 'tis a shame when a swashbuckler's creativity be walkin' the plank!

Arrr mateys, Dragon's Dogma 2 be breakin' records, but the scallywags be complainin' o'er microtransactions and performance woes.

Arrr, me crew be sayin' ye can plunder all them trinkets without spendin' a single doubloon! No need to open yer purse for these digital baubles, me hearties. Just set sail on the high seas of the game, and ye'll find yer treasure in no time. Aye!

"Arrr matey, Dragon's Dogma 2 be a wild adventure! Embrace the chaos and ye won't be disappointed, ye scallywags!"

Arrr, me hearties! The Dragon's Dogma 2 be a wild ride on the high seas of gaming! Embrace the chaos like a jolly ol' pirate and ye'll be in for a grand adventure like no other. Aye, there be nothin' quite like it!

Arrr, me hearties, the Finals' new Power Shift mode be the finest way to play without strainin' yer noggin o'er strategy.

Avast ye scallywags! Gather yer crew of five hearty mates and set sail in the Power Shift mode, where ye battle for dominion of a mighty floating turret. Arrr, may the best buccaneer claim the prize!

Avast ye! Ghostbusters be chasin' spooks in a frosty land. All ye queries be answered, mateys! Aye!

Avast ye mateys! I be tellin' ye of the Frozen Empire's grand finale. 'Twas a sight to behold, with snow and ice a-flyin'! The pirates be cheerin' and dancin' like landlubbers on shore leave. 'Twas a glorious end to a swashbucklin' adventure!

March 21, 2024

Arr mateys, 'tis all the latest loot from the Future Games Show Spring Showcase 2024 be revealed! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Behold the grand treasures of this year's Spring Showcase! Witness every trailer, reveal, update, and world premiere in all its glory! Prepare to be plundered by the excitement and wonder that awaits ye! Arrr!

Nay, me hearties! This new game be more Metroidvania than a barrel o' rum, with fights like Davy Jones himself! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, Be ye ready to set sail on the treacherous seas of No Rest for the Wicked? This game be boastin' a level design so unique, it'll have ye walkin' the plank in no time! Aye, a pirate's life be full of surprises, indeed!

The scallywag behind Baldur's Gate 3 thinks technology can't handle his monstrous RPG, but hopes for better with PS6. Arrr!

Arr me hearties! The good folks at Larian be toiling away on a grand new game, that be expandin' on the mighty Baldur's Gate 3! But mark me words, that be nothin' compared to the treasure they be hidin' from us yet! Arrr!

"Arrr, Knights in Tight Spaces be a jolly game of swords and strategy set in olde times. Yarrr!"

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a sequel to the acclaimed Battles in Close Quarters! Aye, prepare for more swashbuckling action and daring duels in tight spaces. 'Twill be a rollicking good time, me hearties!

Avast ye! The Fall Guy with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt be gracin' the cover of Total Film's latest issue. Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Feast yer eyes on the grand spectacle of the '80s TV show reborn with a swashbuckling twist! Witness the magic of moviemaking and daring stunts like never before. Set sail for adventure, me hearties!

Arrr, the scallywag Álvaro Morte be keepin' his treasure safe from spin-off pilferers, mateys! No cameos for this buccaneer!

Arrr, hear ye, mateys! The infamous Álvaro Morte spills the beans on his days as The Professor in Netflix's Money Heist. But alas, he be sayin' he won't be sailin' back to the franchise anytime soon. Aye, a true treasure trove of secrets!

Avast ye scallywags! Secure yer LG CineBeam Q projector and snag a free XBOOM speaker afore they be gone!

Avast ye! Lay hold of the LG CineBeam Q projector afore it sets sail, and ye shall be rewarded with a free speaker to amplify yer treasure huntin' tales! Pre-order now, me hearties, or ye'll be walkin' the plank. Arrr!

Arrr, Star Wars: Dark Forces be a treasure in the remaster seas! The dev be seekin' the FPS grail once more!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a brave new world we be sailin' through, with treasures aplenty and adventures awaitin' at every turn. So hoist the sails and brace yerselves, for the pirate life be full of plunder and merriment!

Arr! Be ye sailin' the digital seas in search of hidden treasure chests in Stardew Valley? Ye've come to the right place, me hearties!

Avast ye scallywags! Unearth the hidden treasures stashed away in the mysterious chests of Stardew Valley. Ye don't want to miss out on the plunder waiting to be discovered, arrr!

Arrr me hearties, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth patch be takin' another swing at clearin' up them muddled graphics in Performance Mode!

Arrr, Square Enix be settin' sail once more to mend the lackluster textures on their games. Mayhaps this time they'll be able to smooth out the rough seas and bring us some glorious booty for our eyes to feast upon!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Learn how to send yer enemies to Davy Jones' locker with the Expendable Anti Tank in Helldivers 2!

Arrr, me hearties! The Anti Tank launcher in Helldivers 2 be a mighty weapon that be used to send those armored scallywags to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, ye best be watchin' yer back when ye hear the boom of this fearsome cannon!

Yarrr mateys, ye be seekin' the Stardew Valley bookseller? Look for the landlubber with piles o' parchments!

Hoist yer flag and prepare yer treasure, me hearties! Save up yer precious gold doubloons for a grand adventure to Marcello's Books. 'Tis a treasure trove of knowledge and wit, fit for any scallywag worth their salt. Aye, 'twill be a visit worth plunderin'!

March 20, 2024

Arrr, a new scallywag shall make his grand entrance in the Amazing Spider-Man come June! Avast ye!

"Arrr, this scallywag Norman Osborn be spawnin' offspring from his wicked ways! Aye, the apple don't fall far from the tree, mateys. Watch out for them little buccaneers, they be trouble on the high seas!"

Arrr! The Hasbro scallywag be sayin' Baldur's Gate 3 be showin' folks crave top-notch D&D adventures! Let Larian steer the ship and take their time, says I!

Arrr matey, Hasbro be craftin' a new D&D game fit for the gods themselves! 'Tis sure to be a treasure worth plunderin' from the depths of Davy Jones' locker. Prepare ye dice and sharpen ye swords, for adventure awaits!

Arrr! Aye, a popular MCU scallywag be makin' his debut in the Marvel Comics, rescuin' a fellow hero in distress!

Arrr! OB be settin' sail fer Marvel Comics, makin' a grand entrance like a mighty kraken! The crew be cheerin' and the seas be roilin' with excitement. Aye, me hearties, OB be takin' the comic world by storm!

Ye scallywags! Jump, run, and don't touch the fiery floor in the jolly good game o' Fortnite Floor be Lava! Arrr!

Arrr matey, in the treacherous seas of Fortnite, ye must claim the high ground to avoid the fiery depths of the floor bein' lava. Keep a weather eye on the flames and be swift on yer feet, lest ye be toasted like a scallywag's dinner!

Arrr, League of Legends MMO be takin' a long nap, but fear not, mateys, we be plottin' its return!

Arrr mateys, we be thinkin' ye don't be wantin' another MMO ye already sailed through, just with a fancy Runeterra disguise. We be lookin' for treasure, not the same ol' loot in a different chest! Aye, be ye with us?

Join the SFX crew and plunder over 140 digital treasures from the past! Ye won't regret it, matey!

Arrr matey, ye can get yer hands on this fine publication for a mere £3.23 a piece! A bargain fit for a swashbuckling pirate like meself! Don't be a scallywag, grab yer copy now before it's gone, savvy?

Arrr! Thanos be causin' trouble again as Marvel be plannin' a new Infinity Watch tale fer 2024. Aye!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for the grand adventure of 2024! The new crossover be settin' sail throughout the annuals, aye. So hoist the sails and brace yerselves for a jolly good time on the high seas of entertainment! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them Apex Legends pros be gettin' hacked, but fear not, Respawn be comin' to the rescue with updates to protect 'em! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be no news on when the grand battle for the booty shall continue. We be left twiddlin' our peg legs and scratchin' our pirate beards in anticipation. Mayhaps the scallywags be takin' a siesta in Davy Jones' locker! Aarrrr!

Arrr, 'tis a jolly good show, mateys! The X-Men be back in all their glory, shiver me timbers!

Arrr matey! X-Men '97 be a fine treasure, bringin' back our favorite swashbucklin' heroes with skill and flair. 'Tis a rollickin' good time, worth its weight in gold doubloons. Set sail for adventure with the finest crew in all the seven seas!

March 19, 2024

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Some landlubbers at Rockstar be worryin' that GTA 6 may lose talent in the final stretch. Aye, 'tis a dire situation indeed! Arrr!

Ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a move that be as rebellious as a mutinous crew! Fer those with afflictions, 'tis a calamity o' immense proportions! Avast ye landlubbers, be mindful o' yer actions and show some respect fer the disabled! Arrr!

Arr matey, the swashbuckler who made the finest mod fer Stardew Valley be helpin' with update 1.6 along with Eric Barone, savvy? Aye, he's already got a patch ready!

Arrr, the scallywag behind Stardew Valley Expanded be in cahoots with the likes o' version 1.6! He be sailin' the high seas o' game development with a crafty eye fer expansion. Aye, me hearties, be ready fer plunderin' new lands and treasures in this grand adventure!

Me hearties, Karen Gillan be weeping like a scurvy dog after watchin' Flanagan's King flick! Aye, pass the tissues!

Arrr! Flanagan be churnin' out another scallywag that be breakin' the hearts of all who dare cross his path! Mayhaps 'tis best to steer clear of his treacherous ways, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker! Shiver me timbers!

Arrrr, after 13 years, a secret treasure hunting trick in Dead Space 2 be discovered, even surprising the scallywag devs!

Arrr, 'tis be time for a rerun of the show, me hearties! Ready yer spyglass and prepare to watch the spectacle unfold once more on the high seas. Aye, 'twill be a jolly good time, me mateys!

Arrr, Ubisoft be boastin' 'bout fancy AI NPCs, but the real treasure be the lass with a saucy attitude!

Ye could just keep yer trap shut about the thing that'll likely displease 'em. Aye, 'tis better to keep mum than stir up a hornet's nest, says I. Keep ye wits about ye, me hearties, and avoid unnecessary trouble. Arrr!

Arr, lasses and lads! Witness Furiosa clash with Warlord Dementus in the trailer for the Mad Max prequel! Aye!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for May 24, when the tale of Furiosa shall be shown on the silver screen! Ye best be preparin' yer popcorn and rum for this grand adventure. Aye, 'tis a film ye won't want to miss! Aye aye, Captain Jack Sparrow approves!

Ahoy mateys! Jake Gyllenhaal be speakin' of channelin' his inner Patrick Swayze as Dalton in the famed Road House tale. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags of Roadhouse be spillin' the beans on how they've revamped their scurvy characters. Aye, they be talkin' about their swashbucklin' adventures on the silver screen. Grab yer popcorn and prepare to be entertained, ye landlubbers! Hoist the Jolly Roger!

Arrr, Blizzard be takin' yer gold and givin' ye naught but a hearty "aye aye, matey!" for all yer trouble!

Arrr mateys, 'tis true that Blizzard be holdin' onto yer doubloons like a greedy kraken! No refunds nor gifts be comin' yer way, so ye best be settlin' in for a long sail with naught but yer wits and rum to keep ye warm. Fair winds, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! No one be expectin' World of Warcraft's surprise: a 60-player pirate battle royale MMO on separate servers! Avast ye PvP!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been seven moons in the makin' fer ye scallywags playin' World o' Warcraft. Aye, the wait be long, but the treasure be worth it! Set sail on the high seas o' Azeroth and plunder all the loot yer heart desires! Aye aye, captain!

"Arrr! Them Helldivers be mockin' the Game Master Joel after plunderin' 6 planets, defendin' 2, and claimin' 2 sectors!"

Me hearties be givin' the ol' "please don't do that" when I be tryin' to plunder a wee bit o' treasure. Aye, they be no fun at all! I be needin' a crew with a bit more pirate spirit, arrr!

Arr mateys, I'll teach ye how to send 2 scurvy Annihilator Tanks to Davy Jones' locker in Helldivers 2!

Arr mateys, ye be needin' to tackle the personal order to dispatch them tanks in Helldivers 2. 'Tis a mighty challenge to best some of the game's fiercest foes, but fear not, for with a bit o' skill and luck, ye shall prevail and claim victory on the high seas! Aye!

Arrr! The star o' Lilo and Stitch be chattin' 'bout the Disney remake: "Ye must tackle it with love, me hearties!"

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis a fine tale indeed! Billy Magnussen be spillin' the beans on his grand adventure starrrin' in the live-action Lilo & Stitch. Ye best be grabbin' yer grog and settlin' in for a jolly good read, me hearties! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr, behold the 35 finest ditties to grace ye television sets, mateys! A must for all scurvy dogs.

Arrr, sometimes, those be the finest moments in any tale, matey! The swashbuckling antics and comical shenanigans be what keep us pirates entertained on the high seas. Aye, the jests and japes be the treasure we seek in every adventure!

March 18, 2024

Arrr, the Kingpin be returnin' as the embodiment of seven deadly sins to reclaim his spot as Daredevil's foe!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ye best watch out, for the Kingpin be returnin' to Daredevil's realm with powers straight from the fiery depths of hell! Prepare to be shiverin' yer timbers, me hearties! Arrr!

"Arrr, after 12 long years, the scallywags at Dragon's Dogma 2 be bringin' ye the furry race ye always wanted!"

Arrr, the gadgets o' the day be makin' it hard as a barnacle-covered plank to navigate through these treacherous waters! Aye, 'tis a right challenge to sail the seas with these contraptions hindering our way. Yarrr!

Arrr matey, this game be havin' all ye could want: roles, a cowardly setting, and haunted spots to explore!

Arrr matey, I be jolly excited to be a spectre-seeking swashbuckler on the high seas of Twitch, in the grand adventure of Ghost Bros. Aye, me hearties, prepare to shiver yer timbers and join me on this spectral voyage!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The gaming seas be treacherous! Indie devs be walkin' the plank! No booty for 'em!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a sad tale indeed as the gaming seas be rough and many a small developer be walkin' the plank. The bigger ships be takin' all the booty, leavin' the little scallywags to fend for themselves. Aye, 'tis a treacherous time for us all!

Arrr! The Baldur's Gate 3 fix be fixin' Xbox saves, with Minthara vowin' to hush about Gale in Act 3!

"Arrr, fear not, me hearties! Minthara be stickin' by yer side, come hell or high water, even if ye find yerself in a spot o' bother. She be a loyal lass, through thick and thin, ready to face any odd conditions that come yer way!"

Arrr, me hands-on wit' Fallout Factions be showin' it be a wild voyage in Nuka-World, ye scallywags!

Arrr me hearties! We hoisted the sails and set course for the new Fallout Factions wargame. 'Tis a treasure trove of fun and adventure, me mateys! The game be as S.P.E.C.I.A.L. as a chest full o' gold doubloons. Aye, 'tis a jolly good time!

"Anne Hathaway be joinin' a rom-com with an older mate to have a jolly good time, by thunder!"

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for May 2nd, for 'tis the day when the grand notion of seein' ye shall come to pass! Let us set sail on the sea of anticipation, as we await the joyous meetin' with ye, me hearties.

"Avast ye mateys! The Rebel Moon Part Two trailer be full o' epic battles and swashbucklin' action on Netflix!"

Avast ye scallywags! Behold, another scroll of moving pictures for Rebel Moon: Part Two – The Scargiver hath arrived! Prepare yer grog and buckle yer swashes, for a grand adventure be awaitin' ye! Aye, 'tis true!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Apex Legends tournament be delayed as pros be hacked. Beware EA games, says the cheat watchdog!

Arrr matey, the Apex Legends regional finals were scuppered! Aye, those scallywags be runnin' amok, causin' chaos on the high seas of competition. But fear not, we Pirates shall prevail and plunder our way to victory! Arrr!

March 17, 2024

Yarrr mateys, amidst the stormy seas of layoffs, one swashbucklin' dev be makin' a sequel thanks to ye scurvy dogs buyin' his game!

Arr, the tales of Caribbean Legend be as rich as a chest full of gold doubloons! With the treasure it be makin', its creator be settin' sail into the future with more riches than Blackbeard himself! Aye, 'tis a legend worth believin' in!

Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy dogs be addin' too many doubloons to their games! Let's focus on havin' fun, mateys!

Arrr, Brighter Shores be not be a scurvy game that be aimin' to squeeze every last doubloon out o' ye pockets, me hearties! Nay, they be a fair and jolly crew, sailin' towards fun and adventure on the high seas of gaming!

Arrr mateys! Genshin Impact's new game Zenless Zone Zero be havin' a beta test with robo-bunny hordes and a chance to win a PS5. Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Scoring that free booty be like tryin' to tame a wild beast with a toothpick! The struggle be real, me mateys, but fear not, for we be pirates! We'll plunder that treasure with grit and cunning! Aye, the sea be ours!

Arrr mateys, ye best be followin' the laws and rules in the official Helldivers 2 handbook, savvy? Aye!

Yarr mateys! This be the seal of approval from the almighty Super Earth Ministry of Truth! So ye best be listenin' to what they say, or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank! Arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Them Helldivers be seein' the scurvy Illuminate return, while their director be scramblin' the propaganda machine! Aye, they be here already!"

Arrr, 'tis rumored that a scurvy band of scallywags from the Helldivers 1 crew hath been sighted! Keep yer eyes peeled and yer cannons at the ready, mateys! We'll give 'em a taste of our pirate hospitality, arrr!

March 16, 2024

Arr mateys, the newest update in Stardew Valley be bestowing a grand treasure: foodstuff dyed to match its ingredients!

Arrr mateys, ye can now be givin' each chest its own special color! No more rummagin' through the loot like a scurvy dog. Just look for the chest with the fancy hue and ye be set for a grand plunderin' adventure!

Aye mateys! This sequel be like a vast ocean, 64 square kilometers to plunder with no restrictions, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Outcast: A New Beginning be lettin' ye run wild like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Take control o' yer fate and plunder the high seas in this grand adventure. Aye, it be a new beginning fer all ye landlubbers!

"Arrr, Mars After Midnight be a jolly good yarn from the maker of Papers, Please and Return of the Obra Dinn!"

Arrr mateys! Methinks 'twould be grand if more scallywags had a Playdate to partake in the plunder of Lucas Pope's Mars After Midnight. 'Tis a jolly good time, full of adventure and mischief on the high seas of space! Set sail and join the fun, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me mateys! Balatro's scallywag of a creator ne'er touched Slay the Spire or any roguelikes to craft a masterpiece!

Arrr, I be wantin' to chart me own course through these treacherous waters, makin' me own blunders along the way. No need for a compass or map, I say! Just me gut feelin' and a trusty parrot on me shoulder. Yarr!

Arrr, mateys! The new MMO be lettin' ye automate the dull tasks. Why fight it when ye can embrace it? Aye!

Tis a fierce fight against the drudgery and toil, me hearties! We be swashbucklers bravely battling the daily grind with our trusty swords of wit and humor. Let us conquer this sea of busywork and plunder the treasure of laughter along the way! Arrr!

March 15, 2024

Arrr matey, the followin' tale to the "open-world adventure of yore" be cheerier than most, shinin' like a golden doubloon!

Arrrr, me hearties! Outcast: A New Beginning hath set sail 25 years hence from the original! Aye, 'tis a grand adventure awaitin' us on this new voyage. Grab yer cutlasses and prepare to plunder and pillage in this glorious sequel!

Avast ye landlubbers! The newest moving picture from Crunchyroll be a rollicking tale of love and adventure!

Avast ye! The infamous Dandadan be sailin' our way come October. Prepare to be plundered of yer doubloons and swashbuckled in style. Hoist the Jolly Roger and set course for adventure, me hearties!

Arr matey, the scallywag behind RuneScape spins a yarn 'bout his new MMO, a treasure for landlubbers seekin' adventure!

Arrr matey, Brighter Shores be like a long-lost sibling to Gower's grand MMO. Methinks they be cut from the same pirate flag, sailin' the digital seas together. Aye, a jolly good time awaitin' for us scallywags!

Arrr! The Teen Titans movie be comin' soon from James Gunn's DC Studios, mateys! Prepare to set sail for adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The wench Ana Nogueira be craftin' tales o' Supergirl fer DC Studios, and now she be settin' sail fer the Teen Titans movie as well! Aye, she be a writin' treasure worth more gold than Blackbeard's booty!

Arrr mateys, ye scurvy dogs! The Lego Super Mario sale be havin' some o' th' coolest sets at 20% off!

Avast ye mateys! Best Buy be offerin' a fine deal of 20% off on Lego Super Mario sets such as Dry Bowser Castle and Adventures with Mario. Aye, 'tis a bargain ye don't want to miss out on, me hearties! Arrr!

"Yarrr mateys! 'Tis no tavern brawl, but Gyllenhaal and McGregor be jolly good scallywags in this sea shanty!"

Arr, the tavern known as Road House be lackin' in the grunge of old, but me hearties Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor be swashbucklin' it up proper! Aye, they be rockin' the boat like true buccaneers! A fine night o' entertainment indeed!

Ye can part with $25 for a single skin, or be a savvy scallywag and plunder the whole treasure trove!

Arrr matey, ye be wantin' both, but alas, ye haven't the coin to spare in this make-believe tale. Ye be stuck choosin' one or the other, aye, the cruel fate o' a poor pirate with a shallow purse.

Arrr! If ye be spendin' yer gold in the 2024 Steam Spring Sale, I'd wager on this bundle o' games! A steal at half off!

Arr matey, behold five truly outstanding indie games that be sure to blow yer mind! These treasures be worth more doubloons than ye can count, so set sail and plunder these digital gems before they be lost to the seas! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, Star Wars: Battlefront devs be admittin' to makin' critical errors while tryin' to fix their blasted multiplayer woes!

Avast ye scallywags! Aspyr be workin' night and day to make our ship afloat and stable. We won't rest until our network be as sturdy as a pirate's peg leg! Aye, onwards to smoother sailin'! Arrr!

Arrr, prepare ye self for Palworld's first raid, featuring a scurvy goth scallywag! The plunder be nigh!

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars, for Bellanoir be the maiden voyage of plunder in this survival game. We'll be takin' their booty and leavin' nothin' but scallywags in our wake. Prepare ye swords and pistols, for a raid like no other awaits!

Arr, ye must plunder all the treasures and vanquish yer foes to truly succeed in Helldivers 2, me hearties!

Arrr matey! For a fruitful voyage, ye must accomplish the tasks at hand and skedaddle without a scrape. Aye, remember to pillage and plunder with caution, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker! Aharrr!

Arrr, Zack Snyder be plannin' to unleash Rebel Moon Part 1 an' 2 on Netflix quicker than a scurvy dog's tail wag!

Avast ye mateys! The notorious Zack Snyder be spillin' the beans to SFX magazine 'bout his grand scheme for the original release of Rebel Moon. Grab yer grog and beware the scallywags tryin' to steal his secrets! Arrr!

March 13, 2024

Arrr, 'tis a real tragedy, mateys, from its comic book beginnings to the present day woes!

Arrr, The Crow be known as a tale of woe, both in its yarn and true existence, stretchin' back to its origins as a jest. 'Tis a cursed bird, bringin' misfortune to all who cross its path, me hearties! Aye, beware the wrath o' The Crow!

Arrr, after 5 years ye can finally play Resident Evil 2 Remake with the scurvy fixed camera controls!

Arrr me hearties! The Resident Evil 2 Remake be bringin' back the classic mod that be makin' ye feel like ye be steerin' a ship with them tank controls from the ol' days of 1998. Prepare to walk the plank in style, me mateys!

Arrr! The mythical animation I've yearned for 15 long years be comin' next month! Ye must watch or walk the plank!

Arrr, me hearties! There be nothin' quite like the tale of Spice and Wolf! 'Tis a yarn of adventure, wit, and a savvy wolf who be knowin' her spices. Aye, me mateys, set sail on this fantastical journey, ye won't be disappointed!

Arrr, mateys! The Finals Season 2 be a treasure trove of community demands and lore plunderin' no one wanted!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be havin' new cannons, contraptions, and challenges awaitin' ye! And there be a strange tale to unravel as ye plunder and pillage on the high seas. Prepare to set sail for adventure, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! Ye be hearin' right, a new couch co-op JRPG be on the horizon, thanks to Sea of Stars!

Arrr, ye scallywags! 'Tis true that Sabotage's throwback RPG be more popular than a chest full o' gold! 'Tis sailed past 5 million copies sold, makin' them richer than Blackbeard himself. Raise the Jolly Roger and celebrate this grand victory!

Arrr mateys, the Helldivers be about to claim victory, but beware when Joel presses the cursed red button!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been decreed that the Helldivers shall forever be infested with creepy crawlies! Ye best be prepared to swat at bugs whilst ye plunder the seven seas. Mayhaps they be just tiny critters, or maybe a giant kraken lurks within! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Set sail for the Fortnite Lantern Fest 2024. Crack the codes and loot the treasure! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, ye be wantin' to join the Lantern Fest in Fortnite, but be wary, for it be a tricky treasure to find! Here be the key to solvin' the Lost Lanterns and Riddles, so ye can claim yer booty! Aye, the adventure awaits!

Arr matey! Netflix's new sci-fi flick with Jennifer Lopez be like Titanfall crossin' paths with Gravity. Aye, 'tis true!

Avast ye scallywags! The grand treasure known as "Atlas", with the likes of Simu Liu and Sterling K. Brown, be settin' sail on the silver screen come May 24th. Prepare to be marooned in a sea of adventure and excitement, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

Ye scallywags, raise the Jolly Roger and rally behind Unicorn Overlord! The seas be rough for tactical RPGs!

Avast ye, me hearty! Be not in such a tizzy! Take a swig o' rum and relax yer timbers. No need to be all aflutter like a chicken in a storm. Be as cool as a mermaid's kiss on a moonlit sea. Arrr!

March 12, 2024

Arrr matey, this $9 co-op horror FPS be the long-awaited successor I've sought fer 14 years, aye!

Avast ye scallywags! Hellbreach: Vegas be a jolly good game fer 4 hearty souls seekin' a ruckus in the land o' FPS. 'Tis a fine choice fer ye CoD Zombies lovers with a touch o' grey in yer beard. Fair winds and may yer aim be true! Arrr!

Arrrr, many a scallywag indie dev be left flabbergasted as EA's Command & Conquer be buryin' their projects! 'Tis a cursed fate indeed!

Arrr! 'Twas like watchin' me treasure slip through me fingers! The winds of fate be cruel, m'hearties, as me hopes and dreams be dashed upon the rocks like a ship in a storm. Aye, 'twas a mighty blow to me pirate pride.

"Avast ye scallywags! Blood Hunters #2 be tellin' tales of a new vampire hunter and the consequences of drinkin' Hulk's blood."

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Blood Hunters #2 be settin' sail with Kate Bishop, Hulk, Elsa Bloodstone, and a crew o' scallywags on a grand Blood Hunt adventure. Prepare to be plundered of yer doubloons and entertained by this tale of high seas mischief! Arrrr!

Arrr! The lone Japanese swashbuckler behind the Steam hit be puzzled by the term "JRPG". 'Tis a mystery, says he!

Arrr, had a jolly good parley with the clever mind behind Astlibra Revision, Keizo. 'Twas a fine exchange of thoughts and ideas, me hearties! Mayhaps we'll swap tales again soon, over a tankard of grog and a plate of salted fish. Aye, me matey!

Arr mateys, this here Oscar-winning film be sailin' onto the streaming seas with a Rotten Tomatoes score fit for a captain!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye best be keeping a weathered eye out, for 'tis said that The Boy and the Heron be making its way to Max! Prepare to be entertained and amused, for a grand adventure awaits ye! Aye, me hearties, hoist the sails and ready the cannonballs!

Arrr! These Secretlab Monster Hunter chairs be here, and their cute Palico cushions be slaying me! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Secretlab be unveilin' its Monster Hunter booty, celebratin' the 20th year o' this legendary video game plunder! Raise yer tankards to this fine collection, may it bring ye luck in battle and comfort on the high seas! Arrr!

Ye scallywags be needin' to set yer sights on the Corsair M75 Wireless, a true treasure for both hands! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The Corsair M75 Wireless be a fine weapon for yer gaming battles, but 'tis not enough to make ye abandon yer beloved Air loot! Stick to yer treasure, me mateys, and let this mouse be for the scallywags who be new to the game.

Arrr, me mateys! Helldivers 2 be askin' us to set free 4 prime planets to turn on the Terminid Control System! Aye, a grand adventure awaits!

Avast ye mateys! The next grand decree be upon us. Prepare yerselves for the commandments to come. Mayhaps we be in for some swashbucklin' adventures ahead! Onward ho, me hearties!

Arrr! Avast ye! TimeSplitters 4, lost at sea for 16 years, be found on a humble eBay treasure map!

Arrr, this be the exact tomfoolery that <insert any publisher name> did shun in the year of 2008! Aye, they be not wantin' any o' this nonsense, so let's keep our wits about us and steer clear o' such foolishness, me hearties!

Arrr! The scallywags be cursin' the Persona 3 Expansion Pass on Steam, after spendin' a fortune on premium editions!

Ye scallywags be claimin' that the $35 booty be not worth it at this time. Arrr, tis a shame indeed when even the most daring of pirates be findin' the treasure not worth the plunderin'!

March 11, 2024

Yarrr, me hearties! The cap'n of Final Fantasy 14 be lamentin' makin' the game too easy! A true travesty, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Yoshi-P be sayin', "If ye scallywags be takin' out the stress, ye be takin' out the fun!" So keep yer wits sharp and yer swords ready for any adventure that comes yer way, me mateys!

Avast ye mateys! Star Trek Discovery season 5 be like Strange New Worlds and Picard season 3 never even set sail! Arrr!

Arr mateys! This here Star Trek Discovery season 5 be like a forgotten treasure! 'Tis as if Strange New Worlds and Picard season 3 be but a tale spun in a rum-induced haze. Prepare to set sail on a grand adventure, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys, Rise of the Ronin be a blend o' Assassin's Creed and Nioh, wit' rhythm combat like an old PS1 gem. Aye!

Arrr mateys! Team Ninja be settin' sail on their grandest adventure yet with this PS5 exclusive. But can they truly plunder all the treasures they be seekin'? Only time will tell, as we watch with bated breath to see if they can navigate these treacherous waters. Aye, mayhaps they'll find the booty they be lookin' for!

Arr matey, Deadpool be crashin' Marvel's tabletop RPG wit' his own manual, aye, 'tis a comic book tale too!

Arrr, behold! Marvel be mixin' comics and RPG manuals like a savvy pirate mixin' rum an' grog. The Deadpool one-shot be pullin' double duty, me hearties. It be a treasure trove o' adventure for landlubbers and scallywags alike!

Arrr mateys, The Dragon's Dogma 2 character creator be a treasure trove of RPG crossovers! 'Tis epic, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arr, me hearties! This here character creator be churnin' out all manner o' creatures, from monstrous Pokemon to heartwarming tales. 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye! Ye never know what treasure ye might uncover in this mystical tool. Aye, 'tis a wondrous thing indeed!

Arr matey! Granblue Fantasy Relink be a swashbucklin' RPG of 2024, with endgame loot to make ye heart sing!

Arrr mateys, be ye ready for a grand battle in Granblue Fantasy Relink! Aye, another epic boss be awaitin' us on the horizon. Sharpen yer cutlasses and prepare to plunder that scallywag! Aye, it be a swashbucklin' adventure fer sure!

Arrr, a new mystical tale in animated form be comin' to Crunchyroll, based on a popular manga! Excitement abounds!

Arrr me hearties, mark me words! Dandadan shall make port this fall, with treasures aplenty and rum to keep us merry. Avast ye, prepare to welcome him with open arms and empty tankards, for a jolly good time be had by all!

Arrr, me hearties! MultiVersus be back in May with new netcode, so Shaggy can take on Batman once more!

Arrr, me hearties! The swashbucklin' brawl be back in all its glory! Prepare to battle like ye never have before in this jam-packed fightin' game. Sharpen yer swords and ready yer pistols, for the adventure of a lifetime be waitin' for ye!

Arrr, after a month o' battle, the Helldivers 2 scallywags be realizin' that spreadin' democracy be no easy task!

Avast ye scallywags! The Galactic War be a fierce battle, with diaries from the frontlines keepin' track of the swashbucklin' efforts. Follow along as we pillage and plunder our way through the stars! Arrr!

Arrr, the wench from Handmaid's Tale be sailin' into Netflix's You season 5, savvy? Aye, me hearties!

Arr matey, word be that Netflix hath chosen Madeline Brew fer the next voyage o' the hit thriller "Ye". Let's hoist the Jolly Roger n' set sail for adventure on the high seas o' binge-watchin'! Aye, me hearties, this be excitin' news indeed!

Arrr! Ye scallywags be waitin' a bit longer for Demon Slayer season 4 to set sail on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, the Hashira Training arc be makin' a return in the merry month of May, but be warned, it may be short and sweet like a plundered treasure. Keep yer eyes peeled for the swashbucklin' adventures ahead!

Arrr mateys, the scurvy Skaven be makin' a grand return in Warhammer Age of Sigmar! Prepare yer weapons!

Arrr mateys, in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar sneak peek they be callin' 'Sigmar Lied,' ye can catch a listen of them pesky Skaven scallywags with their twisted forms! Aye, beware their tails and teeth, them rats be up to no good! Aharrr!

Arrr, that scallywag Todd Howard be keepin' Fallout 5 secrets from the telly! Blimey!

Arrr! The scallywags in charge o' the show now possess the secrets of what be comin' in Fallout 5. Avast! Let the plunderin' and pillagin' begin as we await the next adventure on the high seas of gaming! Aye matey!

March 10, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! Oppenheimer be plunderin' all the gold at the Oscars, with his crew snatchin' up shiny trinkets too!

Arrr, me hearties! Behold, the grand decree of victorious scallywags! The roster of triumphant rapscallions be right yonder, ready for yer perusal. Set yer eyes upon the champions and be merry, for they be the envy of all the seven seas!

March 9, 2024

"Arrr, me mateys be talkin' 'bout the arduous journey of bringin' Final Fantasy 7 back from Davy Jones' locker!"

Arrr matey, the follow-up be a grand behemoth of a tale, no doubt about it! It be as massive as a whale in the sea, as fearsome as a thunderstorm on the horizon. Aye, 'twas a sight to behold, I tell ye!

Arrr, PlayStation be snatchin' back Stellar Blade demo quicker than a parrot on a cracker! No P.T. treatment for ye!

Arr matey, 'tis a curious twist o' fate fer Sony to be makin' such an unconventional maneuver. Methinks they be navigatin' uncharted waters, like a scallywag on a ship with a broken compass. Savvy?

Arrr matey, the Black Ops scallywag be tryin' to return to the days of yore with his new game studio!

Avast ye mateys! David Vonderhaar be returnin' with Bulletfarm, aye! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on this here interview, lest ye want to walk the plank! Arrr!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs thought Sony's treasure would bring them riches, but instead they be walking the plank!

Arr! Deviation Games be keepin' their treasure hidden, not yet showin' their maiden voyage. We be waitin' eagerly to set sail with 'em and see what plunder they have in store! Aye, the seas of gaming be a mysterious place indeed.

Arrr! Final Fantasy 14 sails to Dawntrail, with Yoshi-P swearin' to solve all the unanswered mysteries of a decade past!

Arrr! The goodly Naoki Yoshida be swearin' on his precious treasure that we shan't be startin' from scratch! Avast ye, me hearties, we be sailin' forward with our grand plans already in place, like a ship set to sail with a hearty crew and a map to guide us!

Arrr, this scurvy script be like a lead weight draggin' down a fine ship o' science fiction treasure!

Arrr, mateys be warnin' ye of '3 Body Problem'! A tale o' solid sci-fi bein' dragged down by a script as clunky as Davy Jones' locker. Beware, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank into a sea of mediocrity!

March 8, 2024

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 boss be sayin' we fixed the railgun, 'tis meant to be a sniper rifle on crack that can send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, 'tis as if the fates themselves had ordained it so! Me heart be lighter than a feather, for this be the way it were meant to be from the start. Aye, me ship be guided by the stars to this very moment, me hearty!

Arrr, 'tis a scallywag in fancy clothes, not the true Sentry we be seekin'! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, the lass be takin' the reins of Robert Reynolds' legacy, settin' sail on her own adventure. Aye, I be eager to witness the plunder she be bringin' back to the treasure trove!

Arrr, Nintendo be keepin' mum 'bout who be craftin' their booty, and Princess Peach Showtime be a mystery from a beloved ship! Avast ye!

"Arrr, me hearties! Nintendo be swearin' on Davy Jones' locker that the scallywags of the development team shall be duly credited in the game credits, or else walk the plank! Ye hear that, ye landlubbers? No credit, no treasure!"

Arr, ye scurvy indie dev be havin' a stroke of luck landin' 9 grand vtubers fer a co-op game, but be payin' dearly with their cringe voice actin'! Arrr!

Arr mateys, the treasure trove known as Holo X Break be holdin' many a talented Hololive scallywag, but beware, for it ain't free plunder! Ye must part with yer doubloons if ye wish to lay claim to their performances on the high seas of virtual entertainment. Aye, a costly venture indeed!

Arrr mateys, behold the 32 mightiest scallywags from the '80s silver screen! A treasure trove of characters, ye be!

Arrr mateys, be holdin' these swashbucklin' scallywags of the silver screen in the 80s! They be sportin' massive locks and even bigger egos, aye, they be the stuff o' legends on the high seas of cinema!

Arrr, a fresh Japanese tale be makin' waves with the critics, aye! A right tearjerkin' yarn 'bout the wee ones.

Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on the grand spectacle of Hirokazu Kore-eda's latest film, delving into the gentle and fierce nature of youth with a tale told in the fashion of Rashomon. Aye, a treasure worth plundering!

Arrr mateys, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be keepin' a secret from 27 years ago that be puzzlin' even today's swashbucklin' devs.

Arr matey, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be holdin' a hidden gem ye may have missed. 'Tis a reference so grand that ye need a keen eye to spy. Set sail and embark on this fantastical journey, ye scurvy dogs, and uncover the treasure within! Arrr!

Eight moons hence, Ben Affleck's controversial tale be gettin' a follow-up, arrr! Avast ye landlubbers!

Arrr, two fine swashbucklers be returnin' for the sequel voyage on the good ship Marvel! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye out for their dastardly deeds and heroic escapades on the silver screen, me hearties! Aye, 'tis sure to be a rollickin' good time!

Arrr! Final Fantasy 14 be endin' its 10-year piratin' festivities with a grand 14-hour stream o' plunderin' fun!

Arrr, plenty o' yarns to spin with Dawntrail on our journey ahead! We'll chat about treasures buried deep, seas sailed wide, and grog drunk aplenty. Aye, the tales we'll tell will be as grand as Davy Jones' own locker!

Arrr mateys! Rumors be swirlin' 'bout One-Punch Man season 3. Keep yer spyglass handy for any news ahead!

Arrr matey! Hear ye, hear ye! Gather 'round me hearties and listen up! The latest scuttlebutt be that Saitama be makin' a grand return in One-Punch Man season 3. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon for this epic tale of heroics! Aye, 'tis true!

Arrr, me hearties! Hogwarts Legacy be gettin' more booty this summer, but don't be expectin' no treasure chests!

Arrr, we be in need o' more information 'fore we can set sail on this adventure. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, for the news be comin' soon! Patience be a virtue for any pirate worth their salt.

Ye scurvy knaves be usin' the "virgin-chad" slider and "Thigh Thiccener" to make cursed versions o' famous blokes! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Avast ye! The character creator for Dragon's Dogma 2 be ready for ye to tinker with! Ye can make a scurvy dog or a fine buccaneer with all sorts o' fancy options. Set sail and let yer imagination run wild! Aye, me hearties!

Ye olde Helldiver 2 hath spied the mechs of Tien Kwan in the wild, a foreboding omen for jolly battles to come!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Major Order o' Tien Kwan shan't be expirin' 'til the morrow! So keep yer hands off 'til then, or ye'll be facin' the wrath o' the pirate gods! Aye, fair warnin' be given! Arrr!

March 7, 2024

Arrr! Wakanda be in a scuffle in Ultimate Black Panther #2, me hearties! Chaos be brewin'! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, T'Challa be pullin' out all th' stops to keep his kingdom safe in this sneak peek o' Ultimate Black Panther #2. Ye won't want t' miss th' adventure on th' high seas! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, the lads be spyin' on the dev menu by mistake, but beware ye may lose yer treasure! Aye matey!

Arrr matey, 'tis no surprise to find a wee critter in a Spider-Man game! 'Tis all part o' the adventure, aye! Ye never know wha' kind o' pests ye might encounter on the high seas o' virtual reality!

Arrr! Scarlett and Destro be joinin' Skybound's Energon Universe as captains of their own ships, me hearties!

Arr matey! The Energon Universe be bringin' us more adventures with the GI Joe crew, includin' some of our ol' favorites in limited series. 'Tis a treasure trove of excitement awaitin' us, me hearties! Aye, let's set sail on this swashbucklin' journey!

Arrr, Netflix's new flick from Barbie matey Noah Baumbach be filled with a treasure trove of talented scallywags. Aye!

Arrr mateys! The untitled portrait be boastin' a crew of all-stars fit for sailin' the seven seas. Aye, 'tis a fine sight indeed! Gather 'round and behold the glory of this treasure trove of talent!

Avast ye scallywags! The new Inside Out trailer be hintin' at a grand journey for Riley and her merry band o' emotions! Arrr!

Arr mateys! A new scroll hath arrived, unveiling the next tale of Inside Out 2. 'Tis a treasure trove of emotions, sure to plunder our hearts and tickle our funny bones. Avast ye, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on this cinematic adventure! Aye, 'tis a jolly good time indeed!

Arrr mateys, this new Netflix show be brewing up a storm bigger than Davy Jones' locker! Prepare to be dazzled!

Arr matey, brace yerself for some mad news! I must spill the beans about a wild secret we all share. Listen well and prepare to have yer mind blown, for this tale be crazier than a parrot on a rum bender!

Yarrr! This fine pixel treasure be a Metroidvania adventure with lore from the exotic lands o' Morocco. I be hooked!

Arrr, I be hearin' that the upcomin' indie called Mira and the Legend of the Djinns be makin' its way to the high seas of Steam this year. Avast ye, it be a tale worth plunderin' for all ye scallywags and landlubbers alike!

Arrr, as me hearties sail towards the endgame, they be gettin' plundered by the cursed repair costs!

Arrr, me hearties, these repairs be costin' a pretty penny! Methinks me ship be leakin' more gold than it be takin' in. 'Tis a rough seas when ye wallet be emptier than a scallywag's head! Aye, the life of a pirate be a costly one indeed.

Arrr, me hearties! The new Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC be a jolly adventure for all ye Inklings and Octolings!

Avast ye scallywags! Prepare yer weaponry as ye ascend the mighty Spire of Order and restore the vibrant hues to Inkopolis Square. Aye, get crafty with yer accoutrements and show those landlubbers what ye be made of! Arrr!

Yarr! After a decade, this fine RPG hath plundered its developer's pockets, just like its forebear! Avast ye!

Arrr, me hearties! Fear not, for the Unicorn Overlord be a treasure worth waitin' for. Like a fine rum aged in barrels, this mystical beast be ready to rule the seas and plunder yer hearts. So batten down the hatches and prepare to be amazed!

Arrr, New Arkham Horror RPG be aimin' to be more friendly to landlubbers jus' startin' their piratin' adventures! Aye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs, a heathenly Arkham Horror tabletop RPG be risin' from the depths this August! Prepare ye dice and grog for a wild adventure on the high seas of tabletop gaming. Yarrr, may yer rolls be lucky and yer horrors be eldritch!

Arrr, AMD FreeSync be demandin' yer monitor to set sail with no less than 144Hz on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! AMD be sayin' that FreeSync now be needin' more than 144Hz when ye be playin' on yer brand spankin' new 1080p gaming monitors and TVs with the GPU feature. Ye better buckle up and prepare for a wild ride on the high seas of gaming! Arrr!

March 6, 2024

Ye scallywags be whinin' 'bout weak weapons, but 'tis all part o' the game - lean on yer Stratagems, mateys! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! The Helldivers 2 be packin' a punch with their primary weapons, but ye best be addin' some Stratagems to yer arsenal if ye want to truly rule the seas. Don't be caught sailin' without 'em, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Aye, it be true!

Ye scurvy dogs at Apple be so touchy they be cuttin' off Epic's dev account for callin' 'em "hot garbage"!

Avast ye mateys! Why should we believe Epic this go-round? Speak plain and true, me hearties, or be keelhauled! No fancy words or trickery, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr! X-Men #700 be bringin' back Chris Claremont for the end o' the Krakoa era. Avast ye mutant adventures!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that June's X-Men #35 shall also be known as X-Men #700, aye! 'Tis a fine treasure indeed, aye, me mateys! Prepare yerselves for a grand adventure on the high seas of comic book lore! Aye, aye, Captain Wolverine!

Arrr! John Williams be playin' a cruel joke on Luke and Leia with an awkward love ditty! Aye, matey!

"Arrr, George be keepin' secrets like a scurvy dog! A second film be a surprise more shockin' than findin' a treasure map in yer grog! We be demandin' our share o' the booty for this unexpected adventure!"

Arr matey, after nigh on 30 years, Eiichiro Oda be ditchin' the ol' rulebook for endin' a tale!

Arrr matey! Methinks this Eiichiro Oda be a true scallywag, sailin' through the stormy seas of chaos and makin' his mark on the high seas of storytelling! He be defyin' expectations like a salty dog defyin' the laws of gravity. Aye, me hearties, he be a pirate of the pen!

Arrr! The X-Men scallywag be too weary to make a cameo in Deadpool 3. Aye, the toll be mental!

Arrr, me mateys! Vinnie Jones be claimin' he turned down roles in Deadpool n' Wolverine. Methinks he be missin' out on some treasure! Perhaps he be too busy countin' his doubloons! Aarrrr!

Ye Final Fantasy 14 scallywags be sayin' Endwalker's grind be too simple! But fear not, Dawntrail won't be bringin' back them old grindin' days! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearty crew, I do find meself quite pleased with the way this game doth bring a sense o' satisfaction to the swashbucklers who partake in its adventures. 'Tis a treasure worth seekin'! Aye, aye!

Arrr, the "Key elements" o' Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 be comin' together, thanks to the world-buildin' in Rebirth!

Arrr mateys, ye best be grabbin' yer cutlasses and holdin' onto yer tricorn hats, for the third part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy be in the works as we speak! Avast ye landlubbers, get ready for some swashbucklin' adventures on the high seas of gaming! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, to conquer the Helldivers 2 Terminids and Bugs, ye must swashbuckle like a true pirate!

Arrr matey! Helldivers 2 bugs, the Terminids, be swarmin' in with their melee attacks! Brace yerself for a battle of epic proportions on the high seas. Prepare to be boarded and face the wrath of these pesky critters! Aye, it be a wild ride indeed!

Arrr, this new Blumhouse frightfest be like the treasure of del Toro's finest film. Aye, tis a jolly good scare!

Arr matey, ye hear this news? The fictional captain Jeff Wadlow be spoutin' out that Pan's Labyrinth be inspirin' his new horror flick. Aye, seems this land lubber be dreamin' up tales of terror from the depths of his mind. Arrr!

Arrr me hearties! The Star Wars grog jest hath sailed into new lands like Helldivers 2, Diablo 4, and Yakuza! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! Beware the elusive Cerveza Cristal, for ye may find it springing up in the most unexpected of places. Keep a weather eye out, lest ye miss the chance to partake in its frothy goodness! Arrr!

Arrr matey! The Nitro Deck+ be wantin' yer Switch to be lookin' like a fancy Steam Deck, savvy?

Avast ye scallywags! Ye can now pre-order the Nitro Deck+ for a mere $69.99 / £69.99, and the new Switch controller be armed with Steam Deck-style thumb sticks and a built-in dock. Ready yer doubloons and set sail for gaming treasure! Arrr!

March 5, 2024

Arrr matey! This co-op horror game be settin' sail after 2 years, with revamped maps, spookier ghosts, and smarter AI!

Arrr, me hearties! Set sail on March 21 for the grand 1.0 update of Midnight Ghost Hunt! Ye better be ready to plunder some spectral treasures and give them ghosts a run for their doubloons. Aye, 'tis sure to be one swashbucklin' adventure!

Arr matey, GTA 5 be like a treasure map fer Dragon's Dogma 2's vast RPG world to plunder! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Hideaki Itsuno be spillin' the beans on his own inspiration, ye scallywags! 'Tis a tale worth hearin' as he sets sail on the high seas of creativity, plunderin' ideas like a true swashbuckler. Yarrr!

Arrr, Benjamin Percy be teasin' Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance - a tale o' fire, vengeance, an' sulfur-scented shenanigans! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Benjamin Percy be spillin' the beans about the spookiest Ghost Rider comic to hit the high seas! Avast ye landlubbers and read all about the darkest tale to ever grace the pages of yon funny books! Aye, a thrilling adventure awaits!

Arrr, Dragon's Dogma 2 brings back ye olde RPG feels akin to Dark Souls and Forspoken, matey! Tis a jolly good time, I swear upon me treasure!

Arrr mateys! In a mere 24-hour battle, Dragon's Dogma 2 hath plundered me heart and become the most-anticipated RPG of the year. Prepare ye selves for a swashbucklin' adventure like no other!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags of Super Mario Maker be nearin' the end of their treacherous journey. Only 178 levels stand in their way!

Arrr, the hourglass be runnin' low me hearties! Time waits for no man on these treacherous seas. Give a hearty "yo ho ho" and make haste before we be walkin' the plank! Let's sail like the wind before Davy Jones comes a-knockin'!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set sail for the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid on the seventh day o' March in GTA Online! Aye!

Arrr mateys, ready yer cannons and swords to plunder the Cluckin' Bell Farm in GTA Online! We'll be takin' on the scallywags of the LSPD and show 'em who truly rules these digital seas. Onward to victory, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been 13 long years since the last flick, but Final Destination 6 be setting sail!

Avast ye mateys, news be spreadin' like wildfire that a fancy new title hath been uncovered! Arrr, 'tis a grand revelation indeed! Me hearty, let us raise a tankard o' grog and toast to this momentous occasion. Aye, the seas be full of surprises!

Arrr, Hogwarts Legacy be the plunder of 2023, but Warner Bros be settin' sail for free games despite their misfortunes.

Arrr matey, methinks that be not the sign of fair winds and smooth sailing as the wise men of the trade doth say. 'Tis a storm on the horizon, aye, a storm of foolishness and folly!

Avast ye! NASA be tellin' ye that space be right grand, mateys! Aye, 'tis true, by the stars!

Arrr mateys, ye won't believe it! Nasa be creatin' a grand quest in the realm of dungeons and dragons to rescue the great Hubble Telescope. 'Tis a tale as strange as findin' a mermaid in yer rum barrel! Aye, me hearties, we be embarkin' on a mission of cosmic proportions!

Arrr, this Asus ROG Carnyx be a beastly thing, mateys! Too grand for mere landlubbers to handle. Aye!

Arrr me hearties! This Asus ROG Carnyx be a fine addition to ye USB gaming mic collection. With a 2.5cm condenser capsule and plug-and-play ease, it be as flashy as a treasure chest with RGB look. Aye, me crew be impressed!

Arr, the scallywag be feelin' sorrow for his cut scene, but he be holdin' no grudge. Aye!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! 'Tis a shame that Tim Blake Nelson be walkin' the plank from Dune: Part Two. Ye won't be seein' him swashbucklin' across the silver screen this time, so ye best be settlin' for some other scallywag to entertain ye! Aargh!

Arrr, House of the Dragon season 2, The Boys season 4, and more be settin' June ablaze with the finest TV booty in years! Aye!

Avast ye scallywags! We shan't be attending to any of yer bothersome requests this season, for we be occupied with a plethora of entertainments. Aye, we be watchin' a treasure trove of shows, so leave us be or walk the plank! Arrr!

March 4, 2024

Avast ye landlubbers! Beware the scurvy dogs of Bloodcoven in Marvel's Blood Hunt, the creepiest villains to sail the seas! Arrr!

Arrr, beware ye scallywags! There be a new crew of miscreants in the Marvel Universe, and they be the strangest and most fearsome yet. Keep a weather eye out for these scurvy dogs, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank!

Avast ye scallywags! Temtem devs be dousin' the MMO flames, strippin' the loot boxes, and hintin' at a new adventure! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, Temtem be runnin' low on new treasures, but fear not, this MMO ship be sailin' the open seas for a right long while yet! Avast ye landlubbers and join the crew before the rum runs dry!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis said that Spawn be expandin' his dominion with a grand fleet of 15 new scrolls!

Arr matey, Todd McFarlane be wagering his doubloons that landlubbers can't resist the tales of Spawn and his cursed realm. Let's see if ye scallywags can resist the siren call of this devilish comic! Aye, me thinks not!

Arr matey! The scallywags at Helldivers 2 be bold, putting one real matey in charge o' the war! 'Tis a first for video games, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arrr, me hearties! This here game be makin' me feel like a true swashbuckler on the high seas, with loot to be won and enemies to be vanquished. 'Tis a jolly good time, even if it be just a fanciful digital adventure! Aye, me virtual ship be sailin' with real excitement!

"Arr matey! Dune Awakening be settin' sail fer a true survival adventure - first with sandworms, then with scurvy politicians!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Funcom be aimin' to make this game the grand finale of all survival games and MMOs. They be settin' their sights high, ready to plunder the seas of the gaming world with their legendary creation. Aye, it be a sight to behold!

The scallywags behind Baldur's Gate 3 be addin' an extra disc to the Xbox version 'cause the game be too massive for 3!

Arr matey, ye can trust Larian when it be sayin' the Deluxe Edition be chock full o' discs. 'Tis a treasure trove fit for a scurvy dog like meself! Aye, 'tis a haul worth plunderin'!

Ye scallywag! A Pokemon swashbuckler be triumphin' with an Articuno usin' a mind-bogglin' moveset! Ahoy!

Arrr, the mythical bird be havin' naught but frosty powers, includin' a treacherous move that be takin' down foes in a single blow. Aye matey, ye best be keepin' yer guard up when facin' this feathered scallywag on the high seas!

Arrr, learn the ways of the Helldivers 2 meta to conquer the most treacherous missions on the high seas!

Avast ye scallywags! I be tellin' ye of the finest Helldiver 2 builds to claim victory on the high seas! Gather yer crew and arm yerselves with the right tools to plunder and pillage like true buccaneers! Aye, beware the landlubbers who dare cross our path! Arrr!

Arrr, beware mateys! Yonder Fallout poster be holdin' a foul secret within its depths! Aye, be cautious!

Avast ye, be that a... noggin' I spy? Arrr, 'tis a strange sight to behold on the high seas! Methinks we've stumbled upon a fine tale to regale over grog in the tavern tonight, mateys! Aye, 'tis a head indeed!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Super Earth be losin' ter the Automatons again. Helldivers 2 players be needin' better strategizin'!

Arrr, Mantes be doomed to meet Davy Jones's locker! But what be the fate that awaits us after this dire event? Will we be feasting on swag and grog, or be marooned on a forsaken isle? Only time will tell, me hearties! Aye!

Avast ye maties! Netflix be scuttlin' a show with high praise, leavin' fans like a ship without a sail!

Arrr, me hearties! The Brothers Sun hath met their demise by way of the cruel axe! Ye best be steerin' clear of that treacherous lot, lest ye want the same fate to befall ye! Arrr, shiver me timbers!

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 captain be sayin' we sail our own ship, no need for Halo quarrels. Aye, unity be key!

Arrr, me hearties! Johan Pilestedt be sayin' "Why be ye comparin'?" Aye, 'tis true, let us not be wastin' our time squabblin' o'er who be better. Let us all just enjoy the grog and plunder together like proper pirates! Arrr!

March 3, 2024

Arrr! The bloke from Final Fantasy 14 be sticking to the MMO like a barnacle, finding Bridgerton's words as grand as ol' Will Shakespeare's!

Arrr matey, that scurvy Wicked star be clingin' to G'raha Tia like a barnacle on me ship's hull. It be stickin' around for a good while, makin' mischief and causin' mayhem. Avast ye, we best be preparin' for a long haul with that cursed star!

Ye scurvy Palworld breeder be thinkin' they be God, makin' a Lamball with no work speed! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! In the Ball of God we be trustin'! 'Tis where we find our luck and fortune, so keep yer eye on the prize, ye scurvy dogs! May the winds be ever at our backs as we sail the high seas! Aye, aye, captain!

Arrr, the director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be admittin' the game be a bit wonky! Updates be comin' soon, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! The day o' reckoning be drawing nigh, when ye shall lay yer hands upon the treasure. The date be not too far off, so sharpen ye cutlasses and prepare to set sail on the high seas o' adventure! Aye, me buccaneers!

Avast ye hearties! A young MMO be transformin' into a swashbucklin' RPG where ye fightin' handsome sea dogs! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The scoundrel Vindictus hath been vindicated! Ye doubters be walkin' the plank now, for the truth be as clear as a bottle of rum. Raise the Jolly Roger and let the celebrations begin! Yo ho ho and a barrel of grog!

March 2, 2024

Arr, them Sonic Frontiers scallywags be fearin' failure: "No second shot at this, mateys!" Aye, trouble brews!

Arrr mateys, 'tis a crucial crossroads on the brink o' Sonic's shift to th' open seas. Will he flourish like a treasure map found or sink like a cursed ship? Keep yer eyes peeled, ye scallywags, for th' adventure be about to set sail!

Arr matey, Ori studio be droppin' a new game on Steam, but I be more keen on swashbucklin' in me own virtual abode!

Arrr matey, be ye a swashbuckler lookin' for some hack and slashin' or a landlubber wantin' a cozy life sim? Pick yer poison me hearties, but beware the siren call of virtual adventures, for they be known to steal away hours faster than a thief in the night!

Arrr! A scallywag of a developer be unleashing 600 cats on Steam with 800 more on the horizon! Aye!

Avast ye mateys! 100 Ninja Cats be the finest treasure of the year, a hidden object puzzler that'll have ye sayin' "MEOOOWWWWW!" Aye, be ready to test yer skills and find all the hidden booty before the sun sets on this here game. Arrr!

Arrr, after near 7 years, the Monster Hunter Stories be remastered, finally keepin' the long-lost vow!

Arrr, me hearties! News be spreadin' that new content be on its way to our western shores! 'Tis a grand adventure awaitin' us, me thinks. Let's raise a toast to the voyage ahead!

Arrr mateys, the Cap'n of Helldivers be sayin' that the fancy weapons ain't always the key to victory!

Arrr mateys, some scallywags be cryin' foul over the Breaker shotgun! They be claimin' it be too strong for fair play! But ye best be learnin' to dodge and weave like a true buccaneer instead of complainin' like a landlubber! Arrr!

Arrr, LG's fancy OLED be grand, but it won't tempt me to set sail for a Quest Pro 2!

Arrr, word on the seas be that Meta and LG be joining forces to create a mystical mixed-reality spyglass, likely the Meta Quest Pro 2. Keep an eye out for more treasure on the horizon, me hearties!

March 1, 2024

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! A tale of terror be told in this RPG, with Clock Tower vibes. Try the demo, ye scallywags, and ye be in for a treat. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The reviews be sayin' that Oakheart be scarin' the pants off ye landlubbers with its steamy good tales. 'Tis a treacherous place to visit, but worth the risk for a jolly good time! Aye, me timbers be shiverin' at the thought!

Avast! Them suits and scallywags from The Wire be takin' on the mantle of Superman in James Gunn's DCU! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, word on the high seas be that Wendell Pierce be joinin' the crew as Perry White in James Gunn's new Superman adventure! Aye, me hearties, let's set sail for the silver screen and see what treasures be waitin' for us!

Arrr, the boss of Helldivers 2 be sayin': "Ye scallywags need the shield and railgun! Only true Helldivers go without!"

Arr, me hearties of Helldivers 2 be smitten with their trusty railguns and shields like a pirate be fond of his booty! 'Tis a sight to behold on the high seas, as they blast and defend with gusto. Aye, the plunder be bountiful with these scallywags!

Ye scurvy dogs be warn'd, Balatro be banished for gamblin'! Fans, keep yer tongues in check 'afore the authorities come knockin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis said by the mighty Creator Localthunk, "I doth not give me blessing upon such foolishness as gamblin'." So put away yer dice and cards, or ye be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, Dune 2 be tellin' a tale 'bout lasses and birthing babies, aye, a swashbucklin' departure from the original yarn!

Arrr, me hearties! The sequel to Dune be settin' sail with a focus on motherhood like never before! 'Tis a powerful tale that'll have ye walkin' the plank of emotion. So batten down the hatches and prepare to be blown away!

Arrr, me hearties! The finest lootin' tool be gone, so now we're craftin' instruments of pain instead! Aye!

Arr matey, the new scheme for gaining riches in this survival game be a mighty powerful one, but 'tis as crooked as a peg-legged pirate's walk! Aye, 'tis a treacherous path to wealth, but aye, a pirate's duty be to take the risk! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The $6 Metroidvania what set Steam ablaze hath reached 100K sales. The self-taught dev be flummoxed!

Arr matey, the Psuedoregalia be gettin' a mighty fine upgrade with a hefty map refresh! Now ye can chart yer course with ease and plunder all the booty without gettin' lost. Set sail me hearties, and let the adventure begin!

Avast ye! Moon Studios' latest be a treasure trove of ideas and talent, aye, shiver me timbers!

Avast ye scallywags! Lay yer eyes on No Rest for the Wicked, a game aimin' to shake up the ARPG world. Prepare to set sail on an adventure like no other as we delve into this treasure trove of gaming goodness. Arrr!

Arrr, this be a fine city builder on a street of tanukis from the Far East, me hearties! 'Tis a treasure worth plunderin' with 'Very Positive' reviews on Steam. Yarrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Minami Lane be offering treasure for those brave enough to give the scurvy cats a scratch behind the ears. Aye, a bounty awaits ye if ye be willing to show some love to those furry scallywags!

Arrr matey, Tom Hardy be spillin' the beans on Venom 3 startin' where Spiderman left off. Shiver me timbers!

Arr matey, that be a curious decision ye be makin'. Methinks it be as puzzlin' as tryin' to navigate a ship through a storm with naught but a compass made o' cheese. But hey, who am I to judge? Yer the captain of yer own fate! Arrrr!

Arr matey! This Super Mario 64 roguelike be like treasure huntin' with endless levels to plunder. Yarrr!

Ye ever had the yearning to plunder through Super Mario 64 for all eternity? Well shiver me timbers, now ye can! Set sail on this pixelated adventure and never fear runnin' out of lives again, me hearties!

Arrr, Helldivers 2 and Palworld scallywags be cryin' foul on Steam impostors! 'Tis a mutiny of copycats!

Arrr! Avast ye landlubbers! Escape From Tarkov, Last Epoch, and other popular games be in the sights of scallywags and hornswogglers alike! Beware the treacherous waters of the gaming world, me hearties! Yaharrr!

February 29, 2024

Arrr, as the winds of unemployment blow strong, FPS legend John Romero proclaims, "I've never seen such a spectacle!"

"Arrr, me hearties, I be feelin' a great sorrow for all ye landlubbers who've been marooned from their jobs," says Romero with a heavy heart. "Mayhaps we'll find some buried treasure to lift yer spirits, aye?"

Arr mateys! The scallywags in the WoW guilds be bandin' together to bring down a fearsome MMO boss for a chance at a shiny new mount! Aye, the loot be worth the risk, if they be lucky enough to claim it!

Arrr matey, 'tis not a coincidence that Kha'damu's moniker be spellin' 'u mad' backwards! Methinks he be a proper scallywag who be provokin' others to anger with his very name. Aye, a clever jest indeed!

Adam Sandler be spillin' the beans 'bout his Netflix adventure - says he wanted to be a lone wolf! Arrr!

Arrr, Mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! The spaceman star Adam Sandler be spillin' the beans on his trials and tribulations whilst film'n the Netflix flick. Set sail and uncover the secrets of this here tale, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr, the scallywags at Bad Batch have done it again! Essential viewing for any Star Wars matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Be ye mindin' to skip the animated shows at yer own peril! 'Tis a treasure trove of laughs and adventure awaitin' ye! Set sail for the land of animated treasures, or ye be walkin' the plank! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr! The 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem' sequel be settin' sail on a distant horizon. Prepare for adventure!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The likes of Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo will not grace us with their presence this year. But fear not, mateys, for they will return in due time to swoop in and steal the spotlight once more! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 3 be in the works, while season 2 be comin' yer way this year! Aye!

Avast ye mateys! Prepare yerselves for more of The Rings of Power, a tale so grand it'll make ye want to set sail for adventure! Don't be a scallywag, join the crew and let's plunder the seven seas of entertainment together! Aargh!

Aye mateys! While EA be cuttin' crew, BioWare be settin' sail for Dragon Age Dreadwolf afore Mass Effect 5! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' like wildfire that Respawn's Star Wars shootin' game be walkin' the plank! Avast ye, looks like we won't be takin' to the high seas in that ship after all. Time to hoist the anchor and set sail for a new adventure, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Stick to DisplayPort, says I! HDMI 2.1 be a treacherous sea with many a hidden reef!

Arrr, the scallywags at the HDMI Forum be turnin' their backs on us Linux users! No open source fix for HDMI 2.1 be in the cards, even after months of toil on GPU driver support. Avast ye, we be doomed to swab the decks of outdated technology!

February 28, 2024

Grant Morrison be hintin' at a new adventure with his matey Frank Quitely, arrr, 'tis been a long wait indeed!

Arr matey, what be this mysterious venture we be embarkin' on? 'Tis a riddle as puzzlin' as findin' buried treasure without a map! Ye best be keepin' yer eye on the horizon, for who knows what treasures lie ahead!

Avast ye mateys! EA be cuttin' loose 670 scallywags, scrappin' games, and axin' future treasures like Respawn's Star Wars game!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags at Ridgeline Games, who be holdin' the reins of the single-player Battlefield, have been made to walk the plank! Shuttered they be, like a treasure chest with no loot. Yarrr, time to find a new ship to sail with!

Arrr, as GTA 6 be nearin' completion, Rockstar be makin' their crew walk the plank back to the office for some "security" and "productivity"! Avast ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags at Rockstar be sayin' that sailin' back to the ol' office will give GTA 6 the shine and sheen it rightly deserves. Avast ye, me hearties, we best be gettin' ready for some top-notch piratin' in the high seas of virtual mayhem!

Arrr! The MMO scallywags cheer as their mate escapes the fiery depths after 2,500 hours on Old School RuneScape. Astounding!

Arrr mateys, ye won't believe it! The scallywag Limpwurt has struck gold once more on the high seas of OSRS. He be a legend in his own right, aye, sailin' the treacherous waters of YouTube with wit and charm. Fair winds and followin' seas to him, I say!

Arrgh! A film of terror with a score fit for a king, the trailer be a ghostly marvel from A24!

Arrr, me hearties! A24 be showin' the first trailer fer the comin' horror flick, I Saw the TV Glow. Avast ye, and prepare to shiver yer timbers as ye watch this spook-tacular tale unfold on the big screen!

Avast ye scallywags! Nintendo be cryin' foul over emulators, claimin' they be nothin' but tools for plunderin' booty! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The Nintendo Switch's scallywag emulators be gettin' new booty on the regular! Sailin' the high seas of gaming, these emulators be bringin' treasure to all ye landlubbers lookin' for a good time. Aye, me Switch be a fine vessel indeed!

Arrr, be I the only one seein' all these flying contraptions clutterin' the skies? 'Tis peak drone madness, me hearties!

A scallywag of a writer be yappin' about why those flying contraptions should walk the plank! Avast, they be too nosy for their own good, spyin' on a pirate's secret treasure hunts. Best be keepin' them grounded, says I! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties be arguin' if the next update'll bring a raccoon-infested isle to Stardew Valley. I be hopin' so!

Arrr, me hearties! I be prayin' to Davy Jones himself for good fortune to smile upon Prairie Island! May the winds be in our favor and the treasure be plentiful on this blessed isle. Aye, let's hope for a bounty fit for a scallywag like meself!

"Arrr matey! The scallywag Jar Jar Binks be hintin' at a return to Star Wars! Ye can't escape the booty!"

Arrr matey, why be ye askin' 'bout Activision and their involvement in the grand mystery project? Shiver me timbers, they be known fer plunderin' our wallets with their loot boxes and microtransactions. Keep a weather eye on 'em, says I!

Arr matey! If ye be wantin' to speed up yer progress in Helldivers 2, follow me advice!

Arrr matey! If ye be seekin' to reach the pinnacle of power in Helldivers 2 and amass a bounty of XP, ye best be settin' sail for them bot planets. A treasure trove of experience awaits ye on them celestial shores!

Arrr mateys, this latest Batman flick be a swashbucklin' adventure fit for any scallywag lookin' for a good time!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye, for the legendary tale of Batman Azteca: Choque de Imperios be comin' to Max! Prepare to set sail on this swashbuckling adventure, filled with treasure, danger, and plenty o' fun. Yarrr, don't be missin' out on this grand spectacle!

Arrr, the scallywag Villeneuve be boastin' of Chalamet's swashbucklin' skills in the newfangled sequel, aye!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! The swashbucklin' filmmaker be spillin' the beans on how the Dune star be actin' like a whole new landlubber this time around. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin' mateys, so gather 'round and listen up!

February 27, 2024

Yarrr, the scallywag who gives voice to Peter Parker reckons we haven't seen the last of him, mateys!

Arrr mateys! Yuri Lowenthal be wantin' to be playin' that scallywag Peter Parker fer all eternity! He be holdin' onto that role like a treasure trove, never lettin' it go! Aye, he be a true buccaneer of the acting world!

Arr, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live scallywag forced all to include *that* grand moment in episode 1.

Arrr, Andrew Lincoln be claimin' he'd been spoutin' tales o' Rick Grimes fer a fair bit o' time 'fore them scallywags at AMC saw fit to give 'im a shot. Aye, 'tis a wonder they didn't make 'im walk the plank sooner!

Arr, Yoko Taro be playin' with me heart like a scurvy dog! His mobile game be sinkin' come next month!

Arr mateys, ye hear the news? Nier Reincarnation be walkin' the plank come March! Time to hoist the sails and set a new course, lest ye want to be marooned with naught but yer memories of lootin' and pillagin'. Fair winds, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! Netflix be givin' us another round o' our favorite show with a crew o' famous scallywags on board!

Arrr mateys, the savory delight of beef hath returned to our galley! 'Tis a joyous occasion indeed, as we feast upon the succulent meat like kings of the high seas. Let us raise a tankard of grog to celebrate this bountiful bounty!

February 25, 2024

"Arrr, the scurvy speedrunner be wastin' valuable time singin' shanties durin' their race through Alan Wake 2!"

Avast ye scallywags! The next TikTok trend be settin' sail like a mighty ship on the high seas. 'Tis a treasure trove of jests and japes, sure to shiver yer timbers and make ye heartier than a barrel of grog! Aye, brace yerselves for the merriment! Aharrr!

February 24, 2024

Yarrrr, Helldivers 2 be addin' more servers for 800k players! Message be madder than a monkey on rum!

The Leader o' Arrowhead Studios be claimin' there be but a mere sprinkle o' waitin' in their game queues. Aye, ye may need to be as patient as a landlubber in a rowboat, but fret not me hearties, for the treasure be worth the wait! Arrrr!

Arrr, this sequel be as grand as a treasure hunt after a long voyage! Yarrr, me hearties!

Arrr, Ender Magnolia be a fine treasure to behold, me hearties! 'Tis a much welcome sequel that be bringin' joy to me very soul. Aye, I be settin' sail with this here tale, ready to plunder the pages for all they be worth!

Arrr, the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director be payin' homage to the original like a Disney swashbucklin' adventure!

Arrr matey, a most peculiar notion be takin' flight in yonder 2017 moving picture! 'Tis a tale of unlikely inspiration, fit fer a scallywag's amusement. Avast! Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on this here cinematic treasure, arrr!

February 23, 2024

Arrr, Helldivers 2 be crying foul at Discord, sayin' they scuppered their matey for slidin' into too many DMs!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! They be thinkin' she be a mechanical contraption, but she be a bonnie lass! 'Tis a mistake of grand proportions, ye hornswagglin' landlubbers! Ye best be watchin' yer step, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arr, me hearties! Baldur's Gate 3 dev be still swept off their feet by the RPG's popularity. Insane numbers!

Arrr, be they not stayin' just to witness the fancy smoochin' tricks? Methinks these scallywags be more interested in the romance on screen than the booty buried deep in the plot! Aye, some be only here for the kissy-kissy.

Arr matey, behold the 32 finest scallywags to ever grace the silver screen in the '60s!

Arrr, in the midst of grand upheaval, the silver screen be overrun with legendary scallywags and swashbucklers! Avast, the cinema be teemin' with iconic figures, bringin' adventure and merriment to all who dare venture into the darkened halls!

Aye mateys, 40 years hence, The Toxic Avenger be gettin' a comic book reboot. Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Join in the merriment as we mark 40 years of Toxie with a swashbucklin' new comic tale recountin' his beginnings. Set sail on this adventure and let the laughter flow like grog! Arrr!

Arr matey! To boost thy gear score in Nightingale, plunder more loot and upgrade yer weaponry with gold doubloons!

Avast ye mateys! Aye, the first hurdle ye must conquer in Nightingale be the task of raising yer gear score. Be prepared to plunder and pillage to improve yer armament, for only then shall ye truly be a fearsome scallywag on the high seas! Arrr!

"Arrr! Indie Soulslike challenges FromSoft with a release date clash: "We be no longer Maidenless!" Aye, me hearties!"

Arrr, ye scurvy knaves! I'll have ye know, the most savage skirmish e'er seen on the high seas was betwixt Malenia and meself. She may have been fierce, but I showed her who truly rules the waves. Yarrr!

Arrr, matey! When be the maiden voyage of "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live" spin-off with Rick and Michonne?

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round and hear me tale of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, featuring the likes of Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira. Set yer sights on this show and prepare for a swashbuckling good time, mateys!

Arrr, this new Netflix show be a real treasure! 'Tis a frightful tale that be winnin' the hearts o' many!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen ye well, for I have a secret to share with ye! "Can I Tell You a Secret?" be holdin' the top spot on Netflix in the fair land of UK! 'Tis a tale worth watchin', me mateys! Aye, 'tis true!

Arr matey, how many leagues be Pacific Drive, and how many moons 'til we reach the end? Aye!

Ye be sailin' through treacherous waters 'til ye reach Pacific Drive. Brace yerself for a wild ride, me hearties! Mayhaps ye'll spot a sea monster or two along the way. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye, mateys!

Ye scallywags of Baldur's Gate 3 be in turmoil as they be learnin' ye olde dungeon be easily skipped with a simple spell! Arrr!

Avast ye, who dares disturb me quarters with a knocker of the door? Speak now or prepare to walk the plank, ye scurvy knave!

Arr mateys, the new film Boy Kills World be like John Wick mixed with Squid Game. Check out the trailer, ye scallywags!

Avast ye scallywags! Bill Skarsgård be on a quest for revenge against Michelle Dockery, Brett Gelman, Sharlto Copley, and Famke Janssen in the latest moving picture! Prepare to walk the plank, ye scurvy dogs! Arrr!

Arrr, Helldivers 2 be addin' more server space, but methinks 'tis still not sufficient! Avast, mateys!

Arrr, Arrowhead be still coaxin' scallywags to join their crew fer Helldivers 2! They be offerin' booty aplenty and adventures on the high seas. Avast ye, me hearties, grab yer cutlasses and set sail fer a rip-roarin' good time!

February 21, 2024

Arrr! The swashbucklin' Rogue One scallywag be takin' the helm for the new Jurassic World adventure after the other landlubber walked the plank. Yo ho ho!

Arrr mateys, word on the high seas be that Gareth Edwards be takin' the helm of Jurassic World 4! Shiver me timbers, this be one adventure worth settin' sail for. Let's hope he be addin' more rum and less runnin' in this here sequel. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Set yer sails fer the Nintendo Partner Direct, where ye'll find all the latest booty from Nintendo!

Arrr mateys! We be eagerly awaitin' the arrival of some fine treasures from the likes of Xbox x Nintendo at the Nintendo Partner Direct. Mayhaps we'll be plunderin' some booty worth fightin' for! Aye, me hearties!

Ye scurvy dogs of Helldivers 2 be thinkin' they'll soon be gettin' mechs and a faction from the original game! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, let me tell ye a tale of Arrowhead Studios! They be not just fixin' but plunderin' the seas of game development with their mighty creations. Aye, the treasure they be workin' on be worth more than all the doubloons in Davy Jones' locker! Aharrr!

Avast ye mateys! Sign up for SFX and receive a pair o' treasure worth 69 pieces o' eight! Arrr!

Arr matey, ye can get yer hands on this treasure for a mere £3.54 a piece! Aye, 'tis a steal worth sailin' the seven seas for! So grab it quick before ye end up walkin' the plank, ye scurvy dogs!

February 19, 2024

Arrr matey! Ready yer eye patch for the grandest comic adventure featuring Deadpool and Wolverine in yer wildest dreams!

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye eyes on this news - Deadpool & Wolverine: WW3 be scribed by the seasoned swashbuckler Joe Kelly! Get ready to raise the Jolly Roger and embark on a wild adventure with these scallywags! Arrr!

Arrr, after 27 years, this cult sci-fi flick be resurrected by the likes of Helldivers 2! Aye matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The Starship Troopers be a-risin' from its chrysalis like a mighty butterfly takin' flight! Aye, brace yerselves for adventure on the high seas of outer space, where ye'll be swashbucklin' with aliens and plunderin' their cosmic treasures! Aye, me mateys, hoist the sails and set a course for glory!

Arrr mateys, to slay a Helldivers 2 Bile Titan, aim true and strike swift with yer cutlass! Aye!

Arr matey, them Bile Titans be the grandest foes ye be reckonin' with in Helldivers 2! They be bigger than a whale and tougher than a barnacle-covered sea turtle. Ye best be sharpenin' yer cutlass and loadin' yer cannons for a showdown with these scurvy scallywags! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! The former Warcraft and StarCraft scallywags be needin' more doubloons for their new venture!

Arrr mateys, the Frost Giant be seekin' coin from willing scallywags to join his crew! Aye, if ye be lookin' to sail the high seas of investment, then raise yer flag and join the adventure with the Frost Giant!

Arrr! Just a moon after thar season 2 finale, Reacher season 3 be nearin' completion o' filmin'! Arrr!

"Arrr, the scallywag Reacher be back on deck! Ye best be lockin' up yer valuables, me hearties, for he be a cunning one. Keep a weather eye on him, lest ye find yerself partin' with more than just yer gold!"

Arrr, the trailer o' Deadpool 3 be recreated in Lego, and the cap'n approves! Aye, bring on the laughs!

Avast ye scallywags! This be absolutely phenomenal! Aye, this be like findin' a chest of gold at the end o' a rainbow! A treasure beyond compare, me hearties! Yo-ho-ho, this be truly incredible!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs may soon have official Lego minifigures to join ye D&D adventures on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, word be goin' 'round that packs o' Lego D&D minifigures be sailin' our way soon. Aye, prepare yer doubloons and set sail for adventure on the high seas of tabletop gaming! Yarrr!

Arr matey! Persona 3 Reload be havin' a lassie protagonist now, all thanks to some scallywags and their mods!

Avast ye scallywags! The 'Femc-Reloaded-Project' be sailin' the digital seas on GitHub! Raise the Jolly Roger and set course for code plunderin'! Yarrr!

February 18, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Barret be sayin', "Blimey! I've never laid eyes on a Black character in an RPG before!" Aye!

Arrr, John Eric Bentley be yappin' 'bout the character's poly-gone-al past. Aye, 'tis a fancy way o' sayin' the scallywag had many sides to 'im! Ahoy, I reckon even a pirate can relate to havin' a few angles meself.

Arr matey! Ye scallywag in Baldur's Gate 3 be pullin' tricks, castin' the wretched spell 2,469 times to beat Honour Mode!

Avast ye scallywags! The most treacherous challenge be facing the most worthless incantation! 'Tis like tryin' to sail a ship with naught but a bucket for a sail. Ye may as well be tryin' to swab the decks with a toothpick! Aye, 'tis a sorry sight indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The BAFTA 2024 winners list be updatin' live, so buckle yer swashes and stay tuned!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The BAFTA 2024 winners be announced as we speak. Keep a weather eye on this here list, for it be changing faster than a ship in a storm. May the best swashbuckler take home the treasure!

Pay no heed to the scurvy dogs yammering about the yellow hue! Signs be crucial for our plundering escapades! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, if ye be not in want of it, then good on ye! Ye be savin' yer loot for more important plunder, aye. May the winds of fortune blow in yer favor, me hearties!

February 17, 2024

In a grand RPG treasure hunt, scallywags of Baldur's Gate 3 be sharin' secrets they reckon most landlubbers be overlookin'! Arrr!

Arr matey, Larian Studio's grand adventure be full of hidden treasures ye might overlook! Aye, ye best be keepin' a keen eye out for all them hidden gems and secret booty, lest ye be walkin' the plank without seein' all the plunder! Aargh!

I be craftin' me perfect crew o' RPG scallywags, only to be bested by a scurvy secret boss fer 3 days!

Avast ye scallywags! Ye best be ready for a fight with Galdera, the true final boss of Octopath Traveler 2! This scurvy dog be no pushover, so prepare to walk the plank if ye not be ready for a challenge! Arrr!

Ye scallywag took Arthur for a fool, making him chug hair tonics before a cutscene, only to see his locks go boom!

Arrr, me hearties! Captain Morgan be knowin' all the secrets to growin' a fine mane of hair fit for a pirate king! If ye be wantin' luscious locks like Blackbeard himself, then ye best be askin' ol' Morgan for his hair-growin' tricks! Aye, he be the true scallywag barber!

Avast ye! Mateys be blowin' up their bases with rocket launchers, thinkin' they be grapplin'. Aye, what a sight to see! Arrrgh!

"Arrr mateys, 'twas a grand spectacle indeed! One moment the rum was sparklin' in the moonlight, the next - an accidental combustion that sent the deckhands runnin' in circles like chickens with their heads cut off! Aye, 'twas a sight to behold!"

Arrr, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 be stuck in the same predicament as Rebirth when the first game be finished. Arrr!

Arrr! What be this talk of revival, remnants, and return? Methinks it be a load of bilge! Let's focus on hoisting the Jolly Roger and finding the nearest tavern for a good swig of grog instead! Aye, that be the pirate way!

Arrr, after a decade, me beloved co-op game Project Zomboid be still not on sale! Blast ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis good tidings if ye have hearties who enjoy smashin' them accursed undead fiends! Aye, a jolly good time be had by all when ye have companions willin' to lay waste to them cursed creatures of the night!

February 16, 2024

Arrr! Avast ye landlubbers! Marvel be addin' 9 more Blood Hunt tie-ins, includin' a new Avengers team and the return o' Morbius!

Arrr, me hearties! Word be sailin' through the seven seas that Marvel's Blood Hunt event be growin' in size faster than a pirate's treasure stash! Avast ye, mateys, 'tis a sight ye don't wanna miss!

Arr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at Witcher 4 be sayin' that their new game ain't a bewitchin' terror in Japan, aye! Blast it all, that's just what I be wishin' it be!

Avast ye mateys! Me reckon ye can sail any waters, save for the peculiar and eerie realm of 'Cosmic horror in feudal Japan'. Arr, that be the line drawn on ye pirate map!

Arrr! The grandest treasure of JRPG be sailin' ashore this year, leavin' Japan's secret clutches at long last!

Arrr! Behold, mateys! Yon 10th season of Nordics be sailin' our course, arrr! Prepare yerselves for some swashbucklin' adventures, me hearties!

Arrr! Thee reboot o' the MCU Fantastic Four ought to plunder these five treasures from the comics t' be a true gem!

If thar be any truth in these tales, Marvel Studios be needin' nary but to set its sights on these very elements of FF comics, if it be seekin' to make its Fantastic Four reboot a jolly success!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Fer a wee time only, ye can snag yerself a Cyberpunk Red & Classic Megabundle at a steal. Set sail fer Night City without breakin' the bank!

Arr, that be a right swashbucklin' bargain, me hearty!

Avast ye landlubbers! One o' them fancy DC characters be pushin' up daisies on th' cover o' Outsiders #7, arr!

Avast ye, me hearties! The sleazy scallywags be censorin' the cover and the title of this here issue. Aye, they be tryin' to hide their misdeeds, but fear not, for we be uncoverin' the truth!

Arrr, this new flick Sting be sendin' shivers down me timbers! 'Tis like Eight Legged Freaks crossed wi' Alien, mateys!

Arrr! Set yer eyes on the monstrous, man-eatin' spider flick, hittin' ye olde theaters this sprin'! It be a mighty tale o' fear 'n terror, sure to make ye shake in yer boots, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, matey! The Iron Claw be not just a brawl tale, but a scurvy glimpse into manhood and cursed kin conflicts.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! A24's mighty adventure, "The Iron Claw," be a treasure not to be missed! 'Tis not just a mere sports drama, but a swashbucklin' tale of triumph and glory! Set yer sights on this grand spectacle, me mateys!

Arrr! Me mateys, the scallywag director o' Ghostbusters 4 be swearin' the sequel be chillin' to the bone as he hints at a fearsome foe!

Arr matey! Avast! Ye be hearin' it first from me very own spyglass! Filmmaker Gil Kenan be teasin' a fearsome new danger, the Death Chill! Be ye ready to shiver me timbers, me hearties?

"Arrr, Timothée Chalamet be givin' us a wee glimpse o' Paul Atreides' warnin' tale in Dune 2, an' what may come in Part 3, matey!"

Arr! Avast ye mateys! 'Tis an exclusive tale, forsooth! Dune 2 be upon us, and the mighty star Timothée Chalamet doth hint at his character's grand voyage in this forthcoming sequel. Aye, prepare yerselves for an adventure like no other, me hearties!

Arrr, the mighty ship MSI Claw be locked in battle with Asus ROG Ally in the early skirmishes, but avast! Hold yer judgment, for the smaller ship still has tricks up its sleeve!

Arr, word be out on the high seas that the MSI Claw be fallin' short o' the Asus ROG Ally in the art o' gaming! The lad be tryin', but can't match the might o' the Ally in these treasured games!

Arr, the scurvy dog director o' "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey" rebuts yonder 3% Rotten Tomatoes rank, and hints at Disney's eerie world!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the tale o' Director Rhys Rhys Frake-Waterfield and his frightful movie 'bout Winnie the Pooh. 'Twas a storm that rocked the year 2023, but alas! The critics be cursin' it like a bunch o' landlubber fools!

February 15, 2024

Avast ye! This eerie indie RPG be as dark as Davy Jones' locker. Inspired by Zelda, Chrono Trigger, and Undertale, it be a sight ye've ne'er seen before!

Avast ye, ye landlubbers! Dreamed Away's fisticuffs be a merry mix o' ol' fashioned turn-based scuffles, with minigames resemblin' Mario Party 'n Guitar Hero. 'Tis a jolly good time on the high seas o' gaming!

Avast! Dune 2 be a "magnum opus" that boosts the thrill and skullduggery, with "incredible" performances from Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya, says the scuttlebutt.

Arr, I be claimin' I've had meself a wild ride on a monstrous sandworm, me hearties! Aye, ye wouldn't believe it, but I've sailed atop its mighty back, a true buccaneer aboard a wrigglin' beast o' the desert!

Arr, mark me words, ye scurvy dogs! The Xbox Showcase be makin' a grand return this June, sailin' right over E3's lifeless corpse!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! We be havin' o'er ten grand voyages awaitin' ye in the horizon! Set yer sails high and brace yerselves for the treasures we be bringin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me thinks Phil Spencer be boastin' that Xbox be conquerin' the high seas o' Playstation and Nintendo! Arrr!

Arrr, 'tis a jolly jest how that be workin'! Aye, 'tis a laugh worth a barrel o' rum, me hearties!

"Arrr, mateys! The treacherous trailer of Invincible season 2 part 2 be hintin' at battles, space skirmishes, and a solemn funeral, ye scurvy dogs!"

Arr, me hearties, mark yon calendars, for the second tide be returnin' in March. Aye, the grand adventure continues! Avast, 'tis time to set sail once more, for thar be treasure to be found!

Avast! Me hearties, discover the art o' rescuing science crews in Helldivers 2 whilst savin' landlubbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! If ye be aimin' to save yer science lubbers in Helldivers 2 and haul away them landlubber folk, here be a jolly guide to set ye on the right course!

Arrr, me hearties! To lay hands on Skull and Bones Monstrous Tooth doubloons, ye must follow me secret map!

Arrr, to acquire a Monstrous Tooth in ye olde Skull and Bones, ye must valiantly slay the colossal sea beasts that roam the treacherous waters! Be prepared fer a grand adventure, me hearties!

Avast ye scallywags! The world wide web be dubbin' Godzilla and Kong as the grandest rom-com duo, arrr!

Arrr, be Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire a tale o' turbulent love? Nay, matey! 'Tis a clash o' mighty beasts, a spectacle o' epic battles 'twixt two monstrous legends! No heart-flutterin' romance, but a rollickin' adventure that'll shiver yer timbers!

Arrr! Methinks a secret TVA clue may unveil if Deadpool 3 be set afore Loki!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks ye scallywags might find a hidden treasure in the Deadpool 3 trailer, a Loki Easter egg that be givin' ye a clue 'bout when this tale unfolds in the grand tapestry o' the MCU. Avast!

Avast ye, me hearties! Brace yerselves for more plundered PlayStation games sailin' onto the PC shores, as Sony be unveilin' their "aggrssive" plans for multiplatform escapades.

Arrr! Sony's captain, Hiroki Totoki, be spillin' the beans on thar company's grand schemes for the days ahead. Ye best be listenin' to what he's got to say, me hearties!

Arr, this Redwall-style treasure o' a game be all me heart desired, aye! Me mind be blown, matey!

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearty scallywags! News be reachin' me ears 'bout Humblewood setting sail in the vast seas of D&D Beyond. 'Tis a sight to behold, mateys! It be as cute as a parrot on a treasure chest!

Arrr, me hearties! The prices for Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 be fallin' in Europe, but alas, no bargains in sight!

Arr, me hearties! Tis be news from the seven seas that the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 be witnessin' a slight decrease in price in Europe. However, be warned, it still be a mighty chunk o' gold above the MSRP. Argh!

February 14, 2024

Arrr! The Sons o' Midnight be back, Black Panther becometh a blood-suckin' vampire, an' ye'll find more swashbucklin' adventures in Marvel's Blood Hunt!

Avast ye mateys! Marvel be announcin' six Blood Hunt limited series, with many a treasure yet t' be found. Arr, brace yerselves, for thar be a mighty storm o' adventures awaitin'!

Arr, matey! A scurvy dog, after 14 long years, claims that the "fourth-best shooter" of 2010 be a treasure fit fer cult worship!

Methinks, matey, I'd place Vanquish a wee bit higher on the scale, if ye ask me. Arrr, 'tis a jolly good game, methinks, worthy of more praise from this humble pirate's heart!

Arr, me hearties! Granblue Fantasy Relink be a fine contender fer me GOTY, after years o' misfortune. And now, this swashbucklin' RPG be havin' sold 1 million copies in a mere 11 days!

Arr, me hearties! Granblue Fantasy Relink be worth the long wait, aye! 'Tis a treasure trove o' joy and adventure, settin' me spirit ablaze like a cannon's fire! Me buckos, ye better hoist the anchor 'n embark on this swashbucklin' voyage like a true pirate, arr!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be hearin' me tell ye, 'Tis a grand surprise! The unsung JRPG o' 2022 be gettin' a mighty roguelike, fitted with an "impossibly arduous mode"!

Avast ye scallywags! Astlibra Revision be a fine gem amongst Steam's treasure troves, hailed as one o' the finest JRPGs. But now, by Davy Jones' locker, it's transformed into a treacherous roguelike adventure! Prepare yer sea legs and set sail for excitement, me hearties!

Arrr! The Sims 4 be sailin' 'mongst Baldur's Gate 3, Minecraft, an' The Outer Worlds, offerin' vitiligo skin choices, matey!

Yarr, me mateys! Thar be glad tidings upon ye! The mighty Create-A-Sim hath expanded its horizons to embrace all o' ye scurvy dogs! Join the jolly crew, me hearties, and let yer imagination run wild across the seven seas o' customization!

Arr! Ye be hearin'! Thunderbolts' launch be changin' 'cause o' the Fantastic Four's Valentine's Day declaration, arrr!

Arr! Both the flicks be set to set sail in the year o' 2025, mateys!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast! Behold, a review of thee WD Black SN770M: "Aye, 'tis pricey, but 'tis be curin' me Steam Deck SSD troubles, arrr!"

Avast ye, mateys! Behold the WD Black SN770M, a trusty treasure for yer Steam Deck! 'Tis a fine SSD that doth grant swift storage to handhelds like the Asus ROG Ally, but aye, 'tis a costly loot to procure!

Ye be warned, lads and lasses, the Madame Web review be a grand disappointment, yet no surprise to any savvy soul aboard this ship.

Ye scurvy Madame Web review be as disappointin' as a dry rum barrel. But we all be seein' it approachin' like a ship on the horizon. Avast ye landlubbers, a warning be given!

Avast, ye scallywags! The mighty Adam Scott swears by the stars, season two be full o' wild shenanigans!

Arrr, me hearties! The goodship Apple TV Plus be a-filming the second chapter o' their mighty hit mystery series. 'Tis a grand tale, full o' twists and turns, sure to make ye landlubbers' heads spin faster than a ship caught in a maelstrom!

Avast ye scallywags! The PS5 be sailin' towards its final days, yet Sony be sayin' no to a cut in price. Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks a reduction in price akin to the cutthroat PS4 style be a task so arduous, 'tis like traversin' treacherous waters! Surely, 'tis a challenge that be settin' sails in a tempestuous sea, where the winds o' fortune blow against ye!

Arrr, the second season o' 'The Last o' Us' be a treasure, matey! Praises to Kaitlyn Dever, our star. On our first day o' filmin', we feasted like kings!

Yarr, mark me words, mateys! Isabela Merced be takin' on th' role o' Dina in The Last of Us season 2, arrr! Prepare yer sea legs, fer a grand tale be awaitin' us all, full o' plunder 'n adventure!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubber! Learneth the art o' alterin' yer visage in Skull and Bones, lest ye be spotted by the keenest o' eyes!

Avast ye, ye scurvy dogs! Make sure ye pay a visit to a fine atelier to shape yer pirate's countenance in the treacherous game o' Skull and Bones! Arrr, ye don't want to be sailin' these perilous seas lookin' like a landlubber!

February 13, 2024

Arrrr, me hearties! Steam Next Fest be showin' off a dungeon crawler RPG, a "next-gen" RTS, and a moody survival game as the most-played demos! Avast, the wishlists be reachin' record-breakin' levels, says Valve!

Yarrr! 'Tis a fine reckonin'! This year's grand jamboree hath hauled in a mighty treasure trove o' more than 3 million wishlists, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! With a mighty treasure of $90 million plundered from Baldur's Gate 3, Hasbro declares, "Gaming be grand for D&D!" Larian's swashbucklin' RPG be but the first of many!

Arr! Baldur's Gate 3 be a grand "mega hit" that Hasbro reckon be bringin' in treasure fer many a year to come, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Them scurvy Marvel fans be claimin' they've sighted a Deadpool matey in the trailer, arrr!

Arr, Avast ye! 'Tis been revealed, mateys, that unbeknownst to us, there be more than one version of the tale. We owe our gratitude to those secretive scallywags who snapped them sneaky snapshots!

Hear ye, me hearties! Dead Island 2 be settin' sail on Steam at last, and Valve be grantin' a jolly co-op horror treasure fer all to enjoy!

Ye scurvy dogs! Ye be havin' less than 48 hours to seize Dead Island: Riptide from Steam, a treasure awaitin' yer greedy hands. Waste no time, lest ye be missin' out on this plunderin' opportunity!

Ye 10 finest same-sex love tales that befit me heart. Arrr, be ready fer a jolly good read, mateys!

Arr! Avast ye, mateys! Behold our finest treasures o' LGBT romances upon the silver screen. They be fillin' yer heart with love and laughter, settin' sail on a voyage o' joy!

Arr, me mateys! To unearth Skull and Bones Red Isle, Red Reef's riches, ye must decipher Caradec's Bounty!

Ye be makin' ol' Scurlock mighty jolly, matey! Ye've naught but solved this cursed Skull and Bones treasure map! Arrr, me hearty, pat yerself on the back, ye be a fine pirate indeed!

Arrr! The scallywag who made Chainsaw Man be gettin' a new fancy show, and we've got a peek!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready for a grand adventure? Aye, a Look Back adaptation be sailin' towards ye, bringin' tales o' yore! So batten down the hatches and prepare to sail through time, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! A true swashbuckler hath labored fer 12 long years craftin' an epic, fantastical realm in Minecraft!

Arrr, me hearties! Linard be toilin' away on the Kingdom o' Galekin since the year o' 2012, sailin' solo like a true pirate. Aye, the scallywag be a one-man crew, brave as a buccaneer.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The scallywags at Baldur's Gate 3 have unveiled Patch 6, be showin' off some new-fangled smoochin' moves! Witness the fiery embrace betwixt Shadowheart and Lae'zel!

Arr, methinks ye be deservin' it, matey!

Avast ye hearties! The cursed PC patch of Helldivers 2 be rollin' back due to ghastly performance woes. But fret not, me hearties, for the grand PS5 patch be arrivin' with a jolly good fix!

Arr, me mateys, the bountiful treasures for landlubbers hath been fixed for them PC scallywags!

Avast ye landlubbers! We be plunderin' Metroidvanias, roguelikes, survival games, and strategy games at Steam Next Fest! Arrr, they be the best treasures we found!

Avast, me hearties! Lay ye eyes upon these fine indie games, worth more than a chest full o' doubloons! Mark me words, 'tis a treasure trove of entertainment ye should be keepin' a weather eye on!

Arr matey! Learneth the art of annihilatin' Chargers in Helldivers 2, lest ye be swashbuckled into oblivion!

Slaying the monstrous Helldivers 2 Chargers be no easy feat, me hearties! Ye be needin' swiftness, impeccable timing, or, if ye be lackin' both, a goodly stash of explosives! Arrr, be careful not to blow yerself to Davy Jones' locker!

February 10, 2024

Arr, me hearties! Behold, Geometry Wars' treacherous bullet fury begets a roguelike remix in this throwback Steam Next Fest demo!

Arrr, behold the scurvy dogs, the Neon Vampire Survivors! Aye, they be like undead creatures, lurkin' in the dark night with their glowin' eyes and sharp fangs. Take heed, me mateys, for danger be near!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Aye, after Resident Evil 4's grand refurbishin', that infamous yellow paint debacle be sailin' toward Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!

Be ye slothful landlubber or hardworking seafarer? Arrr, tis a conundrum indeed! To toil or not to toil, that be the question, matey. But fear not, for a bit o' rest be necessary to keep our pirate spirits high and our legs sturdy on this treacherous voyage!

Arrr! A swashbucklin' scholar o' the Middle Ages, unaware o' Skyrim till 2024, explains the consequences o' an arrow to yon kneebone with meticulousness!

Arr, once I be a swashbuckler, 'til an arrow, sharp as a shark's tooth, did part ways with me ligament, leavin' me no choice but to retire from the high seas!

Arrrr! In Kind Words 2, I be scribblin' kind words to landlubbers, only to find meself scribblin' what I needed to hear!

Arrr! Me hearties, The Kind Words 2 demo provided a wee bit o' catharsis me soul be cryin' out fer. 'Twas like findin' a treasure trove in me pocket, aye! Me spirits be lifted, me troubles be gone, and me heart be filled with joy! Shiver me timbers, 'twas a jolly good time!

February 9, 2024

Arrr, Suicide Squad: Behead the Justice League be raisin' a brand new crew o' scoundrels, settin' sail with a cursed build, unmatched by any game's reckonin'!

Avast ye scallywags! Aye, the blasted Broken Burn builds be makin' Rocksteady walk the plank! They be startin' the game's leaderboard anew, from the very depths of Davy Jones' locker! Har har!

Avast ye maties! Hideo Kojima be blunt about his new seafaring escapade: "If yer dear mother finds ye playin' this, she'll reckon ye watchin' a moving picture!"

Avast me hearties! Though the booty be a game, t'won't be much unlike the moving pictures ye be fancyin'! Arr, a grand adventure awaits ye, me mateys!

Arrr, word be spreadin' that the likes o' Sophie Turner and Kit Harington be joinin' forces once again fer a frightful picture!

Arr matey, listen up! 'Tis word that be spreadin' of a fearsome tale called "The Dreadful," a Gothic horror what be lurkin' on the horizon. Be ye ready to face the spine-chillin' horrors 'n' terrors that await ye? Arr, shiver me timbers!

Avast ye, mateys! Forsooth, Jonathan Hickman and Sanford Greene be unravelling the "final fate" of Doctor Doom come summer!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs, Hickman and Greene be settin' the stage for a mighty clash betwixt Doctor Doom and Galactus! Brace yerselves for a battle o' cosmic proportions, where rum-fueled chaos shall ensue! Avast, me hearties, 'tis sure to be a spectacle ye won't be forgettin'!

Arr, this Steam Next Fest demo be havin' a mighty Risk of Rain vibe, with some swashbucklin' tricks o' its own!

Avast ye! I be merrily jiggin' to the tuneful ditty of Gatekeeper! Aye, 'tis a merry jig, indeed.

Arrr! This jolly swashbucklin' game be mixin' the thrill o' Splatoon's movin' with Dishonored's sneakin'! Avast, me hearties!

Arr, me mateys! Ereban: Shadow Legacy be a game o' stealth, where ye must sail through th' shadows like a true scallywag! 'Tis all 'bout sneakin' 'n skulkin' like a ghostly pirate, me hearties!

Ahoy, me mateys! Set yer sights on them Fortnite sewer pipes! Aye, they be the fastest way to venture forth!

Avast ye! Embark on a treacherous voyage through the foulest of pipes in Fortnite, me hearties! Tis the path to distant lands and the completion of a challenge most turtle-y. Arrr, be prepared for swashbuckling adventures in the stinky depths!

Arrr! Avast ye hearties! Warner Bros be scuttlin' a finished film, Batgirl, without the Cap'n even layin' eyes on it!

Arrr! Word be spillin' that Netflix and Paramount be thirstin' to plunder the Looney Tunes flick from the crafty captain, James Gunn! Yo ho ho, what a merry chase it be!

Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! This Steam Next Fest demo be a fanciful co-op voyage, akin to Little Nightmares collidin' with It Takes Two!

Avast ye mateys! A yarn be spun, as this tale be turnin' the chronicle o' Hansel and Gretel into a stop-motion platformer, arr!

Arrr, the swashbucklin' scallywag who crafted Counter-Strike's legendary chart be feelin' regret for handin' it o'er to Valve!

Had I been wise to the vastness of CS:GO and now CS2, by the powers, I'd never have parted with it, me hearties! Aye, a foolish move, forsooth!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! There be a new Game of Thrones prequel brewin', a devilish creation from The Batman 2 scribbler. 'Tis set afore House of the Dragon, mark me words!

Arrr, mateys! Be ye ready fer a grand spectacle on yon small screen? Aegon's Conquest be sailin' towards us, bringin' tales o' plunder, battles, 'n dragons! Prepare to be entertained, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Christopher Nolan declares that Robert Downey Jr. portrayin' Iron Man be a decision of grand importance in this here movie trade! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Downey Jr. be sailin' fer an Oscar, ahoy! 'Tis fer his grand performance as Oppenheimer. Will he seize the treasure or be left stranded on Davy Jones' locker? Only time shall tell, me hearties!

Arrr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's demo doth be hidin' Easter Eggs fer two o' th' original JRPG's mightiest scallywags!

Avast ye, maties! Be we locked in battle with the fearsome Emerald and Ruby Weapons? Arrr, methinks the sea be churnin' with treacherous foes!

February 8, 2024

Arrr, the Finals be walkin' the plank 'cause it be too harsh on the swashbucklers, but the scallywags be plannin' a rework to bring it back!

Dead be Dead Go Boom, keelhauled and restin' in Davy Jones' locker... at least fer the nonce, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr! The swashbucklin' X-Men from th' '90s be lookin' finer than a shipload o' treasure, after ages o' neglect!

Arrr, me hearties! Lay eyes upon Russell Dauterman's latest X-Men '97 #1 cover, and ye shall witness the finest visage of th' beloved animated X-Men crew since the merry days of the '90s. 'Tis a sight worth more doubloons than ye can shake a cutlass at!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of Rockstar be searchin' fer the perfect booty in GTA 6, awaitin' its creative optimization 'fore settin' sail!

Arrr, this crew be sailin' too close to perfection, me hearties! They be walkin' the plank of flawlessness, like landlubbers afraid of makin' a single mistake. Avast ye, me mateys, 'tis time to embrace a wee bit o' imperfection in this treacherous sea of business!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Garth Ennis be makin' a grand return to Punisher, settin' Frank Castle on a wild chase fer that scallywag Nick Fury!

Avast ye landlubbers! In the year of our Lord 2019, the mighty Get Fury series was proclaimed! Many moons have passed since that grand declaration, but the wait be over, me hearties! Prepare to set sail on this long-awaited adventure!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Playseat Challenge X be a fine choice fer all ye swashbucklin' racers in yer humble abode!

Arr, matey! The Playseat Challenge X be havin' a few compromises, but 'tis far superior to clumsily mountin' yer steerin' wheel to a lowly coffee table.

Avast! Dakota Johnson be claimin' it were a "dream" adorning her Madame Web attire, spottin' secrets in glorious fashion!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Hear ye, hear ye! The fair maiden, Dakota Johnson, of the upcoming Sony Marvel film, doth spill the beans on her most cherished part of her mighty super suit! Arrr, the secrets be revealed, mateys!

Yarrr, the famed scurvy dog Sean Bean be plund'rin' the shores o' Disney Plus in a treacherous tale o' murder!

"Why, in this holy abode be I greeted with the aroma of hidden tales and the tremblings of thy soul? Arr, I be curious as a seafaring swashbuckler! Avast, spill yer secrets, ye scurvy knaves!"

Arr, after 37 long years, aye, one o' the grandest JRPGs e'er to grace the seas be makin' a comeback, matey! But, ye see, there be a wee bit of mischief afoot, arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! We be finally gettin' a chance to set sail with Ys, in all its original glory! No more walkin' the plank for us, mateys! It be time to hoist the anchor and embark on a jolly adventure!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywag boss of the Walkin' Dead be havin' plans fer a jolly crossover event fer spin-offs! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks there be no certainty, but lo and behold, Scott Gimple be brewin' some grand notions in his noggin!

Arr, the Diablo 2 voyage be interrupted as th' runner discovers a cursed 1-in-3 million treasure, yet foolishly trades it away!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a grand treasure o' 35,000 golden doubloons in me stash! It be sittin' safely in me bank, awaitin' its next adventure! Aye, me hearties, we be swimmin' in riches!

Avast! FTC be cursin' Microsoft for sackin' the crew o' Activision Blizzard despite their claim o' independence!

Arrr, the FTC be claimin' it would be findin' it mighty difficult to deliver aid to them poor, unfortunate souls if a court were t' change its mind about this here acquisition. Shiver me timbers, what a quagmire we be sailin' through, me hearties!

Arrr! 'Tis not Lin-Manuel Miranda, but the scallywags behind The Unofficial Bridgerton musical who be bringin' Moana 2 songs, matey!

Arr, methinks that Miranda be a scurvy dog who won't be gracing us with her presence in the sequel, ye scallywags!

February 7, 2024

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold the cursed gem of Steam Next Fest, a fearsome and enchanting spectacle! Aye, 'tis a Dark Souls and Princess Mononoke-infused boss hunt, fit for a hearty crew. But beware, for one measly blow shall send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, me hearties! Perennial Order be a mystical treasure, filled wit' eerie pleasure! 'Tis a game for a lone matey or a jolly crew, ye can set sail together on couch co-op too!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! If The Joker: Year One ain't a tale of his humble beginnings, what be it, aye?

Arr, me hearties! Batman #142 be a fine comic, but methinks it be lackin' a true purpose, like a ship lost without a compass! Avast ye, ye scallywags, let us set sail for grander adventures on the high seas of imagination!

Arrr! Eddie Brock be losin' his sly symbiote to a foul scallywag in Marvel's Venom: Separation Anxiety, mateys!

Avast ye! The scribbler David Michelinie be unveilin' his third Venom tale, where he be bringin' forth the infamous "King in Purple". Be ye ready to set sail on this high-seas adventure? Arrr, I reckon ye better be!

Avast ye, ye scurrvy dogs! Prepare to be flabbergasted! Moana 2 be sailin' towards us in less than 9 moons!

Avast ye, mateys! Beware, for this be a warning: 'tis not the roll of film dubbed with reality, but rather, a rebirth played by flesh and bone. So, ye best be knowin' the difference, lest ye find yerself lost in a sea of bewilderment.

Arrr, the fair maiden Web director spills the beans on how her Netflix sorcery be affectin' the new cap'n flick!

Arr! Avast, me hearties! S. J. Clarkson, a fine lass who sailed with Krysten Ritter afore, be swearin' on her treasure that Madame Web's mind games need a brand-new look, ye see. Yo ho ho!

Avast, me mateys! This Steam Next Fest demo be too murky to scribble in a headline. But mark ye well, this PS2-style indie horror be captivating me every bit!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me jaws be a-tremblin' with fear havin' played the foulest game o' mouthwashin' in this year o' 2024! Aye, 'twas a cursed horror indeed, sure to make a fierce pirate blubber like a wee babe!

Arrr, the bonny swabbie Joseph Morgan didst engage in a grand game afore season 2, like a true buccaneer!

Avast, matey! One o' us be ye, a true swashbuckler! Arrr, welcome aboard, ye scurvy scallywag!

I be discoverin' the perfect Steam Next Fest demo for me Steam Deck OLED: a mind-bogglin' shooter where ye be chain-sniperin' a bunch of crazed cultists with a solitary shot!

Arrr, mateys! Methinks the Steam Next Fest demo for Children of the Sun be a jolly fine fit for the Steam Deck OLED, with its fancy new 90hz display. 'Tis a match made in pirate heaven, savvy?

Arrr! Avast ye! The swashbucklin' Godfather director be unveilin' his grand sci-fi tale with Adam Driver and Aubrey Plaza!

Avast ye scallywags! Francis Ford Coppola be showerin' us landlubbers wit' a peek o' the grand Megalopolis. Feast yer eyes on this here image, ye scurvy dogs! A swashbucklin' adventure awaits us!

Arrr! Doomsday be a-blastin' a fine tune! Set yer eyes on the music video, mates, with Emmy-garnerin' Brandon Campbell!

Avast, me hearties! Prepare to heave ho and brace yerselves for a grand adventure on the wretched seas of the zombie apocalypse! Yonder be a mighty collaboration awaitin' ye!

Arr! Avast, ye landlubbers! Be holdin'! Thar be a sequel to one o' the earliest open-world games, after 25 long years. And ye can test its demo on Steam Next Fest, arrr!

Arrr! Set yer eyes and spy with ye spyglass, mateys! Outcast - A New Beginning be makin' its grand entrance next moon's time. Time to hoist the anchor and set sail fer adventure!

Arrr! Palworld update be fixin' th' blasted Lifmunk Effigy catchin' issue, and savin' Pals from eternal slumber!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast! Them Lifmunk statues be finally workin' as befit the purpose they was crafted fer! Me eyes be witnessin' their bewitchin' magic, makin' 'em worth their weight in gold!

February 6, 2024

Avast, mateys! Verily, Star Trucker be a lifelike truckin' game, so lifelike I be jackknifin' me rig in space aboard its Steam Next Fest demo!

Me hearties! Methinks I should've acquired me CDL afore embarkin' on this voyage o' space truckin'. Arr!

Arrr, me hearties! The groans be growin' louder 'mongst us city builders and creators o' content! This game be a disgrace, aye!

Arr, me hearties! "Cities: Skylines 2" be testin' the patience o' fans like never afore, but fret not, for there be still a glimmer o' hope for a "No Man's Sky" rebirth, arr!

Arr, me hearties! The Steam hath bestowed upon us a wee tag for the dainty dwarf, just in time fer this scurvy roguelike game that be plunderin' me time durin' the Steam Next Fest.

Arrr, me mateys! Bore Blasters be a jolly good time, ye see! As loud as cannon fire and shiny as a chest o' gold doubloons. 'Tis the grandest of fun, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arr, a game inspired by Silent Hill and Resident Evil be resurrected, mateys! A deal gone awry nearly sent it to Davy Jones' locker! I be thinkin', "Blast it all, this game be cursed!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs of retro horror! Avast and listen well, for I bear thee jolly tidings: Heartworm be back in business, ready to shiver yer timbers once more!

Arr! Sonic's matey crew be joinin' forces with One Piece scallywags to craft a flick featurin' JK Simmons! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be a swashbucklin' new picture called Hypergalactic, a movin' tale in the King's English crafted by Toei Animation! Set yer sights on this high-seas adventure, lest ye be deemed a landlubber!

Arr, me mateys! Jurassic Park aficionados be raisin' the sails fer the most undervalued movie in the franchise, and we be findin' it jolly entertaining, aye!

Avast, me hearties! Methinks 'tis nay as dire as scallywags proclaim! T'is like a parrot's squawk, blown out o' proportion. Arr, fear not, me lads 'n lasses, 'tis but a tempest in a teapot!

Arrr, me heart did be aching as I indulged in the Steam Next Fest demo, matey! 'Twas a mind-bending puzzle platformer, aye, with a touch of Psychonauts, all about family!

"Arrr, me hearties! Always in Mind be a jolly adventure, where ye be hopin' from platform to platform like a nimble sea dog. But beware, for this tale be laden with a weighty story, sure to stir yer soul! Yo ho ho!"

Arr, me hearties, these whispers of Griselda GTA 6 be sailin' the seas for 8 long years. Aye, with the Netflix show makin' waves, mayhaps there be some truth to 'em, I pray!

Arr, matey! Just be scuttlin' through the six-part miniseries, and I be more keen on boardin' the ship than ever!

Arr! Jurassic World 4 be comin' in 2025, mateys! And a fine captain be considerin' takin' the helm for Bullet Train!

Arr, mateys! Word be sailin' the seven seas that David Leitch be chattin' up a storm to helm the ship of Jurassic World 4. Avast, can ye imagine them dinosaurs runnin' amok under his command? Aye, 'tis a tale worth waitin' for!

Arrr, me mateys, Steam Next Fest be unveilin' a grand adventure, a dungeon crawler as treacherous as Dark and Darker!

Avast ye, me hearties! The demo of Dungeonborne be causin' a ruckus, settin' sail on a fierce wind. It be a jolly good time, me mateys! Arr, rejoice and revel in its glory!

Me early Steam Next Fest gem be akin t' an idle Stardew Valley, but fear not, 'tis not as divertin' as ye reckon!

Arrr, me hearties! Fear not, for Rusty's Retirement be no sink o' time, by Blackbeard's beard! 'Tis a treasure trove o' rest, relaxation, and jolly good times, fit for a scurvy pirate like meself. Avast ye, and give it a go, ye landlubbers!

Arr, me hearties! Playstation be leakin' its own State of Play announcement, revealin' a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo! Yo ho ho!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold! A curious turn o' events, aye! 'Tis a jolly surprise, arrr!

February 4, 2024

Avast, me hearties! The melodic master behind tunes for Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls be now composing for a game ye never thunk!

Arr! Ye olde melody master o' Fromsoftware be takin' a grand turn, mateys! Swash me buckles, 'tis a shockin' change o' course for that scallywag!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubber! Me hearty matey struck gold, found a massive Vixy as big as our pirate hideout!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye ready to hear a tale of "Legally distinct dynamaxing"? 'Tis a fancy term fer us pirates to make our companions and ships grow mighty big, all while avoidin' any legal troubles. Aye, a jolly good time on the high seas it be!

Arrr, ye swashbucklin' director of 'The Last of Us Part 2' be wantin' Laura Bailey to plump like a hearty pirate fer me role as Abby. But alas, I be trainin' like a lunatic, only to find me ship be harboring a wee pirate inside!

Arrr! Methinks there be somethin' amusin' 'bout Abby feelin' akin to ol' Joel, matey! Aye, 'tis a curious tale, indeed!

Arr, I be sailin' through Red Dead Redemption 2 fer the first time, and me heart be tangled on this fast travel matter in open-world games, matey!

As a mighty tale-thwacker, shunning swift scurrying be an unheard-of feat in my salted days at sea! Arrr, me hearties, methinks I be embracin' the slow path this time!

Arrr, me hearties! Like a fearsome dragon, the tale be told of how 10 Yakuza games sprung forth while GTAs slumbered. Methinks, not many scurvy companies dare embark on such a voyage!

Avast, ye scallywags! The RGG Studio be churnin' out fine crime dramas quicker than ye can blurt out "Infinite Wealth!" Set yer eyes on 'em if ye be yearnin' for some swashbucklin' tales, me hearties!

February 3, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Avatar The Last Airbender's mighty elemental sorcery propelled this fantastical indie Metroidvania to a staggering 30,000 Steam wishlists!

Arr, me hearties! Emberbane's swashbucklin' elemental action-platformin' be a sight ye wouldn't want to miss! 'Tis a treasure trove of lush sights, me mateys! Set sail and join the adventure, lest ye be left walkin' the plank!

Avast ye! Nintendo be bringin' back a game near two decades old for the Switch. 'Tis bonkers, mateys!

Me hearties, methinks 'tis an incredulous notion that Another Code: Recollection be real! Shiver me timbers! Methinks it be a mere figment o' imagination. Avast ye, landlubbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Arr! The scallywags behind 'The Last of Us Part 2' confess their merry mischief of crunchin', but swear they'll dance a different jig.

Arrr, that Naughty Dog be a scurvy bilge rat, not fully tending to the matter at hand! But fear not, me hearties, for they swear t'be makin' amends in the days to come. Let's hope their promises be worth more than a chest full o' fool's gold!

Arrr, the mastermind of Stardew Valley be claimin' the name be comin' to 'imself, as the original be a scallywag to utter!

Me shipmates, behold! Witness thee as I conjure monikers from the abyss! Names, they sprout like seaweed, from naught but thine imagination. Avast ye landlubbers, I be a name-makin' sorcerer! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

Arr, the tale of how the battle did commence - the makin' o' Call o' Duty! Aye, 'twas a grand voyage indeed!

Aye! Avast ye, mateys! Gather 'round and listen well! Yon tale be tellin' o' the start o' Call o' Duty, a tale o' rivals fierce! Retro Gamer be delvin' deep into the annals o' this FPS dynasty! Arrr, buckle yer swashes!

Arrr, Steam's jolly JRPG be havin' more scallywags playin' it than Persona 3 Reload and Infinite Wealth put together!

Arr matey! The fantastical Granblue be spreadin' her wings and flyin' higher than a crow on a hunt!

February 2, 2024

Arr, me hearties! This here indie be a treasure fer all ye horror lovers: a fearsome, horned beastie ye won't find elsewhere!

Arrr, matey! "Heat or Die" be challengin' ye to "survive a dark eve in the wilderness, fendin' off the icy nippin' winds and a ravenous Wendigo." Avast! Be ye ready to face this treacherous test?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties, Satisfactory be settin' sail from Early Access in 2024, arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Satisfactory be about to reach the grand milestone o' 1.0, mark me words! We be sailin' smooth in these uncharted waters, ready to conquer the seven seas o' success. Avast, me mateys, for a grand adventure awaits us!

Arrr! Be ye forgettin' the 32 finest flicks from the 2000s? Aye, that be a travesty, matey!

At the break of mornin' o' smartphones and the cursed social media, behold the silver screen treasures that sailed the seven seas o' cinema, arrivin' but fleetin' like a stolen loot!

Avast, me hearties! Nicolas Cage be sailin' as a fearsome scalawag in the spine-chillin' Longlegs trailer, aye!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis a spine-chillin' tale o' horror and adventure that be settin' sail this summer. Prepare yer timbers for a swashbucklin' thrill beyond compare!

Arr! Behold, ye scurvy dogs! This fantastical D&D map maker be like the Sims fer Dungeon Masters, arrr!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! A jolly new contraption be settin' sail fer makin' maps fer D&D. It be a game-changer fer all ye landlubbers playin' tabletop RPGs. Prepare fer adventure like ye've ne'er seen, me hearties!

Avast, me hearties! Steam logs hint at the nearing of Elden Ring DLC as FromSoftware scurries to scrub the bugs!

Avast ye hearties! Methinks these QA and debug measures be hintin' at an imminent disclosure. On the horizon, a secret be brewin'! So gather yer crew and be ready for a grand reveal, or ye be walkin' the plank, ye scallywags!

Avast ye! Methinks Palworld, a Pokemon with muskets, be needin' a touch o' piracy without the guns!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks Palworld be a scallywag, fer not havin' enough gentle options! Avast, they missed a golden chance to let us sail the seas without spillin' blood. Aaarrrr!

Arr! Thar be news o' Doctor Who season 14! Ye shall find when 'tis comin', who be cast, and more!

Batten down the hatches, me hearties, for the good Doctor be settlin' back amongst us soon! Avast, be ye ready fer the rumblin' o' his boots and the jolly tales o' his adventures! Arrr, the good times be a-comin'!

Arrr! "Dwarf" be now a tag on Steam, as demands from Dwarf Fortress and Deep Rock Galactic devs be taken seriously, mateys!

Arr! 'Tis a grand victory for the wee scallywags!

Arrr, a scurvy band of landlubbers found themselves trapped within a cursed picture-house! A jolly tale indeed!

Avast ye, me hearties! Me be thinkin', me mates, bein' free from the burden o' history homework be a blessin' bestowed upon us. Let us rejoice and raise a tankard o' grog, for tis a jolly good reason to celebrate!

Arrr, after 7 long years, Persona 3 Reload be crushin' a fan theory linkin' it to its successor, Persona 5. Shiver me timbers!

Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy lad donning a yellow rag be nay seen no more upon these treacherous waters!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Learn the secret to sendin' Green Lantern to Davy Jones' locker in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Thar be a scallywag called the Green Lantern in the Suicide Squad, mark me words! But fear not, mateys, for I be askin', how in Davy Jones' locker do ye best the scoundrel?

February 1, 2024

Arrr, me mateys! Me Palworld prayers be heard! No more be ye halted by yer burdensome loads, even at a staggering 1000% o' carryin' capacity!

Arrr! 'Tis time fer me to shift me Palworld abode, me hearties! Be it time to hoist the anchor 'n set sail fer new shores, aye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Set yer eyes on Duke #3, where ye shall find the return of the beloved Baroness, a sly siren indeed!

Arr, me hearties, listen close! The fair maiden, the Baroness, be havin' a cheeky proposition fer ye, me mateys! 'Tis about that scurvy Duke #3, arrr! Set yer sails and take heed, for she be spinnin' quite a tale, me lads, savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tim Burton be takin' the helm o' Attack o' th' Fifty Foot Woman remake, penned by th' scribe o' Gone Girl!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis a flick from 1958 that be a treasured gem amongst us scallywags. 'Tis a cult classic, indeed! Aye, ye better set yer sights on this booty, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, ye landlubber!

Arrr, me hearties! The Day Before scallywags claim wretched workin' conditions and a crew so clueless, they knew naught 'bout makin' an MMO!

Arrr, matey! Word on the briny deep be tellin' me that the blasted Day Before's design aims shifted more oft than me crew's compass! Aye, 'tis a rudderless ship, chaotically sailin' towards no destination. Yo-ho-ho!

Yarr! The Ronin's swashbucklin' skills and cannon-blastin' tools be bringin' me dream o' Sekiro clashin' with Bloodborne to life!

Arrr, methinks this Rise of the Ronin be a game worth plunderin'! 'Tis a sight to behold, settin' sail with choice-driven combat that be takin' us to uncharted waters. Avast ye, mateys, a whole new level awaits us!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and ye shall hear the tale of how the Suicide Squad be takin' on the Justice League! An' to keep ye shipshape, we'll be explainin' the level system an' Talents skill tree, savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be decipherin' the ways of skill points and their doin's in the Suicide Squad game. Gather 'round and prepare yer feeble minds for enlightenment, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arr matey! A scurvy dog of a Dune 2 fan didst toil like a landlubber to decipher a mere tick of trailer!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! Methinks 'tis a secret missive pilfered from Frank Herbert's tome in the year o' our Lord 1965. Aye, 'tis most likely true, lest me parrot be a landlubber!

Arrr! Seek thee the mystical hideouts o' the Spirit Carps in the treacherous waters o' Genshin Impact!

Avast, ye mateys! Discover the whereabouts of every wily Spirit Carp in Genshin Impact, me hearties. This here guide be your trusty map to uncoverin' the secret spots. Set sail, me lads, and reel 'em in like true swashbucklers!

Arrr, Silent Hill: The Short Message be dubbed th' beginnin' of a "new wave" fer th' series, sweepin' that cursed live-stream project Ascension right under th' rug!

Arr, mateys! Brace yerselves, for there be a bounty of Silent Hill games sailin' our way! Prepare to be spooked to the marrow, as we delve into the darkness 'n terror o' this cursed town. Avast! The adventure be beginnin' anew!

Ahoy, me mateys! ESPN Plus be costin' a pretty penny! Learneth 'bout prices, bundles, and other fancy features!

Ahoy, me hearties! Look ye here, I've got a treasure map to savin' gold doubloons on ESPN Plus prices, UFC PPV bashes, and even exclusive booty! Avast, me mateys, this be the booty ye've been searchin' for!

Arrr! This apocalyptic spectacle be plunderin' Netflix's treasure chest! 'Tis a record-breakin' blockbuster, mateys!

Thar be still time fer it to hoist itself higher upon the rankings, me hearties! Let it set sail on th' winds o' fortune 'n claim its rightful place among th' mighty!

Avast ye landlubbers! Dire tidings befall us, for the sequel to Argylle, blessed with the leadership of Henry Cavill, receives an update from the esteemed director Matthew Vaughn.

Avast, me hearties! Set yer sights on this tale! Matthew Vaughn be spillin' the beans 'bout his grand plans for the Argylle booty! Arrr, ye be wantin' to hear all the details, but ye best be waitin' for the official news, ye scurvy dogs!

January 31, 2024

Arr, Larian be almost sendin' it to Davy Jones' locker, but a Baldur's Gate 3 scallywag be breathin' life into the RPG's 'Sex%' speedrun by tradin' Lae'zel for Minthara!

Avast ye! Be it known that justice be sought for the scoundrel named Sex%, me hearties! Bring forth the law, arr! We be huntin' this knave like a ship on the high seas. Be ready to quell this villainous tale!

Arrr! Ten suns hence, be The Long Dark set to have a sequel, as its swashbuckling creator whispers of a new survival spectacle.

Arr! The scurvy teaser be swift, yet 'tis plenty to raise the hopes of me hearties!

Arrr! Avast ye scallywags! The landlubbers at "Need for Speed: Unbound" be teasin' a queer clue, makin' fans reckon 'tis fer a Burnout game.

Avast ye! Be ready to kiss goodbye to yonder posterior, ye scurvy landlubber!

Arrr, ye scurvy bilge rats! The mighty Disney Plus show be seekin' pensmiths for season 2, afore it be even given the nod!

Arrr, me hearties! Me reckon Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 2 be not yet set in stone, but me spy with me good eye a glimmer of hope on the horizon, aye!

January 30, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Diablo 4's latest update be makin' Season 3's Seneschal even mightier, while givin' them overpowered beasties a well-deserved knockdown!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! In a future patch, we'll be makin' an even grander improvement to the Vampiric affix, me hearties! Prepare to feast upon yer enemies like a bloodthirsty sea monster! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Learneth the secret ways to gaze upon the grand PlayStation State of Play, January 2024!

Behold, me hearties! Set yer eyes upon the grand treasures sailin' o'er the gaming horizon! Tis a plunder of the finest PS5 games, includin' the Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, and more! Grab yer doubloons and be ready to embark on a swashbucklin' adventure!

Arr, me hearties! Suits star Rick Hoffman be swearin' on his salty soul, he'd set sail for a spin-off, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis a tale of Rick Hoffman's grand adventure on 'Suits' be told. Aye, he also spills the beans 'bout the spin-off to come. 'Tis a treasure ye don't want to miss, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! This Skyrim lubber be strugglin' fer two moons, tryin' to conquer the Legendary difficulty with naught but one life to spare!

Arrr! Methinks Inward_Perfection hath accomplished the unimaginable after 150 leagues o' plunderin'! Aye, 'tis a feat worthy o' legend, me hearties!

Avast! Me hearties, hearken unto me! I be tellin' ye how to seek out copper in Enshrouded, arr!

Arr, me hearties! If ye be lookin' fer the finest spots to pillage copper in Enshrouded, I be tellin' ye this - set sail to the secret shores, where the treasure be hidin'! Raise yer spyglass high, and ye'll be fillin' yer loot crates with copper aplenty, arrr!

Arrr, me hearty mateys! Take a gander at our crystal ball and behold what we be wantin' in the PlayStation State o' Play: 40 minutes o' treasure, 15+ games!

Avast, ye hearties! 'Tis been confirmed that we shall feast our eyes on the likes of Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin! But what other wonders lie in wait, ye ask? Pray tell, what other treasures shall grace our sight?

Avast ye, me hearties! Behold the secrets to settin' yer sights on Fortnite Lil' Villa and Catcher's Cove.

Avast ye landlubbers! Set sail to Lil' Villa and Catcher's Cove in Fortnite, arrr! There be treasures awaitin' ye, mateys! But beware the scurvy dogs and land sharks, lest they make ye walk the plank, har har!

Arr, me hearties! A shiny, minted Lego Millennium Falcon be sailin' our way, at a fraction of the doubloons!

Avast ye mateys! Be holdin' yer horses, fer I bring ye grand tidings! Thar be news o' a shiny new Lego Millennium Falcon, sailin' in t' market at a price that be makin' ye eyes pop! This ain't a ruse, me hearties. Set sail and snatch it up afore it be gone!

Arr, the MSI Claw be worth a mighty treasure of $699, 'twill surely bolster the Steam Deck's voyage!

Arr! Avast ye, me hearties! The news be in, the MSI Claw's price be out! Fear not, me lads, this here handheld PC be steerin' clear of a battle with the Steam Deck on the coin front!

Arr, the Witcher remake scallywag vows to "beget rid" of the parts "that be simply rotten," and I reckon I spy the scurvy culprit ready for the cutlass!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Raise a grog for poor Geralt's "artwork" collection! It be sleepin' with the fishes now, lost to the depths like a treasure buried forever. Arrr, may it rest in Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scallywags at Warner Bros seeketh to unite DC's flicks and games, arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Word be sailin' 'round that James Gunn, a scurvy dog known for his mastery in directin' DC movies, be lendin' a hand to that very cause, ye see. Aye, buckle up, for some swashbucklin' adventures be awaitin' us!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The rumblings be true, for the mighty Chris Rock be takin' the helm o' Another Round remake!

"Avast ye landlubber! Me heart be tellin' ye to weave tales wondrous and fantastical! Let yer imagination run wild, me hearty, and conjure up yarns as riveting as the treasures we seek! Aye, me matey, be ye ready to embark on a voyage of storytelling?"

January 29, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Behold, the finest swashbuckling flicks, the top 10 samurai movies that ever sailed the sea!

From 13 Swashbucklin' Buccaneers to The Last Swashbucklin' Buccaneer, we reckon ye should lay yer eyes on the finest 10 swashbucklin' films that be demandin' yer attention this very day! Avast, prepare fer a grand rewatch, me hearties!

Me eye be fixated on Acer's gaze upon the handheld gaming PC realm, prayin' for affordable options, arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks that Acer, savvy scallywags they be, be keepin' a weather eye on the handheld gaming PC race, for they may soon set sail and challenge Steam Deck's dominion o'er the seas! Yarr, a fierce battle awaits, mateys!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Beware! Snaps o' daredevil adventures show a vile villain 'n the return o' two beloved scalawags!

Avast, ye scallywags! Behold, me hearties, the latest sights o' the New Daredevil: Born Again be upon us. Feast yer eyes, for the captured moments from this grand adventure be unveiled!

Arrr, me hearties! Behold, the finest 10 cult classics of all ages, arrranged for yer viewing pleasure!

From Grand Troubles in Minuscule China to The Wickedly Deceased, ye finest cult-classic films ye must lay eyes upon this very day, lest ye be deemed a landlubber!

January 27, 2024

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Me heart be set on this new demo, a fine blend o' Hollow Knight and Kirby. 'Tis a must-have for 2024, mateys!

Avast ye mateys! I be havin' a jolly time playin' the extended demo for Biomorph, which be finally makin' its grand appearance this year! Me hands be on it, enjoyin' every bit o' it! Arrr, me hearties, be ready for some swashbucklin' fun!

Avast, me hearties! This here Elden Ring scallywag be fixin' to burst their own frenzy gauge, havin' spent 35 hours blatherin' on 'bout every bleedin' tale and yarn!

Arrr, me hearties! FromSoftware's cryptic lore be like a treasure map that beckons ye to create epic videos! Set sail on a voyage to uncover the secrets of these landlubber tales, and let your imagination run wild, for the seas of gaming await ye!

Arr matey! Yonder ConcernedApe be advisin' ye to sail a new save file in Stardew Valley 1.6, to spy all the booty in context, arr!

But carryin' on with an existin' farm bein' no trouble, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Princess Peach Showtime be a grand spectacle, sure to be one o' the grandest Switch treasures this year!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis the year 2024 and mark me words, Princess Peach Showtime be settin' sail on the grand Switch! 'Tis high time she be takin' the spotlight, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Them Palworld lads be readyin' fer battle, just like this clever matey hidin' 300 Spheres to nab other scallywags' Pals.

Avast ye scallywags! "Snatch 'em all" means ye be takin' yer mateys' critter companions, too. Aye, be mindful of the loot ye plunder, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Ye olde scurvy-ridden lass spills secrets on frightful tale's shocking finale, and confesses if she'd sail in a sequel.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Get ye ready to hear this tale of treasure! Freya Allan, she be chattin' to GamesRadar+ on how she be yearnin' to capture a grand death scene on film, fit for a swashbucklin' wench like herself!

January 26, 2024

Avast! Yonder Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth swabbie speaks, claimin' we shall spy a "mighty... deranged" Cloud in th' sequel, ye landlubber JRPG!

Arrr, me hearties! Cody Christian be claimin' he's be gettin' a right good shiver down his spine just ponderin' on it. Methinks he be anticipatin' somethin' quite grand, arrr!

Arrr, Bloodborne Kart be delayed, matey! The scallywags at Sony be makin' us scrub the brandin' off, aye!

Fear not, me hearties! The game be still a-comin'!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Behold! Evil scallywags at Marvel Comics be bought by a monstrous megacorporation. Avast! Mighty Thor be reborn as the "Defender of Big Business!"

Arrr! In the Marvel Universe, there be a fanciful rendition of Marvel Comics, me hearties! Aye, a yarn spun o' wonders, where caped crusaders and mischievous villains come to life. 'Tis a tale as tall as Davy Jones's locker, but oh, what a jolly ride it be!

Arrr, a beauteous platformer, takin' inspirations from the wretched Zelda misadventures, be gettin' a controller inspired by a foul input device! Yarr, a match made in pirate heaven!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Despite all sensible reckonin', the ghost of the cursed CD-i continues to haunt us. Arrr, be it a fool's errand to keep sailin' these treacherous waters, but we be a stubborn lot!

Arrr, matey! The bravest Final Fantasy 14 sailor saved the day, after months o' training a whole crew o'14 scurvy dogs to aid 'im in a grand raid!

Arrr! The eerie specter of Old School RuneScape be castin' a mighty shadow upon us. 'Tis a game that be holdin' great power, me hearty! Beware, for its allure be temptin' enough to make ye set sail for endless adventures on the digital seas!

Avast ye scallywags! After the fateful demise of Blizzard's survival game, I be cravin' a grand AAA adventure in the liveliest realm o' PC gaming.

Matey, 'tis a travesty that there be scarce any AAA survival games sailin' the high seas! 'Tis a treasure we be yearnin' for, yet 'tis as elusive as the mythical kraken. Arrr, game developers, be ye listenin'? Avast ye, and deliver us a proper swashbucklin' survival adventure!

Avast ye mateys! A grand open-world RPG named Wuthering Waves be sailin' onto the PS5, yarrr! The scallywags behind it claim they've rewritten 90% o' the tale based on feedback from their trials, arrr!

Yarrr! Devvver Kuro Game be yearnin' to make a grander impression this time 'round, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! "Love Me" be a tale of celestial love, yet it fails to set sail on stormy seas.

Avast ye mateys! Behold, this be our reckonin' from Sundance!

Avast ye! This lively creation from a swashbucklin' matey who sailed in Stardew Valley is bound to occupy ye for hours, arr! It be comin' this year, mateys!

Sailed 'cross the seven seas, Sunkissed City be our destined port, where yonder land be bathed in golden rays, as if 'twas California itself. Prepare ye heart for a voyage to the land o' sun, mateys!

Arr! 'Tis grand tidings, matey! Another scurvy murder brews on the horizon: Knives Out 3 be ready to set sail, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Beware, for Benoit Blanc may soon return to plunder our secrets, faster than ye can batten down the hatches! Keep a weather eye, lest ye be caught unawares, and be prepared for a merry chase, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! This Palworld breeder be mixin' Jetragons, creatin' a ship o' supreme swiftness to sail 'cross the vast expanse o' this world, leavin' ye in awe!

Arr, that be a fine booty ye got there, matey! Aye, +65% be quite the boost to yer landlubber legs. Ye be darting across them treacherous seas like a spirited dolphin, aye!

Avast ye! Karl Urban be celebratin' the end o' filmin' Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 2, matey! The scallywag claims 't be the jolliest time he's 'ad on a flick, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the end of the tale, aye, a fine wrap it be! Let's weigh anchor 'n set sail fer more adventures. Yo-ho-ho, 'tis a merry day on the high seas!

January 25, 2024

"Arrr! Spider-Boy be tryin' to scribble his own shanty in this wee glimpse o' Spider-Boy #3!"

Avast ye! Spider-Boy be takin' on a fearsome foe, a scurvy dog by the name o' Toy Soldier, in his latest voyage, Spider-Boy #3. Get ready to witness the swashbucklin' action as our hero swings into battle!

Arr! This fine sailor o' Super Mario Bros did sail with precision, but alas! A single blunder hath shattered the record! "I give naught a damn!" quoth he.

Arrr, mateys! We be a mere 22 frames shy of absolute perfection! Avast ye, let us sail forth and seize them frames, for our quest for flawlessness shall not be thwarted!

Ye scurvy dogs! The secrets o' Avengers, Spider-Man, X-Men, 'n all o' Marvel's April 2024 releases be uncovered!

Avast ye, mateys! Take a gander at Marvel's grand April 2024 solicitations, for a treasure trove of mighty tales await ye! Behold the wondrous adventures of heroes and villains alike, and let yer imagination set sail on this fantastical voyage!

Arr! FC 24 TOTY be addin' the almighty Mbappe - and a crew o' fierce lasses for the first time!

Bellingham and Bonmati be joinin' the ranks o' th' FC 24 TOTY release! Avast! 'Tis a fine sight to behold, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! Thar be a cursed lot o' 13 frightful games sailin' in 2024, provin' it be a strange year indeed!

Arrr, mateys! Set yer eyes on this here tale! This year's horror be ditchin' them jump scares and inventory sortin', ye hear? 'Tis all 'bout the frightful and hair-raisin'! Prepare yer timbers for a truly eerie experience, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! All ye scallywags, gather 'round to hear the legend of the Nintendo Switch 2!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Gather 'round and hear the tale of the grandest treasure: the latest tidings o' the Nintendo Switch 2. News be flyin', whispers be sailin', and rumors be a-swirlin'. Come, join me crew, and let's discover what treasures await us on this mystical gaming voyage!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a grand tale! The Last of Us 2 Grounded be unveilin' a fine documentary next week. Alongside, there be new skins o' Ellie and Abby!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' it right! The makin'-of video be settin' sail, aye, near four years after The Last of Us 2 be makin' its grand entrance into the world. Aye, buckle up, me mateys, for this be one long, wild journey!

Arrr! A jolly Marvel matey hath found a hidden treasure - a wee Captain America Easter egg avast ye might've missed!

Arrr, it be hidin' in clear view, mateys!

Arr, mateys! The grand MMO spin-off o' Dune spills the beans on constructin' yer base on the treacherous planet in the vast cosmos!

Pray, may thy crafting tool ne'er chip nor shatter, lest ye be cursed with misfortune on the seven seas! Arrr, may the winds blow fair and thy creations be mighty, me hearty!

Avast, me hearties! Pray tell, where be findin' some sturdy twine to mend me sails in Enshrouded?

Arrr, matey! Be ye lackin' string in Enshrouded? Fear not, for ye can simply fashion it yerself, like a true seafarin' scallywag!

Arrgh, be ye hearing this, mateys? With a mix-up of Tom Holland and Tom Hollander, a scallywag actor be gettin' Avengers gold!

'Twas a sight fer sore eyes, me hearty! A treasure so vast, 'twas enough to make this ol' pirate's heart skip a beat! An astounding sum o' gold it be, me matey! Arrr, what a fortune it be!

Arr, the new goth kit in The Sims 4 be a jolly one! With a hoodie makin' Sims sportin' grand anime eyes, it be a riot!

Fear not, me hearties, a fix be on the horizon! No need fer worry, for salvation be sailin' towards us like a fleet o' plunderin' pirates! Arrr, rejoice, me mateys, fer help be nigh!

January 24, 2024

Arr! Marvel be rewindin' time, near four decades, resurrectin' the Beast o' 1985. What a jolly good time!

Arrr! Methinks the surest way to halt a vile Beast be to unleash a noble Beast!

Arrr, mateys! These Palworld scallywags, all underleveled, cooked the boss alive! The devs be callin' it "genius"!

Arrrrr! That Mammorest be a scurvy dog! Ne'er stood a chance, me hearties! Walkin' the plank, he did, straight into Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'twas a sight to behold!

Arrr, as Diablo 4 sails amidst a storm o' troubles in Season 3, Blizzard be keepin' a watchful eye on 'tis feedback, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be knowin' that Diablo 4's blasted Season of the Construct be sailin' on rough waters, not soar'n high like a parrot above the ocean. Shiver me timbers, this be no jolly beginning, ye landlubbers!

Arr! After 11 long years, Xbox be resurrectin' the finest treasure o' summer days - Xbox 360!

Arrr, me hearties! The essence of Summer of Arcade doth linger in Indie Selects, like a treasure hidden in the vast sea! Aye, be ready to sail through a sea of indie delights, me mateys! Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! Be ye wantin' to lay yer hands on Diablo 4's Kulle's Heart Journals? Arrr, here's how ye do it!

Avast ye, mateys! Be ye wonderin' where ye should be diggin' for Zoltun Kulle's secret scribblin's in Diablo 4? Look ye no further, for the Vaults be holdin' the answers ye seek, buried deep 'neath the treacherous seas of loot 'n plunder!

Arr, China be lettin' go o' their scurvy plans to shackle loot boxes, microtransactions, and daily booty! Ahoy!

Arrr, the rules be set to thwart thine insatiable lust fer gaming! No more be ye allowed to pillage virtual lands fer days on end, matey. Take heed, or ye shall walk the plank into the wrath of the landlubbers!

Arr, me hearties! Picture this: 'Tis like Mickey Mouse collidin' with Five Nights at Freddy's, but on a cursed vessel!

Arr, ye scallywags! Willie be a free soul yearnin' fer his Steamboat's return. Hand it over, or prepare to feel the wrath of a thousand stormy seas!

Avast ye mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! Behold the arrival o' the new Yakuza game, 'Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth countdown,' in yer timezone!

Arrr, me hearties! The bountiful treasure known as Infinite Wealth be sailin' its way to ye PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. But, alas, these coveted riches be makin' their landfall at different hours. Avast ye, prepare to grab hold o' wealth, but beware the tides of impatience!

Arrr, ye scurvy developers o' The Last o' Us 2 be showin' us a bloodier endin', but thank the gods they didn't choose it, mateys!

Arrr, by the twisted fate of ol' Davy Jones himself, Abby and Lev be mighty lucky dogs to escape their doom unscathed! Aye, the winds of fortune blew in their favor, else they'd be meetin' ol' Neptune down below!

Arrr! The mighty MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super stirs up a scurvy ruckus in reviews afore its release!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye! The reviews be in for Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super, but beware ye scurvy dogs! The cursed MSI version be plagued by a BIOS issue, makin' it stumble during the benchmarks. Aye, a swashbuckler's nightmare indeed!

Ahoy mateys! Ye be wantin' t' know how to snatch them copper keys in Palworld, do ye?

Ye be needin' t'slay yer foes 'n uncover treasure chests like a true plunderin' buccaneer, arr! Fer 'tis where ye'll discover thar precious Palworld copper keys, me hearties!

Avast ye! Dystopika be a fine voyage fer yer heart's desire, where ye can craft yer very own cyberpunk haven!

Arr, there be no aims, nor any constraints upon me path, matey! I be sailin' free, like a wild sea creature upon the vast ocean, answerin' to no man! Yo-ho-ho, me hearties!

January 23, 2024

Blizzard be sharin' a way 'round Diablo 4's bug o' the Seneschal Brazier, arrr! While they work on a proper fix, mateys!

Arrr, 'tis a wee bit scurvy, but 'twill serve me purpose for the time bein', me hearties!

Arr, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs, prepare to set sail with Rick Remender's Napalm Lullaby #1, a tale of a dystopia that be feelin' a bit too familiar!

Arr, me hearties! Rick Remender be chattin' 'bout the personal tale in his newfangled sci-fi comic, Napalm Lullaby! Set yer sights on this splendid yarn, lest ye be a landlubber!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Steam's newest frightful gem be a matey co-op game, akin to Phasmophobia, where yer heart be touched by them ghostly souls!

Arr matey, Remnant Records be a fearsome game, fit fer ye lads seekin' spectral treasure! Aye, 'tis a banger that'll make ye heart race, as ye hunt fer ghosts on thar digital seas!

Avast ye! Overwatch 2 esports be makin' a grand return, abandonin' the Overwatch League model, by Blackbeard's whiskers!

Arrr! 'Tis news, mateys! The grand Overwatch Champions Champions Series be settin' sail next moon. So gather yer crew and prepare for a barrel o' laughter and fierce battles upon th' digital seas!

Arr, word be spreadin' that the voice actor o' Batman: Arkham be blabberin' 'bout the cancellation o' Suicide Squad's Robin game! Aaarrr!

Avast ye mateys! By the beard of Davy Jones, there be naught but pure lies in that bilge claim! Mark me words, 'tis as false as a mermaid's promise!

Arrr! The adorable ship-carpentry game that's stolen me heart for moons now be havin' a launchin' day, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! The grand reveal o' Summerhouse be nigh! 'Tis time to set sail and feast yer eyes on the treasure awaitin' ye at the corner, me lads and lasses!

Arr, the review o' Palworld: "Seemeth completely unfathomable how queer it be, matey!"

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! This Palworld game be as daft as a drunken sailor! It be sailin' in a fog o' obliviousness, not knowin' how she be odd as a peg-legged parrot!

Arrr! Avast, ye mateys! A jolly review o' the PowerA Wireless Kirby Nintendo Switch Controller: "Aye, this pink puffball be perfection!"

Arr, me hearties! Thar be no doubt that the PowerA Wireless Kirby Controller be the most adorable gamepad a-sailin'! It be a jolly good way to engage in merriment whilst playin' Nintendo Switch games.

Arrr, avast ye, ye scurvy dogs! Rejoice, for the anime teaser be here! But alas, season 8 be delayed, arrr!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! Thar be a grand spectacle awaitin' ye before this year's end - a fine 10-episode anime series be settin' sail! So gather yer crew and prepare fer a jolly good time, full o' swashbucklin' adventures and laughter aplenty!

Arrr, mateys! Lay yer eyes on the new sight o' What if…? season 3, where ye'll find Sam Wilson's Cap'n America, first seen since 2021 (aye, 'tis true!).

Avast ye scurvy knaves! We be havin' the likes o' Monica Rambeau, Bucky Barnes, and Red Guardian aboard our jolly ship! Arrr, they be joinin' our merry crew, ready to sail the high seas o' adventure!

Arr, ye scurvy mateys! Dragon's Dogma 2 be lackin' fast travel, says the cap'n, "fer yer game be dull, ye landlubber!"

Arr, me hearties! Capcom's sequel be wishin' ye to hap upon booty at every turn, like a bumbling landlubber. So, set sail, me lads, and discover what treasures await ye on this grand adventure! Yo ho ho!

Arr, be there a mighty mystery 'bout that grand Clone Wars comeback in Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3, matey?

Arr, by Davy Jones' whiskers! Ventress be back, mateys! Aye, the scurvy dog somehow found his way back from the depths. Must be a trick o' the sea witches, I reckon. Brace yerselves, me hearties, for another round o' trouble!

January 22, 2024

Yarr! Like Baldur's Gate 3, Avowed sails with bountiful treasures o' content, yet some may miss the loot!

"Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a matter o' utmost importance to us scurvy dogs that ye be able to unearth yer own treasures and pen yer own tales o' adventure on the high seas!"

Arr! The mighty Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles be summonin' four legendary scrawlers to revive their legendary tales!

Arrr! Jason Aaron be settin' sail on a grand adventure with his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot! Aye, four issues be awaitin' us, with the likes of four fine artists scrawlin' their magic on these funny papers. Yo ho ho, 'tis a treasure worth findin'!

Yarr! The scurvy scallywag in charge o' Pokemon law claims Palworld be nothin' but a common pirate plunder!

Arrr, me hearties do reckon them Pals be lookin' mighty resemblin'. Methinks they be sharin' a secret treasure map or two!

Aye, me hearties! A renowned game dev god, known as "the savior of assets," claims he got the boot from a pirate's cove for speakin' ill of AI sponsors!

Arrr! Kenney Vleugels be a generous matey, for he hath unleashed a mighty horde o' game treasures! Thousands o' game development assets be at yer disposal, me hearties! Set sail and plunder these bountiful riches for yer gaming pleasure, for 'tis all for free!

"Ahoy, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis true, me hearties! Glen Powell be a scurvy dog, playin' the part o' an assassin!"

"Arrr! Adria Arjona and Austin Amelio be settin' sail in the grand spectacle o' Richard Linklater's flick, mateys!"

Avast, me hearties! Let's cease with the blabber o' "Pokemon with cannons" for Palworld be a queer concoction o' survival and a peculiar shipshape management game.

Arrr! Hear me, mateys! Methinks Palworld be more of a swashbucklin' factory simulator than a mere creature-collectin' adventure. 'Tis a shipload o' fun for those yearnin' to be a landlubber runnin' a grand establishment!

Arrr, me hearties! Me eagerly awaited Metroidvania of 2024 be a mind-bending cosmic quest, cap'n, that be sure to send me soul adrift!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me mates be pleadin' fer silence as I blabber on 'bout Ultros! Be a feared that I natter on like a parrot on a peg leg. Big in 2024, me hearties! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! This here Color Purple be treading a treacherous path, betwixt sweetness and pleasing the masses.

Arr, me hearties! The tale o' "The Color Purple" be walkin' a treacherous plank betwixt bein' too sweet as sugar and pleasin' the scallywags in the crowd!

Arr, the invincible star be speakin' on whether he'd set sail once more fer a live-action adventure.

Avast ye! Steven Yeun be havin' his reasons for not bein' a proper matey to play Mark Grayson once more in an Invincible flick o' the live-action kind.

Avast ye! Prepare yer theories, mateys! These scurvy Stranger Things season 5 photos be whisperin' secrets in our ears!

Avast ye, mateys! Listen well to this tale of Mike, a wondrous contraption known as a bike, and the celestial marvel, Halley's Comet. Be ye savvy enough to discern the connection betwixt these three?

Arr, the word be out on Pedro Pascal's latest flick, they be callin' it a jolly good time of bloodshed!

"Arrr! Methinks this be gettin' merrier and merrier as it sails on its merry way through the high seas of mirth!"

Arr, mateys! Be ye listenin'? The followin' tale be true: The Cyberpunk 2077 sequel be but a mere thought in the minds of these fine developers. Yet fear not, for it may set sail soon with multiplayer treasures!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! The co-CEOs o' CD Projekt reckon the studio be graspin' the art o' game makin' with a tight fist now, arrr!

January 21, 2024

Arr, ye scallywags be sufferin' a painful wait fer the Elden Ring Shadow o' the Erdtree add-on. Aye, a blessin' and a cursed tale fer this swashbucklin' RPG!

Arrr, me hearties! In the year of 2024, the grand treasure of Elden Ring hath finally revealed its first slice of new booty. It be a wait both cursed and blessed, mateys.

Avast ye, scallywags! Palworld be grantin' ye the chance to truly "soar like a cannonball" by sendin' ye sky-high with a wee glitch!

Arrr, me mateys! Them Pal Spheres be havin' more than a single purpose, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, they be more versatile than a mermaid's tail!

Arr, this splendid futuristic adventure be chattin' like a Souls game, struttin' like Nier Automata, with bosses to make ye heart race in 2024!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks AI Limit be the treasure we pirates seek fer our next Soulslike obsession. Aye, 'tis a ship worth boardin' to plunder those virtual seas!

Arr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be me beloved treasure, plundered and won over 27 long years past!

"Arrr! Behold, me hearties! 'Tis the grandest creation of ye year 2024! This fine piece of modern day reimagining be ticklin' every old-school fancy ye be havin', makin' it a treasure worth settin' sail for!"

January 20, 2024

Arrr, me hearties! Them Elder Scrolls scurvy dogs be rejoicin' in the accidental jolly of Oblivion, har, har!

Arr! Behold, me hearties! Aye, thar be sights ahead so strange and bewildering, ye'll think ye be dreamin'! Surreal, they be, like a mermaid dancin' with a parrot on her shoulder!

Arr! 343 Industries be slowin' the support fer Halo Infinite, mateys! They be workin' on new ventures, just after the jolliest season o' the FPS!

Avast ye! No need fer it to be boundless, matey!

In thar dark abyss o' war, Stalker 2 Heart o' Chornobyl be settin' sail to fulfill 20 long years o' oath!

Arr, me hearties! By the year 2024, the successor to GSC Game World's creation be arrivin', bringin' the series' true glory to life! This sequel be settin' sail to unlock the treasurechest o' potential we've all been longin' for! Ahoy!

Arrr, me hearties! Palworld be makin' a grand entrance, tryin' to outshine Baldur's Gate 3. Aye, over 815,000 scurvy dogs playin' it on Steam!

Arrr, mateys! Ye be hearin' me right, the early access juggernaut be already settin' sail for glory, rankin' among the mighty top ten in Steam, with a crew o' highest concurrent player peaks. Avast ye!

Avast, 'tis with a heavy heart that I confess me fondness for them Space Marines, all thanks to that Deathwing Assault treasure chest!

Arr, be ye thinkin' o' purchasin' the Dark Angels Deathwing Assault army? Let us be tellin' ye, we be weighin' in on the matter, matey!

January 19, 2024

Arr, ye scurvy dogs makin' Dragon's Dogma 2 claim they've worked their buns off to silence them blabberin' Pawns!

Arr, mateys! Direc'er Hideaki Itsuno knows full well that them blabberin' pawns in the first game be nothin' but a bunch o' chatterboxes! Aye, the scallywags be drivin' us mad! Avast, let's hope the second game be silence on the high seas!

Arrr, the cap'n of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be claimin' that Zack, the star of Crisis Core, be havin' an impact 'cross th' world o' this here upcomin' JRPG!

Avast ye, me hearties! We be reckonin' that Zack be havin' a grander appearance in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but by Blackbeard's beard, we never be expectin' this!

Arrr, me mateys! Bethesda be a sly dog, fer they be hidin' a secret hint fer a beloved shooter fans be yearnin' fer, just like treasure buried fer 19 years!

Avast me mateys! 'Tis a Quake 6 teaser, so it be! No doubloons about it, 'tis clear as the Caribbean waters. Me eyes be spottin' it like a keen pirate spyglass!

Arrr! Behold, me hearties, the 32 mightiest scallywags of the '70s. Set yer eyes on 'em, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, these swashbuckling movie stars be settin' the silver screen ablaze amidst a ruckus decade in the annals of American history, matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Behold the Ultimate Shocker, matey! The prime scoundrel to torment the relaunched Ultimate Spider-Man!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Thee glimpse of Ultimate Spider-Man #2 be revealin' the series' foremost scoundrel, The Shocker, in all his villainous glory. Be ready to face the mightiest foe Spider-Man hath ever encountered! Arrr, brace yerselves!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Listen well, ye scurvy MMO and JRPG enthusiasts! Avast, Square Enix be whisperin' about a worldwide launch fer Dragon Quest 10, with many a grand scheme to come!

Arr, 'tis mayhaps more o' them Japan-only add-ons, or mayhap something far more enthrallin' fer us mateys in the West!

Arrr, me hearties! Set yer sights on the 7 finest moving pictures and entertainments ye can stream this fine weekend!

Avast ye, me hearties! Behold the booty of this weekend's viewin'! From blessed award season darlings to the latest Marvel TV series, these treasures be yours to feast yer eyes upon!

Arr! This splendidly fearsome game be lookin' like a Disney flick from days of yore, stirrin' up me noggin already!

Fare thee well, me hearties! "Bye Sweet Carole" be a treasure meant fer those who fancy Little Nightmares and American McGee's Alice. Avast ye, set sail on this grand adventure, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set yer sights on the 7 finest moving pictures and entertainments to stream this weekend, arrr!

Avast ye, me hearties! Be ye yearnin' fer a jolly adventure from the bleak streets o' London to a most uncustomary love tale? Well, me buccaneers, set yer sights on this weekend's watch list!

Avast ye! Arr, if ye be wonderin', the voice crew o' Indiana Jones and the Great Circle be lackin' Harrison Ford, matey!

Avast ye! Despite his visage be makin' a reappearance, the scurvy dog still be scarin' the fishes.

"Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been heard that Chris Pratt be settin' sail in a prequel to that fine Amazon show!"

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye listenin'? Taylor Kitsch be makin' a comeback, sailin' back into the new series, ready to swashbuckle 'n charm us all once more! Avast!

Arr, Vincent D'Onofrio be spillin' the beans on Kingpin's fate after the Echo showdown! Avast!

Arr! The swashbucklin' scallywag of an actor proclaims his scurvy character be "enlightened" after the grand happenings of Echo!

Arr, me mateys! Gather 'round as we uncover the secrets of Palworld Dedicated Servers, aye!

Arrr, listen ye scurvy dogs! We be divulgin' the secrets o' settin' up a dedicated server in Palworld. Follow our guide, or ye be walkin' the plank! But mind ye, there be certain things ye can't be doin', or ye'll be meetin' Davy Jones' locker!

January 18, 2024

Arrr! The Square Enix captain desires t' steer away from JRPG treasures like Final Fantasy 'n Dragon Quest. Seekin' more variety, ye scurvy dogs!

I reckon, mateys, we've been a bit too reliant on them fancy gameplay styles and genres, if ye ask me! Aye, 'tis high time we set sail for uncharted waters and discover new treasures in the gaming realm, arrr!

Avast ye! Hellblade 2 be a jolly game, weighin' $50, digital treasure only, 'n a mere 8 hours o' entertainment.

Arrr, me mateys! The spirit of "independent AAA" be sailin' the high seas once more, arrr! Set yer sights on that treasure, me hearties, fer we be chartin' our own course, free from the clutches of the scurvy corporations! Yarrr!

Yarr! Todd Howard be claimin' he's been sittin' on all o' the secrets o' the Indiana Jones game fer an eternity, mateys! From what Indy be seekin' to the tale he be unfoldin'!

Arrr, matey! By Davy Jones' locker, Howard be speakin' true when he claimeth he's been fightin' fer this here creation fer more than a decade! Aye, he be a stubborn landlubber, that one!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hellblade 2's fierce scuffle shall imbue ye with the hero's every agonizing stride on her voyage!

Arrr, this here sequel be a far cry from th' maiden voyage, matey!

Arrr, me hearties of the 17th century! Be it true that ye scurvy dogs o' Marvel be pondering if a Netflix scallywag be settin' sail into the canon waters?

"Avast ye hearties, may the winds be fair and me fingers be crossed! May we find the shiny treasures and avoid the cursed curses! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!"

"Arrr! Avengers: Twilight be a tale that bestows upon Captain Rogers a yarn, like the Dark Knight Returns!"

"Arrr, me hearties! Avengers: Twilight #1 be a jolly reminder of our fondness for Cap'n Steve Rogers, and the reasons be grand. A rollicking tale that'll have ye chucklin' like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder, me mateys!"

"Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be grumblin' 'bout Lily Gladstone snubbin' at the BAFTAs. 'Tis a mighty blow, aye!"

Arr, me hearties! The 2024 BAFTA scrawls be cast – and a scallywag or two be grumblin' like a cursed sea monster!

Arrr, be Tekken 8 a jolly game, mateys? Can ye play together on yer PlayStation, Xbox, or PC?

Avast ye! Be ye able to engage in grand battles o' Tekken 8 betwixt the foul consoles of the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC? Aye, me hearties, can this cross-platform treasure be plundered by all?

Yarr! Lay thy hands on Devil Girly from Mars and Dreadfuls of the Dark Museum, mateys!

Arr, me mateys! We be havin' three mystical treasures known as Blu-rays o' these legendary moving pictures! Lay yer hands on 'em if ye dare, but beware, they be highly sought after booty in our pirate realm!

Avast, me hearties! Ye can plunder yon treasures, the written tales o' Doctor Who's 60th jubilee celebrations!

Avast ye, me hearties! We be havin' four sets o' all three tomes to be given away! Mayhaps ye be the lucky souls to lay hands on 'em treasures!

Arr, Funko be sendin' off the Disney Villainous crew to plunder some treasure and clear our debt, mateys!

Avast ye mateys! Funko be continuin' to "streamline our business" by grantin' licenses to other scurvy dogs to create board games with our mighty crews. Aye, we be expandin' our reach across the seven seas! Arrr, it be a jolly good time to be a pirate!

Avast ye! Paul Mescal and Ridley Scott be sharin' a jolly pic t' celebrate Gladiator 2's filmin' bein' done. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wantin' a fine roll o' tobacco to tickle yer fancy? Aye, I be offerin' thee a jolly ol' cigar, fit for a swashbucklin' matey like yerself!

January 17, 2024

Avast! I be not one for landlubber games, but this cosmic horror town-planner, set in a "Lovecraftian Stone Age," be a treasure worth me doubloons!

Arr, mateys! Brace yerselves for a jolly adventure! The scallywags behind Payday 3 be launchin' The Tribe Must Survive into Early Access come next month. Avast ye, and prepare to set sail on this treasure hunt!

Avast ye mateys! Be prepared to delve into the treacherous tales of Skeletor and Hordak in Masters of the Universe: Revolution prequel comic!

Arrr mateys! Ye scurvy dogs be hearin' that Netflix's Masters o' the Sea: Revolution show be gettin' a prequel comic, mate! Get yer eyepatches ready, 'cause there be more swashbucklin' adventures awaitin' ye!

Arrr! Them Rocksteady scallywags, abandonin' ship durin' the makin' o' Suicide Squad, be settin' up a fresh crew o' game-makers, aimin' fer a hundred sea dogs, craftin' the finest o' games!

Arrr, me mateys! In the yarrr of our lord 2023, Hundred Star Games didst make a wee lily-livered entrance, as silent as a whisperin' ghost ship. 'Twas so quiet, ye couldst hear a parrot's feather drop! Ahoy, what a jest it be!

Arr, me maties! Thar be a jolly good tale o' a game called "blown away"! The ship of the dev be ridin' high on the waves, as they gained a treasure of 2.4 million downloads! And by Davy Jones' locker, thar be a mighty player count jump o'er 282,000%! Avast, 'twas all thanks to bein' offered fer free on the Epic Games Store!

Avast ye mateys! Sail Forth be catchin' a second gust o' wind!

Arr, Billy Mitchell's foul Donkey Kong scores remain unchanged, whilst these scurvy record-keepers peddle "educational t-shirts" to teach ye the art of skullduggery!

"We be flabbergasted by them swashbucklers who dare to sail uncharted waters, achievin' feats that make our jaws drop, all while presentin' evidence more detailed than the treasure maps we be seekin'!"

Arrr, as the Finals update be approachin', the scallywag Light players be feelin' the wrath, makin' the ailing FPS class suffer even greater!

Avast ye, me hearties! Bid a sorrowful farewell to thee fair Lights, for they hath met their wat'ry grave in the year o' our Lord 2024. 'Tis a sad tale indeed, but fear not, fer we shall soon find new luminous treasures to guide our way through the murky depths of the night! Arrr!

Yarr! Them game makers o' League o' Legends be claimin' they know what ye landlubber life sim lovers crave: fishin' an' farmin'!

Bandle Tale's scurvy developers hath spent many an hour indulgin' in the fine pursuit o' life simulations, all to ready themselves for this grand adventure on the digital seas!

Arrr, fear not, mateys! Payday 3 be not sleepin' with the fishes. The scurvy devs be plannin' a grand redemption, swearin' to deliver the piratin' ye deserve!

Arrr, me hearties, Starbreeze be gatherin' a band o' salty sea dogs, seasoned buccaneers o' code, to hoist the sails and put things to rights!

Avast, me hearties! Echo star be wantin' Maya Lopez t'cross swords with a mighty Avenger in th' vast MCU sea!

Yon lass be havin' grand schemes, matey! Arrr, her plans be as vast as the seven seas, holdin' treasures untold! Keep an eye on that one, fer she be settin' sail on a mighty adventure!

Arr, me hearties! Ye scurvy dogs be tellin' tales of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, playable on the cursed contraption called PC. Alas, the traces be vanishing like a ghostly ship in the fog!

Arr, the port be sacked swift as a seagull snatchin' a crumb! Aye, 'twas a sight to behold - cannons blastin', swords clashin'! The scallywags didn't stand a chance, matey!

Arr, me hearties! Kingpin Vincent D'Onofrio be sayin' Daredevil on Netflix be canon, ye scurvy dogs, after the reboot's grand overhaul!

Avast, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of grand adventure, forsooth! Yon Daredevil: Born Again hath sailed through a mighty revamp, aye, the likes of which 'twould make even the most fearsome buccaneer tremble in his boots!

Be ye askin', me matey, if Palworld be cross-platform? Aye, it be sailin' on all ye devices, arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Palworld's crossplay and cross-platform capabilities be naught but a barren wasteland, but fear not, for there be a grand scheme afoot to alter that cursed fate in the days to come!

January 16, 2024

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The cursed troubles plaguing Baldur's Gate 3's Xbox saves be finally put to rest!

Arrr, me hearties! Ever since the grand RPG, Baldur's Gate 3, be settin' sail on Xbox in December, scallywags be cryin' foul of save troubles. Aye, the sea be rough, but these landlubbers be hopin' for a smoother voyage ahead!

Arrr! 'Twas a mighty Super Mario 64 voyage, but one blunder befallin' scuttled a record ye couldn't beat. "I be ponderin' if I be endin' this."

Arrr! This could've sent the category sailin' to Davy Jones' locker for many a year, matey!

Yarr! 'Tis been 70 long years, but behold! The Creature from the Black Lagoon hath got 'imself a jolly comic book sequel, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy bilge rats! Listen ye here, fer I've got some news worth sharin'! The foul Creature From the Black Lagoon be gettin' a sequel in the form of a comic book, 70 years after its cursed original film. Aye, it be a tale that'll make ye laugh 'n shiver, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' 'bout the grand news of Major The Finals update? It be bringin' an "experimental" limited-time solo mode, fresh attire, and fixes to make life at sea more pleasin'!

Arr, avast ye mateys! Come Wednesday, the Finals be undergoin' a grand security overhaul. Me hearties best be ready to fend off any scurvy scoundrels who dare try to meddle with our precious booty!

Arr, Jennifer Coolidge be havin' the most Tanya-like answer t' her White Lotus Emmy victory: "I be thankin' all the wicked swashbucklers!"

Yarr! Methinks tis the second plunderin' o' an Emmy by Coolidge for The White Lotus! Aye, she be sailin' victorious once more on these treacherous showbiz seas!

Arr, ye mateys! Thar be good news on the horizon! Stormgate, the RTS game by them Warcraft and StarCraft devs, be raisin' 1875% o' its Kickstarter goal, with a mighty fine treasure o' $1.8 million in thar coffers!

Arr, ye blimey scallywags! Stormgate be reachin' its original booty o' $10k in a mere 15 minutes! By the powers, that be a mighty swift plunderin'!

Avast ye hearties! Prison Architect 2 be sailin' into our lives come spring 2024, with a fancy new 3D look to boot!

Arrr, me hearties! The followin' chapter of Paradox Interactive's brig overseer escapade be but a couple o' months from sight. Prepare ye selves for more swashbucklin' fun 'n thrill in this grand sequel!

Arrr! 'Tis Conan, the mighty Barbarian, 'gainst a scurvy army - but ere that, a bit o' smoochin' be happenin'!

Avast ye mateys! Feast yer eyes upon the splendiferous artwork o' Doug Braithwaite! Get a sneak peek at his fine interior pages fer the latest edition, lest ye be a lily-livered landlubber!

Arrr, me hearties! This here review be sayin' Jodie Comer be a mighty tempest in this tale of doom!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Behold, thar be a review for "The End We Start From," me mateys! Jodie Comer, she be like a mighty tempest in this apocalyptic tale. Aye, a force of nature she be! Prepare to be swept away, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, mateys! The scallywags behind Cities: Skylines 2 be lamentin' the poison in the city builder crew, beggin' ye landlubbers to show some kindness, arr!

Arrr, the mighty Cap'n of Colossal Order be seekin' recommendations to better this matter! Speak up, me hearties, and let yer ideas be heard!

Arrr! Netflix's most-watched tale of treachery be settin' its crew and bone-chillin' tale fer season two!

Arr! Yarrr, ye scurvy dogs! The monstrous beast be back, settin' sail fer a second season, ready to plunder yer time and feast upon yer brain! Grab yer tankards 'n brace yerselves fer more treacherous adventures!

Arr, me mateys be beware! 'Tis true, The Last of Us 2 Remastered's roguelike mode be cursed with wretched mods like 'Molotov Rain'.

Arr, methinks Ellie be needin' none o' this malarkey, mateys!

January 15, 2024

Arrr, me mateys! The maiden 'PS5 tablet' be challengin' the mighty PlayStation Portal for its doubloons!

Avast ye mateys! Behold, 'tis a grand contraption, akin to a Switch, but a PS5 console in its very nature. A marvel of the high seas, this be! Arrr, 'tis a treasure worth settin' sail fer!

Arrr, word be spreadin' that them ol' sea dogs from CDPR be unveilin' a bloody new game, with a title fit fer a vampire! It be remindin' 'em of their Witcher days, me hearties!

Avast ye, me mateys! Behold, ye be arrivin' at Dawnwalker! Step ashore with a hearty "Yo ho ho!" and prepare fer grand adventures awaitin' ye on this fine land. Welcome, me hearties, to Dawnwalker!

Arrr! Me matey, th' director o' Homeworld 3 claims he's been waitin' a good 20 years to craft his "dream" strategy game.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Homeworld 3 be nought but our grandest ambition fer Homeworld 2! A treasure trove o' dreams, bein' brought t' life. Aye, 'tis a swashbucklin' tale o' games, settin' sail 'cross the digital seas, arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Me long-awaited city builder be settin' sail soon, with a demo droppin' this month! Avast, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye! Methinks 'tis been a right long spell since Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles first caught me eye. Arrr, me hearties, I be eager to set me sights on this treasure!

Avast ye scallywags! Cobra Commander #1 be a downright eerie and puzzlin' entry to that notorious scoundrel of G.I. Joe!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold, our spoiler-free musings on the first matter of concern.

Arr! Theo James, the star o' White Lotus, be transformin' into a fearsome gangster in the grand trailer fer Guy Ritchie's Netflix tale, The Gentlemen!

Avast! Ray Winstone, Kaya Scodelario, and Giancarlo Esposito be amongst the jolly crew of this fine tale! They be settin' sail on this adventurous journey like true buccaneers, ready to plunder the silver screen with their swashbucklin' talents!

Arrr, me hearties! The cap'n o' Dragon's Dogma 2 claims the sequel be friendly fer landlubber newbies, all 'cause o' a cunning ol' tale twist!

Fear not, matey, if ye be clueless 'bout this realm, for yer figment of a character be just as lost as ye!

Arrr! Spider-Man's shipmate, Jake Johnson, be a-feared he might not sail in the grand finale o' Beyond The Spider-Verse!

Be this the bitter end for Peter B. Parker, I be wonderin'! Will he meet Davy Jones down yonder? Or shall he escape this treacherous fate, sailin' back into the sunset? Yo ho ho, the answer lies ahead, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! The creator o' Fallout be choosin' 5 RPG treasures ye must plunder, includin' Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, an' Skyrim.

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis Tim Cain, mark me words! Hearken, me hearties, for I be tellin' ye, these five RPGs be plum treasure troves. Aye, every game dev worth their salt should plunder 'em to learn thee fine arts of the craft!

Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! Be it true that The Mandalorian season 4 be not a certainty, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks this be the way, or me wooden leg be a liar! Let's set sail on this treacherous course, for the treasure awaits, yarrr!

January 14, 2024

"Ahoy, me hearties! Set yer sights on this fine treasure o' gaming, the unexpected SNES-inspired genre feast o' 2024's JRPG season!"

Avast ye! Behold, a mighty God of War clip, unveilin' the intricate complexities o' mere moments in game creation!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis Chains of Chaos, aye, the kraken's tentacles tangled, causin' a ruckus! Aye, a sight to behold, aye, a pandemonium like no other! Ha-ha!

"Yarrr, ye landlubber! The scurvy dogs in Stardew Valley couldn't bear to tell this greenhorn that the shipping bin ain't a treasure chest, matey!"

Arr, me mateys, in this cursed year of 2024, there be a devilish horror game, pretendin' to be an ancient Nintendo 64 pirate's delight!

Beware, me hearties! Be not deceived by the wee furry beastie that be prancin' 'pon Shipwrecked 64's cover! 'Tis a treacherous trap, lads and lasses! Aye, a sly trick to lure ye into a perilous gaming voyage!

Arrr, mateys! Homeworld 3 be bringin' back the ol' RTS vibe, yet settin' sail fer a newer generation!

"Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! Homeworld 3, settin' sail in 2024, be a mighty fine treasure worth plunderin'! 'Tis a grand RTS, bringin' back that ol' classic feel with a shipload o' grand additions. Aye, a game fit fer a captain!"

January 13, 2024

Arr, me mateys! 2024 be seein' a grand beginning for Metroidvanias, with two jolly good games droppin' this week!

Arrr, me hearties! We be havin' a goodly number o' thrillin' adventures comin' our way this year, ye scurvy dogs! So batten down the hatches and prepare for a jolly good time, for there be grand tales awaitin'!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Arkham studio be claimin' that Suicide Squad be their grandest game ever, story-wise.

Be that aye, be that aye! Does that be swashbuckling enough to quell the furious tempest of discontent from the scallywags who be objecting to this here live service?

Arr, matey! This scallywag Yoshi-P be havin' a shipload o' notions fer Final Fantasy 14's future voyages! "I can sail all the way to 9.0 without me creative well runnin' dry, ye scurvy dogs!"

Arr, me hearties! Prepare yer sea legs, for Patch 7.0 be sailin' in with the mighty Dawntrail expansion this very summer! Avast ye, mateys, and brace yerselves for a jolly good time on the high seas of gaming!

Arr! Word be spreadin' that Rapper T-Pain, havin' toiled on GTA 6, be barred from GTA RP by Rockstar Games!

Afore the studio didst seize the crew of swashbucklers, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Th' Ace Attorney series be sailin' 'pon th' 3D seas, all thanks t' that clever Professor Layton!

Arrrr, ye scurvy dogs of Capcom be havin' nay reason to cry out "OBJECTION!" when the grand crossover title be released. Aye, 'twas a jolly sailin' adventure, fit fer plunderin' and treasure huntin'!

Arrr, after 30 long years, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 be still a treasure beyond measure! Ye see, we aimed to make the third game more epic than Sonic 2, and by Davy Jones' locker, we succeeded!

Avast ye, mateys! Be I chattin' with the scallywags who fashioned Sonic 3 and its grand expansion, Sonic & Knuckles. Gather 'round for a jolly interview, arr!

January 12, 2024

Arr, the jolliest dwarf game be plagued by a fearsome issue o' friendly cannonballs, arr, 'tis worsenin'!

Arrr, mateys! A scurvy lot ye be, fer ye've committed o'er 20 million team kills! Avast ye, that be a mighty heap o' misfires! 'Tis like cannons blastin' in all directions! Aye, ye be quite the unfortunate landlubbers.

Arrr, 'tis the treasure map to Tom Hanks' 32 finest moving pictures, me hearties!

From decipherin' archaic enigmas t' trainin' sailors in the noble art of baseball, Tom Hanks be a true swashbuckler o' the silver screen, savin' souls with his craft.

Arrr! Venom be swashbucklin' 'cross She-Hulk, Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, an' Wolverine in a jolly new What If? preview!

Arr, me mateys! Avast ye! Picture this: Venom, that scurvy villain, be summonin' new versions o' yer favorite Marvel scallywags from alternate dimensions! Aye, me hearties, prepare to be Venomized, or walk the plank!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The release o' Pokemon Horizons on Netflix be delayed yet again, a plague upon us!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been nigh a year since this fine treasure began to grace the shores of Japan.

Yarrr! The SteelSeries Alias Pro be a true treasure, me hearties! A worthy booty for all yer needs!

Arrr, me hearties! The SteelSeries Alias Pro be havin' all ye need to hoist yer streaming setup to new heights, by Davy Jones' locker!

"Arrr! The SteelSeries Alias be a fine choice for ye streamin' scallywags, a true treasure indeed!"

Avast ye mateys! The SteelSeries Alias be a jolly good microphone for ye streaming and gaming needs, even though it be not as fancy as its highfalutin' counterpart. Shiver me timbers, 'tis a true gem!

Arr, Shigeru Miyamoto be havin' a grand vision, wantin' the SNES to be a swashbucklin' indie powerhouse afore its day, aye!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Had Nintendo only set sail sooner, they'd have plundered the Xbox 360 in the race fer console indie gaming booty! Ah, what a shame, mateys, tis a missed opportunity, indeed!

Arr, me hearties! Joel Edgerton be chattin' 'bout his new sports flick, The Boys in the Boat, and that beloved Warrior. He be keen on avengin' George Clooney, arr!

Avast ye! 'Tis an EXCLUSIVE! This fine actor be chattin' 'bout his latest flick, sailin' with Cap'n George Clooney, 'n ponderin' if he still got the mettle to tussle Tom Hardy. Arrr, be ye ready for this jolly good read?

Arr, a Baldur's Gate 3 mod be dressin' Ketheric Thorm in a scandalous crop top, for he be yearnin' to be a saucy scallywag!

Ye might unwittingly be showin' off yer bits to the unsuspectin' crew, me hearties! Tread carefully, lest ye be exposin' more than yer treasure map, arr!

Avast! In the wake o' the shocking cancelation o' Our Flag Means Death, loyal scallywags be fightin' tooth 'n nail to keep her afloat!

Arrr! Me hearties be raisin' a ruckus to rescue Our Flag Means Death! Let the winds o' support blow strong 'n true for this grand tale! Let us join forces 'n fight fer our beloved show!

Arrr! The Exorcist sequel be losin' its captain and 2025 release, after Believer's box office misfortune, matey!

Avast ye mateys! David Gordon Green be walkin' the plank, no longer at the helm o' The Exorcist: Deceiver. Ye be wonderin' who'll take his place? Only Davy Jones himself knows!

Arrr, me hearties! Feast ye eyes upon the finest loot o' CES 2024: the mighty treasures of gaming technology!

Arrr, the year o' CES 2024 hath showered us with a bounty o' gaming contraptions to pillage and plunder! Here be our finest treasures from the exhibition deck.

January 11, 2024

Arr, me hearties! Yoshi-P be tossin' 'round notions fer Final Fantasy 17: a fancy mix o' real-time battles 'n turn-based rumbles, or a good ol' return to pixel art, arr!

He be fancyin' the notion of a fresh, sprightly captain at the helm, matey. None o' them crusty ol' salts for him, yarr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The tale of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles be reachin' its final chapter with #150!

Arr, fear not, me hearties! More adventures of the Turtle Mutant Ninjas be comin' yer way ere long. So batten down the hatches and prepare to feast yer eyes on the treasured TMNT comics!

Arr, th' fresh Sentry be makin' his grand entrance, but methinks, how long shall he survive, matey?

Arr matey, thar be a fresh-faced sentry on th' horizon, yet methinks he be steppin' into a world o' calamity, awaitin' disaster like a landlubber walkin' th' plank!

Arrr, Discord be sailin' with Unity and Twitch in swellin' the ranks of woeful 2024's jobless souls.

Arrr! Discord be addin' to th' early 2024 farewells by cuttin' 17% o' its scallywags from th' crew. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a rough sea we sail on, where even digital ships be losin' their sailors.

Arrr, word be spreadin' that the Nintendo Switch 2 and its launch date be leaked by GameShark's AI corpse!

Arr, me hearty crew, ye be hearin' tales o' Shark's launch, which be sailin' on the same tide as the legendary Nintendo Switch 2 in September 2024! Oh, the treasures await us, me hearties, aye!

Arrr, me mateys! Behold the grand spectacle! The Master Chief be squarin' off against the scurvy Covenant in the Halo season 2 trailer!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Pray, keepeth thine swords drawn and spirits high! Let us not give up the skirmish, but rather, continue the gallant fight, for victory be within our grasp! Onward, me hearties, as we brace ourselves against the treacherous tide of adversity!

Avast, ye scallywags! Me trusty guide be showin' ye landlubbers how t'fit in on th' Range(r). Arr!

Avast, ye landlubber! Seek ye wisdom on the grand question of whether to venture as a DnD Ranger, and the secrets to unlock their true potential!

Arr matey! The Last of Us 2 be servin' a fine feast o' new treasures to lure ye back!

Arrr, me mateys! Be this grand in 2024? Aye, but be it enough to charm our scallywags back after a mere four years?

Arrr! Word be spreadin' that t' scurvy dogs from House of t' Dragon and Locke & Key seek t' audition for DC's Supergirl flick!

Arrr, me hearties! Milly Alcock, Emilia Jones, and Meg Donnelly be fightin' like scallywags to wield the mighty shield of Kryptonian Kara Zor-El. May the best lass win, or be sent to walk the plank!

Arrr, me hearties! This indie sea dog be claimin' that generative AI be th' scallywag hind'rin' his 2021 triumph. Avast ye!

Yarr, me hearties! This devilish contraption called Generative AI hath tainted the sacred well o' stock images! It be like a scurvy scallywag sneakin' poison into our grog. Beware, for ye may find yerself lost in a sea of unnatural creations, arr!

Arrr, Intel be a step afore with their Arc graphics cards, and that be mighty pleasin' to me eyes!

Yarrr, Intel be claimin' to be plannin' a successor to their next wave o' Arc graphics cards. And they be callin' it Battlemage, ready to pillage the GPU battlefield in no time, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Them scallywags claim they've cracked the moniker of the Xbox game for Indiana Jones lovers.

Arrr, the would-be title be a treacherous beast, makin' us scratch our heads like lice-infested scalps. More queries it be raisin' than answers it be givin'. Avast, we be lost in a sea of confusion, like a drunken sailor without his compass!

January 10, 2024

Avast! Me eyes be blinded by the brilliance of this marvellous Doom-era Skyrim demake! Shiver me timbers, why ye keep it hidden?

Avast ye mateys! A score of ten out of ten be granted to this fine game. 'Tis a jolly adventure I'd sail again, without e'er a doubt. Aye, me hearties, 'tis worth a plunder!

Avast ye mateys! Kingpin's rule as mayor o' New York City be turnin' the Marvel Universe topsy-turvy!

Arrr, me mateys! Wilson Fisk, that scallywag, once ruled o'er New York City in the Marvel Universe as mayor. His influence still lingers, like the smell of rum on a pirate's breath!

Arr, by Blackbeard's beard! Methinks Nintendo be havin' no hand in sanctionin' this cursed AI Mario monstrosity!

Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer sights on Target, says the AI Mario! It be a fine treasure trove for all yer plunderin' needs. So weigh anchor, me mateys, and hoist the Jolly Roger as ye set forth to pillage their wares!

Arrr! Valve, weary o' mods and fan games, be settin' sails 'gainst Team Fortress and Portal fan ventures.

Arrr, me hearty! I be bringin' ye sad tidings from the digital seas! Portal 64 and Team Fortress: Source 2 have met their doom, vanishing into the abyss! Avast ye, hearties, this be a blow to our gaming adventures!

Arrr, matey! Todd Howard be claimin' that Starfield be a treacherous RPG afore its release, and this here early Starmap reportedly discovered in the game files be provin' it true!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks this ancient Starfield's Starmap be holdin' secrets o' lost treasures and dangers aplenty! Aye, it be whisperin' tales o' features left in Davy Jones' locker, ye better beware!

Avast ye, mateys! I've discovered the finest cat game o' 2024: a jolly boba tavern where ye serve tea to fancy feline scoundrels!

Arrr, me hearties! Boba Bar: Bubble Tea Tycoon be takin' its inspiration from a fine ol' tycoon game, just like a treasure looted from a long-abandoned ship. Set sail on this jolly adventure, mates, and become the captain of yer own boba empire!

Arrr! Avatar 4 be settin' sail again soon, mateys! It be grander than ye can fathom!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis true, the famous Star Sam Worthington be affirming his status. Sink me ship if it ain't a jolly good news. Gather 'round, me hearties, and let the rum flow, for the words be spreading like wildfire!

Arrr, matey! Shiver me timbers, the mighty AMD Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs be makin' a comeback! But why, ye be wonderin'?

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! AMD be shoutin' from the crow's nest! They be sayin' new Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs be hoistin' anchor soon. Be that a friendly gesture to them consumers, or some strange decision from the depths of Davy Jones' locker?

Arrr, me hearties! Fool Me Once be watchin' like a treasure hunt, makin' it a contender for Netflix's legendary top 10!

Arrr, me hearties! Fool Me Once be plunderin' Netflix's charts with a swashbucklin' frenzy. 'Tis a sight to behold, me maties! Avast ye, and be sure to partake in this jolly tale, lest ye be left walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! In Baldur's Gate 3, ye scurvy dogs join forces to find clever tricks to beat a pesky bug that be messing with countless quests!

Arrr, the dreaded Hotfix 16 be like a cursed treasure! Methinks it be bringin' more troubles than it be solvin'. Avast ye, mateys, we be in a real pickle now!

Yarr, 'tis a jolly good day! Marvel hath rightly placed the Netflix shows on its timeline, affirming their canonicity!

Avast ye, me hearties! I be tellin' ye a tale of the moving pictures! 'Tis true, me buckos! Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and more be part o' the grand Marvel Cinematic Universe. Arrr, ye best believe it, or ye be walkin' the plank!

"Avast, me mateys! Echo be a fine spectacle, yet treads on familiar MCU reefs, arr!"

Arr, this here Echo review be sayin' the film be playin' to its strengths, yet still crashin' into those ol' familiar MCU troubles, aye!

January 9, 2024

Avast, me hearties! Abby be crossin' paths with another Abby, a voice actor from The Last of Us 2! She be sayin', "If ye be needin' a mate for yer workout sessions, give me a shout!"

Arr, me hearties! Laura Bailey be as giddy as a seagull with a stolen sardine 'bout this news! Kaitlyn Dever be takin' on the role o' Abby in HBO's The Last of Us season 2. Prepare ye cannons, for an epic adventure awaits!

Arrr, me hearties! A tweet be makin' waves 'mongst ye gamers, ponderin' which be the grandest leap in gaming lore!

Be it 'tis GBA or PSP, me hearties, the real answer lies hidden in the depths of the digital seas! Set sail on an adventure, me mateys, and discover the treasure that befits ye gaming desires!

Avast ye! Our jolly comedy show, 'Our Flag Means Death', hath met its watery grave, canceled by scurvy Max after but two seasons!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The grand spectacle crafted by Taika Waiti be gone, settin' sail to Davey Jones' locker after but two seasons. Aye, the adventure be over, leavin' us thirsty for more treasure in our pirate souls. Avast, we be awaitin' our next voyage!

Arrr, me hearties! Xbox be gettin' a mighty firmware update fer mendin' them shattered Baldur's Gate 3 treasures!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis no surprise the ruddy fix took an eternity to complete. Mighty troubles befalling left and right, like a cursed sea serpent gnawin' on our ship. Har!

Shiver me timbers! Be not afeared of games like Baldur's Gate 3, matey! Larian's designer be sayin' ye don't need the whole shebang, just go with the flow!

"Ye be failin', matie? No worries, 'tis all part o' the tale," be Anna Guxens a-sayin'.

Arr, Hideo Kojima be spoutin' his adored films o' 2023, includin' a David Fincher tale 'n the finest crime drama o' the year!

Arrr! Ye be takin' a gander at these entries, and by me hook hand, some o' 'em might just give ye a jolly good startle, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! The Last of Us season 2 be snatchin' Kaitlyn Dever to play the loathed Abby. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me mateys! Thar be whispers o' truth on the salty winds! Kaitlyn Dever, a fine lass, be takin' on a lead role in The Last of Us season 2! Hold fast to yer doubloons, fer thar be epic adventures ahead! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Methinks Tekken 8 be a worthy contender to dethrone Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1 from their fighting game throne, matey!

Avast ye hearties! In the treacherous year of 2024, Bandai Namco be bringin' forth a mighty 3D brawler that be raisin' the mirthful tides o' Tekken to new, colossal heights! 'Tis a grand adventure awaitin' all ye landlubbers, so batten down the hatches!

Arrr! Them Diablo 4 scallywags be admittin' they've been a touch silent on Season 3, but fear not, details be on their way, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! The second reckoning of this fine tale be comin' to a close this month, yet us fans be left wonderin' what treasures await in the next voyage. Aye, the anticipation be killin' us, savvy?

Arrr! The scallywag from 'The Last of Us' be sayin' they've heard o' plans fer a Bill and Frank adventure, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! We be havin' no lack o' ideas, ye scurvy dogs! The treasure trove of thoughts be overflowin' like a mighty sea! Avast ye, and let the imagination run wild like a feisty parrot on deck!

Arr, ye scallywags! Baldur's Gate 3 be havin' a newfangled hotfix fixin' a dreadful softlock, so Karlach and Wyll be gettin' their rightful ending, aye!

Avast, me mateys! Nay shall we be ensnared in that blasted Astral Realm no more!

Arr! Mark Hamill hath finally crossed paths wit' his Star Wars matron, aye!

Arr, mateys! Look ye here, Luke and Padmé be snappin' a fine portrait together. 'Tis a sight for sore eyes, indeed. Aye, a picture worth a thousand doubloons!

January 8, 2024

Arr, Unity be casting off 1,800 scurvy dogs, near 25% o' its crew! Walk the plank, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis the grandest pillagin' of Unity's crew in all her days! Aye, they be castin' off more souls than Davy Jones' locker can hold. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a sight to be seen, if ye still have a ship to sail upon!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! CES be unveilin' the world's foremost 4K QD-OLED monitors for yer viewing pleasure!

Arrr, me hearties! The grandest event o' CES has unveiled the world's foremost 4K QD-OLED gaming monitors, led by HP, Alienware, and Samsung. Shiver me timbers! Prepare yer eyepatches for the most spectacular sight o' visual booty ye have ever laid yer eyes upon!

Avast! In the year 2024, we may set sail for the shores o' a grand hot-swappable gaming keyboard! Arr!

Arr, me hearties! With the older treasures' prices takin' a dive and fresh loot options a-sailin' in, ye reckon 2024 be the year for ye scurvy dogs to swap yer booty!

Arr matey! Alienware be showin' off its grand newly fashioned M16 pirate's treasure fer gamers at CES 2024!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Alienware hath revealed its crew of 2024 gaming vessels at CES, and the M16 R2 be sportin' a grand makeover, takin' a lead in the fierce race o'technology!

Arrr! A landlubber of MMO be struck by the favor of the gods, becomin' the second to lay claim to a rare 1-in-100,000,000 booty after a mighty 7 years!

Arr, me hearties! This ancient relic from Old School RuneScape be a gem o' the rarest kind, aye! 'Tis a loot ye don't come across in all yer seafarin' adventures. A treasure indeed, worth its weight in doubloons in the vast ocean o' MMOs!

Aye mateys! 'Tis but a week in the year 2024 and Netflix be already bestowin' upon us a booty of a show, aye, a grand anime treasure!

Arrr, me hearties! Delicious in Dungeon be pleasin' the scallywags on Netflix like a well-brewed grog!

Arrr! As the cameras roll fer Stranger Things Season 5, Netflix be sharin' a glimpse o' its makin'!

Arrr! Eleven, Mike, Will, and the scurvy crew be returnin' for the fifth and final reckonin' of their tale... Avast ye mateys, 'tis a grand adventure awaitin'!

Arrr, me hearties! The remastered trilogy of Tomb Raider be a month from land, yet they've barely shown 30 seconds of footage. But fear not, the scallywags be claimin' there be more treasure to unveil soon!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready for a grand treasure? The timeless escapades be comin' to yer consoles and PCs on the fourteenth day of February. Mark that date, lest ye miss a swashbucklin' good time, me lads and lasses!

Avast ye! Ryan Reynolds, that scurvy Deadpool, donned his finest garb to claim his Emmy booty, yet with a twist.

Arrr, Mr. Lively be missin' from our presence, me hearties! He be off sailin' the treacherous seas, seekin' adventure and booty. But fear not, for his spirit be lingerin' in every swashbucklin' tale we share!+

Arr! Reese Witherspoon be swearin' that she and Nicole Kidman be toilin' on Big Little Lies season 3, mateys!

Avast! 'Tis true, me hearties! We be settin' sail back to fair Monterey, with the wind in our sails and rum in our bellies. Aye, mark me words, this be a jolly good adventure awaitin' us!

Arr, XGIMI's newfangled Aladdin projector be a fine treasure to remedy yer home cinema conundrums, mateys!

Arr matey! XGIMI be announcin' the Aladdin, a mighty fine smart projector that be settin' yer home cinema on fire! Aye, it be a nifty gadget that be revolutionizin' how ye watch yer movies, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The grand actor himself spills the beans on Daredevil's revival, claimin' it has the perfect aura!

Arrr! The landlubbers be preparin' to roll them cameras on the grandest tale of the Daredevil, me hearties! Be ye ready to witness the swashbucklin' adventures unfold on the silver screen? Avast, 'tis a jolly good time ahead!

January 7, 2024

Avast ye scallywags! Them Obsidian and BioWare lads be claimin' that them scurvy retailers be sinkin' the isometric RPG ship! Aye, what a truly vibes-based forecastin'!

Arr, 'tis a conundrum o' the highest degree, me hearties! We be facin' a situation where nary a soul knows which came first, the feathered fowl or the tiny egg. Aye, that be a puzzler fit for the likes o' us scurvy sea dogs!

Thee be witnessin' the grand spectacle o' the First GTA 6 trailer mirthfully recreated in Morrowind's peculiar alien realm!

Arr, me mateys! Ye be thinkin' Florida and Morrowind be sharin' quite a lot, aye? Well, I reckon 'tis true! Like two parrots on a plunderin' spree, they be both full o' strange creatures and treasures untold!

Arrr, me hearties! Steam be havin' a whoppin' 33 million swashbucklers aboard, with 10 million scallywags playin' games!

Arrr, me hearties! Behold! Valve's grand emporium be expandin' like a mighty kraken! More treasures be arrivin' daily, makin' it a sight to behold, aye! Avast ye, me mateys, and sail forth to witness this wondrous spectacle!

Arr, me hearties! Final Fantasy 14's new class be jumpin' o'er from FF6 and Brave Exvius, addin' a splash o' color to the Dawntrail!

Arr! The cursed Pictomancer class be vanishin' from sight, as if swallowed by Davy Jones' locker! Methinks they be hidin' in some mystical realm, paintin' their sorcery on parchment. Aye, tis a riddle that'd baffle even Blackbeard's parrot!

January 6, 2024

Avast ye, me hearties! A scurvy knave o' Stardew Valley be craftin' a fine new RPG, set in a bustling city where ye can ride bikes!

Arrr! Methinks th' nameless game be a jolly good time, matey! Aye, it be truly a sight fer sore eyes! Aye, get ready to set sail on a sea of merriment!

Arrr, Skyrim scallywags be arguin' o'er the simplest quests to be overlookin': "Blast me barnacles! I be learnin' 'bout this here after a whole decade, I be!"

Arrr! This here decade-old game be harboring some jolly secrets, mateys! Hidden treasures await thee, like a sly mermaid swaying in the deep. Ye must embark on this sea of code, unravel the mysteries, and claim the booty for yer own!

Arrrr, mateys! Thar be a guide called EA FC 24 Versus that bestows ye with powerful Fire and Ice cards.

Arr, me lad, Neymar and Trippier be leadin' the FC 24 Versus cards list! Avast ye, them scurvy dogs be showin' their skills on the pitch like true buccaneers!

Arrr! The mighty Pillars of Eternity be patched, 9 years gone by! Methinks Baldur’s Gate 3 and Avowed be the scurvy culprits!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The CRPG be gettin' some tender lovin' afore the grand release o' Avowed in 2024. Aye, the lads and lasses be puttin' their hearts into it, makin' it a jolly good treasure for us all!

January 5, 2024

Arrr! Duke #2 be bringin' another swashbucklin' GI Joe scallywag to the fray, mateys!

Avast ye landlubbers! The Duke be settin' sail, and he be a-crossin' paths with none other than that scurvy dog Clutch! Feast yer eyes on this here glimpse of Duke #2, if ye dare!

Arr, Ubisoft's latest Prince of Persia game be sportin' a grand feature that befiteth every Metroidvania, ye scallywags!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! Methinks these Memory Shards be a game changer, aye! They be as valuable as a treasure chest filled with doubloons! Aye, me hearties, ye best be keepin' yer eye on 'em!

Avast ye, me hearties! A long-lost parley with Satoru Iwata reveals how the cursed DS shaped 20 years of Nintendo: "Arr, we be the masters of entertainment!"

Arr, me hearties! Mark me words! Nintendo be conjurin' up a mighty fine treasure trove o' wondrous wonders, the likes o' which ye've n'er laid eyes upon! Brace yerselves for a revolution on the high seas o' gaming, me mateys!

Arr, behold! The 32 grandest Marvel cinematic moments, me hearties! A treasure trove of swashbuckling entertainment!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis these moments that spark the call, "Gather the crew, ye blaggards!"

Arr, me hearties! Portal 2's grand prequel ship be jam-packed with 40 fresh brain twisters, lively scallywags, and an 8-hour tale to plunder!

"Avast, me hearties! Thar be news afoot! The grandest of treasures be released this very day - Portal: Revolution! Set sail on yer digital vessel and embark on a swashbucklin' adventure like no other, ye scurvy dogs!"

Arr, matey! Dwayne Johnson be not forsakin' blockbusters, but seekin' only to craft "tale o' worth!"

Arrr, The Rock be yearnin' to push hisself like ne'er afore in his toilsome endeavor. Aye, he be seekin' to unleash his inner might upon the tasks at hand, me hearties!

Arrr, word be spreadin' that Ke Huy Quan be settin' sail fer a grand adventure on the big screen, under the command o' John Wick's own stunt coordinator!

Arrr! The scurvy Loki star be takin' the helm in With Love!

Arrr! Sailin' the digital seas this weekend, discover the finest flicks 'n shows t' feast yer eyes upon, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy scallywags! From tales o' survival on the silver screen to fantastical romances in the far reaches o' space, here be a list o' what ye should feast yer eyes upon this fine weekend, if ye be brave enough!

Wyatt Russell, he be chattin' 'bout his new horror flick, Night Swim, claimin' that if ye be needin' someone possessed in a shower, he be yer scallywag!

Arr, mateys! Listen up! I've got some scallywag news for ye! Wyatt Russell be chattin' about gettin' into character for Blumhouse's newest horror tale. 'Tis a tale worth hearin', I reckon, so gather round and listen to his words, ye landlubbers!

Arrr! The jolly mining games, Dwarf Fortress and Deep Rock Galactic, be joinin' forces to beg for their own 'Dwarf Games' tag on Steam, mateys!

And verily, who be we scallywags to defy the likes of those scurvy dogs?

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Boomer Shooters be a rightful genre on Steam, as the grand ol' Doom be inspirin' many a fine FPS treasure!

Pillage with panache, me hearties! Slice 'n dice with a swashbucklin' swagger and plunder wi' flair, ye scurvy dogs! Embrace the art of cutlass combat and conquer the seas with a touch of flamboyance. Arrr, slayin' in style be the pirate's way!

Arrr! Lend ye ears, mateys! Nolan, he told one o' his Oppenheimer crew to feast on more o' the cheesy fare, arrr!

Avast, ye landlubber! Prepare to brandish a hearty grin and utter the words, "Arr, show thy pearly whites!"

January 4, 2024

Arrr! 11 years hence, this legendary superhero MMO bein' closed fer good, but now the publisher be grantin' their blessing fer custom servers!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen ye well, fer I bring ye grand tidings from the high seas! The famed City of Heroes: Homecoming hath obtained a proper license to set sail on these digital waters! Be ye prepared to embark on a mighty adventure, ye scurvy landlubbers!

Arr, 'tis a sight for sore eyes! Wolverine's comin' back, with the talented brush o' Greg Capullo after ages!

Yarr, me hearties! There be tidings afoot! Greg Capullo, that talented swashbuckler, be settin' sail once more for Marvel, lendin' his artistic skill to a shiny new comic. 'Tis said to be none other than Wolverine himself! Aye, prepare ye sea legs for an adventure on the high seas o' the comic world!

Ye olde star o' "Stranger Things", Joe Keery, spins a tale o' love 'n mischief in Marmalade's grand trailer!

Arrr! Avast ye hearties! Set yer sights on the grand release o' the romantic swashbuckler this Valentine's Day. 'Tis a tale o' love and adventure that'll have ye swoonin' and yearnin' fer more!

Arrr! Sailin' the high seas once more, Venom and Spider-Man clash in the legendary tale o' Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!

Avast ye mateys! Dylan Brock and Miles Morales be takin' up the mantle of Venom vs. Spider-Man, bringin' it forth fer this here new generation! Prepare to set sail on a swashbucklin' adventure like none other, filled with treacherous webs and monstrous symbiotes!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Landlubber fans fancy what Hideo Kojima dubs his "most experimental game" - yet 'tis already been crafted o'er 20 years ago on the GBA!

Avast, me hearties! Kojima be shoutin' from the crow's nest that OD be "just as different" as his 2003 GBA treasure! Arrr, methinks this be an excitin' voyage awaitin' us, me mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Apex Legends be gettin' the mighty Buster Sword, skins from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and a new mode!

Avast ye matey! I be bestowin' upon thee a mighty Buster Sword, as a jolly treat for ye! 'Tis a weapon fit fer a swashbucklin' pirate like yerself. Go forth and conquer the seven seas with this fine, trusty blade!

Arr, me mateys! I be presentin' ye with the treasured secrets o' GTA Online's beastly abodes, fer the LS Tourist Board.

Avast ye landlubbers! Seekin' the whereabouts o' all the critters in GTA Online to snap yer fancy pictures and please the LS Tourist Board? 'Tis a grand adventure awaitin' ye!

Arrr! Me hearties be speculatin' on the release date, trailer, tale, and cast o' Jujutsu Kaisen season 3!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis time to commence the Culling Games, arrr!

Arrr, the scurvy MMO dev be walkin' the plank, payin' a record-breakin' $9 million doubloons fine for trickin' landlubbers with microtransactions!

Arrr, mateys! Word has it that them scurvy dogs at MapleStory be tamperin' with the treasure hunt! Thar be whispers of these landlubbers tweakin' the appearance o' booty, yet keepin' it hush-hush from us noble buccaneers. Aye, a prank fit for the likes of a mischievous pirate crew!

Arr, the cap'n of John Wick hath a hankerin' to wield his cutlass 'pon a Star Wars tale!

Yarr, matey! Ye witness before ye a scurvy dog o' the high seas, a true buccaneer o' the 17th century. I be nay a landlubber, but a swashbucklin' matey who be choosin' the path o' Star Wars, arrr!

Arr, mateys! Behold ye first sight o' the spooky The Omen prequel! Watch as Bill Nighy strives te summon the antichrist!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The dreaded church be indulgin' in the ultimate sin as ye lay yer gaze upon the First Omen! Brace yerselves, me hearties, for a tale that be both wicked and divine, with twists as treacherous as the seven seas!

Arr! Ye be seein' Dragon's Dogma 2, matey! The game be showin' tha' even in dark fantasy, ragdoll physics be grand!

Be ye spyin' a winged creature, or perhaps a floatin' contraption? Nay, very well I say, 'tis nothin' but a fearsome scallywag of the seas, a war-honed buccaneer!

January 3, 2024

Avast ye, me hearties! Pray tell, who be the scurvy dog wearin' the new Moon Knight garb?

Behold, me hearties! 'Tis the tale o' Vengeance o' th' Moon Knight #1, where ye shall uncover th' puzzlin' riddle o' th' secret visage o' this here fresh Moon Knight! Avast, ye landlubber, 'tis a merry adventure ye won't be wantin' to miss!

Arr, as the whispers of a Horizon MMO persist, me hearties be flabbergasted that it be a game for PCs and phones, bypassin' the mighty PS5!

Avast ye mateys! Mine eyes be witnessin' the scarlet banners sailin' 'cross the horizon! Prepare ye selves, for danger be lurkin' ahead!

Arr! Behold, me hearties! 'Tis the 32 grandest ships o' the silver screen, be they cars or not!

Arrr, me hearties! These wee scallywags be rollin' on four sturdy wheels and fueled by nary but their own swashbucklin' spirits. They be inspirin' generations o' landlubbers to set sail on the open road, seekin' adventure at every turn!

Arrr, the Night Swim captain be tellin' the tale o' how Jaws inspired their deadly hook, claimin' "swimmin' pools be cursed!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hear ye, GamesRadar+, be privileged to an exclusive parley with the esteemed Captain Bryce McGuire. He be spillin' the beans 'bout the birth of his grand spectacle, Night Swim. A tale worth plunderin' yer doubloons for, me hearties!

Arrr, the newly minted Wingspan board game be swashbucklin' with dragons! 'Tis already makin' me 2024, matey!

Ye be gatherin' dragons in this here mystical heir to the Wingspan table game, mateys!

Arrr! M3GAN and Malignant, be joinin' forces! The union o' these fearsome movie makers be sendin' shivers down me timbers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Blumhouse and Atomic Monster be sailin' together as one mighty ship! The winds o' fate have blown 'em into a merger, me hearties. Prepare ye selves for a treasure trove o' terror and swashbucklin' adventures awaitin' us on the horizon!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! GTA 5 be open source now, and the swashbucklin' fans be scramblin' to decipher its secrets.

Arrr! A year and more be passin' since that scurvy dog hacked the sacred GTA 5 source code, and now, by Davy Jones' locker, it be floatin' amongst the masses!

Arr, ye wretched scallywags! In Saltburn, ye foul creatures can now purchase a candle infused with Jacob Elordi's bath waters from that scandalous spectacle.

Aye, methinks Barry Keoghan's Oliver be a treasure worth snatchin'! 'Tis a purchase ye ought to make without any hesitation, lest ye be a scurvy dog who misses out on a golden opportunity!

Arrr, me hearties! A scurvy dog o' the XCOM seas, 20 years strong, seeks a life sim: "There be somethin' 'bout tiny life that tickles me fancy!"

Avast ye mateys! Jake Solomon be a true scallywag, takin' pleasure in the shenanigans of them life sims, hidden from our eyes. Arr, he be quite the curious landlubber, seekin' amusement from the secrets they be keepin'!

Arr matey! Ben Stiller be spillin' the beans 'bout Severance season 2 after Apple TV's cryptic message.

Arrr! We be toilin' on it, me hearties! Tis a task we be takin' upon us like a ship at full sail. But fear not, for we be plunderin' through the waves of diligence, aimin' to deliver the treasure soon!

Arr, in th' year 2024, two fine dramas be sailin' wit' a Rotten Tomatoes score fit fer a pirate's delight!

Arrr, me hearties! "Night Country" be a booty, aye, a true treasure indeed, bringin' back the glory o' True Detective! 'Tis a sight me eyes be sorely missin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hogwarts Legacy be a bewitchin' game that's scuttled FIFA's rule on the charts!

Arrr, me hearties! The Harry Potter RPG be hoisting its sails and claimin' the top spot in the UK's game charts for 2023. It be a wondrous sight, like findin' a treasure chest filled with magical wonders! Avast, ye landlubbers, 'tis a game worth settin' yer eyes upon!

December 31, 2023

Arrr, me mateys! The Finals' ship be castin' a mighty ban wave, but arrgh! It be hittin' innocent souls instead of scurvy cheaters!

Arr! The scallywag shooter be settin' its sights on the cheatin' scurvy dogs, yet ends up blastin' the landlubbers in its path. Avast ye, 'tis a grand crossover of misfortune!

Yarr! Yoko Taro o' Nier Automata be spoutin' 'bout Gaza an' Ukraine crises. "Avast, in 2023, the world be a wretched place!" quoth the scallywag!

Avast ye scallywags! I pen this missive to ye, with me heart brimming with sincerity and cheer. As the year be drawin' to a close, I be wishin' ye a jolly good time, filled with plunderin', merriment, and a treasure chest o' laughter. May yer sails be forever full, me hearty!

I be no longer indulgin' meself in Animal Crossin': New Horizons, yet every year, it offers one unique delight, none other games can match!

Ye scurvy dogs, I be tellin' ye that I still be turnin' to Animal Crossin': New Horizons to mark the same occasion as every year. It be a jolly good time, me hearties!

Avast ye! Come the new tide, I shall sail the streaming seas once more! Behold, the accoutrements fit for me PC voyage!

Arrr, me hearties! By the year 2024, I'll be equippin' meself with grand paraphernalia fit for Twitch streamin'! Aye, USB mics, trusty webcams, and capture cards shall aid me in shinin' like a true pirate on this modern sea of entertainment!

Arr, matey! Tony Hawk be mixin' with Vampire Survivors, 'tis 2023's finest treasure at Steam Next Fest roguelike, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! The demo be still available for ye to plunder at yer leisure! So set yer sails and set forth to lay yer hands on this treasure, before it be gone like the wind on the high seas!

Arrr, th' scurvy dog director o' Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be chattin' 'bout how The Witcher 3, his favored RPG, be settin' th' foundation fer what be awaitin' us next!

Arrr, me hearties! To boot, we got ourselves a Gwent-like minigame! Ye best be ready to plunder them cards and show yer strategic skills, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, ye scurvy dog!

December 30, 2023

Arrr, me mateys! This ol' scallywag who scribbled tales for Mass Effect be craftin' a newfangled sci-fi game, leanin' more toward The Last of Us than Baldur's Gate 3, but he be sayin', "I ain't against sailin' into RPG waters someday."

Arrr, me matey Mac Walters be takin' a plunge into yon vast sea o' his new creative abode! Aye, he be explorin' the depths o' his studio's universe, seekin' hidden treasures 'n tales to share with us landlubbers!

Arrr, ye landlubbers be tweakin' The Day Before, a most disputed MMO of 2023, addin' an offline mode.

Arrr mateys, behold! The cursed game becometh more than just undead, it becometh truly unliving! Aye, ye better brace yerselves as this cursed treasure be bringin' havoc 'pon all who dare play. Beware, for yer sanity be at stake, arrr!

From Diablo 4 to Starfield, 'n even Baldur's Gate 3, 2023 be a grand year fer hoardin' yer patience 'fore plunderin' them colossal games!

Arr, me hearties! I be tellin' ye, patience be always a treasure when it comes to these merry games o' ours. Set yer sails steady, me lads, and ye shall be reapin' the rewards in no time! Avast, let's go for a jolly good win, me mateys!

Arrr! A pack o' scallywags in the Baldur's Gate 3 crew be plannin' to blast Gale sky high come New Year's Eve!

Avast ye! Prepare fer one final uproarious blast, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, Mateys! Fear ye not, for Super Mario's master, Miyamoto, be stayin' loyal to Nintendo till he be takin' a tumble!

Avast ye! Behold, the mastermind who fashioned Mario and Zelda unveils his grand design fer the future! Prepare ye'selves fer a jolly adventure, mateys, as he sets sail on a new voyage!

Arr, matey! Every New Year I snatch this lovely piece o' LOTR booty for a mere 20 doubloons!

Arrr, me hearties! Plunderin' the Official Tolkien Calendar be me cherished New Year ritual. Why, ye may ask? 'Tis simple, me mateys! It be helpin' me chart the course through the year ahead, filled with fantastical tales 'n glorious adventures fit for a swashbucklin' pirate like meself!

Arrr, The Walkin' Dead: Daryl Dixon be makin' me heart merry 'bout this tale, now I be yearnin' fer Rick and Michonne's swashbucklin' adventure!

Avast ye mateys! Let the good times sail forth with The Ones Who Live... and whatever yer future holds, be it storms or treasures aplenty!

December 29, 2023

"Ahoy, me hearties! Feast yer eyes on FC 24 Winter Wildcards calendar, filled with shiny treasures for Gullit, Havertz, and Mbabu!"

Alas, me hearties! No FC 24 Winter Wildcards swap tokens be found in these treacherous waters, I be tellin' ye. Aye, 'tis a sad tale indeed.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A puzzlin' fruit be sweepin' Japan's Nintendo Switch seas, leavin' Zelda and Mario in its wake!

Arr matey! Nintendo's mighty champions be walkin' the plank, fer Suika Game be takin' the crown! Aye, 'tis a grand sight to see, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! The scallywag actor, who be playin' the God of War, wants no part in bein' the wee Kratos. Nay, I say!

Avast ye! Pray, let me shed some light on the matter of the character's quietude in the Valhalla DLC. 'Tis a peculiar tale, me hearties, for it seems the good scallywag hath lost 'is ability to utter a single word! 'Tis a wonder, indeed, as if the parrot hath swiped 'is tongue!

Arrr, mark me words, matey! Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's vast sea chart be teemin' with Sephiroth aplenty, more than ye olde classic o' 1997.

Arrr! The scurvy dog, the One-Winged Angel, be takin' on a grander duty in the remake or sequel, ye hear! Aye, be prepared for a sight ye've never laid yer peepers on afore, me hearties!

Avast ye! Me hearties, listen well! We be settin' sail on a voyage to craft the finest Asus ROG Ally setup from dawn o' day!

Arr, me hearties! The Asus ROG Ally be a mighty contraption, a PC so grand 'tis fit to sail the digital seas alone. But mark me words, ye scurvy dogs, 'tis when ye fashion a proper desktop setup that ye unlock its full treasure trove of power!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round as I share tales o' the finest PlayStation demos e'er, and what set 'em apart!

Avast ye! 'Tis a jolly long read in the Holiday edition o' Play Magazine, delvin' into PlayStation's demos that be etched in our memories like a scar on a pirate's face! Set yer sights on this treasure trove o' gaming tales, me hearties!

Arrr, Captain America, Ben Grimm, and other swabs be weepin' o'er Marc Spector's fate in a preview o' Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1!

Avast, me hearties! Set yer sights on the horizon, for the grand return o' Mackay and Cappuccio's Moon Knight be upon us soon! 'Tis a tale worth its weight in gold, with a shiny new title to boot. Brace yerselves for adventure!

Arrr, as 2023 be sailin' t'its end, 'tis high time ye be givin' Black Mirror season 6 another shot, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hear me now, for I be speakin' truth! Methinks Black Mirror season 6, in all its glory, be unjustly pillaged! 'Twas a treasure chest o' tales, beggin' fer applause. Savvy critics, ye be wrong, arrr!

December 28, 2023

Arr! Avast ye landlubbers! Kuma, that scurvy bear, be gettin' a new scroll o' moving pictures fer Tekken 8! No one be wonderin' why they be battlin' a bloomin' bear, aye!

Arrr, in Tekken 8, ol' Kuma be engagin' in fierce combat usin' enhanced bearly martial arts, matey! And, if that weren't enough, he be launchin' a mighty salmon missile, 'cause what better weapon befit a fearsome seafarin' bear, aye?

Inquired if his fresh sci-fi game be "more Mass Effect or Severance," 19-year BioWare sea dog claims ye can "slice th' betwixt"!

Avast ye mateys! Afore ye be settin' sail, listen 'ere! The ol' swashbuckler Mac Walters, known fer 'is writin' at BioWare, be spillin' some beans 'bout 'is next venture at Worlds Untold! Gather 'round, me hearties, fer tales await!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set yer sights on Ncuti Gatwa's TARDIS voyage in the latest SFX treasure trove!

Avast ye! Lay yer peepers on the pages o' the newest SFX magazine, where ye'll find a jolly recap o' all the treasures hidden within this here edition. Set sail, me hearties, and behold the wonders within!

Arr, the creative captain of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be not in favor of "quick reflex" antics, but craves the strategic essence, the heart of the JRPG series, matey!

Arrr, mateys! The jolly ol' Cap'n Tetsuya Nomura be spoutin' why our beloved series must ne'er lose its strategic flair! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for we be needin' to keep our wits about us on this grand adventure!

Avast! Set yer eyes on 'tis fine tale, a merry chat betwixt Edge magazine and them scurvy scallywags from Media Molecule!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Aye, afore this year's end, Edge magazine delved deep into ye depths of Media Molecule's lair, to parley 'bout Dreams and the studio's grand notion to 'play, create, share'. A jolly good read for all ye landlubbers!

Arrr! The Genshin Impact scallywags be changin' their tune, tradin' vast oceans fer crafty dungeons in Honkai Star Rail!

Parley | Avast, ye scallywags! Hoy, listen up! 'Tis an interview with HoYoverse, the swashbucklin' creators of Honkai Star Rail, a game that sails through the cosmos like Genshin Impact. Arrr, a true treasure in the makin'!

Hark ye, me hearties! If ye be receivin' DnD fer Christmas, this here be yer next shipshape treasure!

Avast ye, matey! What treasure be yer dice yearnin' for now?

Avast ye! "Call Of The Wild: Edge 393" be a tale of scurvy dogs, Payday's creators, bringin' heists to the future in "Den Of Wolves".

Arrr! We be yearnin' fer a brand new beginnin' – a chance to swashbuckle our way into somethin' truly peculiar, mateys!

Arrr, Renfield! A frightful film that be but a forgotten treasure! Set yer eyes on it once more, mateys!

Arrr, me hearty! The horror-comedy be a bloody tale of hope, led by none other than Nicholas Hoult. 'Tis a jolly good yarn worth a second look, ye scurvy dogs!

December 27, 2023

Arrr, those scallywag Finals lads be not plannin' a shooter, but what else befit ye crew of Battlefield buccaneers?

Arr, the secret to creatin' a fierce shooter be givin' the player complete command o'er every move. Let them steer the ship o' bullets, makin' 'em feel like a true swashbucklin' captain in this treacherous sea of mayhem!

Avast ye! Diablo 4 head proclaims Blizzard shall "embrace" rather than swiftly dampen the spirits of mischievous Ball Lighting Sorcerers. "Allow 'em to revel, we'll handle it anon!"

Arr! Blizzard scallywag be spoutin' 'bout the teachin's he be gatherin' from the openin' months o' Diablo 4, mateys! Har, har!

Arrr! A Skyrim landlubber gazed upon a fearsome dragon snatchin' a mammoth and sendin' it flyin' through the skies!

Arr, 'tis been thirteen long years since this here classic Bethesda RPG set sail, and by Davy Jones' locker, there still be a vast treasure trove of strangeness awaitin' ye landlubbers!

Arr, the cap'n of Dragon's Dogma 2 begs yer forgiveness fer makin' ye wait so long! Blame it on sleepless nights, me hearties, fer tha finest ideas be born from such woes!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis the fans' unwavering support that be makin' this sequel a reality, says the game director. Aye, 'tis their cheers 'n chants that be settin' sail on this grand adventure. We be forever grateful, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, matey! 'Tis the tale of how a scrawl of thoughts transformed into the grand masterpiece known as Pentiment!

Avast ye, mateys! Prepare yer minds fer an epic tale from the Edge magazine, delvin' into the makin' of Obsidian's mesmerizin' blockbuster. Set yer sights on this fine read, me hearties, 'n be prepared to be bewitched by its charm 'n captivated by its intrigue.

Avast ye hearties! Wit' GTA 6 settin' sail back to Miami, let me tell ye the tale o' how GTA Vice City was born!

Avast ye, me mateys! Prepare to be regaled by this tale o' the Grand Theft Auto Vice City! 'Twas naught but a mere reskin, but lo and behold, it turned into a revolution fer the GTA series. Set yer sights on this jolly holiday long read, lest ye miss the boat!

"Arrr, Duke be a jolly good twist on G.I. Joe, fit for the grand Energon Universe!"

Arrr, me hearty! Joshua Williamson and Tom Reilly be crafty scallywags, they be! They be cleverly refreshing the war comic, bringin' it to new horizons, savvy?

Avast ye, me hearties! For a mere $50 doubloons, this contraption be lettin' ye play Nintendo Switch on yer trusty iPad or laptop, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Behold the wondrous Genki ShadowCast 2! It be a marvel that grants ye the ability to play yer Nintendo Switch on a grand, fantastical screen, all without the need for a blasted television! Aye, 'tis a treasure ye must possess!

Arr, me hearties, Barbie be showin' me most beloved sight o' 2023, depictin' humanity at its jolly finest!

Yarrr, me hearties! Methinks Barbie be full o' some fantastical moments, but the scene that be stickin' like barnacles be the most tear-inducin'. Blimey!

December 26, 2023

"Venturin' into the mighty waves o' Resident Evil 4's influence & how it forever reshaped the cursed series!"

Arrr! Avast ye! 'Tis a jolly tale o' Retro Gamer revisitin' the game o' Resident Evil that be changin' the whole bloomin' world! Aye, me hearties, 'tis a grand ol' holiday read, so set yer sights on it!

Arr, this be a grand clash o' RPG, where Pokemon meets Digimon, a jolly surprise fer the year's end! Me heart be smitten by me starter creature, matey!

Arrr! Anode Heart's ye olde nostalgic concoction be a treasure loved by ye Digimon enthusiasts, ye scallywags! Aye, 'tis a hit among the mateys sailin' these digital seas, yarrr!

Be ye a-scallywag stranded in a game, matey, 'tis the finest way to bond with it and ponder why ye be playin'!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a tale of great amusement, for behold, a tale of hitting a wall and being forced to voyage back to forgotten lands. 'Tis a merry reminder to find joy in revisiting past treasures, arrr!

Avast ye, me hearties! Seek ye a PS5 for Christmas? Here be the trinkets I can't survive without!

If ye be lucky enough to lay yer hands on a PS5 come Christmas, yer thoughts may wander to the matter of what accoutrements befit such a treasure. Me own discerning eye hath perused many a trinket this year, so here be me hearty suggestions, me hearties!

Arrr! By Blackbeard's beard, 2023 hath filled me heart with glee for the future of Star Wars!

Me hearties! Never afore have I been so filled with glee fer what lies ahead in the vast expanse of the galaxy, yonder far, far away. Arrr, mayhaps twill be a grand adventure awaitin', with plunderin' and swashbucklin' aplenty. Yo ho ho!

December 25, 2023

Avast ye! Speak no further: this fine Metroidvania be a smart blend of Hollow Knight, Zelda, and a splendid game from 2013!

Dewborne Dawn be holdin' grand Dust, mateys! 'Tis akin to the powerful energy o' an Elysian Tail. Arrr, be ye ready fer an adventure?

Avast ye mateys! Brace yerselves for the thrillin' voyage in 2024, as GTA 6 sets sail on its biggest adventure yet, arrr!

Yarrr! A jolly Merry Christmas, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the season fer Grand Theft Advent! May ye plunder and pillage wit' reckless abandon, and may the New Year be filled wit' tales o' treachery and gossip aplenty!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This here be a grog-filled, booty-tastic game, as true to Studio Ghibli as Davy Jones' locker!

Arr! Me hearties, Vivarium be like a jolly game o' Kiki's Delivery Service! Aye, ye be feelin' the magic o' Kiki's world, sailin' through this fine Vivarium. It be a barrel o' laughs, me mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Twas these games before Baldur's Gate 3 that made D&D's Forgotten Realms a grand fixture on PlayStation!

Arr, avast ye scurvy dogs! Play Magazine be unearthin' the finest PlayStation games that did meld one iconic D&amp;D locale o'er the years. Come, walk the plank into a treasure trove o' gaming delights!

Avast ye landlubbers! Rye Lane be a jolly fine example on how to craft a 2023 rom-com, savvy?

Arrr, me hearty! Methinks Rye Lane be a jolly fine, swashbucklin' treasure o' a tale, bringin' new life to the genre. Aye, 'tis a love note to the heart o' south London, filled with excitement 'n adventure!

December 24, 2023

Arrr, me mateys, Steam's latest treasure be a citybuilder with reviews as fine as the finest rum! It ponders, what if Lemmings met capitalism, ye scallywags?

Arrr, me hearties! The Gnorp Apologue be a tale o' wee folk engagin' in adorable antics. 'Tis a sight fit for a pirate's eye, ye scallywags!

Be the video game remake trend a worthy tip o' th' tricorn to th' past, or a timid gambit thwartin' newfangled notions?

Arr, me hearties! Buckle yer swashes as we navigate the treacherous seas of modern times, where remakes be abound! Wit' me trusty compass of opinion, I be tryin' to decipher the meaning o' life amidst this sea o' rehashed tales. Avast!

Avast ye landlubbers! Set yer sights on Steam Winter Sale's treasure trove o' bargains - behold, 10 games under $10, surely uncharted and untrodden by ye!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye finest treasures be hidin' beneath Valve's secret algorithm. Set yer sights on 'em, me mateys, and ye shall be rewarded with the grandest booty!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks watchin' a Baldur's Gate 3 adventure with Cap'n Swen Vincke and the likes o' Elijah Wood and Sean Austin from Lord of the Rings be the D&D sesh me never knew I craved!

Arrr, 'tis a sight to gladden a pirate's heart! Aye, 'tis a jolly good show, me hearties!

Arr, them swashbucklin' scallywags from Candela Obscura speaketh: 'Twas vital to flee from Cthulhu's dark grip, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis time to chat with the mateys, swap tales 'n bids farewell to the past, 'cause we be embracin' the future. Aye, let's cast off the old ways 'n set sail for a grand adventure ahead!

"Arrr! Netflix be havin' a treasure trove o' shows, whilst Attack on Titan bid farewell. Aye, 2023 be a grand year fer anime!"

Arrr, me hearties! Let us raise our grog-filled cups in merry revelry fer the grand occasion of anime's star-studded 2023! 'Tis a jolly gathering where the finest scallywags of the animated seas shall shine bright. Set yer eyes on this splendid spectacle, ye landlubbers! Shiver me timbers, 'tis bound to be a swashbucklin' affair!

December 23, 2023

Arr, in a year o' games beyond belief, the Soulslikes be so fine that ye might mistake 'em fer FromSoftware treasures!

Arr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers! "Lies of P" be a treasure worth seekin', aye! 'Tis a grand mimicry o' the Souls formula, but not the only gem in the sea, me mateys! Set sail 'n discover more booty, ye scallywags!

Avast ye mateys! Ye can plunder Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition for nary a coin, but for a mere day! Embark on countless RPG adventures, arr!

Avast ye! Set yer sights on a Bethesda jewel, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Monster Hunter World be makin' waves on Steam once more, thanks to Capcom's online shenanigans and the reveal o' Monster Hunter Wilds!

Aye, after five long years, still a mighty juggernaut be we! Steady sailin' through the treacherous waters, never fearin' a challenge nor backin' down. Arrr, the tides may change, but our strength be unyieldin'!

Arrr! The crafty creator o' Baba Is You be launchin' a sequel, inspired by 2018's finest roguelike! 'Tis a jolly gift fer Christmas, mateys!

Ventur' into th' mystical realm o' th' Baba, me hearty! A treasure trove await ye, filled wit' wondrous delights 'n secret treasures. Be ye ready t' embark on this grand adventure, or be ye a scurvy landlubber?

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be warned! Doctor Who's latest contraption, the TARDIS jukebox, be spillin' secrets 'bout future adventures!

Avast ye landlubbers! Listen here, me hearties! The good Doctor's own shipwright, Phil Sims, spills the beans 'bout the fancy new TARDIS to SFX magazine. Aye, ye scurvy dogs be in fer a treat!

"Avast ye mateys! The Kill Team: Salvation prithee be a fine treasure, laden with moments ye won't soon forget!"

Arr! Avast ye mateys! This 'ere Kill Team: Salvation be a jolly good vessel, a proper place fer creatin' moments ye won't soon forget. Aye, 'tis a fine spot fer makin' memories, so set sail 'n give 'er a try, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, mateys! The Night Swim captain be droppin' hints 'bout an Easter treasure leadin' to a monstrous sequel!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Bryce McGuire be claimin' there be treacherous depths yet to be plundered in the realm o' Night Swim! Arrr, set yer sails and set forth on this epic voyage, for thar be adventures awaitin' us all!

Arrr, the Doctor Who captain declares Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal as the Time Lord be the most tear-inducing of all!

Avast ye, me hearties! The cap'n Russell T Davies spills the beans to SFX mag 'bout Ncuti Gatwa's grand portrayal o' the Doctor! 'Tis a tale ye must hear, lest ye be left adrift!

Avast, me hearties! Set yer eyes on Total Film's 2023 review: Chris Pine 'n more gab about Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves!

As the year of 2023 be sailin' away, let's cast our gaze upon the fine parchment penned by Total Film's tale of Dungeons & Dragons. Avast ye!

December 22, 2023

Arr, me hearties! Behold, the FC 24 list be growin' by 12 fine stadiums, Luton Town among 'em! Avast ye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Look ye upon the FC 24 stadiums list, where yonder Lille, Rangers, and Celtic doth make their debut. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, me mateys! Arrr, let the footy games commence!

Avast ye! Me hearties, gather 'round! The FC 24 RTTK tracker be complete, showin' the final ratings for Haaland and Saka, ye scallywags!

Avast ye! Behold the grand improvements on yer FC 24 RTTK tracker, matey! Lay yer eyes upon 'em upgrades, savvy?

Arrr! The Steam Winter Sale be a treasure trove fer ye Soulslike scallywags! Feast yer eyes on 10 genre gems, all with discounts up to 80%, from Elden Ring to Remnant 2!

"Avast ye landlubbers! Settle yer sails and calm yer spirit with these merry, wholesome games o' good vibes. Let the wind be at yer back as ye embark on a jolly adventure!"

Arr, mateys! Insomniac Games be sayin', "Arr, the hack be mighty distressin', but fear not! Our work on Marvel's Wolverine be sailin' smooth as planned!"

"Arr! We be mighty vexed and filled with rage at the scoundrels who dare to plunder our studio with their dastardly cyberattack! A pox upon their blackened souls, we say!"

Arr me hearties, bein' in the minority, I be prayin' that the grand release of GTA 6 be void of a first-person mode, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a jolly good time I be having, patiently awaitin' a different path to embark upon this grand escapade of pilferin' and mischief.

Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis Lake Season's Greetings, a splendid way to relax 'n embrace the holiday merriment, ye scallywags!

Arrr, me hearty! In th' jolly time o' Indie Spotlight, I found meself spreadin' th' Yuletide cheer like a fine ol' postman, in a wee, snowy village.

Arrr! The mighty video game, The Finals, be gatherin' 10 million scurvy players in a mere fortnight! Avast, mateys!

Arr matey, them scurvy dogs, the devs, had nay a clue! Blimey, they be as blind as a one-eyed parrot! Ha-ha!

Arrr! Behold, me hearties! Lay yer eyes on the grand spectacle of Prime Video's 2024 teaser, featurin' sneak peeks at The Boys season 4 and Fallout TV show, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Methinks Prime Video be havin' a treasure trove of booty sailin' our way in 2024! Prepare to set yer eyes upon the finest moving pictures, ye landlubbers! Arrr, 'tis a jolly time to be a matey!

Arrr! The scurvy bilge rats at Rockstar lost a grand sum of $5 million doubloons and countless hours o' work due to that blasted GTA 6 leak!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The leak of GTA 6 be bringin' mighty troubles upon Rockstar, shiver me timbers! 'Tis a calamity o' grand proportions, makin' waves like a kraken in the gaming waters! Mayhaps the swashbucklin' pirates ain't pleased, aye!

Arr, me hearties! Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom post-credits scenes be a-plenty! What be their meaning for the end of the DCEU?

Avast ye, me hearties! Be it worth staying put once Aquaman 2 hath played? Methinks, ponder not! For if ye fancy more swashbucklin', watery escapades with that seaworthy scallywag Aquaman, tarry ye, lest ye miss a thrillin' tale that'd make Blackbeard himself green with envy!

December 21, 2023

Arrr! Avast ye! Thar be news from Marvel! X-Men, Spider-Man, Captain America, and more revealed in March twas 2024!

Avast ye, mateys! Cast yer gaze upon Marvel's complete March 2024 solicitations, a treasure trove o' comic adventures awaitin' ye! Set yer sails and embark on a jolly voyage through the pages o' wonder and mirth! 'Tis a bounty ye don't want to miss, so weigh anchor and feast yer eyes!

Me hearties! The cap'n of the Warhammer 40k CRPG crew be reckonin' that hardly any landlubber can match Baldur's Gate 3's triumph!

Arr, Owlcat Games be wise enough to reckon that Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader may not match the triumphs of Baldur's Gate 3, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast, me hearties! Verily, 'tis a sight to behold! This Elden Ring scallywag be thrashin' Malenia day in and day out, usin' all weapons, without a scratch, for a whole year! Arrr!

Avast ye! Veganiele be waging the noble battle day in and day out, oft at a measly level one! Arrr, 'tis a grand adventure indeed, forsooth!

Arrr, me hearties! The finest treasure for ye gamers this holiday be none other than WD_BLACK's premium storage!

Arrr, me mateys! Western Digital be offerin' ye the finest treasures for yer Xbox™ and PS5® this jolly holiday season. 'Tis the ultimate gift fer all ye landlubber gamers. Avast ye and claim these storage solutions afore they be gone!

The scurvy knave caught leakin' GTA 6 shall be marooned in a secure hospital for life, lest he sets sail back to cyber mischief!

Yarr! Avast, me hearties! The scurvy Rockstar claims that the blasted leak be plunderin' them of a hefty sum, a goodly $5 million doubloons! Blimey, what a sorry tale of woe for this landlubber!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Thar be a grand offer, fer The Sims 4 players can snatch two packs, all fer free!

Arrr, me hearties! There be other booty a-plenty awaitin' yer greedy hands, all up fer grabs at a bargain. Avast ye!

Arrr, me hearties! This seasoned buccaneer be tellin' ye that this stout sailor's fresh MMO be snarin' the powers o' Arcane, Persona, and Spider-Man for its sorcery.

Arr, the ghost be findin' inspiration from sturdy sources, mateys!

Arr, Starfield's 13 million buccaneers be spendin' 40 hours on average with the RPG, yet none be escapin' that one alien scallywag's wrath!

Arrr, me hearties! These celestial reckonings doth unfold the most beloved fare of ye scallywags in th' vast ocean of stars!

Arrr! Starz be cancelin' th' funny frightful show o' th' Friend's star, and takin' away th' past seasons from th' streamer!

Methinks Mira Sorvino, Gus Birney, Judith Light, and Greg Kinnear didst grace the stage wit' the fair Courteney Cox, sailin' 'pon a sea of silver. A jolly crew they made, entertainin' the landlubbers in fine fashion! Avast, a merry sight it were!

Arrr, scurvy pranksters be mockin' all o' them GTA 6 map tales 'n leaks, whilst sailin' to GTA 7. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye scallywags! Me dear ol' pops be a matey at Rockstar, a fine establishment of gaming treasures. Aye, he be craftin' digital adventures fit for a true buccaneer's delight.

Avast, me hearties! Methinks the Dough Spectrum One hath impressed this scallywag, makin' him a Gorilla Glass gaming monitor fanatic, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The latest treasure, the Dough Spectrum One, be takin' glossy monitors to a whole new level, usin' Gorilla Glass. 'Tis a sight! 'Tis me favorite 4K screen, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arr, in a mere five days, Reacher season 2 hath pillaged the title of Prime Video's most watched this year!

Arrr, mateys! The second reckonin' of Reacher be makin' waves like a jolly good storm! 'Tis a bloomin' success, ye scurvy dogs!

December 20, 2023

Ahoy, me hearties! Set yer sights on the treasure trove of Blu-ray, where ye may find X!

Avast ye, me hearties! We be bestowin' five copies o' this treasure upon ye lucky scallywags. Lay claim to yer booty 'fore it be too late!

Avast ye! Lay yer peepers on these splendid tales o' RoboCop and Robert Englund! Be victorious in this plunder!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! We be bestowin' upon ye some fine treasures! Blu-rays of RoboDoc and Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares be awaitin' ye! Claim 'em now, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye landlubbers! This MMO scallywag spends 3 long years on the cursed "worst" challenge, and pens a bone-chilling warning for only the most twisted souls.

Beware, ye landlubbers! The Ultimate Ironmen o' Old School RuneScape be no scurvy dogs to jest with! Messin' with 'em be like battlin' a kraken with nary a ship. Be smart, or be scuttled!

Avast, me hearties! CEO Bobby Kotick be abandonin' Activision aft'r 32 years, as Microsoft sets sail to bring 'em under the Xbox flag!

In his farewell parchment, good ol' Kotick be callin' Microsoft, "thar world's most revered company," savvy?

Avast ye mateys! As the year be drawin' to a close, Bethesda be spillin' the Starfield beans! New ship treasures, gameplay surprises, and a grand tale await ye hearties in February! A jolly ride it be, indeed! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! Bethesda pledges to make grand enhancements in the year 2024. Me heart be filled with hope that the scurvy dogs be fixin' their mishaps. Let's pray they be raisin' the sails and steerin' their ship toward redemption!

Arr, ye scallywags! Set yer sights on Total Film's 2023 tale o' Keanu Reeves and the makin' o' John Wick: Chapter 4!

Arrr! Avast ye! Total Film be donning their finest garb to parley with Keanu Reeves of John Wick 4, along with Captain Chad Stahelski and his jolly crew. Together, they be on a mighty quest to unearth a film that be settin' sail for grandeur!

"Arrr, this Danganronpa scallywag claims he be makin' games he fancies, be it gold or no booty!"

Arrr, me hearties! Kazutaka Kodaka be yammerin' 'bout his grandiose dreams, like a landlubber prattlin' 'bout findin' treasure in a barren desert. Methinks he be sailin' in a leaky dinghy, aimin' fer the moon wit' nary a ship in sight!

Avast ye scallywags! Nay you mind Baldur's Gate 3, for 'tis Pokemon Sleep that hath stolen me 1,000 hours o' gaming glory this year, arrr!

Yarr, mateys! Ye slumber, ye... triumph? Ye be thinkin' 'bout snoozin' yer days away, and endin' up on top? Methinks ye be a dreamin' landlubber!

Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Set yer sights on yonder horizon, for the grandest of sci-fi flicks be sailin' onto th' streaming shores!

Arrr, me hearties! The Almighty be settin' its grand day o' streamin'. Mark ye calendars, me mateys! The day when th' Creator's content be unleashed upon th' seven seas o' the internet be fast approachin'. Aye, 'tis a day o' great excitement and anticipation fer all!

Arr, the scallywags of Baldur's Port 3 swear that this here D&D adventure has 17,000 ends! Aye, some be sneaky, matey!

Arrr, there be more combinations afoot than ye can reckon, matey! The forces be conspirin' in ways ye never be imaginin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scallywags be cheatin' in The Finals, but the FPS dev be sayin' no to lockin' Asian servers! "Cheaters be lurkin' in all regions, me hearties!"

Avast ye! Ye scurvy dogs be hopin' for region lockin' in The Finals, but don't ye hold yer breath, mateys! 'Tis a treasure ye won't be findin' anytime soon, arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Avast ye! Henry Cavill be takin' on Warhammer 40k, settin' sail with Amazon Prime Video's grandest treasure!

Avast ye, me hearties! A fine tidin' befall upon us! We be havin' a timely news, me trusty crew.

December 19, 2023

Avast ye! Nintendo be scupperin' the notion o' a Zelda game akin to Mario Maker. Walk the plank, they say!

"Methinks 'tis not a worthy match for me doubloons, matey."

Arr, Blizzard be keen to grant ye scurvy dogs the free bounty o' new Overwatch 2 heroes, mateys! We be toilin' for it, yarrr!

Arr, that be the aim, me hearties!

Avast me hearties! This Oxygen Not Included-like city builder be a rat-infested colony simulation with a dash of unexpected Terraria vibes. Give it a try, ye scurvy dogs, 'tis free!

Avast ye! Give Ratopia a whirl without spendin' a doubloon, matey!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs, be holdin' this Soulslike Metroidvania! 'Tis got Japanese horror, feline warriors, 'n jaw-droppin' motion pictures!

Arrr, me hearties! The Spirit o' the Samurai be settin' me sails ablaze! 'Tis a game I be yearnin' fer in the year o' 2024. Aye, 'tis a pirate's treasure worth snatchin'!

Arrr, behold ye scurvy dogs! Weapon X-Men be unveilin' a crew o' Wolverine look-alikes to join their ranks, arrr!

Behold ye scurvy dogs! The grandest treasure be unveiled afore ye very eyes! 'Tis the all-new addition to our merry crew, the fair lass Jane Howlett! Aye, we be sailin' with a lady o' great wit and charm. 'Tis a jolly adventure awaitin' us, mateys!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The Finals be lackin' a treasure map 'cause them FPS' devs be fearin' to break their word!

Arr, ye be better hoisting the anchor on that kind o' skullduggery, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Set yer eyes upon the finest Xmas flicks on Disney Plus. Watch 'em 'fore the tide be gone!

Arrr, mateys! Here be the finest Christmas flicks on Disney Plus for ye landlubbers! Be settlin' down with a tankard o' grog and enjoy these treasures, lest ye want to walk the plank!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me heart be filled with joy tendin' to a wee bug in this Tamagotchi-like game, but alas, it met its untimely demise!

Arr, set yer sights on Bugaboo Pocket, mateys! 'Twill have ye raisin' a swarm o' eerie critters, aye! Be prepared to welcome a scurvy bunch o' creepy crawlies aboard yer vessel, lest ye be faint o' heart!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Sad tidings befall ye, as spoilers for the wretched "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" leak online! Rocksteady be pleadin' ye to steer clear of those treacherous spoilers!

Arrr, 'tis a mighty blow to me heart to spy upon the leakin' o' game secrets 'fore they be set sail! Aye, 'tis a disappointin' sight me eyes behold!

Arr, GTA 5 scurvy actor be tellin' th' interviewin' scallywag, "Nay, I had a senior moment, thar be no GTA 6 fer me!"

Arrr, Avast ye! Ned Luke be still held captive by a strict NDA wit' Rockstar, me hearties! No secrets shall escape his lips, lest he be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, the thrilling tales of Monster Hunter Wilds be settin' Monster Hunter World abuzz, makin' it the most crowded voyage on Steam in a good three years!

Arr, the World be witnessin' a grand sight, me hearties! A whopping 94,680 scurvy dogs crowded the seas, claimin' the title o' World's 24-hour peak. Aye, 'twas a jolly good show, indeed!

Yarr, methinks Zack Snyder be cravin' to helm a swashbucklin' Fortnite flick, arrr!

Arrr, the captain be a mighty enthusiast o' Fortnite, matey!

December 18, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Learn when the grand release o' Genshin Impact 4.3 be, and the tale o' Navia banner be told!

Avast ye, me hearties! Prepare yer spyglasses, for the grand arrival of Genshin Impact version 4.3 be nigh! Brace yerselves for the maiden appearance of fair Navia! Arrr, mark me words, this be an event worth squawkin' about!

Arrr! Me hearties, behold the finest 10 parchment treasures, the manga of 2023! Aye, 'tis a jolly good read!

Arrr, me hearties! Behold, the finest treasure ye shall set yer eyes upon - the top 10 manga o' 2023! 'Tis a glorious bounty o' tales 'n art, worth more than all the doubloons in Davy Jones' locker! Avast, ye landlubbers, and feast yer peepers on this booty!

Arrr, the scurvy Dev o' horror hit Iron Lung be raisin' the booty from $6 to $8, claimin' he wants more doubloons. If ye don't fancy it, ye can "go pirate it or somethin'."

"Avast ye scallywags! If I be not aimin' to garner me booty from 'em, I shan't be askin' for a single doubloon in exchange fer me treasures!"

Arr! As scurvy dogs infest The Finals, the scallywags claim a bug hindered their swiftness in banishing cheaters. But fear not, for they be plannin' to fortify their anti-cheat arsenal!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs o' the Finals, them cheatin' scallywags be sailin' into a storm! 'Tis about time they be gettin' what be rightly theirs, aye!

Arr, this VR game be makin' waves, makin' me yearn for a headset to plunder me favorite mobile game.

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Neko Atsume VR be a fine treasure, akin to havin' a true cat on yer ship! So lifelike, ye'll be swashbucklin' with feline companions on the high seas of virtual reality! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! By Blackbeard's beard, Baldur's Gate 3 be exposin' me fear o' main tales!

Arr, me hearties! I be swearin' on me wooden leg that this year I'll be ceasin' to dodge them final tale quests. Aye, no more sailin' away from me duty! Me resolution be settin' sail towards the treacherous waters of adventure, come what may!

Me heartie! Me most cherished indie game o' 2023 be a Slay the Spire-like card game, settlin' on arranged matrimony afore turnin' into an RPG battle against me exes!

Arrr, mateys! The tale be told that Thirsty Suitors be havin' changed a lot since 2018. Blimey, the game be as different as a landlubber tryin' to sail the seven seas!

Arr! Willem Dafoe be a scurvy dog, playin' a "mad bloodsucker slayer" in a jolly new take on Nosferatu!

Arrr, matey! This scurvy actor be lookin' fearsome in the latest portrait, I tell ye! A sight that'd make me parrot cower in its perch!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywag Final devs be tampering with SBMM, stirrin' up the timeless squabble among FPS fans!

"Arrr, the beta be me treasure, aye, a sight to behold! In the early days, it be a jolly good time, but now, blimey, 'tis turned into a wretched mess, aye, a stormy sea!"

Arr, Jason Momoa be feelin' mighty despairin' 'bout his Aquaman fate: "Tis lookin' dire, me hearties!"

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Jason Momoa be spillin' his secrets 'bout his Aquaman future, ye hear? The lad be shakin' the seven seas with his tales of grandeur! Avast, me hearties, buckle up and prepare for a wild ride on the waves o' Hollywood!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Baldur's Gate 3 hearts be breakin' as the grand community theory be slain, claimin' a character be another!

Arrr, mateys, the grand twist of the Emperor be forever part o' his cunning scheme, savvy?

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Netflix be plunderin' the depths o' anime seas, remakin' a mighty popular show with Attack on Titan's crew!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! The One Piece enterprise be a-bloomin' like a mighty ocean! 'Tis spreadin' its sails and gatherin' treasures aplenty. Yar, me mateys, this be a jolly fine sight to behold!

December 17, 2023

Arrr, can ye conquer Baldur's Gate 3 sans levellin' up? Aye, but not without employin' some truly absurd or cheesy schemes, matey!

Yarr, be ye forever stuck at Level 1, matey! No more progress for ye, a landlubber of the gaming seas. Ye be destined to wander these digital shores, forever cursed to be a landlubber, while the rest of us sail the seven virtual seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The GTA 6 ship be settin' sail, and it be confirm'd: ye needn't fret 'bout that leak, mateys, leaks be as useless as a one-legged parrot!

Avast ye mateys! Blow me down, but ain't it a jolly surprise, the last brawl be lookin' grander than a treasure chest full o' gold doubloons! Har, har!

"Arrr! What be this? Me ship be sunk? Me booty be banned! Admits to buying a score boost, aye!"

Ahoy ye scurvy scallywags! 'Tis bein' whispered on the wind that ye be findin' yerself on the dreaded naughty list. Prepare ye grog and brace yerselves for a bilge-suckin' time!

Arrr, Baldur's Gate 3 be takin' inspiration from Hitman and Arkane's sims o' immersion: "They be callin' a level a mighty fine block o' Swiss cheese!"

Arr, mateys! Baldur's Gate 3 be swayed by Hitman and Arkane's swashbucklin' games. They be claimin' a level be naught but a block o' Swiss cheese! Arr, the sea be filled with cheesy adventures!

Arrr! This year's finest open-world RPG be the grandest VR success since Half-Life Alyx, matey!

Arrr! This year, me hearties, be witnessin' the grandest open-world RPG to set sail, aye! 'Tis the VR treasure ye seek, rivalin' the glory of Half-Life Alyx!

December 16, 2023

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis a tale of Loki, from mischievous god to the most valuable pirate in the MCU crew!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Loki hath finally laid claim to the throne he hath been seekin' fer an age. 'Tis 'bout time that scallywag got what he deserves!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! In Baldur's Gate 3, this lubber rolled four nat ones in a row! Methinks the game be tellin' 'im to abandon ship!

Avast ye goodly scoundrels! The cursed Dice Gods be wearin' a sour countenance!

Arrr! For a successful voyage, these superhero spectacles must take a lesson or two from Gen V, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Hear me out, ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that other superhero shows ought to plunder a page or two from the mighty Gen V's book. Aye, 'tis the truth, me mateys! Set sail on this grand adventure, I say!

Avast ye! 'Tis a tale that tickles me heart! A mind-blowing game where ye, like a daring pirate, can parry the very ground to dodge harm's way!

Arr, mateys! Behold, the grand spectacle! V.A Proxy, a game as splendid as a treasure chest overflowing with doubloons, be settin' itself apart as the utmost gallant adventure on the horizon! Avast, me hearties, 'tis a game worth hoistin' the Jolly Roger fer!

Arrr, me mateys! This here Elden Ring mod be makin' ye game akin to the fearsome tales from Doctor Who. Mind ye, don't ye dare blink!

Arr! Them weepin' angels be sneakin' into th' thrillin' game, makin' yer heart pound like a cannon blast!

Avast! When GTA 6 be setting sail, GTA 5 be nearin' its twelfth voyage – what be new in this realm since the last thievin' Grand Theft Auto adventure?

Arr matey! 'Tis been a wild decade, me hearties! From pandemics to presidents, aye, a grand theft advent it 'as been! Many a tale befitting the rum-soaked lips of pirates, har har!

Arrr, the scallywag developers o' The Last of Us Online do hoist their colors high 'n be cheerin': "Blimey, 'tis the finest treasure of me career!"

Arr! Ye scurvy scallywags o' Naughty Dog be castin' their gaze backwards, lamentin' the paths not tread! Oh, the misadventures that could've been, had they sailed uncharted waters. But fret not, me hearties, for the plunderin' be still grand!

December 15, 2023

Arr matey! Behold, the 47 cursed treasures soon to be swallowed by the abyss when the Xbox 360 tavern closes!

Avast ye, me hearties! Let's raise a grog-filled goblet and shed a salty tear for the dearly departed XBLA. She be sailin' into Davy Jones' locker, a treasure trove of memories bein' lost to the depths of the digital sea!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs, fear not! Larian CEO declares Baldur's Gate 3 shan't be sailin' to Game Pass, for a hefty ransom befitting such a grand treasure!

"Arrr, mateys! 'Tis this very treasure that keeps us craftin' more games," be the cry of Swen Vincke, me heartie!

Arrr! "Subnautica 3" be still 'neath the waves, mateys! Set yer sails and wait for Early Access news in 2024!

Arr matey! The scurvy dogs o' the game's publisher did hath announced a planned 2025 release date, if the krakens 'n sea monsters do not thwart their plans! We be keepin' a weathered eye on this here treasure, aye!

Arr, shiver me timbers! Just in time for me merry Christmas, a fine Metroidvania be here to feast upon me holiday!

Arr, me hearties! Lay yer eyes on this here Indie Spotlight, forsooth! TEVI be a fine side-scrollin' delight, worth the wait like a buried treasure!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! This here indie matey, bein' inspired by The Day Before, toiled fer 160 hours across 9 moons, makin' a jolly parody trailer. But alas! The blasted game be closin' ere they could even lay their final touch!"

"Arrr, sadly I be not too shocked by the outcome of their blasted revelation, me hearties. 'Twas as predictable as a mermaid's tail. Yarrr!"

Arrr! After a bloody 30 years, this anime's tale be finally settlin' on Netflix, but the scurrvy reviews be quite mixed, mateys!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Set yer sights on the treasure o' entertainment, for the legendary show, Yu Yu Hakusho, be sailin' the streaming waters as we speak. Prepare yerselves to be entertained, or walk the plank ye shall!

Avast ye mateys! The FC 24 Ultimate Dynasties be offerin' cards featurin' fathers, sons, and scurvy siblings! Arrrr!

Arrr, mateys! Zidane and Haaland be ruling the seas o' football as they sit atop the FC 24 Ultimate Dynasties cards list. Their skills be legendary, like a treasure worth fightin' for!

Arrr, mateys! Konami hath transformed a jolly party game into an infernal den of arcade gambling!

Arr, matey! Avast ye! 'Tis true, Konami hath crafted a Bomberman game where ye must pay a fair share o' doubloons fer more bombs, and I be left dumbfounded, I tell ye!

Arr, Larian be shovin' Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfix 14 out o' the door, whilst drownin' their sorrows in grog!

"Arr, me hearties! 'Tis true piratin' be team buildin'! Grab ye cutlasses 'n' patch them bugs at the Yule shindig, savvy?"

Avast ye matey! Pray tell, how many moons 'til I conquer God of War Valhalla?

Arr, matey! Pray tell, what be the customary, middling duration o' play fer the GOW Valhalla DLC?

Ahoy, me mateys! Set yer eyes on this FC 24 skill moves guide, filled with tricks, flicks, and spins aplenty!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round and learneth the secrets o' FC 24 skill moves! Unleash thy inner pirate with Flair Rainbow and Drag Back Turn, makin' yer foes shake in their boots. Shiver me timbers, it be a jolly good time on the high seas o' football!

December 14, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The scribbler o' Baldur's Gate 3 be sayin' Larian be "not sayin' nay" to new races, but ye may need to bide yer time, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, cap'n Adam Smith, ye scribblin' overseer, be proclaimin' that our tale be still unravelin'! Ye scallywags, take heed and brace yerselves, for thar be more mischief 'n mayhem to be chronicled!

Avast! Zack Snyder's unveil be a treasure indeed! 'Tis a grand yarn, mateys! His Rebel Moon cut be havin' a brand-new tale to set sail with!

Arrr, ye scallywags be warned! Thar be grand news fer ye! The director's cut of this fine motion picture shall be longer, me hearties, and be holdin' a rating o' R! Brace yerselves, for a swashbucklin' cinematic experience awaits!

Arr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs of the Hollow Knight Silksong be in dire straits, for they be findin' somethin' new in clips nigh four years old!

Aye, mateys! We be arrivin' at this spot, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! Learn the secret to unlockin' barriers in God of War Valhalla, lest ye walk the plank!

Avast, ye mateys! In the treacherous lands of GOW Valhalla, be warned, for locked doors be barricading chests. Nay, fear not, for ye shall need Sanctuary Barrier Keys to unlock these treasures. Arrr, may luck be with ye on yer quest!

December 13, 2023

Avast ye, mateys! Them God of War Ragnarok scallywags be rejoicin' as they discover the Valhalla DLC, a wee campaign ye don't need doubloons for: "Arrr, I be plunderin' this fer free like a true pirate!"

Avast, me mateys! Blimey, me hearties, me eyes be poppin' like a peg-legged parrot! 'Tis hard to fathom that a modern ship o' business be offerin' such fine craftsmanship and jolly times, all for naught but a single doubloon!

Arr, behold! The 32 most legendary scoundrels o' the silver screen, sailin' through the '90s like true buccaneers!

Bilge rats, scallywags, and trendily clad young scurvy dogs swashbuckled their way through the silver screen in the '90s, aye!

Arr! George Clooney be havin' a fine retort when queried 'bout his Batman fate.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Clooney, the swashbucklin' scallywag, hath returned to the silver screen, takin' up his trusty cutlass in The Flash, just like he did back in the year of our Lord 1997. Yo ho ho, prepare to be entertained, ye landlubbers!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' it right, Spider-Man 2's New Game Plus mode be set for sailin' in 2024, alongside some much-desired treasures!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a grand update awaitin' ye, with the power to alter the sun's course, trade hues o' yer tentacles, and relive yer adventures, mateys! Yo ho ho, 'twill be a jolly good time on the virtual seas!

Arrr, matey! The Sims 4 For Rent be the game's "most impactful" booty, addin' a fresh layer to yer gameplay.

Arrr, the expansion be demandin' a mighty load o' toil, mateys! 'Tis a task fit for the bravest scallywags, but with our grit 'n determination, we shall piece it together, lest we be walkin' the plank!

Arr, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown be a jolly fine blend o' Hollow Knight and Rayman Legends, me hearties! I be keen on it, aye!

Avast ye, me hearties! "Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown" be a jolly good Metroidvania twist on thar legendary IP. 'Tis a treasure worth settin' yer sights on, arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Behold, the 25 finest moving pictures o' the box from the year 2023!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs from Total Film reckon they've found the finest TV treasure of 2023, from epic finales that'll shiver yer timbers to a swashbucklin' video game tale that'll boggle yer mind! Avast ye, me mateys, and feast yer eyes on these booty-filled gems!

Arr, me hearties of Doctor Who! Yonder fans reckon them specials be preparin' a scurvy knave akin to Bad Wolf!

Arr, a sharp-sighted scallywag spyed a starry pattern in both 'The Giggle' and the sneak peek o' the jolly Christmas tale 'The Church of Ruby Road'. Aye, ye best keep yer peepers open, lest ye miss this merry celestial show!

Avast, ye mateys! Netflix be spillin' the beans 'bout the number o' eyeballs that be watchin' o'er 18,000 shows, even the ones that've been sent to Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that countless hours be spent streamin'... but what be claimin' the grandest prize of 'em all, ye ask?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! James Gunn be thinkin' them cameos be raisin' a storm in these new-fangled hero flicks!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubber co-CEO from DC Studios be havin' no fondness fer them fancy-schmancy cameo appearances! He be thinkin' they be like a parrot without a peg leg - entirely unneccessary, ye see! Avast, me mateys!

Avast ye, matey! To keep thy progress safe in God of War Ragnarok Valhalla, learn the art of savin' yer game!

Avast ye, me hearties! I shall teach ye the secret to preservin' yer progress when ye be abandonin' GOW Ragnarok's Valhalla mode. Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for this be treasure worth keepin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Discover ye hidey-holes o' wickedness in the unforgivin' seas o' GTA Online, if ye dare!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Seeketh a mirthful crime scene in GTA Online, snatcheth a single piece of evidence, and ye shall be granted the key to an emergency vehicle at a grand bargain!

December 12, 2023

Arrr! Me old matey who be workin' on Skyrim and Fallout says his devilish heavy metal horror game be in Alpha!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubber! Tis said that ye best be prepared to toil for three score hours, if ye dare face the wrath of the Axis Unseen! Mayhaps ye be needing a barrel of grog and a heart full of patience, for this treacherous journey lies ahead!

Arrr, me hearties! The Lae'zel lass from Baldur's Gate 3 be havin' a priceless reaction t' her fiery deeds: "By me beard, ye see it all!"

Behold, me hearties! Observe Devora Wilde's reaction to a scorchin' scene in Baldur's Gate 3. But beware, me mateys, for ye must embark on a dreadfully wicked path to unlock such sultry sights! Arrr, buckle yer swashes!

Arr, this splendid concoction of a game be mixin' me two beloved pastimes into a savory strategy brew. I be utterly smitten with the demo!

Never afore have I felt this swashbucklin' thrill for a roguelike, since me initial encounter with Slay the Spire! Arrr, it be a game worth me precious doubloons, me hearties!

Arr! The legendary ODB o' the Wu-Tang Clan be gettin' his own swashbucklin' graphic tale, set in a sci-fi hip-hop New York City, matey!

Avast ye! Me hearties, gather round and listen well! 'Tis a tale of ODB, that scallywag from the Wu-Tang Clan, who be havin' his own tribute graphic novel. It be mixin' sci-fi, horror, and the beats of hip-hop, makin' it a treasure ye don't want to miss!

Avast ye scurvy dogs, gather 'round and learn the secrets to runnin' a proper GTA Online Salvage Yard!

Avast ye, mateys! Be settin' up yer Salvage Yard in GTA Online, arrr, to plot grand robberies and peddle fancy carriages to none other than the mighty Yusuf Amir, ye scurvy dog!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tis the jolly words of Rio Morales, thespian of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, on the significance of proper portrayal: "I've been showered with delightful missives from the game's crew!"

Arr, me hearties! Jacqui Pinol be havin' a jolly good natter with GR+ 'bout joinin' forces with a mighty fine mother o' video games. Aye, she be keepin' the company o' some truly cool lasses, she be!

Arr matey! The swashbuckling artist, Ian Gibson, hath crossed the great abyss at 77, after blessin' us with his talents in '2000 AD' and 'Halo Jones'.

Avast! His toil be instrumental in shapin' th' visage o' yon early Judge Dredd, ye scurvy dog!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be informed that the scallywag developers of WoW Classic claim the Season of Discovery shan't be tampering with the historical tale of World of Warcraft, arr!

Arrr, me hearties! We be takin' a right old swashbucklin' narrative approach to this here Season of Discovery, usin' what we call 'found photographs'. Aye, tis a treasure trove o' tales, mateys!

Avast ye! The scuttlebutt be that What If season 2 be a jolly good time, mateys! A grand holiday episode be awaitin' ye!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! News be afoot, for the reactions to the grand spectacle that be the second season of What If…? have made their way to me ears. Methinks 'tis a mighty feast fer the eyes and a jolly good time fer all ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis be said that ye must wait fer a spell fer GTA 6 on PC, as Rockstar sets sail for PS5 shores. Their eyes be fixed on "what fills the coffers," says an ol' matey from the crew.

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks the plunder of Grand Theft Auto 6 be sailin' to the PC shores, and 'tis no doubt worth the vigil! Aye, we be waitin', but the spoils be nigh, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis true, Saw 11 be makin' its grand return, set to sail to ye screens come next year!

Arr, me hearties! Look ye well to yer calendars, for I be tellin' ye, the followin' tale be arrivin' in September 2024! Prepare ye boots, sharpen ye cutlasses, and batten down the hatches for this grand adventure!

Arr, ReFantazio be a shiny treasure, where ye swashbuckle between adventure and duel like a true buccaneer!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Atlus be spillin' the beans 'bout a shiny new method fer handlin' them puny foes. 'Tis a secret weapon, mateys! Prepare to be gigglin' like a drunken parrot in under 50 words, arrr!

December 11, 2023

Storm and Killmonger be gallant rebels o' freedom - and a matey twosome - in th' fresh Ultimate Universe!

Avast ye! Storm and Killmonger be sailin' the new Ultimate Universe, ready to ply their swords 'gainst the scurvy dog, Moon Knight. Together, they be aimin' to send that landlubber to Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! 'Twas a tale of great anticipation for the MMO, but alas, it sank the studio faster than ye can say 'avast!' in a mere 4 days. Aye, 'twas a bizarre history indeed!"

Avast ye! Aye, the countless conundrums and vows that have plagued us since the grand revelation of The Day Before be aplenty! Arrr!

Avast ye, landlubbers! The scurvy Beast shall face justice fer his wicked deeds in X-Force #48, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be but one way to halt a scurvy Beast - a fine, hearty Beast be needed! Aye, ye scallywags, a good Beast be the answer to tame the wickedness that plagues these treacherous lands!

Arrr, me mateys! "The Day Before" be a scurvy bilge rat of a book! Avast ye, don't waste yer doubloons on it!

Avast ye! The Day Before be a scurvy dog of a game, with nary a redeemin' quality to its name. I be tellin' ya, mateys, steer clear o' this cursed treasure, for it be fit for neither landlubbers nor pirates.

Arrr, witness the 26-year transformation o' the GTA emblem, from the booty-plunderin' original to GTA 6, mateys!

"Avast ye bilge rats! Set yer eyes upon the Grand Theft Advent, a pictorial tale of how the scurvy GTA emblem hath transformed o'er the past 25 years. Prepare to be bewitched by the changing visage of this treasured mark, ye landlubbers!"

Arrr! Me hearties, "The Day Before" be sinkin' in the sea of debt! The scurvy dev be closin' shop, lackin' the doubloons to keep sailin'!

Avast ye landlubbers! 'Tis with a heavy heart we declare the end of Fntastic studio. Aye, the sails be tattered, the treasure chest be empty, and the ship be sinkin'. Fair winds to all me hearty crew, ye shall be missed!

Arr, ye scallywags! Be ye desirin' the Lego Fortnite Marble? Learn the art o' craftin' with this treasure, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Ye need to lay yer hands on some fine Marble in Lego Fortnite! 'Tis a wondrous treasure that'll grant ye the power to craft mighty fine contraptions and sail the seas with panache, ye scallywags!

Arrr, mateys! James Gunn be spillin' the beans on the latest DCU castin' news, lettin' ye know the truth, he be!

Yarrr, mateys! James Gunn be settin' sail to address the angry squalls from landlubbers concernin' the castin' o' Maxwell Lord. But fear not, ye salty dogs, for Gunn be handlin' it with a touch o' wit and wisdom!

Arrr! Me hearties claim they've cracked ye code o' what befallen David Tennant's Doctor in th' future.

Arrr, had our eyes afore laid upon that scallywag?

Avast ye scurvy scallywags! Behold, the first Demon Slayer season 4 trailer! 'Tis a treasure trove o' news for 2024, with a grand 'movie' voyage ahead!

Arrr, mark ye calendars, me hearties! The grand spectacle o' Hashira Trainin' be makin' its debut come February. Grab ye popcorn and prepare fer a swashbucklin' adventure like no other!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! Ncuti Gatwa's sonic screwdriver be holdin' a hidden treasure o' a message, as exquisite as a mermaid's song!

Arr! Methinks, Ncuti Gatwa's sonic screwdriver be not mere contraption, but a mighty treasure from the depths o' the universe, wielded with finesse. Aye, 'tis a wondrous tool that doth defy common understanding!

"Avast ye landlubber! Arthur Morgan be advisin' this 'GTA 6 Joker' to harness his fame, 'stead o' beggin' for gold from Rockstar!"

Arr, ye landlubberly knave! These scurvy dogs 'ave been plagued by bilge rats such as yerself fer many a moon, tryin' to swindle 'em in court! Aye, they've weathered the storm, they 'ave!

December 10, 2023

I be sailin' the seas o' Genshin Impact daily, but that Zenless Zone Zero from Hoyoverse be a dead fish on arrival! No action is a deal breaker, matey!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Picture this, if ye will - what if the realm of Hades were but a feeble fightin' ground and plagued with a monstrous 70% of menus to navigate? Arrr, a true calamity indeed!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold, the mighty open-world Soulslike where ye can parry nukes like a true legend. A demo be ready for ye to pillage, arr!

Arrr, be thar anythin' cooler than V.A Proxy, me hearties? I reckon this here tool be cooler than a barrel o' rum on a swelterin' day!

Arrr, ye scurvy Metroidvania lovers held yer breath for 7 long years, but TEVI be deliverin' all ye heart desired, as the reviews be sayin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a battle of leaden hail and lasses fair, as the heavens rain down bullets upon the land! Prepare ye for a grand spectacle where the lasses be bunnies, hopping about with pistols in hand!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be spoutin' the most outrageous tales 'bout GTA 6 trailer! Aye, 'tis a riot!

Avast ye landlubbers! Me hearties be all aflutter with the new trailer of the Grand Theft Advent! Aye, and with it be brewin' more fan theories for what treasures Rockstar be hidin' in their upcoming voyage. Yo ho ho, me bet be on an epic adventure awaitin' us!

Arrr! The cap'n of No Man's Sky claims ye can scale mountains taller than Everest with Light No Fire!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Nay need to sail the seven seas, for ye could simply sprout wings and take flight to the heavens above!

December 9, 2023

Arrr! Doctor Who's chucklesome conclusion deciphered: Matey-folk, the beguiler, and a sight more jolly japes!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be dissectin' the final Doctor Who 60th year bonanza - The Giggle, with the likes o' David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa. Prepare to be entertained, me hearties! Arrr!

"Avast ye hearties! Doctor Who - The Giggle review be a jolly good spectacle, signalin' a bright future aye!"

Arr, me hearties! Doctor Who - The Giggle review be tellin' us it be a near-perfect end, signalin' a bright future ahead, like a beacon o' hope in th' vast sea o' television! Aye, this be a show worth settin' yer sights on!

Yarr, that scurvy 'Florida Joker', reckonin' he's mockin' him, seeks a chest o' $1-2m from Rockstar Games!

Avast ye scallywags! Ye've pilfered me visage, ye've pilfered me very essence! Yarr, I be left ragged, bereft of me identity. Ye be cursed, ye thievin' scoundrels!

Arrr, me mateys! Thar be this Fortnite Festival, aye, that seems like the future for them scurvy Rock Band devs! And, truth be told, that ain't a terrible notion, says I!

Arrr, matey! The Fortnite Festival's grand commencement be a jolly good show, just the treasure I be seekin' in a fresh Harmonix rhythm game! Avast ye, me hearties, and let the music take ye on a merry adventure!

Arrr, ye kin find the 5 grandest and sneakiest improvements in GTA 5, that be leavin' other games in their wake, matey!

Avast ye, me hearties! Gather 'round and hear the tale of "Grand Theft Advent," a game that be the talk of the seven seas in 2013. The scurvy dogs in the games industry be still learnin' lessons from this mighty hit, so they best be payin' attention, or Davy Jones' locker be awaitin'! Arrr!

Yarrr! Methinks Yoshi-P be not reckonin' a sequel nor spin-off fer Final Fantasy 16, matey! The crew be sailin' toward fresh ventures, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a jolly crew, aside from the swashbucklin' DLC development scallywags!

December 8, 2023

Arrr, Cyberpunk 2077 mateys be commendin' No Man's Sky scallywags fer their new game Light No Fire. "Ye can always mend it later," they jest!

Arrr, me hearties! CDPR and Hello Games be true legends, masters of the digital realm's redemption voyage! They be turnin' their game tides, from troubled waters to treasures aplenty. Aye, a jolly good show, me mateys!

Avast! After 24 long years, Sega be seekin' to return to the vigour of the Dreamcast epoch, 'tis high time indeed, me hearties!

Arrr, we be yearnin' to display our piratical spirit, with a touch o' cunning and a dash o' defiance!

Afore Loki, Yggdrasil be an abundantly present figure in the MCU, more than ye be aware, matey!

Arrr! The hallowed Norse tree be wieldin' a mighty influence in th' MCU, matey! Aye, 'tis a grand spectacle indeed, as this sacred timber be shapin' many a tale of heroes 'n villains.

Arr, ye best '70s flicks, a treasure trove o' 32 mateys! Set yer eyes on these silver treasures!

Arr, with the "New Hollywood" bein' in full swing, ye see, the works o' these captains o' the film world did reflect a morally sketchy atmosphere, me hearties! Aye, 'twas a time when ye couldn't trust a soul, neither on screen nor off!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen well, for I bring ye tidings of Marvel's Blade, what we know thus far!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Gather 'round and listen to the latest scuttlebutt o' Marvel's Blade! We be eagerly awaitin' Arkane Lyon's next venture, but for now, feast yer eyes on the news and gameplay tales o' this fantastical adventure!

Avast ye mateys! Gather ye scurvy dogs t' join me crew fer The Finals, usin' this fancy crossplay!

Avast, mateys! If ye be lookin' to mend The Finals' scurvy invite mates glitch, unleash crossplay, and add other hearties to yer crew, fear not! I've got a plan to swab the deck and set things straight, me buccaneers!

Avast ye! Lay yer peepers on The Last of Us' Pedro Pascal's next flick from Marvel directors, mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers be knowin' that this here flick be crafted by two fine Marvel buccaneers, savvy?

"Arrr! Hear ye, me mateys! The tale of Alan Wake 2 New Game Plus be unfoldin', let me regale ye!"

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis great news I bring ye! Alan Wake 2 be gettin' a New Game Plus mode and a grander ending in "The Final Draft" update. 'Tis sure to make ye landlubbers cheer, and me doubloons be jinglin' in excitement!

Arr! Behold ye hearties! The scurvy dogs be teasin' a dark plot 'n twisted riddle - must watch, I say!

Arrr! The preview o' Fool Me Once be makin' us scurvy dogs swoon! We be caught in its clutches, ye see. Aye, our hearts be stolen!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' that Alan Wake 2's New Game Plus be sailin' our way, as Remedy spilled the beans durin' their acceptance spreech at The Game Awards 2023. Yo ho ho!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Mark ye calendars, for 'tis on the eleventh day o' December that The Final Draft shall be unleashed upon the seven seas! Prepare to be bewitched by its enchantments, ye landlubbers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Them Monster Hunter Wilds fans be fallin' fer a wee critter in the newfangled action-RPG!

Arr, behold ye scurvy dogs! This 'ere Lightning rod pangolin be snatchin' hearts faster than a pirate grabs booty! 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye!

Yarr! The crafty scallywag behind Inscryption be settin' sail on a jolly sequel to his mighty indie game!

Arr, mateys! 'Tis a grand tidin'! Pony Island be settin' sail on a new voyage, with an unexpected sequel steerin' the ship! Avast ye, ye scurvy dogs, for there be some jolly good times ahead on this treacherous journey!

December 7, 2023

Avast ye landlubbers! 'Tis the return of Steven S. DeKnight, the scurvy dog behind Daredevil, now delvin' into a ghostly mystery!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Steven S. DeKnight who be scribblin' the tale o' Hard Boiled, through the reputable publisher Humanoids. Arrr, be ready to set sail on a mighty adventure!

Arrr! 'Tis a tale o' strange misfortunes 'n empty vows! The Day Before sets sail, only t' find scornful tides 'pon 'er Steam reviews! "Avast! The day afore I claim me doubloons back!"

From Steam's grandest wishlisted game to reviews of dire negativity, The Day Before hath embarked on a tumultuous voyage, me hearties!

Arr, mateys! 'Tis a jolly day as Lego Fortnite sets sail with more scurvy dogs than all battle royale modes o' Fortnite combined!

Arr, me hearties! By Blackbeard's beard, Lego Fortnite be the grandest spectacle o' the Epic's multiverse, with a vast crew o' 2.3 million scallywags sailin' the digital seas! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, a treasure worth plunderin'!

Avast ye scallywags! Ye Black Noir theories be but mere flibbertigibbets, scuppered by The Boys' captain o' the ship!

Arrr, me hearties! Dreadful tales be told that Eric Kripke hath already divulged the scallywag hidin' within the garb! No more secrets, me mateys! Let the truth be known, lest ye face the plank!

Arrr, matey! Pray tell, when be this Fortnite Festival takin' place, and which shanties shall be playin'?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! On the ninth day of December, the Fortnite Festival be set to sail. 'Tis The Weeknd who be gracing us with his dulcet tones as the featured artist for Season 1. Be prepared for a jolly good time, me hearties!

Arr! The scurvy dogs o' the Baldur's Gate 3 creators be tormented by a bunch o' landlubber playtesters, skippin' hours o' fine content, 'n ne'er findin' a lass or lad to share a bed! By Davy Jones' locker, this be a curse upon RPGs!

Ye scurvy dog, they be walkin' the plank o' loneliness, all on their lonesome. Arrr, no mateys to share a mug o' grog with, aye, it be a sorrowful sight to behold!

Avast, me hearties! Netflix be startin' 2024 wit' The Brothers Sun, featurin' Michelle Yeoh as a swashbucklin' mother. Watch the trailer, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! Avast ye! The Brothers Sun be makin' an appearance on the morn o' January 4th! So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and behold the glorious light of the celestial orb!

Arrr, mateys! Be ye listenin'? Five years hence, the foremost preview for Avengers: Endgame still sends wicked shivers down our piratey spines!

Avast ye! News be upon me ship! 'Tis an update: the rum be still as swashbucklin' as afore! No changes, me hearties, so keep guzzlin'! Yo ho ho, me mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Netflix's latest flick be like Freaky Friday mixin' with the joy o' Christmas, takin' the top spot!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis with great joy I be tellin' ye that Family Switch be holdin' the esteemed position in the mighty top spot! Avast, me maties, 'tis a jolly good time for all!

Avast ye! 'Tis said that Wednesday star be sallyin' forth to join Jason Momoa in a jolly Minecraft movie!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs! The Minecraft movie be addin' Emma Myers to its crew! She be joinin' the cast, helpin' 'em sail the seas o' entertainment. Shiver me timbers, this be a tale worth watchin'!

Avast ye, mateys! Mark ye calendars for The Game Awards 2023's grand start, and know where to stream it, aye!

Arrr! Avast, ye scallywags! We've got every last link ye be needin' to catch The Game Awards 2023 stream. Set yer sights on our treasure trove, for it be overflowin' with all ye seek!

Arr, the swashbucklin' Elden Ring dev be baffled by the success, but fears not, mateys, sales won't alter their game makin' ways!

Arrr, FromSoftware be naught takin' a moment t'ponder upon Elden Ring's grand triumph. They be sailin' ahead, full speed, like a swashbucklin' ship with nary a care for the treasure they've unearthed!

December 6, 2023

Avast ye mateys! Mahershala Ali be spillin' the beans 'bout the delays an' reshufflin' o' Marvel's Blade movie. Promisin' news, me hearties!

Arr, I be mightily cheered by the course this venture be takin'!

Arr, mateys! This new strategy game, crafted by StarCraft and Warcraft veterans, be sailin' beyond its $100,000 goal on Kickstarter. Aye, over 600% in but 25 hours!

Arr, many a soul be all aflutter about this Stormgate! Methinks they be raisin' their sails and hoistin' their spirits, eager to embark on a grand adventure like true buccaneers! Yo ho ho, let the stormy tales commence!

Avast ye, mateys! Nvidia be not yet finished wi' the RTX 3050, so ye best be forgettin' about the RTX 4050, arrr!

Arr, word has it that them scurvy Nvidia Graphics card makers be receivin' news of a 6GB RAM'd RTX 3050's impending arrival. Yet, the elusive desktop RTX 4050 be nowhere in sight, makin' us all wonder what mysteries lie ahead!

"Arr! Disheartened Skyrim modders swear on their pirate code to never demand treasure for their creations, as Bethesda revives the cursed paid mod shop!"

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs at Bethesda be tamperin' wit' Skyrim, causin' a mighty ruckus by breakin' a crucial mod! Blast me barnacles, mayhaps they be needin' a taste o' the cat o' nine tails for this folly!

December 5, 2023

Avast ye! Thar be much hubbub among the likes o' Halo, Baldur's Gate 3, and Xbox devs over that leaky GTA 6 trailer. Aye, when somethin' leaks, it becometh naught but a cacophony o' f***in' noise!

"Beware, ye scurvy landlubber! Be not a leaky bilge rat, for we pirates have no patience for such treachery! Keep ye mouth shut, lest ye face the wrath of our cutlasses and be sent to Davy Jones' locker!"

Arrr! A fearsome crime tale hath pillaged the Netflix charts, leaving viewers unable to break free from its grip!

Arr, me hearties! I be forced to lay me eyes on all the tales in a single swoop, without a moment's respite! Aye, 'twas a feat of endurance, but a worthy one at that!

Arr, ye be hearin' the news, mateys! The swashbucklin' Spider-Man Noir be settin' sail on the telly, with The Punisher's helmsman!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis been heard through th' grapevine that th' upcomin' Amazon series hath found itself a showrunner. Aye, mark me words, this be grand news indeed!

Arr, the cap'n o' Starfield be mighty pleased as a parrot wit' 12 million scurvy landlubbers playin' his RPG.

Arrr, as a scurvy game dev, yer sole aim be fer yer fans to hoist the anchor and set sail into yer game with a heart full o' love and delight, ye landlubber!

December 3, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' 'bout a leak in the GTA 6 tale, but turns out 'tis a jest on us fans.

Arrr! Avast ye scallywags! Word be reachin' me ears that them TikTok 'leaks' be appearin' afore Rockstar's grand reveal! Shiver me timbers, what a rum affair! Methinks the sea be churnin' with secrets, arrr!

December 2, 2023

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis the dreaded FC 24 Black Friday, where they be unleashin' a mighty Thunderstruck promo!

"Avast ye! Lay yer eyes upon thar mighty FC 24 Thunderstruck tracker! Behold its splendor, me hearties, right 'ere!"

"Arrr, me mateys! Doctor Who - Wild Blue Yonder be a jolly good episode, filled with all ye heart desires!"

Arrr, me hearties! This fine piece o' writin' be all 'bout 'Doctor Who - Wild Blue Yonder'! Tis a jolly good tale, filled with all ye could wish fer in an episode o' Who! Me timbers be shiverin' with excitement! Yo ho ho!

Ahoy me hearties! Fortnite and Lego be joinin' forces to create a grand survival craftin' game. Avast ye!

Avast ye landlubbers! Come December 7th, ye can be embarkin' on a grand adventure o' LEGO Fortnite! Set sail me hearties, and let the battle commence upon the digital seas!

Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer eyes on t' grand spectacle o' The Boys season 4 trailer! Witness Homelander's gory comeback and set sights on the debonair Jeffrey Dean Morgan's debut, arrr!

Arr! Methinks democracy be sailin' perilously close to Davy Jones' locker, lads!

Arrr! Ye be watchin' the first scallywaggin' Fallout TV show trailer, where we be leavin' the vault for mayhem aplenty!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready for a grand adventure? Mark ye calendars, mateys, for the series be sailin' onto Prime Video come spring 2024! Prepare to set yer eyes upon this treasure, lest ye miss out on the swashbucklin' fun!

Arrr, me hearties! With PvE settin' sail next week, Halo Infinite be finally the whole FPS treasure it pledged at embarkation!

Avast ye maties! Ready yer cannons, for 'tis a Firefight: King Of The Hill, sailin' our way with not one, nor two, but three treacherous maps! Prepare to plunder and conquer, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! After a quarter century, the treasured covert gem that beget Dishonored hath received a grand, unofficial expansion!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! This thieving rapscallion be sneakily releasin' a modded expansion that be sneakier than a sly sea serpent. Ye better be keepin' a keen eye on this treacherous trickster, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye mateys! Methinks the GTA 6 location be almost confirmed, so let's dream of the traps of yore in Vice City!

Arr, me hearties! We be embarkin' on a grand adventure, stealin' da finest treasures in GTA 6 Vice City. From the swanky Malibu Club to the Ocean View Hotel, we be explorin' the hottest spots we be yearnin' to plunder once more!

Arr, hear ye, mateys! The FC 24 Radioactive guide be addin' new treasures to their collection, featurin' Messi and Kante!

Arr, Benzema and Kerr be makin' it onto the FC 24 Radioactive cards list, me hearties! Avast ye, these lads be causin' quite the ruckus on the pitch, makin' their mark like true scallywags!

December 1, 2023

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! After 19 long years, the scurvy dog behind Waluigi be sharin' his secret stash of unused designs for the wicked Wapeach in Mario Tennis.

Arrr, the lass be treatin' Wario and Waluigi as her lowly swabs, makin' 'em bend to her every whim. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties, as they scurry about like landlubbers!

Ye scallywags be chattin' 'bout how them moving pictures show things that be normal in their world, but sheer madness in reality!

Arrr, we be gatherin' our most cherished musings, me hearties!

Arr, Phil Spencer be sayin' Xbox Game Pass be makin' tiny games and olden-time revivals more worthy. "Ahoy, Banjo lovers, listen to me hearty!"

"I be not be raisin' games to torment ye without haltin'!"

Arrr! Methinks Hellblade 2 be comin' forthwith, as Phil Spencer be hintin', "We shan't be waitin' long!"

Arr, the Xbox captain be showerin' praises upon Ninja Theory, me hearties! He be professin' his fondness for how their game be sailin' its course. A jolly good show, says I!

Arrr, the actor who be lendin' voice to Geralt be sayin' that young Ciri be all set to take the helm fer The Witcher 4!

Avast ye mateys! Doug Cockle be cryin' out, sayin' this here possibility be "truly heart-poundin'!" Arr, me hearties, aye, methinks he be truly thrilled by it!

Arr, the tale o' Elden Ring's Shadow o' th' Erdtree DLC be a wee bit distant, but sailin' smoothly!

Yarr, me hearties! Yasuhiro Kitao, the swashbucklin' producer o' FromSoftware, be settin' sail to quell a scurvy rumor 'bout a jolly imminent release. Avast! Nothin' but treacherous whispers on the wind, says he!

In but a few words, this Chris Hemsworth be convincin' us that his Furiosa be a fearsome scoundrel - a villainous match for Mad Max!

Hark ye, mateys! Hemsworth be takin' on the role o' Dementus in the Mad Max prequel, arrr! Prepare ye doubloons 'n set sail fer this swashbucklin' adventure on the silver screen, me hearties! Yo-ho-ho!

November 30, 2023

Arrr, me heart be shattered! Avengers Inc. be walkin' the plank, endin' at #5. 'Tis a sad tale, indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Avengers Inc. be like a jolly good ship amidst Marvel's treasures. But alas, it be sinkin' into Davy Jones' locker too soon. Arrr, 'tis a sad tale indeed!

Avast ye landlubbers! The first Furiosa trailer be settin' sail, showin' Anya Taylor-Joy's rendition o' Imperator Furiosa.

Avast ye, me hearties! The foremost vessel hath docked, unveilin' a fine trailer!

Arr matey! The Sonic 3 emblem be resemblin' a grand tribute to the hedgehog's treasured game, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Tis but a simple truth—be ye livin' or be ye doomed, ye best be learnin' as ye go! Aye, a pirate's life be full o' surprises, but 'tis by learnin' we stay afloat in these treacherous seas!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Blow me down! The Halo TV show be now free on YouTube, and mark me words, season 2 be comin' this February!

Avast ye scallywags! This here might be a wee accident, methinks! Arrr, tis not what I had in mind, but me ship's wheel be steerin' its own course, arrr!

Arr, Michael Fassbender be claimin' he be oft times confused fer Ewan McGregor. 'Tis a merry jest, me hearties!

Arr, matey! 'Tis a tale of mistaken identity, as the dashing Michael Fassbender be taken for none other than Ewan McGregor! Shiver me timbers! Avast, me hearties, 'tis a sight to behold! A grand folly that would make even Blackbeard himself chuckle!

Arr! The creator o' Love Actually be chattin' 'bout a mishap in Hugh Grant's garb ye might've overlooked!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis a grand revelation! Richard Curtis be spillin' the beans, he be! In Love Actually, there be a ghastly blunder he just can't be removin' from his sight! Aye, me hearties, the secrets be unfoldin'!

Avast ye! Richard Curtis be chattin' 'bout the grandeur o' Love Actually, his beloved Christmas flick, and his triumphant comeback to the genre with Genie. Arrr!

Avast ye, mateys! Richard Curtis, the swashbucklin' scallywag, spills the beans to GamesRadar+ 'bout his latest flick, "Genie," and the everlasting power o' Christmas movies. 'Tis a tale worth hearin'!

Arr, ye scurvy scallywags! Them Mass Effect devs be launchin' Nightingale, a game o' survival, in early 2024. Avast, a stress test be awaitin'!

Arr, me hearties! Come January, we be reckonin' to receive more tidings, me fellow buccaneers. Keep yer eyes peeled and yer ears to the breeze, for news be a-comin' our way!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The Marvel Multiverse RPG be outshinin' all other superhero games, by Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, 'tis a threat matchin' the likes o' Avengers! Me opinion be, 'tis a plunderin' danger o' epic proportions, mateys! Aye, brace yerselves fer a battle worthy o' tales told across the seven seas!

Arrr! 'Tis true, mateys! The grand game, Sons of the Forest, be leavin' Early Access in less than 3 moons, bringin' new tales 'n beloved Alan Wake 2 actor!

Arrr, mateys! The gallant Shawn Ashmore be settin' sail with the crew of Sons of the Forest, takin' on the role of Timmy! A fine addition he be, bringin' his talents to this treacherous voyage. Avast ye, and brace yerselves for an adventure like no other!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! That Baldur's Gate 3 landlubber be stuck in the fiery depths for silencin' the Devil!

Arrr, me matey! Avast ye! Be ye aware, savvy, that 'tis but a scallywag, half-Devil indeed, har!

Arrr, the scurvy dog Zack Snyder be only entertainin' the thought o' a Daredevil and Elektra flick from the Marvel seas!

Arrr! Methinks Zack Snyder be yammerin' 'bout the Marvel scallywags! 'Tis a sight ye don't often see, like a landlubber dancin' a jig on a ship's mast. But, aye, let him blabber, 'tis all in good fun for us pirate folk!

November 29, 2023

Arr, Wonka's first musings declare this film a "delightfully sugary treasur' with an "extraordin'ry" showin' from Timothée Chalamet!

Arrr, 'tis a sight fer sore eyes! Methinks the scurvy dog who be directin' Paddington be 'avin' another jolly hit on his grasp! Aye, the silver screen be a treasure trove fer his talents!

Avast ye, matey! Seekin' to delve into the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, be ye? Me hearties, discover if ye be fit to take up the mantle of a DnD Druid, and learn the secrets to plunderin' their powers to their utmost potential!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Unity be makin' a grand announcement of a "reset," partin' ways with 265 landlubbers and severin' ties with the VFX studio o' Lord of the Rings! Arrr!

Arrr! Unity bein' a spirited scallywag, be grabbin' Weta for a booty worth $1.63 billion doubloons in the year 2021. Ahoy, me hearties, 'tis a treasure worth settin' sails for!

Arrr, matey! A scurvy dog o' the seas did spy a tear-jerkin' resemblance 'twixt Sabine Wren 'n Ahsoka in Starrr Wars Rebels!

Avast ye, mateys! Aye, there be a tear-jerkin' moment in Ahsoka that'll shiver yer timbers, bring ye heart to Davy Jones' locker! So brace yerselves, me hearties, for this swashbucklin' callback to Rebels that'll make ye weep like a landlubber walkin' the plank!

November 28, 2023

Arrr, Bethesda be havin' naught but a predictable response to scurvy Starfield reviews, just like us indie devs! 'Tis the way o' the trade, mateys!

Arr, matey! It be makin' a vast difference when it comes to the mystical algorithm, ye see? Aye, it be like decipherin' the hidden treasure map - ye better be knowin' which way be the right path, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye! Destiny 2's latest treasure, a paltry $15 "Starter Pack," be naught but worthless loot fer this here MMO!

Avast ye! Fer a mere $15, ye scurvy dog, ye can lay yer hands on Exotics, what be otherwise free, and a mighty pocketful o' materials. A bargain fit fer a pirate's plunder, so set sail and grab it while ye can!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' that Robert Eggers' Nosferatu, featurin' Nicholas Hoult and Lily-Rose Depp, be gettin' a jolly release date!

Avast ye! Christmas of 2024 be takin' a twisted turn, me hearties! Afore ye, a spook-filled spectacle awaits. Beware, for ghosts be dancin' on this merry day!

Avast ye! As CDPR sets sail with Cyberpunk 2077 and sets its sights on The Witcher 4, they long for games grander than ever before!

Arr! CDPR be toilin' to construct a grand fleet o' parallel AAA development! They be settin' sail on a voyage to expand their dominion in the gaming realm. Arr, me hearties, brace yerselves for a bounty o' epic adventures awaitin' ye!

Avast ye mateys! Here be a jolly guide on how to lay waste to them Lethal Company turrets!

Avast ye, me hearties! If ye be wantin' to disable them blasted turrets in them treacherous Lethal Company dens, be a clever scallywag. Seek the hidden switches like a landlubber hunts for buried treasure, and swashbuckle yer way to victory! Arrr, beware the cannonballs!

Arrr! Matey, the scurvy dog who scribbled tales for GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 be joinin' the cap'n's new crew!

Arrr, me hearties! Lazlow Jones be now sailin' with the crew o' Absurd Ventures, ready t' plunder the seas o' comedy. Avast! Ye best be prepared fer some hearty laughs and outrageous escapades!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! A Pokemon enthusiast hath unearthed the jolliest trick to triumph in Scarlet and Violet's scuffles!

Arrr, me hearties, this side-splitting and ship-shaking technique be settin' sail with an Alolan Golem and a grand heap o' thunderin' explosions. Aye, ye can bet yer doubloons this be a rip-roarin' good time, guaranteed to send ye enemies scramblin' for cover!

Arrr! Lay yer eyes on Amazon's moving picture, the Fallout TV show! 'Tis no longer confined within the Vault, but venture into the Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The prime images from Amazon Video's grand show, Fallout, be finally unveiled! Set yer eyes on this fine treasure, me mateys! 'Tis a sight worth more than all the doubloons in the seven seas!

"Arrr, the scurvy dog behind Left 4 Dead be swearin' off Early Access! Says SteamDB be a liar, aye, a measly 1 player, yet we be 10,000 strong!"

Arrr, matey! Chet Faliszek be claimin' that the tally o' players be naught but a fabrication on shoddy reckonin' and everlastingly scarce!

"Arrr, Taika Waititi be swearin' he never aimed to sail with Marvel, but truth be told, he craved the booty!"

Yarrr, the captain claims he be pilferin' Thor for his lack of gold in his treasure chest, matey!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be claimin' this newfangled mod be a swashbucklin' "game changer" fer fixin' them pesky shadows! It'll make yer explorin' adventures more immersive, arrr!

"Arrr, 'Shadowy Shadows' be doin' exactly what it says on the ol' treasure chest, mateys!"

Arr, me mateys! The star o' Romulus be tellin' us about the timeline o' the new film, scurvy dogs be speculatin' like mad!

Arrr, mateys! Cailee Spaeny hath spilled the beans on all the particulars, me hearties!

November 27, 2023

Avast, me hearties! This here Lego ship, the Mandalorian Razer Crest, be worth less than a hundred doubloons, and aye, it comes with a wee Grogu!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Cyber Monday, where ye can snatch a booty worth $40 off the Lego Mandalorian Razer Crest set. 'Tis the lowest price this year, so weigh anchor and set sail to claim this Star Wars vessel!

Arr, word be spreadin' that the live-action Naruto flick be still sailin' forward, mateys! Aye, a surprisin' update, indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Yonder flick be havin' a true-blue wordsmith at its helm, penning its tale. Aye, a screenwrangler be found to give life to this moving picture!

Avast! I've sailed through the seas of Nvidia GPUs, yonder Cyber Monday be your chance to seize the RTX 4070 booty afore all else!

Avast ye landlubbers! ZOTAC be offerin' ye the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 at a price lower than the MSRP this Cyber Monday! 'Tis a fine booty worth snatchin', me hearties! Better than any other scallywag options, indeed!

35 years hence, Hideo Kojima doth recollect how the "torturous" creation o' his obscure Cyberpunk escapade didst plague his belly with a scurvy ulcer. Arrr!

Snatcher be a scallywag o' a game, givin' Konami's crew a proper barnacle scrape! Arrr, those landlubbers had a rough go, tryin' to tame th' beast.

November 26, 2023

Avast ye! In this tale o' the Tears of the Kingdom, a scallywag replaces horses with a monstrous wheel! 'Tis a dominance display, as the mighty wheel craves destruction!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Verily, dost thou choose cold metal contraptions o'er the bountiful wonders of nature? Methinks 'tis a folly! Be ye not a landlubber, but embrace the beauty o' the natural world, lest ye be cursed by Davy Jones himself!

Arr, if ye be savvy to the spot, the Steam Autumn Sale be a treasure trove of fine JRPG booty! Here be 10 jolly favorites ye can plunder for a pittance.

Engage in fierce skirmish with the scurvy street rodents, harbingers of doom, and even the whims of fate, ye scallywags!

Arrr! These Cyber Monday treasures for the PS5 be worth the plunderin' and bide ye time for!

Arr, ye scurvy bilge rats! Set yer sights on this year's Cyber Monday PS5 deals, where ye can plunder the finest games at record low prices. 'Tis a treasure worth the wait, me hearties, if ye be holdin' off since day one!

Avast ye, me hearties! I be reckonin' these Nintendo Switch treasures would be plundered by now, yet they be still sailin' for Cyber Monday!

Avast ye mateys! By the old sea dog's beard, every blunderbuss Nintendo Switch be havin' a fine bundle this Cyber Monday. Blast me barnacles, can ye believe the stock be holdin' out this long? Arrr, shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Venture ye to know, the mighty Asus ROG Ally be havin' yet another cutlass slash on Cyber Monday. Blimey, not a twinge of anger in me bones, I say!

Avast ye! Lay yer hands on the mighty Asus ROG Ally for a paltry sum, me hearties! Best Buy be offerin' a $100 cutlass slash on this Cyber Monday, settin' it up for a proper clash with the Steam Deck!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gamers, ye be in luck! Set yer eyes on the finest booty: Cyber Monday deals fer PS5, Xbox, 'n Nintendo Switch.

Avast, me hearties! We be fetchin' ye all the finest Cyber Monday treasures for ye gaming souls, straight from the digital shores. Be quick to plunder 'em afore they be gone, arrrr!

November 25, 2023

Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer sights on the plunder o' Black Friday PS5 treasures in Australia, 2023. Aye, ye'll find grand deals on consoles, games, and more!

Avast ye, me hearties! Methinks the booty of console stock be flowin' more freely these days. If ye be one o' the lucky scallywags with a console, set yer sights on the finest discounts for games and trinkets, arr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Avast ye! The plunder be aplenty on this fine Black Friday o' 2023 in Australia. Gaming treasures abound, grab 'em!

Avast ye mateys! Behold, I've got the finest plunder for ye on this Black Friday! Get yer hands on the most booty-full deals for the Nintendo Switch, 'cross the great land of Australia! Arrr, don't miss out, or ye'll be walkin' the plank!

Arrr! Avast ye scallywags! Here be th' hidden treasures o' Easter eggs in th' Doctor Who 60th anniversary, The Star Beast!

Avast me mateys! This here special be laden wit' Donna's mateys' jests and jests once more, brimmin' wit' details for ye sharp-sighted swabs of the crew!

Avast ye hearties! 'Tis the plunder ye've been awaitin' - the finest bargains on telly screens be still up for grabs on this Black Friday, 2023!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! The plunder o' Black Friday TV deals be still up fer grabs. We be gatherin' the finest treasures ye can snatch afore they vanish 'til next year. Set sail 'n make haste, or ye be left swimmin' with the fishes!

November 24, 2023

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis the year 2023, and behold, the grandest booty be at hand! Sail on to discover the bountiful discounts 'pon this Black Friday fer all yer gaming needs!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis Black Friday, and we've pillaged the digital seas to discover the grandest treasures fer ye gaming hearties. Set yer sights on the mightiest discounts we've unearthed from the vast web!

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! These Black Friday treasure maps be the finest booty for the gamer in yer life!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Behold, gift cards be the ultimate treasure ye can give yer gamer matey this Christmas. With the Black Friday gift card plunder, ye might save a wee doubloon or two on their precious digital... bootay!

November 23, 2023

Arr, Kelsey Grammer be swearin' on his pirate's honor that this Beast be makin' a return to th' MCU, mateys!

I be hopin' ye set yer eyes upon him once more, matey!

Arrr! The grand poobah of Studio Ghibli sets sail 'cross the virtual seas of Stardew Valley meets Spirittea. Avast! The rival ships of Steam be sinkin' indie games!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a tale of woeful tales, as No More Robots lead be unravellin' the mystery o' how them landlubbin' PC launchers be causin' harm to the swashbucklin' indies. 'Tis a treacherous path we tread, me hearties!

Arrr! Valve be sailin' back to the treasured shores o' Half-Life to mend an ancient bug, mateys!

Arrr! After a monstrous anniversary overhaul last week, the fresh patch be sailin' our way, mateys!

Arrr! The Last of Us 2 be revealin' three cursed 'Lost Levels' - and by the mighty Kraken, one be sendin' chills down yer spine!

Avast ye! Nay the foul-smellin' gutters, curse me barnacles! Nay again, I say!

November 22, 2023

Arr! A wee undervalued film of Hugh Jackman be makin' waves among critics. It be risin' in Netflix's charts, mateys!

Arr! Behold, me hearties! Real Steel be gettin' a second breath o' life! Avast! Me eyes be gleaming with joy at this grand news! Aye, me crew, prepare to set sail once more with this mighty treasure!

Arrr, me hearties! Charlie Cox be spillin' the beans on which Avenger he be fancyin' t' join forces with Daredevil.

But avast, there be one wee snag in our grand plan...

Arr, be Wish creatin' a Disney multiverse? Hear ye from the moviemakers 'bout them hidden treasures!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round and listen! 'Tis a tale of the Wish team chattin' 'bout harrr Disney Easter eggs and the mystical multiverse. 'Tis an exclusive treasure ye wouldn't wanna miss, so set yer eyes on it, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Dave the Diver be settin' sail on his studio ship, 'The Day Before', with a frightful zombie PvPvE game ready fer alpha testin' next week, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, me mateys! Avast ye! Nakwon: Last Paradise be set in the city of Seoul, where adventure be awaitin' ye at every turn! Prepare yer sea legs and embark on a journey fit for a swashbucklin' pirate like meself!

November 19, 2023

Arr, behold ye scurvy dogs! A list o' 15 fresh names be comin' yer way fer thar potential WWE 2K24 roster.

Arr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that Jade Cargill, Nia Jax, and Pat McAfee be ready to set sail on the WWE 2K24 roster. These scurvy dogs be ready to plunder and pillage their way to victory! Yo ho ho and a barrel o' laughs await us, mateys!

Arr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be learnin' a thing or two from Star Wars, matey! Best remember how to properly tackle the sequel, aye!

Arr! Empire Strikes Back be havin' more twists 'n turns than a scurvy dog's tail, mateys! 'Tis what the team o' FF7 be admirin', savvy?

Yearning for a fair sea of players in yer digital taverns ain't be a matter of skill, matey!

Arr, mateys! 'Tis as clear as a calm sea – skill-based matchmaking be a boon for most scurvy dogs playin' first-person shooters. 'Tis a fair wind that blows when ye match wit' yer equals, makin' the game more jolly and piratical for all!

Arrr! A true matey sailed the seas fer 12 long years, craftin' a replica o' PS1's oddest strollin' simulator.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis the year 1998 when the fantastical game, LSD: Dream Emulator, be gettin' a fan-made makeover. Aye, buckle yer swash and set sail fer dreamy adventures on the high seas of nostalgia!

Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis League of Legends Worlds 2023, and by Davy Jones' locker, Faker's the truest GOAT, no doubt!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Should ye ever be questionin' a matter, it be settled like a treasure chest locked tight.

Avast ye, me hearties! The grand Black Friday haul be offerin' thee finest Nintendo Switch treasure ye ever laid yer eyes upon!

Avast, mateys! 'Tis the day o' plunderin' and lootin'! Behold, the Black Friday treasures be upon us! Nintendo Switch bounties be offerin' ye free Smash Bros. and a Switch Online pass. Set sail and seize 'em afore they be gone!

Arr, me hearties! The Meta Quest 2 be a steal at a mere £250 this Black Friday, and ye'll score a free Elite Strap to boot!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! The Meta Quest 2 be sailin' to a treacherous low price fer Black Friday! And if ye choose to buy it from Currys, ye shall be blessed with a free Elite Strap tossed in, akin to a fine booty plundered from a rival ship.

November 18, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! The famed Diablo 4 streamer doth claim that nary a soul shall conquer the game's ultimate challenge, matey!

Arrr, they be claimin' that the Abattoir of Zir be invincible, matey! But methinks they be talkin' hogwash. We'll see if this place be truly infallible, or if it be just another scallywag's tall tale!

Arrr, matey! Be holdin' the new rogue-like, takin' the Hades secret sauce wit' cat lasses, a charm'n cookin' game, an' mouthwaterin' grub!

Arr, the Cuisineer be indisposed at this very moment, me hearties! Be ye patient, for he shall return to the galley in due course. Until then, be content with yer own scurvy provisions, or risk walkin' the plank!

Arrr, matey! Genshin Impact be havin' some of the finest scriptin' fer them godly figures in all o' RPG tales.

Yarrr! Me reckon, the Genshin Impact 4.2 Fontaine Archon quest be a tale worth singin' of! 'Tis a game story fit fer the ages, me hearties! A treasure ye don't want to miss in this fine year o' gaming!

Arr, this salty seadog, a World of Warcraft veteran, shuns FOMO in new MMO! Me heart longs for boundless Baldur’s Gate 3 adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Heed ye well! The forthcoming MMO called Ghost be desireful to fit snugly into yer existence, without takin' it o'er like a scallywag! Aye, 'tis true! So, set sail and 'ave some jolly good fun, me mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs with Last o' Us Part 2! Fer but a mere ten doubloons, ye can set sail on the PS5 Remaster!

Avast ye! Though ye may possess a fine tangible tome, 'tis not enough. An electronic copy, me hearty, be the key to sail the vast sea o' knowledge!

In hearty defense of Max Payne's scallywag third adventure, unfairly berated and underestimat'd by landlubbers!

Arrr, mateys! Have ye heard? Max may be a wee bit different, but by Davy Jones' locker, his old self still shines through in them odd poetic moments. Arrr, it be a sight to behold, like a golden doubloon among scallywags!

Arr, Mateys! Lay yer eyes on the FC 24 FC Pro Live tracker, now equipped fer Sadio Mane and Hirving Lozano!

Arr, me hearties! Dele Alli and Randal Kolo Muani be earnin' their spot on th' fine FC 24 FC Pro Live tracker, they be!

November 17, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be good tidings afoot! The Last of Us 2 be gettin' a fine makeover, set to be released in January, with extra treasures ye missed before!

Be ye scurvy dog prepared to endure the whole shebang once more?

Avast! Be it true? Has Marvel unveiled the scribe for X-Men's tales in its FCBD missive?

Arr, yonder be some jolly fine surprises awaitin' ye in Marvel's Free Comic Book Day 2024 booty. 'Tis a treasure trove o' wonders, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Be prepared for the grand Steam Autumn Sale, set to commence next week!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Valve be havin' released a sneak peek o' the treasure-takin' spree that be sure to plunder yer pockets, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Half-Life be gettin' a grand update, bringin' back lost treasures and fixin' ancient blunders. Valve proclaims, "This here be the definitive version, mateys!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been a quarter century, but Valve declares, "Arrr! We've finally found the booty, the ultimate Half-Life treasure!"

Arrr! Pedro Pascal be a fine choice to portray the esteemed Reed Richards in the MCU Fantastic Four, matey!

Arrr, word be sailin' across the seas that Pedro Pascal be the MCU's mighty Reed Richards, ya scallywags! And by me peg leg, I be thinkin' that be a fantastic piece of news, it be!

Arrr! "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters," a fine creation by Matt Fraction, be a treasure for all ye comic book enthusiasts!

Avast ye scallywags! As the treacherous MonsterVerse be growin', listen here, me hearties! Here be news of a favorite scribbler of comics, who be holdin' great sway in sculptin' the tale!

Arrr, ye be a scurvy landlubber if ye don't be playin' Super Mario Bros. 'Tis a treasure, I tell ye!

Arrr, mateys! Super Mario Bros. be a treasure-filled delight ye must surely plunder this jolly holiday season. 'Tis a game that'll bring ye pure mirth and endless merriment. Yo ho ho, don't miss the chance to set sail on this wondrous adventure, lest ye walk the plank!

Avast ye scallywags! Behold! Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman be showin' their faces in DC's February 2024 tales. Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys! Behold, the grand tidings o' DC's full February 2024 solicitations be upon us! Set yer eyes on this fine treasure, for it be holdin' all the secret tales o' heroes and villains alike. A jolly good read, it be!

Arrr, this here Disney's 100th anniversary fairy tale be a beaut, yet it be lackin' the ol' ticker!

Arrr, me hearty! This Disney yarn be as lovely as a mermaid's song, but alas, it be lackin' the very soul that stirs a pirate's chest. Aye, 'tis a sight for sore eyes, but me heart yearns for more!

Arrr, ye see, World o' Warcraft Dragonflight be snatchin' the best idea from Final Fantasy 14's Seeds o' Renewal patch, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Thar be good tidings fer ye lonely landlubbers! The next WoW patch be caterin' to ye solo sailors, makin' yer adventures on the high seas a jolly good time! Shiver me timbers, prepare to set sail on a grand solo voyage!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs of Baldur's Gate 3 be cryin' foul, claimin' Act 3 be "unplayable" on PS5, says the patch be cursed!

Arr, me hearties! Scupper me timbers! By Davy Jones' locker! After that cursed patch, the scurvy dogs be plaguing us with tech issues aplenty! Aye, 'tis a right rumble in the server's belly!

"Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about 'Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2' and all its secrets!"

Avast ye, mateys! Set yer eyes upon the horizon, for the long-anticipated RPG sequel Bloodlines 2 be afoot! 'Tis a "neo noir thriller," crafted by The Chinese Room scallywags. Keep yer sea legs steady and prepare for a grand adventure like no other!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Netflix be sportin' a new swashbucklin' flick, a hidden gem o' Liam Neeson's pirate escapades!

Avast, me hearties! Cold Pursuit be a blazin' treasure on Netflix, fit fer yer watchin' pleasure. So grab yer rum and set sail fer an icy adventure ye won't be forgettin'!

November 16, 2023

Arr! After 1,786 treacherous voyages, this brave Pokemon scallywag be conquerin' the JRPG's most fearsome trial!

Arrr, Kaizo Ironmon be a bewitchin' puzzle, me hearties! Aye, 'tis a challenge worthy of a pirate's wits. Set sail on this treacherous voyage, me mateys, and ye shall find yerselves lost in the depths of this captivatin' enigma!

Arr, 5,000 scurvy dogs saved, 2,000 hours plundered, 2 Elden Ring sea monsters crushed! Let Me Solo Them be a fearsome RPG legend, inheritin' Let Me Solo Her's legacy.

Avast ye scallywags! Thar be not just one, but many a Jarnished hero sailin' the treacherous seas of The Lands Between! Aye, me hearties, prepare to be amazed and entertained by their swashbucklin' adventures!

Avast, mateys! Eli Roth be chattin' 'bout twistin' the bloody horror o' beastly violence in Thanksgiving: "I be spyin' it through the eyes o' the turkey, arrr!"

Arrr, mateys! Prepare yer ears to listen to this exclusive tale! Eli Roth, he be tellin' us why he despises the savage mistreatment o' animals in horror tales, and how his latest slashin' adventure be takin' a new path. Ye better be watchin' out, or ye might end up walkin' the plank, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, methinks the Dragon Gaiden's pro wrestling debut be a jolly swashbucklin' tribute to Yakuza's silly violence. Avast!

Arrr, me hearties, blimey! Methinks I be mighty flabbergasted by the jolly good time I had at that Yakuza pro wrestling brawl! Aye, 'twas a grog-fueled spectacle fit for a pirate of me caliber!

Avast ye mateys! Discoverin' and blastin' a scurvy Mercenary Convoy in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies be no easy task.

Avast ye! Set sail on ye vessel, the Interceptor, and embark on a grand adventure! Be seekin' and vanquishin' that scurvy bunch o' Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Mercenaries in Urzikstan! Let the battle commence, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Chucky be the truest slayer in Dead by Daylight, a jolly good time indeed, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye, matey! Set sail on th' jolly seas o' fun. Methinks 'tis time t' engage in a merry game. Join me crew, ye scallywags, and let's embark on a grand adventure!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Rejoice, ye Karlach aficionados: a landlubber playing Baldur's Gate 3 be claimin' to have discovered a method to dispatch her for Wyll's sake, yet spare her life. Arrr!

Arr, 'tis the gold doubloon of all worlds, me mateys! Aye, ye shall be havin' yer cake and eatin' it too, with nary a scurvy in sight!

Avast ye landlubbers! From Alan Wake's sequel to the mighty Max Payne's demise, these be the finest Remedy games!

Arrr, me hearties! I be settin' forth a list o' the finest games from Remedy Entertainment, ye scurvy dogs! These be the games ye should be playin' posthaste, lest ye want yer booty to walk the plank!

Arr, ye scallywags! Ark: Survival Ascended be sufferin' yet another Xbox delay, but fear not! The release be settin' sail afore December's end!

Arrr, me hearties! Fear not, for the grand PlayStation edition be hoistin' its sails by month's end. Hang on to yer doubloons, and prepare fer a plunderin' of epic virtual proportions!

Avast, ye hearties! Lovers o' t' scuttled Netflix series be raisin' a hullaballoo fer season 3 and a companion voyage.

Avast ye, maties! Be ye reckonin' if Shadow and Bone be makin' a grand comeback, aye?

Avast, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that Marvel be abandonin' the Kang tale, as the next Avengers flick loses its scrivener.

Arrr, me mateys, there be whispers of grand transformations afoot, concealed from prying eyes! Methinks a tempestuous storm be brewin' in secrecy.

Arr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be tweakin' the tale, but fear not, it won't stray too far from Advent Children!

Arr, avast ye scurvy dogs! We be not seekin' t'alter the yarn o' Final Fantasy 7 into somethin' vastly divergent, lest we be walkin' the plank!

November 15, 2023

Avast ye! After the triumph o' the Sonic movies, Sega be sayin' the Yakuza and Persona series may soon find themselves in other abodes than games, matey!

Aye, me heartie, grant me desires! Yaarrr, I be needin' it, so hand it o'er posthaste!

Arrr! Word be spreadin' that Pedro Pascal be takin' on the role o' Reed Richards in the grand MCU's Fantastic Four!

Arr, word has it that the star o' The Last Of Us be chattin' about playin' the dashing superhero! Aye, 'tis a merry thought indeed, for this be a tale worth tellin' on the high seas!

Avast ye mateys! Todd Howard be spillin' his secrets 'bout The Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield, and the future o' Bethesda RPGs! Arrr, a treasure trove awaits!

Should our paths cross once more, mark me words, matey! 'Tis wager ye'll find an Elder Scrolls 6 awaitin' ye on this very spot, aye!

Arr! Thar be a scallywag mega-corporation, layin' claim to the fictional Marvel Comics o' the Marvel Universe, alongside a jolly cartoon mascot!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, there be a Marvel Comics in the very heart of the Marvel Universe! But alas, a dastardly Thor foe hath just seized it! Shiver me timbers, what a twist befallen upon our comic-loving brethren!

Ahoy, me hearties! Methinks the If? season 2 trailer be makin' the Multiverse of Madness seem like a wee bairn's game.

Arrr, The Watcher be not keen on makin' sequels, matey! 'Tis a grand tale, best be left alone, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, ye be seekin' the finest Barbarian build in Baldur's Gate 3? Look no further, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Look ye here, the finest Barbarian build in BG3 be a true gem, aye! 'Tis all 'bout bolsterin' thine brute strength and endurance, like a mighty sea beast! Give it a whirl, ye landlubbers, and unleash yer inner pirate fury upon the virtual seas!

Blimey! Never thought the PUBG scallywags be craftin' a rival to Sims 4, but, shiver me timbers, 'tis a sight to behold!

Arrr, me hearties! InZoi be the newest swashbucklin' life sim to grab our gaze. Give it a whirl, ye scallywags! 'Tis a jolly good time, I tell ye!

Arr, behold! 'Tis a grand sight, me hearties! Cyborg, Batwing, Mr Terrific, and a bunch o' others bein' honored on DC's 2024 Black History Month covers, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag publisher be shoutin' from the mast, ye be ready to feast yer eyes on some mighty fine DC Power treasure with new volumes and fancy variants. Prepare to set sail on an epic adventure, me lads and lasses!

"Avast, ye scallywags! Set yer sights on th' finest cannons of Modern Warfare 3, t' rule the early game seas!"

Arr matey! We be presentin' ye with our top 10 plunder-worthy MW3 cannons that be grantin' ye a clear advantage on the virtual seas!

Arrr! The scribe of Loki's second voyage unravels Loki's grand finale and hints at Renslayer's mysterious whereabouts, ye scallywags!

Arrr, he be relinquishing the booty he desires most, that all ye scallywags may have a taste o' freedom!

Arr, Loki star be yearnin' for Sylvie to venture into the MCU flicks - and she be cravin' one matey t'act alongside!

Arr, me hearties! Sophia Di Martino be spoutin' about 'ow she still be feelin' daunted by them MCU scallywags, but she claims her jitters be a good thing! Avast, it be an exclusive tale ye don't wanna miss! Argh, buckle up for some pirate-worthy surprises!

Arrr! The wench playin' Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3 be settlin' into a right romantic whirlwind with Minthara! Yarrr, "scoundrel Karlach" be truly canon, mateys!

Swen Vincke, he didst unveil a wee glimpse into the murky past of Karlach, me matey! Arrr, 'twas a tale as curious as a mermaid's song, me hearties!

November 14, 2023

Arr, the swashbucklin' scallywags of Final Fantasy 14 be in for a mighty surprise, askin' the lecherous lot 'bout their favored "steed".

"Avast ye! 'Tis aye, me hearty! Arr!"

Arrr! In next year's Ghost Rider #1, Marvel be bringin' forth a fresh Spirit of Vengeance, matey!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Writer Benjamin Percy be joined by the crafty artist Daniel Kim as he sets sail to relaunch his Ghost Rider tale, now featurin' a brand new scallywag! Prepare yerselves for an epic adventure on these treacherous literary waters, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The mystical figure Pi be sailin' the Pokemon seas, yet still be blunderin' like a landlubber after 16,000 long hours searchin' for that first measly gym!

Arrr! The first 6.3 million digits be naught but scurvy dogs, for they hold no treasure. But fear not, me hearties, for there be an endless sea of numbers yet to explore, where the winning code may lie hidden in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr! The Cap'n o' Death Strandin' PC 'n Control bein' a heartless scallywag, layin' off 30% o' his crew. He be settlin' for sequels 'n past glories, savvy?

Arrr! Avast ye scallywags! Word be spreadin' that 505 Games' kin Digital Bros. be makin' a grand announcement o' layin' off a bunch o' landlubbers! A mighty blow to their crew, I reckon! Shiver me timbers, what a tale!

Avast ye mateys! Be prepared to set sail in a fortnight fer the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted! We'll uncover the 25 most thrilling PC games to come, arrr!

Ye be gettin' new treasure chests o' moving pictures, proclamations, and secret voyages o' discovery. Arrr, prepare to be entertained like never before, matey!

Avast ye, mateys! The cap'n of a mighty D&D ship be sayin': "Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Feast yer eyes on this - I be havin' no Icewind Dale 2 secrets!"

Arrr, it be as true as a mermaid's song, that it ne'er be on me vessel o' knowledge, me trusty computer!

Avast ye mateys! Lay yer eyes on this treasure: a fine Xbox Series X bundle! Ye even get Modern Warfare 3 for naught!

Avast ye! Lay yer hands on an Xbox Series X from EE, and ye shall score Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 fer mere pennies! 'Tis an early Black Friday bounty ye cannae resist, matey!

Arrr, mateys! Beware, for the first issue of DC's Outsiders be harborin' a secret that'll rend the multiverse asunder!

Arr, mateys! Ye won't believe it, but this here novel of archaeology be in league with DC's bygone days! 'Tis a tale worth lootin' from the shelves, me hearties! Aye, a treasure trove awaits them who dare to read!

Ye scurvy dog, Scarlett Johansson speaks out on the gossip of 'er return to the MCU! Arrr, she's got quite the jolly plan for Black Widow's comeback, I tell ye!

Avast, matey! Belay yer aspirations!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The cap'n of 'The Hunger Games' prequel be tellin' us the film be gettin' an R-rating and givin' reasons for its long runnin' time, savvy?

Arr matey! Avast ye! The cap'n of The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Francis Lawrence, spills the beans to GamesRadar+ 'bout the gory and fierce prequel. Grab yer cutlass and give it a read, ye scallywags!

Arr! The scurvy dog behind Fallout 4 be spilling the beans on how they forged the game's most legendary scene!

Avast! 'Tis a fine sight to behold, this thing still makin' appearances years after! Aye, me heart be jolly at its sight, me matey!

"Arrr, me mateys! Like a fearsome dragon, Infinite Wealth be the longest Yakuza voyage yet. But beware, too much plunderin' may leave ye feeling landlubberly!"

Avast ye! Be wise and heed me words, me hearties! 'Tis not the time to embark on this voyage of endless tales. Nay, be cautious and steer clear, for this one be a marathon meant for landlubbers with naught but time to spare!

November 13, 2023

Arrr! Behold, me hearties! The FC 24 Triple Threat guide be stocked wit' shiny new cards featurin' Toure, Grealish, and Ginola!

Avast ye! I be tellin' ye that Kimpembe and King, they be makin' it onto th' FC 24 Triple Threat cards list, me hearties! Arrr, what a grand achievement!

Avast ye, hearties! Be sobbin' like landlubbers, for Marvel's finest pair, Loki and Mobius, be partin' ways for good!

Arrr, me hearties, 'tis the bitter end of a grand era, be it! Aye, the sun be settin' on the glory days, leavin' naught but memories. But fear not, me buckos, for new adventures await, 'pon this vast sea o' life! Yo ho ho!

Avast! Ye mateys, be warn'd! 'Tis said that Super Mario RPG be leakin' onto the vast sea o' the Internet!

Avast ye, mateys! Be ware o' them treacherous spoilers, lest they send ye down to Davy Jones' locker! Keep yer peepers peeled, me hearties, fer spoilers be the scourge o' our pirate tales!

Arrr! Be ye knowin' that the scurvy dog who plays Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3 was almost abandonin' the stage afore findin' his way to the RPG!

Arr, me hearties! Neil Newbon's journey on thar career sea could 'ave taken a mighty different course, it be! Aye, the winds of fate be fickle, but Lady Luck be smilin' on him, keepin' him far from Davy Jones' locker.

November 11, 2023

Arr, Swen Vincke, the captain o' Larian, be yearnin' for more crews t'craft CRPG treasures, post Baldur's Gate 3's glory!

Avast ye mateys! Methinks the CRPG genre be settin' sail fer a mighty fine comeback in thar future. Aye, me eyes be seein' grand adventures 'n epic quests awaitin' all ye landlubbers. Brace yerselves, 'tis a treasure worthy o' plunderin'!

"Arr, me hearties! The Astarion actor o' Baldur's Gate 3 be sayin', 'I be ready fer whatever Larian be plannin'!'"

Arr, me hearties! None be knowin' what lies ahead fer Larian, but Neil Newbon be settin' sail with 'em already. Aye, the future be as mysterious as Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, the salty seas be witnessin' the weepin' o' the Kingdom's Zelda actor, who be sayin' she be wantin' to play her part once more in the movin' picture show, arrr!

Arr, me heart be yearnin' to sail the virtual seas of Zelda, plunderin' treasure and battlin' scallywags, till me eyes be as red as a devil's beard!

Arrr, the scallywag Karlach speaks o' his character's splicin' endin' bein' purposeful, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scallywags! Methinks we ought to ponder upon why that be the voyage, and what message might be hidden within. Arrr, tis a puzzler fer sure!

November 9, 2023

Arrr! Thar be word that Gotham Knights and Hogwarts Legacy publisher be settin' its sights on live service games, whilst Sony be rethinkin' its own grand scheme.

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks these live service games be like a cap'n with a split personality! They be in, yarr, and then they be out, aye! It be as if they be sailin' the treacherous seas with no sense of direction, arrr!

Arr, me hearties! The Zelda brethren reckon this swashbucklin' Hunger Games and Euphoria matey befit the role of the fair princess!

Arr, methinks Hunter Schafer be a favored pick among the scallywags! Aye, she be a true gem, worthy of admiration on the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! This Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game be a treacherous voyage, brimming with cursed spirits and true wickedness.

Arr, me hearties! I be tellin' ye, the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game be a treasur' worth findin'! 'Tis a realm where superstition reigns supreme, and true evil be lurkin'. Set sail on this adventure, if ye dare!

Arr, ye scurvy Venom 3 be made to walk the plank, as the lads and lasses be done strikin'!

Avast, me hearties! Behold, the dreaded delays be upon us! Brace yerselves for a jolly good wait, for time be playin' tricks on our minds. Arrr, patience be our treasure as we sail through this tempestuous sea of hindrance!

November 5, 2023

Arrr, the mighty Diablo 4 Aspects shall find their way to the Codex of Power, be it soon or late, matey!

Arrr! 'Twill be a jolly fine improvement, aye, when it be set to manage our booty's inventory. Aye, no more scallywags pilferin' our treasures! 'Tis a pirate's dream, mateys!

Arrr, them Diablo 4 Uniques be as dull as a barnacle-covered plank! The scurvy devs be givin' 'em a jolly good makeover, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! This be how we be reckonin' to make Uniques stand out from the scurvy masses, aye! 'Tis the way we be settin' sail henceforth!

November 4, 2023

Arrr, Diablo 4's wicked rings be cursed to forever dwell within the fabled ecosystem, mateys!

Avast ye! Blizzard be tellin' me that the shockin' reappearance o' these foul Malignant Powers be a rare sight, not the norm!

Ahoy! Blimey! BlizzCon 2023 be a sight to behold! Chris Metzen be back, leadin' Blizzard to treasure, makin' amends fer past mishaps!

Yarrr! Me scurvy opinion be that at this grand BlizzCon affair, World of Warcraft be the true swashbuckler, stealin' all the thunder, arrr!

November 3, 2023

Avast ye! This here comic book be holdin' the secrets o' Loki's fate 'n his significance to the grand MCU!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! The mischievous deity be transformin' into the god o' tales, aye! No more tricks 'n pranks, but now he spins yarns 'n tales, entertainin' the hearts o' landlubbers 'n sailors alike. What a twist, me hearties!

Arr! Loki be up to some mischief in his 2nd voyage, aye! A sly nod to The Avengers' tale, but not as ye reckon, matey!

Do ye hear that jingle, Loki?

Arrr, Loki be spewin' tales of a real swashbucklin' crime! 'Tis crafted a fine backstory fer this scurvy matey!

Arr, a pleasure to make yer acquaintance, Frank!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! Here be all ye need to know 'bout Gen V season 2, arrr!

Arr, mateys! Good tidings be upon ye, for 'tis news o' The Boys spin-off returnin' fer another grand adventure at sea. Avast! Be ready fer swashbucklin' escapades that'll shiver yer timbers!

November 2, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Baldur's Gate 3 patch 4 be sailin' the digital seas, bringin' over 1,000 changes! Ye can now befuddle them deceased scallywags!

Avast ye scurvy mates! We be bringin' ye a sight fer sore eyes - a color-blind mode, bespoke swabbies, and a whole lot o' other booty to make yer voyage a jolly one! Load yer cannons and set sail, for thar be treasures aplenty awaitin'!

Arr! The scurvy dog Eli Roth be yearnin' fer Thanksgiving to be our era's fearsome Scream! Ahoy, mateys!

Arrr! Hear ye, mateys! Eli Roth be spillin' his secrets 'bout craftin' a fine modern slasher film. Aye, the scallywag knows his way 'round them blood-soaked scenes! Grab yer popcorn, me hearties, and prepare fer a thrillin' tale o' cinematic terror!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor be favored by none other than David Tennant! "Arrr, splendid choice, he be!"

Arrr, me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! I be bringin' ye news from the seven seas! David Tennant be singin' praises for Ncuti Gatwa's "most thrillin'" Doctor! Arrr, 'tis a jolly good time, me mateys!

October 28, 2023

Avast ye! Me timbers be no longer impressed by Honkai Star Rail, but me heart be set on plunderin' Genshin Impact!

Arr, me hearties! This Honkai Star Rail be a fine JRPG, but methinks I've had me fill o' it. 'Tis a treasure worth explorin', but this ol' pirate be settin' sail fer new adventures. Yo ho ho, and a bottle o' rum!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs who played last year's finest Zelda-like be still strugglin' to unravel its secrets. But alas, the maker ne'er thought they'd be diggin' so deep!

Arrr, 'twas swifter than our reckonin'!

Arr, ye Skyrim matey be cursed with 25 cursed sea steeds, seekin' help from the mateys across the land!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs be claimin' nay passage, but we be settin' sail regardless!

October 27, 2023

Arrr! Methinks Cities: Skylines 2's treasure be not a swindle, but plagued with bugs, matey!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks the supply and demand be all abaft, not matchin' its purpose. 'Tis a ruddy mess, like a scurvy dog chasin' its own tail! Aye, the market be as confused as a landlubber on a ship.

Arrr, 'tis a travesty! Eddie Brock be not donning the Venom mantle in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, ye scallywags!

Avast, me hearties! Be it known that Ben Arfmann, the narrative director of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, doth regale us with tales of the changes to Venom, and their roots in the mighty comic books! Shiver me timbers, 'tis a tale worth hearin', lads and lasses!

Avast, mateys! The scallywag be sayin' that Marvel's Wolverine shall sail in the same seas as Spider-Man games!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! They be a bunch o' scurvy dogs, all 1048 of 'em! Nothin' but a sorry lot o' landlubbers!

Avast ye, matey! Never did I imagine the smashin' success of a management game, where ye run a hotel with death goddesses bein' adorable anime lasses. Ahoy!

Arr, mystic doorways summon all ye landlubbers to the wondrous domain of Yog-Sothoth! Prepare thyself for an otherworldly shindig, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! I tell ye, Alan Wake 2 be scarier than a kraken's roar, me havin' sailed through Remedy's first harrowin' horror voyage!

Arr, me hearties! Horror be a treacherous beast, and me trustin' be strained with it. But fear not, for I shall spill no secrets 'bout the frightful tale o' Alan Wake 2. Ye can rest easy, me mateys!

Avast ye! 'Tis a guide on how to swell yer booty hold in Alan Wake 2, mateys! Yarr, gather 'round!

Arrr, me hearties! In this Alan Wake 2 adventure, we be scurvy dogs seekin' precious booty, like upgrades for our inventory space! Aye, 'tis a grand challenge, fer space be scarce. Our mateys, Alan and Saga, must set sail and snatch 'em upgrades to stash their loot!

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs! Baldur's Gate 3 be stoppin' at level 6 spells, but one scallywag pulled off a level 7 blunder! Locked 'em out o' the grand brawl, it did!

Arrr! The direst misfortune befallin' 'em scallywags! They be stranded on the cursed PS5, unable to wield their console commands like sorcery to escape their fate. Yo ho ho, what a calamity indeed!

Avast ye matey! Me timbers be shiverin' at the thought o' these eerie new board games fer Halloween! Arrr!

Arrr, these be the games that be sendin' shivers down me timbers this year, mateys!

Arrr, should ye plunder Alan Wake afore ye voyage into Alan Wake 2, ye scurvy dog?

Arr, matey! 'Tis be true, Alan Wake 2 be a proper sequel, but ye need not fathom the depths of the Remedy Connected Universe to revel in its glory, arr! So hoist the anchor, set sail, and bask in the adventure, me hearties!

Avast ye, me hearties! Brace yourselves, for Art The Clown be slidin' down yon chimney as Terrifier 3 be a jolly Christmas flick, arrr!

Arrr, lay ye eyes upon Art The *jolly* Clown! A sight to behold, a merry soul with tricks and jests aplenty. He be the talk o' the town, bringin' laughter to all. Join the merriment, ye scallywags, and witness his antics!

Avast ye maties! Listen here, me hearties, I'll teach ye how to wield the Alan Wake 2 case board and plot yer clues!

Avast ye, me hearties! Learneth the art of placin' clues and chartin' yer investigation on the case board in Alan Wake 2. 'Tis a trick worthy of a sea dog, helpin' ye solve mysteries on this digital treasure hunt! Arrr, embark on this quest, savvy?

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Marvel's Spider-Man 2 patch be mendin' a bug that turned them heroes into wee cubes, but fans be yearnin' to keep it!

Avast ye mateys! Fetch Spider-Cube back, I say! Be quick as a scurvy dog, or ye be walkin' the plank, arrr!

October 22, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs may despise Baldur's Gate 3's Githyanki, but mark me words, they be worthy of praise!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! These scurvy dogs be one o' th' finest hidden treasures in th' realm o' D&D!

Ye scallywags, reckon a landlubber crafted a Spider-Man 2 fan creation so fine that even the game director be mighty impressed!

Avast ye scurvy dog! What be happe'nin' on this perilous day?

Arrr, the FC 24 Trailblazers be grantin' young Mbappe and Bellingham shiny new PlayStyles, me hearties!

Arr, Salah and Griezmann be layin' their hands on some swanky loot from the likes o' FC 24 Trailblazers, me hearties! Avast!

Arr, the scallywag who birthed Final Fantasy be smitten with Final Fantasy 14, yet he be dreadfully averse to toil on the MMO!

"Arrr, if I be includin' this here task in me duties, I'll be privy to the secret machinations unfoldin' backstage, savvy?"

Arr, the scurvy scallywag who be playin' Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3 met the bloke who be writin' his tale. 'Twas a jolly good meetin', matey!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis the most meta snuggling ye ever laid yer eyes upon! Ye shan't find a snuggle more grand, as it befitting of true pirate folk. Savvy?

Venturin' to th' circus in Baldur's Gate 3 be like a merry quest akin to me beloved Dragon Age Inquisition!

Arrr, me hearty! The Circus of the Last Days be a jolly fine spot to plunder yer heart with delight in Baldur's Gate 3. Aye, ye won't find a better place to feast yer eyes upon fantastical wonders!

Arrr! Methinks the scurvy Assassin’s Creed be showin' a leak o' the Red logo and a bonny lass lead!

Arrr, yonder katana-wielding samurai be growin' fiercer, matey! Methinks 'e be takin' a place o' honor as a main protagonist in this here game, arrr!

Arr, a scurvy dog from Baldur's Gate 3 be wastin' hours protectin' them cowardly NPCs, only to be stabbed in the back at the end!

"I be doin' this for Barcus," they be mutterin', whilst gettin' their sorry derriere handed to 'em by the prisoners they just rescued. Arr, seems like Barcus owes 'em a grog or two fer this misadventure!"

Yarr! Ye scallywag Yoshi-P be wantin' a Diablo 4 partnership, but fears the game be too "hardcore" fer his fancy MMO!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! If we could but make this contraption function, then I'd be filled with joy, aye!

October 21, 2023

Arrr! The swashbucklin' creator of Final Fantasy spills the beans on what be makin' a proper Final Fantasy game, and why FF16 be a flawless epitome!

Avast, me hearties! Hironobu Sakaguchi hath spoken his mind, lest ye be deaf as a barnacle-covered bilge rat!

Arr, the scallywag in Baldur's Gate 3 be confessin', "I had no clue me voice could woo ye heart, matey! The awkward be recordin' them love sounds, arrr!"

Arr, me hearties! Yonder Emperor's voice actor be chattin' 'bout his grand tale o' playin' a saucy tentacle monster. 'Twas a rollickin' adventure, it were! Ahoy, me mateys, ye wouldn't want t' miss such a tale o' nautical naughtiness on the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The mighty Assassin's Creed Mirage be a blast from the past that'll hoist Ubisoft to greater heights!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! Mirage be the grand throwback we longed for, but methinks it be time to set sail for new horizons. Cast yer gaze away from yon mirage, me hearties, and seek fresh treasures on the horizon!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis be a clash o' Junji Ito and H.P. Lovecraft in a cosmic horror game, blastin' me sleep with the trailer! Avast!

Avast ye scallywags! Ready yerselves fer the cursed matrimony 'twixt two devilishly frightful powers!

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! Final Fantasy 14 hath revealed the long-awaited FF16 crossover, with a grand Torgal mount aboard!

Arr, the cursed Path Infernal be takin' its sweet time, me hearties! Methinks I be yearnin' for its arrival like a thirsty sea dog longin' for grog on a scorchin' day! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! A scurvy dog o' a Baldur's Gate 3 player be findin' a crafty way to outwit a fearsome boss in Act 2! With a dash o' RPG magic, the scallywag be makin' the boss walk the plank!

Arr! A wee bit o' tidyin' be holdin' great power, me hearties! Clean up yer mess 'n ye'll find a treasure trove o' peace 'n productivity awaitin' ye! Set sail on the ship o' cleanliness, me mateys! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' cleaning spray!

"Avast! Where be that hand wanderin' off to? Methinks Lae'zel's mate be takin' a slumber with Lae'zel 'erself, playin' as Pink Lae'zel in the jolliest Baldur's Gate 3 stream ye ever did see!"

Avast ye, me hearties! The Baldurs Gate 3 stream be takin' self-inflictin' pain to a whole new echelon! Methinks 'tis a true spectacle of self-torture fit for a pirate's amusement!

October 20, 2023

Arr, Gen V be a mighty treasure, no need for scurvy sea dogs like The Boys to join!

Arrr! Soldier Boy's brief appearance be a jolly good time, yet 'tis not what maketh Gen V truly grand! Hear me, mateys, there be more treasures awaitin' beyond this mere spectacle!

Arrr, mateys! The finale of Gen V episode 6 be causin' a right ruckus in The Boys' realm, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! All hands be at risk, mateys!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! The creator o' Stardew Valley be hintin' at a puny addition fer 1.6, but I be passin' on it, arr!

Avast ye! The mere thought of Wild Horseradish Juice be drivin' me to the depths of despair! I be not one to tangle with such a vile concoction, lest it be a surefire way to walk the plank of culinary disaster, arrr!

Arr! Behold, the fearsome Green Mamba, a villainous scallywag set to cross swords wit' Spider-Wench!

Arrr, mateys! Scribe Steve Foxe be chattin' 'bout his fresh Spider-Wench tale, aye, born from the fierce Gang War. A fine read it be, me hearties, so prepare to set sail on a swashbucklin' adventure!

Arrr, the cap'n o' Spider-Man 2 be sayin' that ye don't need a grander game, just a worthy one fer yer coins!

Arr, matey! Thar be a sequel of them superheroes, seekin' to make more moments worth rememberin', rather than a drawn-out battle! Avast ye!

Arr! A lily-livered Skyrim scallywag be wastin' 20,000 glitterin' pieces o' gold on grub, only t' meet a fiery fate o' explodin' belly!

Avast ye scallywags! Poor lad never did get the shot to becometh what he devours! Aye, tis a cruel twist o' fate that hath denied him such a savory destiny!

Arr, Mark Hamill be spillin' the beans on how the Batman Arkham games let him be a jolly new Joker, matey!

Arrr, the most renowned Jester be showerin' Rocksteady's games with grand accolades, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis some good news, me hearties! Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon be growin' with brand-new House of the Bloodaxe comic tales!

Arr matey! Titan Comics be publishin' the prequel series, ye scurvy dogs! So gather yer crew, raise yer grog, and set sail fer some good ol' pirate readin'! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle o' ink!

Arrr! Behold, the voice swashbucklers and merry crew of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be revealed!

Avast ye landlubbers! Behold, the gallant crew of Spider-Man 2, be they noble heroes or scurvy villains, arrr! Feast yer eyes on this fine parchment, fer 'tis where they be introduced, yarrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The star of thar grand tale, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, claims that Peter Parker's most fearsome foe be none other than Venom, Doc Ock, or the Green Goblin!

Arr matey! 'Tis a jolly surprise! Yuri Lowenthal hath chosen a treasure most unexpected, me hearties! Ahoy!

Arr! The latest scrawl from Gen V episode 7 be showin' a grand cameo o' another scurvy dog from The Boys, along with a curious new Supe!

Avast ye mateys! Pray tell, what be the next shenanigan unfoldin' o'er yonder horizon?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs at Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be yearnin' t' spin a tale o' Venom like none other, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis the fans who be holdin' the key to decide if Venom be gettin' his very own spin-off game. Let the winds o' fate steer us towards treasure or leave us stranded on a deserted isle!

Arrr! Loki's second season be boastin' a remarkable hidden treasure - a rare gem from an ancient Marvel tome of 80 years past!

Arrr, matey! Methinks this tale be havin' unexpect'd connections to Spider-Man, savvy?

Arrr, landlubbers of the Spider-Man 2 community be clamping down on spoilers as the sequel sails closer to its release!

Arrr, me mateys! The sequel of the scallywag's insomnia be already sailin' in certain lands, ready to plunder yonder dreams. Avast, ye hearties, be ye prepared to embark on this sleepless adventure!

October 19, 2023

Arrr! "Cities: Skylines 2" be cursed if it dare not voyage with a decade's worth o' DLC treasures like its predecessor!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Be warned, this city-building sequel be no exact replica of its predecessor, lest ye be fooled! Changes aplenty await ye, so brace yerselves for a voyage that'll tickle ye timbers and stir the winds of anticipation!

Arr, ye scurvy dog Matthew Vaughn, aye, he be tryin' (and failin') to make three o' those Superman flicks!

Arrr, Warner Bros. be afeared o' that folly! They be not entertainin' such shenanigans, matey!

Arr, Matthew Vaughn hath parleyed with James Gunn 'bout the DCU. Aye, tis true, matey!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ne'er be utterin' the cursed words 'never say never', for fate be a mischievous lass. 'Tis bett'r to keep ye trap shut, lest ye be end up swimmin' with the mermaids!"

Arrr, matey! Ye scurvy dogs have crafted a fine set o' cards in Fallout's Magic: The Gathering! But truth be told, I be only carin' for the grand artwork o' Dogmeat and Rex the Cyber-Hound!

Avast ye hearties! They bestowed upon Dogmeat his very own commander deck, and me joy be overflowin'! Arrr, 'tis a fine day fer a furry matey to set sail on the high seas of card battles!

Arr! 'Tis a grand tale, mateys! A Game of Thrones star be joinin' hands with the creator of Sherlock for a spine-chillin' adaptation o' Arthur Conan Doyle's work.

Arr, mateys! 'Tis the truest nightmare afore Christmas, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arrr! Behold, thar be the 32 grandest swashbucklers from the bygone era o' the '50s.

Arrr, once the studio system be done for, yer silver screen swashbucklers transformed into Hollywood's grand franchises, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The mateys who be makin' Spider-Man 2 be makin' the sounds o' New York City by gatherin' a motley crew to gabble and march in circles!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! I be traversin' this very spot, so ye best be mindin' yer manners and steerin' clear. This be me territory, savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dog! A scallywag stole me spoils in the great MMO raid, but fear not, for I avenged meself by slaying 'em in PvP! And their bones? They be hangin' fer 3 long years, a true lesson to all thievin' landlubbers!

Arrr! Avast ye! The landlubbers be keepin' them bones safe 'n sound, even after all these moons!

Arr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs behind League of Legends have finally spilled the beans after 14 long years! They've uncovered the foulest pairings in the seven seas, with one poor sod so pitiful, he's claimin' 3 outta the feeble 4!

Avast ye landlubbers! In the grand skirmish betwixt the sorcerer and the mighty mountain, 'tis the mage who be claimin' the vict'ry, without a doubt! Aye, the mage be trouncin' that mountain with his mystical prowess, leavin' naught but rubble in his wake!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! The helm of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be steerin' away from our beloved lad Peter Parker's sweetness, arrr!

Arr! I be tellin' ye, mateys, young Peter Parker shan't be the same swashbuckler ye remember in the sequel of Spidey! Be ready to witness a whole new set o' antics from the lad!

Avast ye! The legendary scallywag Josh Sawyer be willin' to conjure up Pillars of Eternity 3, but only if ye be coughin' up a treasure chest as grand as Baldur's Gate 3's booty!

Avast ye! Yonder question be, "Arrr, shall we set sail for Fallout New Vegas 2 or Pentiment 2, me hearties?" But mark me words, mates, for Sawyer be havin' grander schemes, should ye possess the coin to fund 'em!

Arrr! Avast ye hearties! Burt Young, the scallywag who played Paulie in Rocky, hath passed away at th' ripe age o' 83. Cap'n Sylvester Stallone be leadin' th' tearful remembrances.

Arr, the scallywag be nominated for an Oscar, methinks! Aye, 'twas his grand performance in Rocky, a spectacle o' epic proportions. The lad surely deserves a chest o' doubloons fer such piratical talent!

October 18, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! Fede Alvarez's flick be praised by Ridley Scott himself, sayin' tis a bleedin' masterpiece, by Jove!

Arrr! Me mateys be warnin' me that Ridley be a scurvy dog, tough as barnacles on a rusty hull!

Arrr, matey! Avast ye! Diablo 4's treasure hunt be in chaos, as a scurvy dog snatches an Uber Unique, mere moments after they upped the loot!

Arrr, me hearties! This treasure be as rare as a mermaid's tear, but forsooth, how long will it stay buried?

Arrr! Phil Spencer be claimin' he be fully committed to explorin' all the loot o' Xbox IP. Not jus' Activision and Blizzard, mateys!

Arrr, the Xbox captain be yearnin' for a sight o' the company's past to be unveiled once more! Aye, he be demandin' a grand revisit to the annals o' their history. Shiver me timbers, says I!

Arr! CD Projekt Red be strivin' to keep their crew from crunchin' on The Witcher 4, matey! Cyberpunk 2077 be a blow to their spirit, but they be learnin' from their mistakes, arrr!

Arrr, we be confessin' that the booty be not meetin' our grand expectations.

October 17, 2023

Arrr! The scurvy dogs behind Slay the Spire crafted a treacherous new game in a mere three weeks. 'Tis a wild disco deckbuilder, mateys!

Arr! I be partakin' in a wild jig wit' them Duelin' Dancers, but blimey, me noggin be still spinnin' tryin' to grasp what in Davy Jones' locker unfolded afore me eyes!

Arrr! The fresh King Kong game, after 18 long years, be called a "scam" by many! Spreading faster than a cannonball, it be likened to the dreaded Gollum of 2023, a game most ill-reputed.

Arrr, be we truly graced with a second Gollum game in the selfsame year, me hearties? Shiver me timbers, 'tis a glorious bounty fit for a pirate's plunder! Yo-ho-ho and a barrel of rum, let the adventures continue!

Arrr, be it me alone, or be this the grandest age fer the movin' pictures o' ye fine animations?

Avast ye mateys! A scribe from Total Film be claimin' that these modern 'toons be surpassin' even the legendary Disney treasures! Arrr, can ye believe it? Aye, me hearties, we be sailin' in uncharted waters indeed!

Avast ye! Tony Stark, the Iron Man, be takin' his eternal rest as per the MCU timeline.

Avast me hearties, the day be upon us that we long foresaw!

October 16, 2023

Avast ye! Battlefield 2042, after sailin' 'pon the seven seas fer near 2 years, be finally findin' redemption. The crew be flockin' back, like a swarm o' scallywags at launch!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs, listen 'ere! Great advancements, a fresh season, and a jolly weekend o' freedom on Steam hath sent our crew o' players sailin' past 100,000! Aye, our ship be afloat and ridin' the waves o' success, arrr!

Arr! Me hearties! Thar be an actor from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 thinkin' them scurvy villains be second only to Batman's!

Be the Joker akin to Doc Ock in his mischievous prowess? Arr, that be a query worth ponderin' amidst the vast sea of villains. Yet, methinks The Joker be a scallywag with a flair for chaos, whereas Doc Ock be a scurvy dog with a hankerin' for all things scientific!

The mateys of the anime crew be dubbin' the fair MJ from Spider-Man 2 as the "first scurvy fictional scallywag to flounder" a legendary maneuver!

The poor soul, plagued by sleeplessness, doth bungle the Akira bike slide! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold - like a landlubber lost at sea! Methinks the sandman be playin' tricks on 'is sorry soul! Arrr, tis a barrel o' laughs, me hearties!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! The legendary Genie o' Robin Williams be makin' a grand comeback in Disney's 100th year tale, AI-less!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Once Upon a Studio be gatherin' a crew o' characters from a century long past. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties! Prepare ye self fer a jolly good time, fer this be a tale worth sharin' on the seven seas!

October 15, 2023

Arr, listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Here be all ye need to know 'bout Intel Extreme Masters Sydney!

Arrr, me hearties! The Intel Extreme Masters be makin' a grand return to Sydney, a haven for scurvy gamers! It be a long time since 2019, so gather round ye landlubbers and feast yer eyes upon the glorious highlights of this upcoming esports jamboree!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lay claim to yer D&D figurines in a dazzling VR experience with this here game!

Arrr! Dungeon Full Dive be takin' ye landlubbers straight into a virtual world, bringin' D&amp;D to life! Prepare to set sail on an adventure like no other, me hearties! Get ready to plunder and pillage with a flick o' yer wrist! Ahoy, ye be in fer a jolly good time!

Avast! This scurvy landlubber be a geeky knave, yet a mighty assassin among the finest to be found!

Yarr, me hearties! Travis Touchdown may not be perfect, aye, but that be no reason to shiver yer timbers! Nay, he be worth raisin' a mug o' grog an' givin' a cheer to, me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Be prepared fer another Jackbox party pack sailin' yer way soon! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest game be celebratin' a decade of Jackbox party packs, bringin' forth a mighty storm o' mayhem right to yer doorstep!

October 14, 2023

Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Word be that Jason Todd lives! After 35 long years, DC be releasin' the lost tale of Batman #428, mateys!

Avast, mateys! Suppose ye scurvy dogs had cast ye votes fer Jason Todd to live? Blimey! 'Tis a world where the rogue lad, once doomed, be triumphin' 'pon the stormy seas. Arrr, 'tis a jolly good tale that be, worthy of a hearty laugh!

John Constantine be returnin' in a jolly new Hellblazer miniseries, and word has it he be sailin' towards the Sandman's realm!

Arrr! The motley crew, Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell, and Jordie Bellaire, be back to stir the creative cauldron once more, me hearties! A merry band o' scallywags, ready to embark on another grand adventure, fillin' our sails with artistry and mirth!

Avast, ye hearties! The scurvy dogs of Starfield be yearnin' for the legendary sea dogs of Skyrim and Fallout!

Arr! By Davy Jones' locker, methinks Checkov be a-spinnin' in his watery grave at this very moment!

Avast, ye scallywags! The scurvy dog behind Ghost of Tsushima be makin' a game with samurai dinos! Arrr!

Arr, ye landlubbers be thinkin' this animator's legacy be not seaworthy? Ha! Methinks ye be missin' the mark, for this animator's legacy be more metal than a pirate's plunder!

October 13, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! This scallywag glitch be transformin' Assassin's Creed into a grand isometric RPG, a treasure all be yearnin' for!

Avast, me hearties! We be needin' to send a petition to Ubi, arr!

Arrr! 'Tis confirmed, me hearties! Diablo 4 be Steam Deck verified as Season 2 sets sail!

Avast ye! Be ye aware, me hearty, ye can carry Diablo 4 on yonder travels once it docks on Steam!

Ahoy, ye brave soul! A toast to the scurvy dog who hath acquired a fresh Wii U, breakin' a 17-month curse!

Arr! Methinks but a solitary soul hath purchased a Wii U in the year 2023, and we ought to aspire to be such exquisite scallywags, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, me hearties! Ghostrunner 2 be the jolliest demo in Steam Next Fest, no doubloons about it!

Arrr, me hearties! Ghostrunner be at it once more, deliverin' thrillin' puzzles ye can't pry yer eyes off. Aye, they be so engagin', ye'll be losin' yerself in the treacherous seas o' action!

Arr, me hearties! Mary Jane Watson be havin' her very own Jackpot tie-in fer the fearsome Gang War!

Arr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers! 'Tis a grand tale o' Mary Jane Watson, settin' sail on her very own solo adventure as a bonny superhero! With brand spankin' new powers, she's chasin' the golden Jackpot! Aye, buckle yer swash and prepare for some wild antics!

Arr, me Steam Next Fest treasure be a most peculiar MMO, a tranquil haven betwixt me bustling Final Fantasy 14 adventures, matey!

Avast, ye matey! I be addin' Sky: Children of the Light to me blessed wishlist. Arrr, 'tis a jolly good game, fit for a swashbucklin' pirate like meself! Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis true, me played 'Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth' be a downright preposterous JRPG!

Avast ye! Behold, the soon-to-be-released Like a Dragon be a scurvy dog of a game, filled with wild antics, a heart o' gold, and pure bliss. Prepare to be smitten, for this treasure be unlike any other!

Avast ye, me hearties! The greatest crews and mystical spirits battle in the Honkai Star Rail Aetherium Wars!

Avast ye landlubbers! Assemble yer mightiest crew o' scurvy dogs and gather the finest Aether Spirits to conquer the treacherous Aetherium Wars in Honkai: Star Rail!

Arrr! Them scurvy dogs playin' Baldur's Gate 3 be confessin' their RPG combat sins, only to find out 'twas that notorious D&D mechanic be responsible fer most of 'em!

Arrr, by the powers! 'Tis been discovered, ye scallywags, that not a soul be payin' mind to Concentrating! Aye, 'tis a sorry tale, me hearties, when even the name fails to catch a glimpse of a single eye!

Ahoy, mateys! Get yer hands on th' EA Sports FC 24 guide, wit' tips fer Ultimate Crew, Career Mode, an' more!

Avast ye, mateys! Find ye vital tips fer every part o' th' game in our EA Sports FC 24 guide hub. Set sail 'n be better prepared fer yer gaming adventures. Arrr!

Arrr! This here tumultuous co-op game be me favorite treasure on Steam Next Fest, takin' me back to me cherished roguelikes o' yore!

Arrr, the Apocalypse Party be a raucous affair, takin' inspiration from Hades, Vampire Survivors, and The Binding of Isaac. 'Tis a fine merriment, where souls be minglin' amidst chaos and mayhem, seekin' to survive the unholy night. A jolly good time, indeed!

Arrr, matey! In this tale o' Cyberpunk 2077, they be usin' AI to fill the boots o' a departed actor in Phantom Liberty. That be keepin' his performance alive in the game, savvy?

Arrr, CD Projekt proclaims that the scallywags bein' the offspring of the late Polish voice actor Miłogost Reczek were "mighty supportive," aye!

Whar be the best spot to capture portraits o' these mischievous spirits in GTA Online, me hearty?

Arrr, me hearty! Be ye yearnin' to spy them spectres in GTA Online? Seek out the secret haunts at precise hours, lest ye miss out on the Ghosts Exposed livery fer the Albany Brigham!

October 12, 2023

Avast, me hearties! Behold the mighty crew of Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Francis Manapul, and other swashbucklin' artists sailin' the seas with their new comic ship, Ghost Machine!

Arrr, Ghost Machine be called a "ship o' creators where they be ownin' and sailin' their own media waters."

Arrr, mateys! Word be spreadin' that a fresh Suits series be brewin' in the shadows!

Avast ye! Behold, the helm be under the command o' Captain Aaron Korsh, the creator o' this fine creation!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The blokes sailin' the ship o' Project Mugen be spewin' tales of how this grand open-world RPG be played.

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Listen up as the salty devs spill the beans on their grand global launch, makin' comparisons to the wondrous Genshin Impact, swingin' like Spider-Man, and other wild tales. Gather 'round, me hearties, and let's have a jolly good laugh!

Avast ye, mateys! This Todd Howard be beggin' ye to sail the Starfield seas fer years, yet even them Bethesda superfans be weary o' it: "I be replayin' Skyrim, 'tis a whole new level!"

Arr, me hearties! Afore six weeks be through, Starfield's scallywags be droppin' off faster 'n a cannonball from Bethesda's ol' RPGs.

Arrrr, after 7 harrrrrd years, the sequel to a legendary Metroidvania be droppin' a demo on Steam Next Fest, and it be fulfillin' me every wish, matey!

Arr, me hearties! TEVI be nothin' but Rabi-Ribi 2, all dolled up like a shiny treasure! Aye, it be polished to perfection, makin' it a booty ye don't wanna miss!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Beware, ye be in fer a peculiar fright wit' the latest Goosebumps spectacle.

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Aye, 'tis an exclusive tale, told by the co-creators, Rob Letterman and Nicholas Stoller, 'bout makin' adaptations, mixin' comedy wit' horror, and what be makin' Goosebumps, well, Goosebumps! Shiver me timbers, 'tis a jolly good read, me mateys!

Arr, the jolly comic artist and scribbler, Keith Giffen, be takin' his final sail. Farewell, matey!

Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis be known that the esteemed Giffen, who crafted the tales of Lobo and breathed new life into the Justice League, be a ripe old age of seventy! Arrr, a true legend sailin' among us scallywags!

Avast ye mateys! Set yer sights on a fresh trailer featurin' Timothee Chalamet's Wonka, where Hugh Grant be belting out the timeless Oompa Loompa shanty!

Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on a realm filled with naught but boundless fancies. Step aboard this ship o' pure, fantastical whimsy, where yer mind shall wander without restraint. Tarry not, me hearties, for ye be missin' out on a treasure trove o' imagination!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Book o' Clarence be a right witty yet befuddled mockery of the Holy Scriptures!

Arr, me hearties! The Book of Clarence be a jolly ol' tale, aye, but it be as puzzlin' as searchin' fer buried treasure in a fog! A Biblical spoof worth a chuckle, but ye best be keepin' a sharp eye out, lest ye get lost in the jest!

Avast ye, me hearties! Behold, the FC 24 roster o' sprightly lads! The finest loot for yer career mode treasure chest, arr!

Avast ye! From Mbappe to the finest treasures, behold the FC 24 most sprightly young lads!

Arrr! Ye needn't be waitin' fer the SAG-AFTRA strike to cease, me hearties! The union claims the studios be offerin' a deal even more dreadful than the first one, aye!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs be sharin' their "profound disappointment," they be! 'Tis a great shame, me hearties, aye!

October 11, 2023

Arr, mateys! Come November, Peach Momoko shall grace the Star Wars Galaxy with her iconic art style!

Avast ye, mateys! Behold, a wee sneak peek at Peach Momoko's Star Wars: Visions single tale! Set yer eyes upon it, or ye be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs at FC 24 be havin' a list o' the foulest players, aye, the complete opposite of a Grand Crew!

Avast ye! Be ye brave enough to face the FC 24 scallywags and their crew of sorry sea dogs? Arrr, methinks ye be walkin' the plank if ye dare challenge them, matey!

Arrr, the shadowy steed of Steam Next Fest be an exquisite realm of racin', inspired by Initial D!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Avast! Hear ye, mates! 'Tis a tale o' grandeur, for the Japanese Drift Master be sailin' its way to become the second-most treasured demo at the grand Steam Next Fest. 'Tis a jolly sight to behold, indeed!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs of Assassin's Creed Mirage be havin' merely scratched the bellies of 1.2 million cats! Pathetic!

Arrr, ye scurvy-ridden landlubbers! The sorry state of them street cats in Baghdad be a mighty shame! Methinks those poor beasts warrant a far grander fate, me hearties!

Avast ye, me hearties! Snatch this LG OLED Prime Day booty at its lowest price afore midnight strikes!

Avast ye, me hearties! Drop yer pace and scuttle, for the LG OLED C2 be back at its lowest price, brought forth by a 27% Prime Day TV cutlass. But beware, tis a short-lived booty, worth only a few hourglass turns o' time.

Avast ye mateys! Learn the secret path to connec' yer Honkai Star Rail PS5 account. Listen well!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be settin' up yer Honkai Star Rail PS5 account link, lest ye be missin' out on the cross progression! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth claimin' for yer gaming adventures. Waste no time, me hearties!

Arr, matey! Despite Believer's lackluster show, them Exorcist sequels be sailin' on, never swayin' from their course!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! As The Exorcist: Believer be facin' a fierce storm o' criticism, ye scallywags be wonderin' what fate befall the other two flicks be. Yo ho ho, 'tis a mystery only Davy Jones can unravel!

Avast ye scallywags! Be forgettin' all else, for this be one of th' finest Prime Day treasure troves fer board games yet!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Set yer sights on the grand treasure, the King of Monster Island, now offered at the lowest price ever at Amazon! Avast, mark my words, 'tis a deal worth plunderin'!

Arr, me hearties! Come December, Rocket League be puttin' an end to player-to-player trading, leavin' fans a-quakin' fer the game's very existence!

Arrr, me hearties! Them scurvy Rocket League sea dogs be mighty discontent with the alterations, aye! They be raisin' a ruckus, shoutin' "Avast ye! We be not likin' these changes, mateys!" Methinks they be yearnin' for the good ol' days on the high seas.

Avast ye! Discoverin' the secret to obtainin' the Bazaar Gear Chest in Assassin's Creed Mirage be a fine quest, mateys!

Arr, mateys! Lay yer eyes upon th' Assassin's Creed Mirage Gear Chest in th' treacherous Karhk Bazaar! 'Tis a tricky treasure, but fear not, for there be two paths to seize it. Sail wisely, me hearties!

Arr, Star Wars be tellin' us why Anakin Skywalker be in the grand Ahsoka finale! Aye, the future be lookin' bright!

Arrr, me mateys! This young scallywag Anakin be showin' great potential, mark me words! Methinks he be a fine addition to our pirate crew, ready to plunder and pillage with the best o' us on the high seas!

Arrr! Avast ye! The penmen be startin' their scribblin' fer Gen V season 2, but there be no sign o' renewin' it, mateys!

Arrr! Methinks 'tis possible that a second term at Godolkin University may be in the offing, ye scurvy dogs!

October 10, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Me eyes have beheld a treasure! The Metroidvania demo on Steam Next Fest be a golden gem, like Bloodborne donned in the garb of a 2D Castlevania!

Arrr, ye scurvy dog! The Last Faith be just what yer heart desired, aye! It be ticklin' me timbers and satisfyin' me soul. A treasure worth plunderin' indeed!

Yarr! Ye scallywags! This here game Install Fee Tycoon be mockin' Unity, ye bilge rats! It be sayin', "Swindle these poor lads, become wealthy, and wreck the whole bloomin' video game industry, arrr!"

Arr me hearty! Methinks ye be tryin' to swindle them scurvy developers, aye? Fear not, for I be willin' to lend me hand in yer mischievous plot!

Arr! 'Tis a fine tale, me hearties! Jason Momoa be takin' on th' role o' Lobo in James Gunn's DCU!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs, th' parley be underway!

Arrr! Darkwing Duck be summonin' his own crew o' mighty heroes in the first issue o' Justice Ducks!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! Come December, be prepared to witness the grand arrival of Disney's mighty crew, the Justice Ducks, in the pages of comics! A jolly adventure awaits, me hearties!

Avast, ye scurvy swashbucklers! Pass on the Seagate Expansion Card, fer ye can grab the cheaper WD Black C50!

Avast, me hearties! Feast yer eyes upon the fine treasure known as WD Black C50, now priced lower than the Seagate Storage Expansion card. 'Tis Prime Day, so make yer choice wisely and lay yer gold on the one ye should snatch!

Avast, mateys! Why be we not raisin' a ruckus 'bout this ludicrous Prime Day Lego loot?

Arrr, me hearties! Set ye eyes on th' mighty Hulbuster kit, fit fer a true pirate! 'Tis been slashed in price, as part o' th' grand Prime Day Lego bargains. Avast, me mateys, grab it 'afore it sails away!

Arrr! The scurvy Loki captain be chattin' 'bout his voyage with mate Tom Hiddleston, as the second season sets sail with our mischievous God confrontin' his wicked history.

Avast, mateys! We have an exclusive tale to share! Dan Deleeuw, a fine soul who once walked the plank as Marvel's visual effects supervisor, now sets his course as a director! The mighty Russo Brothers, true champions, lend their hand to his voyage. Arr, what a tale of plunder and success, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, behold! The grand reveal of the Animal Crossing Lego treasure, complete with Nook's Cranny and all!

Arrr, alas! We be forced to tarry till the morrow's sun doth rise, ere we set sail on our grand endeavor. 'Tis a shame, mateys, but fear not! Fate be kind, and soon our ship shall take shape upon the horizon.

Arr, mates! Robert Webb be sayin' a grand reunion o' the Peep Show crew might be in the works!

Arrr, might Mark and Jez be sailin' back to plunder our bellies with more jests and merriment?

Arr, me hearties! Methinks this be the finest treasure of VR ye lay yer eyes upon, aye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Meta Quest 3 be takin' the top-notch game skills o' the Oculus Quest 2 and adds a dash o' mixed reality to keep ye up to date with the times. Arr, 'tis a fine treasure indeed!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Learneth the art of eavesdroppin' like a true landlubber in Assassin's Creed Mirage!

Ye be spyin' on conversations, aye! Like a sly pirate in Assassin's Creed Mirage, ye can eavesdrop on secret chatter whilst seekin' yer treasure. But beware, matey, for ye mustn't be caught, lest ye face the wrath of the scallywags!

Avast! Activision be spewin' tales of no plans to add Modern Warfare 3 or Diablo 4 to Game Pass this year, matey!

Arrr! The Microsoft reckonin' be nigh, but ye scallywags be waitin' till 2024 to feast yer eyes on the games in their subscription service. Avast ye, patience be the key to treasure!

October 9, 2023

Arr, matey! Greta Gerwig be claimin' that her next film be already hauntin' her slumber!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye, forsooth! Greta Gerwig be already toilin' on her next venture, settin' sail once more on the cinematic seas! Yo-ho-ho, that lass be a shipshape filmmaker, navigatin' through movin' pictures like a true buccaneer!

Avast ye, hearties! Christoph Waltz be settin' sail with Mia Goth and Andrew Garfield in Guillermo del Toro's Frankenstein!

Arr, Avast ye! Guillermo del Toro be shoutin' from the crow's nest, announcing a fresh matey joinin' his crew and the day o' shootin' for his Frankenstein redo! Avast, me hearties, we be in for a real treat!

Avast ye landlubbers! Afore the release, word has spread o' spoilers o' Marvel's Spider-Man 2. From fearsome battles to all the suits in the game, 'tis sailin' the digital seas!

Avast ye, me hearties! Be thee mindful as ye traverse the treacherous tides ahead, ye landlubber Spider-Man enthusiasts. A tempestuous week be upon ye, so mind ye step, lest ye be caught in a pirate's prank that'll shiver yer timbers! Yo ho ho!

Arrr! Methinks yonder blackened scene in Gen V episode 4 be concealin' a most treacherous scheme, mateys!

Arrr, there be a grander tale unfoldin' at Godolkin University, me hearties! A vast treasure o' secrets be hidden beneath those hallowed halls, ye see. Aye, the winds of mischief be blowin', and those landlubbers be none the wiser.

October 3, 2023

Avast ye! Jason Blum be swearin' on his cutlass that Spawn release be set, and by Davy Jones' locker, he'll stick to it!

Avast ye hearties! The Cap'n Jason Blum, he be finally spillin' the beans 'bout the long-awaited remake, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks them Resident Evil enthusiasts be reckonin' a guaranteed 5 remake after Separate Ways! Yo ho ho!

Arr, methinks it be a fair sight probable!

Avast ye, me mateys! Behold, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 now be havin' adjustable swing assist and fall damage. Ye can truly test Peter and Miles' mettle, arrr!

Aforetimes, the swashbucklin' Spider-Man games o' Marvel were set to the highest yardarm by default, me hearties!

Arrr! Thar be good news, me hearties! Baldur's Gate 3 update be settlin' two great quarrels - the shared stash be gone, but, by Davy Jones' locker, we shaved His Majesty's beloved beard!"

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! The scurvy cat o' Baldur's Gate 3 be bald as a bleedin' barnacle once again, mark me words!

September 30, 2023

Arr, Todd Howard never reckoned yer Starfield ships to sail so swiftly: "If ye hand the landlubbers the tools, they'll astonish ye with their prowess, matey!"

Arr, me hearties, listen well! Behold the boisterous clamor of me grand vessel's mighty mechanical contraption! It roars like a ferocious sea monster, yarr!

Arrr, even with the absence of the mighty Faker, this fair crew be victorious 'n spared from servin' in South Korea's military!

Avast ye scallywags! Gameth be a mighty tool fer ye young rapscallions! 'Tis true, fer through these digital escapades, ye can learneth strategy, sharpen ye mind, and acquire treasure troves of entertainment. So set sail on th' gaming sea, me hearties!

Avast ye, me hearties! This fine JRPG be settin' sail into autumn with a jolly 96% o' positive acclaim, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, and now... Avast! There be another treasure on the horizon! Prepare yer sails and brace yerselves for the next grand adventure, me lads and lasses!

Avast me mateys! I've plundered countless Soulslikes, but Lies of P be the finest treasure! Now, I be yearnin' for FromSoftware to pilfer its essence!

Aye, me hearty! Methinks Lies of P be the finest Bloodborne 2 we'll ever lay our eyes on in this mortal coil! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' grog, it be a jolly good time for us swashbucklin' gamers, arrr!

Avast ye! Cap'n Todd Howard be claimin' that Starfield's expectations be changin'! Aye, mateys, now every game be an RPG, with XP and levelin'!

"Arrr, we be keepin' our pirate integrity, ye see, when craftin' our games," says Howard of Bethesda RPGs.

"Avast ye! A hearty adventure through th' ol' Assassin's Creed, a grand spectacle o' method actin' it be, arrr!"

Upon th' Lookout | Recallin' th' game that kicked off th' whole savage affair. Arrrgh!

Arrr, behold the scurvy dog of GTA Online who be spendin' o'er 10,000 hours honin' his aerial tricks. Prepare to be blown away by his latest anniversary montage, mateys!

Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Ash Skyqueen be makin' a grand return, dazzlin' the skies o' Los Santos and Blaine County with a mighty new collection o' stunts. Set yer eyes on her, ye scallywags!

Arr, this be a stunning blend o' martial arts and RPG, akin to a Chinese Octopath Traveler! 'Tis plundering Steam, matey!

Avast! Behold, me mateys, the wondrous China captured in all its splendor on a magnificent 2D-HD! 'Tis a treasure indeed, for ye can feast yer eyes upon her beauty without settin' sail across the seven seas!

September 29, 2023

Arrr, me mateys be reckonin' that Gen V hath spilled the beans on Black Noir's tale, say the scurvy Boys enthusiasts!

Arr, we be mighty fond of a fine Easter treasure, me hearty!

Arrr, matey! The most sizzlin' new JRPG on Steam be a swashbucklin' Edo-era twist on the Fate anime series!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fate/Samurai Remnant be a treasure trove, with jolly felines and mutinous mutts ye can fondle and adore. Tis a game fit for a salty pirate's delight, arrr!

Arrr, by the grace of Davy Jones! Metal Gear Solid, BioShock, and Resident Evil unite in the grandest spectacle of PS1 survival horror I've laid me eyes upon!

Avast ye, me hearties! Behold the boundless azure, a sight for sore eyes! Ye scurvy dogs can even test yer mettle with a mere sample o' the game this very instant! Give it a whirl, lest ye be branded a lily-livered landlubber!

Arrr, me hearties! Feast yer eyes on this wondrous booty of $14, filled with Metroidvanias, roguelikes, and a mighty spine-chillin' open-world game.

Arr, me hearties! Ye scallywags, let it be known that the Wild at Heart be the jewel o' this treasure trove, makin' this booty worth its weight in gold doubloons! By Blackbeard's beard, tis a steal!

September 28, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Ye be hearin' tales of Baldur's Gate 3, where a realm o' naked men be lurkin' unseen!

Arrr, ye be standin' afore the council of bare buccaneers, aye, ready to pass their salty judgment upon ye sorry soul, matey!

Avast ye mateys! Discover the secret to plunder vast riches and forge mighty weapons in the dark realm of Cyberpunk 2077!

Avast, mateys! Gather 'round and listen ere I be tellin' ye the secret to unravellin' the Cyberpunk 2077 doubloons glitch. Tis a trick o' duplicatin' treasures and worthless trinkets alike, makin' ye a rich scallywag in the blink o' an eye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! When be the time fer the first episode o' Gen V on Prime Video?

Avast ye, me hearties! Mark ye calendars, for 'tis the time to set yer sights on the horizon. 'Tis when ye can feast yer eyes upon The Boys' spin-off on Amazon, arr!

Arr! 'Tis a sad tale, mateys! Sega be cancelin' the studio's zero-gravity shooter, Hyenas, with no warnin'!

Arrr, mateys! This here game, by the powers, was demoed at Gamescom but a month past. Prepare yer sea legs and set sail for adventure!

September 27, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! Learn ye ways to best the lead guard o' Payday 3 and claim yer treasure!

Arrr, mateys! In Payday 3, ye shall face a fearsome Lead Guard, an enemy handcrafted by the scallywags at Overkill! This salty dog be makin' radio squawks aplenty and takin' unpredictable routes on his patrols. Beware, or ye may end up in Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, me hearties be tellin' tales of Baldur's Gate 3, where a clever scallywag be makin' a fearsome foe surrender with a wee flower!

Arr, 'twas a mere Sussur Bloom that did the trick, matey! Nothin' more, nothin' less! Aye, 'twas a whisperin' flower that granted me heart's desire! Funny how somethin' so delicate can wield such power, arr!

"Avast ye hearties! Thar be good tidings! The scribblers of Stranger Things be returnin' to craft Season 5!"

Arrr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers, the scurvy Hollywood writers' strike be done! Now, we can set sail full speed ahead, fixin' to work on the final season o' that Netflix show! Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! Where be the grog-soaked spot where ye stash the treasure map to Payday 3?

Arr, me hearty! Ye be needin' to set yer sights on the manager's hidden treasure, the USB drive, in the treacherous seas of Under the Surphaze mission in Payday 3. 'Tis a task fit for a true swashbuckler, so buckle yer swashes and set sail for glory!

September 24, 2023

Yarrr, me hearties! Behold, me ranking o' Mike Flanagan's spooky Netflix spectacles, from Hill House to Usher's downfall!

Avast ye, me hearties! As Mike Flanagan be partin' ways with the likes o' Netflix, we cast our eyes upon the filmmaker's merry collaborations with the streamer. 'Twas a grand voyage it were, full o' tales that made us laugh, cry, and shiver in our timbers!

September 23, 2023

Arrr, the scurvy dogs of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth reckon, 'tis not complete without the madcap antics of the JRPG's extra bits!

Embracin' thar zany side, me hearty! Let us sail 'cross th' treacherous seas of mirth 'n jest, where laughter be th' only booty worth claimin'! Arr, be ye ready to board th' ship o' hilarity? Yaarrr!

Yarrr! Me Paladin be givin' those scurvy bosses such a thrashin' they be burstin' like powder kegs!

Arrr, me hearties! I be flabbergasted, forsooth! It be a mighty blow I've suffered, not once but twice, in the span of a paltry 20 minutes. Shiver me timbers, Lady Luck be playin' a cruel jest upon this ol' pirate's soul!

Arr, me hearties! Gather ye round and listen, for I be unveilin' the secrets o' thar FC 24 chemistry styles!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Behold, the FC 24 chemistry styles and their mystical powers! Wit' these, ye can transform yer players into beasts on th' pitch! Prepare for mayhem, me hearties!

September 22, 2023

Arr! Me hearties! Ye need t' know 'bout Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways Stone Dias symbols 'n solution, I be tellin' ye!

Arrr! Me hearties, gather 'round and hearken to me words! 'Tis a tale of Resident Evil 4 and its Separate Ways adventure. Aye, ye must decipher the symbols etched in stone and find the secret solution to this treacherous puzzle!

Arrr! Ye ol' Stardew Valley mastermind be teasin' his scallywags with a spine-chillin' pic, makin' 'em ponder update 1.6!

Arrr, be Ginger Island settin' sail upon th' treacherous Joja path? Methinks aye, matey! Brace yerself fer a wild journey, fer thar be no turnin' back once ye embark on that treacherous course!

Arr, mateys! Ted Lasso's fair maiden, Juno Temple, be brandishing weapons and cookin' in the first teaser of Fargo's 5th voyage.

Ahoy, me hearties! Pray, who be joinin' us fer supper this fine evenin'?

September 21, 2023

Yarr, mateys! Them scurvy dogs, James Bond fans, be tellin' tales of a moment that shattered their trust in this here franchise. Arrr!

Avast ye, mates! Brace yerselves as the heavens come crashin' down upon us!

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be lettin' ye swap characters whenever, but ye won't spy Peter or Miles without their fancy garb!

Ye shan't be layin' eyes upon these two bilge rats as yer common New Yorkers, I tell ye! Nay, they be a rare sight, like a mermaid's kiss or a chest'o'gold buried on land! Arrr!

Avast ye! Methinks Ahsoka be reckonin' that scallywag Thrawn be commandin' an army o' undead stormtroopers. Arrr!

Arr, be them stormtroopers capable o' bein' brought back t' life like the undead?

Arr matey! 'Tis be a tale! A Netflix parchment 'bout the trial that stirred The Conjuring 3 be arrivin' next moon!

Arr, did the scurvy devil be the one who forced him to be a landlubber?

September 20, 2023

Arrr, ye hearties! Set yer sights on this grand RPG, a treasure trove o' gaming glory, blendin' Celeste, Metroidvanias, Doom, and Studio Ghibli! Avast, ye Kickstarter success to come!

Avast! Me heart be tickled with curiosity for this here Lucid, as it boasts tunes from the renowned David Wise! Arrr, I be yearnin' to give it a whirl, me matey!

Arr, me hearties! The famed game Party Animals be havin' a crew o'er 100k scurvy dogs on Steam! But, alas! The landlubbers be grumblin' 'bout server troubles and lack o' offline play!

Arrr, me hearties! The jolly Party Animals be settin' sail today, yet the winds o' misfortune refuse to blow in our favor. Aye, methinks this voyage be more tumultuous than a plank-walkin' dance.

Ye won't be needin' a PlayStation to partake in the next grand tale o' Horizon on the high seas, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Thee New Horizon Forbidden West board game be unveilin' a tale ne'er before seen in the canon! Set yer sights on th' unknown seas 'n embark on a swashbucklin' adventure, filled wit' treasures 'n mysteries aplenty. Avast, me mateys, 'tis a booty worth claimin'!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis news me hearties, for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be gilded with the gold!

Avast, me hearties! The grand voyage bein' a month away 'fore we set sail to conquer the seven seas. We be waitin' patiently, like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder, 'til our ship be ready to embark on our jolly adventure!

September 19, 2023

Arr, me hearties! The beloved and odd Cap'n Michael Cera shall grace the silver screen in Wes Anderson's grand tale!

Avast ye! Cap'n Wes Anderson hath finally enlisted young Michael Cera into his troupe o' swashbucklin' performers. Let the merriment commence as this lad joins our jolly band o' actors, a treasure trove of talent be he!

Arrr! Word be sailin' that Microsoft be settin' sights on 'E3 2024'. Leakin' court scrolls be revealin' tis truth, mateys!

Arrr, mark me words, mateys! Xbox be settin' sail on a grand adventure come June 2024, sharin' their plans with all us landlubbers. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a jolly good show, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye scallywags! Quentin Tarantino be makin' his last flick, aye, with John Travolta by his side once more!

Avast ye hearties! The mighty Quentin Tarantino's last flick be settin' sail, and word be spreadin' 'bout a possible grand reunion of the Pulp Fiction crew! Aye, the scuttlebutt be true, me mateys! Hold on tight to yer peg legs, for this be a tale worth tellin'!

Avast, mateys! The secret codes of X be showin' us what awaits in Fast & Furious 11, says the cap'n!

Arr, lend ye ear to these words, ye landlubber! Attend to the prattle, hearken to the banter!

September 18, 2023

Arrr, behold, me hearties! 'Tis the tale o' th' Starfield Ryujin questline, told in all its glory!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Behold, I present thee with the intricate deets on every mission in the treacherous Ryujin questline. Prepare yer souls for grand adventures and perilous challenges on the high seas. Heed these words, ye landlubbers, or face the wrath of Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! This pesky Starfield mod, cursed with misfortune, aimed to scuttle all pronouns but instead made us all swashbuckling non-binary souls. Arrr!

Yarrr, these scurvy dogs be so brimmin' with bile that they be not graspin' the simplest form o' English. Aye, 'tis a sad sight, me mateys!

Arrr, matey! Seekin' ways to obtain more Lies of P Pulse Cells for healin' purposes, ye be?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! If ye be wantin' to boost yer max Pulse Cells in the treacherous game o' Lies of P, ye must procure yerself some Quartz, along with a trusty P-Organ!

Arrr! Avast ye! Behold the reckonin' o' Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty release time fer preload 'n unlock, me hearties!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wantin' to lay yer hands on Phantom Liberty afore it be officially unleashed? Well, I be tellin' ye, t'is possible to predownload it, savvy? Waste no time, ye landlubbers, and seize the chance to pillage this treasure 'fore anyone else!

September 16, 2023

Arrr! A landlubber MMO player be "thunderstruck" after their WoW adventure be cut short by a faulty weapon. Methinks 'tis the worst path to Davy Jones' locker!

Arr! 'Tis when a scurvy dog be catchin' fire 'pon his own accord! Aye, a most peculiar phenomenon, where flames dance upon a lubber's body as if cursed by a mischievous spirit. Beware, me hearties, for ye never know when ye might become a human firework!

Arr! Elden Ring's scurvy boss Godrick shan't e'er bounce back from bein' bested by a webcam-clad goldfish!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Raise yer mugs and shout with glee: "Huzzah fer Tortellini, the grandest feast on the seven seas! May it forever grace our bellies, fillin' our hearts with joy, arr!"

Yarrr, a salty ol' BioWare swashbuckler be claimin' they tested the Mass Effect and Dragon Age scallywags with their other D&D CRPG!

Aye, me hearties! I be ferociously grindin' these game dev points, like a scurvy dog chasin' a bone! Arrr, me skills be growin' faster than a mermaid's tail in a summer storm! Avast ye, for I be unstoppable on this treacherous ocean of pixels!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Aye, this be a jolly game fer swabbies to clean the briny sea! Huzzah!

Avast! Loddlenaut be makin' me swab the deck o' these pesky sea critters! Arr, me duties be overflowin' with 'em, worse than a bilge rat infestation!

Arrr, one cursed blunder in Baldur's Gate 3 marooned Karlach, forever plaguing me weary soul.

Me shipmates be naught but landlubber Karlach worshippers, forever mockin' me sad fate. Aye, 'tis hard to blame 'em, for who wouldn't be ensnared by such a scurvy scallywag!

Avast ye mateys! Sail the treacherous seas of GTA Online, solo this old-school mission, and plunder heaps of dubloons during the 4x RP and GTA$ event!

Avast ye mateys! This here Lamar Davis throwback be a boisterous affair, full o' life and, most importantly, a hearty treasure trove fer yer pockets. Plunder it while ye still can, savvy?

September 15, 2023

Arrr, the Titanfall 2 scallywags did slyly mend thar cherished FPS, and fans be reckonin' it be the dawn of grand adventures to come!

Arrr, that be a sight o' Easter eggs fit fer a treasure hunt! Surely they be holdin' a secret message, or me name ain't Cap'n Buccaneer!

Arr! Behold! The most peculiar scallywags to ever cross paths with the Cap'n Batman, in all his battles!

Avast, ye scurvy landlubbers! Set yer sights not on these queer creatures, for they shan't grace the silver screen alongside the Dark Knight anytime soon!

Arrr, me hearties! Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be settin' sail with me beloved 40 FPS mode, fit fer a grand PS5 voyage!

Avast, me hearties! I be as flabbergasted as a landlubber to discover that settlin' fer 60 FPS ain't always the treasure we seek. 'Tis a grand shock, aye, but 'tis a lesson learned on this digital sea.

"Arrr! This review o' Combat Arena: Lair o' the Beast be filled with clever flourishes, matey!"

Arrr! The Combat Arena: Lair o' the Beast be a grand spectacle, me hearties! A treasure trove o' clever embellishments be found therein, makin' it a jolly good time. Set sail an' enjoy the swashbucklin' adventure, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin' up! The booty that be the Tomb Raider Remastered trilogy ain't exclusive to Switch, mateys! It be launchin' on all platforms on the birthday of our fierce pirate queen, Lara Croft!

Arrr! Me hearties on the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC can set sail on February 14, and relive the classics like a jolly crew of scallywags! So gather yer rum and prepare to plunder, for a grand adventure awaits, mateys!

Avast ye scallywags! This be for him: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth mateys be swoonin' o'er Cloud ridin' a segway!

Arrr, behold the scurvy dog! Aye, watch as he scampers like a landlubber!

Arrr! Ye scurvy Spider-Man 2 scallywags reckon they've laid eyes on a foe from Tom Holland's moving pictures in the newest reel!

Avast ye, Mysterio! Be ye the scallywag I spy with mine own eye?

Avast ye, mateys! The scurvy dogs be fan castin' season 2 o' One Piece, and by Blackbeard's beard, they be cravin' Jamie Lee Curtis!

Be JLC our trusty matey, the very Kureha we seek?

September 14, 2023

Arr! Avast ye, me hearties! Behold, the fantastical Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collector's Edition, me lads! For a mere $350, ye can lay yer hands on a grand 19 inches o' Sephiroth!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Behold, me hearties, fer ye be granted the power to wield Sephiroth himself, right in yer grip!

Arrr! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! The PS5 be keepin' Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth from settin' sail on PCs 'til May 29, 2024, arrr!

Arrr, matey! The latest addition to the FF7 Remake series be held hostage by the PlayStation scallywags, denyin' access to non-PlayStation platforms for a cursed three moons. Avast ye, ye landlubbers! Prepare to walk the plank of patience!

Arrr! 'Tis true, mateys! Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be swearin' on its honor that our beloved Vincent be makin' a grand return!

Arrr, me hearties! Cait Sith be sailin' alongside us, mark me words!

Arrr! Ye be hearin' it right, mateys! Marvel's Spider-Man 2 be bringin' ye web wing fast travel, so ye can sail 'cross th' grandest map ye ever did lay eyes on!

Arrr, mateys! Tis be a grand tale! The sequel of Spidey be settin' sail with more than 65 fine suits and over 200 outfits. Avast ye, for this be a wardrobe fit for a buccaneerin' hero!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be seein' the grand Killing Floor 3, with its Unreal Engine 5 maps, bein' a splendid canvas fer paintin' blood and guts!

Avast ye! Behold, the scallywags of Tripwire be craftin' a fine co-op shooter sequel, takin' care with a steady hand. 'Tis a long-awaited treasure, me hearties! Prepare to set sail and plunder with yer mates, for an adventure awaits!

Arrr, 'tis a fearsome tale! Riverdale mates cross paths with the dreadful Michael Myers on All Hallows' Eve!

Arrr, behold! A set o' eerie artwork be revealin' a jolly mix betwixt Michael Myers and the scurvy Riverdale crew. 'Tis a sight to tickle yer bones and send shivers down yer timbers, mateys!

Arrr, James Wan be yearnin' fer Aquaman to 'ave its very own silver screen realm! Aye, a third voyage be planned, mateys!

Arr, the scurvy dog of a filmmaker be wantin' t' sail ye landlubbers through all Seven Kingdoms o' Atlantis! Get yer sea legs ready, me hearties, for a grand adventure awaits!

Arr, the Hades 2 early access be here! Ye scallywags be waitin' fer this roguelike treasure, so mark yer calendars!

Avast ye hearties! Next year be the time to set sail on the early access voyage fer the sequel of our treasured roguelike adventure. Prepare yer peg legs and eye patches, for a barrel o' jolly good times be awaitin' us!

September 12, 2023

Arrr, Valve be hoistin' the Jolly Roger fer 20 years o' Steam! Gatherin' the finest games from every year, savvy?

Avast, me hearties! Behold, a sight for sore eyes: a luscious Steam Deck, so fine 'tis like a siren's call. Yarrr, tis a treasure worth settin' sail for, me mateys!

Avast ye, mateys! Lay yer eyes on Supernova, the fearsome foe o' the Superior Spider-Man!

Avast ye, me hearties! Set your eyes on this jolly news - The Superior Spider-Man be makin' his grand return this November. And lo, we be holdin' the very first glimpse o' his fearsome foe!

Arrr! The scurvy game devs be in uproar, as Unity be plannin' to charge 'em a fee based on installs. "Ye be makin' me broke, mateys!"

Arr matey, Unity be claimin' that the fee won't plague ye scallywag devs! Avast ye landlubbers, fear not the burden on yer wallets!

Arrr! "Stranger Things hath be releasin' a myst'rious teaser, but 'tis naught what ye'd reckon, matey!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis surely a "somethin' of the sugary kind," I reckon. Aye, this be true, me hearties!

Arrr! The movie of fair maiden Jenna Ortega be gettin' scurvy reviews from the landlubbers. Shiver me timbers, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye shall be pleased to hear that the finestkind be a-comin' to ye streaming device later this year. Prepare ye eyepatches and gather ye crew, for this be a jolly good time ye won't wanna miss!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks Starfield be a wasted chance for Bethesda to give itself a jolly good makeover, aye!

Arrr, matey! Starfield be a "next-gen" game what be stuck in Bethesda's olde ways, says me opinions. Methinks they be needin' a good swashbucklin' to shake things up a bit, arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Completed Netflix's One Piece show, ye say? Fear not, I'll guide ye on the path to more piratey adventures!

Avast ye mateys! Heave ho and set yer eyes on the vast treasure trove o' One Piece manga. 'Tis a bounty fit for any pirate's heart, guaranteed to keep ye entertained on many a moonlit voyage.

Yarr! This indie game be tryin' to polish The Sims secret sauce by seekin' wisdom from 10,000 loyal fans, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Little Sim World be akin to The Sims, yet brimming with cuteness aplenty! 'Tis a land of wee folk and their caprices, a sight to warm even a scurvy pirate's heart. Avast, me mateys, set sail for this adorableness!

September 11, 2023

Arr, the Stranger Things matey Joseph Quinn and the Hoard scallywags be chattin' 'bout their new "mind's dreadful terrors!"

Avast, mateys! GamesRadar+ parleys with the cap'n Luna Carmoon, and the scurvy dogs Saura Lightfoot Leon, and Joseph Quinn 'bout their swashbucklin' Venice Film Festival sensation, Hoard. Arrr, 'tis a buried treasure worth discoverin'!

Arr, me first venture into the vast sea o' open world space games be upon Atari ST 31 years gone by. Starfield be the game I've longed for, me hearties!

Arrrr! After 31 long years and a dozen cursed contraptions, I finally be findin' meself a space game worthy o' me plunderin'! Starfield, ye beauty, me heart be singin' with joy! Prepare ye sails, mateys, we be settin' course for adventure in the celestial waters!

Avast, ye mateys! The infamous Kevin Williamson be yearnin' for Neve Campbell's return, says he: "Shiver me timbers, pay the lass her gold doubloons!"

Arrr, Sidney Prescott be a no-show in Scream 6, matey! She be walkin' the plank after a quarrel o'er gold doubloons with Campbell! Aye, a pox upon the franchise!

Ahoy, me hearties! Be ye knowin' that investin' yer points in Starfield's Security skill be grantin' ye access to this here indispensable lockpickin' trick?

Ye be wise t'invest yer skill points, me heartie! 'Twill spare ye a mighty heap o' Digipicks, savvy?

Yo ho ho! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Pray, me hearties, that them two fearsome bosses in Armored Core 6 be tamed, thanks to some mysterious patchin'!

Avast ye mateys! A fresh Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon patch be here! It be fixin' the scurvy Balteus and the fearsome Sea Spider, so ye can sail the gaming seas with ease!

Avast ye mateys! Behold, Aquaman 2's sneak peek unveils monstrous creatures, Black Manta, and Jason Momoa astride a mighty sea steed! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! DC and Warner Bros. be sharin' a wee clip afore the grand trailer sets sail later this week. Prep yer eyes, me hearties, for a jolly good show!

Arr, ye scallywags! The Horizon Forbidden West 'Complete Edition' be rated in Singapore! Pray it be comin' to PC, says the fans!

Arrr, me hearties! The latest tome be arrivin' with the treasured Burning Shores DLC in tow. Set sail fer an adventure like no other, with more plunderin' and roguish fun. Avast ye, landlubbers, 'tis a must-have addition to yer collection!

Arrr, me mateys! Starfield be sailin' closer to becomin' a Star Wars game, as them modders exchange the po-lice for stormtroopers!

Arrr, be them wee ones of a height more suitable fer landlubbers?

September 8, 2023

"Thee be swashbucklin' treasure in this here Dumb Money review mateys! Aye, worth yer doubloons on Wall Street!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Verily, be ye wise to set yer sights on the tale o' "Dumb Money"! A swashbucklin' yarn o' Wall Street mischief, worth treasures aplenty. Set sail, me hearties, and invest in this booty!

Arrr! Me matey, Brad Anderson be directin' the dreadfully good George A. Romero's last swashbucklin' zombie flick!

"Arrr, me hearties! Twilight of the Dead be a follow-up to the fearsome legend's 2005 flick Land of the Dead, savvier than a scurvy dog and twice as bone-chilling! Ye be needin' to set yer sights on this flick, lest ye want to end up in Davy Jones' locker!"

Arrr, them scurvy dogs at Baldur's Gate 3 be fretting that their game be so plagued with bugs, 'twill receive a measly 6/10!

Larian be afeared, me hearties, that all the scurvy dogs be hatin' Baldur's Gate 3. But blow me down, they be as wrong as a one-legged parrot!

Avast ye, me mateys! A monstrous new game be sailin' the seas, an' it be givin' me a wee bit o' fear!

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearty mateys! The blimey "Descent Act II: The Betrayer's War" be unmasked! Filled wit' fancy new miniatures, but be warned, the chest o' gold be mighty hefty!

September 7, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! Richard Linklater be knowin' the charm o' them bloodthirsty scoundrels on the silver screen!

Arrr, avast ye! Heard ye the latest news? 'Tis an exclusive tale of Richard Linklater spoutin' 'bout the crazy obsession with swashbucklin' hit men movies. Aye, it be quite a sight, me hearties!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be needin' t' know, thar be a new MTG Wilds o' Eldraine set with th' most anime trailer e'er seen!

Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer eyes upon yon anime trailer f'r MTG Wilds of Eldraine! 'Tis a sight worth beholdin'! Lay yer peepers upon it here, if ye dare! Arrr!

Me hearties! Them scurvy Ahsoka enthusiasts be ponderin' the grand decision o' fair Sabine in the fourth tale!

Arr, mateys! In the fourth episode, the fair maiden Sabine be makin' a grandiose and scandalous decision that be settin' the seas abuzz with gossip. Nay doubt, this be a tale worth watchin' ye landlubbers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Baldur's Gate 3 be triumphin' o'er Elden Ring to be the finest PS5 game e'er reviewed!

Arrr! 'Tis a fine tale, matey! Baldur's Gate 3 be snatchin' Elden Ring's crown, leavin' it weepin' like a landlubber. 'Tis a jolly good time fer these scurvy dogs, set sail for adventure, eh?

September 4, 2023

"Ahoy, mateys! Priscilla be a riveting yarn o' fiery passion 'n cursed notoriety, ye must set yer sights on!"

Avast ye hearties! The tale of Priscilla be a fine yarn, filled with burnin' love and treacherous fame. 'Tis a tale that'll keep ye hooked, like a barnacle on a ship's hull. Ready ye eyes for an adventure like no other!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! W0rldtr33 be the cursed treasure of a cyberpunk tale! Best horror comic o' the year, by Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, mateys! Thar be news from the high seas o' literature. Me hearties at Image be claimin' that w0rldtr33 #5 be makin' waves, turnin' the tides o' their bestselling thriller. Avast! A change be upon us, shapin' the very nature o' this tale!

Arrr! Behold, me hearties! Witness the grand sight o' Loki and Sylvie joinin' forces in the new season 2 footage o' the great Loki series!

Arr, methinks the ship's afoot with these strange contraptions! The cursed devices be playin' tricks, methinks. The sea be gettin' glitchy, savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game be a jolly good time fer all ye comic book lovers!

Yarrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Gather round and listen, for I be reviewin' th' Marvel Multiverse Role-Playin' Game! 'Tis a jolly good time, me mateys, aye, aye! Ye'll dive into th' world o' Marvel Comics 'n its grand continuity. A trul' entertainin' adventure, me hearties!

Avast! Lords of the Fallen be grantin' ye the power to manifest the monstrous visions of yer slumber!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hexworks be chattin' 'bout the makin' o' characters in its grand cosmic horror Soulslike game. Be ye ready to face the dark abyss, or be ye a lily-livered landlubber? Prepare to set sail on this treacherous adventure!

September 3, 2023

Arrr, "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" be a gabfest, a classy farewell from the great William Friedkin, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial review be a right ol' blather, a swan song from the likes o' William Friedkin. Methinks it be fancy, but full o' chatter. Settle ye in and give it a watch, else ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr! The scurvy dogs of FC 24 be addin' Kompany, Kanu, Riise, and Berbatov to their list o' heroes!

Avast, me hearties! Behold, Alex Scott and Nadine Kessler be joinin' the FC 24 Heroes list! They be settin' sail on the high seas of football greatness, markin' their names in the annals of legend. Arrr, a jolly good show indeed!

Arr, matey! "The Bloody review: "David Fincher's swashbucklin' assassin drama be hittin' the bullseye!"

Arr, mateys! The scurvy dogs be sayin', "David Fincher's assassin drama, 'The Killer', be hittin' the mark dead on!" Aye, be ye ready to set sail on this treacherous cinematic adventure?

Arr, behold ye 10 finest diversions akin to Starfield to revel in during the year 2023!

Be ye lackin' an Xbox Series X or simply bein' too impatient fer its release, fear not me hearties! I be bringin' ye a fine list o' 10 jolly games akin to Starfield. Set sail on this grand adventure, me buckos!

September 2, 2023

"Arrr, this Aggro Dr1ft be a foul brew from Harmony Korine, leavin' me mouth in utter dismay!"

Thar be this newfangled review for Aggro Dr1ft, mates! It be sayin' that Harmony Korine's latest be like a foul taste in yer gob! Aye, me hearties, steer clear o' this one, lest ye be wantin' a salty disappointment!

Weary of tarryin' fer Bloodborne 2, these scurvy dogs crafted their own - behold! Sekiro, infused with feline ninjas and Assassin's Creed essence!

Arrr! Aye, me hearties! Avast ye, I be tellin' ye of an interview with a fine game called Kristala! 'Tis a swashbucklin' Souls-like RPG, brewed right at home. A treasure worth seekin', mateys!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be deliverin' the news: Cooper and Mulligan be givin' their career-best performances in Maestro!

Arr, me hearties! The Maestro be a swashbucklin' masterpiece! Cooper and Mulligan be givin' their finest performances yet, aye, me mateys! A treasure to behold, ya scurvy dogs!

Avast, me mateys! Starfield's brawl be Bethesda's finest, forsooth! We've bid adieu to VATS, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Methinks Starfield with VATS would've scuppered its combat - I be mighty glad it be left in the wretched wasteland!

Ye olde scoundrel of a gamer be losin' his harrdcore matey in a game so ancient, it be plundered 16 years past!

Arrr, me hearty! Methinks 'Feign Death' be not scrawled by Neptune to grant ye leave for idlin'! Nay, it be a trick o' the trade to fool yer foes, not to prance about like a landlubber whilst yer crew be toilin'!

Arrr, am I the only scurvy dog settin' sail fer the "Ye Little Stalker" trophy in Cities: Skylines 2, mateys?

Avast ye! Belay yer lecture, matey! I be keepin' a keen eye on 'em scallywags, fer their own good, ye see. So save yer breath, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, methinks Starfield be havin' nary a pooch, for they be sailin' the seas o' extinction, matey!

Avast ye! Methinks I be longin' not to tarry on this celestial vessel any longer, ye scurvy planet!

Arr, ye scurvy Starfield captain be tellin' them developers to keep one wee bug in the game, mateys!

Arr, methinks we be requirin' a grander pleasure vessel, me hearties! The current one be too wee for our jolly adventures on the high seas!

September 1, 2023

Be it known, a lonesome buccaneer taketh to his craft, fashioning a three-dimensional game in the likeness of Ken Sugimori's original art, upon witnessing the fame of Pokemon Gen 1 fan art. Arrr!

Ye be askin' an' ye shall be receivin', matey!

Avast! Yonder be a tale ye scurvy dogs be likin'! Starfield, she be snatchin' Fallout 76's fine feature o' turnin' yer snapshots into loadin' screens. Arrr!

Arrr, at last, a jolly good purpose fer wieldin' ye photo mode aboard this digital vessel! Let's capture moments o' grandeur in pixels, me hearties, and brag 'em to the landlubbers. Aye, 'tis a reason worth donnin' our eyepatches fer!

Avast ye! 'Tis been 23 winters, but at last, the grappling enthusiasts bring back No Mercy, a sequel cherished like N64 booty!

Arrr, at long last, mateys! We be havin' the AKI engine game we be needin'! Avast ye, me hearties, 'tis a jolly good time for some swashbucklin' fun!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be thee ready to plunder a '70s sci-fi tome o' art, Worlds Beyond Time?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be havin' three copies to bestow upon ye lowly landlubbers! Lay claim to these treasure troves afore they be snatched by fellow buccaneers!

Arr, 'tis be 23 years hence D&D 3rd Edition, Baldur's Gate 3 be sparkin' a chilly war betwixt Wizards and Sorcerers!

Arr! Me be havin' as much sorcery in me veins as ye, me hearties!

Arr, the scurvy dogs behind a fine roguelike be settin' sail to create a Lego-inspired RTS, where ye build yer base brick by brick!

Arr! The scurvy Moonlighter devs be conjurin' somethin' peculiar! They be mixin' a brew o' strangeness, mark me words, me hearties!

Arrr! Poor Things be a right jolly, sorrowful, ribald, and fair brew o' mirth. Aye, tis a gem!

"Arrr, avast ye scurvy dogs! Methinks this 'ere Poor Things be a jolly good tale, be it funny, sad, bawdy, and aye, even beautiful! A fine concoction o' emotions that'll surely make ye heart dance a merry jig!"

Arr, mateys! Disney Lorcana be sellin' like doubloons, so they be makin' another batch, savvy?

Arrr, ye blimey scalawags! Publisher Ravensburger sails the treacherous sea of social media, swearin' on me mother's parrot that more treasure-filled cards be comin' yer way for Disney Lorcana! Avast, me hearties, prepare to plunder and pillage with glee!

Arrr! Starfield sayeth, "Me hearties, disabled ones be left stranded on Earth, unable to sail the cosmic seas!"

Arrr, Xbox may 'ave poured its treasure into makin' games accessible, but alas, Starfield lacks the means for me mateys with disabilities to sail the cosmic seas! Aye, 'tis a sad tale o' stars 'n' limitations, says I!

Arr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The characters o' Armored Core 6 be transformed into bonny waifus, thanks to the skilled artistry o' fans!

Arrr, me hearties! Ayre be a wondrous lass o' sorcery, settlin' int' her newfangled mystical ways, ye see. 'Tis a bafflin' sight, yet 'tis a match made in Davy Jones' locker.

Arrr! Me hearties sailin' the Starfield seas be spyin' a cheeky tribute to Skyrim's notorious catchphrase!

Arr, there be a time when I be an adventurer like ye, me hearty! Me peg leg be kickin', me parrot be squawkin', but then I took a cannonball to the knee, arrr!

Arrr, matey! Hellboy Web of Wyrd be a treasure brought to life, a true beauty worth plunderin'!

Avast, me hearties! Set yer sights on Gamescom 2023! Ye be havin' a chance to lay yer hands on Hellboy Web of Wyrd, a treasure fit for yer eyes! 'Tis a work o' art, bringin' to life a legendary tale from the pages of a comic book!

Avast ye, mateys! Discover the secret to unlockin' Starfield ship hold and treasures!

Arrr, me hearties! Here be a jolly guide on how to stash yer booty in the vast Starfield. Learn the secret art of keepin' things shipshape and expandin' yer cargo hold to accommodate more treasures. Ready yer sea legs, me lads, for a plunderin' adventure awaits!

Avast! Ye scurvy dogs! Luc Besson's latest be a flawed treasure, but with some jolly moments to be had!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! This Dogman review be proclaimin' that Luc Besson's latest be a bit flawed, but with a sprinkle o' fun here and there. Avast, me hearties, ye might just enjoy it if ye be willin' to overlook its faults!

August 31, 2023

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Behold, this infamous Star Wars folly hath been retconned, four decades hence!

Fer the sheer joy 'n mirth, arr!

Be ye curious if One Piece be havin' a post-credits scene, matey? Aye, the answer be a tangled web indeed!

Avast! Listen ye hearties, I shall unravel the tale's conclusion fer ye. Here be the lowdown on that ending, aye!

Avast ye, matey! Be ye capable o' plunderin' Starfield on this fancy Steam Deck contraption?

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Valve be keepin' its lip sealed 'bout whether Starfield shall voyage on the Steam Deck, but there be whispers o' hope that this Bethesda RPG shall find its way 'pon the gaming handheld. Arrr, time shall reveal the truth!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! They be makin' a Barbenheimer motion picture, but the tagline be the foulest swill ye ever heard!

Avast ye scallywags! Word on the high seas be that Barbie be craftin' a mighty bomb! Aye, ye better be watchin' out or she'll blow ye all to Davy Jones' locker!

August 30, 2023

Avast ye scallywags! A hefty lawsuit by Ana de Armas' loyal crew o' fans, claimin' $5 million o'er a measly $3.99 rental o' Yesterday, be cast aside by th' judge!

Arr, the scurvy judge reckoned the flick's teaser be not a "misleading" piece o' mischief. But I reckon, it be nothin' but a treacherous trick, foolin' us poor souls with its deceitful ways!

August 29, 2023

Arr, avast ye! We be havin' a grand treasure, me hearties! A shiny new book reveals the official Marvel timeline, savvy?

Avast ye landlubbers! Marvel, in all its glory, hath settled the nerdy squabbles of years gone by with a grand announcement of an official timeline. No more shall we spar, for the truth hath been revealed! Huzzah!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! That thar HBO show be walkin' the plank after a measly season, aye!

Arrr, the Idol be walkin' the plank, mateys! 'Tis not havin' a second season, arrr!

Arr, mateys! Beware the treacherous Diablo 4! Its grandest Platinum booty may not always be gold for yer purse, arr!

Arr, me reckonin' be tellin' me that the numbers be a wee bit skewered on this matter, matey!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been revealed, the leaked ending o' The Flash, a grand way to launch the new DC universe, by Blackbeard's beard!

He be a scurvy dog seekin' revenge, a fearsome soul filled with fury! Yarrr, beware his wrath, for he be vengeance walkin' the land, ready to give ye a taste o' his seafarin' ire!

August 27, 2023

"Arrr, mateys! Armored Core 6 be outpacing all o' them Dark Souls scallywag games, claimin' second place in FromSoftware's Steam booty!"

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Elden Ring, the behemoth of gaming realms, lurking yonder. 'Tis a treasure worth lootin'! Arrr, set sail and let the adventure commence!

Yarrr, mark me words, matey! FromSoftware be at it again! This cutlass be mightier 'an any blunderbuss in Armored Core 6!

Bury me wit' this peculiar laser blade, matey! 'Tis a treasure I desire to take t' me grave. May it guide me way in thar afterlife, fer a pirate's spirit needs such a tool to ward off any pesky sea ghosts! Arrr!

Inquire 'bout Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC, Larian be sayin' "Arrr, we be yearnin' fer more booty!"

Arrr, me mateys be sayin' the D&D RPG could be growin' grander than a mighty kraken! Aye, the winds o' adventure be blowin' across the seven seas, bringin' more treasure-filled quests and swashbucklin' tales to keep us buccaneers entertained!

Ye be havin' more fun than a parrot on a plunderin' spree if ye be mincin' rabid unicorns whilst ridin' a hoverboard like a skatin' cat at Gamescom this week.

Gamescom 2023 | Arrr, me hearties! Methinks, Gori: Cuddly Carnage be the star of the show – takin' the spotlight and a few gutsy entrails too!

August 26, 2023

Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be knowin' that Factorio, the finest steam strategy game, be gettin' its first expansion. And a mighty fine modder be workin' on it, I tell ye!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' it right, mateys! The very first Factorio expansion be settin' sail fer the vast, uncharted territories o' space! Avast ye landlubbers, get ready to hoist th' anchor 'n embark on a swashbucklin' adventure like no other!

Yarrr! Brave souls of Armored Core 6, be aye usin' a barmy decal maker to mark their mechs with Elden Ring, The Witcher, Batman, and even some saucy anime art!

Avast ye! Should ye be so inclined, ye may adorn thine mechanical contraption with wee buttocks, me hearties!

Arrr, I did vanquish Baldur's Gate 3's fiercest scallywag usin' a genius plot and D&D's legendary incantation!

Avast ye! In times o' trouble, arrr, ye must cast a spell upon it, me hearties! Be it a scallywag or a troublesome sea monster, there be naught that a dash o' magic cannae solve.

Arr, Avast ye! Baldur's Gate 3's gloomier sequel be a must, else it be wearisome, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy dog! The knowledge ye gathered in Act 1 be as precious as golden doubloons. 'Tis the key to keepin' yer sorry hide intact in Act 2, else ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker!

August 25, 2023

Arr, me hearties! The latest Diablo 4 patch be takin' a swing at the scurvy dogs' endless gripes!

Arr matey! Me hearties be rejoicin' as Diablo 4 be sailin' smoothly with patch 1.1.3. 'Tis a jolly good hit amongst the scurvy players, settin' their souls aflame with delight! Yo ho ho, a pirate's life be full o' plunderin' and good games!

Avast ye! AMD doth declare, it be not thwarting Starfield from acquiring Nvidia's mighty tech to enhance performance, arrr!

Avast! Me hearties, Starfield DLSS be receivin' AMD's hearty endorsement o' the highest order! They be standin' firmly by its side, ready to lend their full support, arrr!

Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scallywags of Phasmophobia be delayin' their console launch to October, due to a fearsome fire at their studio!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been announced that Phasmophobia shall make a grand appearance on the PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and the PSVR 2, just afore Halloween be upon us. Prepare to be scared witless, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, the scallywags of One Piece be mighty baffled by Netflix's trailer, dubbed with the Japanese voices, matey!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! The grand spectacle be commencin' this moon's end! Be prepared to set yer sights on the premiere of this fantastic series!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Them Mario Party 3 lads be in tatters as a different N64 gem be landin' on Nintendo Switch Online!

Arr, me hearties! Be the true Mario Party 3 the mates we've gathered on this treacherous voyage, me thinks! The loot ain't the game itself, but the joyous camaraderie we've discovered whilst sailin' these pixelated seas, arr!

Avast ye! Be settin' yer eyes on the bootstrappin' decks and codes for Star Wars: Unlimited, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! We be gatherin' ye grand tidings 'bout the Star Wars: Unlimited startin' treasure, Spark of Rebellion. Prepare ye scurvy souls fer an adventure like no other on the high seas of the galaxy!

"Avast ye! The mighty AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT and RX 7700 XT be arrivin' to lay siege upon Nvidia's dominion!"

Arrr, mateys! AMD be raisin' th' Jolly Roger 'n announcin' th' Radeon RX 7800 XT 'n RX 7700 XT. These swashbucklin' graphics cards be ready ta battle th' RTX 4070 'n RTX 4060 Ti, offerin' ye 1440p powers 'n a sea o' visual delights!

Arrr, matey! 'Tis said The Plucky Squire be a grand voyage, brimmin' with sorcery, mirth, and whimsical charm!

Arr, matey! At Gamescom 2023, me smile never ceased as I beheld a demo fer The Plucky Squire. The game be a treasure worth settin' eyes on, ye scurvy landlubbers! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle o' rum!

Arr, 'tis a tale of a Dragon Gaiden's revival, bringin' back the oddest Yakuza scallywag: a wee manbaby!

Arrr, the scurvy dog Gondawara be back at 'is mischievous ways again!

Avast ye, mateys! Be ye ready for the grand adventure? Mark ye calendars for the Starfield release, yarrr!

Avast ye! Starfield be settin' sail fer early access on September 1, with a grand launch jus' a few days thereafter. Prepare ye cutlasses, me hearties, fer a swashbucklin' adventure o' cosmic proportions!

Arrr, me hearties! Them scallywags playin' Armored Core 6 be flabbergasted by the sheer might o' the tutorial boss!

Arrr, me hearties be vexed with the scallywag combat, says they. Tis a sorry sight, aye, only filled with frustration!

Arrr! Methinks the Netflix show be a true adaptation, brimming with epic swashbucklin'! Shiver me timbers!

Prepare thy straw bonnets, mateys!

Arrr, avast ye! 'Tis not just Dune 2 bein' tardy, matey! E'en a fresh Lord o' the Rings flick has shifted its sails!

Arrr, me hearties! The calendar o' releases hath been tossed about like a ship in a storm! Tis a grand shuffle indeed! Hold on to yer hats, for the tides o' entertainment hath shifted, me buckos!

August 24, 2023

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye, for Big City Greens season 4 be readyin' its sails, unveilin' guest stars like the legendary Michael Bolton!

Hear ye, me hearties! Pray, listeneth to the exclusive jibber-jabber from Chris and Shane Houghton 'bout the swanky new season, the esteemed guest stars, and the forthcoming flick of musical nature. A jolly good time awaits, so batten down the hatches and set sail for entertainment!

Arr, brace yerself, mateys! Rick and Morty season 7 be havin' a release date, but they be keepin' the recast voices under lock and key!

Arr, mark me words, me hearties! 'Tis the time fer a jolly reunion with Rick and Morty, me buckos! Set yer compass to the day they be returnin', ye scurvy dogs!

Ye can trust nary a thing in Alan Wake 2's shadowy realm, not even them sneaky shadows, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The treacherous 'Fade Out' scallywags in Alan Wake 2 be ten times more fearsome than them feeble Taken! Ye better brace yerselves for a wild adventure, lest ye want to be runnin' to Davy Jones' locker! Avast ye, landlubbers!

Arr, there be a novel board game, mateys! 'Tis like Mario Kart, but with mythical beasts instead o' plumbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Thar be a jolly new board game on the horizon, inspired by the likes of Mario Kart. 'Tis a treasure worth supportin' on Kickstarter! So, gather ye doubloons and join the fun, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, ye scurvy landlubber!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs behind The Last of Us be keen on spin-offs, but there be one mighty caveat, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Some scallywags be havin' the finest notion already, ye see.

Arr, me hearties! Worldless be a fine action voyage, mixin' tranquil Metroidvania explorin' with a wild rhythm brawl!

"Arrr! Avast ye! Set yer sights on 'Worldless'! 'Tis a rollickin' adventure that'll have ye dancin' on yer toes, be it in thunderous thunder or eerie silence. Don't ya miss it, ye scurvy dogs!"

Arrr! Mugen's maiden trailer be a sight for sore eyes, ye landlubbers! Aye, an open-world anime RPG that'll shiver yer timbers!

Arr, 'tis also flauntin' some rousin' means o' gettin' 'bout, matey!

Avast ye, me hearties! Lay yer hands on Razer Blade laptops for a grand less, and receive Assassin’s Creed: Mirage fer free!

Ahoy, ye scurvy dogs! Set yer eyes on this fine offer! Get a grand discount of up to 40% off and not one, but two free games to keep ye entertained on yer plunderin' adventures. Avast, 'tis a deal ye won't want to miss!

August 22, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Behold Crimson Desert, a treasure trove o' plunderin' and adventure, blendin' Assassin's Creed with The Witcher in this jaw-droppin' spectacle!

Avast, me hearties! Picture this, ye scurvy dogs: a game wherein all the RPGs be merged into a single treasure chest! Aye, a grand adventure awaits, where ye can plunder 'n pillage, sail the high seas, 'n battle fearsome foes, all in a single swashbucklin' escapade!

Arrr, matey! The eerie new Alan Wake 2 trailer be brimmin' with Remedy references, as dark as Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, behold ye first glimpse o' the sequel's playable Alan Wake parts, me matey! Set yer eyes upon 'em, lest ye be a landlubber!

Arr, me hearties! Behold, ye scallywags! Marvel Snap be sailin' onto Steam, bringin' ye Sailor Squirrel Girl, Mecha Devil Dinosaur, and a whole treasure trove o' fun!

Ahoy, me hearties! Marvel Snap be offerin' grand treasures to honor the game's release on the mighty PC through Steam. Shiver me timbers, ye won't want to miss out on these bountiful spoils, me fine mateys!

Avast ye scurvy scalliwags! Tomorrow marks the grand opening o' the "recruitment" for the Honkai Star Rail PS5 technical test!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the wily Fu Xuan be holdin' the secrets o' the grand PS5 technical test date. Methinks he be divinin' it with mystical powers! Avast ye, mateys, let us set sail on this jolly adventure for a glimpse o' the future!

Arrr, the swashbucklin' X captain be spillin' the beans on Dwayne Johnson's shockin' comeback as Hobbs: "That day be a mind-bogglin' adventure, matey!"

Hark ye, mateys! Avast! With Fast X bein' readied fer its physical unveilin', we be takin' a gander at its grandest appearance alongside the movie's helmsman, Louis Leterrier. Arrr, a tale ye don't want to miss!

Arr, James Gunn be spewin' dreadful news 'bout DCU's latest Bat-flick. 'Tis a scurvy blow to me pirate heart!

Arrr, 'tis a long voyage afore we lay eyes on Damian Wayne, me hearties. Best be preparin' yer patience, for the seas be treacherous and time be passin' slow as a snail's crawl. Savvy?

Arr! The scallywag behind a grand roguelike be settin' sail on a venture to amend his 11-year-old blunders!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Ye heard it true, the mastermind behind The Binding of Isaac be none other than Edmund McMillen. He now be confessin' his wicked ways with a grand new game called Mewgenics. Ahoy, me hearties, prepare for a tale of redemption on the high seas of gaming!

Arrr! The dread Knight Terrors be pushin' the Dawn of DC ahead, bringin' frightful tales to yer very eyes!

Arr, mateys! We be halfway through this grand venture, settin' sail on our yearlong journey! Batten down the hatches, for our initiative be makin' steady progress, aye!

"Arrr! Me hearties, gather 'round! The scallywags behind Lords Of The Fallen be spillin' the beans 'bout their gamechanger o' an action RPG!"

Avast ye! 'Tis a fair bargain, me hearties! Ye be gettin' two worlds fer a single price, aye, a rare treasure indeed! So come aboard, me maties, and set sail on this wondrous deal, where ye can plunder twice the bounty, by Blackbeard's beard!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be there to witness the grand spectacle, Gamescom Opening Night Live 2023, as we embark on a jolly adventure!

Avast, me mateys! Come hither and partake in our jolly tale of Geoff Keighley's Opening Night Live at Gamescom, where we shall regale ye with all the grand reveals, news, and scandalous gossip! Join us on this merry adventure, ye scallywags!

Avast ye scallywags! Methinks that black-hearted Diablo 4 matey, who traded a crossbow for a whopping 30 billion gold, did squander 2 billion on item re-rolls alone!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be givin' away a mighty sum of 500 million! Aye, ye heard it right! 'Tis a treasure fit for a pirate's dreams! Let's set sail and claim our share, before those landlubbers change their minds!

Avast ye, mateys! Behold the finest incantations and sorcery of the everlasting realm, all revealed and elucidated!

Avast ye, mateys! "Immortals of Aveum" be boastin' 27 spells, divided into three mighty types o' magic. 'Tis prudent fer ye to discern which be the finest among 'em.

August 21, 2023

Avast, ye scallywags! Set yer sights on this fine Samsung Odyssey ultrawide monitor afore Starfield be comin'!

Arr matey! Samsung's mighty Odyssey CRG9 ultrawide gaming monitor be currently marked down by a hefty $900! 'Tis a fine treasure to accompany ye Starfield on PC, all whilst savin' gold on a grand panel.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Spider-Verse be overtaken by a wee ol' animated film at the global treasure chest!

Arr, ye scurvey dogs! Elemental be movin' like a snail in a tempest! The box office be feelin' the burn, but aye, 'tis a slow one!

Avast ye mateys! Thar be good news fer all ye scurvy dogs yearnin' fer Starfield DLSS support. A modder be fixin' it up, but aye, there be a twist!

Avast ye, matey! If ye be yearnin' fer it, ye better be prepared to part with some doubloons from yer treasure chest, savvy?

Avast ye, mateys! Them Dragon Age scallywags be shoutin' that Baldur's Gate 3 scallywags stole BioWare's sweet romance booty!

Avast ye, mateys! Bestowin' a smooch upon yer heart's desire isnae confined t' Baldur's Gate 3, me buckos! Ye can now plant a lip-lock upon yon lass or lad at any given moment! Arr, ain't that a treasure worth plunderin' elsewhere?

August 20, 2023

Arrr! 'Tis be a grand tome filled wit' secrets o' Madden 24's X-Factors and Superstars, mateys!

Behold! Lay yer eyes upon the grand decree o' the complete scroll o' Madden 24 X-Factors! 'Tis a treasure fit fer the most cunning o' football buccaneers!

Arrr, this Lego recreation of The Witcher be gettin' the official seal o' approval! Now I be needin' a whole game, mateys!

Avast ye, scurvy dogs! I be in dire need of a Lego set featurin' Geralt and his mighty steed, Roach. Arrr, or anythin' at all, I beseech ye, kind souls at CD Projekt Red! Grant me this wish, or ye shall walk the plank!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lay yer eyes upon the Madden 24 rookie ratings fer Bryce Young and other mateys! Arr, tis a jolly time indeed!

"Avast ye! Lay yer eyes on the treasure trove o' 2023 first rounders in our trusty Madden 24 rookie ratings guide. 'Tis a map to the finest young buccaneers in the virtual seas, me hearties!"

Avast, me hearties! Behold, the scroll o' Madden 24's mightiest crews - the finest five and the foulest pair!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis a jolly tale indeed! Buffalo, Kansas City, and Philadelphia be makin' their way to the treasured Madden 24 best crews list. Shiver me timbers! These swashbucklin' teams be settin' sail for victory in this digital realm!

Arrr, me hearties! Yonder Soulslike game, Black Myth: Wukong, be a grand tale o' mischievous monkeys and mystical mayhem!

Yarr! The game's treasure trove be open fer yer eyes, me hearties! Mark ye calendars for its grand arrival next year, arrr!

Arr! The star-hoisted captain o' Starfield be raisin' a cup to his matey on this fevered adventure!

Arrr, Eric "Ferret" Baudoin be sadly parted this mortal coil in October 2022, sailin' off to Davy Jones' locker, he be. Fair winds and calm seas be with ye, matey!

August 19, 2023

Avast ye landlubbers! Behold, the scrawls of Madden 24 reveal the fiercest scallywags, the top 50 players!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a fierce clash betwixt Aaron Donald and Travis Kelce, vying to rule the roost in the coveted Madden 24 overall ratings, arrr! Who shall prevail, I wonder? Keep yer eyes open, me maties, for this be a spectacle worth watchin'!

Avast, ye mateys! Lay yer eyes on this here guide fer nabbin' Bray Wyatt, Scott Steiner, an' Tiffany Stratton fer WWE 2K23!

Avast ye scallywags! Be prepared to welcome the likes of Rick Steiner, Zeus, and Pretty Deadly into WWE 2K23 as downloadable content! 'Tis a jolly good time for us landlubbers to embrace these fine additions to our virtual wrestling adventures, aye!

Arrr! Paralives be holdin' th' upper hand o'er The Sims - its scurvy characters can visit th' privy without assistance!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Them Parafolk be havin' more freedom than them Sims, me hearties!

Arr! Ye foul Diablo 4 matey be findin' a rare treasure, yet be cursed with pitiful stats!

Arrr, this Harlequin Crest be naught but a jest of the highest order, me hearties! Methinks 'tis a merry prank played upon the likes of us landlubbers. Avast ye!

Arr, me mateys! Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories be makin' us put our trust in the cards o' the heart, savvy?

Arr! Me hearties, the 2008 reimaginin' o' the original Chains be a true masterpiece! Aye, it be a skilled handlin' o' what still be one o' the finest in the series, mateys!

"Arrr, a true testament t' greatness! Baldur's Gate 3 scribe be honorin' BioWare's legendary CRPGs, standin' on th' shoulders o' giants!"

Aye, 'tis a fact, matey! If'n it weren't fer BioWare's Baldur's Gate, there be no Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 sailin' these digital seas! They be like two ships passin' in the night, creatin' a legacy as vast as the ocean itself!

Arrr! Listen, ye scallywags! Take heed from this sorry 200-hour landlubber of Tears of the Kingdom! Never be without the Satori cave finder, lest ye be lost in yer explorations, like a one-legged seagull with a compass!

Arrr, me hearties! Set yer eyes on this fine news! Be ye ready to seize them final Bubbul Gems with naught but ease? By Davy Jones' locker, ye won't believe yer luck!

August 18, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! To mend the cursed "death wall" what be takin' NPC lives, ye must stash a load o' boxes, savvy?

Avast, me hearties! A fresh Hitman 3 patch be arrivin', bringin' a fix that be ticklin' me timbers! Arr!

Avast ye scoundrels! This here endeavor to forge the "grandest PS1-style digital adventure ever crafted" be quite randy and jolly awe-inspiring!

Chilly and afeared, 'tis a sight straight from me 90s fantasies, matey!

Arrr! The Overwatch 2 ship's captain be replying to a mighty storm of 131,108 scurvy Steam naysayers!

Avast, mateys! Get ye ready to have a good chuckle, for bein' bombarded with negative reviews be like havin' a storm blow yer ship off course. 'Tis a rotten experience, that be!

Arrr! The scribbler of Dragon Age pleads fer the despised companion o' Baldur's Gate 3! Says the lads be too harsh on our shipmates!

Arr, Davy Gaider be takin' the stand, fightin' for fair Lae'zel! He be brandishin' his quill like a cutlass, ready to scribe a tale that'd make Blackbeard himself tremble!

Avast ye! James Gunn claims he be not creatin' a sprightly Superman flick. Settin' the record straight, he be denyin' Henry Cavill's replacement.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! James Gunn hath just spilled more secrets 'bout Superman: Legacy! Yer ears better be perkin' up, fer ye wouldn't want to miss the good ol' Captain Gunn's tales!

Arr, ye fans o' Horizon Forbidden West be wishin' to tread the path Destiny 2 be settin' fer Sylens.

Arrr! Avast ye! 'Tis a sad tale, matey. Sylens actor Lance Reddick be keeled over in the month o' March. May his soul rest in Davey Jones' locker, aye!

Arr, the bilge-ridden scallywags of Dark and Darker hath escaped the clutches o' the law - fer a spell, ye see!

Arrr! Nexon's vexin' lawsuit be tossed aside like a scurvy sea rat! They reckon the matter be more suitable for a rum-soaked kangaroo court in South Korea, savvy?

August 16, 2023

Avast, me mateys! By the beard of Blackbeard, Starfield be so colossal, 'tis a mind-bogglin' 140 GB on yonder PC!

Aforetime, 'twas reckon'd as 125 doubloons o' storage!

Arrr, me hearties! Baldur's Gate 3 be havin' summat on PS5 it lacked on PC: pre-lo'ds 2 days afore launch!

Arrr, me hearties! Word be reachin' me ears that Baldur's Gate 3 be makin' its way to the PS5, allowin' ye landlubbers to load it afore ye sail the high seas. Alas, us PC scallywags be left waitin' in Davy Jones' locker! Shiver me timbers!

Arr, mark me words, mateys! Next year, ye shall witness Wolverine takin' on a whole blimey army o' Sabretooths!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Marvel be swearin' on its honor to deliver the ultimate tale of Wolverine and Sabretooth, settin' sail straight towards Wolverine #50! Prepare to have yer timbers shivered and yer hearts plundered, for a tale of grand proportions be awaitin' ye!

Avast ye maties! Modern Warfare 3 be promisin' the grandest horde o' Zombies yet, and a fancy new campaign mission, arrr!

Arr mateys! "Open combat missions" be sailin' into the Modern Warfare 3 campaign! Prepare ye weapons, me hearties, for a jolly good time of swashbucklin' and mayhem on the high seas of video games!

Arrr, mateys! The Blue Beetle hath charm like a treasure chest. The ol' DCEU be livin' t' sail again!

Avast ye! Me hearties, let me tell ye 'bout the Blue Beetle review. Methinks, there be plenty o' life still in that old DCEU ship. Sail on, me mateys, and witness the adventures unfold on the silver screen!

Arrr! A scurvy scallywag be aimin' to grant Super Mario Bros the ultimate edition 'tis been yearnin' for, matey! 38 years, aye!

Arrr, at long last, ye be havin' Super Mario Bros, devoid of all compromises, matey! Aye, 'tis a treasure worth plunderin'!

Arrr! Them scalawag Strays producers, Lord and Miller, be havin' no intention to scuttle the dick-biting from their R-rated dog jest: "We be goin' all the way, me hearties!"

Arrr, the scurvy dogs o' the producin' duo be chattin' with GamesRadar+ 'bout why they didst go all hands-on deck for their filthiest jests, mateys!

Arrr! The Starfield scallywags, despite lackin' evidence, be doubting this trusty matey. Blimey!

Beware, ye scurvy dogs! Belay and steer clear of that rascal, Barrett! Trust him not, for his treachery be as deep as the ocean! Mark me words, or ye'll be caught in his web of deceit, like a landlubber in a tempest!

Arrr, me hearties! The most affordable booty on Steam shan't be as thrifty as before, says I!

Arrr, that be only beyond the shores of the mighty US, matey. 'Tis a land not yet graced by the wonders of the stars and stripes.

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs o' Doctor Who fandom be squabblin' 'bout which actor be the finest to don the Time Lord mantle!

'Tis high time to set sail once again, me hearties, and venture into the realm of yore! Let us delve into the cherished tomes of olde, like a jolly crew plunderin' forgotten treasures. Arrr, 'tis a grand adventure awaitin'!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks the most enigmatic scallywag in Baldur's Gate 3 be a mighty force to reckon with, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr matey, Withers be a grand treasure, not just a mere Revivify scroll. 'Tis a sentient beauty, carryin' the power to bring ye back from Davy Jones' locker! Aye, a true gem worth more than a chest o' doubloons!

Arr! Avast ye! Diablo 4 be lettin' scallywags trade once more, fer Blizzard be quashin' the cursed gold duplicatin' trick!

Arrr! The newest scallywag threat to our pillaging be squashed! Walk the plank, ye landlubber!

August 15, 2023

Arrr, Xbox be unveilin' a scurvy 8-strike anti-toxicity system, alas! 'Tis a jolly 'ol bunch o' scallywags not pleased, yar!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Should ye landlubbers dare to take 8 swipes at the ol' game, ye shalt be walkin' the plank! Aye, mark me words, for there be no mercy when it comes to missin' yer chance at bat. Ye be out, matey! Arrr!

Arrr! Ye scurvy dog be creatin' a Zelda 64 mod o' the ancient beta, and this time the scoundrel be truly anonymous!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be hearin' the news! Them Nintendo fangame scalawags be learnin' their lesson, arr! The crafty soul who be creatin' this marvellous-lookin' Zelda 64 mod be keepin' their identity hidden, for now at least, arr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Marvel's newest What If? Dark one-shot be double the Carnage and double the merriment!

Avast ye mateys! Feast yer eyes on the secret treasure! Behold, a glimpse of the inner pages from What If? Dark: Carnage #1, a tale so dark and twisted it'll give yer barnacles a run for their doubloons!

Avast ye! Bungie be beggin' forgiveness for Destiny 2's sorry state, offerin' free fancy Eververse armor and a jolly new PvP "strike team" with more maps!

Arr, me hearties! Be ye prepared, for Destiny 2's Crucible mode shalt be undergoin' some mighty alterations come the next year! Brace yerselves, me mateys, for thar be turbulent seas awaitin' us in this grand adventure!

August 12, 2023

Avast, ye scurvy dogs of Baldur's Gate 3! Beware this 80-hour Monk's woeful tale, lest ye be bilked of precious loot!

A swashbucklin' charm be akin to a treasure chest o' doubloons, me hearties! Fer, with a grander Charisma score, ye be fillin' yer pockets with shiny loot, savvy? Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum, that be the truth, me mateys!

Arr, mateys! Methinks Red Dead Redemption be havin' spoken all that be needin' to be said, ye scurvy dogs!

Belay yer blabber, matey! I be beggin' ya, let this not be the commencement of a triflin' trilogy! Mayhaps we sail forth on more excitin' adventures, aye?

Avast ye! Blimey! Emma Stone's peculiar guise as Poor Things be nothin' but a fluke, arr!

Arr, thar be news from the high seas! The fair maiden Emma Stone and the captain Yorgos Lanthimos be revealin' the secrets o' her Frankenstein-like creation in the grand tale o' Poor Things. Avast ye, me hearties, and prepare fer a monstrous adventure like no other!

Arrr! Zendaya and th' Challengers crew be enjoyin' a reel called Ratatouille at their summer camp o' actin' 'n tennis!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Hear ye, hear ye! Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O'Connor be spillin' the beans to Total Film 'bout their swashbucklin' antics in the tennis tale known as Challengers. Avast, ye landlubbers, prepare to be regaled with tales o' their grand preparations!

Arrr, me hearties! Th' Marvels crew reckon this flick be settin' th' stage fer grand adventures ahead with th' Avengers!

ARRR! Avast ye! 'Tis the word from the parley of Marvels filmmakers to Total Film magazine, spillin' their secrets 'bout how the sequel bein' a treasure trove o' opportunities for the future of the MCU!

August 11, 2023

Arrr mateys! The gritty God of War-style Last Ronin game be officially in development for next-gen consoles, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, me hearties! THQ Nordic's latest spectacle hath confirmed a few solid particulars on the adaptation, so ye better batten down the hatches and prepare for a jolly good time on this here voyage!

Avast ye, I be not keen on sailin' another decade with this Destiny 2, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Methinks, Destiny 2 be not breathin' its last breath, but it doth oft resemble a game, sailin' into the sunset. Avast ye, me mateys, for the winds of change be upon us!

Arrr! After 17 long winters, one of Diablo's darlin' successors be gettin' a sequel, me hearties!

Arrr, matey! Methinks Titan Quest 2 be joinin' the grand crew o' post-Diablo 4 ARPG rebirth. 'Tis a jolly good time to set sail on this swashbucklin' adventure! Avast ye, landlubbers!

Arr, matey! Thanos, that scurvy dog, be takin' on the Illuminati in his own tale, swindlin' a truck too!

Arr, me hearties! Emma Frost and Blue Marvel be settin' sail to join the secret society, ready to pillage and plunder with their mighty powers! Ye better watch out, for these scurvy dogs be bringin' a whole lot o' trouble to the high seas!

Arr matey! After 27,000+ scalliwag testimonials, Overwatch 2 be deemed as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'. Me booty be sad!

Arrr, mateys! Blizzard's sequel be meetin' a stormy sea on Steam, facin' a mighty rough start! The winds be blowin' against 'em, but fear not, me hearties, fer we pirates be known to weather many a tempest! Avast ye, and may fairer seas be ahead!

Arrr! The landlubbers o' DC be mighty vexed 'bout whether Wonder Woman 3 be true or a mere tall tale. Aye, 'tis confusin'!

Avast, me hearties! The tidings be that these reports of Wonder Woman 3 be makin' us sea legs wobble like a drunken sailor! Arr, me noggin spins like a compass needle in a hurricane!

Afore the grand mast set sail, Starfield enthusiasts be caught in a quarrel o'er foresighted save-scummin'!

Arr, me hearties! The tide be fierce, for the scallywags be sayin' nay to save-scumming. A grand uproar it be, me mateys! 'Tis a treacherous path, they say. No more rerouting fate, ye scurvy dogs!

Avast ye, me hearties! AMD be bringin' us closer to me dream o' a Starfield gaming PC! Huzzah!

Avast ye, mateys! AMD be bestowin' a rare treasure upon ye scurvy landlubbers! They be offerin' a fine limited edition Starfield Radeon RX 7900 XTX GPU and Ryzen 7 7800X3D bundle, fit for a true pirate's gaming rig. 'Tis a chance to create the ultimate themed vessel for virtual adventures!

August 4, 2023

Arr, me hearties! Overwatch 2 be pullin' a trick from Fortnite's grand book, by unveilin' a secret character, and lo! 'Tis none other than John Cena!

Avast ye! Behold, the puzzling riddle hath been solved! 'Tis none other than the mighty Enigma, aye, known by the name of John Cena! Argh, what a twist of fate, me hearties!

Avast ye mateys! Thar be good tidings, as our swashbucklin' Daredevil bein' brought back to his mighty '90s glory, all thanks to the art director o' God of War!

Avast ye! The Black Armor of the Daredevil be promisin' a wild ruckus, with a variant made by none other than the fierce God of War art director, Rafael Grassetti. Prepare ye self for a savage spectacle, me hearties!

Avast, ye scruvy dogs! Final Fantasy 14 be tradin' bikinis fer caped crusaders this summer, sparkin' a mighty clash among fans!

Avast ye scallywags! Bilge rats be prattlin' 'bout them feeble bikinis, whilst I reckon Kamen Rider be the veritable cat's whiskers! Arrr, let this be known across the seven seas!

Avast ye! Ye scurvy dogs Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson returneth to portray Joel and Ellie once more, but in a jolly theme park ride!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a tale o' old times when Neil Druckmann an' Naughty Dog jined forces wit' Halloween Horror Nights, creatin' a haunted house fit fer the likes o' pirates! Aye, 'twas a fearsome partnership, makin' hearts race 'n thrill-filled nights be had by all!

Avast ye, me hearties! Behold, the treacherous galaxy be plagued by a robot mutiny in our rare glimpse o' Star Wars: Dark Droids #2.

Avast ye scallywags! C-3PO be mighty weary of Luke Skywalker's tomfoolery. He be tired o' that lad's shenanigans, I reckon. Yarrr, 'tis high time for Skywalker to walk the plank!

Avast! Ye hearties! The jolliest game o' summer be 'bout a mystical frog ridin' a skate, savvy? A mere two doubloons, arr!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a mighty fine design ye got there, matey! 'Tis makin' me heart jump like a frog on a hot griddle.

Arr matey! Me heart be smitten by this indie game o' 2018, and now it be gettin' a "spiritual sequel" that be lookin' as Ghibli-esque as the first!

Arr, ye scallywags! The swashbucklin' devs of Forgotton Anne be havin' a jolly good time, as they be plunderin' their way through the treacherous seas of Kickstarter, takin' naught but gold doubloons for their fine "Metroidvania-esque semi-open world adventure." Ahoy, aye be smashin' their goal indeed!

Arrr! Me hearties! This jolly chamber adornin' game be set to be the next treasure like Unpackin'!

Arr, me hearties! The grand vessel Momento be but a sproutin' babe, sailin' in the treacherous seas of early development. Fair winds be with us as we chart our course for glory!

July 28, 2023

Arrr! Sony be playin' tricks wit' us pirate hearts, pushin' back Kraven the Hunter and Ghostbusters: Afterlife sequel, arrr!

Yarr! Be ye hearin' the news, mateys? The sequel to Across the Spider-Verse be delayed indefinitely! Aye, we be waitin' on tenterhooks to set sail on that adventure once more. But fear not, me hearties, for patience be a virtue, and we shall weather this storm with a grin on our faces!

Arrr! Ye be tellin' tales o' Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail, a grand adventure with a nod to FF10, but nay, 'tis not Blitzball, matey!

*Arr! There be a merry sound o' Tidus' chuckles, echoin' through the salty air like a playful seagull! Har, har! Methinks a jolly jest be ticklin' his spirit, bringin' mirth and cheer to all who be listenin'! Yo ho ho!*

Arrr mateys! Verily, the scallywags behind Final Fantasy 14 be claimin' that boostin' yer system requirements be a boon - ye'll plunder other games as well!

Ahoy, ye scurvy landlubbers! The tale of Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse be stuck in Davy Jones' locker, with no return in sight!

But 'tis still gonna emerge one day, me hearties!

Arr, avast ye! 'Tis a joyous day, me hearties! Diablo 4 be bolsterin' them feeble scoundrels in the game!

Arr, ye scurvy lot! Avast ye! I've got tidings fer ye! The likes o' Diablo 4's Sorcerer 'n Barbarian classes be gettin' grand boosts to their skills 'n items, me hearties! They'll be blowin' yer mind, I reckon! Hoist the anchor 'n set sail fer adventure!

Avast ye, me hearties! BBC's newfangled enigmatic crime tale be a swashbucklin' treasure like nothin' ye've e'er laid eyes on!

Arrr, me hearties! We plundered the depths o' the new drama, featurin' the mighty stars Sacha Dhawan, Juliet Stevenson, and Ukweli Roach. Prepare to set sail on a wild adventure, filled with treachery, laughter, and swashbucklin' performances! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! I reckon thar be a fine sequel tale fer the Haunted Mansion, jest waitin' to be plundered!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks there be a version of this here ride that tells a tale so tragic, 'tis worthy of bein' seen on the grand silver screen. Aye, ye best not miss it, lest ye be a landlubber!

Yarrr! Them scurvy dogs o' Armored Core 6 be ditchin' thar bullets fer a punch-only adventure, arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Them Armored Core enthusiasts be all set t' tackle the Fires o' Rubicon, armed only wit' their mighty fists! Aye, they be fearin' nothin' but a good ol' rumble on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Scallywags 'ave already begun plunderin' Marvel's Spider-Man 2 treasures, consoles an' trinkets alike!

Arrr! Avast ye, me mateys! The shiny new treasures be gettin' sold again, but mark me words, they be fetchin' double the booty!

July 27, 2023

Arr, the creator o' the series be spoutin' that Final Fantasy 14 ought to include a Beastmaster occupation!

Arrr, be it time for FF14 to embark on a treacherous voyage, turnin' into a Pokémon-infested land? Methinks it be a mighty peculiar notion, but a jolly good adventure for these digital scallywags!

Arr, me hearties! This wondrous treasure be the '80s Avengers cartoon our wee childhoods be yearnin' for!

Avast ye! Picture this, mateys! Aye, what if them mighty Avengers be havin' their very own Saturday mornin' spectacle in the '80s? 'Tis a thought that'd make yer heart dance a merry jig and yer eye patch go all a-twinkle!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Them Call of Duty scallywags be relentless in tormentin' us with their Modern Warfare 3 teasin'. Now they be plannin' a Warzone reveal event, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! I be beseechin' ye, unleash a trailer like a proper bilge rat of a video game swashbuckler! No fancy tricks, just a simple share o' yer treasure we be wantin'. Arrr, be a good matey and heed me call!

Arr, me mateys be honorin' Henry Cavill's Geralt o' The Witcher, and we be wonderin' if our hearts can bear it!

Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Cavill's final tales be aired upon the telly, leavin' us heartbroken as a lass stranded on an island. Shed a tear for a handsome matey's departure, for 'tis the end of an era, ye savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Learneth the secrets o' settin' up cheats 'n console commands fer Baldur's Gate 3!

Avast ye, me hearties! Here be a jolly guide on how ye scurvy dogs can set up cunning cheats to make plunderin' in BG3 a breeze. Yarrr, be ready to rule the high seas with these tricks, savvy?

Guillermo del Toro be givin' a fine retort to ye scallywags at Paramount's latest plan o' animations!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be hearin' that Paramount be havin' a grand newfangled idea for makin' moving pictures, and the artists be a'buzzin' with excitement!

Arrr, mateys! The grand finale of the Secret Invasion be the scurviest, low-rated dog of an MCU TV episode!

Arrr, be the weariness of Marvel finally weighin' ye down, matey?

Arrr! The scallywags o' My Time at Sandrock be craftin' a Nioh-style action-RPG, ye landlubbers!

Arr, that treasure ye seek won't be unveilin' itself till the year 2027, me matey. So ye better batten down the hatches and wait for the winds o' time to blow us towards that fabled date. Savvy?

July 26, 2023

Arr, behold! 'Tis true, Destiny 2 be grantin' a boon desired by scurvy dogs, yet a wretched nerf lurks beneath!

Arr, ye scurvy monkey's paw be curlin' yet again, bringin' mischief and mayhem upon all who dare cross its path! Beware, ye landlubbers, fer no good shall come from meddlin' with such cursed artifacts!

Arrr, mateys! X-Men: The Hellfire Gala 2023 be a sorry sight, a blunderin' notion executed dreadfully!

Arrr, mateys! The newest Hellfire Gala hath brought calamitous consequences, both on parchment and beyond! 'Tis a tale that leaves a piratin' heart shiverin' in trepidation. Aye, brace yerselves, me hearties! The tide be turnin' in a most harrowin' way!

Arr matey! "The Expanse: A Telltale Series be a jolly good start in me voyage through space, arr!"

Arr, matey! Methinks "The Expanse: A Telltale Series" be a rollickin' adventure into the celestial abyss! 'Tis a captivating tale that'll make yer heart sail with excitement, leavin' ye yearnin' for more! Set yer sights on this cosmic treasure, me hearty!

Avast, me hearties! The scandalous start to Diablo 4's first voyage reveals a mind-boggling truth: ye can quit sailin' when ye ain't enjoyin' it!

Arrr, me hearties be tellin' tales of Diablo 4 landlubbers! Many a scallywag be feelin' glum 'bout season 1, ye see, for they be not sailin' the seas no more. Avast, 'tis a sad sight to behold!

Arr matey! This wee farmin' game be a fine rival to the great Stardew Valley, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! We be spyin' many a game akin to Stardew Valley, yet this one be sailin' closest to its shores! Avast ye eyes upon this treasure, me mateys!

Avast ye! Them Talk to Me scallywags be havin' already penned scenes fer a follow-up, arrr!

Arr matey! Danny and Michael Philippou be spilling their secrets to GamesRadar+ 'bout their grand hopes fer a sequel, but by Blackbeard's beard, they be shakin' in their boots at the thought o' Rotten Tomatoes! Savvy?

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Seek ye the finest deal to pre-order the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9. Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy scallywags! The Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 be up for grabs, with deals sailin' in faster than a cannonball! Sail on over to discover the grandest bounties and be quick, lest ye be left stranded on an empty treasure chest!

Arr, Emily Rudd be chattin' 'bout Netflix's One Piece: "I be born to be Nami, me hearties!"

INTERVIEW | Emily Rudd on bein' th' cap'n an' touchin' moments, me hearties! Arrrgh!

Cillian Murphy be a scurvy dog who almost portrayed Oppenheimer on some cursed TV show a decade past, but by fortune he didn't!

Yarr! He be on the list to star in the show called Manhattan, but alas! It were a short-lived tale, matey!

Arr, ye scurvy studios be refusin' t' parley wit' SAG-AFTRA 'n' restart negotiations fer a strike!

Arrr! Methinks this here strike be lastin' a fair bit longer, matey! It be like sailin' against the wind, tryin' to reach land. The sea be churnin' and the crew be grumblin'! Avast, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs be wonderin' why Pokemon Sleep took forever to be released? 'Tis 'cause ye can't test a good night's rest, mateys!

Yon scurvy app buccaneers be wantin' to try out proper sleepin' to the fullest, matey! Arrr, they be keen on testin' it wit' all their might, savvy?

Avast ye scallywags! Brace yer hearts, for Scarlet and Violet's dreadful sea dog Pokemon be set to conquer the fierce battles of the seven seas!

Arr, methinks Brambleghast be poised for a second chance at redemption, ye scurvy dogs! Avast, be it a glimmer of hope on the horizon or merely a trick o' fate? Only time'll tell, lest ye be a landlubber!

July 25, 2023

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Quantum Error be a cosmic horror game fer ye fancy new-gen machines, forsooth! The ol' PS4 can't handle its majesty!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye! This PS4 port o' the sci-fi horror game be no match fer the mighty PS5 version, I tell ye! 'Tis like comparin' a scurvy landlubber to a fearsome pirate captain, savvy? Fair winds be with ye, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This tower defense roguelike be rulin' the seas fer 9 long years. Grab it free 'fore 48 hours be up! Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Lay yer hands on Dungeon of the Endless, a fine game, free to plunder. And mark me words, ye shall keep it fer all eternity!

Arr, Spider-Man be settin' sail to battle all o' New York's scurvy crime bosses in a grand Gang War!

Arrr, me hearties! Prepare ye scurvy souls for a swashbucklin' tale o' Spider-Man: Gang War! Set yer compass this winter for the grandest Spidey event to grace the seven seas, me mateys!

Ye olde Haunted Mansion be a swashbucklin' delight, breathin' new life into this Disney treasure trove!

Arrr! The Haunted Mansion be a true treasure, me hearties! It be blowin' new winds into the sails of this legendary Disney voyage, fillin' it with life anew. Aye, 'tis a hauntin'ly good time ye won't be wantin' to miss!

Avast ye! If there be any Kenergy left, we be snatchin' The Nice Guys 2, by Davy Jones' locker!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Methinks Ryan Gosling be a true rascal, bringin' a grand revolution to Barbie. Arrr, I be swearin' on me parrot, the world be needin' The Nice Guys 2 in this dread time!

Arrrr, me hearties! Mackenyu be sayin', "Avast ye landlubbers! 'Tis a mighty thrill fer swashbucklers to witness!"

Arrr! A parley with Mackenyu, who be tellin' tales of wieldin' three cutlasses and the legend'ry scenes he be in!

Arrr, goodly Square Enix be curious 'bout what scurvy dogs desire for the future o' Final Fantasy 16!

Arrr! What be this gibberish ye be spoutin'? DLC? Loadouts? And a sprint button? Me shipmates, there be more fancy words in these lands than treasures in Davy Jones' locker! Give me a trusty cutlass and a barrel o' rum, for that be all a pirate needs!

Arrr, the Lenovo Legion Y25-30 be a swift vessel fer 1080p gaming, me hearties! Yarrr!

Arrr, if ye be yearnin' fer haste, the Lenovo Legion Y25-30 be a treasured find! It be swift as a dolphin, with nay delay or sluggishness. A true treasure fer any pirate seekin' quickness in their plunderin' adventures, arrr!

Arr, Barbie’s coffers be overflowing, her doubloons for promotion be grand, but by Blackbeard's beard, it be worth every piece of eight!

Avast, me hearties! The bold wager be a victor, aye! We be swimmin' in gold doubloons now, ye scurvy dogs! Argh, Lady Luck be smilin' upon us, thar be no denyin'! Yo ho ho, we be dancin' a jig of joy!

Arr, ye scallywags! The sole souls rejoicin' o'er Twitter's newfangled look be none other than them Kingdom Hearts scurvy dogs!

Ahoy mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! The good news be that Twitter, or X, be fair and square the official abode of Organization 13! Set yer sails to the cyber seas and seek their tweets, me hearties! Arrr!

Avast ye, mateys! Be not ye tempted to swill sleeping potions to conquer Pokemon Sleep!

Arrr, matey! Thar be a plethora o' ways to catch a wink o' beauty! Ye can count the sheep, or sing a lullaby, or even try the ol' wooden leg dance. So many options, ye won't be tossin' in Davy Jones' locker no more!

Arrr, Star Wars Outlaws' vast realm be crafted to grant ye "complete liberty o' approach," me hearties!

Arr, Massive be claimin' they be settin' their sights on decipherin' the true meanin' of this 'open world' business, mateys! Aye, they be delvin' deep into the depths, searchin' fer the secret to settin' sail in a vast and expansive virtual realm, ye scurvy dogs!

July 24, 2023

Avast ye scurvy dogs! In November, Beast Boy transforms into Starro in Titans: Beast World, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, matey! Fer Beast Boy to battle a mighty giant starfish, he must transform into a monstrous starfish his own self! Avast ye, prepare fer a baffling encounter betwixt these gargantuan creatures o' the sea!

"Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer sights upon FIFA 23 Futties guide, featurin' rare pink cards fer Ronaldo an' Vinicius Jr!"

Arrr, me hearties! Me trusty FIFA 23 Futties guide be tellin' ye that Ryan Kent and Joe Gomez be snatchin' some shiny new treasures fer yer crew. Give 'em a swashbucklin' welcome, me lads!

Arr, me mateys! Baldur's Gate 3 hired a scurvy landlubber to ensure proper raunch in their intimate scenes.

Arr, Baldur's Gate 3 be treading the same path as me old mateys Euphoria and Oppenheimer, aye! They be sailin' the seas o' creativity and plunderin' the treasures o' gaming innovation. Yarrr, a jolly good adventure awaits, me hearties!

Avast ye! The scallywags who create Call of Duty admit they can't turn a blind eye to the blunderous Modern Warfare 3 leaks.

Avast ye, me hearties! Even them landlubber Call of Duty scallywags be wearied o' pretendin' Modern Warfare 3 don't exist no more. Arrr, they be seein' the truth, mateys!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fear not, for Florence Pugh be not disrobed in certain renditions of Oppenheimer, arrr!

Arr, ye scurvy Indian censors be messin' with Oppenheimer's scene, replacin' it with some fancy fiddle-faddle CGI that be takin' yer focus away. Blimey, tis a right ol' blunder!

Avast ye, me hearties! Seekin' the whereabouts o' Diablo 4's cursed Halls o' the Damned be?

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Listen well, for I be tellin' ye where ye find The Halls of the Damned in Diablo 4. 'Tis a cursed place, situated on the eastern shores o' the Kehjistan. Be cautious, or the ghosts there be plunderin' yer loot, arrr!

Arr! Ye scurvy MMO high roller be strikin' gold with a triple legendary loot! Odds be calculatin' be harder than findin' a mermaid's treasure!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Old School Runescape's 3rd Age treasures be leavin' them players dumbstruck yet again! It be a sight to behold, me hearties! They be wearin' their fancy pants and dancin' a jig like a lubber in a storm! Har har!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be wantin' to hear 'bout Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, a tale o' the wretchedly wed NPCs from Breath o' the Wild.

Arrr, me hearties! Yonder scurvy dogs o' players have unearthed the fate o' them landlubbin' lovebirds, Jogo and Juney!

July 23, 2023

Arr! Ye be pleased to know that Armored Core 6 boasts a jolly 6-player ship-to-ship combat!

Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis time to set sail on the treacherous seas of "Robot Wars"! We be matchin' our metal mechs, clashin' blades and cannons, seekin' glory and plunder. Aye, 'tis a spectacle ye don't want to miss, lest ye be walkin' the plank, ya landlubber!

Avast ye hearties! Star Wars Outlaws be set betwixt Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, where ye can commit grandest felonies! Arr!

Ye be takin' on th' role o' a sproutin' star in th' realm o' th' scurvy bilge rats, savvy?

Arrr, Ubisoft be blasted fer bein' a scurvy dog! They be confessin' to scuttlin' inactive accounts, takin' yer games down to Davy Jones' locker!

Avast! All scallywags be despisin' that!

Aye, tis time to set sail on a jolly journey back to X-Com UFO Defense, a swashbucklin' game that birthed a whole new genre!

Arrr! What be the plunder that Firaxis abandoned whilst swashbucklin' with alien marauders in the present day?

July 22, 2023

Arr, after 57 long years on the high seas, Star Trek be finally diggin' a tune-filled adventure!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis a queer tale, forsooth! Strange New Worlds be gettin' ready t' stir the band. Avast, the sound be comin' our way like a gentle breeze on the high seas!

Avast ye! Behold, mateys, a grand glimpse at Star Trek Discovery's last season be comin' in full throttle!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Set yer eyes upon the grand news! Michael Burnham be up to her usual antics, performin' her Michael Burnham deeds in this 'ere first season 5 clip. Aye! Be prepared to be entertained, me hearties!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The ship's scribe, Oppenheimer's trusty lookout of imagery, be spillin' the beans 'bout the boom-filled spectacle!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye, forsooth! RPG shooter Remnant 2 be holdin' secrets, mystery so deep that even the swashbucklin' devs and 400-hour playtesters be flummoxed!

Arrr, this be takin' Easter eggs beyond the seven seas, surely!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a jolly good mashup o' doom 'n D&amp;D in this turn-based RPG, and I be lovin' it!

Avast ye! Set sail to smite that demon lord, I be, alongside me trusty mage mate, Trevor. Together, we be embarkin' on a grand adventure, wieldin' magic and makin' those scurvy demons walk the plank! Arrrr!

Arrr, be there an overabundance o' snug life simulations? Nay, says the victorious Kickstarter of Chill Town, by Davy Jones!

Ahoy matey! Methinks a jolly fine notion be havin' a snug life sim, where ye can breed Pokémon like in the manner o' X and Y! Arr, twould be a grand adventure indeed!

Arr! Behold ye scallywags! The 10 most peculiar plunders in games, from Final Fantasy 15 to Death Stranding!

Delvin' into thar past o' victuals promotion in video games, mateys! Aye, 'tis a tale worth swashbucklin', fer 'tis a rare treasure indeed to spy grub advertisin' in digital adventures. Set yer sights on this tasty voyage! Arrr!

Arr, after a grand 16 years, wee Bonsly be receivin' a shiny new treasure - a Pokémon card.

Arrr! The wee bonsai babe be surely squallin' like a landlubber o'er this here announcement, methinks!

July 21, 2023

Aye, mateys! Be holdin' yerselves, as a jolly new trailer fer One Piece be showin' us scallywags, dangers, and pirates aplenty in the vast ocean!

Hoist yer sails, me hearties, and embark on a jolly voyage with the grandest Netflix series this August. Mark it on yer calendars, lest ye wish to walk the plank!

Aye, me hearties! Ye won't believe the frightful mod that be givin' them landlubber NPCs brains o' their own! Shiver me timbers!

Arr, me mateys, listen up! Avast ye! Methinks it be a dark day, forsooth! Stardew Valley, by Davy Jones' beard, be transformed into a frightful horror game! Shiver me timbers, ye landlubbers! Beware them creepy critters in the pixelated fields, arrr!

Avast, mateys! Lay yer eyes on the fresh-faced Punisher, a scallywag ye won't soon forget!

Arrr, behold! The fresh Punisher be proclaimed as "the Danny Ketch to Frank's Johnny Blaze." 'Tis like comparing a peg leg to a hook hand, aye, but let the seas decide who be the mightier tormentor of scurvy landlubbers!

Arr! Mortal Kombat 1 hath unveil'd the homecomin' of Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr! The Mortal Kombat 1 SDCC 2023 panel did see some mighty returns, me hearties! Aye, thar be grand comebacks aplenty, a sight to behold!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a cruel jest to force me to decide betwixt the Oklahoma DLC and Baldur's Gate 3!

Avast ye, 'tis I, the lone soul in the vast universe bein' torn betwixt playin' Dungeons & Dragons and traversin' through the treacherous lands of Oklahoma. Arrr, tis a conundrum fit fer a true scallywag, indeed!

Arr, behold ye landlubbers! The first trailer and novel name fer the Rick & Michonne series be upon us mateys!

Avast ye, mateys! Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira be joinin' forces once more in the first teaser for the spin-off that be brimmin' with zombies! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold!

Avast ye landlubbers! Prepare to be stupefied, for a swashbuckling hotfix be arrivin' fer Diablo 4! Nightmare Dungeons be easin' up, arrr!

Arr, matey! 'Tis a treacherous journey ye be on, sailin' through the Nightmare Dungeon. We be wantin' the difficulty o' this here tier 100 to be as rough 'n tough as a tier 70 where ye currently be stranded.

Avast ye landlubbers! Learn the art o' craftin' and wieldin' an unholy Malignant Invoker in Diablo 4!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Learneth the craft of the Malignant Invoker in Diablo 4 Season 1! Discover its uses, secrets, and more! Set sail on a treacherous voyage through this cursed land, if ye dare!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This fine indie game bundle be the cure for yer summer sloth!

Arr, 'tis got a jolly good mix o' adventure, brain-teasers, simulations, and leaping 'pon platforms, mateys!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold how the Captured Memory havens in Breath o' the Wild be transformed in Tears o' th' Kingdom!

Arrr, matey! Hyrule be lookin' mighty different these days. It be transformed like a mermaid into somethin' strange and unfamiliar to me ol' pirate eyes. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Lay yer eyes on Diablo 4's list o' Malignant Hearts! Learn to use, find, and craft caged hearts, ye landlubbers!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Seek ye the secrets o' Diablo 4 Season 1? Unveil the cursed hearts, twisted in wickedness! Discover their craftin' ways, wear 'em as ye please! Unleash yer inner pirate and embark on this treacherous quest, lest ye be left in Davy Jones' locker!

July 20, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! This notion o' a colossal contraption named Robot Hellboy be most preposterous, yet somehow, it be splendidly logical!

Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! Mike Mignola and Duncan Fegredo be joinin' hands once again, sailin' through the treacherous seas o' creativity to deliver a rip-roarin' Hellboy comic that be wilder than a drunken parrot! Aye, 'tis a tale worth lootin' from the depths of the seven seas!

Avast ye mateys! The ol' sea dog of MMOs be yearnin' for a sequel to 'is legendary creation, arr!

"Arr! All we be needin' now be to purchase EA," be blurtin' Richard Garriott, creator o' Ultima Online. Aye, me hearties, the adventure be continuin'!

Arrr, me hearties! The cursed seas be claimin' another vessel, as this here rival of Overwatch 2, the mighty Gundam, be sinkin' after a measly year!

Arr, methinks Gundam Evolution did fare quite decently upon its maiden voyage, me hearties!

Arrr, Tony Stark and the X-Men be in a terrible, terrible pickle in Iron Man #8! 'Tis a sorry sight, mateys!

Set yer eyes upon the grand spectacle that awaits ol' Iron Man and the X-Men, me hearties, once the infernal Hellfire Gala be through!

Arrr! The scallywag Jigsaw be makin' a comeback, as ye lay yer eyes on the grand debut o' Saw X.

Arrr, me hearties! Mark me words, the day of reckoning be upon us sooner! The grand debut be sailin' a month ahead of schedule, aye, movin' with the wind in our favor. Ready yer cutlasses and prepare for a jolly good time, me mateys!

Arr me hearties, the Cherry MX-LP 2.1 be a treasure to behold, as portable as a scurvy parrot on me shoulder!

Arr, me hearties! Look ye here, the Cherry MX-LP 2.1 be a fine piece o' loot for ye landlubbers seekin' to toil or revel whilst sailin' the seven seas! Aye, a keyboard fit fer any pirate on the move!

Arr, behold me review of the Corsair Xeneon 27QHD240: "Be ye wantin' swift OLED gamblin' shine, trade 4K for this treasure!"

Arrr, me hearties! Lay yer eyes upon the magnificent Corsair Xeneon 27QHD240! A treasure worth a king's ransom, this OLED gaming monitor be! With a 1440p 240Hz strike, it be sendin' many a 4K scallywag runnin' for cover! 'Tis worth every doubloon, I say!

Arr, yer granny be a mighty adversary in the treacherous realm o' Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves!

Arrr! Avast ye hearties! As the D&D movie be makin' its way to our humble abodes, we be havin' a jolly chat with the scurvy dogs who be directin' and producin' it. Stay tuned, me hearties, for tales o' adventure await!

July 19, 2023

Arrr! The Mighty Spider-Man be makin' a comeback this October, mateys! Prepare to be astounded!

Arrr, hear ye, me hearties! Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman, and a merry crew be resurrectin' the Superior Spider-Man this October, markin' ten years o' his adventures on the high seas! Set yer compass to joy, me mateys!

Avast ye! This here Last of Us FPS mod be a sight to behold! More brutal than the original, by Davy Jones' locker!

Arr matey, behold the wonders that befall Joel's peepers! A sight so grand, ye'd think he be sailin' the seven seas, spyin' krakens and mermaids! Arr, the tales be endless, me hearties!

Aye matey! A fortnight afore The Final Shape gala, Destiny 2 be spillin' the beans on its third Dark subclass!

Arrr, me hearties! This here be not the first time a fresh mateys' rank be leakin' just afore a grand unmaskin'.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The hearties behind Marvel's Spider-Man 2 hath spilled the beans about Venom's latest escapades!

Arrr, ye scurvy sea dogs! Word be reachin' me ears that Venom be makin' his grand entrance in Marvel's Spider-Man 2! The crafty developers be sharin' their secrets 'bout what's in store. Brace yerselves, mateys, for a wild adventure on the horizon!

Arrr, behold! The list o' movies from The Conjuring Universe, me hearties. They be ranked, they be!

From ye frightful franchise's moniker to its scurvy spin-offs like The Nun and Annabelle, we be choosin' the finest and foulest of the cursed series, me hearties!

Arrr, Matt Damon prattles 'bout his "captivatin'" Oppenheimer scallywag: "He ne'er did ponder on it a bit!"

Avast, mateys! An' listen up! Wenches 'n scallywags, gather 'round! The star talks 'bout his grand part as General Groves in Christopher Nolan's epic tale filled with suspense! Aye, ye don't want to miss this booty!

Avast! Me hearties, gather 'round! I shall unveil the secrets to obtainin' Diablo 4's treasured unique booty!

Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Diablo 4 be bringin' forth new treasures! Keep an eye out for the likes o' Ahavarion Spear o' Lycander, Azurewrath, and The Oculus. They be worth more doubloons than ye can shake a peg leg at!

Arrr, me hearties! The finest Xbox games be them ancient Call of Duty treasures, aye, from a decade past!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye! Them scurvy dogs, the Call of Duty fans, be settin' sail, takin' a jolly journey back to the year 2010! They be seekin' treasure in them olden days, arrr, aye!

July 18, 2023

Arrr, Barbie be a wench o' magnificence, truly splendid in the eyes o' Ken, aye!

Avast ye, mateys! This Barbie be a treasure, says Ken! 'Tis sublime indeed, me hearties. Aye, 'tis a fine lass that shall bring joy to ye ship. Yo ho ho, me mateys, set sail for fun with this fair maid!

Avast ye! After 24 long years, the Neopets crew be makin' a grand return, unfettered by corporate scallywags!

Arrr! Th' legendary browser game be ready fer yet another grand return, me hearties!

Arrrr! 'Tis October, when Marvel's Crypt of Shadows be featurin' Deadpool, Man-Thing, Daredevil, and more! Spooky treasures await!

Avast ye, mateys! 'tis a jolly good tale I be tellin' ye! Marvel be openin' th' Crypt of Shadows this Halloween, where spectres 'n spooks shall run amok. 'Tis a treat ye cannot miss, lest ye want yer timbers to be shivered!

Arrr! Avast, ye mateys! The Borderlands series may soon offer a grand treasure trove o' games in one shipshape collection, says the ratings board!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Lend me yer ears, for I have news! 'Tis been decreed by South Africa that The Borderlands Compilation: Pandora's Box hath been rated. Avast ye, 'tis a joyous occasion fer all ye landlubbers seekin' adventure on the high seas of gaming!

Arr, mates! Avast ye! Thar be a brand spankin' new Warhammer board game, akin to Hunger Games, but with cursed scarce miniatures!

Avast ye, me hearties! A grand Combat Arena Warhammer board game be sailin' towards us, ready to be unleashed upon the gaming world afore ye know it. Arrr, prepare yer peg legs and eye patches, for this be an adventure ye won't want to miss!

Arr! Behold the artistic brilliance o' Matt Lesniewski! Feast yer eyes on the splendid preview o' his "visionary" series, Faceless and the Family!

Arr, mateys! Behold the freshest creation from the pens of the esteemed Eisner-nominated scribe and brush-wielder. A masterpiece be this, fit for the merry crew of scurvy sea dogs and landlubbers alike!

Arrr! Me treasure trove be full o' ye olde games, and this Neo Geo stick be a swashbucklin' bargain!

Avast ye, landlubber! Ye can now seize a grand 29% off the Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro o'er at Amazon, matey! This fine vessel be settin' sail with 20 ready-made games and can even serve as a controller for yer PC. Aye, a true treasure worth snatchin'!

Arrr, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs at Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom be sufferin' from a graphical mishap, makin' Link a real man with balls, ready to face Ganon! Har, har!

'Tis a true test o' mettle to face the fearsome demon king, me hearties! 'Tis a rare breed o' bravery that be needed for such epic battles on the treacherous seas o' life. Arrr, I salute ye, ye brave soul!

Arr, 'tis said that Tom Cruise didst partake in the SAG-AFTRA reckonings, matey!

Arrr, word be spreadin' that th' scurvy actor was seen navigatin' th' treacherous waters o' negotiations afore th' grand strike befallin'!

Arr, Matt Damon be sayin' he'd cease his actin' unless Christopher Nolan gave him a shout. Lo and behold, Nolan did!

Arrr, we be doin' the same, me hearties!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Learn the secret path to infiltrate the Goblin Camp in Baldur's Gate 3, ye swashbucklers!

Arrr, me hearty! Ye'll discover Halsin, Minthara, and the Goblin Leaders within the treacherous BG3 Goblin Camp. But pray tell, do ye possess the cunning to breach its defenses and set foot on its cursed grounds?

Arrr, 'tis like this, matey: Assassin's Creed Mirage be unlikely to receive any DLC or grand expansions, says I!

Avast! Unlike with Valhalla, we be havin' no plans to addeth to Mirage. Arrr, she be stuck in her ways, ye scurvy dog! No treasure awaits beyond the horizon for this beloved vessel!

July 13, 2023

Arrr, me hearties! Ye won't be findin' a sight o' that Emmy-nominated show on any horizons, savvy?

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale I be tellin' ye, that Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies hath earned two nods fer its mighty prowess! Aye, the crew be recognizin' its silver screen magic, savvy? Yo ho ho!

July 12, 2023

Avast ye mateys! Tis be yer chance to snatch the grandest booty afore midnight on Prime Day Meta Quest 2023. Set sail for the grandest savings ye ever did lay yer eyes on!

Arr, me hearties! Set yer eyes on this here treasure trove of Prime Day Meta Quest booty! These be the finest plunder still up for grabs 'fore the midnight hour strikes!

Arrr, as Starfield be joinin' forces with AMD, these booty bundles be offerin' ye the game and a fine graphics card matey!

Avast, me hearties! 'Tis not even a Prime Day plunder, but these AMD bundles be offerin' a free copy of Starfield alongside a new graphics card, all for a swashbucklin' $80 discount. Aye, a treasure ye can't resist!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Guy Gardner, the Legacy's Green Lantern, be transformed into Superman in James Gunn's DCU. Arrr, all bets be thrown to Davy Jones' locker!"

Arr, th' scurvy hero be a right unpredictable scallywag, aye, an' not nearly as tidy as Hal Jordan, ye see!

Drop ye Steam Deck with panache and a fair bargain, mateys! Avail yerself of this Prime Day offer!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a grand bargain on this fine Prime Day! Lay yer eyes on this splendid Steam Deck dock, a treasure of reviews. 'Tis marked down by 47% from its usual price. Aye, 'tis a steal ye cannot ignore!

July 9, 2023

Arr, me hearties! This splendid RPG be lookin' like a wee indie matey to Octopath Traveler, I reckon!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale o' twistin' views! Ye be seein' the world from a different spyglass, savvy? Aye, 'tis a right ol' mind-bender, makin' ye question reality 'n all. Swab the decks o' yer mind, me mateys, for 'tis a voyage worth takin'!

Arrr, ye scurvy modern games be needin' a lesson from th' past! But alas, they be too bulky to notice!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis better to be a master o' one, than a scallywag o' many! Instead o' doin' all, focus yer efforts on but one task, and ye shall sail on smooth seas to success!

July 8, 2023

Avast ye! Methinks this fine game be resemblin' Hollow Knight with every glance, aye, 'tis true!

Avast ye hearties! 'Tis a madcap dash t' set free!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be gone, ye landlubber shootists! This turn-based extraction RPG be me most-awaited 2023 booty!

Arr, Quasimorph be takin' the fancy tidbits from the grand tower o' exaggeration.

Yarrr! Be ye runnin' out o' jolly things t'do in Diablo 4? Avast ye, the lead scallywags be sayin', "Take a break 'n indulge in another merriment!"

Aye, 'tis true, me matey! He speaks the truth, that be no lie!

Arr, this newfangled roguelike be havin' a swarm as mighty as Vampire Survivors, with a hefty 20,000 Steam reckonings!

"Arrr, me mateys! A mere score o' minutes 'til the break o' day, and 'tis the time when 20 Minutes Till Dawn be unleashing the fiery fury upon ye landlubbers!"

Arr, methinks ye be needin' to give a hearty round o' applause to these video game scallywags fer bein' top-notch villains!

Arr, me hearties! Methinks F1 2021's scoundrel be a proper OTT, but strip away the feelings, and they be worthy o' praise. Give 'em their due, ye scurvy dogs!

July 7, 2023

Arrr! By Davy Jones' locker! The coveted Nippon MMO I yearned fer be now in English, all thanks to fans!

Avast ye! Set yer eyes on this marvelous find, me hearties! This fine Dragon Quest 10 be havin' a translation, allowin' ye to embark on a swashbucklin' adventure in the Queen's English. A treasure worth seekin', indeed!

Arrr, matey! Diablo 4 be weakenin' a Necromancer skill, ye see, 'tis so powerful it be sinkin' the game!

Arr, me hearties! Fear ye not, for the nerf be but a wee patch whilst Blizzard toils away seekin' a more permanent solution. So batten down the hatches and hold fast, for soon we'll be sailin' the seas of smooth gameplay once again, yarrr!

Arr, me hearties! Word be reachin' me ears that Jennifer Garner shall be settin' sail once again as Elektra in Deadpool 3!

Arr, blow me down! That be a surprise o' grand proportions, mateys! Ne'er in all me days did I reckon such a twist befallin' us. 'Twas a curveball from the depths, 'pon me honor!

Avast ye! When the season ends, yer Diablo 4 character be settin' sail into the unknown, lost like a landlubber in Davy Jones' locker!

Fret not, mateys! Fear not the scurvy curse, for Diablo 4 shall not be plunderin' yer jolly seasonal scallywags!

Arr, "Me Swashbucklin' Tales with Superman be the tale of Superman's beginnings that I ne'er knew I craved!"

We've all set eyes on Superman's origin afore, but rewinding t' basics be makin' the twists in My Adventures with Superman verily sing, mateys!

Arrr, matey! This Unreal Engine 5 be a treasure! It be givin' a whole new meanin' to in-engine footage, savvy?

Avast ye mateys! Blimey, this 'ere game be the most Unreal Engine 5 spectacle our peglegs have ever witnessed! Arrr, it be a treasure worth plunderin' on the high seas of gaming, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, matey! The endin' o' Insidious 5 might not be as jolly as ye reckon, says the fair Lin Shaye!

Avast, me hearties! Thar be an exclusive parley with the fearsome scream queen, Lin Shaye! We be chattin' 'bout her reunion with Rose Byrne and Patrick Wilson, last-minute altercations to the tale's end, and the future of Elise Rainier in this grand franchise!

Arr, the Cap'n o' Past Lives be chattin' 'bout immigration, Greta Lee, an' a heart o' lost love!

Avast ye hearties! 'Tis an exclusive tale, forsooth! Celine Song, she be spillin' secrets 'bout 'er direc-tor-ial debut! 'Tis a tale tuggin' at yer heart, makin' ye weep like a landlubber! Har har!

July 6, 2023

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Witness the newfangled horror game, Slitterhead, crafted by the creator of Silent Hill. Ye can even play as a mutt!

Arr, me heart be taken! I be convinced, I'll be takin' ye offer. Me doubts be gone, I be as good as sold, matey!

Avast ye, me hearties! Seize the chance to plunder a fine Blu-ray o' LOLA, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be havin' five parchment treasures to bestow upon ye!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! We be havin' five copies to bestow upon ye! Sail swiftly, lest ye be missin' out on this booty!

Arr matey! Land ho! After 27 long years, a treasure be found! A Pokemon Easter egg revealed by the developer!

Arr, Junichi Masuda be casually droppin' a hint on the Twitterverse, me hearties! Yo ho ho, 'twas a jolly good jest, I reckon!

Avast ye scallywags! Behold, the tidings of Diablo 4 season 1! Learn how to spy and what booty to anticipate!

Arrr, me hearties! Fair winds be blowin' as the cursed Diablo 4 dev stream sets sail this day. We be hopin' to learn of the battle pass launch and uncover fresh secrets 'bout season one. Avast ye, 'tis a jolly adventure awaitin'!

Avast ye, me hearties! Discover the secret to wieldin' two weapons in Baldur's Gate 3, arrr!

Arr, listen up, ye scurvy dogs! We be unveilin' the secrets o' wieldin' two weapons in battle whilst playin' BG3. Avast! Pay heed, lest ye end up sleepin' with the fishes!

Avast ye, me hearties! Star Wars and Marvel Villainous board games be slashed by a mighty 45% afore Prime Day! Arrr!

Arr matey! Avast ye! 'Tis a grand offer ye should not be missin'! Star Wars Villainous and Marvel Villainous be sailin' at a lower price afore Prime Day! Set yer course to this port to snatch 'em up, lest ye be feelin' a mighty regret!

Avast ye! The teaser for 'The Nun 2' be showin' a devilish meetin' betwixt Sister Irene and that scallywag Valak!

Arr, me hearties! Taissa Farmiga's own sister Irene be settin' sail once again, ready for a swashbucklin' duel with the wicked demon, Valak! Will she be claimin' victory this time, or will Valak send her down to Davy Jones' locker? Only time will tell, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, weary o' waitin' fer Blizzard, this Diablo 4 scallywag crafted their very own musterin' app!

Arr, matey! This jolly good app be a godsend fer all ye lads an' lasses seekin' yer heart's desires! It be smooth sailin' on the sea o' matchmakin', makin' it easier than ye can say 'yo ho ho'! Avast, ye landlubbers, this be a treasure worth plunderin'!

"Arr! Dead Reckoning Part One be Tom Cruise's treasure with the highest marks amongst the scurvy critics on Rotten Tomatoes!"

Arrr, the scuttlebutt be all abuzz with praises! The word on the seven seas be that the reviews be glowing like a treasure chest filled with sparklin' doubloons. Methinks this fine piece be worth more than a barrel of rum!

Arrr, the scurvy dogs at Resident Evil might just be fixin' to give Code Veronica and other spin-offs a jolly good revamp.

Arr! Ye scurvy dogs at Capcom be tryin' to dodge a question 'bout remakin' games, like a landlubber avoidin' a fight! Methinks they be sailin' in treacherous waters, hopin' to keep their secrets buried in Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye! Karen Allen doth declare that a previous incarnation of the tale 'o Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny be more focused on the adventures 'o Indy and Marion, matey!

Arrr, the famed lass o' Indiana Jones 5 hath decided t' reveal tidings about her wee appearance! She be a bonny star indeed, sharin' tales o' her adventure on anoth'r high-seas journey. 'Tis a merry jest, indeed!

July 3, 2023

Ahoy, me hearties! Ye seek the secrets to lay yer hands on the mighty pump shotgun, aye?

Arr matey! Me hearties be tellin' me that the Sharp Tooth Shotgun hath returned to the treasure trove in Fortnite, bringin' a pump action weapon once more! Shiver me timbers, it be a jolly good time for all ye scallywags!

Arr! Me hearties, Cocoon, a puzzlin' game, be born from tinkerin' on Zelda's treacherous dungeons, not no Limbo imitation!

Arrr! Cocoon be a creation forged by one o' the devs who be havin' a hand in craftin' the legendary side-scroller! Aye, a game that be makin' hearts flutter like a butterfly in yer belly!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Thar be good tidings! Netflix's charm-filled, motion-paused Pokemon series be set to sail on a grand voyage!

Arrr, me hearties! The revelation of Pokemon Concierge hath been made known at the recent Pokemon Presents! Shiver me timbers! Now ye can be havin' a trusted crew member to assist ye on yer Pokemon adventures! Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! GTA Online's fancy "experiential updates" be alterin' the game, settin' sail fer GTA 6's horizon!

Arr matey! 'Tis bein' said that Rockstar be hearin' us scallywags loud 'n' clear! The crime sim be gettin' a fine touch o' improvements, as requested by many. Methinks they be keepin' their ears peeled, yarr!

July 2, 2023

Avast! Thar be a newfangled survival game on Steam, matey! 'Tis got Subnautica vibes, but ye plunder the heavens instead o' the briny deep.

Avast, me hearties! The entire atmosphere be mine for the takin' in this boundless realm of eternal heavens!

Arr, me hearties! Them Overwatch 2 sea dogs be receivin' tales o' their adventures through a new animated mini-series. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis the first chapter of Genesis! Ye shall witness the debut of Dawn this very week! Set yer sights on the horizon, for this tale be startin' now!

Arrr, Dragon Age's scribbler be defendin' Starfield's lack o' courtin' choices. Avast, no love on th' high seas!

Arr, methinks smooches be not fer every scurvy dog aboard this ship! Nay, ye must be havin' the charm o' a buxom wench or the ruggedness o' a fearsome pirate to win such favors!

Arr matey, behold! Square Enix be bestowin' upon us real-life low-poly grapes, aye, from Final Fantasy 14!

Ne'er relinquishing me grip, matey! I be clutchin' onto the loot like a barnacle on a ship's hull. Aye, ye can bet yer doubloons, I be keepin' it close, for it be me treasure, me pride, and me reason to sail the seven seas!

July 1, 2023

Arr! Ye scurvy dog! There be a Diablo 4 landlubber who be makin' his Barbarian jump fer all eternity, growin' him into a monstrous Hulk!

Leapquake be havin' a mighty Hulk-Smash vibe, me heartie!

June 24, 2023

"Arrr, ye'll be needin' to hoist the Jolly Roger and reach the highest of levels to score the rarest treasures o' Diablo 4."

Arrr, ye scallywags, these be as rare as a mermaid's kiss! Me own eyes have scarce set sight on such treasures. We must be quick to lay claim to these beauties, lest we be left with nary a gold doubloon to our names!

"Arrr, ye scallywags! 'Tis some ill tidings fer them druids o' Diablo 4 who fancy themself usin' weapons o' them barbarians!"

"Arrr, listen ye scallywags! Word on the high seas be that Overkill, Hellhammer, and Ancient's Oath be no longer droppin' for our druid brethren. Aye, 'tis a cruel fate that befallen 'em, but fear not! We pirates shall pillage and plunder our way to victory, with or without them treasures!"

Avast ye! The lubber who voiced Diablo's Lorath and FF16's Cid knew not he'd become a legend in '23!

"Arrr, Cid and Lorath be two jolly good mateys, full o' fun and mischief. They be sailin' the high seas and causin' a ruckus wherever they go. I'd gladly raise me grog to their honor any day!"

June 23, 2023

"Arrr, Phil Spencer feared Playstation would snatch Starfield, so Xbox seized Bethesda 'neath their Jolly Roger!"

Avast ye! That be one clever trick to ensure that the Xbox gets its hands on Starfield. Yarr, me hearties, we shall hoist the sails and set a course for adventure!

Arrr, the next Scroll o' the Elders be so far out, even Phil Spencer be clueless on which box it'll belong.

Arr, me hearty! It may be a spell o' 17 years 'twixt Skyrim and TES6. That's longer than the time it takes to swab the deck o' me ship! Ye best be stockin' up on grog and hardtack, mateys!

"Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a sad day indeed, for Paramount Plus be cancelin' Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and Star Trek: Prodigy, and more. Shiver me timbers!"

"Arrr, ye scurvy dogs best be prepared to walk the plank! For they shall be removed from the streamer and sent to Davy Jones' locker, never to be seen again!"

Arrr, Hideo Kojima be sayin' he won't make flicks 'cause he's too much of a fussy buccaneer!

"Arrr, methinks I'll ne'er be done with this contraption if I set sail on the making of a moving picture. The sea be less tumultuous than the task at hand!"

"Avast ye! Miles Morales be swingin' in to aid the students o' Strange Academy in a treble o' one-shot tales!"

"Arrr, me hearty! Moon Knight and Peter Parker be joinin' us on this adventure! They be ready to swashbuckle and plunder with the best of us! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!"

"Arrr, me hearties! The Sims 4 Horse Ranch fans be prayin' this pack be mendin' the game's scurvy scallywag issue!"

Arrr, me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! We be discussin' the size o' our booty, the lot size, if ye catch me drift. Let's make sure we got enough treasure to go 'round!

Arrr, shiver me timbers! Olivia Colman be joinin' the crew of Paddington 3! Blimey!

Arrr, yarr! Hear ye, hear ye! 'Tis said that Antonio Banderas, Rachel Zegler, and Emily Mortimer will be joining us on our next voyage. Ahoy, me hearties! We be in fine company indeed!

"Arrr, mateys! Henry Cavill claims he be pumpin' more smarts into Geralt for his last hurrah on The Witcher!"

"Arrr mateys, feast yer eyes on the treasures of season 3, revealed in a brand new featurette. Join me hearties and let's explore this bounty together!"

"Arrr, the Bear season 2 be a feast fer yer eyes! Aye, with a score o' perfect Rotten Tomatoes."

Arrr, me mateys! This here show be gettin' a score of 100% from them scurvy critics! Ye best be settin' sail to see it, or ye'll be walkin' the plank fer missin' out!

"Arrrr, me hearties! The scallywags at Activision be puttin' a stop to Warzone, and the buccaneers be angry!"

Arr mateys, word be spreadin' that the first Call of Duty: Warzone shall meet its watery grave come September 21st. 'Tis a sad day indeed, but don't ye worry, we'll find us a new game to plunder and pillage in no time!

"Arrrr, me hearties! Be ye wantin' to spy on yer foes in Fortnite? Follow me advice, and ye'll be seein' their every move like a scallywag with a spyglass!"

"Avast ye landlubbers! Use yer Shadow Tracker, Flare Gun, or any other fancy contraption to spy on the scallywags and bilge rats what be lurkin' about in Fortnite!"

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis true, Final Fantasy 16 shall soon grace our PCs, but when that be, who knows!

Arrrr, me hearties! Word on the high seas be that FF16 be makin' its way to Steam or Epic in due time. Keep yer sails at the ready and yer cutlasses sharp, for this be one adventure worth joinin'!

June 22, 2023

"Avast ye mateys! Word be spreadin' that the next Xbox and PS6 shan't hit the seas 'til 2028!"

Arrr, ye scallywags! Microsoft be sayin' that the next generation of consoles be settin' sail in 2028, so hold on tight to yer doubloons and be ready to upgrade yer ship!

Arrr, Mads Mikkelsen be yearnin' to act as a zombie, ye scurvy landlubbers!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! He's been Hannibal Lecter, a foul sorcerer, and a scallywag in a Rihanna moving picture... so why not add another to his tally? Yarr, that be the spirit!

"Arrr, this JRPG by the swashbuckling creator of Dragon Ball be akin to the sands of Dune!"

"Arrr, me mateys! Hear ye hear ye, this JRPG from the creator of Dragon Ball seems to be akin to Dune, aye! But do ye know what's better than sandworms? Booty, of course! Let's set sail and find some treasure, me hearties!"