The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Charlie Cox be spillin' the beans on which Avenger he be fancyin' t' join forces with Daredevil.


But avast, there be one wee snag in our grand plan...

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round, ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye in the language of a 17th-century pirate. Now, listen up, for there be one small obstacle in our path that we must face, but fear not, for I shall deliver it to ye in a humorous tone!

Picture this, me fellow pirates, we be sailing the high seas, our ship be sturdy and our spirits be high. The wind be blowin' in our favor, and the sun be shinin' down upon us. We be seekin' treasure, ye see, a chest filled to the brim with gold doubloons and precious jewels. Oh, the thought of it be makin' me mouth water!

But alas, me hearties, there be one small obstacle standin' in our way. As we be navigatin' through treacherous waters, we be encounterin' a mighty sea monster, a creature so fearsome that it be sendin' shivers down me timbers. Its tentacles be reachin' towards us, its eyes be glowin' with an eerie light.

Now, ye might be thinkin' that we be turnin' tail and runnin', but fear not, me mateys, for we be pirates, brave and bold! We be wieldin' our cutlasses and loadin' our cannons, ready to face this beast head-on! We be fightin' like the scallywags we be, swingin' and slashin' until the monster be retreatin' back into the depths from whence it came.

But here be the humorous part, me hearties. As we be celebratin' our victory, dancin' a jig and singin' sea shanties, we be realizin' that the sea monster be guardin' the very treasure we be seekin'! Aye, ye heard it right, me buckos. It be protectin' that chest of gold doubloons!

Now, ye might be thinkin' we be cursed, but fear not, me mateys, for we be pirates, full of mischief and trickery! We be devisin' a plan to outsmart the sea monster, to distract it with a feast fit for a king, while we be snatchin' that chest from right under its slimy nose!

So, me hearties, there be one small obstacle in our path, but fear not, for we be pirates, and nothin' can stand between us and that treasure! Arrr!

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