The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs, fear not! Larian CEO declares Baldur's Gate 3 shan't be sailin' to Game Pass, for a hefty ransom befitting such a grand treasure!


"Arrr, mateys! 'Tis this very treasure that keeps us craftin' more games," be the cry of Swen Vincke, me heartie!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tale of Swen Vincke, the captain of the gaming ship known as Larian Studios. In a jolly and humorous tone, he be tellin' us how the success of their games be keepin' the studio afloat, just like a sturdy ship ridin' the high seas!

"This be what allows us to keep makin' other games," says Captain Vincke with a twinkle in his eye. He be knowin' that the loot from their previous plunderings be fundin' the development of new adventures for all ye landlubbers.

The captain be speakin' in the language of a 17th-century pirate, makin' the whole conversation a barrel o' laughs. He be sayin' that their games be bringin' in enough doubloons to keep their crew happy and their ship sailin' smoothly. And ye know what they say, a happy crew be a productive crew!

As the captain continues his lively speech, he be tellin' us that the success be not only in the gold the games be bringin', but also in the loyal fans they be gatherin' along the way. These devoted scallywags be followin' Larian Studios' every move, eager to embark on new adventures with them.

Captain Vincke be takin' pride in the fact that their games be entertainin' folks from all walks o' life. He be sayin' that whether ye be a seasoned pirate or a landlubber takin' yer first steps into the world o' gaming, their games be offerin' somethin' for everyone.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Captain Swen Vincke and his crew be sailin' the gaming industry with their successful plunderings, and it be all thanks to the support of their loyal fans. Raise yer grog and toast to Larian Studios, for they be bringin' us endless joy and laughter with their swashbucklin' games!

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