The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! A mere diss be too weak, so this scallywag crafted a whole site to banish that healing spell, har har!


Arrr, the ol' fan be throwin' in the towel! It’s had its fill o’ whirlin' and twirlin', an' now it be wantin' to rest its weary blades. Aye, it be sayin', "No more blowin' me breezy winds!" Let the ship sail on without me!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round, fer the tale of a fan that’s had its fill o’ blowin’ hot air! Aye, ye heard me right! This here fan, once a loyal companion to many a swelterin’ summer day, has finally tossed in its last gust. It be a tale of woe and weariness fit for a sea shanty!

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