The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy cheat maker EngineOwning, ye be walkin' the plank with a hefty $14.5 million bounty on yer head!


Arrr mateys, this be like the second round of cannonballs flyin' between Activision and EngineOwning! Methinks they be battlin' harder than two scallywags fightin' over the last piece of pirate's gold in Tortuga! Aye, mayhaps they should settle it with a good ol' fashioned duel on the high seas!

Arr matey, it seems that those scallywags at Activision be havin' a bone to pick with EngineOwning once again. This ain't be the first time these two be crossin' swords in court, that be for sure. Seems like these buccaneers just can't seem to see eye to eye on matters of the high seas of gaming.
Activision be claimin' that EngineOwning be offerin' cheats and hacks for their games, which be causin' a ruckus among the crew of honest players. They be raisin' the Jolly Roger and takin' aim at these scoundrels for disruptin' the fair play of the game.
But EngineOwning be standin' firm in their defense, claimin' that they be providin' their services for educational and research purposes only. They be battlin' back with their own cannons of legal arguments, tryin' to fend off the attacks of Activision.
It be a never-endin' battle between these two foes, with no end in sight. Who be knowin' what the outcome of this skirmish will be, but one thing be for certain – the clash of these mighty titans be entertainin' to watch from afar, as we sit back with a tankard of grog and enjoy the spectacle.

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