The Booty Report

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Arrr, the cap'n o' New Helldivers 2 be sayin' weapons lack fun, but be drawin' the line at threats o'er imbalance.


Arrr, fear not me hearties! The ship be sailin' true, even with a new scallywag at the helm. The winds may shift, but our course remains steady. Avast ye worries and hoist the sails, we be sailin' on with the tide!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The ship be in good hands, even though the ol' captain be walkin' the plank. Ye may be wonderin', will the ship change course with a new captain at the helm? Nay, me hearties! The ship will stay the course, sailin' steady and true.
Ye see, the crew be a loyal bunch, followin' orders and keepin' the ship afloat. No matter who be wearin' the captain's hat, they be stickin' to the plan like barnacles on a ship's hull. So fear not, me buckos, the sails will catch the wind and we'll be headin' straight for the treasure, no matter who be givin' the orders.
So raise a mug of grog and sing a shanty, for the ship be in good hands. The crew be a hearty bunch, ready to face any storm that comes our way. And remember, it's not the captain that makes the ship, but the crew that sails her. So batten down the hatches and prepare for adventure, me hearties!

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