The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Ye scallywags be cryin' foul as Helldivers 2 be vanishin' from ports, demandin' it be spread across the seven seas!"


Yarr, me hearties! 'Tis a travesty indeed that them landlubbers without PSN be losin' access to the booty o' the digital world. Aye, be they doomed to wander the seven seas o' boredom without our glorious network? Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! 'Tis a travesty of the highest order that some countries still be without the glorious PSN coverage. Avast ye landlubbers, for they be missing out on the treasure trove of gaming delights that we fortunate souls be enjoyin'.
Imagine not bein' able to sail the high seas with yer mateys in a jolly ol' game of Sea of Thieves, or plunderin' the virtual riches of Assassin's Creed. 'Tis a fate worse than walkin' the plank, I tell ye!
And let's not forget the social aspect of the PSN, where we can chat and banter with our fellow scallywags from all corners of the globe. Arrr, 'tis a sad state of affairs indeed for those poor souls left without this vital connection to the gaming world.
So let us raise our tankards of grog in solidarity with our brethren who still be sufferin' from this injustice. May the winds of change blow in their favor, and may they soon be able to partake in the bountiful booty of the PSN. Until then, we shall continue to enjoy our spoils and toast to their eventual inclusion in the gaming community. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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