The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scallywags be waitin' a bit longer for Demon Slayer season 4 to set sail on the high seas!


Arrr mateys, the Hashira Training arc be makin' a return in the merry month of May, but be warned, it may be short and sweet like a plundered treasure. Keep yer eyes peeled for the swashbucklin' adventures ahead!

Avast ye, me hearties! The Hashira Training arc be makin' its grand return in the merry month of May, but don't be expectin' it to be a long-winded affair. Nay, me mateys, it may just be a short and sweet journey this time around.
But fear not, for even in its brevity, this arc be packin' a punch. Ye can expect plenty of action, excitement, and maybe even a few laughs along the way. The Hashira be showin' off their skills and trainin' hard to defeat the demons that threaten our world.
So batten down the hatches and prepare yerselves for a rollickin' good time as we sail through the Hashira Training arc once again. Who knows what surprises and challenges await us on this adventure? But one thing be for certain - it'll be a blast from start to finish.
So gather round, me hearties, and get ready to set sail on this wild ride. The Hashira Training arc be returnin' in May, and it's bound to be one for the history books. Arrr!

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