The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! In this tale o' Cyberpunk 2077, they be usin' AI to fill the boots o' a departed actor in Phantom Liberty. That be keepin' his performance alive in the game, savvy?


Arrr, CD Projekt proclaims that the scallywags bein' the offspring of the late Polish voice actor Miłogost Reczek were "mighty supportive," aye!

Arrr, matey! In this tale o' Cyberpunk 2077, they be usin' AI to fill the boots o' a departed actor in Phantom Liberty. That be keepin' his performance alive in the game, savvy?

In a whimsical and tongue-in-cheek manner of a 17th century pirate, it has been reported that CD Projekt, the renowned video game developer, has expressed their gratitude towards the sons of the late Polish voice actor, Miłogost Reczek. The company has stated that the Reczek progeny have been nothing short of "very supportive" during their recent endeavors.
Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale worth tellin' indeed! CD Projekt, those scallywags known fer creatin' such video game treasures as The Witcher series, have come forward to express their appreciation fer the fine chaps who be the sons of the late Miłogost Reczek. These lads, in all their generosity and kindness, have been cheerin' on the game developers like true seadogs sailin' the treacherous waters of the gaming industry.
Avast ye! 'Tis a rare sight to see such support in this here cutthroat world o' video games. CD Projekt, in their infinite wisdom, have sailed these perilous seas before, and now they be bringin' us the long-awaited Cyberpunk 2077. And in the face of adversity and challenges, the Reczek scallywags have stood by their side, offerin' words of encouragement and lendin' their voices to the cause.
Arr, me hearties! Ye may be wonderin', what be the significance of this "voice actor" ye be speakin' of? Well, let me enlighten ye! Miłogost Reczek be a fine lad, known fer his talents in the world o' voice actin'. He be a true gem, known fer his work in the Polish version o' The Witcher series, bringin' life to the characters we all know and love.
So, me mateys, let us raise a tankard o' rum to CD Projekt and the sons of Miłogost Reczek! May their voyage be a successful one, and may their collaboration continue to bring joy and laughter to all the landlubbers sailin' the vast ocean of video games. Cheers, ye scurvy dogs!

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