The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! A scallywag of a developer be unleashing 600 cats on Steam with 800 more on the horizon! Aye!


Avast ye mateys! 100 Ninja Cats be the finest treasure of the year, a hidden object puzzler that'll have ye sayin' "MEOOOWWWWW!" Aye, be ready to test yer skills and find all the hidden booty before the sun sets on this here game. Arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs and listen well! I be tellin' ye of a wondrous treasure of a game known as 100 Ninja Cats. Arrr, it be the finest hidden object puzzler of the year, mark me words! Ye'll be huntin' fer clues and treasures like a true pirate, except instead of lootin' and pillagin', ye'll be searchin' fer ninja cats!
Meow me hearties, this game be filled with purrin' and sneaky felines ready to pounce on any unsuspectin' prey. Ye best keep yer eyes sharp as a cutlass if ye want to find all the hidden objects and beat the high scores. And let me tell ye, there be no greater satisfaction than findin' them ninja cats!
So gather yer crew, me mateys, and set sail on a grand adventure through this puzzlin' world of ninja cats. Ye'll be laughin' and cheerin' as ye race against the clock to uncover all the secrets hidden within. And when ye finally hear that triumphant "MEOOOWWWWW!" ye'll know ye be a true master of the high seas!

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