The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye must sail westward through treacherous waters, beware of sea monsters and scallywags! Battahl awaits, matey!


Arr matey, to venture into the Battahl region of DD2, ye must secure a permit from the feared Brant, and also be a Beastren of great courage and skill. But beware, for the seas be treacherous and the monsters fierce! Aye!

Arr matey, if ye be lookin' to venture into the treacherous Battahl region in DD2, ye best be prepared to acquire a permit from Brant, the gatekeeper of them lands. But that ain't all, ye must also be a Beastren to gain access to that forbidden territory.
Now, ye may be wonderin', what in Davy Jones' locker is a Beastren? Well me hearties, a Beastren be a rare breed of sailor with the skills and courage to face the dangers of the Battahl region. They be known for their strength, cunning, and fearlessness in the face of the unknown.
So, if ye be thinkin' of embarkin' on this perilous journey, ye best be makin' sure ye have Brant's permit in hand and that ye possess the qualities of a true Beastren. For the Battahl region be filled with treachery and danger, and only the bravest and boldest can hope to survive its perils.
So, me mateys, heed this warning and prepare ye selves accordingly if ye wish to set foot in the Battahl region. For only the strong and courageous need apply, lest ye find yerselves feedin' the fishes at the bottom of the sea.

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